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Review This Story || Author: Harry Berg

Slave To Corsairs

Chapter 24 Escape

Chapter 24  - Escape

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004


  "Look at them, a rabble without their sergeants. No proper line of march, just
a fleeing mob," said Colonel Himmelman training his eyes on the women's brigade.
The scorn in his voice was apparent.  "We will ride them down and slaughter
them. Any prisoners we'll turn over to the Emir's dungeon. I want them to take a
week to die."

  "Colonel, I suggest we send a skirmish line ahead to test their intentions.
This may be a trick," said Captain Rhinerman.

  "And I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, Captain. This brigade of
murderous whores is your responsibility. You have failed to maintain military
discipline. Your lack of leadership had lead to the needless death of eleven of
our soldiers. After we are finished here, I intend to send you back to Berlin
with a letter of reprimand. Your career in the army of the King of Prussia is

 The Colonel was referring to the guards found dead that very morning. It was
Sunday afternoon and the Colonel and the cavalry brigade had caught up with the
women's brigade that had escaped during the night.  That Saturday night there
had been a celebration of the hard won victory over the Singalashti. There had
been a triple ration of rum and brandy. The drunken orgy in the three barracks
had been unusually wild and wanton as the women threw themselves on the men.
Ludivine and Elena had danced for all three barracks inciting the men to the
lewdest behavior.

  The sight of their naked bodies glistening with sweat had created a level of
erotic intensity that combined with the elation of having survived and been
victorious in a savage and bloody battle had unleashed an evening of wild
uninhibited sex.  Even the wounded soldiers had lain on their bunks fisting
their cocks as they watched the two beautiful creatures swirling around the room
undulating their nude bodies offering the men their sex.

  The soldiers attributed the wantonness of the women to the psychological
effect of the battle. They were vaguely aware that the women's brigade had also
engaged in combat. The fifteen women who arrived with Ludivine plus Meredith and
Melody set the standard by offering themselves to multiple partners and begging
the men to fill their every hole. Roxanne, barely fourteen had offered her young
body to the older sergeants and corporals offering to perform any act they
desired no matter how lewd or perverted.

  The morning had brought the Colonel the unexpected news that the women had
killed the guards and escaped during the night. The Colonel had ordered an
immediate pursuit but it had taken time for the cavalrymen to recover from the
night's revelry and assemble. Colonel Himmelman, his arm still bandaged had
cursed his officers for the delay.

  They had rode furiously for over three hours before they caught up with the

  "They've arrived," said Elena to Ludivine as they marched together along with
the entire brigade. Everyone according to Ludivine's plan was on foot.

  "They've ridden hard and their horses look tired," said Ludivine training her
field glasses on the approaching cavalrymen.

  "I'll quietly pass the word," said Elena moving into the crowd of marching

  "Remember no change in positions until I give the order," said Ludivine.

    The women were walking slowly conserving their strength. Concealed in the
middle of the formation were Ernest and Oliver. The two young men had been
trained as Ibo death warriors. After they had been thoroughly taught to kill
silently and without mercy, they had asked King Nabu if they could go north to
the land of the slavers and find the women and rescue them. King Nabu had agreed
and arranged for passage on a ship bound for Ethiopia. The boys had disguised
themselves as Arab traders and made their way to Berbera where spies sent by
King Nabu had reported the presence of Ludivine and the others.

  Oliver and Ernest had met with Ludivine and Elena and worked out an elaborate
escape plan. After midnight Oliver and Ernest had slipped into the fort over the
wall and easily killed the drunken guards posted outside the women's barracks.
Ludivine and Elena dressed in the slightest of garments slipped out of the
barracks to the main gate where there were six guards. They carried several
bottles of rum.

  "Corporal, you missed the party," said Ludivine pretending to be drunk as she
and Elena arrived at the small guardhouse that stood in front of the massive

  "What are you two doing outside the barracks?" asked the Corporal knowing that
the women's barracks was normally kept locked after midnight.

  "The Sergeant had a change of heart. He sent us out to take care of you. He
said there was no reason for you to miss out on the celebration," said Elena
putting her arms around the Corporal's neck.  Elena used her teeth to uncork the
bottle and offer the Corporal a drink that he readily took. "We came out to show
you a good time. The Sergeant said we were to do anything you want, anything at

  "My sister's right. Just name it. Let's go inside," said Ludivine pushing her
breasts in the other guard's face. "I need my tits sucked."

  "I want you to suck my cock and lick my asshole to start," said the grenadier
who'd freed Ludivine's breasts and was sucking her nipples.

  "Sounds exciting. Your comrade here can fuck me at the same time," said

  "Ernst, Guillaume, you two stay on guard here. We'll fuck these whores and
then you can have a go at them," said the Corporal in charge of the guard.

  The Corporal threw a blanket on the stone floor. The room was tiny. Ludivine
and Elena found themselves practically shoulder to shoulder as they got down on
all fours.

  "Make love to my asshole with your mouth, Ludivine," said the Corporal who had
stepped out of his uniform trousers. He also got down on all fours and backed
his butt up to Ludivine's face. She parted his muscular butt cheeks pushing her
face into the deep cleft until her tongue reached his wrinkled brown hole.
Ludivine passed her tongue over his anus pushing the tip against his sphincter.
The fact that the Corporal was not particularly clean did not deter her.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Ludivine could see that Elena's face was pushed
into a grenadier's butt and she was busily working her mouth to please his
asshole. Ludivine signified her pleasure with a loud moan as another grenadier
took hold of her hips and sunk his hard cock in her vagina. Within moments,
Ludivine sensed the application of warm spit to her own rectum. She grunted as
the grenadier inserted his forefinger in her asshole while he fucked her vagina.

  The sex went on for a short while. The four men swapped girls and positions.
Soon two of the men had ejaculated twice and left the guard station to return to
their posts. As everything was going to plan Oliver and Ernest had already
killed the two left on guard and killed the others as they emerged from the

  "Let us get on top and ride you. We'll do all the work. Just lie there and
enjoy yourself," said Ludivine to the Corporal and the other guard. The soldiers
got on their backs as the two sisters straddled them easing their hard cocks in
their well-lubricated pussies.

  "Just close your eyes and let Elena ride that big cock of yours," said Elena
as she squeezed his cock with her pussy.

  "These two whores can fuck a man to death," said the Corporal his eyes closed
as Ludivine used her vagina to milk his cock. Elena and she were applying all
the skills they had learned in the last two years about the art of intercourse.

  Seeing that both men had their eyes closed, Ludivine reached her long arms to
the muskets standing in the corner and unfixed the bayonets. She handed Elena
one of the bayonets. The two women raised the bayonets and plunged them into the
chests of the soldiers covering their mouths to stifle any outcry. Both bayonets
thanks to the extensive training they had received found their mark in the
soldiers' hearts and death was near instantaneous.

  When Ludivine and Elena emerged from the guardhouse they found Ernest and
Oliver waiting for them. The other four gate guards were dead. The four returned
to the barracks of the women's brigade. Ludivine led the women to the armory
where they withdrew their muskets and a large amount of ammunition. They fled
through the unguarded gate into the night.

  Ludivine's plan seemed to be working. She knew that it was very risky and
depended on the rash judgment of Colonel Himmelman. If the Colonel were a
careful man, he would have assembled his entire force of grenadiers and cavalry
for the pursuit. Ludivine had correctly guessed that he would follow only with
the cavalry confident that the women were no match for his troop of horsemen. He
would not have the patience for a long chase required if the grenadiers had to
march on foot after the women.

 The women walked slowly forward in the desert heat.

  Ludivine looked back to see that the cavalry was forming in line for a charge.

  "When they're within five hundred yards, we form our lines," said Ludivine.
"We release our first volley at one hundred yards."

  "I still wish you had let me bring the field pieces," said Betty.

  "If we had, they would have brought theirs and they would have more than us,"
said Ludivine.

  The Colonel is a complete fool decided Captain Rhinerman as he began the slow
gallop toward the fleeing women. It may be a trap. However, even if the women
stand and fight the cavalry should prevail. We may take serious causalities from
their muskets but enough horsemen should reach their line to ride them down.
Once their formation is broken they will scatter and we will round them up and
march them back to Berbera.

  "Full gallop," screamed Colonel Himmelman as they reached a distance of five
hundred yards.

  One thing about the Prussians is that they are so damn predictable thought
Ludivine as she watched the horsemen draw their pistols and spur their horses to
maximum effort.

  "Form your lines,' shouted Ludivine.

  "Form on me," screamed Elena.

  The women ceased their rather desultory walk and sprang into action. They were
well aware of their fate if Ludivine's plan did not succeed. If they survived,
they would wind up in the Emir's dungeon being slowly tortured to death.

  Ludivine's battle plan was a simple one. The musket men formed to two files of
eight each, the first kneeling and the other standing. Ludivine's detachment of
twenty-four cavalry was on foot positioned at regular intervals along the line.
They were to use their pistols if any cavalry reached the front rank. Since
Ludivine's detachment was trained in the use of the saber they would engage on
foot any horsemen that broke through. Finally Oliver, Ernest and Betty's
artillerymen were divided into two flying squads that would immediately attempt
to seal any break in the front line using their muskets.

  It is a trap realized Captain Rhinerman as he watched the women neatly form
ranks. The Colonel his sabers drawn was riding Pall Mall into their guns. The
idiot has no idea how devastating their musket fire will be. We'll be lucky if a
third of our force reach the front line.

  "First rank fire,' screamed Ludivine when she judged that the cavalry was one
hundred yards away.

  "Second rank fire," screamed Ludivine almost immediately.

  Ludivine counted the necessary seconds required for the first rank to reload
then screamed, "Fire." She was gratified to hear the sound of what appeared to
be eighty muskets firing simultaneously. Smoke now obscured everything. The
women were firing blindly into the white haze. The women had first eight volleys
when a rider less horse appeared at their front rank. Ludivine had raised her
pistol to fire then realized the horse was missing its rider. It veered away
from the front ranks.

  "Cease firing," yelled Ludivine as the women released two additional volleys.
Ludivine looked around and saw that Elena and Betty were not wounded. Thick
powder smoke obscured their forward vision. It seemed like forever before the
smoke dissipated to reveal the carnage. The women saw the cavalrymen and most of
their mounts lying in the desert sand. The moans of the wounded filled the air.
There was not a single man standing.

  "First rank advance, no quarter," yelled Ludivine.

  The kneeling women slowly stood up and began to walk toward the prone figures.
The nearest body was about five yards from the front rank. A surprising number
of bodies were well back toward one hundred yards. Ludivine watched as the women
bayoneted the wounded men. Their screams filled the air as the women plunged
their bayonets into their chest. Ludivine saw that Colonel Himmelman 's horse
was standing quietly about seventy-five yards away. She also saw that there was
a single mounted horsemen heading rapidly away.

  "You know what to do, Elena," screamed Ludivine as she ran toward the
Colonel's mount.

  Ludivine covered the distance to the horse at a dead run mounted and took off
in a dead run. The Colonel's mount was an exceptional piece of horseflesh and
within a half mile Ludivine overtook Captain Rhinerman. The Captain realizing
that he could not outride the Colonel's horse drew his saber and turned to

  "Congratulations on your victory," said Captain Rhinerman in a pause between
passes of the saber.

  "If the Colonel wasn't such a fool, there would have been no victory," said

  "Still, you are an able tactician,' said Captain Rhinerman.

  "If you surrender, I will spare your life," said Ludivine.

  "I'm afraid the idea of a Prussian officer surrendering to a woman is out of
the question," said Captain Rhinerman charging forward.

  Ludivine parried the blow and managed to knock the saber out of the Captain's

  "Still consider it unacceptable to surrender to a woman?" said Ludivine her
saber blade under the throat of Captain Rhinerman.

  "I surrender," said Captain Rhinerman.


     "It is Captain Rhinerman, open the gate," said the Captain. The quarter
moon did not reveal the fact that Ludivine was seated behind the Captain. Her
long arms were wrapped around him hidden under his tunic. In one hand she had a
firm grip on the Captain's cock. In the other hand was a knife poised to
castrate him if he gave them away.

  "Where's the Colonel?" said the Sergeant in charge of the guard. He was
standing on the parapet shouting into the night.

 Ludivine could hear the guards removing the iron bar that held the heavy gate

  "Seriously wounded, hurry up," said the Captain.

  "You catch up with the whores?" yelled the Sergeant.

  "Of course,"

  "Any of them alive? I hear the Colonel's got plans for any that lived. He's
going to turn them over to the Emir's dungeon."

"Yes, some were captured. They put up quite a fight," said the Captain as the
gates swung open.

  Oliver and Ernest slipped inside and silently killed the guards.

  "They were pretty tough for whores," said the Sergeant. Ludivine heard a thunk
and then the sound of the Sergeant's body falling from the parapet.

  Quietly the women's brigade passed back into the fortress.  Betty rushed to
the armory for her twelve pounders. Within minutes the women had divided
themselves into two groups each positioned outside the entrance to the two
barracks of the grenadiers. Betty's cannon were loaded with grapeshot and
pointed toward the doors.

  The women were formed into a single rank. Ludivine and her horsewomen lighted
their tortures then rode forward to fire the roofs of the barracks. The
desert-dried thatched roofs immediately shot into flames. Ludivine could hear
screaming inside as the flames spread.

  The barrack's door burst open and the men came stumbling out to be slaughtered
by the grapeshot. Many of the men tried to surrender but the months of
mistreatment had not put the women in the mood to accept their surrender. The
women used their muskets to pick off the men who came out with white flags.
Ludivine listened to the screams of the badly wounded that were too afflicted to
leave their cots and died in the fire.

  Having secured the fort, Ludivine took half her force and several cannon. She
marched through Berbera and captured the Emir's palace. Betty blew open the gate
with a cannon ball. His guards offered little resistance. The Emir and his
courtiers were imprisoned in the large dungeon under the palace. Ludivine left
Elena and a small force in charge of the Palace and returned to the fortress.

 Having captured the only two strong points in Berbera, Ludivine decided it was
time to take a short rest and regroup. When she got back to the fortress, she
found that Eliza Hamilton had put things in order and the gates were defended.

  "Where's Lorraine?" asked Ludivine.

  "Amusing herself with the prisoners," answered Eliza.

 Ludivine found Lorraine in the cavalry barracks. The twelve males who remained
alive were in the stocks. The sound of a man screaming greeted Ludivine's ears
as she entered the undamaged barracks. Ludivine saw where the cavalrymen who had
been too wounded to join in the pursuit of the fleeing women had been bayoneted
or shot in their bunks. The stocks were filled with the prisoners. Many of the
women had stripped naked and were openly having sex with one another.

  The soldier doing the screaming was a burly sergeant. Lorraine arm was inside
his rectum to the dept of her elbow.

  "For the love of heaven take it out," begged the man.

  "Sergeant Trevor, don't you recall the time you put your fist in my asshole? I
begged you to take it out. Now you know why," said Lorraine as she shoved
another inch of two of her arm into the Sergeant's asshole.

  Ludivine looked over to see that several of the women were following Lorraine
example and forcing their arm inside the grenadier's ass. The men's screams
filled the room.

  "Look what we found," said Melody and Meredith dragging in a brazier of
red-hot coals and several branding irons.

  Rebecca Smythe walked over and took an iron from the brazier. She spit on it
and listened to the sizzle.

  "Because of what was done to my breasts, I have no hope of a decent life or
finding a husband. Lorraine, remember how they thought it was such great fun
that the torturers fucked us while we were branded?" said Rebecca.

 "Yes, I think we should return the favor," said Lorraine who began to furiously
pound her fist into the asshole of the Sergeant. Rebecca stepped up and applied
the branding iron to the buttocks of the Sergeant. There was a loud hiss. The
smell of burning flesh filled the room. The Sergeant screamed then fainted.

  "Let me wake him up," said Melody positioning herself to piss on the
Sergeant's head.

  I'll let them have their fun decided Ludivine. I have more important things to

  "Look at me," interrupted Julia. Ludivine looked over to see Julia had her arm
inside the cook to her shoulder.

  "Now watch," said Julia as she pulled her shit-stained arm out and shoved it
back inside the man's bowels as he screamed in pain.

  "Leaving us?" asked Lorraine.

  "Yes, I have some matters to attend to," said Ludivine.

  "We're almost done here. When we've satisfied our lust for revenge, I'll
dispatch the captives," said Loraine.

  "How will you go about the deed?"

"Simply take a bayonet and cut their balls and cock off. Let them bleed to
death," said Lorraine.

  "They deserve it. Make sure that none of them see the sun come up. Tomorrow we
need to think about leaving this place and getting home," said Ludivine. 

Review This Story || Author: Harry Berg
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