BDSM Library - Fantasies


Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A young couple, their marriage in trouble, share their most intimate fantasies with each other.

1Part One, Troubles.

       As she awoke from what had been a very fitful nights sleep, Julie was more starkly aware of the unease that she had been experiencing more frequently over the past several months.  She hadnt before been able to put a finger on it.  It had just been an increasingly unsettling feeling that something wasnt quite right, that something was changing, and not for the better.  For the most part, she had tried to ignore this feeling and put it out of her mind, but that had been before the events of last night.  She and Ryan had been married for five years, and she had always believed that they were very content.  She was certain that they loved each other.  She had no doubt of her love for him, and he was always assuring her, both verbally and in a myriad of other ways, of his devotion for her.

       But over the last year or so, some things had started to feel different.  While their respective jobs had become more hectic and stressful, their time together at home at night had always been a refuge from all of that.  Of late though, and maybe longer, it seemed to her almost as if something was missing, or even worse, that something had been lost. 

       Ryan certainly never voiced such concerns, and they still shared in all the details, large and small, of their lives with each other.  But slowly, over time, they had stopped being as spontaneous, or doing many of the things they had once done together.  She had even at times seemed to sense that he was withdrawing, or, if she even dared to consider it, losing interest.

       Although obviously her darkest fear, she could never really believe that Ryan could be unfaithful.  He was just not the type, even if she had to suppose that all spurned women likely felt that way beforehand.  But he still spent all of his free time at nights and on weekends with her.  Whenever they did things with their many friends, they did them together, and there was just very little, if any unaccounted time or events in his life of which she was unaware.  And he continued to dote on her almost all of the time, even if his heart didnt seem quite as into it as it once had.

       Maybe it had all become too routine.  She had tried never to place many demands on him, and he certainly never placed any on her.  They both just went about doing what they felt needed to be done, helping each other when it seemed to be necessary, rarely arguing, but also rarely discussing what each other might want or need.  It had become very comfortable, but perhaps no longer very satisfying.

       Unfortunately, the area  where this all seemed to manifest itself the most was in their sex life.  Although neither of them had ever been the most imaginative or robust of lovers, they had always seemed to enjoy their intimate moments together.  Except for some occasional experiments in positions, their lovemaking was for the most part fairly traditional, and of late, or possibly even longer, it had become almost rote and by the numbers.  There were an increasing number of times recently when she found herself faking orgasms so as not to disappoint him and thus have him fail to enjoy it all himself.  Despite this, there were more and more times when they were making love that he seemed to be somewhere else.  This never seemed to decrease his physical effort, but no matter how much harder he worked, the results were becoming less and less.  Then, last night, even with one of her more energetic performances, he continued to pump, and pump, and pump away, until he finally softened within her, pulled out in failure, and before rolling over to fall asleep gave her a sheepish and embarrassed grin, a peck on the cheek, and said only, “Sorry ... I guess I just dont have it tonight.”

       And so Julie had tossed and turned and fretted through the rest of the night with little sleep of her own.  What was going wrong?  Why were they failing?  What was missing?  She knew that there was nothing in the world that she wanted more than to make him happy, and she truly believed that he felt the same toward her.  But somewhere along the way they had lost a connection, a spark that kept the flame within both of them roaring, and now she really feared that they were unconsciously, and unwillingly, drifting apart.

       What could she do?  She had to think of something.  Do something.  Anything.  She turned it over and over in her mind, but could come up with nothing.  There was little if anything the either wouldnt or didnt do for each other, as long as they knew what the other wanted and needed.  This last thought brought her up short.  As long as they knew what the other wanted and needed.  Where did Ryan go in his mind when they were making love?  Did she know?  She had never thought to ask, had never thought it necessary.  And he had never inquired it of her either.  Maybe it was something that they both needed to know.  Certainly now.

       A seed of an idea had begun to sprout in her head, and the more it grew the more right it seemed.  It was not something she would have ever considered before, and she wasnt sure that she could convince Ryan to go along.  But something had to be done, had to be tried before things were too far gone.  She had to make him see that, and then maybe he would give her developing plan a chance.  She vowed to bring it up to him the very next morning at breakfast, before she lost her nerve.  With that resolution she had finally been able to drift off for a few moments of precious sleep.


       The next morning Ryan seemed unusually solicitous and chatty.  He seemed to her to want to talk about everything and anything except what she most dearly wanted to address.  They were well into breakfast, and his dissertation on an upcoming meeting at work, when she felt that she would soon lose whatever opportunity and courage she had.  She swallowed hard, clenched her fists, and interrupted him in mid sentence, something she almost never did.

       “Ryan, about last night ...”

       He made no attempt to pretend that he didnt know what she was referring to, which told her all that she needed to know about his loquaciousness this morning.

       “Oh Jules, I was just very tired last night.  No biggie.”  He paused, and then looked at her hopefully, almost plaintively.  “You seemed to enjoy it though.”


       “How much do you think I could enjoy it when I know that you didnt?”

       “Its not that I didnt enjoy it.  Like I said, I was just tired.”

       “Lots of things seem to be becoming more and more tired these days.  And not just in bed.”

       He was suddenly more wary.  “What do you mean by that?”

       “Oh Ryan, its just that Im afraid that things are getting tired between us.  Getting stale.  That we need something new and exciting to wake us up.  Like we used to be.”

       “Im not quite sure that I know what you mean, Jules.”

       That he didnt outright try to contradict or argue against her basic premise spoke volumes, and gave her the needed strength to continue with her plan.

       “Im not sure that I understand it all either, but I just sense that we need a change, something to get us going again, before we move too far apart and cant hold on.”

       “Dont you think youre overstating things a bit.”

       “No I dont, Ryan, I really dont ... Im really afraid that last night was just a symptom of something deeper, some need that were not meeting in each other thats vitally necessary and important.  And it we dont try to find it, itll be lost, and we might be lost as well without it.”

       “And how do you suggest we find this supposed need?”

       Now for the crux of it.  She had gotten this far.  Could she get over the hump?

       “I think that we start with the most obvious symptom.”

       “What do you mean?”

       She took a deep breath, and took the plunge.

       “Where do you go when were making love, Ryan?”

       Now he was more cautious than ever.

       “What are you talking about?”

       “I think that you go into a fantasy world, and its not the real me that youre thinking about at that moment, but something else that excites you even more.”

       “I dont know what youre talking about.”

       “Oh come on, of course you do.  And dont you think that I have fantasies too.  Thats what Im talking about.  I want to know your fantasies, especially your most intimate, exciting and closely held one that turns you on like no other.  And I want you to know mine” When he didnt respond immediately she pressed ahead with the clincher.  “And then I want us to act them out.  Together.”

       “Oh Jules, thats just silly.”  He finally responded.

       “No. Its not.  Ive never been more serious.  Please Ryan.  We need this.  I need this.  Look, Ill make it easy for you.  You can go first.  Tonight after dinner you tell me your fantasy, your most real and intimate fantasy, the one that has been drawing you away from me, and then Ill act it out for you.  To bring you back to me.”

       “Julie ... I just dont know.”

       “But I do.  My love, this is really important to me.  For both of us.  And then tomorrow night Ill tell you my fantasy and you can act it out for me.  Weve got to give it a try.  Weve got to give something a try, and this just seems like the right start.  What do you say?  Please Ryan.  For me.  For us.”

       He looked down and was silent for several very long moments before a barely audible   “Okay.  Ill try.”

       She heaved a huge sigh of relief.

       “Great.  Tonight then.  And feel free to bring anything you need to enhance it all.”

       He could only nod.

1Part Two: His        

       At work that entire day, Julies emotions alternated from periods of nervousness, to giddiness, to moments of sheer terror.  What could she have possibly unleashed with all of this?  She had frankly been surprised that Ryan hadnt been more resistant and put up more of an argument against the whole idea.  That he hadnt, indicated to her that he also perceived a problem and wanted to do something about it.  She even thought that despite his obvious anxiety and reluctance, he might actually be looking forward to this evenings experiment.  She certainly hoped so.

       Underlying her own varying emotions was a clear and undeniable sense of excitement.  She found herself constantly wondering what his fantasy might be, and what she would be asked ... no make that what she would enthusiastically offer to do ... to make it all come to life.  Might he envision her as a prisoner, whom he would then ravage against her will?  No, she knew him well enough to believe that this would not be his type of thing.  Perhaps he would like his little Miss Prim and Proper wife to act like a low class floozie and slut, vamping before him shamelessly.  Or even worse, would he want her to be a stripper performing a pole dance for him before seducing his darkest desires.  Whatever he came up with, as long as it wasnt dangerous to either one of them, and she was positive he would never contemplate that, she promised herself that she would do her utmost to make it real and special for him.  It was that important.  For both of them.

       As they both enjoyed cooking, they tended to alternate preparing their meals.  This night, Julie had decided to get home early to be the one to make dinner, in part to help settle the butterflies in her own stomach, but mostly because she thought that Ryan would have more important concerns on his mind.  When he arrived home, and they dined on the light, almost gourmet fare that she had prepared, she found that, as opposed to his verbosity of the morning, he was now more quiet and pensive.  She realized that this was going to be more difficult for him than she had supposed, and that she was going to have to help him get through it , at least in the beginning.  And waiting any longer was only going to make it that much harder.  It was literally time to take the bull by the horns.


       “Ill take care of the dishes and cleaning up later Ryan.”  She announced.  “I just cant wait any longer.  Im so excited, and the suspense is killing me.  Lets go into the living room and get started.”

       She gave him her most dazzling smile and added  “Please.” and then led the way into the living room where she settled down on the couch as he ambled in after her and sat, bolt upright, on the edge of the easy chair across from her, looking for all the world like a nervous job applicant at an interview that he knew was going to go badly.

       The silence was deafening.  Neither one of them appeared to know how to begin.  After several long moments, Ryan broke the ice.

       “Jules, this is all really embarrassing.”

       She felt it slipping away already, and knew that she had to come up with something fast.

       “Why would it be embarrassing for two people who love and are committed to each other to want to share their most inner selves and desires with each other.  I feel like I might only know half of my husband, and I dearly want to know and have all of him.  And I want him to know and have all of me.  Its really that important, Ryan.  Our marriage needs this.  I need this.  I need you.  All of you.”  She finished with her most encouraging smile.

       Ryan nodded and then bit his upper lip.  “Okay.  You win ... you want to know my most sincere ... my deepest fantasy...”  He hesitated once again, truly torn and terrified, but he had promised.  And he, himself, had for some time felt the drifting apart, and had always blamed himself for being too weak to share his most secret needs with her, despite an overwhelming desire to do so.  He loved her so.  He had just forever been so afraid that if he revealed this part of himself, what he was inside, she would lose all respect for him.   That had always been the root of his indecision and reticence, up to this very moment.  But she had asked, even pleaded to know, insisting that it was vital.   And he so dearly wanted to know as well what she most deeply wished and needed from him.  This was an opportunity that was far too important to let slip away.  So steeling himself the best that he could, he proceeded. 

       “Id like ... ah ... I want ...” he was starting to breathe more heavily, as she continued to smile reassuringly.  He finally took a deep breath and gazed over at her.  “Julie, what I really desire more than anything in the world ... is to be ...” one last hesitation ...

        “ your slave.”


       Of all the scenarios that she had speculated upon, this one had never even approached her various contemplations, and she wasnt exactly sure what he meant.  Perhaps buoyed by the fact that she hadnt laughed, or acted in any way incredulous, disgusted, or dismayed, and also that he had gotten the main fact out, he now plowed on much more rapidly.

       “I want to be your absolute slave, totally obedient to your will, and completely compliant to your every command ... my existence solely and fully dedicated to your comfort and pleasure, and seeing to your every whim.  When not performing some chore or duty in your service, I want to be naked and on my knees at your feet awaiting your next desire.  And if Im away from your presence, and you have need of me for anything at all, no matter how simple or trivial, you merely need to ring this bell”  which she hadnt seen before he produced it, and which he now leaned forward to hand to her, “and I will immediately stop whatever Im doing and rush in, drop to my knees, kiss your foot, and wait silently and patiently for any new orders that you may have for me.”  He now paused as if to catch his breath, took another deep one, and then plunged ahead.  “And Jules, most importantly ...”

       She was very proud that throughout this recitation, her smiling, accepting expression had not changed, despite her churning inside.  She had to see this through.

       “Yes.  Go on.”

       “Although as your slave, I will be solely responsible for every chore, every stitch of work that needs to be done, or that you just want done for any reason, my most important function ...” another slight hesitation, “ ... will be to be used totally by you.  For your intimate pleasure.  My lips, my mouth, my tongue, my fingers, my hands ... any part of me at all.  Any way, any where, any time that you want.  As many times as you want and need.”  He slowed, and then more softly, “with no thought ever of seeing to mine ... unless it pleases you.”

       He now stopped completely, looked down at his hands, and then slowly back up at her, almost as if in surrender and defeat.  “Well ... what do you think?”

       She marveled at the courage and strength that it must have taken for him to have revealed and offered all of that.  She didnt really understand much of it, and knew that it was clearly uncharted territory which she might be entering.  But she also knew that she had to match his courage.  This had all been her idea after all.  It was put up or shut up time.

       “What do I think?  Um ... I think ... um ... that maybe you should ... um ... take off your clothes.”

       His eyes widened slightly.  “You mean here? ... Now?”

       “Why not.  It seems as good a time and place as any.”

       He stood up and slowly started to disrobe, watching her closely, as if he expected her to stop him at any moment.  Before too long he was standing naked before her.  As was always the case, she was captivated by his slim and athletic body, which he was now offering to her, in toto, for any use which she desired.  She was especially drawn to the ramrod stiff erection that was already jutting forth in front of her.

       “One last thing, Julie,” he now ventured, his face reddening slightly, “I said that I would always be naked in your service, but I dont think that I should be entirely so.”  He fished something out of his folded pants pocket.  “I think that this would be a very necessary piece of equipment.”  It was a four inch plastic contrivance that mimicked the shape of a flaccid penis.

       “What in the world is that?”  She exclaimed.


       “Its a chastity device, that once applied and locked in place will keep me ... “ looking down at his erection as if embarrassed, “ ... this ... from being in the way and bothersome to you while Im serving you.”


       Somewhat taken aback and bewildered, she looked at him in his present state, and then back at the device, and could only mutter, “But it doesnt look like it would fit.”

       “Yes, well, I guess I have to do something about that, if you give me a moment.”  With that, he started to slowly squeeze his testicles until she saw him begin to grimace, eventually producing the desired effect as his erection began to soften.  He then slipped his testicles and penis through a ring attachment, placed his still somewhat turgid, but now shrunken member between the two halves of the plastic cage, attached them together and then to the ring, finally locking them all in place with a tiny padlock, and then handed her the key which hung from a fine gold chain.

       “It will always be up to you, and you alone, to decide when and if this will come off, for any reason, but obviously only when and if you might want to use it for your sole pleasure ... or if, on some occasion, you might decide to reward me, however little I will ever be worthy of it.”

       She looked down at the key and chain in her hand.  This was all too much.  She didnt know how to respond.  But the die had been cast, and there was no turning back.  She looked back up at him, standing there nervously and expectantly.  She needed more time, alone, to deal with all of this.  With nothing else coming to mind, she put the chain and key around her neck.

       “Um ... okay then Ryan.  I think that the dinner dishes and kitchen need to be cleaned up.  Do you think you could ... um .. see to that?”

       He graced her with a huge smile, almost of relief.  “Of course ... Maam.  Right away, Maam”.  He then bowed, turned and rushed off to comply with her request.

       Julie was in turmoil.  For several minutes she just sat there stunned.  What had she gotten herself into?  She had no idea how to proceed, what to  do.  But she had to try.  After all this, she most definitely owed him that.   Owed them both that.  First though she had to calm herself down, settle her insides.  She heard him bustling about in the kitchen and came to a small decision.  She took the little bell that he had given her and tinkled it.  Almost immediately Ryan came scurrying in, dropped to his knees in front of her, bent forward and down, and kissed the top of one of her shoes.  He then remained silent, head bowed before her.

       She had already forgotten about this part of it, and it stopped her for a second.  “Ryan, do you think you could get me a glass of wine.  Theres a bottle of Pinot Grigio chilling in the fridge.”

       “Yes Maam.” and he scrambled up to obey.

       A minute or so later he returned and presented her from his knees with a full glass.  But she still needed some time with her wine to collect herself.

       “Maybe you should go finish up in the kitchen.” she offered.

       “Whatever you wish, Maam” and he was gone.

       As she sipped her wine, she reflected back on every part of his recounted fantasy.  So he wanted to be responsible for all of the housework, something they usually shared fairly equally.  She smirked as she wondered if that included the laundry, a chore he hated with a passion, although only slightly more so than her.  To spare him, however, she had made this one job exclusively her own, avoiding it though for as long as she could, frequently until they were down to their last remnants of clean clothes.  No, she concluded wistfully, that would likely be a step way too far for him.

       Her thoughts came back to her first summons of him, and there was something that she suddenly wanted to try.  She slipped off her shoes and socks, and then shook the bell once again.  Within moments he was back before her, bending forward to place his lips on the top of her now bare foot.  And then he waited.


       She let the sensation linger for several sublime seconds before asking, “Ryan, do you think you could get my flip flops for me from my closet.  And put my shoes and socks away in the bedroom?”


       Yes Maam.” he replied, and then gathered up her footwear and raced off.

       As he left, she focused her thoughts on how so very warm and sensuous his lips had felt on her foot.  It had actually sent tingles through her.  No one had ever kissed her foot before, and she decided that she very much liked it.  When he soon returned with her flip flops, she asked him to put them on her.  After he had slipped them onto her feet, she continued.

       “I think it would be nice, Ryan, if whenever you come in or leave that you kiss both of my feet.  What do you think?”

       He looked up at her with wonder.

       “Whatever is your pleasure, Maam.” and then bent forward to kiss both of her feet.  The tingles intensified.

       “Have you finished in the kitchen yet?”

       “Almost, Maam.”

       “Then you better hurry up and get it done.  And then present yourself back here.”

       “Right away, Maam.  Another pair of kisses of her feet, and he was off.

       Julie was beginning to feel very warm, and even a bit wet.  Inside.  He had said that he wanted her to use him, and he had left little doubt that he meant sexually.  Her tingles became shivers as she began to consider what her next step should be.  Oral sex had never been part of their sexual repertoire.  She had once tried to please him that way, but he had seemed strangely reluctant, and it had quickly progressed on to more traditional intercourse.  And he had never offered to go down on her.  She had always assumed that it was not something that he liked or wanted to do, so she had never asked.  But his fantasy implied that it was something that he wanted her to demand of him.  The warmth between her legs was starting to become real heat.  If that was what he was really suggesting, then she suddenly realized that she was more than willing to try.  On impulse she got up and removed her long pants, leaving on only her blouse and panties.  She then sat back down to anxiously await his return.

       That didnt take long.  Having rapidly completed the finishing touches of his after dinner clean up, he reentered from the kitchen.  Upon seeing her, he was momentarily startled, but then hurried forward, dropped down to his knees and performed the now expected obeisance.  He then awaited any new wish that would become his command.  Bent over onto his elbows, head bowed and eyes cast before her feet, he could only assume that the several silent minutes that then went by were due to her ignoring him.  He could not see the actual struggle she was having to come up with a way to start her experiment.

       “Um, Ryan, love ...” she began tentatively as he knelt upright to listen..  “You mentioned earlier that you wanted to give me pleasure, and sort of indicated that it could be done in a certain way.  Did I understand you right?”

       “Any way that you desire, Maam. Anything that you think you might enjoy, I would love to do for you.”

       Emboldened by his words, and in his full view, she slowly and purposefully began to softly caress the middle of her panties . between her legs

       “Then I think I would very much like some of what you might mean.”  She smiled down at him somewhat nervously.  “Surprise me.”

       He returned her smile with an even bigger, and more confident one. 

       “With the greatest of pleasure, Maam.”


       They both remained still, as if unsure now of how to proceed.  Then Ryan added.

       “I think you should just lean back, close you eyes and relax.  Let me take it from here.”

       Which she did.  A moment later she felt his lips brushing the inside of her ankle.  They slowly worked their way up her calf, his tongue occasionally flitting out for little licks, until he reached the back of her knee, which she found to be surprisingly sensitive as his tongue became more forceful.  He then softly kissed his way up her inner thigh until he reached her panties.  With small circular motions he rubbed his face firmly against them for over a minute, before again traversing with his lips down her other thigh to the back of that knee.

       Julie began to squirm slightly as Ryan began to playfully, yet provocatively run his fingers and hands up and down her thighs.  It was all going exactly as he had imagined it so many times in his head, but had always been afraid to try, feeling that she would disapprove.  Her responses now clearly seemed to put the lie to that belief.  He finally slipped his fingers inside the elastic of her panties and gently slid them down and off.  As he pulled each foot through and out he kissed each instep, and with his tongue now fully extended he slowly ran it up her entire leg until he reached the center of her sexual being.

       Almost involuntarily, she spread her legs wide to reveal herself in all her glory.  Her outer lips glistened like flower petals with the morning dew.  He retracted his tongue, and after taking a moment to revel at the sight, he began to softly and warmly blow on them, as she began to sway back and forth.  He spied her bud protruding out, straight and hard.  He flicked at it with the tip of his tongue, sending electric like tremors to her core.  Her swaying became rocking, and his tongue met the challenge, becoming more insistent with each beat.  Mewling sounds began to escape from her, then groans and growls.  He now extended his tongue to probe through her outer labia into her inner recess.  Her rocking become thrusts, and he stiffened his tongue to push even deeper.  Suddenly her back arched up and her buttocks come completely off the couch, and her growls became inarticulate grunts as he grabbed under her backside cheeks and met her thrusts with those of his own face, tongue-fucking her furiously to ever greater heights.  She felt wave upon wave of her juices pouring forth within, and then gushing out to completely drench the face buried between her legs.  Slowly the waves receded, becoming little rivulets, before completely subsiding as she sank back into the cushions of the couch, sated and exhausted as she hadnt been in years.


       She gasped for breath as she tried to comprehend what had just occurred.  She had never experienced anything quite like it, and she desperately needed some time to calm down and collect herself.  She needed a few minutes alone to figure out what came next, to know what to do.  She looked down between her legs and saw his upturned face, hopeful and almost pleading.  And totally soaked with her orgasmic secretions.  She clutched at the first thought that came into her head.

       “Ryan,”  gasp  “ ... go clean”  gasp  “ ... in the bathroom.”

       He appeared briefly puzzled before quickly replying “Whatever you say, Maam.” then shimmied down to kiss her feet, and left as instructed.

       Momentarily freed from the pressure of immediately responding to the situation, she settled back to allow herself to savor the exquisite after sensations that were still lingering within her.  How had she failed to ever have experienced this before?  Well, he was offering now, practically begging her to demand it of him, again and again.  For that and more.  To use him in any way that she desired.  Completely compliant to her every command, he had stated.  It hadnt fully registered when he had first said it, but now the possibilities seemed enticingly, achingly, endless.  Her imagination began to go places it had never gone before, and she now allowed herself several delicious flights of fancy, before coming back to reality, and realizing that there really was something that she would truly like from him tonight.  Something he had done for her only once before, many years ago, and she had thoroughly enjoyed it.  But it had never happened again.  Well, she thought that she might as well take advantage of the unique circumstances of this night to ask for it again, when he might find it difficult to refuse.  As soon as he returned.


       That brought her up short.  Where was he?  It had to be over fifteen minutes since she had asked him to go clean himself up.  A horrid thought suddenly occurred to her.  It couldnt be.  He hadnt, had he?  She got off of the couch and made her way through their bedroom to the edge of the bathroom door, and silent and unseen, peered within.

       It was true. He HAD misunderstood.  There he was, naked and kneeling, scrub brush in hand, diligently rubbing and polishing the porcelain throne.  But what made it all the more fascinating and arresting was that as he worked away he appeared absolutely transported, looking for all the world as if there was no place that he would rather be at that moment than scrubbing and cleaning out the inside of her toilet.

       She let that concept linger, and allowed him a little more time to obviously appreciate and enjoy this service to her.  But she now had more important needs that required his attention, and as his current task was finally completed she stepped through the door into the bathroom.  Upon seeing her he immediately stopped and crawled over to kiss her feet.

       “Maam, Ive just got a few more things to clean.  I hope that you approve.”

       She looked around the room and saw that most of it was indeed sparkling.  “Yes, very nice, Ryan.  But I have something far more important that I want from you right now.”

       “Anything Maam.  You know that.”

       “Well then, wash yourself off, and then come into the bedroom.  Its been long past time since youve given me a full body massage.”

       His eyes lit up.

       “Ill be right in.”


       “See that you are.”

       She walked back into the bedroom, kicked off her flip flops, and then removed her blouse and bra which were all that had remained.  She dimmed the lights to a soft glow, and then lay face down on the bed, propping a pillow under her head.  Ryan was soon kneeling by her side.

       “The body lotion is on my bed stand.” she instructed.  “You can start with my feet and work your way up.”

       He scrambled to get the lotion, and then proceeded to the bottom of the bed.  He poured out a generous amount into his hands, rubbed them together to warm it, and then lifted her right foot and began to gently knead.  After a few minutes he did the same for her other foot, making sure that every part and every toe received attention.  With more lotion he then worked his way up her legs, never hurrying, and never missing a spot.  He spent extra, delightful time on her buttocks before slowly moving up to the small of her back, to the back of her chest, rubbing and pressing deeply in circles, finding his way up to her shoulders and neck, his fingers and hands probing and pushing and dissolving any remaining tightness and tension that she might have felt in anticipation of this night.

       Julie could never remember feeling so relaxed, so content as Ryan continued to work on her shoulders, neck and back.  When he found his way back to her buttocks, a seriously scandalous idea bubbled up into her consciousness.  It was something that she would have never imagined before.  Dare she even consider it?  Would it be too much for him, even under these circumstances?

       It was a testament to the atmosphere that he had created that she allowed herself to chance his rejection and give in to this previously unimaginable desire.  Before she could back down, she raised her rump up into the air in front of him and declared.  “Your tongue, Ryan.  There.”  Her excitement was undescribable when, without a moments hesitation, his mouth was on her behind, taking lip bites as he encircled each cheek.  Before long his lips discovered her crack, and his tongue began a slow journey down the crevice.  Exhilaration rising, she lifted higher to aid his progress, but he took matters literally into both hands as he fondled both cheeks and spread them apart to allow his tongue to reach its ultimate goal in her end.  It darted and swirled and then tried to force its way into an orifice that offered far more resistance, but no less pleasure to her, than the one on her other side.

       She began to lose herself into these new and unique sensations of his almost rhythmic lapping.  With her head still on the pillow, she lifted her lower end higher to come to her knees to provide even easier access.  She was completely unprepared, however, for the sudden intrusion into her other, more sacred vault.  While his tongue continued its fevered worship of her bottom hole, his fingers now pushed, probed and prodded her into places and heights she had never before conceived.  She felt herself once again on the brink, and before she lost all control she knew what she wanted above all else.

       “Enough” she cried, as she rolled away from him onto her back.  Ignoring his startled look as he knelt on the bed before her, she sat up, pulled the chain and key over her head, and began to fumble clumsily with the tiny lock on his cage.  She wondered only briefly how he had been able to stand it, as she felt his manhood squashed and strained so tightly within its confines.  Finally succeeding to get the key into the lock, it snapped open and she pulled the jail apart, and the prisoner almost immediately sprang to full and subservient attention before her.  She lay back on the bed, spread her legs wide, and commanded.

       “Fuck me, Ryan.  Fuck me hard.”

       He rushed forward to obey, entering her forcefully.  With a violence he had never before exhibited he pumped a first stroke.  Then a second, a third, fourth and fifth..  The sixth stroke was almost savage, and on the seventh he threw back his head and emitted a scream unlike any he had ever before as he erupted within her.

       Occurring far more quickly than she might have liked, his screams nonetheless drew her to, and then over the brink, and her own screams joined his, as spasm after spasm of his essence spewed into her.  It went well beyond what they might have believed they could physically endure until, almost blessedly, he collapsed down beside her, totally spent.

       It was many minutes before either of them came back into themselves.  Ryan was first as he gazed at her longingly and could only whisper, “Jules, that was unbelievable.”  She smiled a reply.  Seconds later he hoarsely added, with evident emotion, “Tomorrow night.  Your fantasy.”

         She nodded dreamily as they drifted of to sleep together, wrapped in each others arms.

1Part Three: Hers        

       There had never been any question in her mind as to her fantasy.  It had always been the same.  She had just never thought that it would ever be taken beyond the abstract of her imagination.  But last night had been a revelation, and everything had changed, as she discovered all of what he was in want and need.  For himself, and from her.  And tonight he would do the same for her.  As she awoke that morning, however, she realized that it was going to require a great deal of research and planning to bring her visions and desires to full fruition and life.

       Grabbing every moment of free time at work that day, she searched the Internet for any guidance.  She had never before even thought of visiting any adult web sites, and it now took her a while to find out how to access them, and then to navigate through the dizzying maze to find those that would be most helpful in her knowledge quest.

       She was astonished at the quantity and variety of sites dealing with even the one small area in which she was most interested, and even more so with the substance and depth of the information offered.  The more she read, the more convinced and enamored she became.  She realized, though, that she was only going to be able to scratch the surface in this one morning and afternoon.  By the end of the day, however, she believed that she had learned enough to at least get started, and she would then let events take them wherever they would go.

       On the way home, she stopped off at a local shop to purchase an item which she thought would be the perfect accouterment to her developing design.  Arriving home, she was greeted at the door by her husband with a deep and soulful kiss such as they hadnt shared in years.  They had agreed that morning that as she had made dinner for him before his fantasy, he would prepare the meal this night before hers.  Breaking their lingering embrace, he went back to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on his repast, while she went off to change her clothes into something more comfortable.  And appropriate for her evening.


       Entering her bedroom, there was no hesitation as she selected her sexiest neglige, which she then covered with a long, elegant silk  robe.  Flip flops were definitely out of the question for this night.  Instead she chose a sleek and slinky pair of open toed pumps.  A few but very significant touch ups at her vanity, and she was ready for her entrance.

       This produced its intended effect as she arrived in the candle lit dining room, and Ryan beamed and let out an appreciative whistle.  He pulled out the chair at the table for her where she normally sat across from him, but she now insisted that tonight she sit caddy corner next to him.  After rearranging her table setting, they sat down for their meal.  He had pulled out all the stops for this dinner, starting with a jumbo shrimp cocktail, before proceeding on to her favorite, Veal Chops Milanese, accompanied by their most expensive bottle of wine.

       In the flickering glow of the candlelight it appeared to Ryan, though, that food and drink were the farthest things from Julies mind.  While he watched, she carefully took one of the gigantic shrimp, dipped it into the cocktail sauce, and lifted it to her mouth.  Stopping just short, she brought the tip of her tongue out to delicately and languidly lick the sauce off the entire meat of the prawn.  Anchoring the thickest part of the shaft with her teeth, she popped the tail shell off, leaving the greater length of it exposed and jutting forward from her mouth, before ever so slowly nibbling it inward with her lips, tongue and teeth until it was fully consumed.

       This tableaux was heightened further for Ryan as, under the table, she sensuously ran her foot slowly up and down his leg.  He quickly resolved to hurry to get to and through the main course, attempting to finish his veal chop in record time.  But Julie appeared to have little interest in hers.  Instead she placed one of her hands onto his thigh, caressing her way up to the rising hardness between his legs.

       “Dont you want your veal chop?  he could only croak.


       “Theres another chop that Id like to devour far more.” she answered in a sultry voice, giving the enlarging lump in his pants a slight squeeze.

       “What about dessert? he squeaked.


       “The only dessert I want tonight will be in the next room.”

       Despite the obvious time and effort he had put forth in preparing his culinary feast, his hunger now was of a completely different sort.  As Julie was making it abundantly clear that she felt as well.  And they both were becoming decidedly ravenous.

       She rose.  “Well deal with this mess later.”  She declared intently, waving vaguely at the table.  “Its time.”  She then leaned over to whisper seductively into his ear.  “Im  really going to enjoy this journey that were beginning tonight.”  She finished with a light swirl of her tongue around his ear, and a little bite of the lobe.  If playing the irresistible succubus was part of her fantasy, Ryan swooned, she was getting off to a truly wonderful start.  It might not be as exciting for him as the night before, but he had little fear that he wasnt going to enjoy it, and no qualms now in playing his role, and fulfilling his part of the bargain.

       Julie took his hand and bid him up and into the living room.  Once there, she released it and set herself down on the edge of the couch, as he again sat in the chair across from her.  Appearing far more giddy and eager than he had the night before, he gave her a wide and mischievous grin, and said simply, “Your turn.”

       Supremely confident, and more certain than she had ever been, she smiled demurely in return, and began ever so softly.

       “My love, there has never been any doubt about my fantasy.  It has always been the same.”  She had his undivided attention as she continued.  “It is that I make my husband, the man whom I love more than anything in the world, as happy as he can be.  And that I always be for him the person he wants and truly needs me to be.  Each and every day.”

       He looked a bit baffled as he tried to decipher where she was going with all this.  This was every  bit as delicious and delightful as she had dreamed it would be. 


       Her eyes suddenly took on a wicked gleam.

       “And so ...” 

       She paused in anticipation. And for emphasis.  There would be no turning back.


       “ ... Get Naked, slave.”


       He remained still, stunned into paralysis as comprehension began to dawn.


       He bolted off the chair as if that order had struck him like a crack of a whip.  After another brief moment of shocked hesitance, he began to hurriedly peel off his clothes, stripping off every last stitch under her withering glare.  In less than a minute he was standing before her, stark naked.

       She arose and stepped to, and then ever so slowly around him, minutely inspecting him from head to toe.  Except for a slight tremble, he stood stock still, surrendering himself to her intense scrutiny.  After completing her leisurely circuit she walked back to the sofa and once again sat down.  She then pulled from one of her robe pockets the item she had purchased on the way home, and tossed it over to him.  It was a wound up, thick, studded, leather dog collar, with a long leash attached.

       “I thought this would be another appropriate accessory for you.”  She stated.

       He stared at it in his hands as he slowly unwrapped it.

       “What are you waiting for?  Stop playing with it and get it on.”  She commanded.

       He rushed to obey.  After it was buckled into place around his neck, she brought forth another item from her other pocket, and dangled it from her fingers ... His cage.

       “We wouldnt want to neglect this either, would we?” she chuckled.  “Come here.”

       He shuffled over the few steps to stand directly before her, his rock hard erection leading the way.


       “My, my.  This will never do.”  She declared, regarding it.  She reached out and clutched his balls, giving them a hard squeeze, producing a satisfying yelp, but almost immediately bringing forth the desired effect as he wilted in front of her.  She then threaded his cock and balls through the ring, and joined the two halves of the cage around his now limp shaft, locking them all into place.  She placed the chain and key over her neck.

       “You know,” she said as she completed the task, “the only part of last night that was a disappointment for me was your utter lack of self control when we released you from this.  I think that were going to have to leave it on for far more extensive periods ... so that you can learn that your only purpose is to provide for my pleasure.”  She lightly tapped the cage with her finger.  “And any pleasure that I might rarely decide to bestow upon you will be very hard earned.”  She paused and smiled.  “Well, what do you say?”

       His reply was barely above a whisper, but laden with emotion.

       “Thank you ... Maam.”

       She closed her eyes and allowed herself a deep, internal, exquisite sigh. 

       It was done. 

       She reopened her eyes and reached forward to grab the leash hanging in front of him.  She slowly pulled, and he was brought inexorably, inevitably down to his knees.  She stared deeply into his eyes, boring all the way as if into his very soul.  And they both understood.


       As a sovereign she regally directed her eyes to a foot that she had slightly raised off the floor.

       “Arent you forgetting something?”  She demanded.

       Released from her gaze but not from her spell, he flowed forward and down, as if by no will of his own, and slowly, worshipfully placed his lips on the top of first one, and then her other foot.  It was not a tingle, or even a shiver that she now felt.  It was a full throttled thrill that coursed throughout her.


       “I think that later on tonight Im going to have you spend some prolonged quality time with my toes.” she promised dreamily as he had knelt back up.  The wicked glint then twinkled once again.  “But that will have to be after youve finished with the rather long list of chores I have set out for you.”   She paused to let that sink in.  “You can start, of course, with the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen.  And then ...”  she couldnt help but giggle gleefully, “there are two very large loads of laundry awaiting your most intimate attentions.”

       Ryan gazed up at her, absolute adoration in his eyes, and Julie returned his look with one of pure love ... and lust.”

       “Before you begin with all of that though, I would like a little foretaste of all that is going to come later.”  She pulled apart her robe, spread her legs, to reveal nothing on under her neglige.

       “Get to work, slave ... And you better make me happy.”

       “Always.” he swore.  With every fiber of his being.

       Ryan wasted no more time, nestling his face between her thighs, and began to slowly nuzzle and nibble his way to bringing her to her first delirious high of the evening.  Far more open to the sensations than she had been the night before, the sparks of delight within her were soon fanned to a roaring blaze.  Clamping her legs tightly around him, she began to buck furiously, like a bronco rider on her mount, his face her saddle, and his thrusting tongue jolting her up, over, and beyond. 

       His tongue, her glorious new toy, to play with and mold into uses she could only just begin to imagine.  Oh, she supposed that she would still occasionally utilize his prick.  She could never completely deny herself that enjoyment.  But that would only come after it had been thoroughly trained as a tool for her singular pleasure.  His pleasure, should she ever deign to grant it, would be a special sufferance, when and if she deemed him sufficiently deserving.  She wondered if she might find this increasingly difficult for him to attain.  But she had no doubt that he would strive endlessly and tirelessly to do so.


       As Ryan scampered off to complete the rest of her assigned bidding, Julie lay back to bask in the afterglow of her first ecstasy of the evening, the first of much more to come, on this, the first of the very many such days and nights in their new world.  In her reverie, she luxuriated in the aura of this magical universe.  She checked to see that her hand bell was within easy reach, and her lips curled up in a satisfied smile when she saw that it was.  She truly was well on her way to achieving their most fervent wishes and desires.

       And she would continue to seek to discover new and more ingenious ways to ensorcel and enthrall.  To always keep it fresh and exciting.  She understood that there would be a lot of things to work out, adjustments to be made, protocols to learn and teach.  She was also aware that there would probably be any number of things that he wouldnt like.  But that was part of the price of being a slave ... a price he would have to be willing ... and required ... to pay.  Overall, though, she was certain that he was going to love ... and embrace ... this new life.  Almost as much as she was already beginning to.  As their most intimate and joyous fantasies jointly became the new reality of every day of the rest of their lives.

As they lived ... Together ...

Happily Ever After


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