"Here's your cut so far," S'Leah told Mom, handing over a thick roll of bills. Mom got a twenty-five percent cut of all business done on the premises, and most of the girls knew enough not to cross her.
Mom hefted the roll and raised an eyebrow at its size. "I noticed you've had a line most of the evening," Mom said, stowing the roll underneath the hanging edge of her blouse somewhere, S'Leah didn't want to know where. "But I didn't think it was that long."
"Quick turnaround," S'Leah said distractedly, scanning the crowd for new customers. It was near midnight, which meant she had another three or four hours before Mom threw the stragglers out. Tomorrow she'd have a stiff neck, and diarrhea from all the seed she'd swallowed, but the longer than expected number of miners meant she'd have enough money to last her another month at least, maybe two.
"Honey," a working girl leaning against the bar said to S'Leah, "doesn't the taste get to you?"
S'Leah eyed the chesty brunette, dressed in a wide-brimmed wrangler hat, brown leather chaps and boots, and sporting a forest of steel rings. They pierced her nose, ears, lower lip, nipples, and labia.
"There aren't any taste buds in your throat,' S'Leah pointed out curtly.
The brunette shook her head. "I can't do that without gagging," she said.
And that's exactly why you'll never be anything but a third rate whore who has to mutilate herself to attract men , S'Leah thought. A childhood spent as a pony under the tutelage of the royal trainers had taught her she could do anything she put her mind to. Controlling her gag reflex was nothing compared to the mental concentration, focus, and conditioning needed to run consistent three-minute-miles while pulling a carriage. Once her rubber tailplug had cracked early in a race, and sliced her up so bad she'd crossed the finish line with blood running down the backs of her thighs. S'Leah hadn't noticed until one of the Princesses in the stands started screaming.
S'Leah moved away from the bar, thinking of making a detour to her room. Her g-string was packed with bills and getting uncomfortable.
"So are you the split with the hole in the back of her head?"
S'Leah turned and saw the speaker was a burly miner dressed in cracked leathyrs, smelling of whisky and sporting five days growth of beard.
"You looking for some head?" S'Leah asked, not responding to his insulting tone.
"Yeah, you'd look a lot prettier with my cock in your mouth," looking around for laughs that never came. He pretended not to notice. "Let's go up to your room," he told her.
He was a little too obnoxious for her taste, but she'd been heading up to her room anyway, and money was money.
"Come on," she said, starting up the stairs.
"Wow, what an ass. I wouldn't mind parking myself in that for a couple hours."
"I only do oral," S'Leah told him, pulling his hand off her right hip. "Don't get to play until you pay."
"Okay, okay," he said, trying hard to smile.
Throw and Catch were working a customer in the second floor hallway. The two girls always worked as a team, one standing behind the man, giving him a reach-around, stroking, while the second knelt in front of him making sexy faces and licking her hips. Throw's hand was a blur and the man was grunting, his pants pushed down to expose most of his hairy buttocks. Their turnaround time was second only to S'Leah's, although she didn't have any cleanup to do—Catch used her whole face. For a little extra money Throw would lick her clean, and for a little more she'd spit it back into Catch's mouth.
S'Leah unlocked the door and stepped inside to let the man enter. The room was the standard ten by twelve, with a narrow bed along one wall, opposite the toilet and an old claw-footed tub in a tiled alcove. The walls were wood and plaster and hadn't been painted in years. She shut the door but made sure not to lock it.
"Shouldn't you be on your knees?" he said, grabbing his crotch.
"Money first," she told him.
"Aw, that'll spoil the mood," he complained.
"No pay, no play." He tone and the look in her eyes told him there was no room for argument. He pulled a sheaf of bills from his pocket, counted off her fee, then crumpled up the bills and tossed them at her.
S'Leah caught them easily, to his surprise, and put the money on the bed next to her bag.
"How much for that pussy?" he said as she got down on her knees.
"I only do oral," she told him for the second time.
"I bet it's nice and tight," he went on like he hadn't heard her. "Tastes nice and sweet, too."
Still on her knees, S'Leah put her fists on her hips. "Are we going to do this?" she asked harshly.
"Yeah, yeah," he said, unzipping and moving forward. "Gonna have a hard time choking down this monster," he bragged, fishing out his cock. It was big, even half hard, but she'd seen plenty bigger.
"Two rules," she said as she brought his organ close. "Don't touch my head, and don't talk." She bent her head down and wrapped her lips around the head of his cock.
"I'm paying here," the miner said indignantly. "I'll grab your head if I goddamn want to." To prove it he reached down to snag a fistful of her hair.
S'Leah jerked her head back before his grimy fingers could get a grip.
"Hey, listen, fucker, I'm not going to put up with any—"
The roundhouse slap rocked her head back, left a red imprint on her cheek and brought tears to her eyes.
"Shut up, you fucking cunt, you whore," he said savagely, grabbing her by the hair. He yanked her head back. He was hard now, and shoved his length into her open mouth.
"You got a real man here," he shouted, bucking against her face. "You're gonna eat it, and then I'm gonna see about that sweet pussy." His grip was like iron, his fingers woven into her hair. "You like that? You like it, you bitch? Take that big cock."
His grip was too strong for her to pull away. As he violently thrusted into her mouth, balls slapping against her chin, S'Leah shifter her weight, leaning forward. She reached up and grabbed his ass with both hands and pushed her face forward.
"Oh, that's it. Yeah. You know you want it. It's a monster." He felt her tongue begin to move against his shaft, and reveled in the feel of his entire cock down her throat. No one had ever been able to take all of him before, and it felt as good as he'd thought it would.
"You suck it good, slut," he said, letting go of her hair to grab the back of her head and pull it hard against him. "Take it all."
S'Leah bit down hard, jerked her head side to side, bit down hard again. He stiffened, his hands flying out, and a piercing squeal flew from his lips. S'Leah threw herself backwards to the bed, hand darting into her bag.
He took a step toward her, the squeal now turning into a scream. S'Leah was on her feet in a flash and turned toward him, the tanto flashing in her fist. She slapped his hands away and buried the razor-sharp blade in his throat. His hands flew up to the wound even as she began sawing the blade back and forth and arterial spray arced through the air. His scream stopped abruptly.
S'Leah grabbed him by the hair with her free hand and dragged him backward as she continued to hack at his neck. She kick-swept his legs and he went down sideways, landing half in and half out of the bathtub. He twitched and flopped like a landed fish as she kept cutting, holding him down with a knee. Blood filled the white tub, splashing against its sides, gurgling down the drain. Finally the body was still and S'Leah pulled the knife back. His head flopped loosely, attached by a single piece of gristle. His eyes were wide open, staring blindly at the tub's white enamel. Blood poured out of his neck like a faucet, dark red in the dim fluorescent light.
S'Leah bent down and with a grunt hoisted the rest of his body into the tub. The miner's boots hung over the edge, oddly small for such a big man. S'Leah strode quickly to the door and locked it, then listened at the crack. No shouts, no running feet.
The wooden floor had a fair share of blood on it but would be easy to clean up. She turned the water on in the tub, running it lukewarm. It took her just a minute to go through his pockets. All he had of value was a tiny nugget of gold and a small wad of bills. She put them on the dresser, then opened the small window above the toilet and looked out into the alley. It ran behind Mom's, behind all the businesses on this side of the street. She could see—and smell—the trash cans as well as the piles of broken furniture and lumber. The alley was blessedly free of people. The only things she saw moving were two of the towns numerous mongrel dogs. Perfect.
Working quickly and efficiently S'Leah stripped the body, washing the blood off the leathyrs. She tossed them into a corner, then began rapidly cutting up the body with her long knife, sticking to the joints whenever she could. When he was reduced to manageable pieces, washed clean of blood, she began dropping them out of the window into the dumpster. The dumpster was ten feet to the side, so she had to aim the big chunks. All but two of the pieces made it into the metal bin, but the dogs immediately grabbed them and began biting off big chunks of flesh. In just a few minutes there was nothing left but short pieces of bone, which the dogs trotted off with.
All the room had was one small grey towel. S'Leah had to rinse it out about ten times before the floor was clean of blood. She cleaned off the knife and put it away, then used a small wall mirror to help clean herself up. The blood on her cheeks and chin was nearly dry, and she had more trouble scrubbing that off than she had cleaning the drops off her rubber dress.
She was standing in the center of the small room, looking around for tiny spots of blood she might have missed, when there was a knock at the door. She froze for a second, heart racing, then quietly stepped to the door and hit the SecureVu button. The palm-sized, door mounted vidscreen displayed the hallway outside the door and the young man nervously standing there.
"Just a minute," she called out. She pulled the wad of cash from her g-string and stuffed it into her bag, then darted over and kicked the miner's leathyrs under the tub. She checked for any bloodstains in the tub, then stopped and put a hand on her stomach. She worked her stomach muscles, rolling them upward like waves. She hunched over and opened her mouth. With a wet gagging her throat pulsed and a jagged piece of red meat appeared. S'Leah grabbed it with two fingers and pulled the miner's organ the rest of the way out, then tossed it through the open window. She wiped her lips, then unlocked the door and opened it.
"Hello, Ricky," she said with a smile.
The young man ducked inside with a shy smile and a quick glance at S'Leah.
"They said you were back in town," he said. He was in his twenties, rawboned with a deep tan and poorly cut hair.
"They were right," S'Leah said, locking the door. "Do you have it?"
Ricky held out some folded bills. S'Leah tossed them onto the bed behind him. "Not that, Ricky," she pretended to scold him.
From a pocket he produced a square vac-sealed wrapper. S'Leah ripped the top off and pulled the black rubber LuvGluv out while Ricky watched intently, sweat appearing on his forehead.
"Get on your knees, boy," she told him, as she reached underneath her dress to tug the g-string over her hips. It fell to the floor and she kicked it away, then stood with her legs apart. Ricky was before her, quivering with anticipation.
"You miss me, boy?" she asked, pulling her dress up over her hips. "The other girls don't have what you want?"
The palace pony breeders experimented with a new series of in-utero hormone treatments for the first wave of her generation ponies, in addition to the standard gene manipulation. Although the girls did develop previously unheard-of speed and endurance, the testosterone-rich hormone mixture had an unexpected result.
S'Leah had a vagina, but it was little more than a slit forward of her bulging anus that would rarely accommodate more than a finger. Her testicles usually hid it from view, unless she was bent over. Her penis was as big as the one she'd just thrown out the window and exceptionally veiny. S'Leah was convinced the cock ring she'd been forced to wear while performing at special events and during holiday celebrations was the cause of the bulging veins. The head of her cock had been vertically ringed just like her nipples, locked down when she was racing to the horizontal ring piercing the underside of her soft scrotum. She'd had both those rings removed as well, but those holes had healed over without scarring.
S'Leah pulled the black rubber sheath over her unfurling member. She tugged it down her shaft, then pulled the pouch down to enclose her balls. A rubber cord encircled the base of the LuvGluv, with a trailing end, and S'Leah pulled it to tighten the rubber sheath around her cock and balls, just like a cock ring. Her organ swelled as the blood was trapped within, the big veins visible even through the thick rubber. The LuvGluv was no condom, paper thin for increased sensitivity. It was built thick, for hours of hard use.
"Remember, don't touch," she said. She ran both her hands through Ricky's hair, then grabbed fistfuls of his brown locks. He opened his mouth and she rammed her rubber-sheathed organ down his throat, making him gag.
"Take it you little pussy!" she hissed at him, shoving her shaft down his throat. Every time she went deep he gagged, but he put his hands behind his back so he wouldn't forget and touch her.
"You think you're going to take it all this time?" she demanded of him. He looked up at her with his big brown eyes. The constant gagging was making them tear up, but the abuse was just what he wanted, what he was paying her for. When she was finished she knew he'd take the filled LuvGluv somewhere private, put it on himself, and masturbate furiously. Ricky wouldn't tell anyone about their little arrangement, and neither would she. If the miners found out about her extra parts her business would drop off precipitously. These backward wastelanders were so closeminded.
As she brutally skullfucked him, the room echoing with the wet sound of his gagging, she idly wondered how much more money she'd be able to make before close. The bar was still packed, with more men coming in all the time. She had time to do at least another twenty, even if Mom closed up early, which wasn't likely.
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