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Review This Story || Author: Bobbi Jo

Good Wife University (GWU)

Chapter 24 Wild Weekend Sunday

Chapter Twenty-four -- Wild Weekend Sunday

Maria woke alone in her room back at the lodge. The sun was just about to peek
over the horizon when she went out into the common area in her sexy little robe.
She found a telephone directory and looked up the address for the Catholic
Church. There was even a display ad in the yellow pages giving the times for

She changed into an appropriate dress with a pair of Spandex shorts underneath
so she could ride one of the bicycles. It was too far to walk and make it to the
7 a.m. mass. Only a few people attended the early mass in the resort community,
mostly older women sitting by themselves plus a few couples.

Maria sat in the back, lost in thought, following the rituals instinctively.
Missing mass the past five Sundays was the most that she had missed in her life.
She wondered how she was going to survive. How could she go to confession and
tell a priest about.. 'impure thoughts and actions.' What if he asked for
details? She would die of humiliation. How much would she have to tell? And what
was the penance for not only licking a woman's genitals but enjoying it almost
as much as when hers were licked.. by a woman? But she couldn't help it. If she
refused, she would be publicly spanked. Maybe that was appropriate penance. Or
wearing a scarlet letter on her breast. Or...

She didn't take communion. She might never again because she couldn't go to
confession and lie but she couldn't...

No one else was up when she got back to the lodge so she decided to make
breakfast for everybody. She found BisQuick and apple sauce in the pantry and
began a batch of cinnamon apple muffins. A second batch was in the oven when
Debbie and Dan wandered out, both wearing boxers and nothing else, saying, "That
smells heavenly."

Couple by couple, everyone woke up by ten. Maria decided she was going to visit
Darlene and Dwayne to volunteer to watch the kids again. The family was just
coming back from church when she arrived. Darlene didn't need to tell Maria why
"we both just want to relax today."

But Maria had grown up in a large family. It was comfortable and loving and it
just felt right. She stayed with the family, playing Frisbee with Jennie. She
noticed that she and Jennie had attracted the attention of some bashful
teenagers. When the boys just leered at them and failed to make any kind of
move, she threw the Frisbee right at them. They threw it back. Then Jennie spun
it toward the guys again and pretty soon, they had male companionship for the
afternoon even if it was totally platonic.


"Are you all right?" Laura asked Kim when she finally came out of the bedroom.

"Fine," she replied.

"What happened?" the motherly woman pressed, looking at the bandages on Kim's
hand and knee and the bruises on her arm and forehead. What bothered Laura most
was the way Kim walked, as if she was in pain, slowly and carefully, wincing
with each step.

"I fell."

Roger came out a few minutes later. He didn't say a word as he poured coffee and
ate some of the muffins Maria had prepared.


"Clarice, can I talk to you?" Kaitlyn asked, gripping Bruce's hand tightly.

"Of course," Clarice replied. "Is this private? Should I ask Red to take a

"No, that's OK. I don't quite know where to start." She took a deep breath
before continuing. "Yesterday, Bruce and I stayed in our room and we heard some

"What she's trying to say," Bruce said clearly, "Is that Roger is abusing Kim.
We saw him rape her and hit her. He raped her in the, in her, well, ass."

"Tell me exactly what you saw," Clarice said calmly, sitting down with the young
couple. Red got a legal pad and started making notes as the young couple told
all of the details of what they saw and heard.

"I would like to have each of you make a sworn statement," Red told them as they
finished. "As early as possible next week. We can't do a lot now unless Kim
wants to make a criminal complaint but we can be sure to have evidence ready
when she is. You'll hear from someone."

"But can't we do something now?" Bruce asked.

"I'm afraid not."

"I'll talk to Kim," Clarice reassured them. The two couples talked for quite a
while, the subject of Kim's rape finally giving way to less upsetting subjects.
The young couple felt better as they decided that they really should see the
beach, having spent the first two days of the weekend in their bedroom engaging
in every sexual variation they could think of.


"You're kidding, right?" Greg asked.

"Nope," Wendy grinned, looking at Jennifer. "That's the deal. If you go to
church with us, we're with you for the rest of the day. Otherwise, this is good

"And you'll have take us back to the lodge so we can put on something
appropriate," Wendy reminded the young men.

"When I was a kid, there was this church our family used to go to right by the
beach. It's more like a picnic shelter but you can go in swimming suits or
whatever. I can't remember the name of it but."

"Here," Mort said, pointing to a page in the phone directory in the room. "The
Atlantic Beach Chapel, right on the beach in the park. Mass at eight, Baptist at
9:30, Congregational at eleven."

"And it does say that beach attire is OK," Paul pointed out.

"Congregational at eleven it is," Jennifer smiled, pleased that the boys agreed
to accompany them to church. She was also glad that they had packed some
T-shirts and cover-ups in their tote. 'Beach attire' was one thing but the
bikinis she and Wendy wore were a bit too brief for even the most liberal church

And it was nice, singing hymns and listening to a pretty generic sermon on 'love
thy neighbor.' Some of the regulars from the real Congregational Church downtown
even provided donuts, coffee, and juice for a quick social after the service.
And they thanked all of the visitors for 'remembering to keep the Sabbath holy.'

"What now?" Paul asked as they stepped out into the sunlight.

"I think we'd better go back to your room and relieve you guys of some tension
so you don't embarrass us," Wendy giggled.

"Sounds good to me," Greg smiled.

Back in the room, there was some uncertainty about how to proceed. "What now?"
one of the guys asked again.

"We can start by getting naked," Wendy grinned. "One at a time. Who'll be

"Let's cut for it," Mort suggested, pulling a deck of cards from the athletic
bag he had brought as an overnight case for the weekend.

"How about strip poker?" Wendy suggested, never having had the courage to play
during he first three years of college even though she knew of many others who

They made up the rules as they went along. Seven-card stud was the game. The
player with the low hand had to remove one piece of clothing. The high hand
could do the removing if he or she desired. Once a player was nude, if he or she
ended up with the low hand again, that player had to pay a three-minute sexual
forfeit to the player with the high hand.

It didn't take long for everyone to lose most of their clothes. The luck of the
draw and the inability to bluff kept the scoring pretty even. Jennifer, already
nude, went on a winning streak. Greg was low and she had him suck her nipples
for three minutes while Mort dealt the next hand. Then Wendy lost. "I want you
to lick my pussy," Jennifer told her. "I know the guys want to see that."
Blushing, Wendy did so.

That's when the game ended. The guys wanted to see the girls go at it so the
pair demonstrated a lesbian 69 with Jennifer folded back to shorten herself
enough that they could lick each other's slits, continuing until they were both
about to explode. As they got close, Jennifer asked for lube and soon fingers
were probing both the girls' bottoms.

More games followed. The two girls cut the cards and Wendy got an ace, giving
her the privilege of directing the three men in pleasuring Jennifer. All three
licked Jennifer's pussy, probed her pussy and bottom with fingers, and sucked
her nipples. Then Jennifer had to get each of the guys off with her hands.

"My turn," Wendy giggled as Jennifer pumped the last drops of spunk out of
Paul's cock onto her breasts. All four of the others concentrated on giving her
pleasure for over an hour. She came six times before it was her turn to get the
guys off. She bravely asked that they do so in her bottom.

"I just wasn't ready last night," she explained. "But I'm ready now."

Jennifer made sure condoms were in place and well lubricated. She directed the
action, having Greg roll onto his back with Wendy on top so that Jennifer, Paul,
and Mort could feast on her breasts and diddle her clit while Greg fucked her
asshole. And Wendy came again.

Paul was next. Jennifer spanked his bottom while he pounded into her friend's
asshole. He didn't last long and endured a lot of kidding about liking the

"I like a sexy spanking once in a while, too," Wendy cooed mischievously. Mort
gladly slapped her fanny a few times before he took his turn. "You're good,"
Wendy panted as he gently pressed into her still tight bottom hole and slowly
sawed in and out of her butt.

"You, too," he grinned.

"I mean it," Wendy told him, stroking her pussy with her fingers. "You're trying
to make me enjoy this, aren't you?"

"Of course," he replied.

"Well those two just wanted to get off," she told Mort, flopping back to
reposition herself at the edge of the bed. "Now kneel on the floor," she told
him, using her arms to pull her knees to her shoulders and again expose her
bottom hole to his throbbing cock. "Ah, that feels so good," she purred as he
slowly pumped in again, a half inch more with each stroke.

"Your friends need to learn to be considerate," she told Mort.

Over on the other bed, Greg asked, "Are we really that bad?"

"Pretty much," Jennifer told him. "A lot of it's attitude. I didn't mind because
I was using you guys to get off just like you were using me. My body, anyway.
And I came out here this weekend with the idea that I wanted to experiment. I
wanted to find a couple of studs like you. No commitment. No pretend love. Just
some hot sex that was safe and sane. Wendy's different. She'd prefer to get to
know a guy and play the game for at least a little while." Jennifer watched her
friend on the other bed with a bit of jealousy.

"OK, I want to know what we did wrong," Paul told Jennifer.

"Besides trying to rape my friend?"

"Yeah," he answered, looking down at the floor sheepishly.

"I'm hungry. Buy me a burger?" Jennifer asked, looking at both Paul and Greg.
Since they were sexed out, they agreed and the trio headed for McDonald's and
then sat in the car to talk more about Jennifer's opinions on how women should
be treated.


When Kim came back to the lodge, Clarice told her, "We need to talk."

"I'm tired," Kim replied. "Can't it wait? I need to lay down."

"No, it can't wait. Where's Roger?"

"He had to go back early."

"Is he ashamed because he raped you?"

Kim's eyes grew to the size of saucers in surprise. "I..."

"Rape is rape," Clarice said sternly but gently. "You need to report your rape
to the police."

"No," Kim objected quickly, remembering.. everything. Her determination that
this would be her last marriage because she would make it work, the pain and
humiliation of her rape, and Roger's instructions, no -- threats -- that she
tell no one about what happened.

"And I want you to see a doctor," Clarice told Kim firmly. "We are going to the
hospital now."

"No," Kim sobbed.

"Yes," Clarice snapped. "And now. You can barely walk." Clarice remembered some
times when she could barely walk because of all the sex in so many varieties but
those experiences were entirely voluntary and consensual. She enjoyed the
experiences and even the aches afterwards. But she knew that Kim's feelings were
different. She had already contacted a rape counselor who would meet them at the
hospital. She called the police from the emergency room.

Clarice stayed with Kim until it was almost time for the van to leave, making
sure that Kim was comfortable with the counselors, one of whom was a GWU
graduate. If there was a problem, Clarice would have arranged to stay longer.

Red remained behind to provide legal advice when Kim was interviewed by the
police. As things progressed, his counsel wasn't needed. The female officer was
empathetic and had worked rape cases in the past. She conducted her preliminary
interview in the hospital, then asked that Kim come by the station to talk to an
investigator. "There's a female detective on tonight, Wilkins. She's really
good. I've already called her to brief her on the situation," the officer
assured Kim.

Red and one of the counselors accompanied Kim to the police station. They gave
Kim's name to the desk sergeant and told him they needed to see Detective
Wilkins. The female detective came out almost immediately and brought Kim back
to her desk. The detective's squad room was empty because of the late hour on a
weekend. Everyone else was either out or off duty.

"I'm going to show you six pictures," Detective Wilkins told Kim. "I want you to
tell me if one of them is a picture of the man who raped you."

"But how.. I know who raped me. It was my husband, Roger Hoyte," Kim said, a
little disgusted.

"Please bear with me," the detective said calmly, opening a folder to display a
paper frame and six pictures.

"Number five," Kim said, immediately recognizing her husband although he was
wearing glasses and his hair was a bit longer. Roger always wore contact lenses.
"But how did you get a picture of him?"

"How long have you known your husband?"

"Just a few months. About four," Kim answered.

"And you know him as Roger Hoyte?"

"Of course. That's his name."

"Not Roger Hoyle?" Detective Wilkins asked.

A shiver ran up Kim's back. "Who's Roger Hoyle?"

"I want to take your statement first," the detective told Kim, nodding to the
other two as she took out a tape recorder and announced the date, time, Kim's
identity, the case number, and the nature of the interview.

Reliving the brutal rape was agonizing for Kim, especially when the detective
had to explain the difference between forcible sodomy and rape. She was
exhausted both mentally and physically by the time the interview was over. She
had to answer many of the questions three or four times in different forms and
the detective always seemed to want more details.

"I want to thank you for coming in," Detective Wilkins finally said, pressing
'STOP' and rising. "We'll be in touch."

"Would you clarify some things for Ms. Hoyte?" Red asked the detective politely.
"Why did you ask about a Roger Hoyle?"

"I'm sorry," the detective sighed. "I'm tired, too. The reason I didn't tell you
before was so that what I'm about to tell you wouldn't color or influence your
statements, Kim. The picture I showed you was of Roger Hoyle."

The detective opened her case folder and pulled out a long fan-folded teletype
printout. "Roger Hoyle has a criminal record of sexual assaults going back
twenty years," Detective Wilkins said. "We got a hit based on the similarities
in name and age. Roger Hoyle was born 2-21-58. Your Roger Hoyte was born
2-24-59. I have reason to believe that the two are the same person. It's likely
that your Roger doctored his birth certificate to get new identification
documents. Among other crimes, Roger Hoyle has been arrested eight times for
rapes but never convicted. They've either been nol' pross'ed for lack of enough
evidence to convict or he's pled guilty to a lesser charge. And only one of
those was a felony and he only did eight months even on that one. Convicting
rapists is often very hard, one person's word against another. But you say there
are two corroborating witnesses. I think we've got him this time."

"Thank you, Detective Wilkins," Red said, taking the young detectives's hand.


"What time is it?" Wendy asked, still nude and cuddled against Mort.

"Nine twenty-five," Greg said after a glance at his watch.

"Nine! Nine twenty.. Oh, shit. Jennifer! Jenn, get up. Come on, guys. If we're
not back by nine, we're in real trouble and it's.. Oh, shit.. Damn."

The girls scurried around to pick up the things from their bag that were
scattered all over the room. The burgers, fries, and drinks that Greg, Paul, and
Jennifer had brought back for Wendy and Mort hadn't been touched but McDonald's
wrappers from everyone else's meals were scattered around, covering some of the
essentials... like Wendy's top. She finally said, "To hell with it," and she
went back topless except for a beach cover-up that had only two ribbons at the
sides of the waist. When they pulled up, everyone else was waiting out front by
the van.

"You know you're in trouble," Clarice said gently.

"We know," Wendy and Jennifer replied together, waving good bye to the guys.

"We're going to miss the arrival of the new freshman class," Clarice told
everyone. "But I guess we'll manage."

Everyone was quiet during the trip back to the old school. They all noticed that
Kim was missing but said nothing. When the van got back Sunday evening, the
newly promoted members of the GWU junior class just wandered back to their
respective spaces in the dorm' room. It was depressing leaving loved ones

It reminded Wendy of her first night going back to college. She would be a real
senior in a real college in the fall, just two months away. She had hated
leaving her family and felt homesick through her first semester but she outgrew
it and college became her new home. In just one more year, she would have to
leave the security of that 'home' and find a job.

Maria and Jennifer were looking forward to their final six weeks. Clarice had
promised more excitement, lots of new things. What they had been through already
was beyond what they had ever expected in real life but they were living it and
loving it.

Darlene already missed her husband and kids. 'Family oriented' was a perfect
description of her. She dreaded another six weeks of separation but admitted to
everyone, including herself, that GWU had been good for her. She was determined
to stick it out. Young Kaitlyn's thoughts were similar. She hated the separation
but realized that she would need every trick in the book to makea teenage
marriage last.

Despite the differences in age, Laura and Debbie shared similar thoughts.
Everything was new and wonderful. And separation really does 'make the heart
grow fonder.' And only doing things once in a while added excitement. And
learning to do new things, doing them differently with new rules. Debbie grinned
to herself, remembering Dan's surprise when she enforced the 'no vaginal
intercourse until after we're married' rule, then begged him to fuck her
asshole. Laura remembered Bill's surprise as well as his reluctance to use her
tight rear passage when just resuming normal relations was still new and

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