Chapter 52
By the end of the evenings punishments Stewart felt too tired to even to drop by the Officers' Club for a nightcap. He had lost count of the number of strokes that he and the wardress had applied to the backsides of his new squad and it took what seemed an eternity for Thorpe to return from the Guardroom. Naturally, the squad were kept on parade and had to remain rigidly at attention until she reappeared. One of the squad, the Chinese girl seemed to find this particularly difficult and had to be strapped twice for fidgeting.
At long last Thorpe returned. As she limped into the room and stood at attention in front of him he sensed that the duty policewoman in the guardroom had dealt with her “Un-official” in a way that he would approve. He already appreciated how well the unwritten law that required any staff member to fully support another worked and the sergeant had been true to her word. Thorpe looked as if most of the arrogance had been beaten out of her and that she would now start to be a worthwhile member of his squad. He ordered her to turn around then bend and display.
She was soon exposed in front of him with her skirt flicked up over her waist and her panties pulled down to her knees. Her buttocks, already reddened by the strap were now decorated with seven swollen purple weals that ran, parallel to the ground, from the top of her anal cleft to the top of her plump thighs. As he ran his fingertips over them he realised that the lower thicker weal at the very top of the thighs had been raised by two or possibly three well placed strokes that must have been agonising. He made no attempt to press hard, but the merest touch of his fingers caused Thorpe to flinch.
When he enquired about the application, Thorpe grunted that she had been strapped down and received ten strokes in total. With his fingers stroking the ridges Stewart reminded the girl that it would be his duty to make any further punishment as effective as possible and that would be best achieved by laying the strap over that area. It would be in her best interest, even more so than normal, to keep her nose and everything else very clean over the next few days.
With the squad reassembled, he told them that tomorrow they would be awake at 0500 hours. They were excused normal training and Centre duties and would be making a start on bringing their accommodation up to standard. There were things to clean and things to polish and he expected a high standard of both effort and result. They were to break for breakfast at 0700 and then resume work. They were to dress in their work kit of vest, short denim skirt, socks and work boots. Standard underwear was to be worn with thongs. During the day he would be interviewing them individually in his office.
He concluded by reminding them that he intended to enforce a high, if not harsh level of discipline on them all as he hoped he had demonstrated that evening. They were then excused to their ablutions as he bade farewell to the wardress and made his way to his room.
He awoke around 7am, luxuriating in the comfort of his bed wondering how his squad were feeling. During a hurried breakfast he was approached by the wardress who had been so helpful the previous night. Sally, as her name turned out to be, asked for a return favour. It seems that she had already awarded two BRD's to one of her squad, and felt that it would look better on the paperwork when the prisoner was up before the Governess if the final demerit had been ordered by another member of staff. Knowing how in the Centre, one good turn always deserved another, Stewart readily agreed. He was told that she would send the girl to see him with a note to deliver making sure that the girl would get lost en route by giving her confusing directions. The note she would deliver would contain the latest letter on rules and procedures from the Lady Governor. Grinning widely, Sally said that the note would give him an ideal opportunity to examine every item of her clothing so he would not need to think too hard for excuses.
It was nearly 8am before he marched into the squad barracks. The females had split themselves into two groups, the first were hand polishing the new floor in the dormitory and the other six were scrubbing and polishing the toilet block. As he entered each room they leapt up to attention. Each was dressed as he ordered with vests tucked in to their short denim skirts. On their feet were pairs of heavy black rubber work boots with short white socks just visible. Most knees were reddened from the time they had spent so far kneeling on the hard wooden or tiled floors as they toiled at their seemingly impossible tasks. It would have been all to easy for Stewart to have given them access to the machinery that they really required, the electric vacuum cleaners, polishers and scrubbers, but this was to be an exercise in sheer effort on their part and he saw no reason to make this easy in any way.
He called all the perspiring females into the tiled toilet and shower area and briefed them on what would be happening that morning:
“I will be interviewing you each in turn to assess your progress in the Centre so far, I will give you the name of the first prisoner and you will then ensure that there is always at least one of you waiting outside my office for when I conclude the previous female's interview. The rest will continue to work at cleaning this pigsty and I warn you that I expect a very high standard. One of my first tasks will be to appoint a squad leader and I will be making that choice when I have interviewed you all. The female waiting outside the office will enter when she hears the buzzer sound. She will curtsy and then remain at attention in front of my desk until told otherwise. I will expect that you all answer all of my questions with total honesty. The first interviewee will be Dickinson who should now stand awaiting the buzzer”.
With that he strode off to the corridor in which the office stood followed by the nervous squad member who stood at attention outside the door awaiting her summons. Inside Stewart looked her over on the video screen that was switched to a camera outside his door. He carefully stacked all twelve written files on his desk and accessed the squads records on his desktop screen. He then settled back in his comfortable office chair and pressed his buzzer. He saw the girl leap with surprise then quickly compose herself before knocking on the door.
On the command “Enter”, Dickinson marched smartly in, bobbed a deep curtsy and resumed the attention position . Stewart left her there as he slowly reviewed the contents of her written file. The photographs showed a naked “Dickinson Sarah” standing in the three positions, full body front, full body rear and full body side. She was a tall Nordic type of female, not too slim with well developed and seemingly firm breasts that were capped by large swollen nipples.
Her record on the computer gave the impression of a prisoner who had rapidly come to terms with the ethos of the Correctional Centre. She had no formal punishments against her name and every one of her reports were favourable. He knew that this was something of an achievement as it was a rare thing for a prisoner not to incur the displeasure of at least one staff member, sometimes as a result of simple jealousy especially one that was unusually attractive like Dickinson. He motioned her to take a seat on a small low stool to the side of his desk.
This had been deliberately chosen so that any occupant's hips would be lower than her knees and far below him. He knew that imposing a humiliating position like this during an interrogation could often have an even more pronounced effect than inflicting pain As she sat she hesitated, then moved her knees to the required ninety degree spread. Her short skirt had already ridden up to her thigh tops and now he was looking down at her blatantly displayed crotch with the small thin band of the white thong offering her only a scant degree of modesty. The results of his strap the previous night could be seen on the tops of the raised and spread thighs A trace of a blush coloured her face as she continued to look up at him.
Stewart had scribbled out a set of questions to ask each female. They ranged from those of a deeply personal nature to more general ones on how she was reacting to the regime. Dickinson quickly answered them, even the more blushingly embarrassing questions as to how long it had been since she had had intercourse, how long since she had last masturbated, what method she used and what experience she had with other females. In answer to that question he was not surprised to learn that she had had no experience with girls until starting her sentence but had been selected twice for “personal service” by two of the wardresses. One of their names was familiar to Stewart as a Senior Wardress with a reputation for a lesbian orientation and some brutality to prisoners. When he questioned her as to whether she had enjoyed the experience she dropped her eyes to the floor and stuttered that it was not for a prisoner to have an opinion on the subject as the object was always to demonstrate her obedience to orders.
Further questioning about the experience revealed that she had received two unofficial punishments from the wardress, a harsh caning and a breast slapping, both for alleged disobedience. As these were administered in her first few days as a prisoner that explained to him why no marks were visible when he strapped her the previous night. It also reminded him of the value of correctly applied discipline as it had certainly trained Dickinson to fully obey even the most unpleasant of orders.
Stewart then moved on to questioning her regarding her attitude to punishments. Her response was that she appreciated that as she was in the Centre for training, some form of discipline must be available to act as both an incentive and at the same time to emphasise the authority of the wardresses. She had seen several severe punishments inflicted over the past few weeks and felt that all of them were a direct result of a prisoner's attitude. She was, in brief, as attuned to the ethos of the regime as many of the staff.
Glancing through the file Stewart noted that though slim, her bra size was 36c. He asked if she wished to apply for assessment for suitability for wearing brassieres during exercise. When she agreed, he had her stand close to his chair so that her protruding shirt front was almost touching his face, then remove the garment so that her brassiere encased breasts were just as close. Making sure that he maintained his superior role, he reached up and lifted them both experimentally. Then he told her to remove her brassiere so that he could inspect the contents.
She reached behind her, relieved the pressure on the clip and unfastened it allowing the breasts to sag under their own weight. The entire garment was then pulled forward over her shoulders allowing the cups to become free. Stewart took the warm item from her and carefully checked it for cleanliness. He then transferred his attention to the breasts themselves and cupping one in each hand lifted them slightly as if checking the weight of two melons. Her nipples and areola were exceptional in their size and swollen appearance. Almost like breasts themselves they were a delicate shade of pink with a darker thick nipple protruding. He grasped each nipple firmly, so that Dickinson gasped with pain and harshly juggled the breasts up and down feeling surprise at their firmness and weight. He could imagine that even a firm slap across them would not cause too much movement. However, the slightest pressure on the areola seemed to cause noticeable discomfort.
He had the prisoner step back a little and then perform the usual set of exercises for him. Jumping on the spot, swinging shoulders rapidly from left to right and back and finally a period of really hard running on the spot. There was certainly some jiggling and swaying but nowhere near enough to justify special treatment. Whatever the discomfort, Dickinson would be one of the bra-less prisoners during exercise.
He concluded the interview by ordering her to remove her thong, which she immediately did offering it to him for inspection. She was surprised when he told her to hang it under her name, indicating the far wall. She went to the row of hooks and without question, hung the skimpy white garment on the hook that had her name over it. Stewart casually explained that he would be inspecting them all when he had time and in the interim she was to work without that item of dress.
One by one the females were summoned to his presence for their interview. Thanks to his efforts the previous night they were all extremely nervous and not a little tender as they sat on the hard stool. Thorpe, as she entered was positively frightened knowing that he would undoubtedly punish her for the slightest infraction.
After her curtsey he had he turn round, spread her feet, bend over and raise the short skirt so that he could inspect her marks. The weals of the previous night were turning into heavy bruising that would make any further punishment sheer agony for several days. He had no need to remind her that she would receive no leniency from any staff member, and certainly not from him should she need correcting before the swelling and tenderness had decreased.
She removed her white thong and hung it on the hook as instructed and then took her seat, wincing as her flesh touched the hard wooden seat. He slowly looked her over.
The twenty year old was around five feet four inches tall, to be accurate, five foot three inches he noted from her notes. Her short dark hair framed a round blank looking face that was neither pretty nor not pretty to look at. A little over weight, she had what seemed to be well developed breasts that protruded rather obviously so that her shirt buttons at the front were stretched to contain them. Her plump thighs framed thick dark pubic hair that almost obscured the vaginal split, despite her blatant position.
He made the embarrassing interview last even longer than the other girls and she was soon permanently flushed a crimson red. Just as he was concluding there came a knock at the door and he called out the command “Enter!”
In marched a tall blonde prisoner dressed in prison “school” uniform. She was unknown to Stewart. She snapped to attention in front of his desk to the side of Thorpe and stood rigidly at attention, breathing deeply and with a flushed face. She held out a note in an envelope. It was obviously the prisoner who had been sent by the wardress who approached him over breakfast.
“Please Sir, Prisoner Wilson reporting, I have a note for you”.
Stewart virtually ignored the girl gesturing for her to stand against the wall. Even from the rear it was apparent to her that the girl on the stool was blatantly exposed and that she was in the presence of a staff member who would need some care in dealing with. He then returned to Thorpe and resumed the interview by laying down some standards that were to be achieved knowing that the visitor would be bound to hear every word.
“I will be checking your panties later with the rest of the squad and you may rest assured that I expect you all to maintain high standards of cleanliness. I will probably carry out a full underwear inspection later today, before you turn in for the night. I shall expect to see that all your brassieres have also been maintained in a scrupulously clean condition as well as your replacement pair of panties. I trust that it won't be necessary to hand out any Breast Related Demerits!”
With the mention of BRD's, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the visitor visibly stiffen, She certainly looked as if she was well endowed in that area and was only too aware that she was on thin ice. Stewart could almost hear it cracking under her weight. He dismissed Thorpe and turned his full attention to the visitor calling her to stand in front of him.
“Just how long has it taken you to report to me with the note girl ?” he snapped reading the time from the front of the envelope that the girl was given the task.
“Sorry Sir, but I got lost and couldn't find your office, I ran most of the way”
Stewart stared at her in sheer disbelief and asked her if she was accusing her betters of giving wrong information. Realising the no-win situation that she was in she dropped her eyes to the floor and stammered an apology agreeing that it was entirely her own fault. He then moved in for the kill …slowly opening the envelope:
It was indeed the latest set of orders: Stewart read out relevant points from it aloud. The Lady Governess was concerned that certain prisoners may be dealing in banned substances and using any excuse for moving around the prison to conceal and carry them. The letter required any staff member who had the slightest suspicion to carry out “ a thorough and meticulous search of the prisoners clothing and body. This must include a full cavity search.” She went on to appreciate that “such searches using improvised techniques would be unpleasant for the staff member but must still be carried out to the full. There was no requirement to offer the searched prisoner any privacy during the procedure”.
“Well Wilson”, said Stewart staring hard into her eyes, “ It seems that your leisurely arrival here seems to fit the conditions of the note perfectly. You would have had more than enough time to collect and secret some substance so I will have to perform a rather revolting clothing and cavity search. As this will have to be in my office it may be a little embarrassing and not to say uncomfortable for you, but orders are orders.”
He walked past her to the door and told the next girl in line that there would be a delay in her interview and to find Thorpe and tell her to bring him a coffee. Closing the door he rolled up his sleeves and taking a pair of surgical gloves from a box on his table, proceeded to slowly put them on whilst looking at the now wide-eyed prisoner.
“Remove your tie, shirt and skirt girl,… then stand at the “present” while I check them over”.
Ignoring the now shaking female he carefully slipped the tie through his gloved fingers then examined every inch of the warmed shirt noting the slight underarm dampness. The short uniform skirt had no pockets and was soon found to be free of any packages. He then moved to stand close to the prisoner's front as she stood there in bra, panties and stockings.
He could feel the heat of not only her previous exertion but also her deeply humiliating stance. A faint scent of sweat hung in the air and when he rubbed his rubber covered fingertips gently over the shaved armpit a trace of moisture remained on them.
“I will give you one last chance of handing over anything you may be carrying. Believe me it will be far less embarrassing and painful for you to give it up now girl.”
“Pplease Sir…I don't have anything hidden” she stuttered clearly terrified by the situation she found herself in.
Stewart went back to the desk and removed a small pencil flashlight. He then stood to her side and firmly gripped her right ear pulling it so the light could illuminate into her outer ear. He moved round and inspected her right ear. Apart from a little wax there was nothing secreted there.
“Open your mouth…wide….WIDER GIRL!”
She had white even teeth. He held the flashlight in his left hand and pushed two fingers of his right hand into the opening. Firstly he ran his fingertips between her cheeks and the outside of the upper jaw and then around the outside of the lower jaw collecting a considerable amount of sticky saliva. Next he gripped her slippery tongue and twisted and turned it to check all round before forcing his fingers in to check the inner mouth above and beneath the soft organ. As he probed the rear of the mouth he pushed his fingers well in to depress her tongue so that the flashlight could illuminate her properly causing her to gag and choke slightly.
He withdrew his fingers and stood back to look her over. She was wearing the regulation white thin brassiere, small bikini panties, a white suspender belt and dark stockings. She was tall, around 5 foot eight inches and slim apart from what seemed to be a pair of overgenerous breasts that even the tight bra could not contain adequately. He looked into her grey eyes making her instinctively flinch into a more stressed present position.
“We have a few items of clothing still to check Wilson before we move on to two rather personal cavities that will need to be searched. I think we will start by having you remove your shoes.”
The prisoner stood balanced on one foot as she removed one shoe after another and handed them to him. They were the standard low heeled uniform shoe that had clearly seen some wear with various prisoners over the years. They were immaculately polished but Wilson seemed to have rather sweaty feet and their odour could be easily detected. He thrust his still wet fingers into the remote cavities to check that nothing was secreted and placed them alongside her other removed items on his desk.
He stood well back staring intently at her upper torso. Wilson knew only too well what the next order would be. She had, like most well endowed females, always been embarrassed at the size of her breasts and now she felt sick at the thought of having to display them to this male stranger.
“Remove your brassiere Wilson and hand it to me, then take up the present again…and I want those elbows forced fully back.”
The girl remained immobile, unable to expose herself to his inspection. Stewart waited, seemingly patiently, for a full two minutes.
“I will repeat myself.” he intoned with a distinct chill in his voice.
It was enough and with a sob of humiliation she reached behind to unclip the garment, let it fall free from her breasts and handed it to him. He studiously examined the item from the outside surfaces and then turned it inside out checking the material that had been in close contact with her warm body. She didn't notice the way in which one of his fingers rubbed against the outside of a cup. The same finger that he had carefully rubbed against the sole of her shoes as he handled them. He made no comment about the soil mark that his finger left…that would be done later.
Without any comment her then pointed to her panties.
Blushing furiously she slipped them down to her knees and was just balancing herself to pull them clear of her feet when a knock came to the door that made her freeze. It was Thorpe with a mug of steaming of coffee in her shaking hand. Stewart told her to put it down and as she made to leave unable to stop staring at the girl being searched, he told her to remain near the desk in case she was needed.
Wilson. Looking even more humiliated finally removed her panties and handed them over the desk for inspection. She was well aware that she was totally vulnerable to any charge that the male officer wished to invent. She always tried to keep herself scrupulously clean but knew that if he wanted to invent some error, his decision would never be questioned by the authorities, and a punishment would inevitably follow.
He carefully turned the small white panties inside out and slowly checked the crotch, knowing the thoughts that would be rushing through the prisoner's mind. Time, he thought to build her confidence up.
“No problems there Wilson, you seem to keep your panties in a hygienic enough condition.”
…and to immediately lower it.
“So now all we have to do is to check that you have nothing secreted in your lower cavities. Get up on my desk…on all fours girl”.
Reaching into a drawer he retrieved another pair of surgical gloves, handing them to a confused and worried Thorpe with the instructions to don them. He knew that he would be able to give almost any order to her and have it obeyed with her buttocks in the sensitive state that they were. She did however show some shock and an initial reluctance to the next comment.
“In the interests of hygiene Thorpe will search your anal cavity for me and I will then search your vaginal space. I want you with your buttocks high and knees well spread so that your cheeks are parted. Unfortunately, with this impromptu type of search we simply don't have any of the normal lubrications available…so Thorpe will have to use this toothpaste that I have”.
Realising that he would need some lubricant when Sally had told him about the proposed inspection, Stewart had brought the only thing that he had to hand knowing that it was a particularly unpleasant substance to use on delicate membranes…but it might be argued that it would be better than nothing. He told Thorpe to hold out her right hand and squirted a generous amount on to the latex covered fingertips.
“This may be the first time for you Thorpe, but I still want a thorough job doing. I want to see you try first one finger, up to the hand and then two. If I think you have deliberately missed something….heaven help you girl.”
Thorpe held the area around Wilson's anus with her left hand pushing the firm cheeks even wider apart to reveal the crinkled pinkish orifice. She was in no position to do anything other than obey Mr Stewart, but she gently rubbed the white peppermint smelling cream gently into the area immediately around the slightly parted opening.
Then she firmly pressed her coated index finger firmly and insistently until the anus opened and the finger could slide in. Almost immediately Wilson felt the cold stinging sensation from the paste and started to move her hips earning a stern rebuke from Stewart. Thorpe ignored her gasps and groans and forced the digit fully in twisting and turning it as the tip searched for any hidden objects.
It took some effort to get the second longer finger into the cavity but Thorpe, knowing what the cost of failure would do to her own body. She persisted despite the obviously growing discomfort for the girl and the way her anus was now gripping the fingers with increasing strength as it tried to prevent further entry. With the two fingers fully thrust home and turned in all directions she was satisfied and told Mr Stewart that the rectum was empty.
Stewart knew that a longer probe would have been necessary to fully examine the cavity but, anxious to conclude his search, ordered Thorpe to withdraw which she did with a plopping sound that left the anus still gaping. Stewart told Thorpe to discard the gloves and Wilson to lay on her back in the traditional gynaecological position with knees apart and drawn up to her chest.
Her face still registered the discomfort from the lubricant as Stewart ordered Thorpe to lean over and pull the vaginal lips apart with her bare fingers. She almost hesitated as this was something she hoped that she would never have to do to another female. A sharp slap on her thighs convinced her… and she pulled hard making Wilson take a sharp intake of breath as her most secret area was exposed to the cool air of the office. He wasted no time in introducing the forefinger of his right hand into the moist opening, wiping it round in increasingly wider circles that started to press unbearably on the outer rim of the vaginal opening.
He suddenly brought up two more fingers to add to the other and they were all thrust uncomfortably into her with his thumb resting audaciously on her clitoris. Ignoring the girl's writhings he pushed, twisted and manoeuvred his fingers to search inside her vagina until he was satisfied that if there was anything hidden, it would take a gynaecologist to retrieve it.
"Well Wilson, that was a waste of time as you obviously have nothing secreted on your person that I can find".
He then ordered the flustered female to dress as he sat at the computer and accessed her file. She knew that she had no right to object in any way to what the male officer had done but still felt humiliated and sore She consoled herself with the thought that at least he hadn't pretended to find anything that would later cause a problem for her..or so she thought. He waited until she picked up her brassiere and dropped the bombshell:
"Pity about the two errors concerning your bra".
Wilson gasped aloud and her face turned pale.
"Firstly your reluctance to remove the garment and then the disgustingly filthy state that it is in".
Disbelievingly she looked at the material and saw the mark on the left cup. She immediately panicked as she desperately tried to think of how the mark could have occurred and how she could explain it away. Her panic was interrupted and then raised to new heights by his next remark.
"So unfortunately I will have to register two Breast Related Demerits on your file. They should be no problem provided your record is clean".
He did his best to seem surprised when, having scrolled down her conduct sheet he found and remarked on, the outstanding BRD‘s.
Wilson stood aghast at his casual comments. She was only too aware that her breasts were already under threat and had sworn to herself to do everything and anything to avoid that third demerit. Now she had four. Should she throw herself on the mercy of this officer? She was sure that he hadn't realised that his demerits would be the ones that would require a breast caning. Perhaps, if she grovelled enough he might even erase them from her record. Perhaps she should offer to take an unofficial, even if it would need to be taken on her breasts, perhaps he would let her off with a hard breast slapping? Anything would be preferable to having the Governor pass sentence.
Fortunately she stopped herself from further abasement by electing to remain silent. She knew that there was nothing that she could offer him. The normal sexual gifts that she had to offer were his for the taking anyway. Her poor sensitive breasts would now be caned and there was nothing that she do about it.
The aim of the charade fully achieved, Wilson was dismissed back to her squad and Stewart continued with his interviews long into the day. When every prisoner had been interviewed he carefully examined the line of crumpled thongs hanging from their individual hooks. He accepted the unfairness of expecting each prisoner to present an unmarked undergarment bearing in mind their regulation tightness and the strenuous exercise that hard cleaning requires. The wearers would have spent some time bent double or squatting with legs wide so the thin material would be forced into every opening to reveal any lack of cleanliness. Even so standards had to be maintained.
Most of the thongs were understandably damp from the wearers exertions but four showed signs of carelessness. The thin strap that bisected the buttocks were stained on three examples and the fourth had signs around the vulval area suggesting some arousal. The names were entered into the computer to be dealt with during the evenings parade.
The decision as to who the squad leader was to be was easy enough and the name of Dickinson was added to a pre-prepared notice. Her first task would be to assist him later with those on report for soiled underwear.
His ‘phone rang.
It was the Lady Governors secretary with the instruction that he was to report to the Governor at 6pm that night for an interview.
He was totally polite to the secretary despite his stomach seemingly filling with iced-water as his mind raced trying to think of any possible reason for such a summons. He remembered only too well how he had been recently told that his status as an officer could be revoked at any time and even if he retained that status, he could still be expected to be punished as a prisoner for the slightest infraction.
It was a somewhat nervous Stewart who knocked on the door exactly on time.
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