Jane and Towser - Reward and Punishments.
Chapter 1
“Am I really sure I want to go through with this?” Jane asked herself for the umpteenth time. “For a full month? Are I sure it'll be safe?”
It was the dogs she was worried about. Was she absolutely certain that the automatic feeder she'd made would work perfectly? As for herself, she knew that she was taking an enormous risk, but she was confident that the training she'd given them would hold. Certainly Towser would do his best; he really enjoyed this new game. But a month - give or take a day or so - was a very long time to spend in the role she'd chosen. Water would be her main problem if things went awry, but she expected to have some freedom of movement and she'd taken the precaution of arranging alternative emergency supplies in various places around the premises. She was as certain as she could be that the training of the dogs would hold over the period, and that they would obey the various ultrasonic signals the timer would send to them even without the rewards they'd received when they'd been trained. Once more she went through the workings of the various mechanisms she'd installed and tested over the last few weeks. She was untroubled by the prospect of casual callers at this remote old farm, and even if a rare caller arrived Jane would have ample warning, giving her plenty of time to hide among the maze of sheds, barns and outbuildings. And few visitors would care to risk an encounter with two such large and apparently ferocious dogs!
Jane picked up her latest toy from the kitchen table; without this the whole scenario would be impossible. She it turned in her hands - a plain leather dog collar, slightly thicker than might have been expected and heavier than it seemed. The extra weight, as she knew, was due to the row of thin, flexible batteries sewn invisibly into the leather. Those, in conjunction with the the row of stainless steel studs around its interior circumference, would dealt the collar's wearer an agonising electric shock on receiving the appropriate signal from the computer. She checked the setting at which the signal would be emitted - two feet, ten inches. Getting down on all-fours, she buckled the collar around her neck with trembling fingers, wriggling her neck inside it and feeling the slick surface of least one of the studs continue to be in contact with her flesh. Then, her face a mixture of fear and determination, she attempted to stand. As she expected, the moment the crown of her head rose above the pre-set distance from the floor, she was knocked flat on her stomach by the powerful electric shock the collar delivered to her neck. She turned on to her side, her face screwed up in agony. But the pain of the shock swiftly passed, and Jane took off the collar and resumed her seat.
Picking up the compressed air hypodermic, she studied its colourless contents. This was another tour de force on her part; a drug which would change her body odour until an antidote was injected. This was been a master stroke, she thought. No change in her scent was detectable to human senses, but to the keen noses of the dogs Jane would no longer be their Mistress, but the oddly-shaped animal they'd been introduced to so often in the weeks of their training. Even her collar had spent six months around the neck of a young Spaniel bitch, and the warmth of Jane's flesh would be sending out a faint hint of the bitch's characteristic scent for a considerable time.
She glanced up at the kitchen clock. It would be two hours before the dogs would be released from the small brick shed they'd slept in for the last month. They would run straight to the long open-sided porch outside where their water bowl and feeding bowl were stationed. The water bowl was kept to a continous level of two inches, and the food would rattle down a metal chute in to the other bowl at eight o'clock in the morning and six o'clock at night.
Yet again she checked the amounts of food available, and tested the mechanism for dispensing it. All was in perfect order, and she walked out into the fresh early sunshine intended to inspect what she thought of as her tethering points. The nearest was about thirty feet from the bowls, set firmly in the hard-packed earth in the corner where the wall of the house met the wall of an adjoining barn. The post was of sturdy oak almost three inches in diameter and stood nearly three feet high. There was others set around the property, including one in the dogs' shed, but she didn't bother with them. Despite the bright sunlight, it was chilly standing there in her thin nightdress, and she shivered before hurrying back into the warmth of the kitchen.
She wandered about the house in restless indecision; did she really, REALLY, intend to go through with this? She made tea, and drank it thoughtfully. Then she checked the various timer settings yet again. The clock said seven - an hour before the dogs would be released - when she stood decisively and slipped out of her nightdress to stand naked on the cool, tiled floor. Seizing the hypdodermic, she rammed it against the flesh of her right buttock and pressed the trigger, hearing the short hiss as the drug was driven under her skin and knowing that it would take effect in half an hour or so.Everything was to hand upon the table before her, and her next action was to insert in her mouth the tiny plastic gag which would hold down her tongue without affecting her abilty to eat and drink. She practised speaking, but could only manage to gurgle incomprehensively. The short chain-leash she'd made for the occasion was next, clipping it to the collar, she allowed it dangle to her upper thigh. Collecting her padded mitts, she went outside. It was much warmer now, and she felt quite comfortable in the windless air as she locked the kitchen door and hung the key on its nail under the low eaves. Taking a last look through the kitchen window at the clock, she saw that the timer for her mitts would switch on in five minutes, at seven-thirty. Hastily she dropped to all-fours and buckled the collar around her neck before thrusting her hands into the mitts and settling the cuffs comfortably around her wrists. She had litle time to change her mind before the faint double click announced that her mitts were now locked on her hands, and she was irretrievably committed. Cautiously she raised her right hand - her right 'paw' now, she thought with a nervous giggle. Higher and higher she raised it, until it passed the invisible barrier that brought her instant, agonising pain. She found herself lying half-senseless on the hard earth, and it was some time before she managed to get back onto all-fours. She looked around her, once more struck by the difference in perspective from her present low level with her eyes no more that twenty inches or so from the ground. Then she walked off towards the small inner yard and the dogs' shed, her short leash trailing between her front paws.
She found the dogs sitting at the barred door of their tiny shed, expecting their freedom at any moment. Jane moved close to the bars and allowed them to sniff her thoroughly, noticing their immediate sense of recognition. With a loud click and a whirr of machinery, the door began to swing open, and Jane moved out of its way to sit on her haunches and wait for the dogs to emerge.
It was Bravo who reached her first. As he'd been trained so painstakingly to do, he seized the leather loop at the end of her leash in his powerful jaws and walked off, dragging her behind him by his shaggy side. Towser followed closely, occasionally sniffing her between her buttocks to reinforce his sense of her identity.
Bravo led her into the shade of the porch and up to its far end where he neatly dropped the loop of her leash over the top of the post before walking back to join Towser in lapping at the water and then sitting expectantly by their large food bowl.
Left alone, Jane sat 'doggy' fashion on her haunches and watched the dogs, guiltily aware of the warm, moist spot high up where her inner thighs joined. It had really happened, she thought with mingled amazement and apprehension; now she really was like them - naked, dumb and on all-fours. And she was collared like them too, as she was reminded whenever she moved her neck. But unlike them, she was tethered; dependant on them for food and water. That thought reminded her that she, too, was hungry, and she wondered, like the dogs, when she'd be able to feed.
A sudden movement on their part told her that the dogs' morning ration of food had been delivered, and she stretched out on her belly and watched them eat, but not before noticing that Towser had hung back a trifle before joining Bravo. Evidently the latter was the leader of their little pack - now of three animals - and she had no illusions about her place in the hierarchy. The dogs finished eating. Towser trotted off on some errand of his own, while Bravo lay on his stomach, his long, thick forelegs stretched out before him. Jane moved restlessly. It had become quite hot, her bladder needed emptying, and she squatted and relieved herself forthwith. After all, she was an animal now, she reminded herself, and animals had no inhibitions about such conduct. Also, although a most fastidious young woman, she secretly enjoyed the freedom of action she enjoyed in her present incarnation.
Bravo raised his head sharply to regard her, than came to his feet and walked over to sniff at the fast-disappearing little puddle of her urine. He raised a hindleg against the wall and added his contribution before taking the loop of her leash in his teeth and lifting it smoothly over the top of its post. This time Jane was ready for the dog's strong tug on her collar, and she followed him obediently to the water bowl. Bravo lay down on his stomach again, her leash trapped under his powerful right forepaw. Jane lowered her hot, sweaty face into the cool water and drank noisily before going on to the remains of the food the dogs had left uneaten. She already knew what she would find; the so-called vegetarian dog food had been left untouched except by the thrusting noses, and a good deal of the coarse cereal 'mixer' had been left too. Although her repast looked and smelt as disgusting as it tasted, Jane ate as much as she possibly could without actually vomiting. She'd steeled herself to do this, as she knew that the quantity of food she'd arranged to be dispensed would be barely enough for the three of them after a few days, and the dogs would make her eat last as she'd suspected they would. When she'd finished, she lay down by Bravo's side and considered what would happen next as her outraged stomach struggled to digest its recent meal.
The next signal to the dogs was programmed to remind them of their next feed at six in the evening; two hours later another signal would summon them to their shed for the night. What she was going to do until then depended on the whim of the dogs. Whichever of them held her leashed at the time might release her to wander off as they'd done in the past; she couldn't go far, being restricted to the small field between the outer yard and the moor, to the yard itself, and to the smaller yard beyond. In the meantime, she closed her eyes and waited upon Bravo's decision.
The huge body next to her moved suddenly, and she opened her eyes to see the great head lift and its eyes fix upon something in the field. The dog stood abruptly, still fixated on what only it could see, then walked off decisively. Jane rose too, and stood on all-fours watching Bravo's departure. But when he reached the open gate to the field, the big dog stopped, turned, and looked back at her. Seeming to come to some decision, he trotted back, took Jane's leash in his mouth, and pulled her with him to her post where he tethered her again. Then he ran off with the air of a job well done.
Jane watched him go, her heart sinking. It was already terribly hot and sticky in the angle where the walls met, and the post was set only a few inches out from the corner, effectively confining the movements of her head and neck to an area equal to a quarter of a circle some two feet in diameter. As the ground dropped gently into the corner, so both her own urine and that of the dog had run down and soaked into the ground there; already it was beginning to smell unpleasantly. Worse, so short was her chain, that when she squatted to empty her bowels - as she would have to on some occasions - she would deposit her droppings no further than about three feet from the post. She thought of what the tiny area of packed soil would be like if she was to be tethered there for long periods and shuddered. With nothing better to do, Jane stretched out on the hot, bare earth and closed her eyes, recalling the events of the morning so far.
She found herself unable to resist giving little wriggles of delight at her memories of being led by the the Alsation at her side, of the irresistible power of his jaws, of her own helplessness when he held her leash. And Towser, when his turn came, would be scarcely less powerful. She felt once more the guiltily delicious sensation of warm moistness high up between her thighs and clenched her eyes shut in ecstasy. Coming back to normality before she climaxed, she sighed, closed her eyes once more, and dozed off to wait for one of the dogs to return.This was by far the most dangerous part of the scenario – should the dogs' conditioning fail, she would stay tethered here to die of thirst. But she wasn't really concerned; there were plenty of stimuli available to persuade one of them to release her, if only to drink. As for the rest of her treatment, it would depend entirely on their training and their individual whims of the moment. Knowing that her best chance of getting through her ordeal was to spend as much time as possible asleep or dozing, she closed her eyes and turned off her mental activities one by one until she reached that state of half-trance she sought.
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