Chapter 2
She must have slept – or tranced – for quite a long time, for when she woke, she could see from the position of the sun that it was mid-afternoon. Congratulating herself on sleeping through the fierce heat of noon, she rose, stretched, and looked about her. Neither of the dogs were in sight, and her shoulders drooped in disappointment. She gave her tether a petulant tug before lying down again on her belly, her chin propped on her mitted hands, to stare miserably out onto the shimmering heat of the deserted yard. After a time she shifted uneasily at the urgings of her bladder; her gut, too, was ill at ease following her 'meal' of the morning. Rather than wait for a dog to take her to empty her bladder - if it even decided to - she went to end of her short halter and squatted on the hot ground. While she urinated, to her horror her bowels gave way, depositing a glistening pile of turds between her legs. Worse, the distance she'd been able to put between the pole she was tethered to and where she'd been able to deposit her wastes was so small, and the hard packed earth sloped down to the wall with the result that she was obliged to stand or lie in a puddle of her own urine. Tired and bored, her arms aching from bearing the unaccustomed weight of her upper body, she waited until the pool of urine had sunk into the thirsty soil before lying down tentatively on the damp ground. Her back to the pole, she stared out into the yard in a state of semi-hypnosis until the flies found her droppings, and then her sweaty flanks. She groaned in disgust, and covered her nose and mouth with a front paw while she waited in mindless patience, like a tethered beast, for one of the dogs to appear.
The shadows had lengthened considerably when Jane's prayers were answered and Towser appeared, loping easily over the yard towards her. He ran right to where she stood waiting, sniffed her vigorously – paying special attention to her collar and her cleft – then went to the water dish where he lapped thirstily. Waiting until he raised his dripping muzzle, Jane went down on her belly and whined as loudly as she could to attract his attention. Towser looked at her for a moment before trotting over and licking her back. Then he sat and looked thoughtfully at the short pole on which her leash was trapped. He gave a little shake of his head, as if remembering something, then raised his head and took up the end of her leash in his long jaws. He raised his head fully, and slipped the leash over the top of the pole, before sitting and dropping it at his feet. Jane roused herself and stood for a moment before moving tentatively in the direction of the water bowl, the end of her leash trailing after her. Towser followed her with his eyes, but other than that he made no move.
Slowly and carefully in order not to disturb him, Jane lowered her thirsty lips into the warm, flat water. Scarcely had she begun her noisy lapping when she heard a flurry of movement behind her, and the sudden crushing weight of Towser's front paws on her shoulder blades almost sent her toppling. She felt with horror the urgent pressure of the front of his hairy thighs aganist the backs of her own, and the warm, hard, slimy tip of his member between the lips of her vagina. In shock and terror she flung herself forward to lie face down across the water bowl before rolling on to her side and scrambling away from him. Then, with vague memories of dogs mating that she'd seen, she sat firmly on her haunches and stared at him, wide-eyed and panting with shock and exertion. Towser stared back at her from three feet away; his penis still erect and a drop of his sperm glistening on its tip. Then his member subsided, he seemed to give a philosphical shrug, and he lowered his head to drink.
Jane relaxed, feeling immensely cheered by this tame ending to the incident. Bitches couldn't be raped, she remembered being told. All they had to do was to sit on their haunches and the disappointed male would have to accept their decision - exactly what had just happened, in fact. She amused herself by imagining her dog's thoughts at that moment. The odd-looking bitch, with its fascinating scents, wasn't on heat yet, he'd be thinking; but it would come on heat eventually – after all, they always did! She giggled silently at the notion, heady with relief at her narrow escape, a good reference for the effectiveness of the scent-altering drug that she'd become an object of sexual attraction to her own dog! Her shoulders ached from the force of Towser's paws landing on them with such sudden heaviness, and she blessed her prescience on having the claws of both dogs clipped short previously – although it hadn't been the recent eventuality she'd had in mind, but the close bodily contact with them that she'd be obliged to endure.
Anyway, the danger had gone, and Jane slowly edged away to a position from which she could see the large clock on the kitchen wall through the window. It read nearly six, the time for the dogs to be fed for the second time that day, and, sure enough, Bravo appeared in the paddock running towards them. Jane was twenty feet out in the yard, and Bravo paused to sniff her before seizing her trailing leash and dragging her with him to the food bowl where he exchanged sniffs of recognition with Towser. When both dogs were satisfied that all three of the party were the same creatures they'd been a few hours ago, they sat side by side before their food bowl, their eyes fixed on the opening in the wall through which their ration of food would drop into the bowl.
The loop of Jane's leash was trapped around Bravo's left fore paw, and she had no alternative than to sit by his side and wait for the food to trundle down the chute.
When it arrived – the same mixture of meat and vegetarian dog food with a copious supply of the the coarse, gritty cereal, both the dogs fell to with a will. Jane, suddenly aware of the demands of her empty stomach, contemplated joining them. There wasn't quite enough room for her to insert her head in competition with the dogs – not without some uninhibited shoving, at any rate – and she was unsure of their reaction. But a large chunk of cereal mixer was lodged on the dirty rim of the bowl where she could take it without disturbing the dogs, and she ventured to lower her head and scoop it up in her lips. The dogs lifted their heads and gave her twin flat stares from their yellow eyes. Bravo growled deep in his throat, and Jane bellied down in sudden fright. Evidently pacified by the submissive attitude of his little pack's most recent member, the huge dog returned to his food.
Bravo ate swiftly, and he was sitting back licking his lips long before the Towser had finished. Jane looked up at pleadingly, alarmed at the speed at which the small remaining portion of food was diminishing under Towser's attentions. She tugged tentatively at her leash, and Bravo loosed his hold sufficiently to allow her to reach the bowl. Gingerly she lowered her head, all the time keeping a close and apprehensive eye on Towser. But, apart from a single dismissive glance, he ignored her – and so it was that Jane found herself bumping noses with her own dog in competition for the last scraps.
Bravoi stopped the game abruptly by grabbing Jane's halter and dragging her away with him to lie down. Jane lay in front of him,facing him to give her leash its maximum length. Bravo stared past her, her leash trapped between his great paws. Jane rolled onto her back, at which Towser strolled over to sniff at her breasts and genitals. Now confident in her ability to cope with any more serious manifestations of his amorousness, Jane lay still, shamelessly enjoying his attentions. She spread her legs hoping he would lick her clitoris, but he merely gave her a look of disgust before turning away. 'Wow!' she thought with a giggle. 'I'm actually coming on to my own dog! And I bet he thinks I'm a real tease!' She laughed silently at the thought, before recalling his earlier attempt at intercourse.
She sobered instantly, remembering the shock and terror of those moments, from the sudden weight of the dog and the brutal, urgent thursting of his thighs against her rump, to the terrifying feeling of his penis probing at the lips of her vagina. Had she not reacted with such instant energy, fired by by her instinctive horror, she might well have been penetrated by her own dog. The thought filled her with such shame and disgust that she almost vomited. In spite of the disgust she felt, her thoughts kept returning to the subject solely because, as she realised, a tiny seed of guilty enjoyment existed deep within.
At the thought she shuddered in shame; but even as she did she felt herself becoming wet between the thighs. Disgusted with herself, she rolled over on to her stomach and ground her groin into the gritty soil.
At last she relaxed and rolled onto her left side facing Bravo, her leash lying slack on the ground between her collar and his massive right paw. Even now she could scarcely believe her position, held leashed by a dog, to be led off wherever he wished, and she wondered what the dogs intended to do with her when they received the inaudible signal summoning them to the small shed where they'd be shut up all night. She devoutly hoped that Bravo wouldn't tether her to the pole where she'd spent a large part of the day; though there would be nothing she could do to prevent it. Come to think of it, she didn't know yet the full implications of what she'd trained the dogs to do, and how their behaviour would inevitably mutate over time without her constant correction – she'd been too busy persuading them to accept her as one of their own. And in that she had succeeded a little too well, she thought ruefully, glancing over to where Towser lay so innocently.
But the evening was too warm and peaceful for any prolonged thinking, and Jane joined the dogs in lying there in mindless contentment.
She was brought out of the pleasant vagueness she'd fallen into by the sudden stirring of both dogs simultaneously. Bravo's head was raised, and his large ears stood erect. He rose abruptly to his feet, then bent his head and picked up the loop of Jane's leash in his teeth. Seeing his intentions, Jane scrambled to all-fours in time to avoid a painful tug on her collar as Bravo walked slowly and purposefully away, Towser at his side. Jane padded obediently along at Bravo's other side, her flank bumped heavily at every step by his huge haunches. She was concentrating so much on her aching arms that she had no notion of where she was being taken until she recognised their surroundings as the stable yard beyond the main one, and was able to see that she was being led to the small shed at its far end. Its six foot wide, full height barred door stood open, and when Jane was led through it she was aware at once of the thick straw on the concrete floor – and the smell!
She had no time for further observations, for Bravo at once dragged her to the rear wall of the gloomy little shed and thrust the loop of her leash over just such another pole as had held it before and once more she was tethered helplessly on her two foot leash.
She heard a loud clang from the entrance; unable to turn around due to the shortness of her tether, she stood parallel to the wall and turned her head to see that the barred door had now closed and that she and the dogs were shut up for the night in this dark, foul-smelling shed.
The dogs seemed unperturbed by their imprisonment; but they'd been trained to accept it over the last month or so. Both of them padded through the damp, dirty straw and flopped down on their bellies, one on either side of her. Towser turned on his side with his hairy back to her, while Bravo lowered his great head, propped it on his outstretched paws, and fell asleep.
Jane stood for a moment, not relishing the thought of lying down on the straw, faintly damp with the dogs' urine and hiding nameless horrors mixed in with it – an aversion that became all the stronger when she shifted position and felt something soft and unpleasantly squashy under a thin layer of damp straw beneath her left knee. She cursed herself for not remembering to give them fresh bedding before she'd begun her adventure. Another horrible possibility arising from her enforced close proximity to the dogs struck her – fleas! It had been some time since she'd de-fleaed her own dog, and she'd no idea when Bravo had been done the same service by his owner, at present out of the country for an extended period. She didn't think that either dog had fleas at the moment, but both roamed the moor at will, and the animals out there were certainly not as fortunate.
But she couldn't possibly stand here all night; her arm muscles were screaming at her for relief, and she gingerly lowered her body into the prickly straw, shrinking at its clammy embrace. It smelt even worse at close quarters, but she shut her eyes and tried to sleep nontheless.
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