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Review This Story || Author: Tojo

Jessie\'s story

Part 3

Jessie�s story- Pt

Jessie�s story- Pt. 3


Jessie watched apprehensively as her captor leaned back and undid his pants. As she reluctantly moved closer, she heard voices outside the door. In a flash, her instincts of self-preservation took over. Slamming her forehead down on his delicate parts, she scrambled to her feet, and aimed a kick at his crotch. With the second blow, he slithered to the floor moaning. In her stockinged feet, she hurried to the door, and turned around to open it. Bursting into the passageway, she slipped on the shiny lino and unable to use her hands, overbalanced and fell down. Looking around frantically, she saw two domestics disappearing around the next corner.


�HELP HELP� she called out- �I�ve been kidnapped!�


The two women turned around, and ambled towards her, pushing their cleaning trolley. They looked to be in their 40s, shapeless women, who had spent too many years cleaning up other people�s messes. They looked unsympathetically at Jessie, lying there with her wrists tied behind her. She was scrabbling around on the slippery floor, trying to get up, her hair in disarray and top almost off. �Please help me, there�s a guy in the next room, who�s trying to take me out of the country.


Wordlessly the domestics leaned down and took an arm each. Dragging her non-too gently to her feet, they turned to the door she�d just come through. Her protests were ignored as she was dragged back into the room she�d just escaped from. �What are you doing?� was her desperate plea. �He�s still in there, let me go. Why don�t you untie me?�


Still no word from the two determined women, as they entered the room. Her captor was sitting hunched in a chair, holding his bruised privates. In disbelief, Jessie looked from the cleaners to the kidnapper. �Please, just let me go,� she begged, all the fight gone out of her.


�Is this yours Mr. Kimodo?� asked one of the women, who still held her upper arm in an iron grip.


�Can you put her in the box for me girls?� he said in a hoarse whisper. �I don�t feel like prevailing upon her for sexual favours right now.�


�Like this? Or you want her clothes off?�


�I want every stitch of clothing off her� he replied. �Don�t rip her clothes though, I like that outfit.�


Jessie began to scream and kick as she was dragged over to the box. When one of the domestics took the lid off, she saw it was tailor made for her. It was long enough for her to stretch out in, and about 3 feet wide. A thick board on edge ran across one end, which came apart, like a set of stocks, revealing holes for her neck and wrists. A similar one near the bottom had a hole for each ankle, on each side.


Black sponge rubber lined the bottom and sides, as well as the lid. �No- please,� she moaned, becoming panicky �you can�t put me in there- I�ll suffocate.�


�No-one has yet, my little wildcat� said the Australian guy. �Besides, if you did, it�d serve you right!�


While one of the women stood behind her, holding her arms, the other peeled her blouse down, and undid her skirt. The skirt was left around her ankles, hampering her efforts to kick, and her wrists were untied. Soon, she was completely naked, her arms forced up behind her back.


The repulsive pairtook the opportunity to grope and squeeze her, pinching her nipples and poking at her snatch. No matter how she fought and twisted around, it was impossible to evade their questing fingers. Although she was humiliated and terrified, her body was betraying her. There was no denying it, these creepy women were getting her excited. The way they were handling and humiliating her was having an effect she couldn�t deny.


Her body was trembling in fear, anticipation and a fair amount of lust as they installed her on her back in the box. The bar went over her wrists and neck, forcing her head back so she was unable to see the rest of her body. Once it was fixed into place, she couldn�t even turn her head and the fit was so tight,her breathing was restricted. Too petrified to move, she lay still as she was stretched out and her ankles received the same treatment.


She was stuck! Nothing in her life had prepared her for this. Normally a strong-willed woman, she was finding it hard to think straight. Her mind was numb with terror. This couldn�t be happening, it just didn�t seem real.


Her eyes closed as the clumsy fingers were at her most secret spot again. Her legs were held far enough apart that a well-lubricated finger slipped inside her with no trouble. It moved around inside her, then withdrew, to be replaced by a small egg-shaped object. Craning her neck, all she could see was the back of the woman�s head- she couldn�t even see her own breasts.


A plastic mask was placed over her face and taped into place with a generous amount of duct tape. Her eyes were covered, then more duct tape went over that. As her world went dark, air began to hiss into the facemask.


Again, the hands were all over her body, the same rough, clumsy hands. Duct tape was plastered over her crotch- sealing her up tight. The egg was not coming out now. A hard triangular object was wedged into place between her legs, with a rubber cover that pressed hard against her and forced her legs even further apart.


�Ticklish are you?� asked a disembodied voice, as someone tickled the soles of her feet. She jerked from side to side, trying to evade the flickering fingers.


Some sort of soft rubber packing material, was poured around her, covering her entirely, as if she was being drowned in styrofoam beads. The lid of the box was forced down, compressing the packing, and making any movement impossible. Suddenly it was just Jessie, with no external influences whatsoever.


The sensations were unbelievable. She was squeezed from all sides, unable to even twitch. It was like being in concrete. The only sound was the air hissing into the facemask. For a moment she considered the possibility of asphyxiation, if the air supply failed.


The bar was tight around her neck, as she tried to keep her panic under control. Breathing deeply and rhythmically, she could feel her heart pounding and a roaring in her ears.


The box seemed to be moving- it was hard to tell, but her feet seemed to rise- yes, that was a bump. �Oh my God� she thought- they�re putting me on a ship. Suddenly it was too much, panic overcame her. �LET ME OUT OF HERE� she screamed. With all her strength, she tried to gain some sort of movement. Flexing her muscles, she pulled, pushed and threw herself from side to side, screaming incoherently. For a few minutes she was in a state of blind panic, until she was spent.


Fists clenched, she tried desperately to calm herself. �I�m not going to die. I�m going to be OK. I�ve got air, I�m perfectly safe.�


The box seemed to drop into place and all was still. As she gradually willed each muscle to relax, her breathing slowed to the point that she entered a state of detachment. Her brain seemed to cease functioning- as if she was now on autopilot, like a computer going into sleep mode.


A small voice deep inside her seemed to be saying �I�m OK- I can survive through this.�


Without any warning, the egg deep inside her started to gently vibrate.



Review This Story || Author: Tojo
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