It took about a week. Rachel was getting stronger by the day. We put some gym equipment into the suite so she could exercise. Sukie was doing a good job of caring for her and I had to admit that I’d been enjoying having the two of them to come back to at the end of the day.
I came back in and Rachel and Sukie were playing chess, Tommy Smith’s recording of Eric Satie’s Gymnopédie was playing on the CD player. The two of them looked up at me as I dropped my papers on the table. Rachel waved. Sukie got to her feet.
“How’s the game,” I asked looking at the board.
“Rachel is winning,” said Sukie. Rachel looked surprised. I looked down at the pieces.
I could see what she had to do. “Sometimes you have to sacrifice something to get what you want,” I said, looking at the position of Rachel’s queen. Rachel looked again at the board and then, finally, moved her queen. Sukie, her own king now in check had no choice but to take it. Her capturing knight now lay vulnerable to Rachel’s bishop. It swept across the board to remove the knight.
“Check mate,” laughed Rachel, clapping her hands. Sukie smiled to Rachel and then smiled in turn at me. Rachel pushed the board away from herself. “You’re right,” she said. “sometimes you do have to sacrifice things.” She turned towards me. “I feel things have started again. Since the attack. It might happen again but it might not. Either way I am here now. I have left a lot behind me. I have to find where I go next, from here, not from somewhere else. Maybe that needs acceptance. Maybe that needs sacrifice.”
“Maybe,” I said, watching her.
“Sukie tells me you saved her too.” Sukie looked embarrassed as she went to clear away the chess pieces and the board.
“No. No, I didn’t save her. She saves herself. I gave her a new place in which to try.”
“I want to save myself too. I have a new place too, since the attack.”
“Can you accept things the way that Sukie does? You have the strength I am sure but can you do it?”
Rachel looked thoughtful. “I’m not sure,” she said, “but I want to try. Do what you want with me. I’ll learn acceptance. I’ll make myself for the life I have to lead here. I’ll write for you.”
“I want to believe you, Rachel. I’m sure you can make yourself. You just need to follow your own script. Can you write it?”
“Yes,” she said. “I am writing it already,” she tapped the side of her head. “In here.”
“I could get you a laptop. It would be easier.”
Rachel smiled. “Later,” she said. “Come to bed, now. With Sukie and me. Now. It’s in script.”
Sukie was standing at the door to the bedroom. They had obviously discussed this already. She was grinning widely, pleased that, at last, she and I would be together again. We took ourselves to bed for over three hours. At one point Rachel was kneeling with her wrists bound, fellating me while Sukie knelt across me, her tiny nipples pressed against my face. At another Rachel tied Sukie’s wrists, giving head to her while I stroked the two girls. All three of us, panted and grunted our way through orgasm after orgasm. (Well they did at least, I’m no athlete. But they didn’t let the fact that I had spent myself prevent them continuing to enjoy themselves, taking amusement in my exhaustion while they pleasured one another.)
Rachel and I were still together in bed the following morning. She still wearing nothing apart from her collar and the silken cords that she and Sukie had used in bondage play looped loosely around her wrists.
Sukie appeared at the door to the bedroom, naked and carrying a breakfast tray for the three of us. She sat on the bed beside us. The three of us devoured the figs, honey yoghurt, rolls, orange juice and coffee.
Rachel sat up, putting her hand on my thigh. “I meant it,” she said. “I’ll do what you want. I’ll write for you.”
“I know you mean it,” I said. “I believe you want to. I have a job for you. There is a group of four women going through a new form of orientation. Go and talk to them. Write about them, understand what has been done to them. I want to understand how they feel. You may think it’s brutal. Can you do it?”
She gave me a look of firm resolve. “Yes,” she said, “I can.”
“You’ll have to be chained outside of here,” I said.
She looked shocked for a moment but then smiled. “Of course,” she said. “I should have realised. That’s all right. I understand.”
I breathed a sigh of relief internally. At least she had crossed that hurdle of acceptance. I made a few phone calls. After a few minutes a guard appeared with a set of shackles and a laptop to escort Rachel. She went with him willingly.
I’d always meant for Rachel to be exposed to the sexualisation of Brian’s family at some point in the process and it seemed like now would be as good a time as any. The idea was to give Rachel the opportunity to demonstrate her resolve both to me and to herself and to see that she could confront what the organisation did.
I stopped by at one point to watch her through the one way
mirrors that looked into the rooms that Brian’s family occupied. The light in
the rooms was bright, the colours vivid. Beth and Ella were showing Rachel a
range of sex toys, all in bright, primary colours with soft rounded edges. Beth
lifted up her short pale green smock exposing her naked breasts and allowing
Rachel to experiment with one of the vibrators on her nipples. She laughed as
the tickling sensation brought her the pleasure she craved. The two girls drew
Rachel to one side showing her
When Rachel returned that evening it was clear that she had had done more than just confront what the organisation was doing. She had been fired up by what she had seen.
“Do you want to talk, Rachel?” I asked.
She shook her head. “No, I want to write. I really want to write. I’ll use my room. Why don’t you and Sukie enjoy yourselves for the evening. I really need to write.” Her eyes were flashing with eagerness, her cheeks flushed. She scurried into her room, clutching her laptop to her.
Sukie emerged from the kitchen. She saw Rachel disappear. “She is better?”
“I don’t know,” I said. “She seems to have found a new way forward. We’ll have to see,”
“You’re worried about her,” Sukie said. “I can see. And it’s about her, isn’t it? Not just what she means to the business or what that means to you?”
I nodded. As always, Sukie, managed to see inside what was going on.
“You won’t send me away will you? If she is well?”
“No, Sukie, I won’t do that,” I said reassuringly. Although I wasn’t sure how I could justify hanging on to her at the end of the project, I didn’t think I could betray her like that after all she had done.
She smiled, grateful. “Come,” she said. “I’ll make some food. Rachel will be busy for hours. You need something to take your mind off your worries.”
“Yes,” I said. “I’ll let you win at backgammon again if you like.”
“Let me win!” Sukie laughed. “I suppose the slave must let her keeper retain his illusions.”
“Of course,” I said.
Rachel worked on her report for all that evening. She slept by her laptop. I heard her working at it at various times through the night. When I got up to leave the suite for a meeting with Harry, she was fast asleep across the keyboard of the computer.
I had to put up with quite a bit of teasing from Harry and the others over my personal harem as Rick had called it. “You’ll be off to Kushtia next,” he’d said. “What with Tricia, those two and that Kelly girl. I don’t know how you have the energy.”
The truth was I didn’t have the energy. I hadn’t seen much of Tricia or Kelly. Tricia had been a bit pissed off when I told her I was moving into the flat with Rachel and Sukie, which I guess was understandable. The project for Rachel was soaking up all of my time. I certainly hadn’t got time to go off playing kinky games with Kelly. As Freddie had said, I didn’t want pressing any harder on this one.
When I got back to the suite, Rachel and Sukie were waiting for me. It wasn’t surprising, really; they couldn’t leave after all. What was surprising was Rachel’s appearance. She’d made up her face and done her hair (actually I reckoned that Sukie had helped with that). She was wearing a very short skirt and a very tight, low cut top that left her arms and midriff bare. She had put on the manacles that were used when she needed to leave the suite. She was holding a folder, which I guessed was her report. Sukie stood beside her holding a leash that ran to Rachel’s collar.
I sat down at the table. Somehow I felt I should let Sukie or Rachel make the first move. Sukie led Rachel towards the table.
“The slave Rachel wishes to speak, Sir,” Sukie said.
I felt that the situation demanded formality and a firm tone. She wouldn’t need questions now. Maybe that could come later. “Approach slave,” I said, beckoning to her and noticing that she seemed pleased by being addressed that way. “Say what you have to.”
“I have completed my report, Sir,” Rachel said, putting the folder on the table. “Can I talk to you about it?”
“Yes, of course, slave. What is it?” I was concerned in case she had found the programme too close to her own experiences of rape.
“I’ll explain about it in a moment but there’s something else I have too say. I want to undergo the programme. Myself. I’ll do it willingly. This is my script. I want to do this and write for you. They were so alive; so untroubled by anything apart from pleasure; so lost in their desire to please. It’s what my life should be; about pleasure and pleasing.”
“And you understand what is involved?”
“You will see that if you read the report. I think you’ll find it thorough.”
“I’m sure it is Rachel,” I said.
“It’s in my script,” she said firmly. “But you own me. You saved me.” She dropped to her knees. “You can say if I may follow my script.”
I put out my hand and brought her to her feet. “Of course, Rachel,” I said. She smiled. “Let me talk to the team tomorrow.” She looked sad. “We cannot do it now. I have to be sure that you are properly cared for. I don’t want the risk of you being hurt again.” She smiled again with relief, grateful that I wasn’t simply trying to postpone things. Nothing could have been further from my mind. I looked across at Sukie. She nodded. Her judgement was important to me. I wanted things to turn out right for Rachel, I wasn’t sure she knew what was best for herself yet, but I trusted Sukie to understand. Rachel hugged me as best she could with her wrists in chains.
“Now, Sir,” said Rachel making a visible effort to contain herself, “would you like to hear the report or perhaps you might like to take pleasure in my body.”
I took her by the arm and pulled her down to site beside me. “The report for now,” I said. “Perhaps Sukie can fix us some food.” Rachel looked disappointed. “And then perhaps we can all play later.” She brightened up. Sukie bowed, smiled happily, and headed off to the kitchen.
Rachel picked up the file and began pointing out the important parts of her report. “Here’s the account of the process,” she said barely pausing for breath as she hopped backwards and forwards through the folder. “I understand that you saw something of the initial stimulation programme. There’s a summary of the normalised environment and the technology that they have used for the thong and the women’s reactions to it. They’ve managed to do some psychological profiles of each of the women now and I’ve summarised those. And here is a table showing the results of the progressive reduction in time from initial stimulation to orgasm as they have each progressed through the programme. I spoke to the two girls first. They were both quite inexperienced sexually so it was an interesting exercise to contrast their reactions to that of their mother and their aunt. It was so useful to have family members like that. Here’s how they felt about things like the toys and the free expression, music, art, colour and sensations of touch and taste and smell, And here’s the accounts of their first sexual encounters following the completion of the programme and their reaction to varying frequencies of stimulation from the thong. I’ve put in an account from each of them on how they felt initially and their attitudes at the completion of the programme. What was also fascinating was the reaction of the men that they had been with. I managed to get details from some of them as well. They describe the performance of the women as extremely satisfying, far improved over rape – unless of course forced sex was being specifically sought – and better than most sexual encounters in almost every case. Only those in committed relationships felt that their encounters with the subjects did not fully measure up to those with their own partners and even then there are some thoughts that where a commitment already exists that the programme could reinforce it.” She looked shyly at me. “I’m sorry, Sir,” she said. “I’m talking too much.”
“Not at all, slave,” I said. She sat up with pride at the use of the term. “You’re just following your script.”
“You’re making fun of me,” she said, accusingly.
“No, not at all. I’m glad you found this in yourself. You can be safe now.”
“I know,” she said. “I have to lose something in order to gain other things. I’m ready to do this.”
And she was. I was able to get her started on the programme the following day. She’d spend the day relaxing with Sukie to prepare herself. The programme proper would start in the evening. That gave me time to go with Harry for a further meeting with the Emir. We had to deliver the first part of his shipment.
© Freddie Clegg
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