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Hilda\' s two Masters

Part 13

Hilda s two Masters part 12 of 13

Hilda�s two Masters part 13 of 20




Even in this part I had must plaited in simplified explanation models from this newly open world, where f ex experiences from the multi-dimensional psychical room are coded on its different process channels. In these parts flows the information freely between our different senses input.


By doing this I take the risk of make it boring for the �action-men�, but it create a more understanding and also more questions among they, men and women, that want to stand on moderate science ground.


I apologize for that, but I don�t want it to stand out as magic either.


I admit that I don�t comprehend it all, but, please try to understand my task: To explain en new unexplainable and unbelievable phenomena to at least be in the vicinity of understandable and than translate it into a foreign language! Please!


If you don�t know what I mean, try to translate the story to Swedish, Danish, Greek, Spanish, German or Latin, when that is done your opinion counts in my eyes.

You have to plod through it to know the story, otherwise it will continue to be unknown to you.

Good luck




Hilda�s two Masters part 13 of 15



The Man:


- In the middle of year 2008 or so I will publish my research-results. In the same time I will lock the copyright to my work.


- I have personal interest in the dominance and submission-syndrome. That is also why I during my experiments have connected it to my results and elaborated the syndrome further in this specific area.

All in the meaning of that the small part as you recognize is only a side-effect of my whole science results.


- I have and had to test it on a distinctly number of voluntarily persons to get science relevance. Though I didn�t thought that there would be so many voluntarily persons, the risks is zero and the gains are sky-high, as you know now.

The new technique give so many more adjusting in its pace.

My testing had been in steps and the reason for that I so far only had used women are that they normally have I higher degree of simultaneous capacity, well also the fact that I�m a heterosexual man. The female ways of thinking are more suitable for my research at this stage.


- It is especially nice that Sweden will, by this, be known on the front edge of this development.

As you surely can understand I can�t explain it too detailed to not reveal decades of research work.


- The academically world, could sound peaceable and serious, but there are too many individuals that gladly in laziness take advances of other work.


- Yes Master! I understand that!


- But I want to explain to you a little of its function during the time we work with it. You will be less confused if you understand some of it and first of all that it all is natural reactions. Perhaps you understand the parallel between �pull water over a goose� and �drink like a fish�?


- Yes Master I think so.


No, I didn�t, but to be polite.


- One has also f ex easier to receive subliminal perceptions (unconscious input) if one in certain moments is locking ones normal-consciousness by it is chocked out.


�Yes Master,

I answered but didn�t catch it at all.


- That�s why my order �Naked!� come surprising for you, I hope. It locked your common sense-thinking to automatically obedience, since you are trained, in the same time as your brain had to handle the whole register of shame, nudeness, uncertain, curiosity, together with a unknown environment and a stranger. Can you understand that?


- Yes Master. I think so.


- NAKED! You must have executed that order many times. I observed that you had the movements trained into your procedure-memory or body-memory if you prefer that.


- Yes Master. That is right, Mats has trained me at the most of the command-words. He was very firm. Sometimes I noticed that he punished me only to make me act better and quicker. He said that he wanted me to be trained to become a robot, a movement-automat, which reacted directly on his orders.


- Well I don�t agree with in that. A slave-girl must be it by her own free will and that is also why I with my work am giving her a very extra excitement by the submission-intoxication. It will function as an extra mega-euphoria (and you will experience it as a from no-where coming wonderful feeling)


- Yes Master!


- It is good that you use this word Master, though it is only a word, it is a signal-flag into your unconscious and made your brain trigger a little chemical that you probably have noticed, since yesterday.


- Yes Master, I really have. I wondered early why it felt so good in my body to say Master, only to you. I had never noticed it in that way before. It also made me say it all the time. I have earlier felt it tickle a little when I had said it to Mats and Master Micke, but not in the same trigging way as now. It feels so madly nice. It is as if the word in it self goes down into my stomach, my �my, my private parts and vibrates.


- With the word MASTER you also give a signal of your own acceptance that I�m your MASTER just now. Do you remember that I told your that you don�t need to obey every person around you and that your brain only rewards you this way when you are in a situation that you recognize as a Master-slave-play. And only when you have a person before you that you accept as your Master.

- That is also why you must think of a person as your Master to trigger those nice experience in your brain and body. You steer by yourself, by accepting a person as your Master or not. If there would be a break between you and Micke you could steer over it to any man (or woman) as you want. It is enough that you see him as your Master and then expresses the signal-word, �Master�. Micke has a deed-of-gift on you, so it will automatically function, but here with me you have only his order of obeying me, as you have accepted as your temporary Master.


- Yes Master. Is there any risk that Micke will break up with me?


- No, I said IF. I have studied human behavior for so long that I know that there must be a lot of glue to keep a relation together. One of the most danger joint-blasters is �Take for granted that�� and after that focus your interest outside.

Either you grow together and parallel or apart.


But from a strictly scientist�s view men and women are not intendedfor each other.


The thing is that a man and a woman are so different in any way that there must be a strong glue to keep them together.


- Yes Master, I understand.


And now I did!


- You may now test it by thinking that I�m NOT your Master, just as a test. It is for you to understand that it is you who chooses. Say when! You give me that signal by saying YES and exclude Master.


- Yes Master.


I thought about it and I understood just what he meant and I felt proud when I felt that my thoughts were important. I was worth something and I was slave-girl when I wanted to be it. I will really try this, but then he must be my Master again. I like to think of him as my Master. I love it!


I told myself: �He is NOT my Master� and added softly: �But I like him anyway!� could it be so simple?


I stood in order-position before him.


- YES, I�m ready.


And I though silently: �You are not my Master!�


I felt so funny to think so when I didn�t agreed.


- Good! FOUR here!


He pointed on the floor before him.


I recognized the command-word and I obeyed him and threw myself quickly on my knees and fell forwards with my hands on the floor. My body wanted to do it quickly, because it knew that my brain rewarded me if I did it quickly.


But all the time I felt it was NOT like before, something missed. I didn�t get those lovely thrills

through my body, as a reward for my obeying him and did it quickly, though I was quick.


It was as he said. I could think of him as NOT my Master and all the pleasure was gone, though I obeyed him. I felt also that this time I could have rejected his order; I didn�t get any reward anyway.


But below of that I had Master Micke�s order to obey this man as long as I am here and it must be so and I wanted to do it, I added for myself.


I wonder if Master Micke, when he ordered me to obey Him, thought of it as a bodily and automatically obeying of orders. He didn�t know about these extremely wonderful waves inside of me.


- Well how did you felt it?


- You are right Master. I didn�t reach the nice part. But now I want to think of you as my Master again, please! Please Master!


Immediately I got my wave of reward, so it wasn�t even connected with him.


- Okay, now we have tested it and I think you realize it better. I want you to feel comfortable in your experiences now and later on. They are there for you, nobody else, even if Micke will have his benefit from it as he knew from the beginning. You was automatically going to be a better slave-girl for him, from the little.


- Yes Master.


- You are not here for me to look upon and enjoy a lass but exclusive for your own sake. So that I can help you to open up new doors and new worlds for your brain and that it should learn that there are enjoyable profits in obeying your Master. If you want it of course! You can always exclude him in your Master-thinking, but then again you miss the rewards.

The brain has enormous capacities and all the doors are there from your birth. I�m helping you to open them, have a peek and feel, by showing them and open the door slightly.


- Yes Master!


- We should have talked about it yesterday, but I noticed you were too tired. Do you remember how it felt when you first sat in the chair and is there anything particular that you remember of it?


- Yes Master, I especially remember that it felt so super-nice inside my� my clitoris. It was as if it moved itself. It felt also miraculous inside my� vagina and in my tits, but my clitoris was so super-sensitive that I felt the air in the room and I was the entire time ready to �go off�. It was as if the air touched it in a caressing way. It was completely damn and insanely marvelous. Excuse my language!


- But not magic. I guided your unconscious to handle and enjoy many sensory signals in the same time. Simply expressed you have in those moments a maximal concentration of your attention aimed to and split into one of many, your clitoris.

This is a very sensitive body part, more sensitive than anything else in comparison. Though it is small it is filled with a concentrate of over 6.000 nerve-ends (say: nerve fibers). The much larger penis has not even half of it and on a much larger surface-area. That willtell you what a concentrate of nerves on a small area.


- If you only can make those �nerves� to stand on their mental tip-toes you can imagine what a pleasure that would developed. I do actually not think that more than a fraction of them was involved in what you experienced. So there is much more pleasure to get where it came from.


- Yes Master.


Now the word �Master� call forth those nice pleasure vibrations again, thanks God!Thank you God for this Man. I�m so happy to be selected.


- Perhaps you comprehend which resources of pleasure there are in my work. Mostly the weak link is the consciousness part of the brain and its incapacity to take care of all those resources in the form of second-intensive pleasures. Normally it lack in capacity to collect and handle it, but most of all advance the complete bombardment of input-signals but also subliminally feedbacks.


- Yes Master.


I answered and felt my inability to make out the lot, but I felt the nice waves from the word; �Master� and that was a good reason for saying it in a humble tone.


I imagine, if I was allowed to repeatedly say: Master, Master, Master, I could have a divine orgasm. But I must wait and see. He must lead and demand the events in his own pace.


- To make you understand what we are talking about, I can persuade, in the meaning of �showing the way�, your brain and prepare it to handle many times over pleasure-signals from, for example, your clitoris that you will pass out by the pure pleasure. That would be too much for you, an overstraining. But if I balance it up to the edge it would be more than heaven for you.

But normally a faint from pleasure are nice, but by making you faint your mind can�t handle more and switch of the light.

By my method you can pass that limit with ten, twenty times more pleasure without to swoon.


- Yes Master!


- That is way it is so important with those collecting talks afterwards, so I can put it on the exact right level, just for you. I want you to enjoy it maximally but a neural overloading, you would have no use for, because it would shut of the �light� for you and you will faint.

Do you feel that I could increase it I bit more at your clitoris?


- OH, Yes Master! Please! Thank you Master! I�m so grateful that it hurt! Master! OH!


- Okay. It is a bit of what I mean, when I say that I can increase, decrease it or take it all away. It is for you to find the right level for you. It is extremely individually.


- Thank you Master! I�m so unbelievably grateful and want very much to give you something back, Master.


- That was good that you raised that question. I know what you as a trained slave-girl want to do. I also know that Micke had ordered you to obey me, as you obey him. As a dominant man I can use you as my slave-girl, but I don�t want to feel that I make use of you in a sexual way, even if all this is in the sexual vicinity. It is enough by those parts, which is in your training. I confess that it is nice to watch a naked beautiful slave-girl following orders and so I don�t have to violate my ethical codes.


- Yes Master!


He continued after a short silence.


- You have your orders from Micke to obey me, but okay, I give you from now on the right to not obey me, when ever you feel that you don�t want to. You have my permission, and that is an order. When ever you want to, think: �He is not my Master!� and then you know that the nice feeling will not be there.

You give me the signal of your decision by saying �Yes� and exclude the Master-word. Do you understand what I mean?


- Yes MASTER� I do understand exactly what you mean and I thank you especially for your concern for my person. Thank you MASTER! But I�m a big girl.

I want so infinitely willingly feel this out all the way.

Otherwise I will have a lot of unanswered and burning question-marks, when I go home. I will gratefully remember your offer. But you are still my MASTER!


To really mark my will and gratitude I stressed out the word Master and I felt the rewards twofold.


- Yes I understand. Now we must test the obedience and you have to tell my exactly how you experience it, for me to know if I shall decrease or increase the signals towards your unconscious. They must be right when you leave me. You may rather come back again when your mind and body had got used to the effects.

If you don�t like them of a reason I�ll take it all away as easy as I put them in there.


- Yes Master, I answered obediently and yes, the thrilling wave was there.


I felt how happy I was. It felt wonderful that I was allowed to steer it myself in a allowing or not allowing.


He was so right! All this incomprehensible delight was all for me and only for me.


When I as the slave-girl I wanted to be was forced to obey and blocked off Master, I would also take away the nice part for my self. It seemed a little foolish, didn�t it?


- Please Master, can you let my have my blackmail-force-thinking so a still can feel blackmailed and also have that special pleasure?


- Oaky, It�s done.


To think away my Master would also fight against my own voluntarily slave-girl-role. A slave-girl must not herself, she must obey. In that was the nice effect of submission-feeling hidden.

But wait a moment. It seemed that he was going to let me experience the submission-intoxication too.


I saw clearly the risk in the possibility to this selfish steering. My own opinion of me as a slave-girl was that I didn�t want to do what I was ordered, but the nice feelings came over me when I obeyed anyway. My guess was that it started with the blackmail in my childhood.


No, I have to use this with common sense, but I thank him quietly, for giving me the choice


I started to understand what a marvelous slave-girl I would become to Master Micke. The more I gave him of myself, my obedient and of pleasure to him, the more I receive from my own brain. The bastard was selfish, and as my Master he had that right.

To make sense of it I wondering about if this also worked in the field of agony, humiliation, pain, extreme submission a s o, not that Master Micke was in for spanking, he told me, but a little wouldn�t hurt.I must ask my Master.


I felt humble and crawling when I asked with a stress on Master:


- MASTER, may I ask a question?


- Yes, you may.


He answered as he was in the Master-role.


- I have felt it with obeying and obeying quickly. How do those delighting feelings works in relation to humiliation, pain, bindings, exhibition and more extreme submission as pony-girls, pets and all that one heard of.


I remember that I found a magazine in Master Micke�s toilet with pictures of pony-girls. I thought if he was interesting in those things. I had already sign the deed-of-gift so I was in his grip, if he was. I just wanted to know what I could have in store for me. Here could be a way to combine pleasure with his interest.



- Well generally there is no different.If you feel those delighting feelings in quick obedience you will feel the same if you are before a carriage, or at the floor as a pet, or you get spanked.

In the field of spanking you are easily carried away but your feelings as the pain change place with the pleasure and the sexual lust.It is important that you got a sober Master to make a stop because you will have no stop. You will hope for it to continue beyond the skin is gone because your pleasure is out of this world.


- Thank you Master!


Why did he �put me before a carriage� as his first example, had Master Micke told him something.


Suddenly I started to think of leaving here and I felt so sad and melancholy in my heart and somewhere deep in my body. I wanted to stay longer, much longer.

I know that must go back to Master Micke. I had given him my deed-of-gift, but I wanted to live this out every minutes and seconds.


Imagine if the delightful feeling wouldn�t come, how quick I obey Master Micke, when I get home?


I didn�t think there was any risk to be put before a carriage with this Master, though.


Almost as if could read my thoughts, but that was to go a little too far.


- You must not be worried for the effect of this. It is now deeply rooted in your mind that you will experience the same back with Micke. The effects would rather increase a bit. I would surely found the right balance for the subliminal input-signals and your handling of them and also its feedbacks (outputs) before you leave me. We will test the ways.


- Yes Master,


I answered confirming as I had listening to him and comprehend the most of it.


- Stand up!


It took a second for me to comprehend and I felt sorry.


- Yes Master!


I rose quickly and after another second I stood in the order-position. I got a little nice wave, but not comparable with a �Master-kick�.


- It didn�t felt like before did it?


- No Master.


I answered honestly and disappointed.


- Well what do you think was the reason?


- I didn�t react immediately, Master?


I hope that was the right answer, if so I could do something about it. I could be quicker next time.

I was a bit scared that the delighted feeling was gone and I felt it as a cramp in my heart. As at a loss of a dear and nice friend, a friend that I wanted to meet again and again. Yes, as often as possible.





Will be continued































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