151 Stripped
and Spread-eagled
After Tranh had left her alone in
the inky blackness of the lightless infirmary, Erika lay on the narrow cot
trying to piece together the whispered fragments of the conversation she had
overheard. But Tranh
and Lucky had given few clues and her suspicions and theories had no more
substance than a
cobweb. Soon the overwhelming physical
fatigue brought on by her morning ordeal lulled her into the healing embrace of
her numerous aches and pains Erika slept for several hours, but the blessedness
of repose was disturbed by frightful memories and horrible premonitions. In her first dream she relived, at the
lightning speed of dream-thought, her entire shipboard odyssey. Her betrayal and sabre-lashing
by the baron, her cruel enslavement in the stoking room, her sexual
exploitation in the Bird Cage, her desperate attempt at escape, her recapture,
and her confinement in the infirmary, during which Froggy,
the limping, croaking Chinese sailor had debased her body and crushed her
spirit. In her troubled sleep Erika ran her hands across her naked breasts
again and again, trying in vain to wipe away the remembered detritus of Froggy's depravity.
second dream was in some ways even more haunting. In her second dream Erika relived the
psychological torture of being forced to fashion the Thief's Cat, the whip
which would soon be used to flog her. In her imagination she was forced to tie
and tighten each skin-searing knot of the cat o' nine tails again and again
under the watchful eye of Jasper Slegg, until the
evil first mate was satisfied that every knotted bead was as tough and hard as
her rope-worn fingers could manage.
even Erika's memories, ghastly as they were, were less frightful than her premonitions. The last hour of her restless sleep was
filled by images of pain and punishment yet to come, of nightmarish visions of
bloodthirsty sailors pursuing her, catching her, and subjecting her to
indescribable bouts of depravity and abuse.
Tranh, carrying a brightly burning oil lamp,
re-entered her dingy cell at the appointed hour, Erika's nude body was still
thrashing frenziedly from side to side on the cot as she fought off hordes of
ghostly mariners whose only appetites were for rape and torture.
The scrawny
Vietnamese fondled his swollen erection as he watched Erika's erotic writhings for a moment or two. Licking his dry lips at the sight of Erika's
wriggling body, Tranh was sorely tempted to throw
himself upon her, to spread her soft, creamy thighs and finish the sexual
assault that Lucky's untimely appearance had
interrupted hours earlier.
He inched
closer, holding the lamp so that it would shine brightest on the wispy golden
strands of her pubic hair and her impossibly inviting pinkness of her niche
d'amour. But a sudden clatter of
footsteps overhead reminded him that time was short.
under his breath, the diminutive cook reached down and let his garlic-seasoned
fingertips brush lightly across Erika's right breast before seizing her
shoulder and shaking it roughly.
up, Missy!"
started up from the bed in wild-eyed terror, certain that her dreadful
nightmare and reality had become one.
But upon seeing that Tranh was alone and not
armed with tools of torture as her nightmarish pursuers had been, she shook her
golden mane sleepily and fell back on the bed, hoping for a few more minutes of
Vietnamese jailer was insistent. "Now, Missy!
Everybody on deck waiting! Hurry up – or
I go get Slegg!"
that the summoning of Jasper Slegg would only lead to
added suffering, Erika clambered unsteadily to her feet. To her surprise she
found that, notwithstanding the mental horrors that had attended her hours of
rest, she was much restored physically.
As she rose Tranh
gave her shapely body a final visual once-over. He had bathed her earlier, and
washed her hair and massaged her, and the healing powers of his Mekong
lighting, coupled with a few hours' rest had restored the freshness of youth to
her superb body. Only the faint reddish ropemarks encircling her proud-thrusting breasts and a few well-scattered
abrasions and lacerations gave evidence of her matinal
cook handed her the robe which had been designated for her appearance on deck
and watched a bit glumly as Erika hurriedly knotted its elegant sash around her
waist, thus concealing her shapely young body from his view.
few minutes later Erika found herself striding across the deck, flanked by her
stern sentinels Lucky and Froggy, with Tranh bringing up the rear of the grim cortege. As she marched toward the reassembled sailors
of the Yang-tze Dragon, she was once
again a vision of blonde beauty, her eyes bright, her step firm, her flowing tresses gold and glistening in the noonday sun.
At the request of General Wang, Tranh
had cloaked Erika, for however brief a time, in an exotic sky-blue robe
supplied by Hsi Fong, a man of her own height.
The robe, the sea, the sky, and Erika Weiss' beautiful blue eyes, freed
now from the blindfold which had veiled them earlier, seemed all to have been
painted by the same brush, by a master equally accomplished in portrait and
But the brightness in Erika's blue eyes could not mask the
fear that haunted them. For behind the
imposing figures of General Wang and Hsi Fong, occupying a fair portion of the
deck amidships, loomed the product of Deng's late-night labors.
A scaffold-like platform crowned with an
evil-looking gibbet was outlined against the azure sky. Erika shuddered as she saw, for the first
time, the Wooden Lady on which she had suffered so terribly while blindfolded –
the kneeling-board, the post, the twin phalluses, and the horrible shovel
handle which had threaded its way through the opening in the post to violate
her mouth, and which, on its retraction, had wreaked such havoc on her
rope-ringed breasts.
the other side of the scaffold, opposite the Wooden Lady, a crude iron grating,
perhaps a foot taller than herself, had been propped
against the hull of the ship. Erika
shivered as she remembered the third part of Captain McMahon's cruel sentence
-- "a dizzen with the nine against the
it was neither the nightmarish memory of the Wooden Lady, nor the forbidding
aspect of the iron grating which took hold of Erika Weiss' imagination at that
moment. For between those two malevolent
objects rose the inverted wooden L of a gibbet, its dark horizontal arm
anchored by a diagonal cross-brace which had been hammered into a massive
upright, giving the frightful device the aspect of a tall, Gothic 'seven'. Erika felt her throat constrict as she
watched the noose hanging from the end of the grim device toss gently in the
morning breeze.
"General," Captain
McMahon's voice boomed across the deck. "As I promised, ye may administer
the dizzen yerself. Slegg! Whaur's the whip, mon?"
"Got it right 'ere, Cap'n!" Slegg replied smartly,
stepping aside to reveal a sturdy wooden rail which Deng-shan had affixed to
the hull of the ship. Erika Weiss's
knees nearly turned to jelly as she stared at the chest-high wooden beam. From
its yard-long row of hooks hung a gruesome panoply of
instruments of discipline: an assortment
of whips, leather straps of varying length and thickness, a pair of menacingly
tapered canes, a rough-surfaced paddle, and one or two implements whose like
Erika had never seen before. On the hook nearest Slegg hung a lumpy-looking canvas sack.
"Ye may lat the cat oot
of the bag!"
reached for the sack, undid its drawstring and removed the menacing-looking
Thief's Cat, on which the beautiful young miscreant had labored so long into
the night. 'ere
it is!" the mate bellowed as the crewmen craned their necks to get a
better glimpse of the whip that would be used to flog their ravishing captive.
"Was it made by the prisoner's awn hand, as I
cast a lecherous glance at Erika Weiss. "Aye, cap'n. It
took the lazy wench most of the night, but I kept arter
'er 'til she finished the job.
"And the knots – are they weel tied?"
and 'ard as rocks they are, cap'n.
Seven knots on each of the nine tails. Altogether that
makes…" Jasper Slegg
frowned and began counting on the fingers of his left hand, stopped and started
over. On his second attempt to calculate
the number of knots the frustrated first mate made it as far as his other hand
before becoming confused and giving up in disgust. " Altogether
't makes for a narsty whip, it does, cap'n, is what I was meanin' to
stared at Slegg unbelievingly for a moment, not quite
crediting his
first mate's ignorance of the multiplication tables, but then returned to the
matter at hand. "General,"
McMahon's baritone rang out again, "are ye ready tae administer the dizzen?"
Wang, his posture as erect as his uniform was crisp, frowned. "The 'dizzen', captain?
I'm afraid I don’t understand."
"The dizzen!" McMahon boomed in an exasperated voice. "The dizzen strokes of the cat," he roared, indicating the
nine-thonged whip which Slegg
was slapping crisply against the Wooden Lady while he glared meaningfully at
his blue-gowned prisoner.
When General Wang continued to stare at him
uncomprehendingly, McMahon thundered, "D'ye nae ken the nummer 'twal,' mon? Hae ye nay haurd
of a cat o' nine tails?"
time the general was able to wade through the boggy patches of McMahon's
Caledonian brogue. "Ah! A 'dizzen' of the cat. Of course. I am at your service, captain," Wang bowed
to McMahon before striding toward Jasper Slegg and
taking the whip from his hands.
Slegg had
wrapped the ten-inch whip handle, which was nothing more than one end of the
length of inch-thick rope from which the tails of the cat had been unbraided,
in sailcloth so that its wielder would be at no risk from blisters. The general turned the whip over in his
hands, inspecting with an expert eye the thickness and coarseness of the nine
tails and the toughness of the many knots.
As he fingered the wicked beads he grudgingly nodded his approval;
Europeans, too, had
studied the dark arts of cruelty.
appears to be an excellent instrument, captain," Wang conceded with a bow
to the blue-jacketed mariner. "My compliments."
the General removed his stiff service-dress cap, baring his shaven skull. He
handed his cap to Hsi Fong and turned toward Erika Weiss, his piercing eyes
black with menace, while he waited for Captain McMahon to formally initiate the
punishment for the third count of her sentence.
the red-bearded mariner removed a sheet of parchment from the pocket of his
jacket and proceed to read from it, every gruff syllable added to Erika's
mounting panic. "The accused, haeing been justly
convicted o' mutiny agin this ship, its officers and
men, shall be bound tae the grating and given… " Here he paused to glance at General
Wang who was clenching and unclenching the handle of the vicious looking whip
impatiently, "twal
strokes o' the cat." McMahon
carefully folded up the paper and returned it to his pocket and then turned his
blood-shot eyes toward the trembling figure of Erika Weiss.
"Strip the preesoner!"
malice in the captain's voice was no less daunting than the bloodthirsty roar
of approval from the crewmen which greeted it. Icy fingers of panic clawed at
Erika's courage as she tried to break free from her captors, but to no avail. Lucky had little difficulty pinioning her
flailing arms to her sides, while Froggy, with a
growl of lustful pleasure,
undid the colorful sash around her waist, allowing the shimmering
blue robe to fall open in front. The arc
of sailors arranged around the deck cheered the sight of the inner curves of
Erika's opulent
breasts and the exquisite golden triangle whose nether apex
pointed toward her prominent labia.
careful not to damage the magnificent robe, Froggy
spread the panels of the blue gown further apart, exposing Erika's tumultuous,
proud-tipped breasts to the amorous gaze of his cronies. Greeting her sneer of disdain with one of his
own, he pushed the robe back over Erika's rounded shoulders. The fabric clung
there momentarily, as if reluctant to part company
with such alluring female flesh, before beginning its slow descent and
slithering silently to her waist. At
that point Lucky released his grip on Erika's arms, so that the sleeves could
slip easily down her wrists. When the
sleeves fell free, Lucky caught the gown and set it safely to one side, leaving
Erika's luscious body naked to the noonday sun.
nakedness, made even more humiliating by the chorus of lewd and threatening
catcalls that greeted it, sent Erika's rising sense of panic spiraling to new
heights. Seeing an unguarded expanse of
the ship's rail, she took two quick strides toward a gap in the semi-circle of
sailors. But Orang
quickly blocked her path to the rail and a speedy, nearly painless death. Grinning wickedly, the muscular Malayan pressed
his meaty paws against her full breasts and shoved her unceremoniously back
into Lucky's waiting arms. Erika fought valiantly to
free herself from Lucky's grasp, but her frantic
side-to-side gyrations accomplished little more than to send her splendid
breast-mounds into a shameless shimmy and to give the randy onlookers brief
glimpses of the golden-fringed grotto between her legs.
her up!" The assembled seamen
buzzed with excitement as Erika's warders responded to Captain's McMahon's
stark command with alacrity. Erika felt
the heat of thirty-odd
pairs of avaricious eyes on her bobbling breasts and sleek thighs as Lucky and Froggy gripped her arms more tightly than before. She tried again to pull free and when her
nails drew blood from Froggy's wrist, he cursed in
pained disbelief.
you're a defiant little bitch, ain't you?" Froggy
snarled. He waited until Lucky had
pinned Erika's arms behind her and then he backhanded Erika across both nipples
with a vicious sweep of his arm.
"'Aurrgghhh!! Oohh, mein Gott!!"
ferocious force of the blow drove Erika to one knee. She knelt on the deck half-dazed, waiting for
the pain coursing through her young breasts to ease.
up, wench!" Froggy croaked, and as further
punishment for her fractiousness he gave Erika's offending arm an extra twist
as Lucky helped him jerk her upright.
suddenly remembering that Erika was the property of General Wang, and wondering
whether he had overstepped his authority, Froggy
turned toward the glaring officer. "You saw what the accursed whore did!
The wildcat tried to claw my arm off!"
shaven-skulled general inclined his head forward slightly, indicating with a
wordless gesture of approval that rebelliousness, particularly rebelliousness
in beautiful young women, should invariably be met with harsh discipline.
Lucky and Froggy were turning Erika in a slow
pirouette so that every deckhand could get a good look at the lurid imprint
that Froggy's blow had left on Erika's pale breasts.
When every man had a chance to savor the livid marks on Erika's tempting
pleasure-globes, they muscled their stunning prisoner toward the massive iron
grating and forced
her to stand facing it.
Erika stood naked and trembling before the ominous framework, Andrew McMahon
signaled Yim, the hulking ape-like sailor who had
toiled alongside Mao in the stoking room, to join the men at the grating. His
grief and rage at his friend's death still etched in his face, the Malayan giant
skillfully entwined Erika's slender wrists in a sturdy leather thong. A moment later, as Lucky and Froggy lifted her slightly, Yim
tugged at the other end of the thong, stretching Erika's nude body taut against
the metal framework. Then, with a mighty
grunt, he wrapped the leather strap around the top of the grating several times
before tying it off.
And so it was that Erika found herself suspended,
hanging from the sturdy toprail of the grating, her
bare feet dangling some six inches from the deck. The moment her naked body had touched the grating,
Erika had gasped out a plaintive, "Aaaah!" Because hours earlier Jasper Slegg had cleverly positioned the iron trellis where it
would capture the brightest rays of the morning sun, and now, at mid-day, its
metal bars were palpably hot to the touch.
Erika twisted and turned feverishly in an
effort to keep her gently swinging body an inch or two away from the hot iron,
but Froggy would have none of it. Emboldened by the general's earlier nod of
approval, Froggy grunted with obscene pleasure and slammed the
heel of his hand into the valley between Erika's shoulder blades, forcing her
quivering pleasure-globes against the sun-heated metal.
"Aaaahhhh!" Erika moaned through gritted teeth as the
teakettle-hot framework transferred its heat to her breasts, belly, and
thighs. Again she tried to pull away,
and for a moment with some success as Froggy seemed
to ease the pressure on her back. Once again she squirmed invitingly as she
tried to keep her naked body away from the hot metal. Finally, when Froggy removed his hand from her back altogether and
retreated a step or two, apparently to give his comrades an unobstructed view
of hers nakedness, Erika managed to press her bare feet against the grating,
and used that bit of leverage to pull her upper body away from the framework.
Erika hung from the leather thong helplessly.
Already, after only half a minute or so, she could feel the muscles in her
rounded shoulders beginning to burn from the strain of her suspension. She tried to ignore the ache by focusing on
her relief that her breasts and belly were no longer pressing against the hot
metal. But no sooner had she relaxed her guard than Froggy
limped forward again and with a long sweep of his arm swatted her feet away
from their tenuous foothold and an instant later Erika's sensitive nipples once
again felt the hot kiss of the metal.
"Aaaah!" she gasped again, her body flailing helplessly
against the iron bars until her feet were able to regain their precarious
purchase. She hung there, panting heavily from her exertions, until Froggy struck again.
"Time to snuggle up nice and close, Missy!" he croaked.
Favoring his bad leg, he limped closer and then pounded his ham-fist into the
middle of Erika's spine, crushing her heaving breasts against the hot iron
"AAGHHH!!!!!" This time Erika's cry of suffering was audible from
the bow of the ship to the stern as Froggy maintained
the pressure for
second after hellish second. Erika's
misery was compounded by the fact that not only was the grating painfully hot,
but that its latticework of bars had never known the smoothing touch of file or grinding
wheel. The metal was encrusted with a hundred minute imperfections, some merely
rough, others painfully jagged. The burrs gouged and tore at her bare breastflesh like hundreds of angry hornets..
"Attaboy, Froggy! Warm those big tits up!" rang out a voice in
heavily accented Chinese as Erika's struggles to free her ripe-nippled breasts from the cruel embrace of the iron bars
stirred the ardor of every man on deck.
The voice, Erika knew, was that of Khasar the Mongol, who had edged forward so that he stood
at right angles to her.
could feel the heat of the Gobi-dweller's barbaric gaze on her breasts as she
tried desperately to lift the heat-stung tips of her breasts so that her tender
aureoles and nipples were positioned opposite one of the openings in the metal latticework.
But she could only do so by inching her body upward on the rough grating with a
heroic effort. The relief she felt when
she finally managed to lift her nipple-nuggets clear of the hot iron bar was nearly
offset by the sting of the abrasions she had sustained in doing so.
work, sailor!" General Wang purred to Froggy in
a voice tinged with honey and malice, as his thin-slit eyes drank in the sight
of Erika dangling in the breeze.
"Now, if you would be so good as to spread her legs."
"Bitte … nein … " Erika murmured, retreating to the
German of her youth, the still small voice of girlish modesty not having quite
been stifled by all of the abuse she had undergone.
her words, if understood at all, went unheeded. Lucky and Froggy
made short work of pulling her ankles toward the sides of the grating, and
encircling them with rope. That done, it
was only moments before they had looped her ankle-cords through openings in the
grating and wrapped them tightly around
the bars of the lattice-like framework before tying them off. While they bound her ankles, Yim amused himself by reaching toward the gaps in the
grating, pinching Erika's puckering nipples between his thumb and forefinger
and tugging on them so that, try as she might, the soft flesh of Erika's
breasts could not escape the hot, abrasive touch of the iron bars.
Erika now securely spread-eagled for the next phase of her punishment, Froggy backed away, pumping his big fist triumphantly in
response to the raucous cheers of the crewmen.
Yim, too, finally relaxed his punishing grip
on Erika's nipples and retreated toward a small group of his countrymen who
pounded him enthusiastically on his broad back, congratulating him on his good
luck and good service.
But Lucky lingered for a moment at Erika's
side. He gave Jasper Slegg
a furtive glance and then, after receiving a subtle nod from Tranh, leaned against Erika from behind, his erection thick
and hard against her buttock cleft. He reached up, pretending to test the
fastness of the binding which secured her wrists. As he did so, he whispered softly into her
ear. "Missy!
Slegg has gone around among the men and bet all of
last night's profits. He's giving heavy
odds that you'll scream your lungs out under the lash. Thought
you might like to know."
A wave of realization swept
through Erika – at last she understood the purpose of Lucky's
visit to the infirmary and the meaning of his muffled conversation with Tranh. She inclined
her head slightly, indicating that she had heard and understood him. Partly in
pursuit of pleasure and partly in order to disguise the purpose for his
lingering stay at the grating, Lucky fondled Erika's squirming buttocks for a
moment or two and then slid his questing fingers between her spread-eagled
thighs There was nothing feigned about Erika's wriggling attempts to elude his
prying fingers, however, and after a few seconds Lucky was confident that his
attempt at misdirection had been successful.
He stepped back and gave Slegg a final nervous
glance before retreating toward the larboard rail.
While a taut-stretched Erika Weiss considered the
implications of Lucky's whispered intelligence, the
lust-crazed crewmen of the Yang-tze
Dragon buzzed with with ill-suppressed
excitement. What a spectacle awaited
them! Erika Weiss's nude body was
suspended from the iron bolt in a shameless inverted 'Y', her creamy flesh
naked for the lash, glistening deliciously in the noonday sun.
A few feet behind her the menacing figure of
General Wang surveyed Erika's
voluptuous body with the expert eye of a connoisseur of
cruelty. As he gripped and re-gripped
the handle of the whip, he considered his uniformly attractive options. To which part of Erika's perfect body should
he deliver the first searing stroke of the whip? Should he attack her soft, rounded
shoulders? The smooth-skinned planes and
hollows of her tapering back? Her long, lithe thighs, temptingly taut-stretched by her bondage? Or perhaps that sumptuous deep-cleft backside
whose fear-wracked muscles twitched more invitingly with each
passing second?
sneer of malicious pleasure crossed the general's face. The divers
attractions of the tantalizing young body so cruelly bound to the grating
reminded him of a Chinese banquet of many courses.
he, General Wang, the most feared warlord in
But not with chopsticks, the grim-faced
general chuckled sadistically to himself. This magnificent banquet of female
flesh would be attacked with other, sterner implements, he mused, as he
tightened his grip on the whip….
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