Events are moving along quite quickly for our young friend
Peter. I have
taken a bit of time off from my activities in the theatre,
so that I could
better monitor his education. I have been staying out at
the farm with his
mom and dad and Pete.
Having to clean the horse stalls with his mouth, made
Peter very sick for
the first two days. He could not take the horse shit in his
mouth without
wretching violently and puking up whatever food he had in
his stomach. This
constant puking let to a kind of seizure, where he would
tremble and shake
and sob continually for hours. His mom, the old softy,
suggested that maybe
we should ease up on his stable cleaning duties until he
got used to the
taste of horse shit, perhaps administered in smaller doses.
But I was
adamant that unless a boy like Peter plunges right in, he
will never learn.
I continued to force him to clean the stables by taking the
horse shit in
his mouth and crawling over to the tub. By day three, he
was doing well. He
still complained that his mouth tasted of horse shit
permanently and he
could not eat any food without puking. I told him he would
soon get used to
the taste, and perhaps grow to even like it. It was after
all, just food
that had been processed. To further help him get used to
it, I forbade him
to garble or brush his teeth for two hours after he cleaned
the stables.
You can imagine that none of us felt much desire to use his
hot little body
during that period. Lol. It was also quite funny how he
looked after
cleaning the stables, because he was forced to crawl, his
lean lanky teen
body was soon covered with horse shit as well. And bits of
hay clung to him.
He was so cute. After about two weeks of this, I will make
things a bit
more difficult for him, just to keep up his challenges. A
teenage boy with
no challenges develops bad habits.
School is going smashingly. However, I feel we may have
to pull him out
soon than expected. The boys at his school got the photos
and letters he
sent out, and he returned home yesterday beaten up pretty
badly. He said a
bunch of boys ganged up on him in the locker room and beat
the shit out of
him. He was really cute this way. His mom kissed his black
and blue bruises
while she worked a finger in and out of his asshole. His
dad said he was
proud of him. That his boy was becoming a man, as he fed
him dick.
Later, as I was fucking Peter, I ordered him to go to
each of the boys
who had beaten on him, and apologize to them. He was to
give them a letter
which said the following:
Dear Sir: You are right to beat on me. I am a
worthless fucking faggot.
I am only good for two things in this world. To suck dick
and to take dick
up my ass, which is more like a cunt than an ass. If I can
serve you in any
way at all, please just use me like you would some dumb
cunt. Feel free to
take out any frustrations on me by hitting and kicking me
all you want. I
promise never to tell anyone or make any trouble for you. I
know I deserve
your abuse and will take whatever you choose to give me.
Please tell your
friends what a fucked up piece of shit I am too. And tell
all the girls you
know too, that I am a fucked up faggot and not worth their
time. Here are
some more photos of my sucking dick. They say I am a really
good cocksucker,
so I am happy that I can be good at something.
Again if I can serve you or any of your friends in any
way, please tell
me. Peter the Fucking Faggot
Well of course, when I told Peter what he would have to
do, he freaked
out. He sobbed and sobbed, and I came up his ass, it was so
hot. He told me
that if he gave this second letter, things would get
unbearable for him at
school. I told him he had to be a strong little soldier! I
told him his mom
and dad and I loved him and were there for him! Then, I had
him clean off my
dick with his mouth.
Perhaps because of Peter's problem with food after
cleaning the stables,
we have started to change his diet a bit. For breakfast he
has cereal but
instead of milk, we use horse piss. This may help him get
used to horse
waste sooner. His dad is anxious to get Peter fucked by a
horse, but I don't
want to move too quickly on that. The boy's asshole has to
be really elastic
in order to not incur permanent damage. Peter is getting
fucked regularly by
humans and dogs, and we work with dildos every day, but his
ass has not
taken fist yet, and that is essential before any kind of
horse or donkey
fuck. I know lots of boys at sixteen are fist fucked...but
I still want to
be careful. His dad really does agree, it's just that he
is so hot to see a
horse cock up his son's asshole, that his fucklust gets the
better of him.I
also explained to both Hank and Helen that they should
enjoy this special
time with their son, as once is horsefucked regularly, he
will be almost no
good for human fucking either physically or mentally. It
usually so totally
fucks up a boy, that he is not much use after that. So I
told them that they
should prolong this pleasure for as long as possible. His
mom is really
enjoying getting her son's dick in her. She had Peter fuck
her three times a
day. And, he is starting to like it, whether he wants to
admit it or not. At
least this way, he gets his young rocks off, and he feels a
bit normal. It
may be mom's pussy but it is a pussy. The fact that most of
the time when he
is fucking Helen, Hank has his massive dick up the boy's
ass, does put a
slight damper on the act. Peter is learning, however that
filthy perverted
down and dirty sex can be exciting and that it kind of
dominates one's life.
My buddies still arrive at the farm in droves to have Peter
suck them, so
the boy is pretty much getting dicked or sucking cock every
hour of the day
that he is home. I truly believe that sex should be a nonstop thing for
Peter. He should not be allowed to think of anything but
dick. I would like
to get him to a mental position where he would actually
crave and need horse
dick! But That is not an easy thing to achieve, and more
often than not, I
have failed in that. Only twice in my career of working
with boys have I so
trained a boy, that he became addicted to horse cock and
spent all his time
fondling and licking and sucking horse prick. At that
point, the boy is
mentally unstable and willingly drinks horse piss and eats
horse shit. I am
sure this is the ultimate goal for both Hank and Helen with
their son, but I
do hope they have lots more fun with him before this.
Just the pain and agony the boy goes through each time
his ass is
stretched to a new limit, is so rewarding and thrilling, I
want it to
continue for a long time. We now gather in the living room
each night for a
Peter Ass Stretching Session. So far, as I say, I am using
dildos and
bottles and household objects only. I have not yet fist
fucked the boy.
Actually Hank might enjoy that job, and I am not
particularly into that.
One of the most endearing things for me is when a boy like
Peter, almost out
of his mind with pain, protests that he simply cannot take
any more...and I
tell him to just relax and trust me...and then I show him
that he indeed can
take more! I always reward the boy after by saying,
"See...you can take
more pain than you ever thought. You have to believe in
yourself. Trust me,
I'll help you." I usually say this stroking the boys head
or kissing him,
while some obscenely large object is sticking out of the
kid's asscunt.
I'll keep you posted on Peter's development on the Farm
and at school. I
am working on getting some really nice shit pics of Pete.
What wonderful,
rich, rewarding fun times for all of us.
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