Good news for everyone. We have got Peter sucking horse
dick. It was
quite an ordeal. You know he was jerking off the horses
part of his barn
chores. Well, I nicely instructed the submissive sixteen
year old that he
had to also lick the horse dick to keep it nice and
He made this face
and asked me if there wasn't a chance he could get some
nasty disease. I
just laughed and told him he was a worry wart. Boys that
age worry so much
about every little thing.
Just like how he cries before he has to go to school in
the morning. He
begs us, can he please stay home. Of course we will pull
him from school
soon, as the teachers and counselors are starting to
aware of how the
bullies are treating him. But there is good news on that
front as well. Four
of the school senior jocks, made him suck their dicks. At
last. I don't know
what took those boys so long. They got him in the locker
room and snapped
his ass and nutsack with wet towels and then made him
around from teen
dick to teen dick and lick their balls and suck their
dicks. Peter is now so
used to sucking dick, it is second nature to him. I am
he did a good
job on those boys, and that they will be telling all
friends. That is
why I want to keep him in school as long as possible. I
want to see his
popularity spread. I mean, sucking four dicks in school.
Why not forty? He
has the whole fucking school day to do it. I think high
school boys have
gone backward in that respect. They seem so shy and
reluctant, it worries
me. When I was in high school, every single day we made
some lower grade
student suck our dicks. The little shits were really
terrified of us. I
mean, if you were a cute freshman boy, you lived in
Back in those
days we used to wear rubbers when we fucked cunt, and I
this one really
cute freshman boy whose job it was to suck my dirty used
rubbers clean. I
was always real nice to him. I told him which girl's
juice was on it.
After all, he was a freshman and not getting any yet.
They also took Peter and shoved his head into a shitty
toilet. Now that
is the kind of fun boys should be having in high school.
also told me he
was in extreme pain when he got in the car yesterday
school. The
reason being, a couple of the senior boys had put about
nine or ten rubber
bands around his dick and balls. It was hysterical. The
rubber was really
biting into the skin and the dick and nuts were almost
blue! He was in such
pain, he could hardly think straight. He begged me to cut
the rubber bands
off, but I told him I wanted him to show his dad and mom
his nice
decoration, so he couldn't remove them until we got home.
Well, once home, Peter's parents were so impressed with
the rubber band
work of the boys at school, that they told Peter he had
keep them on
until after dinner! By then, his dick and nuts looked
seriously purple and
swollen and pretty gross, so we had to cut them off. The
pain as the
circulation came back to Peter, made him do the cutest
Pastor Robert was
over to fuck the boy, and so he got to
see Peter's cute
little blue balled naked dance as well. He also asked a
favor of us. Pastor
Robert and some of his more liberal shall I say, Minister
friends and
Priests, always have a special Easter Dinner. And they
always have a really
stunning special event for the evening. Some kind of show
or program. This
is just for this select group of "educationally
and sexually
liberated ministers and priests." Well, guess what?
Bob wants Peter
to be part of the program this year! He wants Peter to
portray our Lord
Jesus Christ. Pastor Robert feels that historically,
would have been
naked during his scourging and crucifixion, so of course
wants a boy to
play him who has a nice dick and balls. It would not do
have Jesus with a
tiny wiener!!!
Peter's mom and dad were so honored that Pastor Robert
would choose Peter.
Hank asked exactly what the performance would include.
Pastor Robert said
that during cocktail hour, Peter, as Jesus, would be
brought in naked and
whipped by several seminary students. They would be
as Roman
soldiers. They would whip his back, ass, dick and balls.
They would force a
crown of thorns on his head, and a smaller version on the
head of his dick.
Peter as Jesus, would then be hung on a huge cross at one
end of the table
during dinner. He would not be nailed of course, but
tied. Helen just
glowed and said how beautiful her son would look
She asked if he
couldn't actually be nailed, but Pastor Robert advised us
that that could
cause serious respiratory problems and even death.
that way can make
it really hard to breath. She then asked what about tiny
nails through his
feet, and Pastor Robert allowed as that might be
Hank who is very
creative came to the rescue saying that symbolic pins of
considerable size
could be stuck in his hands and feet. They could also
pins into his
dick stalk, cock head, and nut sack, as his suffering
should approximate our
Peter seemed curiously quiet during all of this. Perhaps
he was
overwhelmed at the honor.
Anyway, I have
been digressing. I started out to tell
you about Peter
and his horse sucking. Peter's barn chores have now been
increased to
licking the horse dick and balls. Each horse scrotum and
cock is to be
lovingly bathed by Peter's tongue. If each horse's prick
and balls is not
spotlessly clean, he is punished. He has to get under the
sheath with his
tongue as well as getting the horse to full erection and
licking the piss
hole. For some reason he particularly hates licking the
horse nut sacks. It
could be the odor or taste. And this morning before
I taught him how
to suck the head of the horse cock and take as much horse
dick into his
mouth as possible. He wasn't very good at this, but I
like everything
else, he will soon improve. Spring vacation is coming up,
and I would like
to schedule Peter's first horse show by then. They are
supposed to deliver
the Shetland pony some time this week. I am sure Peter
be able to
accommodate that dick as I am told it is no more than
fifteen inches long.
However we shall have to fist him first regularly to get
him ready. Hank
asked if he could have the pleasure of being first to
Peter, and after
all what could I say, Peter is his son. I am sure we will
all be following
him in the activity soon enough. Peter's mom wondered out
loud as she was
sticking her big toe up her son's ass, if she might be
eventually to
get her entire foot up his young ass. I allowed as it was
quite possible. I
have been preparing Peter's parents for the reality that
once he is horse
fucked he will most likely lose control of his bowels.
Helen thinks her son
in diapers for life will be so sweet, so I am glad that
hurdle has been
crossed. Hank suggested building a large play pen for the
boy, and even
though he did it half in jest, I think it would be a
cute thing to
do. We could have parties where everyone fucks the baby.
I have gotten some letters from seemingly irate readers
suggesting that
we have been ignoring Peter and his feelings during all
this. Let me
assure you, that Peter's feelings are uppermost in our
thoughts at all
times. It is Peter's feelings and responses that
and control our
behavior. Watching a boy that cute, suffer beyond belief
one of the most
rewarding experiences of my life. Watching his bright
become dulled and
foggy, and watching him turned from a normal teenage boy
into a mindless
fuckpig who is used as a dick dump by his own parents,
would not be
possible if we did not have his feelings uppermost in our
minds. How does
Peter feel about this, you may ask? He doesn't understand
why suddenly his
normal boy's life should be overturned, and how now
everyone only wants to
use and abuse him in the most disgusting and perverse
He doesn't
understand how something as exciting and mysterious as
could become
something so brutal and disgusting and painful. He
understand why
his beautiful boy body should be tortured and damaged,
why he should be
the victim for total strangers' constant and excessive
bullying and sexual
abuse. He doesn't understand, but we are helping him to
learn. We are
teaching him that this is his purpose in life. That the
meaning of his young
life will be found in how far down the road of perversion
and agony we can
take him. Look how many people he is bringing pleasure to
with his sixteen
year old mouth and ass. And how many animals he is
too. Peter must
be taught not be be selfish with his gifts. I reminded
of this as I was
shoving a ten inch steel sound up his piss hole just this
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