I know I have
been remiss is keeping you abreast of the
adventures of
Peter. That is
only because we have had such enormous
setbacks in our
little plan to
marry him to a horse. You wouldn't think
such a romantic
little notion
would cause so much trouble, but it just goes
to show you that
real life is very
different indeed than fiction.
I did share with
you that the little cunt tried to run
away. Well when
got him back, we
tried our best to get his head back where
we wanted it, but
he was rather
hysterical and out of it. I masturbated him
almost to the
point of cumming
thirty or more times, all the while
whispering to him
wonderful it
would be for him to be fucked by the giant
dick of a horse
how much he would
learn to love it and what a fucking lucy
boy he was to
have this
opportunity. I reminded him that he wanted his
dad and mom to be
proud of him,
didn't he? Look how much time and money they
have sunk into
this And then
they have their friends who can't be let
down. Reverend
and all the
clergy, and all of my friends...have been
waiting for
months to
see sixteen year
old Peter get fucked by a horse. As I say,
while I tried to
sooth him, I
masturbated him almost to the brink, those of
you who work with
boys will know
what I mean, to the point when the dick is
but not cumming.
To the point when the kid is almost nuts
to cum. To keep
him on edge that
way for days or weeks at a time is a real
skill, and I
modestly say I am
quite good at it.
He kept saying the horse cock would kill him.
explained to him
this was not the
case. We have a special bench with an
extended section
the rear which
butts up against the horse's back legs. This
means that the
horse cannot push
more than seventeen or eighteen inches of
dick up the boy.
Peter was ready
to take this much. Most of the joy of the
fuck would be
the girth of the
horse dick, and Peter's cunt had been
prepared. But he
still hysterical
saying that eighteen inches of horse cock
was even too
much. I reminded
him that the stallion had a twenty two
inch dick and
as his bride, it
was Peter's duty to eventually take it all
to please his
To help ease
Peter's fears we decided to have a series of
fist fucking
parties to show
Peter just how elastic and accommodating
his cunt was.
of us took turns
fist fucking the boy. I should not say us.
I must admit
that fist fucking
is not my thing and while I enjoy seeing
a huge fist
shoved up the ass
cunt of a young boy, I myself seldom
up an ass to be
able to take a hand and an arm is also a
special skill,
it is a job best
left to the experts. I have some friends
who are master
fist fuckers. I
saw one of my friends take a thirteen year
old one time, and
over the course
of twenty-four hours turn that kid's tiny
virgin asshole
into a great
gaping yawning cunthole, that looked like it
had just given
birth. You would
swear that the hole of a thirteen year old
could not
stretch like
that, but that is part of the skill of the
fist fucker. He
has to ignore the
screams of agony coming from the boy. The
boys always
swear that they
cannot take it and they are tearing up and
being ripped to
pieces, but of
course the fist fucker knows this is not
true. That is why
is a
professional. The thrill for the fistfucker is of
course to feel
hand actually up
in the warm guts of a young boy...to move
his hand through
the bowels into
the intestines of a warm living pain
wracked teenage
boy. To
see the boy's ass
stretched to monstrous proportions,
unbelievable in
and amazing to
I was at a party
a couple of years ago, where we took a
doll..you know a
life size baby
doll and shoved it up into the asscunt of a
fourteen year old
faggot boy and
then as party entertainment hade him give
birth to the doll
in front of all
the party guests. It was hysterically
funny. In the
of my exotic
travels, I have seen the fist fucked holes of
young boys take
puppies, cats,
snakes, rats, melons, baseball bats, fence
posts, bed posts,
flashlights, golf
clubs, hammers, monkey wrenches, power
drills, shoes,
barrels, tennis
racquets,bottles of every size, and much
much more.
I must admit there is a certain kind of gay
man who
delights in
what he can shove
up the ass of a young boy. It's a special
kind of sexual
desire. Is it the
challenge of trying to stretch the ass
inside and out?
it the pleasure
of seeing the kid in unspeakable agony?
Probably a little
What bothered us
about Peter is that he was doing so
We wanted him to breed with his husband
like a good bitch
without any
fetters or shackles. And now suddenly we had to
restrain him in
order to even
fist fuck him. I don't mind telling you, Hank
and Helen were
themselves. You invest years and years trying to
raise a boy
correctly, and
then you just never know how they will turn
out. I blame
myself partly,
that I was too easy on Peter. I wasn't
always as strict
as I
should have been.
You think back to the times when he
screamed and
more...for the love of God, no more..." and you would
listen to him and
not shove that
extra inch of dido up him, or not stick the
extra pin into
his scrotum. It
is difficult even for a professional to
know when a boy
truly reached his
mental and physical limit. Of course the
goal is to always
stretch that
So we fist fucked him to prove to him that
there was
nothing to worry
about getting
horse dick up his ass. That is not strictly
true, because the
hands and arms of
a guy can be carefully controlled while
the swollen
leaking dick of a
an animal is must more chancy..you cannot
always have
complete control
of where or how hard that dick is entering
the kid's guts.
We also had to be
careful with our fist fucking, because we
don't want to
diminish any of
the pain that the horse dick will bring
him. What would
the fun of seeing
a kid get fucked by horse dick if he was
so stretched out
he didn't even
I have included some new photos of Peter and
you can see
that he has lost
a lot of weight.
Probably as a result of the horse and dog
sperm diet he has
been on. We try
to make the major food substance he eats
fuckslop. Of
we give him
vitamins. He drinks piss with most meals now,
but Helen doesn't
like that fact
that after a while the boy's body has taken
on an acidic
odor. So we have
to also see that he drinks lots of water.
Anyway, we don't
mind that he has
lost weight because that way we will
actually be able
see the horse
cock inside his guts via the bulge in his
tummy.We may even
able to feel it.
Hank had to get in on the act fist fucking
his son, but
never having done
it before, he botched things up and
really hurt the
Well, nothing
serious, but it was kind of a mess, he
couldn't get his
back out again,
kind of like the knot on a dog's dick! It
was pretty funny
actually because
Hank had to walk into the bathroom from
the kitchen with
his hand shoved
up Peter's asscunt. The kid was on the very
balls of his
naked feet,
screaming as Hank gently walked the boy to the
bathroom, where
we were able to
extricate the hand.
For those of you who don't understand why we
are so hung
up on Peter for
this whole thing,
I must explain to you. First it is not
often that you
a boy's parents
so behind a project like this. They are
such wonderful
people and
totally committed to fucking up their son in any
way possible.
Second, Peter is
that rate kind of kid who looks exquisite
when he is in
pain. He looks
much more beautiful in pain than he does in
every day life,
ergo, he should
be kept in pain as much as possible, right?
I am also
including the cover of the wedding inviation. I
think it is so
fucking cute.
Helen is something of an artist and designed
it herself. The
cute cartoon of
the young boy getting fucked by the horse
is so appropriate
for the wedding
don't you think.
the inside of the
invitation reads: (Note I have changed
all names
including the
horses for their own protection)
Mr. and Mrs. Hank
Walker invite you to the wedding of
son Peter James to the black stallion
Thunderhead. Peter
has committed
himself to
becoming the bitch for life to the loving and
caring horse.
The ceremony will
take place on Saturday July 28 at the
Walker Farm at
2:00 P.M. in the
barn. Following the ceremony, there will
be a reception
fuck line, and
then a wedding dinner on the lawn, weather
Following dinner
you are invited to witness the
consummation of
Thunderhead and the father and mother of the
bride, hope that
can attend. RSVP
I only wish all of you could attend what
promises to
be the event of
the summer. But
never fear, I shall be sure to tell you all
about it.
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