Chapter 7 June 25th 6:00 AM
In the morning Kiko accompanied two of the guards as they entered Kate's cell and proceeded to whisk her off.
"Why don't you take me you bitches!" screamed Nikki at the others. But she got no response.
Her questions rang hollowly down the hallway as the shackled Kate was led away by a group of the uniformed women. The staff here was clearly very professional. They all looked the same, under 35 and in good physical shape. All the guards who assisted in carting Nikki away, and all the other girls for that matter, wore tight, form fitting latex bodysuits, which were all black. They all wore utility belts which contained among other things; handcuffs, mace, stun guns, Nextel walkie-talkies and panic buttons, which were designed to alert the others if one of the slaves become unruly and additional help was needed to subdue them. That was rarely the case though, as the guards were well trained to avoid situations that could lead to altercations. Sometimes though that could not be avoided as Nikki heard a girl across the hall put up a fierce fight against them. She could not see the commotion, but the girl was quickly subdued, deflating Nikki’s hopes even more then they already were.
She was growing extremely frustrated now. It seemed like they had been there for a week now, there was no way of knowing for sure, and the days seemed to repeat themselves over and over again. Each morning began with Kate being hauled out of her cell, and no doubt subjected to brutal torments, only to be returned visibly weaker then before she left. To compound her frustration, the Mistress had forced Kate to wear a ball gag whenever she was brought back to her cell. This prevented any exchange of dialogue between the two girls. The only way Kate could avoid the ball gag was to agree to have the wall lowered between her and her Nikki’s cell. This of course achieved Mistress Natasha’s objective of isolating the two girls, to further weaken their resolve. Nikki was in the unenviable position of watching her little sister slip further and further away from her and there was nothing she could do about it.
The nights were just as difficult for Nikki to deal with. The bitch, Madam Hardings, who Nikki now loathed with every fiber of her being, came into Kate’s cell each and every night. She tried to reason with the young girl, to tell her that surrender was the only option for her if she wanted to stop the punishment. Surrendering her body was the only thing that would make the pain stop, the only thing that would bring to an end Mistress Natasha’s unrelenting assault on her. Nikki hated listening to that crap, but she too was forced with the difficult decision of listening to the Madam talk from Kate’s cell, with a gag in her mouth, or forgoing the gag and having the wall lowered between the cells. Nikki was no fool, she was well aware of what was going on here. She could see that they were trying to play the “good cop/bad cop” routine with her sister. The matronly Madam Hardings was the ideal person to play that role with Commandant Stone playing the other side. That ploy would not work on her, but with Kate she wasn’t so sure.
Meanwhile, out in the hallway, Mistress Natasha and Madam Hardings could hardly have been happier. They were relishing Nikki’s dilemma. Their gamble of delaying Kate’s torture appeared to be paying dividends. They had secretly been watching Nikki through a hidden camera in her cell, and they could watch her growing despair. Kate was a day or two away from giving in, they were sure of that, and the two savvy older women would use young Kate’s capitulation to quickly breakdown her strong-minded older sibling.
Madam Hardings entered Kate’s cell again, as she had been doing every night, and sat down next to the clearly exhausted and battered girl. Kate had been through hell, every part of her body was screaming out in pain. The end was close, it was clear to everyone now. The Madam gave the quivering girl a hug. Kate was too weak to push her away. Tomorrow would be her 9th day in captivity, and that was the day that statistically over 50% of the girls surrendered themselves and signed the contract. Kate started to cry now as Nikki watched helplessly through the bars. She had of course been gagged and therefore unable to yell any words of encouragement to her sister to keep fighting, keep resisting them, but that was easy for her to say, she had yet to be subjected to the unconscionable assaults on her body.
“I know it’s hard my dear, believe me I know. Everyone here wants it to end.” The Madam was stroking Kate’s hair now, trying in her own warped way to comfort her. “I hate to see such a pretty girl have to suffer like this day after day. You are so beautiful #312, it pains me to see what they are doing to you. Will you please let me bring the contract in here my sweet? Mistress Natasha has personally asked me to come in here and plead with you to sign it. She wants more then anyone else here for this madness to stop. Doing so will allow you to avoid what they tell me will surely be your most difficult day yet.”
Kate looked up at her with her big eyes, now completely welled up with tears. She wanted more then anything for this lunacy to end, she knew couldn’t take it much longer, but just the same she couldn’t bring herself to sign the ridiculous document in front of her own sister. She was holding out now for only one reason, her sister. She was hoping against hope that Nikki would be able to figure some way, any way, for them to get out of this place. Kate looked over and saw her sister attempting to scream something to her, but it was completely muffled and unintelligible. All she saw were her sister’s eyes getting bigger and spittle coming out of the corners of her mouth from around the gag. Kate could not bring herself to do it; she could not give in yet.
“I am sorry Madam, I can’t do it. I won’t give into you.” She said meekly.
“Very well then, I am sorry to hear that. The Mistress will be very disappointed. You need to get some sleep.” She exited the room, obviously dejected, and made sure the dividing wall was lowered, shutting Nikki off from her for yet another day.
Chapter 8 June 25th 10:00 PM
Back in her office, the Mistress, despite watching the bad news on the monitor, was really not terribly disappointed with Kate’s decision. Tomorrow was more then likely going to be her last day of holding out, she was almost sure of that. What she had planned for the unfortunate girl would break almost anyone, let alone a naïve eighteen year old just out of high school.
Madam Hardings entered her office and sat down in a comfy leather chair directly across from Natasha. The two of them had their usual a discussion about the progress of the various girls under their control, and then it veered over to the risks they took in grabbing the two high profile sisters in the first place. It was now starting to look like the extreme danger that was taken in the snatching of both Nikki and Kate may indeed have proven to be worth the risk.
The Mistress was a smart businesswoman with uncanny instincts. What made her such a perfect leader for Stonebriar though were not just her brilliant organizational skills, although that was certainly a big part of it. What really set her apart from anyone else at Stonebriar was that she happened to be a brilliant psychologist, having graduated from an elite east coast women's college with several advanced degrees. Her ability to understand the thinking and motivations of everyone around her, whether it was a business partner, lower level employee or just one of the slaves, was truly astounding. It was those skills that set her apart from everyone at the Institute.
As a student in both high school and her early years in college Natasha spent a considerable amount of time lusting after attractive female classmates, only to be rebuffed time and time again. Those years proved to be very formative ones on her indeed. As Natasha grew older, her bitterness towards the fairer sex grew into an almost maniacal rage. Once she finally finished her bachelor’s degree she was determined to ensure that no woman again would ever turn her down again for sex, whether they happened to be a lesbian or not.
Her mid to late twenties proved to be a particularly joyless part of her life. Natasha was in the middle of her doctorate and her social life, or what little time she had for it, was largely filled with empty relationships. Like most people, lesbian or not, she tended to prefer the company of attractive young women, but those types were in short supply for a woman of her sexual tastes. She rightly surmised that in order to land the really attractive lesbians, she had to have money or power or both. At the time she had neither, so her dating life was practically non-existent, unless she wanted a “diesel dyke”. But she had no interest in those types of women.
Around the time of her twenty-ninth birthday Natasha’s luck began to change. She came into a very sizable inheritance with the passing of her aunt, a woman whom she had not seen for over a dozen years. Like many young people that come into significant sums of money, Natasha decided to splurge on herself and indulge in one of her true passions. She was determined to build a place where pretty, innocent girls would be taught to eat pussy, whether they liked it or not!
Her newfound wealth helped her to open doors into a world of wealthy overseas comrades that she had met in back in her college years. Natasha’s high level of intelligence and “new money” background allowed her to navigate easily in the strange new world of uber powerful women. Over the course of countless, “off-the-record” conversations, many of these women assured her that if she wished to enter it, the black market for hot young lesbian flesh was virtually unquenchable. Someone industrious enough to fill this untapped market could earn a great wealth of money she was assured. It was through these contacts that Natasha was able to get additional funding to pursue her dreams, and more importantly put her in touch with her soul sister, a like-minded individual in Russia who could take her demented ideas and make them a reality.
After so many aborted attempts, her goal of finally meeting this woman was finally becoming a reality. With almost breathless anticipation, Natasha made her way to Moscow. After waiting several agonizing days in her hotel room, she was at last assured it was safe to meet this person that she had so many whispers about. Finally in an old train station Natasha met her, she was a 46-year-old woman, a full 15 years older then her. She was a former colonel in the KGB, her name was Dr. Olga Kristov. She carried herself with a certain authority that only someone who had once worked in such an organization could have. After several tension packed hours of exchanging pleasantries and cross checking her story over and over again, the Russian was convinced that Natasha was for real and not a spy or government agent. With Natasha, Dr. Olga felt safe enough to tell her, and more importantly show her what Natasha had wanted to see more then anything in the world.
The technology, it seemed, had been available for many years. First developed by the Science and Technology division of the KGB in the early 1980’s, a specialized piece of equipment had been developed allowing ordinary girls to be completely and permanently transformed into lifelong lesbians. The ultra powerful and immensely feared spy agency had a continual need for “specialized talent” to handle their most sensitive assignments. Missions that demanded the utmost discretion and could only to be carried out by true lesbians. Certainly heterosexual girls could, and often were able to fake their sexuality for short periods of time, but they were rarely able to keep their cover when faced with difficult interrogation techniques. They would often be discovered as spies and their cover blown. Many times these girls faced immediate execution or often times much worse.
The solution to this recurring problem of losing operatives came from an eccentric female scientist located in a remote R & D center in Eastern Siberia. Dr. Olga had developed a powerful, even terrifying device that could assure with 100% certainty that even the most reluctant girls could be made into obedient life long lesbian girls and eventually spies. However, before the program would be commissioned and made fully operational, it was mothballed by the new, much more passive Soviet leadership. Unfortunately for Dr. Olga the entire program was permanently decommissioned when the Iron Curtain fell. In the chaos that followed during that difficult period of time, the quick thinking, and now ex-KGB colonel, had managed to secure her sinister equipment and store it safely away, knowing that such a device would be very valuable indeed when put into the right hands. She would be damned if her life’s work would be crated up and stored in some anonymous warehouse never to be tested and implemented.
Many years went by before a mutual friend introduced Natasha to the ex-colonel. The two soul mates had finally found each other. So impressed was Dr. Olga with her new friend’s business plan that she even reduced her price for the machine because she was so convinced that her work magnificent creation was going to be used for it’s proper purpose. Once the still sizable amount was agreed upon, Dr. Olga assisted Natasha in smuggling the device into America, where her former contacts in The KGB came in handy in making sure it reached it’s proper final destination. It has been installed in Natasha’s “spa” ever since. There was only one problem, who would operate the extremely complicated apparatus? For Natasha there could be only one answer. Dr. Olga was offered the position, one that she gladly accepted.
Soon afterwards, with the help of Dr. Olga, her original investors, and other well-heeled lesbian friends, Natasha began assembling a network of likeminded women to come and work for her at the Institute. They were not looking for just ordinary lesbians, but others, just like Natasha herself. All of the staff tended to have lifelong scores to settle with pretty young women who routinely mocked their own sexuality. The chance to get getting rich while working there didn’t hurt their recruiting efforts either.
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