Chapter 9 June 28th 7:00 AM
After a restful night’s sleep, it was back to work. Natasha wanted to take a more active roll in the enslavement of her first set of sisters, as there was so much at stake.
She went down to the "prep" room, where Nikki and Kate were having their pussies shaved again. It was unusual for the Mistress to be present for such a routine matter, so the nurses knew something special must have been going on. After checking the charts, The Mistress noted that Nikki had received the "hot" shave each day while Kate had received the “cold” one. The Mistress ordered it to be reversed this time as the "hot" shave, despite the intense pain of the procedure, often excited the girls and made their cunts moist. This would be important, as Kate, unbeknownst to her, would soon be experiencing her first forced penetration at Stonebriar. The Mistress had also ordered Nikki to remain gagged. She wanted her to offer no encouraging words to her little sister.
The Mistress took the brush from the head nurse and lifted the top of the bubbling pot. She swished the brush around and then began to gently apply the cream to Kate's tender pussy. The young beauty screamed out and tried vehemently to tear herself away from the bonds, but they held tight. Again the Mistress dipped the brush and applied a second, even heavier, coating. Kate began to cry uncontrollably. Ordinarily the Mistress, who generally did not care to hear crying girls, would have ordered a gag inserted, but she wanted Nikki to hear her sister cry out in agony. Natasha signaled to the head nurse, who obediently began to gently stroke Kate's face, and then her tits, in an attempt to try and calm the girl, even as coating after coating of hot cream were brushed on to her smoldering snatch. Next the Mistress grabbed a razor, but first she waited a few painstaking minutes for the singing oil to seep into Kate’s cunt. Satisfied she began to carefully shave off what little stubble had managed to emerge since yesterday. Upon completion, The Mistress gently inserted just the tip of her right index finger into Kate's wet slot. The girl emitted a slight grown as Natasha smiled and admired her handiwork.
For almost every other employee of Stonebriar, genital touching of the captives was strictly forbidden. Yes all employees there were hardcore lesbians, and indeed the temptation to have their way with these beautiful girls was especially strong. And Natasha knew full well that touching Kate’s pussy in front of the others was sending the wrong message to her staff. But sometimes though even she wasn’t immune to the charms of these exquisite girls. Recently several women on the staff were terminated for a similar infraction. Natasha hated to be a hypocrite, but messages needed to be sent from time to time, including the most important one of all, that sometimes the rules did not apply to her. The guards and nurses here were pros, and well paid ones at that. They knew they would get their turn with the girls during the training process, but not during the submission stage. Mixed messages could not be sent. Level One was exclusively for punishment and capitulation only. Knowing that rewards came with patience was usually enough to keep the staffs’ eager hands, and tongues, away from the girls.
Satisfied with her work, she then ordered Kate to be released from the table. But it was only for the briefest possible moment. As was routine, her ankles and wrists were again shackled and the chastity belt immediately refastened between her legs. The young girl was too weak to walk, not uncommon the staff noted after this type of procedure, so the guards placed her on a gurney before wheeling her out of the room. The Mistress now was able to give Nikki her undivided attention.
"#311", she began, "I am sure you tired of spending all of your time in that cell waiting, and wondering what is going on. That is most assuredly part of our plan. However today I have a special surprise in store for you. I am going to allow you to watch the next phase of your sister’s punishment. I am quite certain that what we have planned for her will be the final straw. Today is the day that she surrenders herself to us and I want you to be there to watch it!"
Nikki screamed into the gag and wrestled vainly with the chains. The Mistress nodded to the head nurse who then began to brush on the ice cold cream onto Nikki's bare cunt. The Mistress continued: "It is always an exciting time when one of the girl's stops fighting us and accepts her fate #311. Then the pain can stop and we can get on to the more important business of training you girls in the proper ways of pleasuring other women. All of our girls are sold exclusively to other women, I am sure Madam Hardings told that that, no? These women are rich and powerful and very demanding, so it is important that you fully learn what it takes to please them. We will give you that training here, that I can promise you."
Nikki tried not to pay attention to anything that crazy bitch was saying, it wasn’t hard as the cream being spread on her cunt was so cold that she could focus on nothing else. The head nurse was, as always, very thorough and every square inch of her twat was nearly frozen. She wasn’t sure if she preferred the "hot" shaves. At least the heat dissipated quickly and her pussy got wet and even a bit tingly, even if she couldn't do anything about it. But the cold cream just stayed there, waiting to be shaved away. The Mistress told the nurse to wait ten minutes before shaving her. Nikki wanted to scream, but the gag in her mouth would not even allow that little bit of satisfaction. All she could manage was a single tear that rolled out of her left eye, as the Mistress turned away and left the room to attend to Kate.
Before doing that however, she went to check in on the progress of some of the other punishment rooms to get up to speed on the status of several other girls in the facility. At any one time, there were no less then two-dozen girls kept behind the walls of the compound. They were all in various stages of transformation into their eventual new roles of lesbian servitude. Generally speaking, 10 to 12 girls were being broken down at any one time on Level One. The staff there focused exclusively on advanced torture and punishment techniques, with the ultimate goal of getting the girls to surrender themselves as quickly (but not too quickly) and agree to visit Dr. Olga’s chamber. The balance of the girls or slaves, another dozen or so, was kept in captivity on Level Two. It was there they were trained by a completely different group of women. These women tended to be much less brutal but were equally demanding of their captives. These highly skilled staffers spent week after week after and week preparing the girls to become world-class lesbian slaves. The girls were taught not only how to obey, but how to please their new owners in every way possible. There training was done so precisely and effectively that they instantly became prized commodities in the ever-growing community of lesbian slave holders.
The entire process from start to finish, which included all of the following:
Usually lasted between four and six months. Some girls however were more difficult to break and therefore required increased attention during the torture/submission stage. Such cases were rare, but not unheard of at Stonebriar. There was always a delicate balancing act in the way the girls were treated. Any girl could be forced to submit to Natasha’s will exposed to harsh enough treatments, but those factors always had to be weighed carefully when compared to causing permanent harm to the girl.
The first stage, not surprisingly, was the hardest one for the girls to deal with. Not only did they have to deal with the sudden shock of their kidnapping and unexpected imprisonment, but the isolation and the harsh tactics employed to the most sensitive areas of their bodies, by other women no less, was simply too much for many of the girls to bear. That is why Natasha instructed Madam Hardings to wait a few days before dropping the bombshell on them that they would never be leaving there. At least not to return to their past lives. The worst nightmares imaginable were coming true for these pretty young girls and there was nothing they could do to stop it, there was no waking up. Natasha wasn’t sure what was worse on them, the physical or psychological toll, but she really did not have much time to think about it, even if she did care.
Time was always the enemy at Stonbriar and that is why Natasha had determined that 8 days, and no less, of continually escalating punishments was the optimal amount to subject the girls to her torturous regime. Painstaking research had led her and her upper level personnel to conclude that that length of time was enough to break almost any girl unlucky enough to be brought to the facility. It was her belief that younger girls, would agree to do anything almost immediately if enough pain were inflicted to their bodies. What Natasha could not afford to do, was allow the girls to succumb too quickly to the harsh techniques at Stonbriar. In order for the sexual reorientation conversion to work properly, the girls had to “willingly” agree to the procedure in the first place. The only way for Natasha to fell comfortable that each slave was ready to surrender herself was to make sure that each and every girl fully understood that they had only two choices laid out before them: sign the contract and agree to visit the chamber or face additional tortures. There simply was no other choice. The policy of 8 days of uninterrupted punishment did of course did pose some challenges.
Some girls, especially the younger ones, were ready to give in much more quickly, often after just a day or two of torture. Young women tend have a very low threshold for pain. But because of the enormity of this decision, a decision that would forever alter their lives, Natasha wanted to absolutely sure the girls were ready for it and she was unwilling to let them surrender so quickly. She needed to be convinced that they were ready to go to the chamber. Sometimes though the really weak girls were able to elicit a great deal of compassion from the staff because they did give in and yet Natasha order their torturing to continue. This did sometimes pose problems because Natasha’s greatest fear was her staff people developing sympathy, and even worse, relationships with the slaves. Most of the female employees at Stonebrair were tough, generally uncaring, and very well trained, but many also had empathy for their “patients” and hated to see the innocent beauties continually brutalized long after they had agreed to undergo the conversion process. Because of this she often had to “dial down” the punishments for the girls who had given in but had not been there for eight days. Natasha after all was in charge, though, and she was convinced that she was right. She prided herself on the fact that none of her girls had ever needed to be sent back to Stonebriar for re-education or additional training. It was hard for anyone there, even the more senior employees like Commandant Stone to argue with that level of success.
Now though the Mistress was beginning to second-guess herself. She was generally quite good at predicting how long it would take to “break” each girl. Natasha was taking a big gamble that by delaying Nikki’s entrée into the torture process, so that she could watch her own sister succumb, would pay big dividends once Kate finally did surrender. The thinking was that would lower her own morale. In fact, a frequent buyer from Asia had already asked to put down a deposit on Nikki. Natasha had so far declined to accept it, as she was certain that an auction would likely raise far more cash for her. The Mistress was sure that letting Nikki see Kate give in would be a serious blow to her confidence and should make it easier to break her once they began her punishment cycle.
The Mistress now entered room 4B. This was known as a dual punishment room. There were several of these types of rooms in the complex. They were bigger then the other rooms and were specifically designed to accommodate the punishment of multiple girls at once. The Mistress was a firm believer that having the girls see each other being brutalized would be incredibly demoralizing and may indeed hasten their own desire to give in. As a matter of policy, two girls were generally brought into the room at different stages of their punishments phases. For example one captive would be brought in who had been undergoing torture for several weeks and was probably close to breaking, while the other would be a girl just introduced to Stonebriar, usually just days from being taking off the streets. It was the Institute’s unyielding policy, drilled into the slaves from the minute the came inside the front gates, that their was no point in holding out. Their fate was inevitable. Seeing one girl possibly at the end of the line would further devastate the new slave’s already low spirits.
Today, things would be a little different in 4B. Both girls in there were, in Natasha’s mind, very close to capitulation. There was no sense in wasting any more time with either. Maybe they would get lucky and have two today for Dr. Olga!
Kate was once again securely fastened to a padded table with her arms cuffed above her head. However her legs were attached to a spreader bar, which dangled from a chain suspended from the ceiling. Kate could swing her legs, in either direction maybe about 90 degrees or so, but ominously she was unable to close them. This left her pussy nicely vulnerable to the whims of her captors. The assistants, per orders, had also removed her chastity belt. Eight feet away, in similar restraints was the pretty redhead, Sheila, from L.A (A.K.A #294). Just days ago she appeared to be at her breaking point, but somehow she kept fighting on. She was now beginning to exceed her allotted punishment budget and this would soon cause grave concern at the institute. Natasha watched every penny like a hawk. Sheila’s stubbornness angered the Commandant to no end, and she vowed that today was the day she would get her girl. Natasha however wasn’t nearly as concerned as the Commandant believed. It had been her experience that the feisty ones often times proved to make the best slaves. Once broken, they tended to channel all of that anger and extra energy into learning their new role as a slave very well. Ultimately their new owners were incredibly satisfied with their purchases. This theory tended to work in much the same way that terrible drunks often make the best anti-alcohol spokespeople. Longtime buyers of Natasha’s girls usually asked her which slaves she had the toughest time and placed their bids accordingly.
Behind Kate's back, and without her being able to see, Nikki was wheeled in on a dolly. She was gagged, of course, and VERY securely chained to the metal contraption, so as not to make even the slightest sound. The Mistress wanted to make sure that Nikki saw everything that was being done to her sister. It was going to be a good show and she wanted Nikki to hate every second of it.
At the Mistress' instructions the room began to swell with activity. First a cart was wheeled out; it contained a large bowl filled with ice cubes. Then, perhaps more worryingly, two large clear plastic cups, connected together like a bra, were lowered from the ceiling, attached only to a long hose. Kate knew immediately those were to be placed over her breasts, and she was right. First, however, they were filled with ice before being positioned over her generous bosom. The attendants took great care in this process, as the Mistress was personally observing, and likely critiquing, her every move. Now, at such a crucial juncture as this, was no time to make a mistake.
Next the cups were sealed with putty spread around the base of each breast. This served two purposes, there would be no leakage from the ice, and more importantly, it would provide an airtight seal. Next the hoses were gently pushed farther into the cup so as to make direct contact with the nipple and completely surround it. Once in place, the head assistant gave the thumbs-up and the hoses were activated. Kate immediately felt a tug on her left nipple as the suction started to pull on it. Moments later she felt the same sensation on her right tit. The sucking itself wasn't so bad, but the intense cold was becoming increasingly intolerable. The Mistress was pleased with the speed and accuracy that the staff displayed, and she let the Commandant know it by giving her a quick nod. The nurses working on Sheila proved to be equally adept.
Sheila and Kate struggled hard against the bonds but stopped immediately when they saw what was going on directly in front of them. What they saw terrified them. Both the Commandant and the Mistress were being helped in into harnesses; each with a huge dildo attached! The Commandant had the larger of the two, a black rod at least 10 inches long with a large silver tip. Sheila bit down hard on her gag, knowing what would inevitably come next. There was nothing she could do to prevent it. She had been violated a number of times in her now 3+ weeks here, but never by anything this large! The Commandant waved the huge dildo in her face for a minute, taunting the cute little redhead, before finally taking her position between the lovely girl’s outstretched legs.
The Mistress did the same thing with Kate. Her dildo however was smaller, only about six inches, but also had the same ominous silver tip. She too settled in between Kate's legs and placed the tip right on top of Kate's beautifully shaved and tight young pussy. She was careful to make extended eye contact with Nikki and gave her a devilish smile.
Forcibly fucking a beautiful girl with a strap-on dildo, especially one that was so heavily restrained, gave the Mistress' intense satisfaction, something she knew she would never get bored of. In many ways these depraved acts were sweet revenge for the awful rebukes she continually received from other girls during her high school and college years.
The Mistress allowed only herself and Commandant Stone the exquisite pleasure of donning the strap-ons. These procedures were among the most difficult undertaken at the Institute and were not to be taken lightly. She did not want such power abused by the other workers on her staff, now matter how dedicated or deserving that they may be. Mechanical devices performed all of the other forcible insertions at Stonebriar, and the Mistress personally oversaw each and every one of those.
Forced penetrations, whether done in the pussy or the ass, were handled with great care at Stonebriar. Natasha had many, many other forms of torture at her disposal and she used the strap-on dildos sparingly. She of course had no moral qualms about forcing a dildo into a girl’s most private areas; her only reasons against doing so were mostly financial. The less she had to violate the girls, the higher the price they would command at auction time. It was really that simple. Sadly though, she was making an incredibly costly mistake with Kate and she did not even know it. It was a mistake that would haunt her very much in the months ahead.
Kate was now sobbing hysterically, she had never been penetrated before, and she never dreamed her virginity would end this way. Now she was wishing that she hadn’t played so hard to get with her boyfriend in high school. Countless times he tried to cajole her into giving it up and each time she pushed him away. She was sure now that this encounter would be far more painful then anything he would have done to her. Kate was about to be violently raped by a woman who had complete control over her body and there was nothing she could do about it.
One of the nurses reached under the table and pulled out a thin plastic hose and placed it about six inches over Kate's cunt. It was attached to a reservoir of steaming oil. She then opened the valve just a tiny amount and drops of oil started to trickle onto Kate's pussy. It was warm, obviously, and caused an unpleasant burning sensation, much like the shaving cream did. But unlike the cream, this oil slowly dripped into her pussy lips. The Mistress wanted the oil to be hot, enough to be painful for the girls, but not hot enough to cause any serious damage. That would be bad for business.
It was hard to imagine that it could get much worse for Sheila and Kate. Their nipples were being sucked relentlessly by vacuum pumps while their tits were nearly encased in ice. Steaming hot oil was being dripped onto their clean-shaven cunts, and each was about to be brutally penetrated by a sadistic lesbian bitch! Kate saw the Mistress lift up her hips to position the dildo under the oil stream, to better lubricate it, then place it once again between her soft pink pussy lips. At last the Mistress spoke to end the silence; "Before we commence ladies, I am giving each of you a red buzzer." Kate was handed an plastic item that looked like a tiny flashlight, but with a red flashing light at one end and a big blue button at the other. The assistants then forced open her right palm and placed it into her hand. They did the same with Sheila.
She continued: "The decision you make as to when you press this button will be the most important one you will make in your entire life. When the red light goes on that will be your signal to us that you have decided to stop your struggle and accept your fate in becoming a lesbian sex slave. At that time, we will immediately withdraw the dildos and begin to unfasten you. You will be taken back to your cell where Madam Hardings will be waiting for you to sign the contract. You will sign it immediately and then be left in your cells for 12 hours. We will need this time to prepare you for the final step into your lesbian conversion. Once that step is taken, and your signature is on that piece of paper there will be no turning back, ever! You need to fully accept it ladies, to understand that by pressing that button, it is the only way to stop the punishment from continuing. If either of you has any second thoughts or are not yet ready to give yourself over to a life of lesbian servitude then please do not push the button. Commandant Stone and her staff will be more then happy to continue persuading you otherwise with the many other means they have at their disposal."
Sheila gulped hard. This was the first time that she had ever been given the button and she was sure she would not be able to hold out any longer. In fact she had no idea how she had been able to last this long.
The Mistress smiled at Kate, rarely had she given any girl the buzzer after only seven days of treatment. Most girls who got the buzzer were entering at least their third week on Level One. Only a very small percentage of the girls ever lasted that long. Less then 8% in fact, although one particularly determined slave even managed to hold out for an astounding 41 days! That was far and away the record for intransigence at Stonebriar. Natasha liked to brag to anyone who would listen that that particular young lady turned out to be one of her finest slaves ever.
Before proceeding any further, the Mistress flipped a switch on the side of her harness. The dildo hanging between her legs sprung to life and started to vibrate. This was done more for Natasha’s benefit then anything else. The vibrations caused her own pussy to tingle. The mere act of fucking the restrained Kate would likely produce an orgasm for her anyway.
Without another moment's hesitation, the Mistress slowly eased her hips forward and began to slide the dildo into Kate's cunt. The young beauty attempted to push away, to keep the unwanted invader out, but she had absolutely no leverage and there was no way to stop Natasha. Kate’s arms and legs, wrists and ankles, were all tied down with heavy leather restraints. The hot oil began to coat the hard rubber phallus as it sank further and further into Kate's tender young snatch. Her virginity, something that she had prided herself in keeping for so long, was being taken from her in a most barbaric fashion and she was utterly powerless to stop it. The young girl had never felt anything this painful before. She wanted desperately to scream out, to tell the Mistress she was still a virgin, as if in some way that would get her to stop. The only sounds that managed to get through the gag were muffled pleas, which were of course ignored.
The truth was though that if Natasha had any idea Kate was really a virgin she would have stopped in an instant, not because she had even an ounce of compassion for the girl, but because virgins in today’s world were almost extinct, especially ones this pretty, and Kate would certainly be worth far more at the auction because of it. Any number of bidders would gladly pay a significant premium to do to Kate what Natasha was doing to her right now for nothing!
The Mistress grabbed Kate's hips and began to pump away, slowly at first, letting the rod slide in and out, in and out of Kate’s tight and now smoldering snatch. The Mistress wanted to take her time here, there was no rush, she was in complete control. Between thrusts she flashed a smile at her victim, just to be nasty, and then she started to increase her tempo, pumping away with increasing fury. Meanwhile Natasha’s own pussy was getting wetter and wetter as the vibrations from the dildo were starting to bring her closer to the edge.
Nikki meanwhile looked on in horror, watching in stunned silence as this diabolical bitch was fucking her sister mercilessly. She was well aware of Kate’s virginity, or what little was left of it and she longed for the opportunity to do something, anything, to stop this madness. But with her own ridged bondage, she could do nothing but watch Natasha have her way with her little sister.
The Mistress then gave a quick nod to the nurse standing next to Kate; she had ordered the pressure on the vacuum pumps to be increased. Kate's frozen nipples were sucked even harder!
In what only be described as an act of compassion, one of the older nurses gently began to caress Kate’s forehead with a damp sponge. The nurse had seen this procedure performed many times before, and she didn’t lime it, but she understood why it had to be done. Nevertheless she wanted to help ease the girl’s suffering. The Mistress, sensing that Kate could not take much more of this, increased the speed of her penetrations into the teenage girl. Her thrusts were timed perfectly with the humming of the dildo. Just moments later the Mistress' was rewarded as a wild orgasm worked its way through her own cunt just as Kate was finally about to give in. The Mistress’ knees weakened as she came, but she maintained her composure and continued to thrust away again and again and again into Kate’s tiny cunt. Finally the pretty slave could not take it any longer, the pain was too much to bear. She pressed the button on the device and then dropped it from her hand onto the floor. A jubilant Natasha smiled at her staff of three equally excited nurses before gently easing the rod out of Kate’s oil covered cunt.
The evil dominatrix, still a bit breathless from her workout, walked to the head of the table and planted a soft kiss on Kate’s lips, even as the gag was still in her mouth. The hard part was over now she reassured her; it was now time for them to work together to make Kate the very best slave she could possibly be. An obviously frustrated and grief stricken Nikki looked on knowing that barring a miracle, she too would suffer a similar fate. The despondent girl was wheeled out of the room on the dolly and returned to her cell.
As Kate was being released from her bonds, the Mistress now directed her attention over to Sheila, the other slave in the room. The tough little redhead was handling the ten-inch intruder surprisingly well. As the Commandant forced the artificial cock deeper and deeper into the petite girl, the Mistress ordered the vacuum pump turned up to full power. Five more minutes of hard, at times violent thrusting, still did not yield the desired results. The bitch just refused to give in! Sheila screamed into her gag, saliva coming out of her mouth in all directions, which was quickly mopped up with the head nurse’s sponge. Her chest heaved heavily as the other attendants worked hard to keep the tit pumps in place and to prevent the now mostly melted ice from spilling out. The increasingly frustrated Commandant pulled the rod out and asked for permission to be fitted with a bigger one!
This request made for a very difficult decision for the Mistress, and the utmost discretion must be used before making it. There were multiple, and at times competing interests at stake here in this room. Commandant Stone is a tough bitch, a person that almost always employs a “take no prisoners approach” into battering her girls into submission. Her primary goal, as it should be, is to “turn” the slaves over as quickly as possible and move them down to Level 2. She was very good at her job, having been with Natasha for nearly five years now. As much as Natasha appreciated her rock solid work ethic, her vicious methods often lead to friction with another one of her key employees, Head Nurse Ingrid. This woman, on the other hand, tended to be a much more compassionate woman, if such a word could be used to describe any of the employees at the Institute. It is Ingrid who always insisted on being woken up in the middle of the night if it became necessary to inflict immediate tortures on one of the slaves. Ingrid tended to develop an emotional attachment to almost all of “her” girls and wanted to be with them as they endured the most difficult and painful procedures. She was always the one who asked to be present when the new girls were shaved for the first time knowing how scared that they must be and she wanted to make every attempt to sooth them as much as humanly possible.
There was no doubt in Natasha’s mind that Ingrid did not fit in well with the rest of the staff on Level One, most of whom were inclined to emulate their leader, Commandant Stone. They all tended to be vicious, hard charging dykes who showed very little understanding for the plight of the slaves. But Natasha was a believer that having Ingrid as her head nurse helped to eliminate and reduce unnecessary abuses to the girls, that is why she kept her there.
Both Ingrid and Commandant Stone were on the same team, as Natasha was constantly reminding them. The goal of every employee, from Mistress Natasha at the top, all the way down to the lowliest orderly, was to turn these pretty girls into obedient lesbian slaves. It was just that these two ladies tended to clash over the methods used. In this particular case Mistress Natasha correctly surmised that Ingrid was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the Commandant’s heavy-handed tactics. Natasha decided it was time to fashion a compromise.
She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a tiny remote control with a short silver antenna attached. No one at Stonebriar had ever seen this device before. She ordered the Commandant to reposition herself between Sheila’s outstretched and legs, now being supported only by the chains and spreader bar, as Sheils had no strength of her own. The girl was clearly exhausted and had very little fight left in her.
“Proceed”, she ordered. The Commandant slowly began to reinsert the huge dildo into Sheila’s oil soaked and now terribly sore cunt. The girl managed to let out a groan, despite the gag in her mouth. Slowly the massive member slid in. The Mistress then ordered the gag removed. Nurse Ingrid carefully removed the ball gag and went back to applying a damp sponge to Sheila’s forehead. Almost immediately Sheila began screaming madly at the two women, swearing eternal revenge.
"I will ask you one last time, are you ready to submit?"
"Rot in hell, you Bitches!"
"Very Well" The Mistress nodded to the Commandant who again continued to angrily thrust away inside her helpless prey. Sheila screamed wildly and then out of the corner of her eye, noticed the Mistress press a button on the remote control. Instantly she felt a searing jolt of electricity inside her cunt! Unbeknownst to everyone, the silver tip of the dildo was fitted with an electrical charge!!! This isn’t fair Sheila thought. She had fought valiantly against every torture they could throw at her. But this was far too much for any woman to bear. The pain shooting through her pussy was indescribable. Her scream was deafening, shocking even the most seasoned women in the facility. Nurse Ingrid tried in vain to soothe #294 by stoking her cheeks. But it was no use; nothing could make this kind of pain go away.
Their eyes meet for a moment, the Commandant and slave. Both women knew immediately it was over. Sheila decided she must surrender before the Mistress could press the button again. Somehow she managed to gather the strength to push her own button on the controller in her right hand, before releasing it and dropping it to the floor, now effectively ending their tenacious three-week battle. With that, the Mistress and her loyal second-in-command could now relax. Commandant Stone slows backed away from Sheila removing the fiendish device from the redhead’s cunt. Natasha and Commandant Stone both walked over to Sheila, and was is custom when a girl submits, and kissed her softly on the forehead. The long, grueling ordeal was finally over for #294.
Before releasing her though, the Commandant whispered some words to the sobbing, sweat drenched girl: “#294, you have to believe me when I tell you that this whole ordeal was not personal between us. It is not easy for you to hear this now, but I hope that one day you will understand it all. There are people in this world that will pay anything to own a girl like you. I hope one day that you will come to understand why this whole process was necessary.”
The electrical probe was a device that the Mistress was reluctant to use on all but the most obstinate of girls. She could sense however that Commandant Stone was growing increasingly frustrated with her efforts to break Sheila, and she did not want to wait any longer for her submission. Another auction was planned at the end of September and they needed to have plenty of time to get all of the girls ready for their more lengthy stay on Level 2, the training stage.
Chapter 10 June 29th 1:00 AM
Nikki and Kate again found themselves in their adjoining cells. Kate was sleeping on her bed while Nikki was left dangling from the ceiling. Her arms and legs each kept apart by bars with her ankles and wrists secured tightly at each end. Only a heavy steel chain connected to the middle of the bar spreading her arms kept her from falling to the ground. Natasha wanted to give her one last look, and a very uncomfortable one to be sure, at her sister before she was taken down to the chamber for her conversion. Maliciously though, the Mistress made sure the gag was in left Nikki’s mouth, no sense letting her offer any last words of encouragement to Kate. As Nikki tried to get her little sister’s attention any way she could her own cell door swung slowly open. Kiko, the little Japanese bitch that Nikki detested, had decided to pay her a surprise visit.
It seemed that the Japanese girl had been summoned from her own cell to do an errand this evening. She had just left the private quarters of Commandant Stone and was told to pay her belligerent little friend a visit. Raised to be a gracious guest by her parents, Kiko decided to bring a surprise gift to with her. As Nikki turned to face her cell door she was both surprised and disappointed to see her arch nemesis Kiko standing before her. The slender oriental girl sat down on the bed and laid the little black box down, making very sure Nikki was well aware of it’s presence. Nikki was quite certain that she was not going to like whatever was in that box. Kiko grabbed Nikki’s right thigh so they would be facing each other. She relaxed her grip and began to stroke Nikki’s still firm and well-toned legs.
Years of swimming had made her calves and thighs rock solid, not to mention the rest of her body. If she could get free, Nikki would beat this little bitch to a pulp, but instead her attempts to jerk away were merely scoffed at by the much tinnier girl. Playfully she turned Nikki around in circles. With no leverage there was nothing Nikki could do to stop her. Kiko laughed quietly to herself, as Nikki was getting dizzier and dizzier. At last she stopped but only to whisper: "I know you hate me #311 and believe me when I tell wish it didn’t have to turn out this way between us. I tried to be your friend from the very beginning and help you through this whole thing. What happens to us all in here is hard enough without having to make enemies of the other slaves. At least though your sister appreciated me, even if you never will. I am excited that she will be continuing her journey. She realized that lesbian slave hood is inevitable, as you will one day very soon. Why must you be so stubborn?”
Nikki shook her head defiantly. That was really her only option as her limbs were completely immobilized. Kiko then removed a key for around her neck and placed it into the winch that kept Nikki suspended in the air. How did she get that Nikki wondered? Only the Mistress and the Commandant was supposed to have that. Slowly Kiko cranked the winch downward, releasing the tension of the cable. Nikki was now only an inch or so off of the ground. The pretty blond looked on, not having any idea what was going on. She did not have to wait long to find out, Kiko walked her and unfastened her bra, then over to the mysterious black box. Next she reached inside and pulled out a pair of black latex gloves and a small spray bottle. Nikki watched every move she made carefully. The snap of the rubber gloves going on Kiko’s hands was particularly unsettling. Kiko took the bottle and started spraying ice-cold water on Nikki’s breasts, which immediately caused her nipples to harden. Then she reached into the box again to pull out a pair of nipple clips, which were connected by a short steel chain. Nikki groaned as Kiko put them on as tightly as possible, screwing the ends to maximize the pinching power. The little Japanese bitch delighted in seeing her rival suffer. She took a moment to marvel at her handiwork and bask in Nikki’s obvious discomfort.
She went back to the box for a final time and pulled out a sinister looking device. It had a black handle, like a gun, but instead of a barrel it had two short arms, each about 6 inches in length. When the Trigger was pressed, what appeared to be an electrical charge was emitted.
“Do you know tomorrow is my last day here #311? Tomorrow night is the auction and most of the girls on Level 2, at least those of us who are ready, are going to be sold. I am looking forward to getting out of here and serving my new Mistress, but before going I wanted to make sure I gave you a going away present.”
“Do you know what this is?” the Jap bitch asked her gagged captive, knowing full well she couldn’t answer. “It is a stun gun, it is used by police departments and prison guards to subdue violent, vicious criminals. The Mistress keeps them here for particularly unruly girls that need to be neutralized immediately. This device emits a tremendous amount of high voltage. It is very, very painful. I have seen it used on other girls here, and they scream like nothing you have ever heard in your life. It has never been used on me though, because I know how to obey. What the Mistress really loves about these units though is that it leaves no marks on its victim whatsoever. No one will even know it’s been used on you.” Kiko laughed and flashed Nikki an evil grin.
Kiko stepped on the wooden bar separating Nikki’s legs, to prevent her from moving around too much. Now the girl’s faces were only inches away. “Now it’s my turn to show you who is in control here, you little bitch.”
Nikki’s eyes grew wide as she looked on in terror as Kiko placed the awful contraption between her legs. After waiting a few excruciating moments, she pressed the button, sending a wave of electricity through Nikki's taught thighs. She twisted and turned her upper body and struggled violently, but it was to no avail. Kiko held Nikki’s right thigh firmly and placed the unit flush on her left one. Zappp!!!!! Spittle poured out from the gag as Nikki fought like mad to escape. But she could gain no control as Kiko kept all of her weight on the wooden bar. Now she was ready to move to Nikki’s tits. She squeezed the right one while placing the stun gun on her left tit. She held it there as long as she could. The current went from one nipple clamp to the other, and back again. The clamps were on much too tightly and even the violent shaking of her body could not dislodge them. Kiko alternated zapping the two breasts; confident that she herself would not feel a stray shock with the heavy rubber gloves she was wearing.
Nikki was sweating profusely now, begging for this madness to end. Her body hung limply as Kiko’s assault finally came to a sudden stop. She removed the clips, which allowed blood to flow back into Nikki’s terribly swollen nipples. Kiko put her bra back on and proceeded to winch the girl back up to the height she originally found her. There of would be no record of her visit here tonight. Before leaving she walked over to the dangling slave and kissed Nikki’s sweat covered thighs. She traced her hands on the outside of Nikki’s chastity belt, trying to slide a finger underneath, but knowing that there was no way to get at the precious treasure underneath, the fit was too perfect.
“Just be glad I didn’t have a key to this,” she muttered, kissing the outside of the belt. “Because I would have been here all night long. Sweet dreams.”
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