Well, the big day
is come and gone. We are now in the
throws of that
kind of let down
one feels after preparing for months for
an event, and
having it
suddenly be over. Still it was magnificent. A
once in a
kind of thing
really. I am speaking of course of young
Peter's Wedding.
was the kind of
wedding one dreams about, where everything
comes off
perfectly. You
know that we were worried after Peter tried
to run away, and
that put a big
delay into our plans. We spend a good week
before the actual
ceremony fist
fucking him repeatedly to get his pussy ready
for Thunderhead.
I paid for and
brought in a special horse wrangler who has
worked with
stallions fucking
both girls and boys. This guy not only
knows the ins and
outs of his
trade, how deeply to let the horse prick impale
the boy's rectum
for example, but
he is also willing to do workshops to show
other family
members how to
monitor the animal/boy fuck, so that when
leaves, they can
continue to
administer the intimacy in a safe, healthy way.
I know there
are some of you
skeptics out there who will maintain that a
sixteen year old
boy getting
fucked by a horse can never be safe and
healthy, but I
need to
remind you that
human beings are very adaptable, and many
cultures in our
world have
rituals and practices which we would consider
barbaric or
The day of the wedding, we kept Peter's ass
filled with
a thirteen inch
dildo the size of
a baseball bat. We also kept his inner
pussy well
lubricated so
that by the time the ceremony came round, he
would be wet and
juicy for his new
We had decorated
one end of the barn for the wedding,
built a kind of
alter and had a
special place for the horse as well as for
Peter. The guest
met up at the
house for coctails and treats. Then we all
went down to the
barn together. It
was a lovely day, perfect for a wedding.
When we were all
seated, Pastor
Bob appeared at the alter. Peter's mom was
led down to sit
in the front
along with myself and several others who have
been instrumental
in the boy's
education. The groom appeared to ohhhs and
Ahhhhs and a
smattering of
applause. He is a fine big black stallion,
very handsome.
a lucky little
faggot Peter is to have such a studly
husband. The
for the ceremony
included a photograph of Thunderheads
massive erect
prick, so that
all could see just what a magnificent beast
he is.
There were almost a hundred of us gathered.
When all was in
place, the bridal march was played. And
Peter's Dad
entered with the
bride. Peter's dad looked elegant in a
white tux jacket.
Peter looked
beautiful, crawling down the aisle with a
silver collar on
neck and the
chain held by his dad. Peter crawled as he had
been taught to,
legs wide apart
so his balls and dick swung properly. He
had been given
three viagra, and
then masturbated so his dick was rock
hard and
He crawled with
his back arched and his young round teenage
ass up high.
When he moved, we
could see the stretched out pink pussy.
He crawled to the
alter, where he was allowed to stand,
and his father
took a seat next
to Mom. Peter then was instructed by
Pastor Bob to
back and spread
his ass cheeks for the guests to show them
his cunt.There
was also a photo
in the program of Peter's cunt, which I
have included
this mail. I must
say with all humility, I have seldom
seen a sixteen
old boy with such
a well developed pussy.
Boy and horse
stood at the alter. Did I mention that
Peter had a
lovely veil on
his head. We could see through the delicate
material that
the boy was
crying quite hard, and every now and then a few
of his sobs
echoed through
the barn, bringing a smile to all of our
faces. Peter's
looked enormous
up there at the alter, sticking out and
dripping strings
pre-fuck. One of
the bride's maids, a friend of mine named
Hugo, removed the
collar and veil
from Peter so he was totally nude in all
his teenage
The horse
wrangler knelt next to Thunderhead and in a very
calming, soothing
way, began to
massage the horse's balls so that the huge
mottled pink and
black prick would
emerge from the sheath. Silence, except
for Peter's
labored breathing
filled the barn as the giant horse dick
appeared. It was
as thick as
Peter's leg and almost as long.
Father Bob began
the ceremony which was lovingly written
by Pete's Mom.
Something about
gathering together in love to unite boy and
horse. Peter was
shaking so badly
that at times he had to be supported by
Hugo, lest his
give out. He was
scared out of his young mind.
One of the
highlights of the ceremony was when Peter had
to kneel and
suck Pastor Bob's
dick in front of all gathered. Pastor Bob
has a nice big
prick so all
could see Peter licking it an sucking on it an
the big balls.
Pastor spoke
about the uniting and healing qualities of
male fuckseed.
Peter's dad stood
up in front of everyone and took a
silver communion
chalice and jerked
off into it. He also has a dick to be
proud of, as
Peter's teenage
ass can attest to. He spewed a nice blast
of fuck into the
chalice, and then
handed it to Hugo who did likewise. There
was a real
curiosity among
the congregated in the masturbation ritual.
The Chalice was
passed into the
first row and any member present who felt
the desire to
unload could jerk
off into the chalice. I contributed.
Meanwhile, we had
some lovely music
and a solo, the nature of which I forget.
I looked into the
large chalice when it returned from
the last row, and
it was two thirds
filled with fucksnot. Yellow/whiteish
glue with clots
fuck floating
in...thick fuckpaste.
Peter meanwhile
had pulled off the Pastor's dick, and
Pastor Bob jerked
off onto Peter's
cute young face. The bride of course was
not allowed to
wipe it off.
Pastor Bob raised the chalice and said a
prayer, then
it to Peter and
the boy was told to drain the cup of the
holy fuck! The
had been warned
before the ceremony not to resist or try
any funny
so he obediently
raised the goblet to his lips and began to
drink the
fuckslime of
every male at the service. It took him a while
as the sperm
moved slowly down
his throat and was quite hard to swallow.
Then, when the
cup was empty,
the next part of the service began. The
same chalice was
held under the
dick of the groom, and the horse wrangler
began to
the stallion.
When the horse prick was throbbing and
leaking, Peter
instructed by
Pastor Bob to crawl down under the horse and
kiss his new
husband's prick.
Peter made us all so proud, he didn't
hesitate in the
slightest. Of
course he has been sucking horse dick for
months, so this
nothing new to
him. But this was new for many of those
gathered to
the wedding. Some
of them were openly playing with
themselves as
watched the
sixteen year old boy kiss and lick the horse
pizzle! Peter was
then instructed
to continue the horse masturbation, while
licking the
animal's balls.
It took some time, but at last the big
stallion gave a
and a stomp, and
shot an enormous load of horse fuck into
the goblet.
Hugo produced two
wedding rings. One huge one and one
moderate one. The
moderate one was
put around Peter's viagra swollen dick and
balls, insuring
that the
throbbing prick would stay hard all through the
wedding dinner
after. The other
ring was placed by Peter over the still
throbbing horse
Pastor Bob then
raised the horse sperm filled goblet and
said another
prayer. Then he
handed the chalice to Peter and he was told
to drink the
sperm elixir of
his new husband. Tears were running down
the boys soft
sweet face as he
drank the horse cum.
Then a delightful surprise addition to the
ceremony. The
big stallion
began to piss.
The piss shot out of his dick like water
from a fire hose.
Somebody thought fast and placed another
chalice from the
alter under the
pissing horse.
The rank yellow piss filled the cup and
overflowed. Peter
just drained the
horse spooge chalice, and now Pastor Bob
in a brilliant
moment, grabbed the piss filled cup and uttered
a prayer about
the golden elixir
of love being shared. He then handed
Peter the cup of
horse piss and we
all watched as the sixteen year old boy
drained the cup,
sick look on his
pretty face. These are big cups I am
talking about,
kind you hold in
two hands, like a trophy chalice. Peter
gulped and
More and more stinking
yellow animal piss went down his
stomach began to
bloat out. He stopped, and Hugo cuffed him
on the back of
the head and told
him to keep drinking.
It was such a
beautiful sight, watching a naked sixteen
year old boy with
a hard swollen
prick gulping down a chalice filled with
horse piss. I
you all could
have been there to share the moment. Then an
even more amusing
thing happened.
Peter just couldn't take all the piss I
guess, because
still hard dick
throbbed and started to spurt piss as well.
Applause and
laughter filled
the barn, as Peter in pain and humiliation
stood there
pissing from his
erection. If any of you have ever pissed
with a half hard
or fully hard
dick, you will know that it can be quite
painful and
The piss has to
force itself out...in spurts.
Pastor Bob then
had the boy and horse join him at the
alter proper. He
had Peter swear
to love, honor and obey his groom. To
service and take
of him. To see to
all of his needs. Then Pastor Bob
pronounced them
and wife. It was
time for the bridal kiss.
This was unique. Peter was held by How with
his head
bent back beneath
the Stallion's
head. The wrangler stroked and petted and
horse and gave it
something to eat,
I don't know what. Whatever it was, it
produced a
tremendous amount
of horse saliva. The horse spit poured
out of the
stallion's mouth
and down into Peter's open mouth. This was
something the
boy was not ready
for I think, as he turned his head to one
side to avoid
the foul horse
saliva. But Hugo slapped the kid and held
his face still,
ordering him to
open his mouth. Horse spit ran all over the
sixteen year old
face. It filled
his mouth and only when it was full to the
lips like a lake,
was he allowed to
swallow. Then the beautiful bride was
dragged by Hugo
around to the
rear of the horse for the second part of the
Bridal Kiss. He
was told to kiss
the horse's asshole. Many people in the
barn were now
openly masturbating.
Peter rebelled ever so slightly, so
he was grabbed by
the neck and his
face was rammed into the horse's ass. He
was told to shove
his tongue as far
as possible up the horse asshole. I could
see that the boy
could not breath,
and that Hugo would not let him breath
until he was
fucking the
animal rectum.
It only stands to
reason. A bride needs to learn every
inch of her new
husband's body.
How else can she properly serve him?
Well, that ended
the ceremony. But the evening was just
starting. Now we
all looked
forward to the wedding dinner and reception, and
then the moment
when we would
watch as Thunderhead fucked his new bride.
Peter was shaking
quite badly by
now and looked in shock. I hoped he would
make it through
evening. To find
out what happened, you will have to wait
for the next
installment of
our letters.
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