I awoke earlier than usual, but I still had a mild headache. It was dark out. I glanced at the clock as I sat up, it was 3 AM. I was surprised that I didn't have the initial daze of just having woke up, but I had fallen asleep somewhere around 5 PM. I had gotten more than enough sleep and wasn't woken up by the alarm, so it made sense. And then I remembered the previous day. I remembered why I was so stressed out that I fell asleep so early. I still had my bath robe on as I walked to the kitchen. My briefcase was still on the table. I supposed it was better to look inside it now than later. I got out the box and the envelope. I looked through the envelope first. It appeared all the photos were taken from the same spot, or somewhere very near it. I would have to find last year's seating arrangements to see who might have set up a camera. I also made a mental note to find out about camera timers, to see how the photos could be taken when someone wasn't immediately using it. Besides that, the pictures simply reminded me that I was going to be forced into being Darla's 'bitch'.
I thought for moments about the options. I had the option of filing a suit against Darla, since she was now legally an adult, but I would still be out a career, and possibly in prison. I love teaching, and truly fear going to prison. Not because of what might happen while I'm in prison, but I lived by myself, I was my own woman. What about my stuff? What would happen to it, who would take care of it all? My car? I wouldn't be able to pay to renew my license plates, and it would eventually get impounded. No, going to prison was not the worst part of going to prison. And what about a job at all? I know applications say that having been found guilty of felonies won't have an effect on getting hired, but I knew better than that. Of course employers look at that, and of course they prefer employees who have not been found guilty of felonies to those that have. I could work fast food, probably. But then my second problem. Teaching. I really do love teaching. If this were to become known, I would never be able to teach again.
So then, I thought, perhaps I could confront Darla. Tell her I refuse to give in to her demands, and tell her to give me all the copies of the images she has. But that wouldn't do any good. I really had no leverage in this. I had nothing against her, she had nothing to lose. not in the way I did. I have no power over her as she does me. The best that could happen is... well, she might do as I say, but how rational is it to take that chance? Was I really ready to be a lesbian's plaything? There was no other option I was willing to take, though, so the question was moot. ready or not, that was what I was going to have to do.
Defeated, I opened the box. The instructions were in it, so I read them over. I would have to take them with me, later, I decided. I put them in my briefcase so I wouldn't forget them. Maybe if I pleased Darla enough, she wouldn't use her power to torment me even more. I unfolded the tissue and saw a blouse atop other clothes, and what looked like a large banking bag to the side. I pulled out the blouse and held it up. It was white, had an elegant amount of lace, and was low cut. It was lower than I would normally choose to wear, but I don't think there would be any real problems with it. It did look like it conformed to the teacher's dress code so far as I could remember it, and maybe I'd find a jacket in my closet that would look good with it. I set that to the side and pulled out the next garment. It was a black skirt with small pleats at the bottom. A short skirt. A very short skirt. I really didn't believe I would get away with wearing a skirt so short to the school. I didn't remember actually reading or being told a skirt's minimum length but I knew there was one, and this was shorter than it. I thought up a solution. I could simply wear it to school, then ask the principal before school started if it was alright. I'd bring another with me. It was obviously Darla's intentions that I don't get fired, after all. My job was part of the power she had over me.
Having settled that, in my mind, I set the skirt to the side. Underneath it was a bra. It was my size. How had Darla known my size? It was black and did more to lift my breasts than to keep them comfortable, which is usually what I go for. That on the side, the last item of clothing in the tissue was a black stringy thing. I held it out. It was lacy, thong panties with a small heart near the top of the front, cut out from the material by design. The last time I wore a thong, it was a piece of lingerie. It made me feel sexy at the time, but I only had it on for maybe ten minutes. If I had to wear this all day it would bother me, I knew it. In conjunction with the skirt? Maybe I could call in sick. I did have a headache, after all. But then what if Darla got angry? Damn, she truly did have the power to make me wear this to work!
After breathing deeply and setting the thong atop the other clothes, I determined the "items not made of typical cloth" must be in the bank bag. I took it and pushed the empty box across the table, setting the bank bag down in front of me. I unzipped it, and pulled out a large tube of shaving cream. The can said it was for sensitive skin. Obviously she wanted me to have this to shave my pubic hair. Which, of course, I would have to do. It was something I had done few times before, and then for men. I usually felt very sexy when a man saw it so clean, but to do it for Darla... I was growing angry and sad as I went through these things. next out was an expensive, triple blade razor, and a small container of lotion that said it helped keep hair from regrowing. After that was a note. There were things below the note, but I decided to read the note before getting them, "I realize it may not be obvious how to use the harness. What you do is place the base of the dildo and butt-plug in the circles along the middle strap, and then just tighten it all up snuggly. Oh, and in case I forget to tell you, you're not allowed to wear anything today if it's not in this box. Except shoes, of course."
I was terrified as I dropped the note and dumped out the bag. On the table under it was, as I had feared, a dildo, butt-plug, and a leather panty looking contraption, all black, plus a tube of what I could presume was a lubricant. I held down the wide and long center strap of the panty thing, and saw the two circles. I placed the dildo base first into the circle, and it fit perfectly. I looked at the buckles on the side and front. Yes, I could figure out how it worked. It struck me with fear. The harness was worn like panties. It was worn snuggly to hold the dildo in place. And the butt-plug?! I looked at the black plug. A conical thing with a large groove near the base. I've never had anything in my butt before. Guys have wanted to but I knew it'd hurt, so I never wanted to. But now I would have to put something up there myself!
It was too much, I left everything on the kitchen table and went to the living room. I was going to get my mind off of this horror. I turned on the TV, but there was nothing good on. It wasn't even 4! Normally I'd get up at six, so I decided to kill those few hours with a movie. I didn't chose one so much as grab one and put it in. It wound up being 'The Little Mermaid'. Ariel had just gone to see Ursula when my alarm began to go off. At first I was curious why it was set so early, but then I realized my TV was all blue and I was groggy. I had fallen asleep again! I jumped up and ran to my room, which was only about ten feet away. It was only a few minutes past six. I turned off my alarm and almost ran to get into the shower. As I got to the bathroom door, though, I realized I would have to do things I didn't want to that day. Private things, things that necessitated I go get the shaving cream I was given. I put a lot of effort into getting rid of all my hair. After all, if I did please Darla, perhaps she would be nice to me. Besides, I did like how I looked without all that hair, so it was pleasing to me anyway. When my shower was over and I was all shaved and clean, I looked at myself in the mirror. I liked it. I did look sexy without the hair. I always did like how it looked, I supposed. But I couldn't get my reason for doing it off my mind, so I couldn't really enjoy it.
I almost went to my room to get dressed, but then remembered where the clothes I was to wear that day were. The bra was no problem to put on. It's cups were smaller than I was used to, in a revealing way. It was obviously made for show instead of utility, but that wasn't really that big a deal. I knew it'd get uncomfortable near the end of the day, but not much. The blouse was next. I would have felt better if I could wear a jacket above it, but when it came right down to it, it wasn't so bad. It was sexy, but not too slutty. Of course, I was wearing it to teach at a high school, so I couldn't help but feel that anything sexy was too slutty. But I refused to think about it until I had to. This was something I had to do whether I liked it or not, so I might as well not worry over it.
The thong fit me well. I couldn't get used to the idea of wearing it as underwear, though. It didn't feel like I was getting ready to go to work. It didn't even feel like I was getting ready to go on a date. It felt like I was getting ready to seduce someone. I put the skirt on over it, and it did nothing for me. I could look down and see that it was there, but I could still feel the air as though it wasn't. Now that it was on, even looking, I was convinced I wouldn't get away with wearing it. I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I could have sworn I had seen business women wearing skirts that size, but I could have been thinking wishfully. I turned around. I could see far too much of my own thighs. I bent over a bit, and still could only see thigh. I decided to go all out. I touched the floor. Sure enough, I could see the very bottom of my butt, and the material of the thong over my more womanly parts. I immediately went to my closet and got another skirt and blouse, like I normally wear. I almost changed into them, but remembered why I had on what I did in the first place. I folded the skirt around the butt-plug, dildo, harness, and lubricant, and placed it and my other blouse in my briefcase. I got to the door with my briefcase and purse, but stood for what I estimated was five minutes before getting up the courage to actually leave.
Finally in my car, I realized I was running late. I sped to work even faster than usual, to be sure I made it before any sizable number of students. I marched, albeit slowly, to the principal's office. The air in the school seemed to move more, and was colder. I was well aware how little I actually had on. I planned to search Darla's home for all her copies of the pictures, and the video she mentioned tomorrow, Saturday. This outfit was simply too embarrassing My face felt very hot when the principal turned his chair to face me. He was a middle aged man, and I could see his eyes take in not only my outfit, but also what it barely contained. I hesitated. The heat and pressure kept me from being able to think how to form my question. He finished appraising me and asked, "Lisa, is something up?"
I was surprised. Nothing about my attire, "Well, uh...", I suppose I hesitated too long. He smiled. I'm sure he thought I was trying to impress him. He was recently widowed, and not exactly uncharismatic. But not my type, and I was sure the age difference would bother me anyhow. I had to say something before he asked me out! "Mr. Zimmerman, I have a date later today. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make it home with all the things I have to do, but I'm scared it's a little too..."
As I thought what word to use, he finished my sentence, "Little?"
"Yes.", I answered, "I must admit I feel a little exposed. I hadn't though about that earlier. Anyway, is this alright?"
I was lying to my boss! The hypothetical cover I had thought of on my drive in just came out! Oh well, he was leaning forward (putting obvious effort into not staring at my chest) answering before I could really feel too badly about it, "Well, it technically doesn't break the dress code. I'll allow it today, but don't be surprised if the dress-code gets revised."
"Of course. Sorry. I didn't think about it.", I was glad to get out of there. Of course, I didn't get the answer I wanted. I really thought he'd tell me the skirt was inappropriate, and I'd have to change. Darla would have to understand. I'm positive the only reason he allowed it is because he liked what he saw. The way he was looking at me. It was... well, actually it felt a little good. I felt sexy. But with the wrong person. And what were the students going to say?! Should I just ignore when they inevitably look at what's on such proud display? I couldn't punish them for looking at what I was showing, after all. And what if I dropped something? I'd have to pick it up. But facing them, they'd see right down my blouse. Facing away, they'd get a view of my butt! I'd have to just not drop anything.
I started my first period the way I normally did; I outlined what I expected on Monday on the chalkboard. Whenever I reached too high with my writing arm, though, I got the impression that side of my skirt was lifting too high. There was no way I'd know without testing it or being told, however. I wasn't going to test it out, and I couldn't rely on the students to tell me. The girls would be embarrassed or offended, and the boys wouldn't want to tip me off. I just stopped writing so high on the board. Right there five minutes in, though, I dropped my piece of chalk. It took me a moment to realize I stopped talking. Everyone was staring. Apparently, they were as curious what I'd do as I was. Finally, I simply picked back up where I left off, using an entirely different piece of chalk that was fortunately on the far side of the board. I'd just pick up the dropped piece after class. I thought it was fairly clever, even though it didn't quite restore my posture. I felt detached. I was giving my lesson by rote, paying more attention to how to stand or move to avoid my skirt flying up than caring if the students were paying attention. Indeed, I hoped they weren't.
The first period was more stressful than I realized. When I sat down right before the bell rang (was I really standing in front of all those students for almost the whole hour in that outfit?), I didn't want to get back up. My chair was more comfortable than it had ever been. Even more noticeably, though, was that I could feel the cushion of the seat directly on the very bottom of my butt cheeks and on my thighs. Fortunately, my desk had a covered front, so I could scoot my seat in and not worry about my skirt so much. As the next class filed in, I realized I was hot from embarrassment. The boys who came in did anything from cast nervous glances at my chest to ogle at my cleavage. Why had I ever given in to my desires for Chad?! Why had he made a move on me?! Why didn't I tell him no?!
But class started, and I had to teach it. I was about to stand, as usual, but I realized I could simply go over what I had written for the last class on the board from behind my desk for both that and the next period! That's exactly what I did. I knew I'd have a problem later, when each of my classes was a different subject. Oh, and I just then remembered Darla would be in fourth period. Would I be able to remain calm? And I'd have to use that... that harness. I'd have to be even more careful not to allow my skirt to flip up or to bend too far, or to write too high on the board. After explaining what I had to for the class, I allowed them to work on their assignments. I worked out how to deal with reducing the chance someone would see something embarrassing, for me anyhow, for the latter three classes. If I could make it through fourth period, with Darla, I believed I could make it through the other two. Even if all she did was stay in her seat and read, I'd be very nervous.
Third hour came and I stuck to my plan of sitting down and pointing at the board for it. When it was over, I decided to skip lunch. I was hungry, and I didn't even have a breakfast, but I was certainly going to avoid the huge mass of students at the lunch room, and especially the other teachers in the teacher's lounge. I reworked my schedule to allow me to avoid writing on the board for most of the lunch. I snacked on M&Ms I found in my purse and some water. It wasn't nearly enough, but it would have to do. I wrote on the board what I thought I needed for fourth period.
It took me too long to plan, though. Five minutes before the end of lunch bell, and I still had to put on that blasted harness. I hurried to the nearest bathroom with my briefcase being on the second floor and so far from the cafeteria, there were no students visible the entire way and the bathroom was vacant. I picked the stall against the wall. I had realized before then I would have to take off my thong. I rolled up my skirt to my waist, pulled the thong down and balled it up. I pulled my other skirt out of the briefcase and unrolled it on the floor at the side of the toilet against the wall, so that nobody would come in and glance under the bathroom stall doors and see what was in it. I picked up the dildo and the tube of lubricant. I applied the lubricant liberally and set the dildo base down on the back of the toilet. Next was the butt-plug. It seemed much too big to put in my butt. It was four or more inches long, and probably two inches wide near the bottom. I applied the lubricant anyway. There was no reason to let my worry now prevent my career in the future. I hated Darla as I put lubricant on the butt-plug. I tried to think of a way to get away with not putting it in, but I wasn't sure how she'd check if it was in or not anyhow. Besides, I was going to try to please her, today, to get her to be nice to me. Hopefully. I set it next to the dildo as I rubbed the extra lubricant on my hand along my inner labia.
I pretended it was six months ago. About then, Chad and I were in this very stall. It was after school, then, and one of our last times. He thought it wasn't romantic enough, but I insisted. What was it about him? With such thoughts and ignoring that I was actually doing this because of Darla, I began to enjoy rubbing myself. The feeling I was doing something naughty was still there, even if Chad wasn't. He was in my mind. I moved the butt-plug and set it, base down, on my other skirt. Just to be sure I wouldn't accidentally knock it into the toilet. I got the dildo and sat on the edge of the toilet. I tried to mimic the position I was in with Chad, and I rubbed the head of the dildo against my slit. I shaved for him, then. Pretending the dildo was Chad, I pushed it in. Deeper, deeper, deeper, all the way. It was bigger than Chad's, but that only enhanced the memory. I tried to duplicate Chad's, by then barely proficient, thrusts. I was actually enjoying myself. Even nearing orgasm. Then the bell rang. Lunch was over, girls would soon flood into the bathroom. I had to be out of there before that. I shoved the dildo deep inside, pretending Chad had cum in me. He never had, we used protection. But that didn't stop the idea from being appealing.
I quickly grabbed the butt-plug with my right hand, the one not holding the dildo in, and got up. Leaning against the wall, I placed it behind me and aimed at my anus. I hesitated. How could I shove something up my butt? I had to, though, and quickly. So, I shoved. It didn't go immediately in, and with the thoughts of Chad still there, it almost felt good. Almost. When it started penetrating, it wasn't so good. It felt... gross. Then it started to hurt. It was hard to keep pushing in, and it stretched my asphincter out in more pain, but I had to get it in, so I kept pushing. It stretched out my butt in uncomfortable ways. It was mildly painful, and all uncomfortable. I moved the dildo around to see if it would help, but it just felt good and I tightened my muscles down there. that, in turn, made the butt-plug hurt more. I hurried and grabbed the harness and positioned the waist band before positioning the harness part itself. I tightened it to where it would stay in place and hold things the way it's supposed to. I don't recommend it for others. The dildo was pressed too far in and the butt-plug still stretched me out. I felt overly filled to the point of pain. I rolled my skirt down, though it did nothing to make me feel secure. The worst part is that, with the harness on, the skirt sat a bit higher on me. I had to get to class, though. I had to have faith that it covered enough. I would simply not bend over, as my plan had been all day. I quickly grabbed my thong and other skirt and thrust them into my briefcase I left the stall just as a group of three girls gabbed their way in. They quieted when they saw me, but I ignored them and hurried to my classroom.
Did they see the harness? The harness was easily thicker than the thong, and since it was pressing things into me I couldn't help but imagine that people could see it all under my skirt. The idea was helped along due to the fact that I was forced into a wide gated step. The wind of the halls was more obvious on my thighs and above, and the skirt bounded around. I tried to reduce it's bounce and my gate, but I was sure my posture was noticeably different to anyone who payed attention. It hurt more trying to hide it, but this was certainly I something I couldn't let people on about. My faith that my skirt covered it was shaky, but not gone. How could I have gotten to class without it? I wouldn't have gone, that's for sure. Damn that Darla! What if she was going to ruin my reputation and career in one blow? Why would she do that? Then, why did she know so much about me?
When I arrived in class, several students had already shown up. I looked to the seat I dreaded getting filled that day. Sure enough, Darla was in it. She was dressed in a knee-length skirt and button up shirt. Both black, of course. She glanced around the room and, secure nobody was looking, she licked her lips at me seductively. I found it just the opposite of seductive. I got to my seat as quickly as I could and finally tore my gaze form her, down to the papers on my desk. Sitting down put some extra pressure on the bottom of the harness, and stretched me a bit more. I ignored the discomfort. There was a new paper on my desk. It read;
Find a reason to end up at my desk to help me out at least once during this class.
XOXO - Your Mistress."
It was right on the top of my other papers, and I crumpled it and put it in my top drawer. I didn't think that bitch was thinking this through. What if somebody else saw that note? I looked up at her and gave her what I supposed would be a warning glance. She remained smug. Just as a small line of students entered the door, the dildo began to vibrate slightly. I heard a very slight hum from between my legs. I won't deny that it felt good, but it was humiliating. Darla was, effectively, playing with my privates in the middle of class. It got me to ponder how truly horrible things might be without this career, my home, car, or anything else I loved. I noticed the two small remote car starter looking devices on her desk. That's how she did it. I momentarily considered going back to the bathroom and changing into my other skirt. I didn't. Of course I had already committed myself to this course, so until she tried to get me to do something that would have the same effect as me losing my career, I knew I wouldn't do anything about it. Fortunately, I had a small radio on my desk, so I turned it on an oldies station very softly. It wouldn't interfere with class, but would drown out the humming. I must have altered my facial expressions, because she had a triumphant looking giggle and then manipulated one of the devices on her desk. The vibration and noise of the dildo stopped. I knew what it meant that she had two of them. I was going to try to appease her so that she wouldn't use them during class. Of course. Again, she gave me no choice but to kiss her ass. In less than a day, her new title for me became reality.
Once all the students came in I pointed out the notes I wrote out on the board. I started going into my lecture about the common mistakes I had seen and how to avoid them. I avoided looking at Darla entirely. I knew it would make me lose my train of thought. A few minutes into my lecture, the dildo began to vibrate again. this time more softly than it had before. I paused and looked at Darla. She nodded at me and raised her eyebrows as though curious what I was saying. I ignored it as well as I could as I concluded the lecture and gave the students the rest of class to do work. I got out a notebook and began to write a note in it. The dildo vibrated a little harder as I wrote. I looked up at Darla, who moved her hand over one of the devices, and made a "come here" motion under her desk with her other hand. I was pretty sure no other students saw it, so I nodded at her and pointed to the notebook. The power of the dildo's vibrating still slowly increased, and the butt-plug joined in on the action. I quickly finished what I was writing and got up before the vibrations would be loud enough for the students near Darla to hear, once I got over there. I sighed inwardly with pleasure as I stood up. That was unexpected, but what did I expect? That a vibrator would not feel good? I was still uncomfortable, but... in a weird, pleasant way. A way that made me hate Darla more.
They both turned off when I stood all the way up and had lifted the notebook from my desk. I mouthed to Darla, "Thank you." The rest of the class was absorbed in their work or gossiping quietly. A few students were reading. I was confident none had seen the exchange, and I was exceptionally happy the vibrating stopped while I was walking into the row Darla was in. And by "walking", I mean "attempting to appear to be walking normally". I must have been successful, since nobody seemed to notice it. I don't know how I'd expect them to look if they did, though. The air seemed more obvious as it hit the slightly wet spot around the dildo. It felt like everyone was looking at me because they could see how wet I had gotten, when in fact the only people looking at me, that I could see, where looking at my chest. Including Darla Why did I have fun with the dildo? How did I not see that coming? I spoke very quietly with Darla about the assignment, but the real discussion was on the paper in my notebook. the original message I wrote was, "Please, Mistress, don't turn on the vibrators during class. We can do whatever you want when I see you after class, but we cannot let other students figure out what's happening, or else your power over me might end prematurely as I lose my job anyway."
Her reply was, "I saw you while it was on. You enjoyed it, bitch. Oh, and it's YOUR job to please me enough that you don't lose your job. Do what I say and I'll be sure your job is safe. Speaking of doing what I say, there's a boy in the corner, Jason, who's looking at you and hoping you'll bend over a bit. I bought that harness, so I know it looks just like a strange leathery underwear from the outside, so he won't know what's up if you just bend over a little and whisper 'I'm you're little bitch, I want to eat your pussy and lick your clit, Mistress' into my ear. be sure to bend far enough that he gets happy. Don't stand straight again until you have permission."
I couldn't bring myself to do that immediately, of course. I had worried all day over avoiding exactly things like that. Jason was indeed in the back corner. My first reaction was to tell her no, but she was right. If I don't please her, I lose my job. Darla herself was in the back row, and the only seat between me and Jason was vacant, so he was almost sure to be the only one who saw. As I was just about to do as Darla said, the vibrator started up slowly, again. I tried to look like I was simply readjusting. I took a step back and leaned on the back of Darla's chair with one arm. With my other I pointed to places on what was her rough draft, as I made superficial talk about the assignment. We were using her rough draft to cover the messages as we read them. I moved my arm on the back of her chair to the desk, and bent over a little as I continued pointing at things and discussing her rough draft.
"Further", she wrote. I bent down so that my mouth was even with her ear. " Arch your back", I did as she wrote. I was positive Jason could see the bottom of my butt-cheeks, as well as the harness. He could make out that it was pushing a dildo and butt-plug into me. "Put your left foot two tile squares away from your right." Again, I did as she said. I didn't have the choice not to. Jason might have been getting a good show, but I knew nothing was happening that I might lose my job over. At least, nothing anyone would know was happening just by looking. I could get in trouble, but I doubted that would actually happen. "Now, what did you have to say to your Mistress?"
I glanced around the room, both to see if anyone was looking and to figure out how quiet I had to be so that nobody would hear me besides Darla. I whispered into her ear what she had written, "I'm you're little bitch, I want to eat your pussy and lick your clit, Mistress."
"Acceptable.", she wrote. She turned off the vibrator and then smiled at me as though something hilarious just happened. She wrote, "Jason has a boner!"
The room was spinning. The heat was nearly unbearable. I wrote, "Please, Mistress, let me stand straight! I might faint!"
"Fine, if you're that excited about turning on a fat teenager with your sexy ass, you have permission to stand straight.", She replied, "However, before I promise not to turn on the vibrators any more during class, you're going to go get me the key to this classroom from your key chain."
I was enraged as I took my notebook and walked up to my desk. I wanted to ask her why she wanted my key, but I realized I could ask her when I gave it to her and wanted to get away from her right then. I sat for a moment, but didn't want Darla to think I was hesitating, so I got into my purse and played with my keys visibly as I acted like I was reading a paper on my desk. I glanced over at Jason as I did it, and it did look like he had an erection. He also looked away when I looked up at him. This was easily the most humiliated I had ever been. I certainly did not want to go around flashing students for the rest of the school year! I'm their teacher, that's simply not acceptable! The vibrators.. they weren't merely uncomfortably stuffed into me, but they were a part of Darla's will. She was invading my very being. And there was nothing I could do. I finally got the key off my chain and put my key chain back into my purse, as I palmed that particular key. I acted like I finished reading something, and Darla put up her hand as though to ask a question. I got up and walked back over to her desk. I wanted to get as far away from her as I could, but so long as she was in class, I had to do every little thing she asked me. She was bright, she wouldn't push me so far I might lose my job, but she sure wanted to humiliate me. I hoped she wouldn't push me to do something that might make me lose my job, anyhow.
I placed my notebook back on her desk. A new line on the page said, "Why do you want that?"
She wrote, "What did you forget? Who am I, bitch?!"
"You're my Mistress and I'm your humble bitch.", I wrote down. It was getting hot again, and not in the way I'd enjoy. Darla would enjoy it, though.
She replied, "That's a good little bitch. Remember your place and the rules your Mistress gave you. Particularly number 3. Now, I will not turn on the vibrators while class is in session. When class is out of session... well, we'll see. However, you must promise to eat my pussy like it's an exotic delicacy, later. You will do the best job you know how to."
How else could I reply that would please her and get her to stop humiliating me except, "Oh, yes Mistress, I am your little bitch. I promise to eat your pussy really well. I'm sure I'll think it's delicious!"
She seemed pleased, so wrote more instructions for me, "Fifteen minutes after school gets out, you will take off your clothes, leaving the harness on, and lock the classroom door. You will sit on your knees with your hands on your head right in front of the door, pressing your tits against it, and you will not move from that spot until I give you permission. Rewrite those orders in your own words so that I'm certain you understand them."
Again, my only option was to comply. I felt faint again, so hurried. I hoped she wouldn't make every day this difficult, "I, my Mistress' bitch, will wait in this room for fifteen minutes after school gets out. Once that time has passed, I will remove all of my clothes, but keep on the harness. I will lock my door and get on my knees in front of it. I will press my breasts against it and wait for you with my hands on my head. I will wait for permission from you, my Mistress, to leave that pose at the door. One question, though, what if it's not you getting into the classroom?"
She replied, "Don't toy with me, bitch, the janitors clean upstairs at four or later. Only the teachers, principal, and janitors have a key to each room, and the teachers only their own. Unless you expect to see the principal, you have no reason to worry."
"But I showed the principal my outfit to see if it was okay. He might stop buy to discuss changes to the dress-code."
"Don't forget who I am, bitch! And it's Friday. He will leave as soon as he can. However, just to be on the safe-side, I will knock thrice before beginning to unlock the door. If the door or lock rattles without those knocks, get dressed very quickly. Don't worry about your bra. You may leave your clothes next to you to aid the contingency. Before going back to your seat, remind me again what you are and what you want to do."
I sighed. I was almost out of things to say about the assignment for cover, but it looked like she was letting me go anyhow, "I am your bitch, Mistress. I want to please you in every way. I fantasize that your pussy tastes delicious. I want to eat it and lick your clit."
"Good bitch. Go sit down and be the good bitch you are.", She finally let me get back to my seat. Not only was the irony not appreciated, but I felt very low then. I discovered I had no integrity. I would say anything to avoid getting humiliated and to keep my job. Earlier I had wanted to get the day over with, but now I was dreading the end of the school day and wanted it to last longer. I went over my notes, even though I was distracted with my horror. And whenever I looked up, I'd notice either Jason was looking at me funny or Darla licked her lips or made a kissy face. I made a mental note to not look up.
Suddenly, the class was over. The bell was going off. I hadn't realized how distracted I had gotten with my thoughts. The instant the bell ended, the dildo began to vibrate. As students filed out, Darla remained at her desk. Moments after the last student, Jason, left the room, Darla motioned me over to her. I was angry with her still being there and having the dildo on. My plan was to write on the board between classes, and this threw it off. When I got to her desk, she lightly caressed my right thigh and spoke, "I'm going to skip my next class and stay here, bitch. Tell me where nobody has a seat assigned so I can sit in it before people show up."
"Yes, Mistress.", I answered softly and pointed to the seat two spaces up from hers. I thought I might have allowed my anger to show through in my voice. I hoped she hadn't caught it. She moved her stuff to the new seat and got comfortable, "Anything else, Mistress?"
"That should be fine. Oh, you might want to turn your radio up a little bit. Class is not in session.", she answered. She touched the two devices she had and not only did the dildo get faster, but the butt-plug began vibrating fairly strongly, as well. I tried to ignore it as I "walked" to the front of the class, but the sensation was very strong. As embarrassed and angry as I was, my body reacted as any would. The sound was noticeable if I didn't drown it out, so I turned the radio up and began to write what I needed to on the board. The strength of the vibrators alternated back and forth as students began to enter and sit down. I found myself pretending Chad was still in school, and he had the remotes to the vibrators He wouldn't purposefully embarrass me, he would just try to get me to have fun. And he wouldn't use them during school. It was a difficult fantasy to hold onto. I was sure my skirt was up too high. I could feel it, and I could feel the student's eyes on my butt. I pulled it down as far as it would go, but it didn't seem to get far enough.
The bell rang and the vibrators shut off. I felt a drip going down one leg. The air the skirt never bothered stopping could be felt against the wetness around my crotch and on my leg. My god, what if the students could smell my arousal? My FORCED arousal. I finished quickly and sat down in my seat, turning the radio down. Every student seemed to move suddenly when I turned around, but there was nothing I could do. I'd have to speak with Darla to get her to understand I cannot be humiliated in class like this. It should take place after or outside of school, though I'd prefer never. But there was nothing I could do about it now. The story of my day. Hopefully not my future. I followed my plan. I discussed what I planned to from my desk, just as earlier in the day. Class went mostly uneventfully. I had a student come up to my desk and stair down my blouse, but his question was valid and he was soon handled.
When the bell rang, the vibrators started back up. I turned the radio back up and watched the students leave class. Darla remained. I approached her and said, "Mistress, please don't do things like this to me at school. This first day taught me my place, please allow me to at least appear to be a professional."
She scowled and then pouted, "You should remember the rules, then. You spoke without permission and we are alone."
"I apologize, Mistress."
"You'll be punished for it later, of course."
"Yes, rightly so, Mistress." I answered, though I certainly disagreed. I was shaking with anger. As I waited for her to give me permission to speak, she reached up and under my skirt. I was sure my face showed how bad I thought the idea was, but nobody else was in the room, and I didn't want to anger her by backing away if I didn't need to.
"Oh God, that's a powerful vibrator! It's only at about a third of it's maximum power!", She said as she placed her hand on the bottom of the harness, right where it was holding the dildo.
"Yes, Mistress, I know.", I answered shortly.
"And you're so wet.", She stated almost questioningly. She removed her hand and pressed a leverish thing on one of the devices up.
It felt very good. As embarrassed and angry as I was, the dildo was designed specifically to please a woman. The humming was easily heard, and I began to tremble with the feeling. Against my will. I did not want to feel so good. I did not want to let someone I hated so much make me feel that way, "Please, Mistress."
"Okay, say what you will. Quickly, the Vibrator remains at such a strength until you're done.", She said calmly.
"Mistress, I'm sorry for speaking out of turn. I simply wanted to let you know I think it's unwise to make me dress this way when I'm at work and trying to be a professional."
"I'll consider it if you prove how good a little bitch you can be before next Monday.", She said as she turned down the vibrators.
It still felt better than I wanted it to, but I didn't want to show it. A student walked in as I quietly said, "Thank you, Mistress. I'll be the best bitch ever.", That frightened me, so I went to go write on the board. The music drowned out the vibrators as the students entered, but I was still slightly trembling. I could feel the air against drips down both legs, and I could even faintly smell my own juices. When I turned around, Darla was just exiting the isle of desks and turning towards the door. She turned her head to me and winked, then continued to the door. When she got to the door, the vibrators stopped. I finished writing on the board shortly after the bell. Though I was certain everyone could smell my juices and saw the bottom of my butt, that period went uneventfully. I went over what was on the board from my chair and told the students to work on their projects as soon as I could get that far. I used some of the tissues on my desk to wipe my thighs dry. Both the dildo and butt-plug still gave me pleasant sensations for a while. I hated having them, but my libido didn't seem to care about the same things I did. I decided to pass the time by reading a book. I chose one of the books in the class, since I didn't bring any of my own. They were in arm's reach from my desk. A few students came up to the desk to ask me questions, and they were all boys. Aside some poorly disguised peeks at my cleavage, nothing else of concern happened.
Then class was over. I was terrified. I didn't even wish the students a good weekend like I usually do. They all left the classroom, many of them looking back at me one last time before leaving. There was a crowd of boys near my door for a few minutes, but I ignored them and they eventually left. I got up and shut the door as soon as nobody could see me. With the door shut, it was guaranteed. I locked it, as well. No reason not to. Though the vibrators had felt good earlier, they weren't being powered any more, and they began to get uncomfortable again. I cried for a few minutes, allowing the accumulated anger to roll out in the form of tears. Waiting and wondering, I looked up at the clock. It was almost ten minutes after school got out. The buses and most students with cars probably already left. The only remaining students would be the football players and cheerleaders, but they'd never come to this side of the school, let alone the second floor. They had a game to get ready for. I seemed to be done crying. I didn't cry very powerfully anyway. I used some water from my bottle and some tissues to clean my eyes and make-up.
I found myself playing with the harness. I rolled my skirt up to my waist and tried to make it more comfortable. There was no way to do it, of course. Most of the discomfort came from what was in me, not on me. I felt like pacing, but I was too uncomfortable to do it. All the walking I had done earlier with these in me, trying to hide the fact, it was catching up with me. I felt like I was cramping, but the cramp never fully developed. The minutes were passing by so slowly. Eleven minutes after school got out. All I could think about a few minutes earlier was getting the harness off, finally, but it'd be on for a while. I was more concerned, now, with what was going to happen when Darla showed up. I half hoped the Principal did show up, so I had a reason not to do what I knew Darla was going to make me do.
I bent over how I thought I had earlier, in fourth period. I looked behind me and felt around with my hands I got out my blush and used it's mirror for a better angle. Jason had indeed seen the bottom of my butt. Most of the bottom of my butt. In addition, he easily saw the leather strap of the harness. However, I found that I was wrong about what students could see as I stood straight. I hoped what I saw in the mirror was true, because that means they didn't actually see my butt, like it felt they did. I still needed to find a way to either get rid of Darla's power over me, or at least convince her stunts like that are a bad idea. I had to wait until Saturday for any real hope, though. Which meant that on that Friday afternoon, I certainly was going to... I couldn't think it. No, I would face it when it happened. My eyes teared a little when I checked the time. Fifteen seconds more. It was going to happen all too soon. I had to think of something to do tonight, some way to trick Darla out of her power. Five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One.
I waited a moment. I didn't believe I had to take off my clothes in my classroom. It was different with Chad. It was my choice, then. I walked over to the door. I was there for what happened yesterday. I dressed how I was told today. I was uncomfortable because I was doing exactly what Darla wanted. And I'd continue if I thought I might lose my life. Who wouldn't? I decided to try to make Darla happy. At least then she might be nice. Perhaps she'd even get to trust me, and I'd be able to figure out how to get all her copies of the pictures of Chad and me. I turned off the lights before I unbuttoned and pulled my skirt down, pushing it to the side with my foot. It was still light in the room, but facing away from the windows allowed me to wallow a bit in what light they let in through the closed shades. I saw the shaved pubic area around the harness and again wished I had done it for Chad. My blouse was easy enough to take off, as was the bra. I walked over and put my bra in my briefcase, then walked back to the door. My gate was exaggerated this time. I had no reason to hide it, and I was very uncomfortable. Not as uncomfortable as I would be, I knew. Emotionally, this was just the beginning of my discomfort. I got down on my knees. It added some pressure inside my nether region. I placed my hands on my head. I stared at the door for a moment before leaning forward. No key in the lock signifying someone besides Darla. Not even Darla. My breasts touched the door. It was cold. Not very cold, just enough to remind me where I was and what I was doing. The light breeze from the ventilation continually reminded me of my position.
I found myself pondering possible disasters; What if I mistake a noise the Principal makes as three knocks? What if Darla isn't careful and someone sees me from a classroom across the hall? I couldn't see the clock, so what if I wait as instructed, and then the janitor makes three knock noises and walks in on me? What if there are only two knocks? Will I react quickly enough? How should I react? What if I only hear two knocks, but there actually are three? What if the blinds I couldn't see in this position weren't shut all the way, and a maintenance man just happened to climb a ladder at the right spot and saw me here?
I thought questions like that for what seemed a really long time, to me. My mind eventually got to thinking about Chad, again; If only it were he making me do this. We never had any kink in our sex. Doing it at school made it feel risky enough. For me, anyway. But if he had played a game like this with me... That's when I realized I would have. Perhaps I simply wanted him to be telling me what to do, and me willing to do it of my own free will, in comparison to what was really happening. Either way, the dildo almost began to feel good again, but my knees began to hurt a significant amount. I shifted my weight a few times, but it didn't help. I eventually learned to deal with it and got back to wanting little more than to remove the blasted harness. I took a chance. I moved from my spot to check the clock. My knees thanks me by cracking as I stood. They did feel better, though.
It was twenty to three. I was at the door for half an hour. I remained standing for a minute or two. I risked hoping Darla had decided not to show up. I had just began to walk back to my spot when I heard the first knock. My heart skipped a beat. It was really going to happen. I was momentarily dizzy with the realization, and perhaps hunger as well. For food. The second knock soon followed, and I tried to get to the door both quickly and quietly. The third knock sounded right as I began my jolt. They were close together, but apparently I thought a lot in between them. I clunked my knees on the floor. It hurt a lot and I gasped at the ceiling. I could only hope Darla assumed I was shocked at her sudden arrival, and so jumped. The lock was in the process of being unlocked before my hands were on my head. I pressed my breasts against the door just as the handle turned. The door slowly opened just as I stopped moving.
The door opened slowly. Darla appeared as the door moved out of the way, standing still where she was. She was glowering down at me. She had a yard stick in her hands, one hand near the end, one near the center. It moved from the one near the center, up a few inches. It came back down with a whack, "Where you in your position this whole time?"
I didn't know how to answer. If I told the truth, I'd be sure to get punished. If I lied and she knew, I'd get punished worse. Either way, she'd be unhappy, and I was trying to get on her good side, albeit to work against her. I decided not to gamble on her lack of perception or trust. She walked behind me. The door remained open. I heard nothing from the hallway, and saw nothing in the rooms across the hall, but I was still very worried. Quietly, I said, "No, Mistress. I got out of my position at the door to check the time."
She placed the yardstick across my ankles and reached around me. She caressed my breasts, "What are you?"
Again quietly, I answered, "Your bitch, Mistress."
"And what do you do?"
"Whatever you say, Mistress."
She pinched my nipples and I let out an 'ouch' as she spoke, "Okay. I will swat your ass five times for every time you've disobeyed me since yesterday. Sound fair?"
I didn't answer. I was trying to deal with the pain on my nipples as well as pondering how to best answer the question. She gave me very little time, though, "Okay, how about six?"
"What?", I asked, thinking she was getting unfair and worrying. Well, more unfair and worried
"Then will seven suffice?", she asked as she let go of my nipples and picked up the yard stick again.
Still quietly, "Mistress, please, if you..."
She cut me off, "Eight?"
Quickly, as well as louder than I intended, "Yes, that's fair, Mistress. Eight!"
"Excellent.", she replied. She stepped to my side and closed the door. It pressed me back by my breasts a bit as it shut. She locked it, and I let out a loud breath in relief. She continued in her role as my Mistress, her role that I hated and wasn't sure I could handle even long enough to trick her out of it. She continued, "bitch, walk to the side of your desk and place each foot on the outside of each of the desks legs on that."
I got up and realized my knees were going to bruise. Oh, great, even more discomfort. I stumbled over to the desk and put my feet on either side of the side I was facing. Darla continued her instructions once I was there, "No, bitch, bend over your desk and grab the far corners."
I began to move some of the things on my desk, and Darla made a fast movement I caught in the corner of my eye, since she was to my right. Immediately after the movement, I felt a sharp sting across my right butt-cheek and heard .Whoosh-wak!'. I cried out and grabbed my butt where it hurt, looking at Darla in shock. Before I could think about it I squeaked, "That hurt!"
She held the yard-stick up with one hand and softly massaged my right breast with her other. She looked at me condescendingly, "Of course it hurt, it was a spanking. Not only that, it didn't count since you covered your butt and complained. It was for not doing what I said. I didn't say to clean off your desk, I told you to grab each corner of it. That earned you one extra spanking, in addition to what you're going to get once you're bent over the desk, since I was being nice and chose not to give you eight for it. However, you put your hand on your butt, instead of the corner of the table, and complained, thereby nullifying the one you got. You did not ask permission to speak earlier, you did not call my mother yesterday, you did not call me 'Mistress' earlier, and just now you did what I explained. You will, therefore, receive 32 spankings with this yard-stick, sixteen per cheek, not counting the one you already got."
I hadn't imagined she would be this terrible. I was about to say something, but I started crying instead. 32 pains in the butt was worth my job, though. I bent over the desk and cried harder. I tried to stop, but I felt so helpless that I just couldn't. Her hand was out of the way, and I was atop all the papers on my desk. I reached out for the corners of the desk and grabbed on tightly. Just that one swipe hurt enough. It was a mild burn, now, but I wasn't sure I could handle 32 more. That initial pain... 'Whoosh-WAK!', I heard, immediately before I felt the sharp sting on my other butt-cheek. I tried not to, but I shrieked. What would happen if someone was in the hall and heard?! I had to control myself! Just then, another whack. The same sound, the same pain, on the first cheek. That was shortly, too shortly, followed by another strike on the second cheek. Without time to react there was another strike on the first cheek again. I reacted before thinking. I shot up and put my hands over my butt. I looked at Darla, the young woman I hated so much but was powerless to resist, "No, please! *sob* Please, Mistress, have mercy!"
She was angry, but she was still calm. It reaffirmed her own claims, I was her bitch. It may not have been a rational thought, but it sure seemed that way when I was in that position. She calmly explained her method to me, "bitch... I was being merciful. I was trying to get your spanking done as quickly as I could. It might be a more intense pain for you, but it wouldn't last as long. Now, though, you've ruined the beginning. Now I have to start all over."
I didn't understand and I was scared, "No, please don't! Why, Mistress? I want to eat your pussy.", I wanted to convince her to stop badly.
"And you will.", she explained impatiently, "First, though, you have to be punished. Either accept my rules, or I'll go to the principal's office with those pictures right now."
"Sorry, Mistress.", I barely sobbed out as I leaned back over the desk. I tried to focus on holding onto the desk corners. She began the spanking over again, from number one. The pain, well, it hurt, but the humiliation was the worst of it. I had felt worse pain before. Certainly, I wanted it to end, but my only option was to bare it. It would end soonest if I did that, if I wanted to keep my job. Which I did. More than I wanted to not be in that situation, apparently. Darla counted as she spanked. The spankings were further apart than they were the first time, but still frequent enough that holding the corner was difficult to focus on. When I heard her shout "12", I almost reached back to cover my butt. As soon as that, I realized it would all just begin over again, so I tightened my grip. By twenty, the papers below my face were soaked and I was crying uncontrollably. I focused in on her counting. The pain increased each stroke, but I was nearing the end. It gave me morale. Or, perhaps, it allowed some of my preexisting morale to return after it fled in terror. I was begging, "please, please", by the thirtieth stroke, though begging wouldn't actually make it end. I didn't care, it helped me remain down for the count.
Finally, the thirty-second stroke landed. though it hurt, I was exceptionally glad it was over. I never knew pain and humiliation could coexist so powerfully. Darla said, "Stay there.", though I didn't have it in me to say anything in reply. My body was trembling. I was tired and upset and... every emotion I could think of, besides positive ones. Nobody had charged in trying to figure out what was making all the noises, so I was at least glad about that. I was also happy it was over. Darla had come back to just behind me. I could hear her. She said, "I'm going to clean the wounds. You're bleeding a bit. Don't move, don't make me, or yourself, go through this all over again."
Something wet was being drawn across my butt. As soon as the cool sensation hit, another one hit with more force than it. Burning. Alcohol. My grip on the corners was strong again, and I shouted. I was tense, but certainly didn't want to have to get spanked again, and then try to make it through cleaning again. And she said I was bleeding? She made me bleed? Damn her! The worst part of it was that not only did she make me bleed now, but I would submit to it again if it meant keeping my job, career, and life. The cleaning didn't take long and the burning faded only a very small bit, so I cried onto the desk. Darla said something and I felt her pulling me lightly from the desk. I was stood up and turned to face her. My sight was very bleary, but I saw her looking at me. She drew me into her embrace, and I didn't have the strength or will to resist. One of her arms were around me, the other stroked my hair. I cried onto her shoulder until I ran out of tears, and then I breathed heavily and sobbed. She spoke softly to me the whole time, telling me the pain will fade, hush, it's alright now. I might have hated her, but her comforting me was welcome anyway. It was surely better than anything else she had ever done to me.
She pulled me away from her and took a step back. I wanted to touch my butt and see what kind of damage was done, but worried it would just hurt it. She spoke to me in a soft voice, one that almost seemed caring, "I didn't enjoy doing that, but I had to. You were bad, and needed punished. I hope you learned your lesson. I would rather you just obey me and I won't have to punish you anymore. Here," She pulled out the two devices that controlled the vibrators and turned them on a low setting, "Maybe this will help you feel better."
She walked behind me, and I turned to watch her. The vibrators annoyed me at first but they were designed for this, and by the time she had sat in my chair they did give me a slight tingling sensation. She rolled her skirt up to her waist. She wasn't wearing any underwear, and she was shaved just as cleanly as I was. She spread her legs and scooted her butt forward until she was sitting on the edge of my chair. A ball developed in my stomach. She was going to make me give her cunnilingus, like she made me say earlier. She made her intentions obvious in her standard, bossy voice, "I'm sure eating my pussy will make you feel better, bitch. On your knees and come here."
Slowly, I got on my knees. they still hurt, and bending like that caused my butt to burn more. I crawled the several feet over to her and paused in front of her. I sat up on my knees and looked at her face, hoping this was a joke or that I could at least hesitate for a while. She didn't give me either. Instead, she grabbed the sides of my head and pulled my mouth to her vulva. The smell was strong. She was aroused. My mouth was being pressed against it. She seemed to lose patience and demanded passionately, "Eat my cunt, bitch!"
I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, into it. I began to lick around. I got used to the smell enough to pay attention to what I was doing. It was horrible, but it would be horrible whether she was pleased or not, so I figured I'd be done sooner if she orgasmed sooner. I put as much effort into it as I could muster. I was too disgusted for all my effort to be poured into it, and the pain in my knees and butt distracted me as well, but I thought I was doing a good job. She seemed to think I was, anyhow. She was scratching the back of my chair with one arm and lightly scratching my back with the other. She wasn't scratching hard enough to hurt, thankfully. In fact, the vibrators were beginning to work on me, and I soon enjoyed them. Again I didn't want to, but there was, as I've noted before, nothing I could do about it. I worked for a while, and began getting tired. It took what I estimated was about ten minutes, but soon she began talking to me with her increased pleasure, "Yes, bitch! Eat your Mistress' cunt. Suck that clit... Oh, fuck! You're good at this."
I didn't take it as the compliment some would She increased the power of the vibrators, though. They were more potent than they had been before then, and it felt very good. I couldn't even be angry that it felt good, there were other things I was angry enough to drown that out. At least this way I'd get some pleasure form this, I supposed. Unintentionally, I moaned into her vulva as I worked. Shortly after she began speaking, she arched her back and closed her eyes. She grabbed the sides of my head again, and pushed me into herself fervently. She virtually humped my mouth. She moaned loudly, swearing a bit. She orgasmed, and she held my mouth atop her mound, "Keep eating, bitch! Don't stop until I tell you to!"
I did keep going. I was frustrated, but maybe she'd stop after her next orgasm. I wanted it to be soon, since the vibrators were making the tingling become much more. I certainly didn't want to orgasm while eating her out. I didn't want to orgasm at all! Not because of her! She became passionate about calling me her nickname for me and talking about what I was doing, again. It took her about five minutes to orgasm again. My mouth was seriously tiring out, and I was scared it would cramp soon. To make matters worse, the vibrators were getting me pretty close myself. As I tried to work with a rhythm that would conserve my mouth's energy, she commented on something that disturbed me to my very core, "I see your ass moving around, bitch. There's no denying you enjoy this, now!"
Her comment, at the very least, slowed down my approaching orgasm. I tried to get myself to stop gyrating with the pleasure (which was purely physical and beyond my control), but I don't think I succeeded. She had, apparently, opened her shirt to play with her breasts. She would pinch and pull her nipples in ways I'd think hurt her, but she seemed to enjoy it. My orgasm was getting close, but I was working hard to get her to orgasm first. In fact, she started showing signs she was close, but then reached to the desk. Suddenly, the vibrators seemed to explode into action. My orgasm accelerated towards me. She held my head where it was and shouted, "We're gonna cum together, bitch!"
In fact, we did. She pulled my mouth into her crotch as I unwittingly moaned into it. We spasmed a few times, and she pulled up on my hair and commanded, "In my lap!"
I was weak, but she maneuvered me to sit on her lap facing her, my legs through the arm rests. Where my butt touched her lap it hurt, but the pain wasn't very bad. She still had my hair, and she pulled me in to her. She kissed me deeply. I pretended she was Chad. The vibrators didn't give me long on whatever setting they were on before I orgasmed again. As the orgasm began, she pulled her hands into her sides, then grabbed my nipples. She pinched them hard. I saw an opportunity. I grabbed her nipples and pinched and pulled like she did to herself earlier. My orgasm faded and my initiative went with it. I stopped pulling on her nipples, even though she still pinched and pulled mine. I looked at her with obvious fear, moving around as she pulled my tits. Her look seemed to indicate she knew I was trying to hurt her, but wouldn't punish me for it so long as I let her continue with my breasts. She said flatly, as she twisted my nipples, "Orgasm again, bitch."
Breathing heavily, I said, "Mistress, I can't!"
"Why not, bitch?"
"It hurts, Mistress!", I said it, but a few seconds later it happened anyway. I orgasmed while she pulled on my nipples. It did hurt, but I orgasmed anyway. As I did, the pain seemed less pain, more pleasure. The instant the orgasm began to fade, though, it was all pain again. She stopped playing with my nipples and turned off the vibrators. My holes felt fuzzy. She leaned me back against the desk and began to unstrap the harness. I was so happy, and I let it show. I smiled. The first time all day, I think. Soon, the harness was off, and she was pulling out the dildo. The dildo was on my desk, and she was pulling out the butt-plug. I was scared there might be a mess coming with it, but I was proven wrong. It looked clean, and my holes felt very empty.
"Kiss me.", Darla said. I did it. It was a soft kiss on the lips, and she accepted it. I was quickly coming back to my normal state of mind. At least, the fuzz of orgasm was gone. She lifted me from her, and I stood watching her get up. She pulled her shirt closed and rolled her skirt back down, and soon she appeared normal. I never would. I was her bitch. Her plaything. She even made me orgasm when I didn't want to. Three times. I stood waiting to see what would happen.
When she was done putting her clothes back on, she said, "You can wear only the skirt and shirt I got you until you get home. If you don't call my mother before five o'clock tonight to tell her you're coming to help me with my school work tomorrow, I'll make you suffer all next week."
I shivered. I knew she could make me suffer. She embraced me and kissed me deeply one more time, though I barely kissed back. After that, she turned away and left. When she shut the door behind her, I could hear her locking it. I collapsed in front of my chair and tried to cry, but I couldn't. I had already cried all my tears.
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