Nothing left to Lose
(Any resemblance to any person or persons living or dead is coincidental and non-intentional. This fictional story is to be read by Adults Only.)
Chapter One
I blearily opened my eyes and thought, “I am still here.” The sheets were saturated with my sweat again, and I had a dull pounding headache. The nightmares had returned and I vividly remembered every detail. I was terrified and upon my knees, I saw the scar above his cock as he approached me. I felt the head jarring slap and heard the guttural voice for the millionth time. It was the same dream as always, I arose and saw my body in the full length mirror.
My body was still firm, except for the slight tummy caused by my drinking. But I needed the alcohol to sleep, however I had begun to take a bottle to work and that wasn’t a good idea. My full breasts were 42 DD and they drooped slightly, a slender waist with 38 hips made my body “prime meat.” And I know that it is prime meat, because I was told that by the bastard that owned me for 4 days. I hate my body.
When I was abducted and taken to that filthy little building, the rapist had stridden inside with me draped across his shoulder.
He had dumped me onto the pool table and yelled, “Prime meat boys, get your wallets out and let’s pump some cum.” Adding nastily, “she is a hot one!”
Hands ripped away my clothes and I was dragged off the table, forced to my knees and the horror started. The one that had kidnapped me was first in line, after slapping me so hard, he forced his stiff cock into my throat. I should have bitten the filthy thing off his body, but I was so afraid. He reached his climax and causally wiped his cock with my hair. For the next 72 hours, I fucked, sucked or ass fucked anything that came inside the bar and was willing to pay $20.00. And if I didn’t “perform” satisfactorily they beat me, using belts, table legs, or their fists.
He gave me a filthy old blanket to lie upon, but then wouldn’t let me visit the restroom. I was made to urinate on the blanket and then lie there. The fourth day an outlaw biker club rented me and the horror restarted, as the biker women were brutal. One of them ripped the hair out of my pubic area, while I was forced to lick her unwashed and stinking vagina and sphincter.
When that day ended, he threw me into his old van and dumped me in a bad area of town, without clothes or shoes. But he allowed me to keep the urine soaked blanket. A cabbie called the cops and then I learned that the horror had just started.
While they were understanding, I was asked humiliating questions such as, “can you describe his penis?” and “did you reach an orgasm?”
Then the nightmares started, along with the crying jags, paranoia and the feelings of being worthless. Also, it troubled me that I did have orgasms.
Chapter Two
I always sleep in the raw and opened my underwear drawer to see that it was empty. Apparently in my drunken state I had thrown my panties out, again. I would have to buy more, as some days I would change my panties several times. They would begin to feel dirty and become irritating, I hated those days.
I made some coffee and saw the letter from Mark in the trash can. He was a wonderful, kind and patient man, but I could not marry him. He knew about the rape, but I was “used” merchandise and he deserved someone better.
Tonight was my support group meeting and I looked forward to seeing Angie, as she was the best thing about the group. After the meeting we would go to that ice cream place and she would have me in stitches with her twisted sense of humor. I loved her so much and depended on her heavily when something triggered an emotional outburst.
She would hold my hand during the crying jags and calm me when the anger overpowered me. And with all of my grief and misery that bastard is still free and happy!
The phone rang and I answered to hear, “hey girl!” I recognized Angie’s voice and I cheerfully said, “hello Ang.”
Her voice became serious as she spoke, “have a bad night?”
I replied, “bad enough, I threw my underwear out, again.”
She responded, “sorry Kerry, but that does give us an excuse to go shopping!”
I smiled and replied, “I don’t feel like shopping today.”
Angie said sternly, “I will be at your house in 25 minutes, be dressed and have your face made up, girl we are going to the mall!”
I agreed rather than to argue with my best friend. She drove into my driveway 45 minutes later, but that was Angie, always late. I went outside and entered the car, she smiled and asked, “going to work out that credit card today?”
I ruefully replied, “it has been overworked about as much as it can stand!”
She gave me a hug and off we went, she is a terrible driver and I was glad when she parked at the mall. We had fun looking at frilly things, although some of the lingerie was vulgar. I bought lots of panties and two bras, Angie didn’t buy a thing.
Chapter Three
We stopped for lunch and were conversing when I glanced at a man walking into the restaurant, as he looked familiar. Suddenly, a wave of terror rushed through me and I gripped Angie’s arm so tightly that she twisted away.
She exclaimed, “why did you do that, Kerry?”
I stared at my rapist like a bird mesmerized by a snake and spoke weakly, “it’s him Angie!”
She was puzzled as she replied, “him who?
I choked back an urge to scream, and then said, “the bastard, the one with a scar above his cock, my rapist.”
The arrogant bastard strode by our table and smiled at me! I became livid and my terror melted away as I saw the smile on his ugly face!
Angie watched him and said, “he recognized you, let’s get out of here and call the cops!”
I was cold as ice and said, “no Angie, you leave if you want, but I am sick of this fear, I am staying.”
She was confused but remained in her seat, as I scrutinized him. I told Angie, “stay here, I will be right back.”
I walked to the restroom and when I passed near his table, I asked, “excuse me do you have the time?” He glanced at his watch and replied, “it’s 1:35.”
I thanked him and continued to the restroom then returned after reapplying my cosmetics. I pointed my toes causing my hips to swing provocatively and deliberately continued to my table.
When I sat Angie exclaimed, “are you crazy, talking to him?” And “he stared at your ass until you sat down.”
I nodded and answered, “the idiot didn’t even recognize me.”
Angie was visibly upset and wanted to leave, but I calmly ate my salad. I wasn’t going to live in fear any longer and a plan had begun to formulate.
Chapter Four
After we ate, I chatted with Angie until the bastard finished his meal. Then we followed him into the parking area and when he drove away
, I got his tag number.
Angie was afraid for me saying, “are you nuts!” And “what you just did was dangerous, he might kill you!” Adding, “please call the police Kerry!”
I replied, “Angie, what would you do, if your rapist was standing here?”
She instantly said, “kick off my heels and run away screaming at the top of my lungs!”
I asked again, “you have never wanted to get even with him?”
She answered, “thousands of times in my imagination, but this is real Kerry and you could be raped again or brutally murdered!”
I spoke with resolve, “that bastard is going to pay Angie, I need your help, but if you can’t help me, I will understand.”
She paused then shook her head in exasperation and said, “ok, ok, but you are going to get us both killed, girl!”
As we returned to my apartment, Angie kept asking questions, but I was not very talkative, as I was cringing from the near collisions. I told her to slow down, but it did no good.
Once inside the apartment, she asked, “why did you get his tag number?”
I replied, “because I know this guy named Alex, he is a P.I. and he can get good info from that number.” And, “he comes into the office and stares at my breasts with his tongue hanging out!”
Angie exclaimed, “you are going to have sex with him?”
I answered grimly, “my body was instrumental in getting me raped, now it is going to help me get my revenge!”
Angie touched my hand and with moist eyes said, “I’m sorry Kerry.”
I told Angie that she wouldn’t see me at the meetings again, as I didn’t need them anymore. She left soon afterwards and I was alone with my new dreams. The following Monday I was up early and dressed very carefully, in a tight white blouse, an under sized bra with my tight skirt that stopped above myknees and I wore sheer black thigh-highs. I chose my highest heels and practiced walking in them while watching while myself in the mirror. My hair was loose but well groomed and I was proud of my sexy look.
When I walked into the office, there were surprised looks and Karen asked if I had a new boyfriend. I was jovial and that probably had them puzzled, also. The P.I. walked in the door and scanned the room, he did a double take when he saw me. After completing his business he came directly to my desk and said hello.
I smiled and replied, “how are you, today?”
He replied, “I am looking at the hottest woman in town, that’s how I am!”
I smiled demurely and waited for him to speak, “why haven’t we gotten together Kerry?”
I said, “because you have never asked me, that’s why.”
He responded, “well I’m asking now, what about lunch at my office?” And “I will order Chinese around noon.”
I spoke making my voice husky, “alone with you, ummmm, that’s an exciting thought!” He was practically tripping over his tongue when he left.
I arrived at his office at 12:15 and he rushed to take my hand. I followed him to his private office and he had the food laid out, but I refused to eat, telling him that I was getting fat. I took his hand and slid it across my tummy to show him the bulge. I saw that his cock was rigid and moved behind his chair.
I caressed his chest and began to lick his ear and said, “before I forget, a friend needs some info on a tag number.” This made him suspicious and he asked, “Why?”
I moved my hand onto his cock and moaned, “that feels so good!” Then added, “she was in a traffic accident and thinks the guy gave her bogus info.”
I began to unzip his trousers saying, “but first I want that big cock of yours, Alex!”
He twisted his head and kissed me deeply, I responded probing his mouth with my tongue. I freed his cock and it did excite me and I began to really want to fuck this man. Also, I found it exciting that he was responding to me!
I began to remove my skirt, taking my time and watching him, the skirt fell to the floor. I had worn a thong and had shaved my pubic hair into a V shape above my labia.
I ran my fingers over my pubic hair and asked, “do you like my landing pad?”
He jerked off his pants and pulled me against his chest. His hand moving to my crotch and when his fingers slid across my labia, I shivered in anticipation. He inserted them into my vagina and I instinctively moved my hips to accommodate his roaming digits. We kissed passionately and I lifted my leg and partially encircled his legs. He was sliding my thongs down and I wiggled my hips to facilitate their removal. He squeezed my butt cheeks as I licked his ear; he suddenly lifted me and sat me on his desk. I could feel the juice dripping from my hot pussy.
Then I felt him spread my labia and insert his warm cock into me. I encircled his waist with my legs and squeezed down on his shaft. I rocked my hips and used my legs muscles to lift my hips. I placed my hands behind me and leaned back. The tag number was not important now, as lust inflamed my body. He leaned forward and I eagerly accepted his tongue, I pushed against his hot organ and then allowed it to explore. Sweat poured from our bodies as juice poured from my hot cunt.
I used my heels to urge him into a faster pace and felt his cock enlarge. I knew that he was reaching orgasm and that caused me to start mine. He tugged my tits out and began to suck my nipples, then he stiffened and I felt his cock begin to jerk. I cried out as wave after wave of pleasure flowed over me. He softened and I knew that his cum was oozing out of my cunt.
He stepped back and said, “my bathroom has a shower, if you want to use it baby”
I thanked him and went to begin my toilet as he said, “I’ll have that info when you get back, hotstuff.”
After the quick shower my relaxation was complete, I felt better than I had in a long time. He gave me a printout along with his home phone number and I kissed him then rushed back to work. He was asking about seeing me again as I left his office.
Chapter Five
The first step had been completed and quite enjoyably. The printout said that my rapist was named Brad Tiev and it linked his three registered vehicles to another license, a Jane Tiev. So the big man had a wife, the possibilities were multiplying. Also, it listed his home address.
I put in a request for a week’s vacation and went back to work. When my request was approved, I began step two of the plan. During that week we covertly followed the big man, either in my car or Angie’s. We learned his habits, and favorite bar, also that he loved a 1963 Corvette. We heard that he had spent a year renovating that prized possession. And Angie learned that he was dating a 16 year old girl.
Alex had called me a couple of times and we chatted for a while, but my focus was on Brad. I decided that the corvette would be the first item to address and Angie agreed to help. That Friday night we parked at Brad’s favorite bar and saw the red corvette sitting inside the valet parking area. We also saw three bikers leaning against a wall and even though Angie protested I approached them. I adjusted my tight, short “cunt showing” skirt and swayed across to them on my 5 inch heels. They appreciatively whistled and I heard, “honey hush!”
I stood in front of the biggest biker and said huskily, “could you help us , if you could we would be so very appreciative.”
The big biker grabbed his crotch and said, “what do you need, a little help with that hot cunt!”
I smiled wickedly saying, “yes that too, but I need that red corvette destroyed.” Then I smiled prettily and continued, “want me to call my friend over?”
He nodded and I signaled Angie, she strutted along with her shoulders pulled back, drawing her breasts tightly against her skimpy blouse.
The biker told one of his cronies, “don’t let them leave.” He looked at me and said, “watch this, slut.”
He walked over to the young valet attendant and stood very close to the kid. After a brief conversation the kid was frightened out of his mind. When the big biker returned, the other biker rummaged around in his saddle bags. He retrieved a thick plastic bag and unplugged a rubber hose from the gas tank on his bike. He filled the plastic bag almost full of gasoline and replaced the hose onto his tank. Then he sealed the bag securely.
He walked past the valet kid and patted him on his butt, then approached Brad’s ride.
He did something to the car and then lifted the hood, I watched in puzzlement as he placed the bag on the engine and secured the hood. Then he returned to where we stood and said, “Ok Snake, can we fuck them now?”
I exclaimed, “the car isn’t damaged at all!”
Snake snapped, “look you stupid cunt, when it is driven for about 15-20 minutes and the engine gets hot, that bag will melt and pour gasoline over the hot engine, and the damn car will be fried in no time!”
Chapter Six
He looked at me and growled, “now, I like my pussy with bruises on it, is that going to be your pussy or the other slut’s?”
I didn’t want Angie hurt, so I quickly replied, “it will be me.” He sternly said, “Follow me.”
We went around behind the parking area to what looked like a trash dump. Snake ordered us to “get naked!” he made us throw our clothes onto the slimy pavement . Not wanting to piss him off, I quickly obeyed, my naked flesh shivered from the cool night breeze and fear. My nipples enlarged and became stiff, also much to my dismay, arousal swept though me, my body was about to betray me again!
He made me grip a trash container with both hands and my head hanging over the opening with the nauseating odor of rotting food assailing my nostrils. My blonde hair dangled inside the can, I lifted my head to keep it from touching the inside of the filthy can. I looked back to see him removing a wide leather belt from his pants.
He caressed my ass and slid his fingers along my crevice, then moved his hand between my legs and grasped my labia, twisting hard. I screamed and he pulled down on my pussy lips, telling me “just shut the hell up!” I determinedly tried to remain quiet, as he lifted the belt. I heard the swish and felt pain shoot through me when the leather struck my tender flesh. He paused and swung again, the pain was intense but my vagina was getting wet.
After the fifth hard strike, he slid his hand across my crotch saying, “this fuckhole is dripping wet and that means you are a real pain slut.”
In my heart I knew that he was right, because I wanted the whipping to continue. He struck hard until I had received 25 blows and desperately wanted to be fucked. He obliged and I felt the enjoyable sensation of his warm shaft filling me. He gripped my hips and began pumping full length strokes into my hot twat, it was difficult to keep him from driving my head into the trash can. I moved to please him, but my stance and the heels made it difficult to keep my balance.
I tried to please him vocally saying, “oooh baby, you’re so big and hard, I love that cock, come on pump that cock into my hot hole!”
He grunted and responded by driving his cock faster into my hot, sopping wet pussy. I saw Angie taking the other two bikers at once, my excitement grew seeing their activity. One was driving an impossibly huge dick into her ass-hole, while the other had his stiff rod buried in her throat. She was hanging onto her face-fucker’s legs. The sight pushed me over the edge and I began my orgasm, it cascaded over me as the best orgasm of my life!
Snake made me clean him with my tongue saying, “if you need us for anything, come and find us.”
The other two finished with Angie after one of them urinated into the crevice between her butt cheeks. Our clothes were filthy from lying in the muck, but we dressed hastily and then went back to my car, neither of us could sit normally, so we sat on our hip bones. And the stench we made inside the car was nauseating.
Chapter Seven
I asked Angie, “are you ok?”
Angie answered “yeah, I guess so, my ass will recover, damn that guy, and it felt like he shoved a baseball bat into my ass hole!”
She paused and said, “but I won’t recover from…….”
I queried my friend, “from what Angie?”
The words rushed out as her tears began to flow, “those guys were filthy skanks, but no man has ever made me feel like that!” And, “I didn’t want it to stop!”
I answered sadly, “Angie, I felt the same way!” Adding, “I guess we are worthless sluts!”
We sat in the dark, miserable and alone. Then the tears came in floods, Angie cried for her own reasons, but I wept because there was nothing left for me to lose.
I saw Brad with his little “chicky” walking to the valet stand, I nudged Angie and she watched, also. The valet attendant took Brad’s tip with a guilty look on his face. We followed as Brad rolled onto the street and I carefully kept my distance. After about 10 miles he turned into a motel and stopped, he jumped out of the car then hurried into the lobby. The teen sat in the car, she was seat dancing and glancing around. Suddenly, she scrambled out of the car and ran inside the motel. I saw smoke and then flame coming from around the front tires, the biker was right, the corvette was engulfed in flames in two minutes.
Brad flew through the doors and turned, then yelled at the girl as she had followed him. She cringed from his anger and went back inside the motel, stopping at the door long enough to shout something back at Brad. Angie and I were laughing at the marvelous sight and the great part was, I had just begun.
When the fire truck arrived the car was almost totally destroyed and they sprayed what was left with foam. Brad sat on the curb with his head in his hands and watched dejectedly as his date left in a cab.
Angie stayed at my apartment that night and I slept soundly even without my mixed drinks. Saturday night we went to Brad’s club, a place called “The Nightmare” and went inside.
Angie circulated for a while, then came back and said, “I didn’t learn much, however, one of his ex’s comes here, her name is Brenda and she should be a treasure trove of dirt on him.” Adding mischievously, “but watch out, they say she is bi!”
I had never been with another woman voluntarily, but that was not going to stop me from getting what I needed. However, she didn’t show that night and we went home.
Chapter Eight
Sunday morning, I called Alex at home and he asked me out for brunch, I agreed eagerly. I dressed to excite him, wearing my thongs, shorts and a tight tee shirt without a bra. I could see my nipples in the mirror while putting on my makeup. Alex intrigued me, he had a calm exterior but there was something sinister about him, also. I remembered how effortlessly he had lifted me onto his desk.
He arrived and we left for the small restaurant that he frequented. Once we were seated he asked, “Did your friend resolve her accident successfully?”
I replied, “not really, she needs to find about another person, a teen-ager.”
He spoke bluntly, “Kerry, I don’t know what you have gotten involved with, but I hope it’s not dangerous!”
I smiled, hoping to placate him saying, “oh no, she’s thinks her husband is dating a teen-aged girl.” And provocatively added, “I really would appreciate it, Alex.”
He smiled and spoke eagerly, “oh really, how appreciative?” I slowly slid my tongue around my parted lips and answered, “a lot, all that I can get into my throat!”
He chuckled and replied, “stop or my cock will snap right off my groin.”
Then he said seriously, “ok Kerry, but this is the last time, because I think you are involved in a vendetta against the creeps that raped you.”
I was shocked, how could he guess that? Damn him, but I needed him badly, so I smiled and lied through my teeth saying, “what, no Alex it is as I said, this whole thing is about my friend.”
He stared at me and then deliberately said, “very well, Kerry have it your way, but if you get into trouble call the cops and then call me, hopefully you will be able to call!”
For some reason his words struck deep and I asked myself, did he care about me, a worthless slut? The brunch proceeded with the conversation cautiously nurtured along. However, I did remove my shoe and caress his leg, as I did want to suck his cock to orgasm and then swallow his load. And, to my shame, I wanted him to whip me while I did it.
Chapter Nine
After the brunch he took me home and I invited him inside. He moved with an easy gait, but I could see the bulge in his trousers. I asked if he wanted a drink but he refused then pulled me onto his lap. I arched my neck and kissed him then squirmed on his hard shaft. He thrust upwards and if felt marvelous even through the fabric of our clothes.
I whispered to him, “My tongue made you a promise.” Then went down on my knees and removed my tee. He lifted his hips and I exposed his sexy cock and then with a moan swallowed him. He laid his head back and thrust up into my hungry mouth, I slid his foreskin back and concentrated on the glans area. He had some lint under the foreskin and using the tip of my tongue, I picked it up and then licked his thigh to remove it.
I sincerely wanted to please him, so I inhaled deeply then prepared myself to take him into my throat. His cock felt so large in my throat and it took effort to work my throat muscles. I slid one hand under his firm, well muscled ass and the other caressed his lovely testicles.
Suddenly, I wanted him to twist my nipples and took his hand then placed it upon my breast. But he didn’t twist or pull, so I took my nipple and did it for him. Electricity flashed through me and I felt my fluids oozing down my legs. I began to fuck his cock with my oral cum hole, as he needed to see the slut in action! His cock swelled and I looked into his face to see his eyes shut tightly.
With a flash of insight I realized that my slut power would overcome his will power and I swallowed him again, his balls instantly became hard and his cock began to jerk as his cum spurted into my mouth. I gulped the warm, salty spunk quickly and reveled in my new found power.
He paid me the most wonderful complement by saying one word, “WOW!”
I smiled and said throatily, “your cock drives me wild!”
He rested his head on the couch and I rested my tits on his legs and gazed at him.
Chapter Ten
Without opening his eyes he asked, “do you like pain?”
I felt a pang of dismay, but he needed to know what I was, so my reply was, “yes, all kinds, I am only fit to dump cum into!”
I was staring at the floor and felt him touch my chin then lift my head. His eyes bored into mine as he spoke, “no Kerry, you are a submissive.”
I had heard about those women and replied, “then, I am insane.”
He smiled and said, “yes you are, as we all are.” His cell phone chimed and he answered it then spoke briefly.
Then he said, “I have to go, but we need to talk privately, call me when you a day to yourself.” Then he added, “and stop worrying about how you feel, trust me there are untold numbers of females that feel as you do, I know.”
The next week dragged along at work and I couldn’t wait for Saturday night. During the week, Angie and I went out to Brad’s hangouts but failed to learn anything. Then Saturday finally came and I prepared for the evening with a bubble bath, shaving carefully and dressing sexily. I was somewhat curious about having sex with another woman and decided that if Brenda offered, I would accept.
Angie came to my apartment and we chatted until 8, then went to The Nightmare. Angie began to circulate and I sat at a barstool then crossed my legs to pull up my short skirt and show some ass.
A silver blonde plopped next to me with a cigarette dangling from her lips. She was heavily made-up wearing ghastly whorehouse red lipstick. But I smiled and introduced myself, she responded with, “I’m Brenda.”
I saw that her eyes were undressing me and smiled again, she offered me a drink which was accepted. I made sure that she was the Brenda that we needed. I let her compliment me and smiled prettily at her asinine comments. However, I couldn’t get anything from her about Brad. So, when she asked me to her duplex I agreed, because fucking might loosen her tongue. I feigned enthusiasm as we headed for the door, I noticed Angie rolling her eyes and almost laughed.
When we were in the car she rested her free hand between my legs, caressing me as she gradually moved to my crotch. Her hands were rough and her nails were unkempt, I was beginning to think that maybe this was not a good idea. Once we arrived at her duplex she immediately served mixed drinks, I sipped mine to keep from getting drunk.
She leaned and kissed me, her strong tongue explored my mouth and then she said, “Let’s go to my bedroom.” She held my hand in a tight grip and led me there. She helped me undress and went into the bathroom, I was shocked when she returned wearing a dildo harness.
She said “lie back you sexy thing and let Brenda make you happy.”
I reclined on the bed and spread my legs, she approached and I saw that the dildo was large. She began rubbing me and sucking my nipples causing my body began to respond. When she slid her fingers along my labia, I opened my legs wider and moaned. She knelt between my legs and spread my cunt lips then inserted the plastic dick. It stung as it stretched me and it wasn’t warm, still she began to pump her hips. I knew that an orgasm was not going to happen, so I faked it.
I fucked her phony cock and moaned then she lifted my legs over her shoulders. After about 15 minutes I pretended to cum and then collapsed panting. She had a smug look on her face as she unstrapped the harness.
Chapter Eleven
I made the drinks and sipped mine, but I could see that she was a power drinker. After her fifth strong drink she began to slur her words and I jumped at the opportunity.
I exclaimed, “Oh Brenda, did you hear that Brad Tiev’s corvette burned, they say it was totally destroyed, I think he is so sexy!”
Brenda growled, “stay away from that bastard,”
I asked her why she would say something like that and she began a tirade. Most of it was personal gripes, but I learned the teen-ager’s name and that her father worked for a law firm downtown. She said that he was an accountant.
When she passed out, I left and joined Angie then we went home. The next day we went to the mall and bought a video camera, I wore the poor salesman out, with my barrage of questions. But I needed a low light camera that had a strong lens along with a small “covert” camera that could be hidden and record voice. Alex got the info on the teen that Brad was dating and information on her Dad as well.
Then Angie and I began two months of compiling tape on the big man and his “young stuff.” We got lucky when Brad got so excited that he had sex with the girl in the parking lot, which made a great scene to film. Angie sat near their table and used the covert camera to film them and record their conversations. I decided that we had enough evidence and sent copies of the tape to Brad’s wife and the girl’s father. Then I waited for three days and sent them again.
The reaction was very fast and it became a major topic at the Nightmare, we heard that Brad had been kicked out of his house and was being divorced. We also heard that the teen’s father was suing him for $5,000,000 leveling several accusations against Brad. Brad was also arrested for having sex with a minor and had to post a huge bond to be released. We also saw Brad drink himself into a stupor on several occasions, apparently pussy was no longer a priority for the jerk.
When I told Angie that it was time to find our biker fuck buddies, she was disgusted and excited, I offered to go alone, but she adamantly refused to let me.
We began our search dressed appropriately, as cum sucking sluts. We each wore heels, without underwear and with cunt showing skirts.
I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, “well, at least you know what you are.” However, the thought did hurt and I knew that Angie felt the same way.
We spent four days looking for the bikers, driving through parking lots, having catcalls and other vulgar names thrown at us. Being mistaken for prostitutes and a cop almost arrested us.
The fifth night we found them and when they saw us, Snake said gloating, “heard you cum dumps were looking for us.” And, “want another car wasted?”
I smiled and answered, “no not this time, but we do need more help.”
Snake asked, “same deal?” I replied, “oh yes.”
I explained what we needed and Snake grinned evilly then agreed to my terms. After saying, “you are a wicked slut!”
Then he said, “there are four of us tonight.” I gulped, but felt a thrill of excitement and my vagina became moist.
I asked Snake, “can’t we go to a motel, I will pay.” He answered, “no bitch, a garbage dump is the perfect place for trash like you!”
Tears welled into my eyes as the insult burned its way into my soul. Snake sent one of the bikers into the bar to get the others.
Chapter Twelve
We were made to strip and put our clothes into my car and then led around to the dump. As we walked their hard hands rubbed our bodies, they also pinched, pulled and twisted our nipples, labia’s and even our ears.
Snake dragged a nasty, ragged mattress into an open area then stripped and forced me onto my knees. The other biker moved in front of me with his heavy cock jutting out.
He sneered, “I just fucked a skanky-assed whore about an hour ago, I hope you enjoy her taste!” Snake chuckled and folded his belt then gripped it in his right hand. I had goose bumps from the excitement and my pussy was soaked, I parted my lips to take him in my mouth as Snake swung the belt, ripping into my butt cheeks. But I didn’t cry out, knowing that he didn’t like that.
I began massaging the filthy cock with my tongue and the taste was horrible, but I was fulfilling my role. I slid my tongue to the base of his cock and he grabbed my hair then tried to force me to deep throat him. I stubbornly refused, because Alex was only one man that I would ever deep throat, again.
Snake forced me to keep my back straight and beat my legs, ass and back with his hard leather belt. I knew that his hard stinging strikes would leave wide bruises and that I couldn’t let Alex see them. I swirled my tongue around the now rigid shaft and was interrupted by Snake brutally twisting my hair then pulling my head back and off the cock. They reclined on the mattress with their hairy balls almost touching and had me straddle both of them then slowly settle onto their waiting shafts.
Snake took my vagina while the other took my anus, excitement flooded me from this wonderful feeling. Their cocks fit into me so tightly and while it severely limited my movements, I squeezed them with all of my muscle strength. They pumped into me and as the sweat began to flow, I could smell their sour body odors.
I placed my fingers onto my clit and began to rub it briskly. Snake sneered, “what a cum hungry slut!” I could hear Angie groaning but could not see what they were doing.
With my free hand I played with Snake’s brown nipples. My orgasm was at its breaking point and I begged them, “fuck me faster, please faster.”
They both responded and in seconds, I felt my ass man begin to cum and when his hot jism spewed into my ass hole, I began to cum. Snake took a while longer and his buddy kept his soft cock in my ass until Snake had “popped his rocks.” I was sweating and shivering while sitting with two unwashed, vile cocks inside of me, I felt so fulfilled and so ashamed.
Before they left Snake put Angie and I all fours then made us kiss each other. While the four of them urinated on our naked skin. Snake handed me a card with a phone number on it and said to give him a couple of days notice when I was ready for his services.
Chapter Thirteen
The following week I was impatient and snapped at everyone, even poor Mrs.’ Johnson who is the sweetest person that I have ever met. Everyone assumed that I had “man troubles.”
When I requested a long weekend it was granted quickly, being a bitch does have a few perks. Thursday morning, I phoned Snake and a girl answered, she asked me if I was the trash dump slut and giggled. I ignored her remark and asked to speak with Snake. She informed me that Snake was unavailable and would return my call at his convenience, I gave her my work number.
A wave of dismay engulfed me, because if he didn’t call there wasn’t anything that I could do about it. I reluctantly called Angie and advised her that Snake might renege on the deal.
She felt badly also, but her twisted sense of humor surfaced and she said, “well, even if he does, what we did at the dump wasn’t a total waste!”
I was shocked and snapped, “Angie, think about what you just said!”
She replied calmly, “I’m tired of thinking sis, I want to feel things again.”
That little statement made me feel so sorry for my friend, because I understood what she meant.
Later that day Snake called and said, “we are set, be at the bar Friday night.” Then he ended the call, apparently he didn’t converse with trash dump sluts.
We arrived at the bar and moments later about twenty bikes glided into the parking lot, they were beautiful machines and so spotless. They surrounded our car and parked, surprisingly I didn’t hear the usual remarks.
Snake approached and asked, “are you ready?” I nodded and he continued, “make damn sure, because once it starts, I can’t stop it!”
He studied me for a minute and said, “Ok.” Then walked away, the bikers smoked and talked while we waited. A black panel truck swung into the parking area and Snake walked over to speak with driver. Then my target appeared and I exited my vehicle then walked to where he had parked. He was out of the vehicle and I called out, “Hey Brad.”
Chapter Fourteen
He looked at me and asked gruffly, “do I know you?”
I cooed back, “yes baby you do, you know me really well, I will never forget that scar over your cock”
Then Snake threw a blanket over him and with help hustled Brad to the waiting truck. By my request, the blanket had been used as a urinal for the past two days. Snake struck the blanket with a club until Brad stopped moving and then concealed him inside the truck.
Angie said, “damn, that was fast!”
The truck causally drove out of the parking area and we followed, the bikers formed two lines behind Snake and set the pace. We travelled for an hour with Angie And I becoming apprehensive. However, I believed that even though Snake was unwashed, crude and sadistic, he was also an honest man.
We arrived at a large building with a dimly lighted sign that read, “The Rogue’s Roost.” The truck pulled behind the building as Snake led us into the parking area. We went inside and were seated near a stage, Snake told us that the show start soon.
Angie gasped as they led Brad onto the stage, he was nude and wearing a hood. He also had been beaten and bruises were beginning to form. They literally dragged him into position and bent him over a rigid metal frame that was mounted on a turntable. They secured his wrists and ankles to bolts set into the table with thick leather cuffs. Then turned him so that his ass hole was in full view, there were catcalls and hoots. I heard someone yell “Oh hell virgin man pussy!”
A man approached the microphone and spoke, “here it is, as promised a virgin ass hole, ass fuck costs $40.00, blow job $25.00, sign up and get your number at the bar!” Then he said, “And if the punk causes a problem, we will hold an auction and the highest bidder can castrate him!”
I saw Brad’s body jerk when he heard the threat. Another man came out and tied a cord around Brad’s balls then added weights to it.
The bar patrons rushed to get their numbers as Snake sat down and said, “hello ladies, come here often?”
I was taken aback when Angie pointed at me and said, “No not me, but this is her favorite club!” Snake roared with laughter.
I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I snapped, “Angelina!” She smiled and said, “shhhhh, the floor show is about to start,”
Snake surprised me by saying, “helluva way to get even, what did he do to you?”
I replied, “He raped me for four days, among other things.”
Snaked nodded and replied, “well it’s his turn now.”
Chapter Fifteen
The first customer walked onto the stage waving his ticket in the air, again there were catcalls. He approached Brad and tried to pry his cheeks apart, but Brad clenched them tightly.
He signaled the announcer saying, “we have a stubborn ass here!”
They handed him a metal rod that had a cord leading to a floor outlet, he made an adjustment then touched Brad’s testicles. A blue sparked jumped and Brad screamed, the customer continued by touching Brad’s penis, his joints and finally his ears. Brad screams was continuous and very loud. However, he relaxed his butt and allowed the customer access then an engorged cock plunged his ass-hole.
The customer rammed into him with his face displaying lust and fury. He stroked Brad a few times then would lift one foot and change his angle of entry into Brad. This allowed him to penetrate a little deeper into Brad’s ass hole. I suddenly realized with a shock that my fingers were sliding under my panties.
I was so excited and needed release, but under no circumstances would I take my eyes off Brad’s beautiful rape. My fingers continued into my slit and found my clit, I caressed it at first, but then began to roughly pull and twist my delicate flesh. This caused my hips to squirm and writhe in exquisite pleasure. I had my head thrown back and was moaning loudly. I entered my tunnel and stroked rapidly, managing to get four fingers into my hot, wet sheath of flesh and as the customer began his orgasm, mine began also.
I lay back in my chair panting as Snake said, “damn bitch, I should be charging these fuckers to watch you!”
A guy at the net table wearing a Rogue’s vest said, “I smell fish.” And began to laugh
Almost instantly Snake had a wicked looking knife in his hand and smiled at the guy then said in a gravelly voice, ”be cool bro.”
The guy responded somberly saying, “you got it Snake man, sorry lady.”
I sat bemusedly, why had Snake defended a slut? I screwed my courage up and asked him, “Snake why did protect me, I am a trash dump slut.”
He answered, “maybe, but it took guts to do what both of you did and I respect anyone that will fight for themselves.” Then he said, “he was just too big for you, so I took care of it.”
Angie had been listening intently and was surprised also. Brad’s rape continued and he vomited after swallowing his first load cum, the announcer got angry and beat him with a whip. While another Rogue used the electric wand on him and the big man cried like a baby.
Chapter Sixteen
Brad’s ball were blue and had been thumped several times, eliciting laughter from the onlookers.
The announcer lifted the microphone and said, “we have a female that wants some of his ass.” This was answered by boo’s and jeer’s. The announcer quieted them down and stated, “now boys, she paid her money and it just might be fun to watch, she paid for 20 minutes.”
Brenda walked out onto the stage and waved at me, a huge dildo jutted from her thighs she approached Brad and twisted his balls. He screamed and his muscles jerked convulsively. She leaned forward and spit into his ass crevice then put that monster to work. Brad strained against his restraints and his voice broke from his vocal cords being overworked. I saw his head drop when he passed out, Brenda either didn’t notice or didn’t care as she was intent on getting that entire huge dick into Brad. Brenda continued until the announcer said that her time had expired. I saw blood on that monster dick, when she drew it out of him.
Angie said, “Kerry what if Brad calls the cops after they release him?”
Snake answered, “we spoke with Brad about that earlier and convinced him that calling the cops would be a fatal mistake.”
The night ended and I had my revenge, I felt at peace now. I no longer hated Brad and knew that he was out of my dreams, forever.
Snake escorted us to my car and said, “if you need me again, just leave a pair of soiled panties at the dump, I know your smell.” He walked away chuckling at his disgusting remark. Brenda came out and thanked me then asked me to give her a call. Brad would be dumped nude in a crack cocaine neighborhood along with his blanket.
I slept most of the day and was glad that I did not have to work on Monday. After thinking for a while, I decided to take a chance with Alex and called him. He said that he would make time on Monday and see me at my apartment. The rest of the day I was restless and miserable, as I was afraid that Alex would reject me. I finally called Angie and we went to the ice cream parlor.
Monday it seemed that nothing went right, my makeup was horrible, none of my clothes fit, I was flabby, this continued until finally I just sat and cried. I roused myself and did the best that I could with everything and was startled when the doorbell rang. I asked Alex inside and after he took a seat, I told him the truth, omitting nothing. He asked a few questions which I answered with butterflies in my stomach.
Then he took into his arms and said, “I know what you need Kerry.” He twisted my nipples, causing joy to spread through me.
Then he said, “remove your underwear, we are going to my home so that your training can begin.”
Three months later, Angie joined our family as my sister in the service of Master Alex.
Thanks for the read
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