Chapter 22 September 23rd 6:30 PM
Mistress Natasha was now sitting in Nikki’s cell and was by now quite pleased with her development. As she reviewed Nikki’s file, that particular incident turned out to be the first of many shocks that had to be delivered to the tempestuous beauty. Upon a more thorough review though, the majority of the electrical charges were delivered for very minor infractions, nothing serious. Natasha was certain that the 20 year old would be ready for next week’s auction. The Mistress needed Nikki for one more important task before that. Unbeknownst to her, Nikki was going to be an unwitting pawn in Natasha’s quest to significantly increase Kate’s value at the auction.
The Mistress pressed a button on her side, alerting her assistants to come into the room. Three of them did and one carried a large white box resembling a suitcase. Two of the women helped Nikki off her bed and forced her to stand in the middle of the room. Nikki raised her hands as she was trained as the guards secured her wrists to the attached cuffs. This was a common procedure for all of the slaves and generally was no cause for concern. Each cell was equipped with a similar apparatus, which allowed the upper level staff instant access to the slave’s body rather then have to transport them to a separate chamber for more traditional restraints. The Mistress placed her thumb in the scanner and the belt slowly unlocked itself. Natasha walked over to the box, undid the latches, and pulled out what appeared to be an even more sinister looking chastity belt. This one was similar to the one she usually wore but it looked much heavier because of the thicker “plate” in front.
“Leave us please”. She ordered and the three women quickly left the cell.
“#311, I know that your stay here has not been particularly enjoyable for you. It is never easy going through this process, I know that very well and I sympathize with you. I must give you a great deal of credit for resisting us for as long as you did. I also understand how difficult it must have been to watch your younger sister suffer like she did, with you locked in the adjoining cell and powerless to help her. We have never brought sisters to Stonebriar before, and truthfully I was unsure of how to deal with such a delicate situation. If we choose to do so again I would handle some things a bit differently I can assure you of that. I am not the monster that you think I am.”
Nikki just stood there, with her legs spread apart and stared at her tormentor, unsure of what to do or say.
“I know how strong your feeling for #312 are. Most girls would of course do anything to protect their little sister. I am sorry that we made that impossible for you to do. However I must tell you that in the course of her training, I too have developed a very strong attachment to her. I try very hard not to become emotionally involved with any of the slaves, but in your sister’s case it simply became impossible. As you certainly know, she is a very beautiful girl. What came as an even bigger surprise #311, is that #312 has developed a strong attachment to me as well.”
Nikki struggled to hear this. It was hard enough going through the physical part of this ordeal, but now the Mistress was adding insult to injury by insinuating that Kate actually was falling in love with the very person who had put them through this!
Natasha could see how upset the girl was becoming. Nikki was in no position to do anything about it, but the black haired bitch had clearly garnered the reaction that she had hoped for.
“What I am going to do now #311, is prove to you how much #312 cares for me, how she will now do anything for me.”
“What are you going to do? Why do you have to keep punishing us? We have already done everything you have asked. You have taken us from our home, tortured us mercilessly, turned both of us into lesbians and now you are going to sell us into sexual slavery!” Nikki was screaming now, almost in disbelief that she was being forced to endue yet more from this sickening bitch. She tried kicking with both feet even though the spreader bar prevented her from getting any leverage.
Natasha was in no danger and she just let the frustrated girl flail away until she tired herself out. There was no point in trying to explain the unexplainable. Nikki was right in fact, but it did not matter. Natasha was going to do whatever she felt she needed to do, regardless of the consequences.
Tonight, she was going to kill two birds with one stone. She was going to prove to Nikki once and for all that she had taken Kate away from her, and at the same time drive up her sister’s value at the auction to stratospheric heights.
The Mistress went over to the small cabinet in Nikki’s cell. There was one in each room. Inside contained a number of additional restraints, and other related bondage gear. She removed the ever-present bit gag and walked over to Nikki.
“If you make one sound, or so much as even one attempt to prevent me from putting this in your mouth I will call the guards and have them wax your cunt with the Bulgarian candles, is that clear?” She hissed. The Mistress was well aware of how the girls hated to be waxed, Nikki in particular.
The Bulgarian candles were a reference to a special candle that the KGB used back in the mid eighties for extracting information from difficult subjects. It seemed that that country, which suffered from chronic electricity shortages in the days of the Soviet Bloc, had developed special candles made of highly concentrated wax. These candles needed to burn longer to make up for the lack of electric light. Once the wax was developed, a special wick was needed to melt it, one that produced twice the heat of a conventional candle. It seemed that some twisted mind in the intelligence services there felt that pouring that kind of wax over a freshly shaved cunt would yield just about any type of information required and in some cases even confessions, real or imagined. One of Dr. Olga’s old associates was kind enough to secure a large supply of them for use at the Institute. Now of course they were used strictly for punishments, but punishments not soon forgotten.
Nikki didn’t forget, she obediently opened her mouth as the Mistress slid the gag in and fastened it securely around her head. Next she walked over to the suitcase. She pulled the apparatus out and proudly showed it to the gagged girl. Nikki could see it was different from the usual device she wore between her legs. One obvious differentiation, this thing did not prevent access to her asshole like the other one did. Two tight straps would cup her ass cheeks and connect to the belt at the top. The Mistress placed the belt around Nikki’s waist, connected the straps to the area right between her asshole and cunt and then she carefully positioned the “head” of the device right over her pussy. Satisfied it was in place properly, Natasha activated a button and the familiar pressurizing sound sealed the area directly around her cunt.
Natasha then calmly unhooked Nikki’s arms and legs from the bars and helped her to her bed. And as a precaution, Natasha added handcuffs to Nikki’s wrists, which were now locked behind her back, and she chained her right ankle to the bedpost. What she was about to be told would quite possibly cause a violent outburst, and the Mistress did not want any messy physical encounters with the auction so close at hand. Nikki had a hard time adjusting to the new device between her legs; it was much more top heavy then the other one and did not allow her to close her legs very easily. The new contraption was all black and made of a hard plastic shell and obviously contained moving parts and other sensitive electronic equipment. On the face were some blinking red lights and small numbers, of which she was unable to get a clear look at.
“I’m sure you a very nervous right now.” Natasha said as she grabbed a robe from Nikki’s closet and put it over the shoulders of the worried girl. “Rather then explain what this is, I think it would be much easier for me to show you.”
Natasha reached for the remote control that activated the large monitor on the wall, directly in front of Nikki’s bed. Both women turned to face the screen.
“What you are about to see #311 is a videotape made by an old acquaintance of mine in the late 1980’s. The central character in this video is a woman named Dr. Helena Eriksen. She was at the time a brilliant electrical engineer from Stockholm. You won’t be able to understand the dialogue spoken here, as it is in Swedish, but the images you will see will be easily understood, and I assure you, will not soon be forgotten.”
The big screen soon came to life and Nikki saw somewhat dated footage of an older woman cutting the clothes away from a screaming girl, who was chained heavily to a wooden tabletop. They appeared to be in a small cabin, as a fire was burning in the background. Three other girls, all kneeling and also quite restrained, watched on in horror. They were obviously the friends of the girl who was tied down. Natasha was right, Nikki could not understand a thing, but a girl screaming was a universal sound and the terror in the faces of these girls felt was real and undeniable. She was sure there was no acting going on here. Nikki watched as the girl on the table, now completely nude, was having her pussy shaved by the older woman. Her discomfort was evident and it reminded her of the first time Commandant Stone did that to her many weeks ago. Natasha watched the video with rapt attention, despite the fact that she had seen this tape many times.
“What has happened #311, is that Dr. Helena has tricked these four girls into joining her at her remote cabin, just north of the Arctic Circle, which I am sure you know is an incredibly isolated place. They went there under the guise of studying the feeding habits of the Scandinavian wolf. Once Dr. Helena was able to get these four young students of hers to her cabin, they were all promptly drugged. This made them easy victims for her to conduct a series of highly bizarre, often very painful, sexually charged tests on the girls. What Dr. Helena wanted to find out was to see at what point a girl would agree to do something that they would not typically do under normal circumstances. Of course the girls did not willingly consent to any of these tests, but Dr. Eriksen kept them sufficiently drugged and restrained. In fact some of our methods used here are based on her early work.”
Nikki looked on in shock. How much more insane could this possibly get? Exactly how many sadistic lesbians were really out there in this world?
“What these girls did not know #311 until it was too late, was that Dr. Eriksen was a committed lesbian with a taste for much younger girls. She was unfortunately unable to act on those desires because of her position at the University. But here in this video, as you will soon see, she was taking advantage of this opportunity to test what she felt could be her most brilliant creation. It is this invention that you too are going to subjected to.”
Nikki gulped hard, what the hell was going to happen to her? She looked over at the Mistress, who was now again focusing intently on the screen. Nikki saw Natasha slide her hand up her own skirt and start to play with herself.
Nikki watched the screen as Dr. Eriksen finished shaving the unknown girl’s cunt. This girl was no doubt the prettiest in this unlucky group of four. She had unnaturally large breasts for her age, not unlike her own sister Kate. It was easy to see why Dr. Eriksen had picked her. With the girl still strapped to the table, the Doctor fastened some type of device around the girl’s waist and then over her cunt. It looked to be a much cruder version of the one she herself was wearing now.
Natasha was still rubbing her clit when she broke the silence. “You will have to excuse me #311, this video turns me on more then any porn video ever could. What is happening here is that Dr. Eriksen is trying to prove a point to the girls. The previous evening, before her students had any idea that they had walked into a trap, and over many glasses of wine, she asked the girls if any of them would ever willingly lick another woman’s pussy. This was perhaps a crude attempt by Helena to seduce one of the four into joining her in her bedroom. Perhaps none of them picked up on Doctor Eriksen’s intentions and all said no. But the girl you see on the table, Annika is her name, was adamant about it, almost to the point of rudeness. The girl said she had very strict religious beliefs which prevented her from engaging in any type of pre-marital sexually activity. To break this vow was absolutely unthinkable to her. She would be excommunicated from her church and possibly even disowned by her family if they found out she had done such a thing. Doing it with another woman would make it that much worse. She abhorred lesbians, “sexual deviants” as she called them. Annika had taken the bait and now the very insulted Dr. Eriksen was going to prove to her, all of the girls actually, that Annika would indeed lick another woman’s cunt”.
As the video went on Nikki could see the girl suffer, she could see how badly the young Swedish girl desperately wanted to rip the weird contraption away from her body. But Dr. Eriksen just went about her business, methodically checking and rechecking the girl’s arms and legs to ensure that she would not break free. All four of the girls screamed, with Annika obviously the loudest of all. Nikki could feel the young girl’s obvious discomfort, even as Natasha was working herself closer and closer to an orgasm.
Despite the foreign language barrier, Nikki could see something happen. It seemed the poor girl had given up at last. It was almost a relief for her to see it. Before removing the device though, The Doctor lowered her own panties and straddled Annika’s face. The pretty young girl was clearly repulsed at the sight of another woman’s cunt as she shifted her head from side to side, but no doubt the discomfort between her legs was too great to bear any longer. She reluctantly started licking the Doctor, and in just a few moments the evil bitch had an orgasm. Natasha had timed hers perfectly too. Just feet away from Nikki, she extracted her hand from underneath her short black leather skirt and quickly collected herself.
Natasha took a deep breath before continuing. “What you need to know now #311is that Dr. Helena was a professor of thermal dynamics. In case you don’t know what that means, let me explain it to you. She was then, and continues to be today, an expert in temperature control. What I have attached to your pussy now is called a Polar Cool 2500. It is a much more sophisticated version of the apparatus that was used on that poor Swedish girl. This model is specifically designed to lower the temperature of your cunt. It works in a much more gradual manner then something crude like ice. What will happen to you is that over the course of this evening, the device will slowly work to drop the temperature between your legs by about 12 degrees per hour. Right now” as the Mistress bent over to look at the display, “your pussy is at 100.7 degrees. That is about normal for a girl your age. It will not, however, remain at that temperature for long.”
“Why would I want to do this to you, I know must be asking yourself, especially after everything that has happened already? That is a very good question and it has a very good answer. As you have just seen from that video, it is a proven fact that when a person is subjected to extremely cold temperatures they will do anything, and I mean absolutely anything to stop the cold. When a girl has her pussy forcibly exposed to extreme cold, especially one that was just shaved perfectly clean this morning, well the sky is the limit for getting your subject to do anything you want.” Natasha flashed a depraved smile.
Nikki could feel her heart racing, what was she going to have to do now? She stared helplessly at Natasha as the sinister bitch paced the small room, searching for just the right words to explain what fiendish plot was going through her head.
“For the next few hours, you will be in relative comfort. I am going to have the cuffs kept in place of course, but I will have the ankle chain removed. You will be free to walk the room. Your vagina will slowly feel the effects of the Polar Cool Unit as it works it’s way through the 80’s, then the 70’s and then the 60-degree mark. Once it hits 50, you will notice a significant change between your legs and you will start to get uncomfortable, 40 degrees is where it will start to become particularly unpleasant for you. Once we are in the 30’s, your body will start to work harder and harder to provide warmth to such an important part of your body. You will start to sweat profusely all over, even as your pussy starts to freeze. At this point the real genius of the Polar Cool takes over. As your body starts to work harder, so does it. The device will spray a fine mist of water on your cold little cunt, which will quickly freeze and form a thin layer of frost. The pain will become far more intense then anything we have done to you before, including the electric shocks. You will do anything to make it stop #311, absolutely anything!!! But it won’t stop, it will keeping dropping the temperature further and further until you stop it with this button.”
Nikki looked on incredulously as Mistress Natasha took off her bracelet and showed it to the anxious girl. Directly underneath a golden heart charm was a red button. Natasha flipped the heart and pressed the button with one hand, demonstrating how easy it was to perform this task. Even a girl in handcuffs could do it she said. Natasha fastened the bracelet to the slave’s left wrist.
“When you hit the button #311, it will immediately send a signal to me that you want the device removed. I will come down from my chambers immediately and turn it off. However, before you make that decision and press the button I want you to think about it very carefully. Once you do so, it will set into motion a chain of events that cannot be stopped. Once the Polar Cool unit is turned off it will hold the temperature between your legs completely stable. The only way I will remove the Polar Cool, and this is the tough part, is when your sister comes into the cell. I am going to have her fitted with a large strap-on dildo before she enters so we don’t need to waste any time getting her ready.”
The Mistress paused for another moment, knowing that what she said next would break Nikki’s heart, but she wanted to choose her words carefully.
“Before we remove the device, you will be bent over a padded sawhorse, like the ones we used in your earlier training. Your ankles and wrists will be firmly secured to the horse. #312 will be brought over to see your face before we continue. I will ask her to kiss you. Then you will be bent over the horse and locked firmly into place, and then I will position her behind you and she will take your anal virginity!!! She will take the last thing that I have not taken from you. I will stand behind her and help her thrust the dildo deeper and deeper into your ass #311. She will not stop thrusting until I tell her to. She listens only to me now #311, because she loves me more then anyone in the world and she will do anything for me, even if it means causing pain to you! And this last bit of indignity will help me prove it to you!!!”
The 20 year old was speechless, what could she really say? She rolled off the bed and fell to her knees, crying uncontrollably. “Why? Why? Why?” She asked her self over and over again. She had given herself to them, everything, her body, her future, everything. And still the Mistress wanted more. Natasha was going to make her own sister fuck her in the ass, and she was powerless to stop it!
Natasha stopped speaking for a moment. She knelt next to the sobbing girl and put Nikki’s head on her knees. The girl was too weak to pull away. She gently stroked the girl’s head. Nikki offered no resistance. This was an incredibly difficult thing for any girl to bear, Natasha was fully aware of that. But this was something that she knew she must be done if she was going to succeed in her ambitious revenue-generating plan.
“#311, I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better and I am not even going to try. I just want you to know that I am not doing this to hurt you, despite what it may seem. I am doing this for Stonebriar. I want the bidders to see how strong your sister’s love is for me. The only way I can show that is for her to do this to you. Any girl that would violate her own sister in the ass would also likely do anything for them. I know the logic is hard to understand now and I am sure it won’t make it any easier for you if you do understand it. But for reasons that are of no concern to you, I must make sure I maximize my profit with the sale of your sister.”
Natasha looked at her watch; it was almost 6:00 PM now. By around 10:00 Nikki would start to enter the “uncomfortable” stage and she wanted to ready.
“As a special favor to you, I am going to bring your sister in to your cell and allow her to spend a few hours with you. She of course won’t be told about our little plan or what she is going to have to do later this evening, but I want the two of you to spend some quality time together, alone. That is my gift to you.”
Nikki didn’t even acknowledge that little jibe.
“There is one more thing I must tell you before I leave #311. I have set the button on the bracelet to be activated only at 30 degrees or lower. It is important that you do not press it until it reaches at least that temperature. If you do, it will not reset itself until the device reaches 25 degrees. If you press it again before that it will reset to 20 degrees, etc. This is designed to prevent girls from surrendering too soon and not appreciating the full power of the Polar Cool. Please, I plead with you to think carefully before pressing the button and surrendering yourself. I would hate to have you suffer more then is absolutely necessary.”
Natasha flashed a wicked grin and left the room, checking to make sure the door was locked.
At around 7:00 PM, Kate was allowed into Nikki’s cell. The door was closed and locked behind her. The girl’s eyes met instantly and Kate ran over to her sister and hugged her. She could not help but notice the odd contraption between Nikki’s legs. Nikki was still left gagged and cuffed and was, for the most part, unable to communicate with little sister.
“I love you so much Nikki. What are they doing to you?”
Nikki could only mumble, unintelligibly, through the gag. She looked down between her legs, wanting desperately to pry the infernal contraption off. She could start to feel her cunt getting cooler. Her eyes met Kate’s, who also was mesmerized by the apparatus. Kate looked at it closely, but knew from experience that it would be unwise to tamper with it, as punishment for doing so would be unimaginable.
Unbeknownst to either girl, Natasha and her staff were watching the interaction between the two sisters on closed circuit monitors in an adjacent room. Their plan was working to perfection. The girls hugged each other and both cried, Kate knew something terrible was happening between Nikki’s legs, but she was unable to do anything about it. As the evening wore on Nikki became increasingly uncomfortable, her teeth grinding harder into the leather bit gag. Kate did all she could to help by rubbing her sister all over, concentrating on her inner thighs. She caressed her sister all around the device, trying to sooth her older sibling; even planting soft kisses there. Nikki did not object as she normally might have. At around 9:30 PM, Natasha had seen enough. It was time to have Kate removed, Nikki would have to endure the rest of night alone. Kate screamed and begged to stay with Nikki, but the guards would have none of it. She was hauled out, leaving the older girl alone in her cell.
It was 11:00 PM now and Nikki was clearly struggling. The Mistress looked at the monitor in breathless anticipation, Nikki’s cunt was now at 39 degrees and dropping. Nikki had no way of knowing that of course. The visual display was turned off on the unit, another diabolical step taken by Natasha. She preferred to have her victims guessing at the temperature and thereby subjecting themselves to further discomfort, knowing that they would constantly be worried about activating the bracelet too early.
Natasha generally used the Polar Cool only on the most incorrigible girls in the submission stage (Level One), not the training stage (Level Two), where Nikki was now. But in her mind there was never really a bad time to bring out one of her favorite toys and this was certainly too good of an opportunity to pass up.
It was at 35 degrees now and Natasha was getting excited. Nikki was biting very hard on her bit gag and trying desperately to get her hands loose from the cuffs. Even if she did however, the vacuum seal on the Polar Cool was much too strong to be pried off by human hands, especially by a 120-pound girl. Nikki was now grinding her cunt on the bedpost, trying to dislodge the unit, her screams even managing to make it through the gag. She was sweating copiously now, providing a stark contrast to what was happening to her cunt. This was completely expected, every girl you ever wore the device reacted the same way. It was an excruciatingly difficult scene to watch for all but the most sadistic of women.
It was at 32 degrees now and Natasha watched carefully as the Polar Cool lit up. A bright blue light ringing the outside of the unit flashed to life This meant that it was now spraying a fine mist of water onto Nikki’s pussy. The water would quickly freeze, adding to the already intense agony she was feeling. At this point most women would break and hit the button. This would of course be a big mistake for Nikki and luckily for her she didn’t do it. She rolled around on the floor, hands still cuffed behind her back, unsure of what to do now and unable to think of anything but how to stop the mind numbing pain.
It was Natasha’s experience that most of the girls subjected to this particular torture were rarely able to remember the exact instructions she had given to them prior to activating the unit. So intense was the agony that they were generally unable to concentrate on anything else. To the best of Natasha’s recollection, a tiny Japanese girl named Mayuko held the record for endurance. This particular girl had long since been sold off, but seeing Nikki suffer like this brought back fond memories of her little Mayuko. The passage of time had done little to dull the memories of one of Natasha’s all time favorite slaves.
When first brought to the institute, Mayuko willing complied with every order issued to her and seemed almost happy at being indoctrinated into the life of a lesbian slave. Natasha remembered the slender Japanese girl as one of the very rare ones who seemed to relish the tortures inflicted on her and yet was always ready for more. Girls like this tended to bring out the very best, or in this case worst, in Natasha. Mayuko’s lust for pain had fascinated Natasha, resulting in the girl being brought to Natasha’s private chamber almost nightly. There the Japanese girl suffered through an almost incomprehensible series of punishments, which always seemed to end with steadily increasing amounts of voltage being applied to her pussy. Yet for reasons that were completely foreign to the Mistress, Mayuko’s devotion to her only grew stronger as the punishments grew worse. At the time, Natasha was unsure of how to deal with these types of feelings displayed by her slaves. They were supposed to hate her, not love her, as that only complicated her work. Frustrated that she could not get the girl to “fall out of love with her” she resorted to perhaps the most diabolical torture apparatus at her disposal, the Polar Cool.
Mayuko at first relished the challenge of doing battle with the Polar Cool. Once she was told though that her succumbing to it would result in a forced anal insertion, she became unglued. She and Natasha had an “agreement” that she would not be anally violated as that was the one thing that was strictly forbidden in her culture. In exchange for this “agreement” Mayuko would gladly submit to anything else, and indeed she had lived up to her end of the bargain. Upon hearing that she was now about to be betrayed by her Mistress she begged Natasha not to do it, much like Kate would years later with the electrodes, but her cries, not surprisingly, fell on deaf ears. The Mistress was in complete control of everything, and that was a lesson that every slave should always remember. Once the Mistress made up her mind it was done. No amount of cajoling, begging, or pleading could stop her.
The petite young oriental woman fought valiantly against the Polar Cool, harder then any one ever had before or since. It was the Mistress’ experience the oriental girls tended to put up the fiercest struggles against this particular torture, largely because they as a group detested forced anal penetrations. Perhaps it was because of their generally petite asses, perhaps it was a cultural thing, but whatever the reason, they would generally be willing to do anything to not be violated in that manner. Mayuko was no different, Natasha recalled, the pretty girl fought the Polar Cool down to almost unheard of fourteen degrees before finally succumbing to the sinister device. For the two or three staff people that stayed with Natasha to watch the very end of this entire episode, it was something that none of them would ever forget. Only the truly sick ones could take pleasure in watching a nineteen year old, ninety-six pound Japanese girl, just out of high school herself, go through the most painful ordeal anyone could ever envision. Most of the other staff members could not handle watching the final 10 minutes of it and exited the viewing room. Once the poor girl finally surrendered, Natasha practically sprinted into the chambers with her guards and quickly plunged her large strap-on into Mayuko’s tight little anus. (It was the exact same one that she would force Kate to wear in a few minutes). She wasn’t sure what hurt Mayuko more, her frozen cunt or the massive member taking her anal virginity, and the last little bit of her pride with it. And the truth was she really didn’t care. The night ended with Mayuko gaining a new understanding of Natasha’s senseless cruelty. There relationship after that night would never be the same again, how could it be? Much like Kate would learn many years later, Mayuko would have done anything for her Mistress; only to be completely and utterly betrayed by someone she thought loved her.
With all of the torture devices at her disposal at the Institute, none gave Natasha more of a feeling of raw sexual power then donning a large strap-on dildo. Violating a completely restrained girl gave her immense personal satisfaction. She could wield this supremacy as often as she liked, with any number of beautiful girls at her disposal, but she tended to be judicious in her use. Vaginal penetrations clearly reduced the value of the slaves to any prospective bidder, which is why Natasha tended to prefer anal sex with her girls when she felt like fucking one of them. Most girls detest being fucked in the ass, especially while being bent over and fully restrained. It was terribly degrading. Natasha obviously didn’t care about her slaves’ feelings and she actually believed that she was doing them a favor by getting them conditioned to this activity, as most would likely be subjected to it frequently by their new mistresses.
Natasha quickly snapped out of her trip down memory lane. A quick glance at the monitor showed that Nikki was now writhing on the floor, pumping her pelvis in the air. She was covered in sweat and saliva, her hands and wrists exerting all her strength to free themselves from the cuffs. The temperature of her pussy was now at a truly frigid 28 degrees, putting her in the top 5% of anyone who had ever been subjected to this apparatus. The girl had done well, very well. She could push the red button at any time now. The genius of the remote button was that Nikki had no idea when it was safe to push it though. Could anyone really tell the difference between 33 and 28 degrees, especially on their cunt? Press it too soon and she would be punished by another 5 degrees. But waiting much longer seemed like an impossibility. How much more could she take? The Mistress had seen this dilemma played out by dozens of other girls that were subjected to the Polar Cool. She could feel for their pain. It was truly a horrifying invention. For most of the girls she set the trigger at 40 degrees, low enough for them to realize they never wanted to go through this again and would do ANYTHING to avoid it. For Nikki though, she wanted her to feel the ultra fine mist as it froze onto her cunt. The Mistress nodded to one of the guards, indicating that it was time to get Kate fitted with the strap-on, she was sure it wouldn’t be much longer now.
Natasha and Commandant Bastille stared breathlessly at the monitor. Natasha was careful now not to allow anyone but the most senior members of her staff watch something as cruel and inhuman as this transpire. Despite a very loyal and well-compensated workforce, it was difficult to justify to anyone, even her best people, that this type of barbaric procedure was truly necessary. These girls had already been through hell and back even before their visit to Dr. Olga’s chamber. To pile this brutality on top of all of that was something that only the most sadistic of lesbian bitches could enjoy. The last thing Natasha wanted to do allow was anyone who worked for her to garner even the tiniest bit of sympathy for any of these girls. Such a minor mistake could bring lead to a betrayal that could bring her entire operation down. Besides, none of these women could possibly understand all of the psychology behind her actions. Nor, frankly, did she fell the need to explain it. There was little doubt that there was much curiosity about what was happening to Nikki, but none would dare ask her for specifics.
Just then it ended. Nikki was able to get control of herself long enough to push the red button. The final reading on the monitor: 26 degrees!!! Very impressive Natasha thought to herself, that girl exerted tremendous self-discipline. Natasha activated her remote control to stop the Polar Cool and hold the temperature stable. Now the real fun could begin. She left the control room and immediately entered the small private cell where Kate was kept waiting. She looked positively radiant in the black leather bustier and thigh high boots that Natasha ordered her staff to dress her in. Kate was confused as to exactly why she was being fitted with a large strap-on dildo; this had never been done to her before. The rod itself was quite impressive, made completely of titanium it measured almost nine inches long, with solid bands of silver streaking through a shiny black shaft, all of them connecting to a bulbous gold tip. The base seemed to be covered in exotic gems like rubies, emeralds and diamonds.
Natasha had never allowed another woman to wear this dildo before. It was an incredibly valuable gift given to her from a long time and cherished customer. She herself had used it only a handful of times. It was used exclusively for anal penetrations. Tonight however was going to be so special she felt it absolutely necessary that this piece of hardware be brought out for an event of this magnitude.
“Kate tonight is indeed a very extraordinary night. I want you to come with me please.”
Natasha took the confused girl by the hand and quickly led her from her room into the adjoining cell. In front of them was a nearly naked girl, completely bent over a padded sawhorse, with her arms and legs cuffed securely to the base. The Mistress was very pleased, the staff, as usual had done a superb job taking Nikki off the floor and preparing her properly while Kate and Natasha were in the other room.
The girl was clearly struggling to free herself. Natasha held Kate’s wrist and took her over to the front of the horse. Natasha knelt down, pulled Nikki’s hair up, so Kate could see her face, and then set it back down. Nikki was crying uncontrollably, obviously in terrible pain. Whatever the Mistress had attached to her cunt was obviously still there, Kate noticed.
Kate herself started to cry.
“You love me don’t you Kate? I need to know right now, right this very second, that you do love me.”
Kate was unsure how to answer. Hadn’t she just proven that already time and time again to her Mistress in her private chamber? What more did she have to do?
“Yes Mistress, you know I do”. She answered reluctantly.
Sensing her hesitation, Natasha pressed the issue.
“Then Kate, I want you to do just one more thing. To show your love for me… and then I will never ask you to prove it again, I promise you?”
“What is it Mistress?”
“Kate, I want you walk behind your sister, take the dildo between your legs, and ram it into you’re her ass!!!”
Natasha was positively giddy now; she was so close to achieving her goal. She was just praying that the hidden cameras were picking up every word, every utterance of this unholy encounter. She had the two girls right where she wanted them. Kate had no way of knowing that her sister was going through this indescribable pain and the only way to stop it was to do something that she would cause her an equal amount of suffering. This was a decision that no 18 year-old should have to make, and that was exactly what Natasha wanted.
“Please Mistress, I will do anything for you, just don’t make me do this.”
The girl was insistent now, even as Nikki was screaming into the gag for Kate to do it. Anything to get the horrible device removed.
“I know it is hard for you to understand why Kate, but you must do it. You must prove to me one last time that you will do anything for me.”
Kate had never been more confused in her life. The two women she cared for more then anything in the world and one only wanted to hurt the other.
Natasha took Kate’s wrist again and pulled her behind the bent over Nikki. The confused young beauty was paralyzed with fear, seemingly rendering her unable to move. Natasha pressed down on the lube dispenser; the gel was heated, so as to provide an unpleasant contrast to what was happening on the other side of Nikki’s body. Then she squirted some onto her hands. Natasha oiled up the enormous member hanging from Kate’s midsection, and then took the container and applied a generous amount to Nikki’s puckered asshole, tracing her finger delicately around the tiny diameter. At last the Mistress grabbed the synthetic cock and positioned it perfectly over Nikki’s tight sphincter and then ordered Kate, in her most stern voice not to move, not so much as one muscle.
“Don’t worry honey, I won’t make you do this alone”. Natasha consoled the anxious girl as she kissed her softly on the lips. Next she stepped behind Kate, pressed tightly up against her, lowered her own hips so as to fit perfectly with Kate’s taught legs, and placed her hands on the front Kate’s thighs.
“Let’s do this my dear!”
Kate was too scared to move, wanting more then anything for this all to stop. But knowing deep inside that they were well past that point. The Mistress took control. She carefully moved her own hips forward, grinding into Kate’s, which in turn forced the giant dildo into Nikki’s virgin asshole. Nikki’s leg muscles tightened even more, to try in anyway possible to stop the unwanted invasion. She bit harder into the gag; harder then she could ever imagine was even possible. Kate had no choice now but to stand still and let her Mistress take over. Natasha kept leaning forward, plunging the artificial cock even further into her sister ass.
“Please let me take it out Mistress, I don’t want to do this to her.”
“I know you don’t honey, just a little bit more though. She may even get to like it. She better, because almost all slaves are routinely used in this manner by their new owners.”
Natasha only smiled as she rode Kate harder. She was rubbing her own cunt onto Kate’s perfect ass, causing her to get wet in the process. The harder she leaned on Kate the farther the dildo slid in. Nikki was almost to the breaking point now. Her ass and cunt were each feeling an equal amount of searing pain. She wanted to pass out, to end this horrible suffering, but her prayers went unanswered as Kate kept thrusting away. Natasha was working her own pussy into a frenzy now, gyrating up and down on Kate’s behind, careful to keep in contact with her partner so she could not step backwards and remove the dildo from Nikki’s ass.
“Almost Kate, as soon as I come you can take it out of her, I promise. The more you pump in and out of your sister, the closer I will get to an orgasm. You have no idea how hot it makes me watching you fuck your sister!!!”
Kate was in a Catch-22 again. Just like Natasha wanted. Nikki was sweating profusely now and Kate could hear her screams coming through the gag. The younger sister was unsure of exactly what to do, should she continue to thrust away, or keep begging the Mistress to let her stop? But if she stopped she was sure Natasha would make her start up again anyway. She was right. The heartless bitch was far too absorbed in her own gratification to be concerned about anyone or anything else.
“I’m sorry Nikki, please forgive me”, the younger girl screamed as continued her assault on sister’s ass. Natasha had stopped riding Kate now; instead she just sat on the bed and massaged her cunt while enjoying watching Kate pump the enormous rod in and out, in and out. Kate was crying herself now, alternately begging Nikki for forgiveness and hoping Natasha would grant her permission to stop. After a few more minutes that to Nikki seemed like hours, the nod came. The Mistress allowed the madness to end.
Natasha got up from the bed went over to Nikki. She sat down spread eagle in front of the exhausted girl. “Come here Kate, I want you to do something for me before I release your sister.”
Kate reluctantly complied as The Mistress motioned for the pretty 18-year old to kneel down and place her mouth on Natasha’s cunt.
“I want you to see #311, how your sister obeys me, and only me now.” Their eyes met briefly, as Nikki watched her little sister lick away at the Mistress. She put her head back down again, and waited what seemed like an eternity for the Polar Cool to be removed. A few moments later, Natasha screamed out in ecstasy, enjoying her second orgasm, just a few minutes apart. Kate, as always, had done a masterful job of pleasing her mistress. The girl pulled he face back as Natasha composed herself long enough to slide over and place her thumb in the scanner of the insidious device on Nikki’s cunt. The vacuum seal depressurized, letting a blast of cold air escape and bringing Nikki’s nightmare to an end.
Natasha got up, quickly collected herself and took Kate out of the room. No sense in letting the two of them reconnect, she reasoned. She signaled to Commandant Bastille, who gave her a nod, a sure sign that the videotaping went well, and handed Kate over to the guards for removal of the dildo and to quick return back to her cell.
The true genius of the Polar Cool unit was that there would be no lasting effect physical on Nikki. Psychologically though this would be an experience she would never, ever forget.
That night, after reviewing the tapes herself, the Mistress had one of her most restful sleeps in a long, long time. Her brilliantly crafted plan had succeeded on all levels. She was now certain that Kate’s magnificent performance would all but guarantee a record-breaking price at the auction, and in the process eliminating many of Natasha’s financial concerns.
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