A steel wool-like surface covered just the palms and fingers, up to the first joint. The leather itself looked dried, cracked and old. I could almost feel it on my skin. And my skin, what was left of it, crawled. Her gloves were different than his. Ann's were left open at finger and thumb tips. Her curving, inch long nails were right there, carefully manicured in a dark red polish that looked so fresh I could almost smell it. They were all filed to points. I couldn't stop looking at them. And wondering what they could do. To me. To my tits that they both loved working over with a clinical ferocity. If it was clinical, I was their little lab rabbit.
She wanted to tell me about her gloves.
"Look at your tits, slutty girl. They don't have any protective covering any more. Your surface nerves are right out here for the touching. Do you know what he told me on the phone he was going to do to you? He said he was going to "exfoliate" your tits. I'd call that clinical. You are like his science lab experiment.
These gloves will be very hard on you at first. After a little while the dry old leather will soak up these fluids your breasts are putting out. It's sort of a saline bath, wouldn't you say? It means your body is making a frantic attempt to put slick surface on these dirty tits. So whatever grabs them next will slip off. You can't help it. But don't worry. I can fix that. I brought this along."
I gave an involuntary shiver as I watched her go into her bag. It was an abrasive chlorine cleanser. Two big cans. I took a really deep breath and imagined. She helped me.
"It'll go so nicely with the steel wool. Like two of three lovers in a menage. Your juggs are the third. I think these two want to rough fuck your slutbags. Think of it as intentional pain-rape of your big tits. And its all legal, because you want it. You want us to violate your milk bags. You'd go crazy if we just stopped and walked out."
I was close to the edge of cumming or passing out as she spoke this sex-torture-tit talk to me.
" And won't the chlorine feel fantasic when it dissolves into where your pores used to be? Will we have to strap you down then? You shake your head "no"! I think we will. Because we're not going to stop. You asked us to. In writing. And I have another 24 hours of spare time. Imagine! All that time to customize your tits."
I started mewing like a kitten. My breathing got irregular. She was torturing me with talk.
"You've been looking at my nails. I had them done just for you ."
Lovely Ann placed eight fingernails along the tops of my protruding collarbones. She pressed them into my flesh until I could feel them probe the bone itself. Then she raked them....slowly..almost lovingly down my weeping, skinless and glowing tits. Tits still balanced on the circular saw blades...dragging her nails toward my purpling nipples. Nipples with the tips still caught in the crushing grip of the 'pickup pinchers' held stretched by his hands. I was writhing and keening out some kind of terrible sounds. I hardly heard her speak to him.
" Five inches. She's ready for it. Stretch the slut's Fucking nipples. RIGHT NOW! Twist the tools halfway around while you're doing it. You can get FIVE inches out of her. She's like putty now."
I started to pass out from sensation overload but she had the ammonia capsule right there and under my nose. My eyeliner was running down my cheeks. I cried out in the anguish. I gave little cries of fear and desire and raw sex and perversion too. I was a deviate and I knew it and I didn't care at all. I leaned back in the chair as far as I could to help him. I would have sold my soul for the both of them. Maybe I already had. THIS... was my place in life. I had to ...HAD to tell him.
" FIVE inches. Yes. ohyesyesyesssssssss. You make me more of a whore than i am able to be...alone. I'm... your.... your.. breastslut. anything you want. any any thing AHHHHHHH.. pl......eeeeeeeease" His voice... distant..breathless..
"Spread her mouth for me , Ann. When I reach the "Five" I'm dropping these things. She'll eat my cock. This little paindoll is gonna DEVOUR me."
Ann roughly gathered my hair in her left fist and jerked my head back. The lipstick tube was in her right. She'd made sure it wasn't the waterproof variety. She artfully took her time applying it, much thicker than a wholesome girl would wear. It was whore makeup and we both...we all three knew it. She wanted me to hear it.
" He wants to see the marks of your lips on his cock when he fucks your mouth. Lipstick smears on his dick excites him. You want him excited, don't you slutty girl. You want him like a bull at stud. You want him where nothing matters except your agony and his pleasure."
It really wasn't a question by her. The more she pulled my head back the more it made my tits stick out. He... he..raped my nipples with the grabber-tongs. It felt like every time he twisted them, he broke something loose inside the ends of my tit meat. Like tiny ligaments and tissues tearing. When he untwisted them they were a fraction of a millimeter longer. Ann held the ruler there. My eyes had rolled back inside my eyelids and I was sightless. All I wanted was the sexual pain. It transformed itself into something like Heaven in part of my brain. I prickled all over. I was giving out little cries, piteous little cries like a lamb being tortured. I chewed off my lipstick and Ann reapplied it. But not before biting my lower lip very slowly. She was whispering to me how my lips would swell up even more and then i would have... OH God...... i'd have real blowjob lips. My tits and nipples looked like they'd been drawn by some perverted artist. Like someone had morphed them, but they were Real. Immense, broken, twisted things. I heard a low grunt from him.
" THERE!!! FIVE!! OPEN HER.... Open her mouth. Open her mouth cunt "
She stretched my lips so wide his cock never even touched my teeth. Barely touched the inside of my cheeks. It was my throat he wanted. I was being throat fucked like a ragdoll. I gurgled around it, choking. My lipstick smeared all along the length of his shaft. I tried to wail my pleasure. But I had no breath. He was short stroking my throat while she held my head tightly by the hair. My face did what they wanted it to do. I had been face fucked before but never with this kind of cruelty. Only when he pulled far out was I able to suck the end of his cock until my cheeks went hollow. There was enough lipstick still on my mouth I could squeeze a ring of it at the base of his uncut cockhead. I sucked and licked him til I was dizzy. He grunted and bellowed with his release while Ann raked her fingernails back up my blazing tits.The stream of his jizm was aimed into my eyes and hair. The saltiness stung my eyes. My tear glands welled up and spilled over. I was their fuck animal.
My beautiful pain-giver raked her gloved fingers through my sweat-matted hair, combing the strands of his cum. She held out her fingers for me to lick him. I loved the smell and taste of him on her rough gloves. My tongue strained his cum from their roughness. When she leaned over me to flick my right nipple with her fingernail, I whispered to her.
"She's asking if her tits could feel your gloves. Have you noticed how she seems obsessed with them? She's been looking at those gloves almost lovingly ever since you took them. Why not give her some 'kisses' from them? It'll give the gloves some suppleness too."
And then, he was holding both gloves in the fingers of one hand.He held them by the cuffs and raised his hand high. He brought it down. The hard fingertips of the empty glove leather whacked my udders, right on the tips. It must have sounded like the shot of a pistol. I know I cried out. My tits were bouncing as he established a rhythm. Droplets of fluid from my tormented tit sacs lifted into the air. I was crying out for his rough kisses. I could feel the pain induced fluids starting to run down my thighs. I couldn't help myself any more. I just took what they gave me.
Ann's hands were busy now, moving from up behind me, gathering my wobbling tits from the sides. She sank her long nails into them close to the bases. She held the tit meat rigid. It was time for my milk glands. He put the gloves on and prepared to explore. I'm almost certain I heard him growl.
His fingers dug me. There's no other way to describe it. They felt and probed. When he isolated a slippery gland he held his fingers either side to keep it from escaping. From the side, Ann was moving with a carpenters' C clamp opened wide. She positioned it over the little mound of meat between his fingers and started screwing it closed. He had to hold my tit very tight because the gland wanted to get away.
The round swiveling metal plate and the base of the clamp made contact with my girl meat. He had my tit twisted in his hands so the gland couldn't move while Ann screwed it tighter. I could tell what to expect from what she was saying out loud.
" We're going to burst them one at a time. This pain bitch will never nurse a baby. Not that she ever could, considering what we've done to her nipples. She's in for a rare treat. She's never felt anything like this before. She may never again."
She said later that I began making noises like you hear at night at the zoo where one animal is tearing apart another of a lesser prey. I remember babbling and shrieking when the tearing and popping noises made me realize I was being totally dehumanized. I could comprehend was was happening and still not fully appreciate the barbarity of it. OH GOD, it was perverse. One after another of my precious girl glands were ruptured. A pinkish fluid was leaking from my nipples. Ann was ecstatic.
" Look how they're swelling. This is the formula. We can make them as big as we want them. We have her almost on the crest of the wave where she's been trying to go. She almost gets there but then she needs more pain to get higher. We could make it an almost endless cycle. But we're going to let her cum before long. We're going to let her cum a whole lot. She may try to tear your cock off. But first she needs to taste me."
I was slumped down in the low chair when Ann straddled me. Her beautiful legs spread wide and I plunged my tongue into her with a wild cry. I sucked her lips and devoured her clit between my lips and my teeth. She was crying too.
"Bite me, you little pain bitch! Use your fingers in me. AHhhhhhhhhhh. Yesssssss! Tongue fuck me. Yeaaaah. Don't stop. Don't just stand there, mister! Milk her teats before they explode. Squirt them on the floor. Get that slut milk out of her. Use the gloves on her clit. Scrape it raw. Yeah, like that. now cum you whore. cum like you've been wanting to cuz he's gonna fuck you next. Oh God... i'm cummmming. Ahhhh ohhhhhh yessssssss"
His rough gloves were sanding my clit. He was pinching and pulling at it with one hand and milking one tit with the other. Milking me like a reluctant pig whore. Thick pre-milk was oozing through his fingers as he brutalized my udders. My cum covered eyes were blurred and unfocusing. My tongue was lashing her pussy flesh. I somehow knew he was kneeling between my legs and. His cock. Was in me. Hard, rough, fucking. Shouting something.
The crest was right there. My pussy was like a river, running cum. The cum brought on by pain. girl-cum. I was bleating out my torments and my orgasms. The pain was force-inducing exquisite pleasure. How could every woman not want this.
"Hurt me! Fuck me like a pig. I am. aaaaaaaaa AHH fuck your pig. My tits. Hurt. My tits. AHHH AHH eeeeeeeeee".
I was shivering in ecstacy. My body was covered in gooseflesh. My teeth were chattering as though we were in a deep freeze. But I felt blazing hot all over. My tits were absolutely on fire. The whole room must have reeked of hot cunt fluid. My legs were running with it down to my ankles and collecting on the concrete floor. It was mingling with Ann's and his own hundred degree mancum that had run off my face and out of my pussy. It made up a witch's sex-brew that I would have to lap up later, down on my hands and knees.
We all rode the crest.Time died. We rode. Rode rough. Until he collapsed. Ann had other plans.
(more to come......)
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