Day Six
“This is Chuck King from The Torture Network. Last night was our best was our best ratings yet. We are talking to Bill Crump, the owner of the remarkable S who has suffered remarkably for our viewers pleasure over the past few days. Bill, what do you have in store for S today?”
“Well, Chuck, today, I am going to let D1 and D2 take the lead in the torture. I am going to cause her pain physical and psychological. It will hurt her to know that her beloved daughter’s, who she loves more than anything in the world, hate her enough to enjoy torturing her and abusing her. Anyway, the pain is going to be quite severe. We will see.”
S was allowed her daily piss and then allowed a vile tasting breakfast, which she ate lying fully prone on the ground, using only her mouth and tongue to finish the whole thing. “S, D1 and D2 would like to play with you, would you like them to play with you?” Of course Lord William, I would love to play with them.”
D1 smiled bitterly and said “ That’s nice. You never played with us before. Not once. You never smiled at us. But we will play with you now. Do you see these hammers my sister and I have? We are going to use them on your feet. Have fun S.”
With that D1 and D2 started to hammer on the toes. The idea was to break every bone in S’s feet. Remember on Day 1, S had walked on hot coals and then had her feet bastindoed. Now her daughters were hammering away at her feet. Each blow caused excruciating pain. There object was to break every bone in S’s feet. At each blow, S screamed but as she caught her self she thanked D1 and D2 for causing her the pain that made Lord William so happy.
Suddenly Lord William interrupted the hammering. “Your pain is exquisite, but it makes for lousy TV. I want D1 and D2 to sit on your hands while they hammer on your feet. And I want you to use your hands to bring D1 and D2 to multiple climaxes. I want them to enjoy themselves while they give you pain.” And so S used her hands to finger the cunts of her daughters as they used heavy hammers to crush every bone in her feet. Tha agony was terrible and it got worse and worse. D1 climaxed under the ministrations of her skilled fingers, then D2 reached her peak, with loud screams of thanks to their Dear Daddy for permitting them this great pleasure, but they paused only briefly, to catch their breath, before resuming their work, hammering at her feet. At each blow S thanked them, and Lord William, for causing them such great pain. S continued to please her daughters with her hands and fingers, until they each reached a second loud climax, their cum gushing through their mother’s fingers. Lord William was hard as a rock at the sight. He grabbed the two largest hammers and gave one to each of his daughters. “Work a little higher, pound on the ankles, smash those bones as well.” Finally, he stood between S’s legs and alternated in feeding his cock to each, D1 would take this heavy hammer, smash it onto S’s ankle and have her Dear Daddy’s delicious cock in her mouth to suck on. Then D2 would smash with her hammer and be rewarded with the taste of Dear Daddy’s hugh cock. S was screaming so loud that she was losing her voice. She was still working her skilled fingers on her daughters cunts, bringing them to yet a third cum. Lord William was ecstatic with the enthusiasm and skill of his daughters cocksucking. Finally he came in the mouth of D2 while both D1 and D2 came at the same time.
They collapsed in a heap. All the bones in S’s feet were totally crushed. The agony was indescribable. But Lord William had one last task for her. “I am going to fuck both D1 and D2 in the ass. They will place their cunts on your mouth so that you may lick and suck them. While you are sucking one sister’s cunt, the other shall be playing with your feet, rubbing the crushed bones together, bringing you further agony. That would please you, S, you want me to place you in pain and agony, don’t you?” S thanked her Master for being so kind as to comply with her last wish, to die in agony for his pleasure. And so Dear Daddy fucked each of his daughters in their very tight assholes as S cried in agony and D1 and D2 begged their Dear Daddy to fuck their asses harder and shouted their thanks for being permitted to please their Dear Daddy. Finally Dear Daddy, came in each daughters asshole. They lovingly cleaned their Dear Daddy’s cock with their tongues. S was made to clean their asses and cunts with hers tongue. Finally she was permitted to crawl back to her dog cage and rest.
Day Seven
“This is Chuck King of The Torture Network, here with Bill Crump. Bill, this is the 7th day that you have spent torturing your slave S. How long can you keep topping yourself.”
“I’m glad you like what I am doing. I just want to remind your viewers DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. S is going to be dead when we are finished. I can make her endure any amount of pain that I want. But none of this is meant to be used as a punishment for a slave that is still useful.”
“Glad you cleared that up. Slaves may not have much value but they do have some and we don’t want our viewing Master’s wasting valuable assets.”
“Yes, and I will purchase any slave for my Human Veal Ranch. This show has caused a tremendous increase in the demand for Human Veal, and Crump’s Ranch is by far the largest supplier of Human Veal in the country. We don’t use hormones or drugs of any kind, just natural feed and special care makes our veal the healthiest and tastiest.”
“So, what do you have in store for S today?”
“Chuck, you might have noticed, I have tortured all parts of S from her head to her toes, but I have not worked on her cunt. Today that will change.”
S was in a daze. She was undergoing daily torture to different parts of her body each day. She was only allowed to piss once each day, in the morning, so she could not even get a good night’s sleep. She was naturally submissive, she was trained to obey, she wanted to obey, she had been obeying her Lord William so long, she could not think of disobeying him. But she was reaching the very bottom of her strength. She was forced, as Lord William predicted to hold on , not for her Lord and Master, but for her daughter. Lord William had promised to torture D2 to death if she did not continue to play her role as obedient slave who only wants to suffer to please her Master. Her suffering now was to spare D2. She was forbidden from ever establishing a mother daughter relationship with her twins. Her very milk went not to her babies but to Lord William. She was forbidden from playing with them, or even smiling at them. Never the less she loved them, they were the only things that she truly loved in her life that was filled with pain and agony. She did not know how much longer Lord William meant her to live, but she would do her best, keep strong, obey, to protect her babies.
She was pulled out of her dog cage, her pin cushion tits bouncing on the floor, adding to the agony. She was allowed to piss, relieving her full bladder, then given a large soapy enema. She was made to hold the enema for a full hour, squirming in agony, before she was finally allowed to release, as the TV cameras zoomed in for a closeup. Then she was made to clean her ass with her hands and lick her hands clean. Finally Lord William said “S, today you are going to see how much D1 and D2 love you. Beg them to fuck you in all your holes.”
D1, D2, please I beg you, fuck me. Fuck me in the mouth, fuck me in the cunt, fuck me in the ass, fuck me for your pleasure and so I can receive the pain that so pleases my Master.”
D1 and D2 each pulled out a stainless steel double headed dildo. The smaller shaft was 7 inches long and 2 ½ inches in circumference. This head they had S suck on and then insert in their cunts. The larger head was twice as big, 14 inches long and 5 inches in circumference. S had never seem anything that big. It would rip her apart. “It doesn’t matter that it will rip you apart, you are never going to have anything else put there anyway,” Lord William read her mind. At the middle of each device, facing the girls, was a little vibrator. When the big dildo was fully inserted into S the vibrator would be positioned on their clits, bringing them to a climax.
D1 started by fucking S in the mouth, D2 used her cunt. D1 had to fuck hard and fast, because Dear Daddy did not want S to suffocate. It took D2 a while to tear through S’s cunt to achieve full penetration. Once she succeeded at that, and felt the vibrator against her own clit, D2 also pounded hard. The dildo was so wide that it literally broke S’s pubic bone, which allowed D2 the freedom to pound hard and fast. Finally the girls reached their first climax. But S’s torture was just beginning. S was positioned on her knees and ordered to spread her ass cheeks. D1 with her Dildo soaked from S’s mouth now forced her monstrous dildo into her mothers tight ass. Yes, S had been ass fucked many times, but never by any cock that big. D1 worked hard breaking the tail bone, to get that steel Dildo deep enough to force the vibrator against her clit. And D2 took her dildo, bloody from S’s cunt and used it to fuck S in the mouth. Again, the girls fucked hard and deep as the vibrators brought them to a glorious climax.
Now D1 lay face up on the floor and S was positioned so her cunt was perched on the steel dildo. D2 positioned her dildo over S’s ass and pushed. Slowly S was forced lower as D1's dildo penetrated her cock and D2's Dildo penetrated her ass, But as hard as the girls pushed they could not achieve full penetration. The vibrators were not reaching their clits. Then Daddy Dear decided that D2's ass was just what he needed to relieve the pressure in his balls. As he fucked D2 in the ass, the two dildos tore through S’s cunt and ass, leaving her a bloody mess. Meanwhile S, who no longer had a dildo in her mouth was screaming at the top of her lungs, and in her pain, thanking everyone concerned for the marvelous pain she was suffering. She had never dreamt of such a torture and was glad she could offer such pain to her Master for his pleasure. The girls were in there glory, taking this opportunity to further there mothers agony by spanking her bloody ass and twisting her pin cushioned tits. They begged Daddy Dear for permission to cum. Daddy Dear did not permit them to cum until he was ready to cum himself, so the three of them came together. S continued thanking her Master, for the pain, D1 and D2 thanked Dear Daddy for permitting them to cum.
S was made to clean her Lord’s cock and the Dildos with her tongue. They all pissed in her mouth before Lord William permitted S to crawl to her dog cage.
Day Eight
“This is Chuck King for The Torture Network, here with Bill Crump on this 8th day of the dramatic torture of his slave S. Last night was the hottest night by far, and ratings continue to explode through the roof. How long do you think you can keep this up? How long can S survive?”
“As those who have purchased the full 24hour coverage have seen, S has been seen by the Doctor quite often this past week. The Doctor has not given S anything for the pain, but has helped to keep her alive. She will die three days from now, on the 10th day of her torture. We still have a lot in store for her, so lets get started.”
S was pulled out of her dog cage and allowed her morning piss. “Enjoy the piss, it will be the last one of your life.” S thought that today would mark her death and was very happy, but Lord William was not yet ready to let her die. S was hoisted up, suspended by her arms, her legs pulled far apart and chained at her knees. Lord William took a cane and set out to use it on her cunt.
S was in pain from the suspension alone. Now Lord William would use the hard cane on her cunt. She had no idea how many strokes she would have to bare, the Doctor came over and gave her an injection, not to help with the pain, but to prevent her from passing out. Then came the first blow. “One Master, Thank you for causing me pain for your pleasure, please let me have another. Tears already were racing down her face, she could not take this, and yet she must. “Two Master, she called out through her agony. Three, Master. S was hoping that her ordeal would stop at 5, or perhaps 10. Eleven Master, Thank you for causing me pain. I hope my pain brings you pleasure. Twenty Five Master, S sobbed, Thank you for allowing me to suffer for your pleasure. Please let me have another. S could not see, her eyes were blinded by tears, but she realized that she felt no further blows and thought that her ordeal was over. Lord William hed merely taken a break. His hard cock demanded relief and he fucked D1 in the cunt while D2 licked his balls. Finally he came. D2 was made to suck the cum from her sister and then bring D1 to a loud orgasm which gradually crept through to wake S up from wherever her consciousness was hiding.
All of a sudden, she felt it again, Lord William had switched to a thinner, more flexible cane. What was lost in the sheer power and heaviness of each blow was more than made up for by the added speed, and the thinner cane allowed Lord William to pay particular attention to her clit. Are there continuing degrees of pain, or does the body fail to notice past a certain point. S had reached that point. There was no more or less pain for an individual strike. There was only constant agony. The blow was absorbed, thanked and another one begged for. Finally S counted to fifty. This time Lord William Used D2 to fuck and D1 licked his balls, but the result was the same. A very satisfied Lord William.
Finally, S was cut down and strapped to an operating table. S was allowed to regain her strength. Two hours passed as the Doctor joined Lord William and D1 And D2 for a leisurely lunch. “Doctor, its is time for you to begin to earn the Human Veal. I want you to sew S’s cunt lips so that nothing can get out. She will be dead within 48 hours. She is not to be permitted to piss during this time.”
So the Doctor took out his tools, and began. It was not very complicated. An ordinary needle and surgical thread. But it was tedious work. Back and forth, through the cunt lips, again, and again and again. Finally he had sewn from the top, near the clit, till the bottom. “Back up again, make sure there are no leaks, and make sure you sew her clit.” So he pulled her skin over and made a new start, again pulling it taut sewing it tight across the cunt. S was in agony, but felt relieved. She knew the end was coming.
Finally the Doctor was through and S was allowed to crawl to her dog cage. The end was coming.
Day Nine
“This is Chuck King of The Torture Network. Welcome to the ninth day of the torture of S. This is Bill Crump, the owner of S and the owner of Crump’s Ranch, the largest supplier of Human Veal. Ratings continue to go up every day. What do you have in store for S today?”
“I hope that parents are careful to keep small children away from the TV today, because today’s torture is truly gruesome. Today is the day that our Doctor earns his fee, a live Human Veal valued at $20,000. Let us watch the Doctor at work.”
Today, the Doctor came in with three nurses to assist him. The nurses were well trained, they had to be for the work they were about to do. But they were also selected for their looks, and, like most slaves, worked nude. They brought with them a special operating table, with built in restraints. S would not receive any anesthesia as the Doctor performed the surgery. She would have to be tightly restrained so as not to move and interfere with the surgery.
S was removed from her dog cage and placed on the operating table. The restraints were placed tightly across her stomach, and under and over her tits. Her arms were stretched over her head and, most importantly, her legs were bound as tightly as possible. She could not move.
Lord William approached the bound S. “Do you still want to suffer great pain to bring me pleasure.” S, having no choice reached into the depths of her strength, her love for her daughters, and responded “Yes, Lord William. It is my last and greatest desire that I suffer great pain so that my pain might bring you pleasure.” “Very well, beg the Doctor to amputate both your legs from the top of your thighs”
S turned pale as she faced the Doctor, “Doctor, I beg you to amputate both my legs, using no anesthesia. I want you to cause me as much pain as possible. Amputate as high up as you can. And may my pain give pleasure to my Master. The Doctor through alcohol over her upper thigh. The nurse took out the Doctors sharp surgical sword and the operation began.
The first cut was not so bad, S thought ,but as the Doctor cut deeper S was in agony. She tried to move her leg, or her arm, or any part of her body, but the restraints were strong and they held. Her screams were so loud they were agonizing to hear. The Doctor was careful, taking his time, controlling the bleeding, making sure that S would live another day. Finally one leg was finished, completely separated from the trunk. Bill called for the chef. “Start the seasoning the leg and place it on the barbecue. We’ll take a break for lunch and resume afterwards.”
The chef butchered S’s leg, slicing it, removing the bones and preparing it for the barbecue. Then it was placed on the grill, where it was seasoned, spiced and grilled to perfection. It was time for lunch. “Come join us Chuck, Bill called to the TTN host. Tomorrow I’ll have a big party, and live roast a Human Veal, but for the small party today, this leg should do nicely.”
“Wow, Bill, this is tremendous, feasting on the leg of S, while S is still alive and groaning her thanks for being allowed to please you. It’s a delicious taste and a tremendous feeling of power. I’ve never felt anything like this.”
“Real horny, huh Chuck? Well, I will let you relieve the pressure with S in a few minutes, but first I want to show you and your viewers one thing more.” With that he took some of the left over thigh meat, perfectly seasoned ad brought it to S. “S you have always enjoyed your own taste. If you ask me nicely, I’ll give you a final opportunity to taste yourself.”
S had always enjoyed tasting her own cunt juice. She never dreamed of tasting her own thigh meat. S was disgusted. She had reached complete bottom. She could not go any lower. The only thing keeping her going was there was only one more day. “Please Lord William, would you be so kind as to allow me to eat my own thigh meat?” She was so hungry that she ate the meat quickly. Chuck King turned to the cameraman and said to the camera “Have you ever seen anything like this!!! Only on The Torture Network will you see something like this. A fully conscious amputation, a barbecue and self cannibalization. Only on TTN.”
“Now that you have eaten, S, Chuck King has been here for 9 days now, and I think that you ought to taste his sperm while you still can. Why don’t you beg him to let you suck his cock?” And so S sucked on Chuck’s cock relying on the training of 25 years, and despite all her pain, and her missing teeth, swallowed all of Chuck’s sperm. “My god, as a host on TTN I have had sex with many slaves under all sorts of circumstances. This has to rank on my top 10 list. S is really something.”
The Doctor finished his lunch and began work on S’s other leg. When he finished the leg was flash frozen and offered for auction. The leg sold for over $25,000. S was carried to her cage for her last night on earth.
Day 10
“This is Chuck King of The Torture Network, bringing you the final day of the torture of S. This has been an amazing 10 day journey into the depths of pain and psychological degradation. I am here with Bill Crump, the owner of S and the owner of Crump’s ranch, the largest producer of Human Veal. Can we assume that you have something more in mind for the killing of S than a bullet or a hanging?”
“Oh, yes, D will die most painfully, I have saved some things for the end. But this is a special day, and I am having a big barbecue. First of all, it is in honor of S, and her glorious death. But second of all, I am using the occasion to introduce an entire new line of premium Human Veal. As you know, the taste of Human Veal comes from its feed, and until now, the animals have been fed with potatoes, corn and grains. There has been no protein in the animals diet. We are introducing today an animal that has been fed with 20% protein based. We have blended mice, rats and other rodents, as well as ants, roaches and other bugs in with the animals feed. Our chef assures me that this will produce a fuller, gamier taste. There are those that have found our normal Human Veal a little bland, and too greatly dependent on the chef’s seasoning for taste. Our new, premium product will be able to stand alone as a culinary delight. I have invited many guests today, including my good friend the President
of the United States to attend this special feast and I am sure that everyone will enjoy the festivities. Except of course our animal. Here, it comes now. She is being wheeled out, because she does not have the muscles to stand erect, let alone walk.
And so this Human Veal Cow was wheeled toward the big barbecue, a large wooden campfire, fully lit. The cow was weighed at 480 pounds. There were tables set up for 350 people so there would be more than enough meat to go around. The cow had been prepared and was totally hairless, all over, from head to toe. Now, before cooking, all its fingernails and toe nails were removed, so not to ruin the food. The cow bleated loudly, but could not do anything else. She had no strength to move. Finally she was ready, and as the first guests were arriving, she was place inside a metal cylinder, that was filled with holes. This was so the audience could see the cow as it was cooked, and so the flames would actually touch the cow, adding to the taste of the meat. The cylinder was mounted over the barbecue and started a continuing slow rotation so that the meat would cook evenly.
“Many skewer the cow, and it dies very quickly. I prefer the live roast, as the pain makes the body produce endorphins which adds to the taste of the meat. The cow will barbecue for about 3 hours, and will probably not die for at least a full hour. I find the noise entertaining, but speaking about entertainment, it is time for our guest of honor, S. Say hello to our viewing public and tell them what you want.”
“I want to give you pleasure, my Lord through my pain and I beg you to continue to give me pain until I die.” S in no way resembled the beautiful graduate of the Marquise De Sade institute. She was in total agony, her legs had been surgically removed from the waist without anesthesia and her cunt lips had been tightly sewn so that she could not even piss. Her body had benn beaten and burnt, The only thing that kept her going was her love for her two daughters (Lord William had promised to torture and kill at least one of them). She also drew strength from the fact that this was the last day. She could, she must, survive and obey her Lord William for one more day. Then she would die.
S still had 100 pins in each of her tits, that she had been forced to insert herself a week ago. Now she was ordered to remove them. This proved to be just as painful as the initial insertion, as the tit had grown over the pin. When she inserted them, she was at the beginning, now she was at the end of her strength. As the guests began filling the area, they saw the Human Veal on the barbecue, begging for mercy, screaming in pain, while S on the central podium was also screaming in pain, but thanking her Lord for this opportunity to give him pleasure.
Finally, S was finished. The pins were all removed from her tits. Meanwhile the President of the United States, came in to the dining area, to enjoy this special occasion. “Mr. President, it is a pleasure to have you join us today. First of all, I have instructed D1 and D2 to cater to your every wish. I am sure that you will enjoy them, in whatever way you please. Second, I am going to have the chef prepare, while you watch, a unique appetizer, Tit Chips, thinly sliced and crispy fried.”
With that the chef bound S tightly and proceeded to slice her tits, as thinly as possible. Each sliced was washed in salt water and then soaked briefly in an assortment of expensive whiskeys and liquors, then quickly fried and served to the President and his party. S screamed and passes out. She was woken up with salt water and the slicing continued. She passed out again. The chef was able to get 25 slices on each tit. This was the worst pain yet. She had to thank her Lord and the chef for allowing her to suffer so exquisitely. The chips were given to the President as soon as they were ready, and he graded them on the different tasted, based on the whiskeys that the chip was soaked in. It was a blin tasting. The winner, according to the President, was the chip soaked in Johnny Walker Blue, followed by the specially aged Glenfiddich single malt. Finally the chef was done and S was allowed a final respite.
“S you are about to die a painful death, but one of my guests has asked permission to serve you a special last meal. I think you know him. Here’s....”
“Daddy, I have always loved you. Thank you for coming to say goodby. I have tried so hard to be a good slave, like you told me to do before you sent me to the Marquise De Sade Institute.”
“Well, obviously you failed somewhere as none of the other alumni have been asked to undergo such a torture. But you always were submissive and obedient. I am requesting one final act of obedience before you die.” S was devastated by her fathers criticism. Her father thought that she had failed in her duties as a slave and that is why she had received this torture. One thought had run through her mind in her suffering. She would be remembered as the ultimate slave, the slave that would endure everything for the love of her Master. Now her own father told her that he viewed her as a failure as a slave, that she somehow provoked her Master’s wrath. She was determined to show her father, and the world, that she would obey any order any cost.
“Yes Daddy, I have always obeyed your orders and will continue to obey you now. How can I please you?”
With that her Daddy removed his pants and took a big shit right in front of her face. “Clean my ass with your tongue, daughter.” Well S had done that many times before, not to her father, but that did not matter. She licked him clean and thanked him for the privilege. Then she was placed on her stomach and instructed to eat her Daddy’s shit. “Clean the plate. Lick it clean and spotless.” While she had licked dirty asses she had never eaten a plate of shit. She never thought that her last meal on earth would be her daddy’s shit. She had nothing, not a friend, not even her father to give her a kind word. Death was a kindness.
She was finished, the plate was clean. Lord William rolled out a big glass pot, filled with water. He lifted her and dropped her in, securing her so that her head was erect, so it could not go under the water. “The water is now 95 degrees, warm but not unpleasant. Through various electrical devices, it is regulated so that the temperature will go up 3 degrees every 10 minutes, not very much. After all, if S can take 95 degree, she can take 98. In 1 hour the water temperature will be 113 degrees. She will begin to feel hot. In two hours the water will be 131 degrees, She will be suffering. Her skin will turn pink. In three hours the water will be at 149 degrees. She will look like a lobster. After 4 hours the water will be at 167 degrees, She will have 3rd degree burns over all of what is left of her body. After 5 hours the water will be at 185 degrees. I think she will be dead. A marvelously painful death that will truly make me happy.”
Meanwhile the President was making full use of D1 and D2. He had one suck his cock while he whipped the others ass. Then he took a break to reload. To aid in the process, he whipped one on the tits and the other on the cunt. D1 and D2 had never taken whippings like this before. The whippings their Daddy Dear had given them were mild. They screamed and writhed in pain, but the louder they screamed, the more excited the President became. Finally, he grabbed D1 and had her suck his cock, just enough to get it wet. Then he plunged it into D2's tight asshole and fucked her as hard as he could. D1 was instructed to use her tongue on his ass. The President enjoyed his cum immensely.
S was turning red as a lobster as she suffered this mist painful death, being boiled alive. Finally she felt the last of her strength slipping away. There was one thing she had to say before she died. “I love you my daughters.” she shouted with the last of her strength. Unfortunately for her, no one heard her. She lapsed into unconsciousness and died.
Authors note: The story is over. It ended the way it had to end. But I do not like the ending Feel free to stop here or continue, as you please.
After the death of S, the party broke up. Everyone complimented Bill on the party and they all raved about his ne premium Human Veal. They all agreed the taste was much improved. The product now had a unique flavor that stood out. It was a gustatory triumph. The President asked to see Bill before he departed for Washington. After congratulating Bill on his triumph. He announced that he would like to purchase D1 and D2. He was offering $1,000,000. for the pair. Bill was stunned. In his own way, he loved his twin daughters. He had spent 18 years training them to love him and serve him. “Mr President, they are worth much more than that, at least $2,500,000. for the pair.”
“You are right,” the President responded, “that is not a fair offer. I tell you what, I’ll give you a half a million for the two of them.” Bill almost lost it. He was about say something when he remembered his favorite old movie THE GODFATHER. When Don Corleone lowered his offer, it meant that negotiations were over. Bill thought quickly. What did the President have over him? Of course, he had raised his two daughters as slaves from birth, strictly illegal under the WSA of 2000. He was not allowed to enslave them until they turned 16. The penalties? He could go to jail. He could pay a large fine. He could forfeit much of his property. The President had him, and Bill was smart enough to get out while he could.
“Mr. President, I cannot sell them to you for that price, but I can give them to you as a gift as one friend to another. They are the most precious things that I own, and I wish you much pleasure with them.”
“Why, Bill, that is most gracious of you. A gift of friendship indeed. It will be my pleasure to accept and I will think fondly of you every time I see them. If ever I can do you a favor, just call. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this gift.
The President left with his new slaves. Bill breathed a sigh of relief. Sales were up. His new premium product was going to make him a legendary fortune. But he wept quietly to himself. His daughters were gone. He would miss them. He had no one left to love.
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