The night’s activities had brought a deep sense of peace and comfort to Maggie. She snuggled under the covers and dreamed sweet dreams of captivity and passion.
The Antonio could not say the same. After he had tucked Maggie into his bed for the night, he lit a lone candle on his writing desk, and sat in his chair and watched Maggie sleep. That is where he remained until sunrise. He sat unmoving. His arms rested on the arms of the chair as he watched her shift beneath the covers, and listened to the sweet sound of her gentle breathing as she sleep. For a little while, her activity kept his attention but as the candle burned down his thoughts turned to the kitchen and to Nicolas.
Antonio had a strong distaste for violence. He had had his share of it as a child, and as he grew, he had discovered the power that comes from knowledge.
It wasn’t that he particularly was beaten. That came with captivity. He had been quick tempered and small for his age. Had he been bigger things may well have turned out very differently, but why ponder what wasn’t.
He like most boys was prone to fight. His brothers had liked to joke on him and would do so until his patience snapped. He would fly into a rage that was blind and he would strike out without prejudice. Older and bigger his brothers would simply keep him at arms length but he found ways to get to them. They laughed at him until in his rage he would hurt them.
Hurt by the wild upstart, they would hit him. He just wouldn’t feel it. His rage was such; the pain would pass unfelt unfelt. It took a surprisingly great deal of force to stop an enraged Antonio. When the rage ended Antonio’s regret would begin. It would latter be the ability to regret hurting another that let him believe that God must be as real as the unseen air. Compassion for an enemy doesn’t exist in the animal realm. It is unique to man.
Feeling unwanted and angry, Antonio started to wander the streets of the city. He studied the people that frequented the town square the women coming to the market, and the vendors as they plied their trades. Even, the whores as they men fucked them over the backs of the wagons, and while they sucked cocks in the alleyways. He watched as some men treated them like trash. Some men called them like dogs with no name and would push them over a hitching post or bent them over behind a building. Working men with dirty hand and stained teeth that grabbed them by the hair and pulled their skirts up. They would pull there sweaty cocks out and fucked them for a minute or two and grunt as they came in “its” cunt or arse. They would step back throw a sou on the ground and walk away while they pushed their shriveling wet dicks back into their trousers all without a word.
Other men would come to partake of the lady’s services as well. Gentle with fine clothes, they would take their whores to inns. Antonio would study them too watching them through the slats of the windows. Some gentle of refinement would do nothing but talk or cuddle like babies. Others would cum in their trousers before they could get their dicks out of their finery.
These men, the whores would laugh at when their fee was paid and the men where gone. The whores would laugh, mock, and curse the men who paid them. If the man had been to un-towards young Antonio would study the whores as they comforted each other in ways that only another could.
There where other men that came to call on the whores of the town square. Men that the women didn’t mock. They were men that the whores wanted and sometimes fought for the opportunity to fuck. Men who’s cocks where sucked. Men who’s cum was swallowed gladly, and were fucked without having been asked for a liard. These were the men that he studied the most.
He was a quick study with a quick temper, alone, and left to feed his own wants as he found means. Antonio turned to stealing what he wanted. It started as food for his hunger and became money for his leisure.
He curiosity changed as he matured. He found himself aroused and curiosity became passion and lust. He found himself in love with a young girl named Jolene.
Jolene was a cast away who turned to the streets to live. Her looks and charm could get a ½ Lious for a fuck. She fucked when she had too. She lived life when she had the money and took to a young street rat named Antonio. Neither of them could read nor write.
Sitting in his chair in the candle light Antonio remembered her as if she was standing in front of him. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, full lips and young full breasts were as real to his mind as the chair in which he sat. She had a smile that was disarming, and her zeal for life made her seem innocent and yet sensuous at the same time. He thought of how alike Jolene and Maggie were and prayed in his own way that the similarities of last night would not herald a similar fate.
Antonio was a puppet at Jolene’s beautiful feet. She was his first love and his first lover. He knew what she was just as she knew who he was. It mattered to both but only because it meant that they understood each other and it made the trust in one another even greater.
It was a warm summer night just a few weeks after they had first become lovers that his life, his very being changed forever.
They were lying together in the bed of the Inn “Fleur de Farine.” The room paid for by a young count that had only needed it for a few moments. Jolene was laying on Antonio’s chest her heart beating into him. Her hair draped softly over his arm as he held her close. She rolled over on top of him as the moonlight filled the room and made her look to him like a goddess. She proper herself up on hands and looked into his eyes for what seemed to him an eternity before she spoke.
“Do you love me?” her words were soft and full of the warmth that still lingered from their passions.
“Yes, I love you.” His words were soft but full of confidence and depth. She smiled and laid her head back down on his chest.
“Do you love me?” he asked in return.
She was silent for a moment before answering. “I don’t know.” She said.
Despite all the years that had past he still remembered how he felt at that moment. He had thought that she loved him as much as he her.
Thinking back on that night he decided she must have felt his body tighten beneath her. She lifted herself off his chest and sat up on her knees. Her body was straddling his legs. She smiled again, now a playful mischievous smile.
“Do you love me?” she asked again.
Antonio looked into her eye’s again. How silly he thought. How could she be sure? He could simply be another man wanting to use her for his pleasures. He could just be using means other than to get it from her.
“I love you, absolutely and with all my being. I could deny you nothing.”
She slid her hands down his stomach and began to stroke his hardening cock. “Are you sure there’s nothing that you would not deny me?”
“I want you to bind me and spank me.”
“I would hurt you. I would do anything but that. I could not hurt you, never!”
“I didn’t say hurt, I said spank. There’s a difference.”
He had watched men spank the whores of the square before but had thought them harsh and it beyond the ability to be enjoyed. She bit her lower lips and pouted a little, even as she continued to stroke his cock.
“I’ll be your captive slave. You bind me and spank me for trying to flee. Fulfill this fantasy for me and you can have my arse to fuck. It will be for you and you alone.”
She was an experienced fuck, and had a magical mouth, but he knew that her arse was still virginal. She had not said that she loved him but the gift of her virgin arse in his mind said it for her.
He pushed her off him and onto the side of the bed. Jumping off the bed he grabbed the sash from her dress and with the speed of street thief he came at her again. She wrestled with and pretended to beg for mercy, but he easily pushed her back onto her stomach and tied her wrists together with the sash.
He stood up. His cock harder then ever and more exited then he had ever been. She was on the bed her wrists tied behind her back her legs slightly spread. He could see her chest heaving from excitement and the lips of her pussy opened and wet.
He pulled the belt from his trousers and moved back behind her. She had pushed herself up onto her knees with her face lying on the bed.
He so wanted to bring the belt down. The excitement in him was beyond what he had ever imagined, but he didn’t want to hurt her. He swung the belt and brought it down on her arse but he had held back most of the force. The sound of the belt striking and the sound of her moan made his heart skip a beat.
“Yes.. harder please. I need it harder.” The next blow was harder and the next harder than the one before. Still she begged for more and for them to be harder. Even in the light of the moon he could see the marks raising from her arse. His cock was throbbing and desperate for her sex to the point of aching. Her begging stopped and turned into moans and her arse thrust itself back onto his belt.
He could take no more. He threw down the belt and grabbed her by her sides. He pulled her back to him and drove himself into her wet sex. He felt her body as it spasmed around his cock after only a few strokes. He pulled her back driving his cock deep inside her and held her there as her body shuddered beneath him.
“Gasping for breath she begged again.” Fuck my arse, please I want it to be your’s be please… please fuck my arse now…”
He was beyond word or thought. All that existed was the lusts of her body and his own. He pulled his cock free of her sex and guiding it with one hand drove it into her arse. He wasn’t gentle lost in his passion, he simply drove his hardness into her tight hole.
She screamed into the bedding as his cock forced its way inside her. Her body began to spasm again. Her hips pushing her back into him trying to drive him inside her even more, trying to let it fill her being. He drove himself into her and fucked her without thought. He pulled her back and held her his hands clenched tightly around her waste as he threw his head back and his body began to spam, his cum filling her arse.
He collapsed next her and fumbled to untie her bounds. They lay together silently as they recovered. That night was the first of many. It was their and theirs alone, a bond of trust lust, and even love.
It lasted through the fall. They spent more time together and she fucked for the money less often. He stole more to keep them happy and they were happy.
It ended on a cold night. Jolene had decided to work the square after being told that the one of her regulars a bankers son had been trying to find her. He paid well more then the ½ Lious that she made from most.
Antonio had decided to work the square himself. The banker’s son arrived soon after Jolene did. Antonio watched from a distance. He felt uneasy. The banker’s son was drunk and big and seemed out of sorts. He paid for the usual room at the Flour de Flarine. Antonio abandoned his work to slip around the back and watched through the seams of the shuttered window.
A part of him hated that she fucked others but another part of him admired and thrilled at seeing how skillfully she could please men and at how much they lusted after her. He enjoying knowing that she would find leave to find him of her own free will. A gift they would never know.
It happened quickly. She had stripped a slow sensuous production and laid herself out on the bed for him. He had fumbled with his cloths and climbed on top of her. The man was a pig with money nothing more or less. He started to fuck her. Her body was under his. Antonio had trouble seeing everything as the man’s body was covering Jolene’s. Antonio didn’t realize that things were going terrible wrong until He saw her clenched fist striking at the man’s arms and back. Antonio began running. He crashed though the door of the inn to get to his love but he was too late. Her arms had fallen to her side limp and lifeless. The man looked up at Antonio as he crashed through the door his hands still clutching Jolene’s throat.
Something snapped inside Antonio. He became something unreal and devoid of anything but rage. He eyes and heart went cold as he closed on the man. The rest of what happened was hard to remember. What he did remember he only remembered in pieces. He remembered hitting the man. He remembered the smell of the blood and the lifeless eye’s of the man. The gendarmes found him holding Jolene’s lifeless body before hauling him away.
He might have walked away and been left to his loss had the man he killed not been the son of a banker or Jolene something other than a whore. The only thing that saved him from the gallows was that Potential scandal that would have surrounded the banker had the entire event seen the light of day. Instead, other charges where manufactured and he was forced into debtor’s prison. It was there that the Count de la Fountaine bought him. The Count a past client of Jolene paid his dept out of pity. It didn’t dissuade his anger or grief. It was captivity still.
His rage was not as engulfing when he entered the kitchen. His rage tempered with time and other things that he tried not to think about, but it was still rage.
His first blow took the air from Nicolas’ lungs, and the next snapped his head around and his fist hit his jaw. Nicolas blacked out and crumbled to the floor. There were other blows struck but they ended quickly. Antonio climbed on top of Nicolas and would have likely killed him but he stopped when he saw the glazed eyes of the cook beneath him.
Antonio replayed the two events, over and over in his mind as the candle burned down and Maggie slept. When she dreamed her hand would find her pussy to play out the dreams of her mind, but Antonio was lost in his own thoughts and didn’t notice.
The candle flickered out and he still sat unmoving in his chair. It wasn’t until the sun had started to fill the room with its morning light that Antonio stirred from his thoughts. He quietly left the room and found Clarisse to give her instructions for the day. Leaving her, he went on his way to attend to the estate and prepare it for the imminent return of its own owners.
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