Chapter Two - Revelation
(Six Years Before the Abduction of William Granger)
The church basement was a common meeting place for groups during the week. It hosted countless AA meetings each week, but today the room was full of women. Unlike the AA meetings, where chairs were lined up auditorium-style facing a podium, the women in this gathering made a circle of chairs.
The regular moderator of the discussion, a placid retiree, couldn’t make it on this particular night. Her replacement was an attractive full-figured woman in her mid 30s. She wore a dark skirt, with dark pantyhose. Her top framed her large D-cup breasts. She spoke with energy and confidence, using hand-gestures to hammer home her passionate opinions. This was her first time leading this support group for female victims of domestic violence, and she wasn’t the type to hold back.
Thanks to the confident new moderator, the conversation was more open and honest than it had ever been before. At one point in the discussion, a gorgeous brunette spoke up. She wore an eye-catching tight gray pantsuit. Her voice caught in her throat as she described the day in college when a frat boy had date-raped her. You could hear the emotion in her voice.
"That- that son of a bitch. He got away Scot-free. I filed a complaint, but it was my word against his word. What are we supposed to do? It's a male dominated world."
She tried to continue, but the moderator cut in. "Let me correct you there, Deborah. It is NOT a male dominated world. That's what we're conditioned to believe. And the sooner you ladies realize that it's not true, the sooner you will break free from the pain that you've been feeling."
For a short, attractive brown-haired woman with the baby-face, the moderator’s words were a revelation. She had sat in these meetings for several weeks now, trying to find a way to cope with the feelings she had carried for several years. In high school, she had been a world-beater – top of her class, great SATs, lots of friends, a clever girl with a great sense of humor. Then it happened during her freshman year in college with a boyfriend she trusted. They had an argument and he slapped her in the face. For some reason, she was able to justify it in her own mind. She had deserved it. But then the abuse became more regular and even more violent. Finally, after the fourth such incident, she had gotten help and gotten out. After that, she stopped dating men. She didn't trust them anymore, and tended to be quiet and timid around them.
Over the years, she often felt angry. Why hadn't she done anything? What could she do now? Ultimately she kept her head down and worked hard. What was the point of challenging the establishment? It was a male dominated world. Now for the first time in five years, the woman moderator had her thinking about her life. Why did she act so timid? She was a young, attractive and intelligent woman with a bright future. She had explicit sexual thoughts from time to time, some involving women; others around bizarre fantasies of even gasp dominating men. She’d been told before that some men were into this, but how was she supposed to know which ones?
Emboldened, the little brown-haired 23-year old woman decided to go speak to the excellent substitute moderator after the meeting and thank her. Unfortunately, the absolutely gorgeous brunette had beaten her to the punch. She had noticed the woman since she first began the class. How could you not? She looked like Teri Hatcher. Listening in on her conversation with the moderator, the short woman was surprised to hear that this dark-haired babe was touching on the same thing that she wanted to talk about.
Gorgeous woman: "I think that's so great you think it's not a male dominated world."
Moderator: "It's not a matter of think, honey, I know it. And I can prove it to you."
Gorgeous woman: "How so?"
Moderator: "Well, I hate to be too explicit here, but my husband is a classic example. I make all the rules in our relationship. I mean, everything, including financial. He serves me like a dog."
The gorgeous woman laughed out loud, as did the short woman listening in on their conversation.
Moderator: "I'm dead serious. Both of you can come to my house and see for yourself any time you want."
Gorgeous woman: "I'd love to. But I have med school studies to get back to."
The diminutive woman had kept quiet to this point. But now she surprised herself by blurting out, "I'd love to see that as well." Then she turned to the gorgeous woman because she also was a med school student. Much to her surprise they attended the same school. It was amazing they had yet to cross paths.
"I'm Deborah," said the stunning brunette with a big smile.
"Crystal," said the little woman.
And with that, a friendship was born.
Before they left, the hostess, whose name was Martha invited them to her house for "tea and snacks" that Saturday. "You won't believe your eyes," she said.
The two young women turned to each other as though waiting for the other to accept first. Then, at the same time, they said “okay.”
“Great, it’s settled then,” said Martha.
After that, Deborah and Crystal went out for a cup of coffee. It amazed them how much they each had in common. They spoke excitedly of what they might see on Saturday.
“What do you think it’s going to be like?” asked Deborah.
“I don’t know. I’ve heard some guys like to be, like, dominated and controlled by women, but I never knew how to find them,” said Crystal.
“Yeah, me neither,” confessed Deborah. “For some reason I’m looking forward to what it’s like. I wonder if he’ll wear an apron or something?”
Crystal couldn't help but feel attracted to Deborah, the way her gray pants came up around her exquisitely high hipbones. Deborah wasn’t any taller than 5’7”, but her legs seemed so long and sleek thanks to those hipbones. What Crystal did not initially realize was that Deborah had feelings for Crystal as well. Crystal might not have been a classic beauty, but she was an adorable small package. Deborah loved the way her pert ass jutted neatly away from her body.
That Saturday, the two traveled together to Martha's household. On Martha’s advice, they wore skirts and high-heeled shoes. When they arrived, they were stunned the scene in front of them.
Martha's husband Charlie was on his knees in front of a chair in the living room. He was totally naked except for a G-string that covered up his private parts. He also had a leash attached to a collar around his neck.
Like Deb and Crystal, Martha wore formal feminine attire. She sat proudly in the chair next to Charlie. She grabbed his leash and gave it a firm tug. He put out his hands, palms down, like a begging dog and said nothing. Martha addressed the two women.
"Charlie knows not to speak unless spoken to first by a woman. He's been trained to accept the inherent fact that all females are superior to males. Isn't that right, Charlie?" she asked, jerking on his leash.
"Yes Superior Miss Martha, ma'am," he said.
"Good," she said, “then go to my two young FEMALE guests and give them a proper greeting. Remember, they are women, which makes them superior to you."
Charlie looked like he didn’t need the reminder.
He crawled over in front of Deborah and Crystal, who, while incredulous, had the beginnings of smiles on their faces.
"You have permission to speak, Charlie," said Martha.
"Oh, superior ladies. May I have permission to worship your feet?" he asked.
Deborah and Crystal looked at each other and burst into laughter.
"Sure," said Crystal.
Charlie scurried to the floor so he was belly down and began kissing and licking Crystal's high heels. As he did so, Martha spoke, "You can worship Deborah’s when you're done," she said. Both young women looked down at him with smirks on their faces. They looked at each other. Both were secretly hoping something like this would happen today.
“This is too good to be true, Martha,” said Crystal.
“No, it’s not. It’s true,” said Martha. “And if you take my advice, you’ll both have your own Charlie before you know it.”
Crystal and Deborah stood straight-legged and composed, allowing Charlie to worship their shoes. Then, after a couple of minutes, Martha said, "That's enough, Charlie."
He immediately crawled over to Martha and resumed his submissive doggy position.
Martha grabbed his leash. "Charlie, fetch us the snacks and beverages. But first I want you to make sure my female guests know that you’re at their service.
"Oh superior ladies, I'm here for the soul purpose of serving your needs. Your wish is my command."
“Good boy,” Martha said, releasing his leash.
With that, he promptly crawled into the kitchen.
"Still think it's a male dominated world?" Martha asked Crystal and Deborah.
The rest of the afternoon was a sheer joy for the young ladies. Martha bossed Charlie around to no end. She was completely merciless. Charlie was wrapped around her not-so-little finger. At one point, Martha explained that his genitals were only covered up because she did not want to offend her guests.
"In a FEMALE dominated world, the man must expose himself whenever a woman tells him to," explained Martha. "You ladies, on the other hand, have complete rights to privacy. This is how we maintain complete dignity while literally stripping men of their own."
Deborah and Crystal exchanged glances.
"If you ladies give me the go-ahead, I'll expose Charlie's little secret for you."
"Sure, why not," they nodded pretending not to be as excited as they actually were.
Martha ordered Charlie to stand in front of them. Both young women sat cross-legged on the couch with glasses of wine in their hands.
"I always enjoy exposing him personally," Martha said. She stood behind Charlie and lowered his g-string to his knees. She put her hand out to the ladies, as if to say, “here you have it.”
Charlie's world plopped out in plain view of Martha’s guests – except there was some kind of funny contraption around his penis. Martha explained it was a chastity belt designed to control Charlie's ability to orgasm. She explained the entire theory about how men could not control their masturbatory habits, so it was a woman's responsibility to control them.
Just the other day, Crystal and Deborah had been discussing Martha and they both described their curiosity about the key connected to the chain around her neck. Now it all made sense. And it was incredible. Imagine having total control over a man's penis! Both instinctually understood the level of power such control gave women over men. This was getting better all the time.
Martha went on to explain that millions of men were just like Charlie. They were powerless to resist a calculated female assault. She merely used her femininity to enslave Charlie. She carefully teased him. Then she exposed him, and trained him, and before he knew it, she had taken complete control of all aspects of his life. He came to realize that his proper place on earth was at her feet. He didn’t always like it – it was a hard truth to accept - but he had no real choice in the matter.
Later that day, when clearing the women's places, Charlie dropped a dessert fork on the carpet. It was no big deal - the fork was basically clean to begin with. After all, Deborah was a very dainty eater and had thoroughly finished the cake that was served. The only thing on the fork was maybe a slight shade of red from her lipstick. But Martha surprised her and Crystal by going positively ballistic! She called Charlie and incompetent klutz. She ordered him to go fetch a hairbrush. A worried look came across Charlie's face, but he did as he was told.
Moments later, to the utter amazement of Crystal and Deborah, Martha took Charlie over her lap and proceeded to spank his exposed ass like he was her seven year old son and it was the 1950s. She verbally berated him. Charlie kicked his legs up and began sobbing. His ass turned bright red, yet Martha continued to blister his bottom and berate him. He was reduced to sobs. Meanwhile, Martha had a look of pure joy on her face as she punished him.
Both Deborah and Crystal found the moment incredibly pleasing. It was satisfying to see a male get physically dominated in such humiliating fashion, even a well-trained male like Charlie. They also felt something else - sexual excitement. Both felt wetness creep into the area between their legs as they witnessed the scene of female dominance. They imagined having the opportunity to do the spanking themselves. Martha offered Charlie's ass to them, but both decided to pass on the opportunity. They needed time to sort out their feelings. Plus, it was clear Charlie had been suitably punished given that his "offense" was merely to drop a fork.
On the ride home, Deborah and Crystal could not stop talking about what had taken place. They were amazed at what they had been missing. They both vowed to learn more - much more. A new world had been exposed to them. In fact, that day two new worlds were exposed to them. Because when Crystal dropped Deborah off, Deborah surprised her by inviting her in for another drink. One thing led to another and the two ladies found themselves on Deborah’s bed ripping off each other's clothing. The day's festivities had made them hot. Their bond was immediate and deep. Crystal was amazed such a beautiful woman would find her attractive, but Deborah laughed and said Crystal had no idea how adorable she really was.
Soon naked, they proceeded to straddle one another's thighs. Spurred on by the amazing scene at Martha’s, both abandoned their inhibitions. They squeezed each other in a tight embrace, kissing each other ravenously, as their crotches pushed together. Their wet pussies met and they began hunching each other with great effort. Their mouths met as well. They went after each other with a hunger borne by years of anger and frustration. After that they took turns going down on each other. They licked each other with great focus and intensity. Their orgasms were so intense that both became hoarse from shrieking so loudly and for such a prolonged period of time. After each had come several times, they sat in the bathtub and caressed one another. They took turns cleaning each other's breasts, backs, and vaginas. Then they dried each other off before collapsing into bed. It was only eight at night, but they would sleep 12 hours in each other's arms.
The next morning, they woke up and began the whole process over again.
Chapter Three - Experimentation
It wasn't long before Deborah and Crystal became roommates. It seemed like a natural transition for them. After all, they were two peas in a pod. There was never any talk of marriage or any of that bullshit. They didn't promise to be exclusive with one another, since they both acknowledged that it was a period of experimentation for them. That said, to describe them as compatible with one another was an understatement. Besides the sexual attraction, they came from similar backgrounds and pursued similar careers. The afternoon spent with Martha and Charlie opened them up to a new world - A world where women were in every way superior to men.
To further empower themselves, they began to take self-defense courses together. Deborah was an absolute natural. Always a good athlete, her ability in the martial arts was remarkable. Crystal learned at a slower pace. She certainly was competent and motivated, but she didn't possess the physical gifts of her dark-haired lover.
Because it was a dangerous world, they decided to also purchase some weaponry. It was important to both of them to always have the upper hand with males. Men were an unpredictable animal, and both women wanted to make sure that if a man moved against them, they would be well prepared to physically neutralize them. They both carried mace and tazers with them at all times. They also got gun permits and made sure they had firepower around the house in case they had to deal with a home invasion.
With Martha's recommendation, they also made the joint decision to hire a male maid. Martha assured them that there would be dozens of volunteers and she would help them with the screening process. They placed an ad in one of the local alternative publications. It said, "Two med school women looking for in-house male maid. Male must be totally 100% subservient to female gender, and willing to do whatever is required around the house. This includes all forms of cleaning, as well as personal errand running. Absolutely no sex whatsoever."
Both young women were skeptical the ad would draw much notice, but the first time they checked the response mailbox after 24 hours, they had 63 responses! Martha helped them select a few finalists for interviews based on the sanity and sincerity of the voice messages they received.
After a lengthy interview process, they selected Dave. It just so happened Dave was a medical school student himself, a year ahead of them. He was a good-looking 28-year-old guy, clean-cut, totally sincere. Plus he had a nice ass that would be fun to boss around in various ways.
They had Dave come each Saturday to clean their place. They made him wear tighty whitey underwear but nothing else. Neither woman wanted to have a penis flopping around the apartment. They had discussed this at great length. They wanted him mostly exposed so he would be properly humbled in their presence. But they didn't want to have to look at his penis and they didn't want it accidentally staining their expensive furniture.
It turned out Martha was right – if Dave was any indicator, men loved the idea of serving them. He always had a huge tent in the front of his underpants as the ladies ordered him to clean this or that. Under Martha's advice, they made it a point to be as demeaning as possible. And it just made him grow even stiffer!
One time, Deborah noticed he had missed a spot when he was vacuuming their room. So she pulled down the back of his underpants and gave his ass several hard slaps. She enjoyed the crisp sound her hand made. “You need to be more attentive,” she said. As she walked away, she thought, “That felt good.”
That night, Deborah told Crystal just how good it felt to spank Dave. The next Saturday, when Dave failed to properly acknowledge a command given to him by Deborah, Crystal said, “I think I detect some attitude.” Before he knew what hit him, Crystal escorted Dave over to the couch, where she promptly pulled him over her lap and yanked down his underpants. She then began blistering his bottom with her open palm. An excited Deborah went to the bathroom and grabbed her tiny wooden hairbrush and handed it to Crystal.
"Here Criss," she said with a thrill. "This should light a fire under him."
Boy did it ever. Dave howled and kicked his legs. Deborah thought Crystal would stop, but Crystal continued to punish him with stunning force. “You are to obey the women of this household,” she said as she laid into him. Dave’s howls soon turned to cries, and to the women’s surprise, he began shedding genuine tears. “Oh, please ma’am, I’m so sorry,” he sobbed. The brush left deep red marks all over his poor behind.
When it was over, Crystal stood him up and made him apologize to both she and Deborah. She then asked if they were going to have any more problems with him. Through his tears, he assured them they wouldn't.
The event made Deborah and Crystal so hot, they had to kick Dave out so they could tend to each other's burning vaginas. Before the week was out, they went and purchased a much larger hairbrush at a local boutique from a nice older woman. They told her the purpose of the hairbrush and to their surprise, the woman merely smiled and winked at them. "I love seeing young women who know the way of the world," she said happily.
After that, Dave's spankings became a weekly ritual. They always found a reason to give him one and they made sure to reduce him to tears. The new hairbrush provided much more coverage and made a nice "whomping" sound on Dave's defenseless buttocks. It took the women far fewer strokes to stamp home the point they were trying to make. Crystal, in particular, had a knack for finding his most sensitive spot and hammering home her superiority with the appropriate amount of cruelty. She shared her talents with Deborah and soon they were both experts at reducing Dave to sobs.
The spanking had its desired effect. Dave became so subservient that the women could trust him to clean the house while they caught the Saturday matinee. Then they'd return and have Dave serve them hand and foot while they lingered over a long dinner. Sometimes they had Martha come over. She always had a few tricks up her sleeve. She noticed Dave's perpetual boners and told the young women that it was his way of showing proper respect for them. Then she reached out and casually tweaked his penis through the thin underwear, which usually showed suspicious stains after Dave had been "in uniform" for an hour or two.
Crystal and Deborah took note, and they soon took to tweaking Dave in mocking fashion when he did anything to please them. Deborah preferred a simple pat on his crotch ("I don't want to see you have any accidents," she told him with a chuckle), whereas Crystal was a bit more risqué. She would grab his penis through his underwear and give it a few squeezes. Sometimes, she'd yell "honk, honk!" which drew laughter from her beautiful roommate. One day, she'd been teasing him this way for much of the afternoon when he suddenly collapsed on his knees and began begging the two women.
"Please, please superior mistresses, can I have permission to masturbate. I'm, I'm so pent up. My balls are killing me."
Crystal and Deborah turned to each other. They weren't sure how to respond, but then Deborah finally spoke. "No, David. We make the rules around here." Then she ordered him to fetch the hairbrush. They spanked him good for that one, but when he left that day, both women could tell he was genuinely sad.
They called Martha and asked for her advice. She said they had a great opportunity to enhance their enjoyment and increase their control over Dave. “Use his penis against him,” she advised. “You can force him to make a spectacle of himself for your amusement. Allow him to cum, but make it another humiliating lesson in female domination.”
Deborah and Crystal discussed their strategy. Indeed it would be fun to watch him humiliate himself for them, as long as he properly obeyed their commands. They formulated a plan.
The following Saturday, they made it a point to tweak him all afternoon. Deborah, who usually would only pat his crotch, was especially bold. She honked his penis several times and laughed as he swooned. Then before he could recover, Crystal stepped in and did the same. They had him practically drooling. Then Deborah left the room and returned with some nail polish. They ordered him to sit on the floor of the couch at their feet and paint their toenails while they watched a DVD. Each made it a point to tickle his crotch with one foot while he applied the polish to the other.
Finally, when it was clear he had been on edge for a good hour, they paused the movie. “Ok, it’s your lucky day, David,” said Deborah. “We’re going to allow you to masturbate in our presence, except there are some rules.” He was told he had to ask both women for permission to come before he shot his "junk." As he jerked himself at their feet, Crystal had an idea. She didn't want him making a mess in the apartment, so she ordered him to shoot his entire mess into his own underpants. Deborah added that he'd better not get a drop on their floor or he'd never be able to do it again in their presence.
After receiving permission from both ladies, Dave shot an incredible amount of semen into his already crusty underpants. The women's warning must have paid off because he made sure every drop landed neatly within the confines of his undergarment. The women then ordered him to put his underpants back on as well as his pants, just to make sure there would be no mess. Dave felt his sperm run down his thighs. Wet spots began to show through his pants.
Prepared for this eventuality, Crystal ordered him to fetch a plastic apron and a pair of wooden salad spoons from the kitchen. They placed the apron over their thighs and ordered him to drape his ass over their laps. Then they blistered his ass, pants on, just because they hadn't disciplined him yet that day. Deborah focused on his left cheek, while Crystal focused on his right. Dave hoped his pants would provide some kind of buffer zone from the cruel female assault, but the truth is they did very little. Crystal, in particular, that bitchy little thing, seemed to know exactly where the most tender nerve endings were lodged in his buttocks. She made him howl with pain as she pounded him with the big wooden spoon. He squirmed around on her tiny lap trying to escape her well-placed blows, but Deborah had twisted his arm behind his back in such a way that major movements caused intense pain to his shoulder.
He cried on the ride home that night. What had he gotten himself in to? At first it was good fun, but now the women were calling him up and ordering him to do random errands for him. He was concerned about his studies. Then he thought of Deborah's perfect ass and the way it moved in her skirt when she was walking away from him. He would sneak peaks whenever he could. And he thought of Crystal. She was such a little bitch, but there was something about submitting to her that he found intoxicating. For those reasons, Dave had little choice but to continue to do exactly what they required of him.
After Dave's little jerk off show, Crystal and Deborah were overjoyed. They talked about it as they ate dinner that night, how easy it had become to manipulate Dave. Crystal was happier than she'd ever been in her life. So was Deborah. Yet within both of them burned a desire to do even more. Deborah was so used to men leering at her everywhere she went. The more aggressive ones were constantly hitting her. She found it frustrating and sometimes felt like lashing out. Crystal was sympathetic. It wasn't as though men didn't salivate over her as well. Even though she didn't have Deborah's perfect body, she was good looking enough. Just the other day, she felt eyes on her in a local shopping mall. She turned and there was a man, obviously shopping with his wife, starting at her ass. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a lace blouse. It's not as though she was dressed like a slut. But here was this pig staring at her.
"Look at it this way," Crystal explained to Deborah, "it's a sign of the power we hold over men. They are infatuated with our physical properties. It makes them ultimately easier to control."
"Good point, Crissy," said Deb. "Sometimes I like it if a good looking, well-dressed man gives me the eye, but there are so many slobs out there."
"Why not just take it out on Dave?” said Crystal.
"I love the way you think," said Deborah.
Next Saturday afternoon, Crystal went for a five-mile jog. When she got home, she found Deborah sitting on the couch with a huge smile on her face. For some reason, she was wearing a black dress and black high heels. She looked stunning. Crystal moved around the couch and realized why Deborah was smiling. Beneath her on the floor was Dave, in nothing but his underwear, his legs spread wide apart. Deborah had stuck her foot deep into his crotch and was grinding Dave's penis and balls with her high heel. Dave groaned with pain.
"Criss, you have no idea how fucking satisfying this is. It's like the greatest frustration relief in the world!" she said.
Crystal was speechless.
"Whose the boss around here," Deborah glared down at Dave.
"You are, Miss Deborah, ma'am," he said, helplessly.
"That's right," she said, "and don't forget it." She punctuated her words by pinning down his balls and rudely shifting her foot around his crotch.
"Ughh," was all he could say, to which Deborah replied, "That's right," again.
“Did Dave misbehave?” Crystal asked, giggling.
“Yeah, I caught him with his hand in his underpants looking at that photo of me in my karate outfit.”
“You dirty perv!” Crystal said. "Let me try," she added. Deborah let Crystal slide into the "driver's seat." She began busting Dave with her tiny little white sneakers. She had to admit she liked the feeling of grinding his male parts beneath her feet.
"Cool," she said.
"Isn’t it?" said Deborah, eager to get back in the driver's seat. Eventually Crystal got bored, so she let Deborah back in. To her surprise, when she came back a few minutes later Deborah was still at it. This time, Deborah had taken the pointy spiked heel of her pump and was effectively jabbing Dave's nuts with it.
Wow, that girl loved to bust nuts, thought Crystal. Later, when they had sex, Deborah went at her with as much vigor as she had in a few weeks. She hunched Crystal's vagina with rhythm and purpose. As Crystal approached her fourth orgasm, she wondered what she did to deserve this ridiculously beautiful sex-goddess.
The domination of Dave went on for an entire year. For all intents and purposes, Dave evolved into the lifestyle slave of Deborah and Crystal. He was at their total beck and call, not just on Saturdays, but also throughout the week. Any time the women needed anything – groceries, take-out food, their laundry done, they would pick up the phone and call Dave. He learned to answer on the first ring, because if he didn’t it meant he would get the hairbrush. Both women spanked him unmercifully. It got so bad for Dave that he developed a Pavlov’s dog-like reaction to hairbrushes. Whenever he saw a hairbrush on TV, or in a store, he would immediately stiffen and feel a shock of pain in his buttocks. For this, he blamed little Crystal, since the woman was so handy with the hairbrush that she had permanently damaged his psyche. At home, he had to use a little plastic comb to brush his hair.
Dave wanted to continue serving his beautiful goddesses forever, but graduation eventually arrived. He had earned a residency in a terrific out-of-state program. It was with a mixture of trepidation and excitement that he announced his plans to Crystal and Deborah one Saturday afternoon. He knew they would spank him and humiliate him in some creative, degrading fashion. These girls were the sexiest, most ruthlessly dominant women he’d ever come across, and he hated to go.
Crystal and Deborah were both prepared for this. They knew he would have no choice but to move out, and it was actually fine with both of them. Dave had evolved into a useful male who knew that his proper place was at their feet. But they had grown tired of him and both had developed the confidence to realize men like Dave were a dime a dozen. Their research over the year had led them to understand the true power of their gender, and how easy it was to lord it over the opposite sex. That said, neither could resist the opportunity to crush Dave’s maleness one last time.
“You what?” said Crystal, feigning anger.
“You think you can just leave?” said Deborah, unable to hold back a grin. “Crissy, hold him for second, honey.” Crystal stood behind a confused Dave and inserted her little hand into his underpants. She took hold of his balls and bunched her thumb and forefinger around his scrotum as though it were a sack of grapes.
Deborah had taken her hair back into a ponytail that afternoon and it bobbed behind her head against her pink cashmere sweater. She wore a matching pink scarf, as she had just returned from the deck where she had been studying in the cool spring air. She reached back with an open hand and began bitch-slapping Dave’s face. She held his chin in place with her other hand.
“You think you can just walk out on us like this, David?” she asked incredulously, slapping him again.
“I-I- I’m sorry,” Dave said breaking down in tears. Normally he loved being dominated by Deborah. After all, she was just about the hottest female on the planet, but it was a shock to his system to get slapped around like this. He moved his hands to protect his face, but then he felt the pain in his balls.
“Don’t even think of covering up,” said Crystal. She had taken her ring finger, which was free pushed it up against Dave’s engorged ball sack, effectively wrenching the trapped orbs.
Dave, ever obedient when his manhood was on the line, put his hands down and Deborah completed her disciplining of him by slapping him with one hand and then the other until both his cheeks were a rosy hue. Finally Crystal released his balls and he collapsed to the floor. “Kiss our feet,” Crystal said, but he was already in the process of doing so.
After things settled down, the women ordered him to kneel in front of him as they sat on the couch. They told him they understood he had to do what he had to do and they wished him the very best of luck. Then they asked him if he’d learn his lesson when it comes to who the obedient gender was, which of course he had. Lastly, they made him swear his eternal allegiance to superior women everywhere, and promise them that he’d do whatever he could to enhance the feminist movement. He promised he would. Then, lastly to stamp home the message, they paddled his ass for him. Crystal completed the job as only she could. Since it was his final spanking, she explained she had to make sure it was one he remembered, and boy would he ever. As usual, she located his pain centers and smacked them with precision. “You had better treat every woman you come across like a goddess! Do you understand!” said Crystal.
“Yes M- miss Crystal,” he sobbed. He cries of pain and humiliation filled the room, much to the enjoyment of both Crystal and Deborah.
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