For the entire 35,600 word Novella, go to www.lulu.com/jmplays - Thanks for reading! -James Pendergrass
Chapter Four – Ballbusting Class
With Dave gone, it took the women about a week to find their next male slave. Roger was a year one med student. He interviewed for them in his underwear, which they informed him ahead of time would have to be tighty-whiteys. He was completely subservient during his interview. There was a reason for this, Roger explained. He grew up with two older sisters and a younger one. From an early age he was well versed in the art of female supremacy. When he was a teenager his sisters often peaked in on his frequent masturbatory sessions. His older sisters used him to teach their young sister about boys.
That night, Deborah and Crystal had a long debate about Roger. Deborah wanted more of a challenge - a male she could "break." But Crystal was able to convince her that he was right for them at that stage in their lives. They didn’t have time to train some male stooge. They needed a gopher - someone to run errands and follow their orders to the letter. Thanks to his proper upbringing, Roger knew his place. He would tend to their every need without error from day one. This was the way it should be, according to the women. Deborah had to admit Crystal had been right about Roger.
Both worked crazy hours as they worked toward becoming Doctors. They had it all planned out. Once they finished with this nonsense, they would open up their own private OB/GYN practice and cater only to women. While Roger proved a useful sub, both Crystal and Deborah desired the occasional femdom experience that provided more of a physical and emotional challenge. Their self-defense classes were one thing, but Deborah felt a huge need to bust nuts. Roger wanted to have children some day, so she couldn't crush his with the type of aggression she was hoping for. She needed some frustration relief. Crystal felt the need as well, though usually only on those days prior to when she got her period. On those days, she had to confess, she also felt the instinct rise in her - the instinct that made her want to do heavy damage to the silliest part of the male anatomy.
One day, Deborah arrived at home to find a very happy looking Crystal.
"You look like the cat that ate the canary," she said.
"You'll never guess what I found on line," said Crystal. "Check this out."
She ushered Deborah over to the computer and clicked the mouse with her long nail-polished fingernail. The screen said:
"Are you a woman interested in female supremacy? Have you taken self-defense classes, but now want to learn a bit about proper offense? Live in the (location withheld) area? Well, let me introduce myself. I’m a lifestyle femdom well practiced in the art of punishing the male’s testicles. My seminar is designed to turn the motivated woman into an expert ballbuster."
A smile came across Crystal’s pretty mouth. "Let's do it!"
"I already contacted her," said Deborah. "Her name is Naomi and she sounds wicked cool. We're on for this Sunday evening from 7 to 9!"
That Sunday, an excited Crystal and Deborah drove out to one of the more exclusive towns in the area and found Naomi's place. It was a huge piece of property set several hundred yards in from the main roadway in a wooded area. They rang the doorbell and were thrilled when a male wearing nothing other than a skimpy apron answered the door.
He bowed politely and escorted them through the foyer to a back room. It was a large room with a mat on the floor and a full-length mirror along the far wall.
The room was sparse, other than a large flat screen TV in the corner. Next to the TV stood an attractive looking blonde woman in her 30s with a pink leotard on. She stood next to an equally stunning Japanese woman who wore a spandex body suit. The blonde appeared to be coaching the Japanese woman, who looked younger, no more than 20 or so. They stood in front of a man, who wore nothing but a skimpy apron, just like the one the man who greeted Crystal and Deborah was wearing. Except this man had pulled the apron up in front revealing his "jewels." His legs were spread and his hips thrust out. He was clearly presenting himself to the other two women. As Crystal and Deborah approached, they could tell he was about to get booted in the nuts.
Next to the spectacle was a large flat screen TV, which upon closer inspection had a rather interesting image on it. It was a shot of the lower halves of two people. The image was frozen at an interesting point. Crystal and Deborah examined the video. There was sexy set of female legs clad in a skirt, black tights, and six-inch platform heels. One foot was planted firmly on the ground. The other foot was at a perfect 90-degree angle high in the air, where it was frozen in perfect blunt contact with a set of balls and a penis. The image had been frozen at the point where the platform heel had “crashed” its intended target. The penis was splayed at an odd angle pointing up and off to the side, clearly having absorbed the impact of the platform shoe a split-second earlier. The balls were compressed against the shoe, as the square tip of the shoe rudely occupied the physical space where the balls had dangled a moment before.
"You must be Crystal and Deborah," said the blonde woman. "I'm Naomi," she greeted them warmly. "And this is Kimiko, another student of mine," she smiled. "We have a nice three woman class tonight." She made no effort to introduce the men in the room. Instead she grabbed the remote control and hit play.
The image on the screen resumed. The man in the video collapsed on the floor in agony, while the woman stood triumphantly above him with her hands on her hips, smiling down at her defeated pray.
"That's why we're here," said Naomi. It was now evident in the video that the woman was Naomi herself.
Crystal and Deborah greeted the other two women warmly.
"Oh, and these two fools are my male slaves/stooges, whatever you want to call them, I don't care. They're our submissive wimps and they’ll do exactly what we tell them to do. They are completely pussy-whipped. Right, fools?”
“Yes ma’am,” they both said.
Naomi smiled. “I trained them personally. You won't hear a peep from them, unless they're in pain. There are certain things they can't control, which is how they find themselves in this predicament in the first place."
The men bowed, submissively. Deborah and Crystal were impressed and delighted with the way Naomi verbally dressed down her males.
The four women sat in a circle on the mat. Naomi introduced herself. She was a self-made millionaire who bought and sold products on line. It enabled her to dabble in her true passion, which was female supremacy. Shortly after divorcing her adulterous first husband and emptying his bank account, she decided from then on her future interactions with men would be one-sided, with her holding the proverbial leash in the relationship. Men were dogs to her, nothing more. They were put on earth to serve women. She found there to be a plentiful supply of men who knew their place - men like the fools serving them today.
Kimiko introduced herself. She came from a male dominated culture, but when she reached her teenage years she realized the power she could wield over men. It came naturally to her. She absolutely loved to dominate men, and had been looking forward to this class for some time.
Crystal and Deborah briefly filled Naomi and Kimiko in on their development as female supremacists. The other women nodded in appreciation of their personal growth. Then, at last, it was time to begin class.
"Ok, so my first question to our group is 'what is the purpose of ballbusting?" asked Naomi. She spread her hands, indicating that it was open to group discussion.
Kimiko spoke: "To teach men respect and humility."
Naomi: "Absolutely. Great answer."
Crystal: "To punish male misbehavior."
Naomi: "Without a doubt. Along with spanking, it's probably the best way to discipline the male ego."
Deborah: "I have a good one - to relieve frustration!"
Naomi: (laughing) "Absolutely, there are few things as satisfying as a well-placed knee or kick to the groin. I assume you all have some experience with this, ladies, and does it not feel wonderful when you make contact with a set of nuts?"
The ladies all nodded their heads in agreement and smiled.
Naomi: "Ok, any other reasons for busting a man?"
Crystal: "To remind the male that his proper place is beneath a woman."
Naomi: "True, that’s similar to what Kimiko was talking about - this idea of teaching respect. She really hit the nail on the head – or the male in the nuts, so to speak.”
The women laughed.
“Anything else?" Naomi asked.
She waited for comments, but the ladies were silent. “Ballbusting is a perfect way of exposing male weakness,” Naomi added. “We don't have anything that vulnerable on our bodies. But the main reason we bust nuts is to reinforce female over male supremacy, and I think you all touched on that with your comments."
The ladies all beamed at one another. Naomi went on. "Ok, I don't know about you women, but I'm just dying to break some balls. Let's do it!" With that she gave a cheer and the women rose to their feet.
The two men who had been waiting silently both felt lumps in their throat. They both knew what they were in for. But they were powerless to stop the inevitability of what was about to take place. They stood and waited for instruction.
"Ok men, said Naomi, assume the proper position!"
Both men spread their legs and lifted their short aprons, exposing their penises and balls to the women.
Naomi went through the basic front kick with one of the men. A strict practitioner of proper form, Naomi made absolutely sure each woman had an understanding of how best to deliver the most damaging kick possible. She showed the women how to properly flex their hips to generate the most foot speed possible while maintaining accuracy and balance. She went through some slow-mo kicks with the girls. They practiced bringing their feet up within six inches of each man’s package, stopping, and then delivering an accurate, thumping short-range kick. After just a few of these, both men were forced to double over and cover up. Kimiko and Deborah both kicked extra hard, while Crystal, not quite as tall or leggy, wasn't quite as effective. Naomi put her hands around Crystal’s waist and helped guide her to the right posture. “Now, just let your lower leg fly,” she encouraged.
Crystal flung her leg upward and delivered a punishing kick, which forced her victim to bend forward at a 90-degree angle.
“Stand back up!” Naomi ordered the man. She wanted to show off. She stretched her foot up between his legs and ripped off several rapid ballkicks. Her male tried to lean forward and cover up, and she got in four good kicks before he fell to the floor.
Naomi let the men lick their wounds while she showed a video of her busting a man. She put it on super slow-mo and the ladies all watched as her foot met its target. “Notice my hip flex,” she said. “It’s like a golf shot. You need a proper turn to hit the ball a long way.” She pressed the button and they watched her lovely midsection flex. “By flexing, I’m increasing the torque of the kick.”
She paused it again as her foot crashed into the dangling nuts. "Notice how it's the bridge of my foot," she said, "See how it rams into this guy's balls and they have no place to escape to?"
The ladies nodded their heads in understanding.
"That's how you teach a male respect. His balls will be sore for days after a kicking like that. He’ll need to ice them down and he’ll have no choice but to think of who did it to him. That’s how to deepen a man’s respect for you."
Inspired by Naomi’s words, the women went back and practiced some more. “On your hands and knees,” Naomi ordered the men.
“This is especially painful to males because they don't know when the punishment is coming, but also because their balls are particularly exposed from this angle. By driving your foot up from behind it causes the balls to slam against the base of their penis. The result is usually quite devastating.”
Sure enough, Kimiko and Deborah each took a man. They took a coordinated running start, timing their kicks, both with big smiles on their pretty faces. SLAM! Two female feet crushed four swollen balls and sent two unhappy men to the mat. Deborah and Kimiko gave each other a hug of congratulations.
After that the ladies spent some time kneeing the men. Naomi showed them how to place their hands on the men's shoulders to prevent them from trying to move away from the blow.
She then ordered her male slaves onto their backs. She stuck her foot out and said, "This is called the stomp and jiggle. It's my favorite way of teaching males respect with my feet. She planted her foot on the balls of one of the hapless men and began jiggling her foot around. The man's penis bobbed and bounced against his chest. He groaned in pain. “It’s like stomping on a cigarette,” Naomi said. “You want to make sure you put it out.” The women laughed out loud. Naomi was really good at this stuff.
"Now sometimes, if your male is extremely swollen like this fool, but you haven't gotten complete satisfaction, I recommend the perineum bust," she said. "Spread your legs, dipshit."
The poor guy, already swollen quite badly, nonetheless did as he was told. Naomi took her leg back and began kicking the area just below his balls rapid-fire. Every so often she caught a piece of the underside of his balls. The male groaned as she fucked him up. "You see," she said. "His balls are already wasted, so this is a good way to punish another part of his body. I guarantee he'll feel this tomorrow, right dipshit?"
"Yes Superior Miss Naomi."
"Good. Now ladies, we all know that if you really want to teach your man a worthwhile lesson, use a rubber band or a string and tie up the base of his ballsack. These guys are already too swollen for that kind of treatment. But let's say you have a dinner date or something and don't have a lot of time to enforce your supremacy. Tell your man to tie his ball sack up and one well placed knee will get your point across."
The ladies nodded their head.
Naomi turned to the other man. Sometimes, you don't want to ignore the penis as a viable option either. Here's a technique I learned a few years ago from a talented mistress. "Sit up and lean forward, nimrod."
The man complied. Naomi stepped forward and pinned his penis to the mat. He grunted in pain as he looked up helplessly at her. She took his chin in her hand and with her other hand began bitch-slapping his face several times.
"Oh my," said an amazed Deborah.
"Incredible," whispered Kimiko.
"This is a great way to teach a man respect," said Naomi, slapping the man a few more times for emphasis. The stunned man struggled to absorb her crisp blows.
"Ok male stooges, on your feet," Naomi ordered.
"Let's talk about the power grip," she said. "Now we all know the expression "got me by the balls, right?"
More agreement.
"Well there's nothing quite like grabbing your man by the balls when you want to deliver discipline. Deborah, you take dipshit over there and watch me."
Naomi grabbed her male by his swollen balls and wrapped her thumb and forefinger around the base, effectively putting his balls in a vice. Deborah happily followed suit.
"Now you can give him an open-handed slap," she demonstrated and her man fell like a 200-pound rock to the mat. Deborah did the same with a similar result.
Naomi got impatient, "Get the fuck back on your feet this instant, you idiots." Both men, obviously in intense pain, did as they were ordered to. She took her man's nads again and Deborah did the same. Both men were showing a great deal of pain and discomfort by this stage.
Naomi addressed the women. "Would you believe I give them special painkillers for my class and they still can't take it? Anyway, I love the flick," she said. She began flicking the balls of her trapped man with her dainty finger. "Be careful you don't break a nail with this one," she said. Deborah did the same and both men began groaning and whining. They tried to pull their naked asses away, but the women held their balls tight and continued to flick their little fingers at them. Finally, after a minute of making them dance around like idiots, Naomi relented.
"And of course, since their balls are both pretty much out of commission, the grip and twist is another good opportunity for face slapping." She began bitch-slapping her man again and Deborah did the same. The look of sheer joy on Deborah's beautiful face was something to behold.
"Ok, Deb, we've been having all the fun. Time to turn these guys over to Kimiko and Crystal for my next exercise. Girls, sit Indian-style on the floor," she said.
Both Kimiko and Crystal sat down.
"Now slaves, lie face up over their laps," she ordered.
The two men, both looking flushed and miserable, did as they were told. Their backs arched as they lay down over the female laps.
"Good," said a satisfied Naomi. "Now girls, take firm hold of their defeated balls like we just did."
Crystal and Kimiko both took control of their men as instructed.
"Now pull their balls away from their bodies, but be a little careful. They've both been tenderized quite a bit."
That drew laughter from everyone in the room who didn't have a damaged set of balls between their legs. By pulling their balls away from their body, Crystal and Kimiko caused their male subjects penises to stand high in the air "at attention."
"Great ladies, now give those silly penises some good hard slaps. Don't hold back."
With that, Crystal and Kimiko began slapping their male cocks around. They alternated between forehand and backhand. Kimiko was a bit awkward, but Crystal had a great rhythm going.
"Crystal is so good at spanking," said Deborah. I guess it doesn't matter if it's ass or penis."
"I used to play tennis," said Crystal proudly. "I had a great backhand." For emphasis she whipped her backhand across and sent the man's penis flopping over his belly. The noise was loud and pleasing. Crystal made a grunt of happiness while the man made a groan of agony.
"Fantastic!" said Naomi. "I love the moan! This is supposed to be about female fun. Let it all hang out!"
"Who's your mommy?" said Crystal, as she slapped the man's penis again and again.
"You are, ma'am," he grunted.
"Don't forget it!"
The ladies cheered.
Suddenly, to the women's surprise, the man broke down in tears and began sobbing. Crystal stopped and looked concerned.
"Ok," Naomi said, "It's alright. It happens all the time. Remember, a man in tears is the sign of a well disciplined male who has learned a hard lesson."
"Amen," said Deborah.
"Here's to hard lessons," said Kimiko.
"I was more than happy to teach him," said Crystal, still smiling.
"What do you say to Miss Crystal?" said Naomi. She put a hand behind his head and pulled him up so he was facing the women.
"Thank you for the hard lesson, ma'am," he said, still crying.
"You are very welcome," said Crystal. She began teasing the man’s cock, which grew hard. “That must feel better,” she said. The man brightened for a moment, but then Crystal gave his cock another slap, drawing laughter.
With that, the women gathered around and had one final discussion. The defeated men worshipped their feet. Naomi explained a few more details about ballbusting. She told them that she didn't get a chance to do "object-busting" today since their kicks and knees and grips were so effective. But if a woman didn't feel like getting too close to a particularly dirty or vile male, they could use an object, like an umbrella, or a spoon, or whatever happened to be available.
The ladies gathered around and gave each other hugs. Naomi gave them all a copy of her DVD titled "The best way to a man's soul - through his balls." They vowed to stay in touch. Crystal and Deborah both thought Kimiko was wonderful and she felt the same way about them. They exchanged numbers and after that day they became close friends, often sharing technique, advice - and males.
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