Ahmet pulled up in the smooth black limousine in front of the warehouse that had been converted in to the Arabian home of his employer, and loaded two large suitcases into the trunk of the car. There was however one more piece of cargo that needed to be loaded very carefully into the vehicle. The rubberized slut slave had been standing outside of the building with her master for about five minutes while Ahmet had gone around to the garage to get the car. The heat was punishing even for someone dressed for bright sunshine – never mind someone encased in restrictive rubber garments and covered in another layer of jet-black cloth. Peter began to feel light-headed as a result of the heat, the clothing, and the restricted breathing due to the corset component of her suit. She had been ordered in no uncertain terms not only to obey her master’s every command on their journey out of the country, but also remain two steps behind him when walking, with her eyes cast downwards towards the floor. The penalty for non-compliance would be a severe session with Ahmet that would make anything that had come before pale in comparison. Partly out of fear, but also because of a rapidly diminishing independent will, Peter complied with every order that had been given to her.
Ahmet opened the passenger door to the limousine so that his boss could enter the air-conditioned car. He reclined in the rear seat of the limo and stretched out his legs before pouring himself a cool drink. He then ordered that his slut be loaded in to the car, and with that Ahmet roughly shoved the bitch into the back of the car and onto the seat facing the rear of the passenger cabin. A series of three different seat belts secured Peter against the rigid backrest of the seat into which she had been placed. The belting was cinched in so tightly that it further restricted her already laborious breathing. To make the ride to the airport even more uncomfortable for the sissy bitch, Ahmet then grabbed the top of the back rest and shoved in forward and down, effectively doubling over the rubberized slave-girl, increasing the pressure inside from the gigantic dildo filling her cunt-hole, and causing excruciating pain in her lower back. The icing on the cake was Mehmet resting his feet and therefore the weight of his thick legs on the top of the backrest, forcing Peter’s face even further down towards her knees. “Enjoy the ride bitch,” Ahmet said as he shut the door and slid in behind the driver’s seat of the limo.
The ride to the airport was about half an hour, but felt like an eternity to Peter who spent the entire ride doubled over, stuffed and strapped with rubber, and turned in to a footrest for her lord and master. The limo by-passed the regular departure terminal at the airport in Riyadh, and continued on to the section of the airport reserved for private jets. Pulling up beside Mehmet’s personal aircraft, Ahmet began to unload all of the “baggage” while Mehmet spoke with the customs official at the base of the staircase. The wealthy Turk handed over a letter carrying the seal of his friend the prince and with that, was ushered on to his plane without delay. Mehmet’s influential connections had once again allowed him to exit the country with human cargo without so much as a single question asked. Shortly afterwards, the trio was on their was back to Ankara.
When the plane had cleared Saudi air space Mehmet was snoozing comfortably in his leather captain’s chair, when Ahmet grabbed a hold of Peter’s arm and dragged her up off of the low wooden stool on to which she had been secured for take off. “Your Master will have need of you when he awakens slut.” And with that, Peter was dragged towards the back of the passenger cabin and into a small room in which she would suffer the next of a long line of degradations that yet awaited her for the rest of her days.
Ahmet removed the fabric burka covering the rubberized slut, and placed it on a table at the side of the small room. He also undid the strap holding the penis gag in place and slowly pulled the column of rubber out of the slave’s throat. It was covered in thick saliva and Peter felt like her throat had been permanently misshapen by its intrusion over the past few hours. Peter was then forced to lie on a rubber-covered platform and was strapped in to place with heavy-duty black rubber belts. A large black box shaped item was then placed over her torso and head, with a cutout to accommodate the contour of her torso. She could hear the box being buckled in to place, but was then left alone in silence and complete darkness. Almost an hour must have passed before Peter heard the door to the small cabin open and close. She recognized the grunting and snorting of her master, who behaved almost piggishly in terms of hacking up phlegm, picking his nose, adjusting his package, or other forms of behaviour. Peter’s face was then bathed in light as the lid of the box was raised, and she was faced with the sadistic grinning face of her master staring down at her. “Open your mouth-pussy” my dear Mehmet ordered, “as wide as you can.” Peter complied and opened her mouth, confused at this point as to what exactly was going to happen. Mehmet reached down and shoved in a mouthpiece that seated itself behind the slut’s lips, but in front of her teeth, and held her mouth painfully wide open. The flange on the mouth-piece was quite wide all the way around and pressed painfully at the top of Peter’s gums all the way around her mouth. Mehmet then reached down beside his slave’s head and released a sheath of thin rubber that had been rolled down to the base of the platform. As it was unrolled, Mehmet pulled it upwards making it taut, and stretched it around the outside of the top of the box like he was securing a garbage bag around the rim of a waste basket. In fact, that is exactly what the whole set up now resembled. Peter’s face peered upward as though it was at the bottom of the inside of a garbage bag, only this bag was made of latex, and was about to become much more than simply a garbage bag.
Peter’s vantage point at the inside of the bottom of the box had not allowed her to see the inner portion of the lid that had been raised to allow her master access to his slave’s face. It was not until Mehmet lowered the inner portion of that lid that she realized just what might be about to happen – and she began to quietly panic. “You are about to start another phase of your training my dear” Mehmet announced. “I require complete servitude from my sluts, and that includes using them as toilet holes whenever it pleases me…and it pleases me now.” With that pronouncement the Turk shoved his finger up his nostril and pulled out an enormous plug of mucous which clung to his index finger. Sticking his finger through the opening of the mouth-piece he proceeded to wipe the booger on the tongue of his captive toilet slave. “Enjoy your meal my dear – it is only the first of many that I shall enjoy making you eat. You must always remember that the more you are made to suffer, the happier I will be.” With that Mehmet straightened up and undid his pants, letting them fall to the ground. He lowered his fat buttocks onto the seat, blocking out almost all of the light coming through the opening of the “toilet”. Letting out a loud grunt he began to slowly bear down, and Peter had an unobstructed view of her master’s anus which was slowly starting to relax and open. She could hear the master say that the beauty of the mouth-piece she was wearing was that it did not prevent the use of her teeth even though her mouth was being held wide open. A necessary feature since she also heard him say that she would need to do a great deal of chewing in order to ingest the full amount of shit that he was about to feed to her. The smell in the small box-like chamber was thick and putrid, and Peter began to cry as she saw a thick dark brown log emerge from her Master’s asshole. The column of shit made it’s way towards her mouth like it was the centre of a target. Soon the log began to fill her mouth to the point that she either had to start chewing and swallowing, or choke to death. Keeping her eyes on the anus of her master she was amazed that the shit kept on coming out, seemingly without end. By the time that Mehmet pinched it off so that Peter could finish her first piece it had measured a full foot in length. Trying not to think about what she was being forced to eat, or the horrible taste and texture of the meal that she was being fed, Peter forced down the first log without having to vomit it straight back up again. She could hear her master lighting a cigar, as he continued to relax on the toilet seat above her. “I hope you are hungry my dear” she heard him say, as there was more waste yet for her to digest. The second log was much like the first, but was softer and therefore began to coil itself on the opening to her mouth-piece, forming a small pile that now sealed the opening of the gag. Fortunately her nostrils were clear or she would have suffocated right there, under the emptying anus of her sadistic master. After a couple of wet farts, Peter’s face was once again bathed in light as Mehmet stood up and peered down into his bitch’s toilet-like prison. He felt the double satisfaction of seeing his slave-cunt unspeakably humiliated and degraded, as well as having had the relief of a really good shit. He then donned a thick rubber glove and reached in to begin shoving the remaining shit into Peter’s already full mouth cavity. Admonishing her to “eat up” he continued to pack the foul meal into his bitch-slave’s mouth, enjoying every minute of watching her strain to chew and swallow his waste. Once she had swallowed every last morsel of the disgusting meal, Mehmet used his gloved hand to yank out the mouth-piece and present it to Peter for cleaning. “Use your tongue slut – and clean your toilet attachment so that it is ready for your next feeding.” Beyond any imaginable level of degradation, Peter submissively complied and used her tongue to lick out and clean the molded rubber piece that had been the gateway for her master’s shit to enter her mouth. “You are nearly done my dear – only one very important job remains for you to complete.” With that he returned to his position on the toilet seat, and ordered his cunt-whore to lick and clean his anus. For the next 10 minutes Peter was forced to rim and clean her master until no traces of shit remained. She was to eat every last bit of his waste. Mehmet particularly enjoyed pushing down so that his asshole would open enough for Peter to insert her talented tongue right inside of his meaty asslips. Satisfied, emptied, and cleaned, Mehmet got up without another word and pulled up his pants. Peter could hear him say to Ahmet as he left the room that the bitch was ready to be re-gagged, and made ready for their upcoming landing in Turkey. The next thing that Peter saw was the diabolical penis gag heading straight for her abused mouth – being wielded by the muscular manservant who shoved it home in one smooth motion. The thickened shit-slime coating the walls of the slave’s throat greased its entry, and Ahmet once again cinched it in using the thick rubber strap around Peter’s face and head. The box was removed, and the slave slut was returned to an upright position by the former wrestler. Ahmet used a wet cloth to wipe off some remaining smears of shit on Peter’s rubber-covered face, and then spun the slut around and pushed her up against the wall. “Time for your needles slut” Ahmet announced, as he produced a large hypodermic filled with the next dose of the potent hormones that they had been using to develop Peter’s tits. With one hand Ahmet reached around under Peter’s chin and pulled her head back so that her spine was severely and painfully arched. With the other hand he expertly wielded the hypodermic and plunged it home, through the rubber, into the bitch’s left titmeat. After administering the full dose, the procedure was repeated on the right side. “I think we could also do with tightening your corset whore” Ahmet said as he undid the rubber flaps covering the lacing to the rubber suit’s corset attachment. Peter began to struggle, as she could not imagine having the restrictive garment made any more crushing than it already was. To stop her squirming Ahmet slammed Peter’s head into the wall and threatened to do far worse if she did not obey. Resigned to what was about to happen, Peter went limp as Ahmet pushed her onto her belly on the floor before placing his now familiar size 13 foot right in the middle of the rubber-slave’s back. Shoving down with his muscular leg as Peter exhaled, Ahmet was able to further cinch in the corset’s punishing grip on the abused submissive’s body. With the lacing secured once again Peter was returned to an upright position, now in even greater difficulty just to draw a breath than she had been before. With the fabric burka replaced over the rubber torture suit, Peter was returned to the main cabin of the aircraft, and once again secured on the plain wooden stool at Mehmet’s feet.
Once the jet had touched down in Ankara, Peter was once again warned to obey every order that was given. The first task would be to get past the Turkish immigration guards. Once again, Mehmet had friends on the inside. As Peter dutifully followed two steps behind the dominant sadist across the tarmac, Mehmet explained that he would be going straight to his house, where the submissive sissy would be joining him later. “You have some duties to perform in order to be granted entry into this wonderful country my dear” the master announced. With that, the pair approached a small brick building on the most deserted end of the airport grounds. The building had no windows, and was very stuffy inside, illuminated only by a single overhead lamp. A door at the other side of the one room building creaked open and a single figure entered the room. “Slut – I want you to meet Faisal” said Mehmet. “Faisal works for the Turkish government, but he and I have a little arrangement that allows me to bring trash like you into the country in order to serve me for the rest of your life as my personal whore, slut, toilet, and pain slave. My end of the bargain is that Faisal here gets use of you for two full days as payment for your entry into Turkey. You will serve him as you serve me, and do whatever he commands of you. It will be in your best interest to obey, as there are absolutely no limits to what he is allowed to do to you as long as he sees fit. See you in two days my dear.” With that, Mehmet left the small building and Peter was left alone with Faisal. Faisal was taller than the Master, and much more stout of build. He had a shaved head, but thick mats of chest hair were poking up from under the collar of his sweat stained shirt. He wore a tan coloured uniform with heavy black boots, and large wet patches in the under arms of his shirt from sweating in the Turkish sun. He had a toothpick hanging out of his mouth, and he slowly began walking around Peter as the submissive stood stock-still, terrified of this newest dominant beast that had entered her life. Peter could see that Faisal had huge slabs of muscle forming each of his pecs, and enormously thick arms and forearms which ended in powerful hands even larger than Ahmet’s gigantic mitts. Faisal was also quite overweight, and smelled strongly of a pungent body odour. Without saying a word, Faisal grabbed a hold of Peter’s neck, and forced her through the door through which he had entered. Outside of the small brick building was a rusty old car, with the trunk hatch popped open. Faisal roughly shoved Peter into the trunk of the car, and slammed the lid closed. The last thing that Peter saw was Faisal’s sadistic and evil face staring down at her before the trunk slammed shut. With that, the small car’s engine sparked to life, and Peter was off on the next segment of the hell that her life had become.
Next – Used and abused
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