Alone Together Part 13
Girl 2, (now known as Nancy), was trying to figure the best way to get home. Soon she figured the best way to get across town without getting caught. The night was early, yet and there were still people around but for the first hour or so, she seemed to be doing “OK”. She ran from house to house, hide behind buildings and in bushes. Her luck soon ran out.
Nancy was hiding in some bushes and just about to make a run for the next house when someone came out the door. It was two girls. They appeared to be teens; probably in high school. Nancy ducked back into the bushes quickly but it was too late. The timing was perfect.
Girl 1(Mary): “What have we got here?”
Girl 2(Lucy): “I see it but I don't believe it. We were just about to go looking for someone to have fun with and opportunity gets delivered right into our laps. What do you think?”
Mary smiled and winked at Lucy.
Nancy: “Please. Please help me. Please take me home. Please?”
Lucy: “Sure. We'll take you home. Come inside before someone else sees you.”
Nancy: “Thank you very much.”
Mary: “How did you get out here without clothes?”
Nancy didn't really want to go into details about this so she made something up.
Nancy: “My friends bet me that I couldn't get home without getting caught. It looks like I lost.”
Lucy: “I guess you lost alright. Come on inside.”
Nancy quickly ran inside behind the girls. She was grateful to be inside.
Lucy (Whispering to Mary): “Tell Bob and Jim to get over here fast. We owe them a favor anyway and this is the perfect way to pay them back.”
Mary told Nancy that she would get her some clothes and she ran off. Lucy asked Nancy if she wanted a beer. Nancy was exhausted from all this so she said “thank you” and politely told Lucy that she would love one. Lucy went into the kitchen. Nancy was alone in their living room. She had relaxed. She was going to get a ride home without running across town naked. May getting caught was a good thing.
Lucy returned with two beers and sat down next to Nancy. Nancy took a big gulp of beer. It tasted good. Lucy began to ask her about her and her friends and what the bet was all about. Nancy made up some story about a card game. She didn't want to tell these two about what happened. They were nice enough but they were strangers.
Lucy and Nancy made small talk for a while. After about ten minutes, Nancy began to get lite headed. Soon the room began to swirl around and she fell over. The last thing she remembered was Lucy catching her. Mary came back into the room. She had not left. She was simply hiding around the corner.
Mary: “Is she out?”
Lucy (laughing): “Yup! This is going to be great! She's very pretty and look at her. She MUST work out. Her body is well toned. Are Bob and Jim coming over?”
Mary: “Yea. I called their cell phone. They were on their way to the bar. They will be here in a few minutes. I didn't tell them what it was all about.”
Lucy: “Good. This will be much more fun than the bar. Help me with her. She's not big but she's heavy.”
Mary: “She IS well toned.”
Nancy began to awaken. She tried moving but her arms and legs wouldn't move. She was still groggy but her head was clearing. She felt hands lightly slapping her cheeks as she woke up. She tried again to move but she was still held tight. Things were getting clearer for her. She realized that she was tied, face down, on some kind of small table. Her arms and legs were tied to the corner table legs. Her legs were secured so her ass and pussy was wide open. Her face was at the edge of the other end of the table.
Nancy: “What? Where am I?”
Lucy: “You are our entertainment tonight, whore.”
Nancy: “I am not a whore. Please let me go.”
Bob: “She is a polite whore, isn’t she? What do you think, Jim?”
Jim: “She certainly is polite but then that is not really important, is it?”
Bob: “Nope.”
Lucy walked up to Nancy’s face with a hot curling iron. She touched to her face but not long enough to burn her. Lucy wanted to let her know that it was there. Lucy sat on a small stool in front of Nancy’s face and spread her legs. Nancy could see cum oozing out of her pussy.
Lucy: “Lick me clean, whore or that hot curling iron will get shoved up your cunt!”
Nancy: “Please let me go. Please?”
Lucy grabbed her head and jammed it into her pussy. Nancy tried to pull away but Lucy had her tight. As Nancy kept struggling, she suddenly felt that hot iron near her pussy. Whoever had it lightly touched it to her thighs and to her pussy hair. She could smell the burning hair. Nancy let out a muffled yell as Lucy jammed her head into her pussy.
Lucy: “COME ON, WHORE! Get to work or your dirty cunt will feel that hot iron jammed up it.”
Nancy had no choice. She began to lick and suck on Lucy’s pussy. She could taste the cum and she sucked it up as best she could. It was getting hard to breathe. Lucy wanted to cum and she was jamming Nancy’s face into her pussy. It was getting hard to breathe when suddenly she felt a cock jammed into her pussy. Nancy let out a yell but all that could be heard was a muffled moan. Whoever was fucking her was NOT gentle. They were ramming her as hard as they could and her face was being rammed into Lucy’s pussy.
Lucy finally stiffened up and let out a yell. Nancy was getting light headed but tried to keep up. Just as she was passing out, Lucy let her head go and she took in a large breath of air. She caught her breath and soon had another pussy in her face as the guy fucking her let out a long moan and filled her cunt with cum. Her face was jammed into another pussy. She was commanded to keep licking or her cunt would get sealed closed with burning flesh. As the guy pulled out of her cunt, she felt the heat near her cunt again but this time they touched it to her cunt but quickly pulled it away. Nancy let out a yell but the only thing that anyone heard was a loud moan as her face was jammed into another pussy. This girl not only pulled her in tight to her pussy but was humping against her face.
Mary: “COME ON, WHORE! LICK!!!!!”
Nancy worked her tongue as fast as she could. Up until now, she had never been with a woman and was NOT very good at it but she kept trying. Her breath was coming in short gasps and she could feel that hot iron against her cunt every so often. She would jerk and try her best to lick fast. All she could hear was laughing and the words, cunt, whore, bitch, slut.
She felt another cock get shoved up her cunt as she kept working on the pussy in her face. She let out a grunt as he began to ram his cock in and out of her cunt fast! She could hear his grunting. He sounded like an animal in heat. HE didn’t give a shit about her. She was simply a cunt to fuck.
Like the first girl, her face was pressed tight to a pussy. She was having a hard time breathing again and just as she passed out, the girl stiffened up and let out a yell of pleasure. She only saw stars and things were getting black just as the girl pulled away. Nancy took in a HUGE breath of air as things cleared up for her. She was still being fucked from behind and she could hear more comments about her worthless cunt.
She began to cry. She wished that she had simply licked her friends pussy, earlier but now it was too late. As she took in a second breath of air, a cock was jammed full into her mouth. She tried to yell but the cock was past her vocal cords and down her throat. The two cocks got into a rhythm an she felt herself being jerk up and down.
The guy in front grabbed her ears and was using them as handles. The two guys soon came both at once. They stiffened up, let out a groaning yell and she could feel cum shooting up her cunt and down her throat.
She was between conscious and unconscious as she heard the door open and more people came in. There was a lot of laughing and it soon sounded like a party. She felt nothing but cocks up her cunt and in her mouth for several hours. Every so often if she didn’t perform well, Lucy would touch the hot curling iron against her cunt. She pulled it away quickly and did no permanent damage but it hurt and the message was LOUD AND CLEAR! Nancy kept trying her best. She was not much of a sexual person and had only been with a couple of guys in her whole life.
It was several hours later. She had been fucked constantly in her cunt and mouth the entire time. She could feel cum dripping down her legs and her stomach felt full. She knew it was full of cum. Her hands and feet were numb form being tied and being pulled on constantly. She prayed that they would untie her soon. After all this time, they seemed to be finished with her. She began to struggle again. She was now terrified of them killing her but her struggles were useless.
Nancy: “Please……………”
Lucy kicked her in the cunt and said, “SHUT UP, WHORE!”
Nancy let out a loud howl of pain but could do nothing about it. Lucy came around in front of her and held up a small pill.
Lucy: “Eat this, whore or we will seal up your filthy cunt for you.”
Nancy felt that hot iron against her cunt briefly and let out a yell of pain. Lucy jammed the pill into her mouth and pinched off her nose and held her mouth closed. Nancy had NO choice. She chewed the pill and swallowed it. After a few minutes, Nancy felt light headed and passed out.
Nancy began to wake up. She felt grass against her face. She realized very soon that she was lying, face down, in the grass. She looked up and realized that she was in someone’s front yard right in front of their door. She tried to get up but fell down. She was still under the influence of whatever drug they gave her. She crawled into some bushes and lay there, hoping her head would clear up soon. She began to cry again. She had NO idea how many guys had fucked her. She felt cum all over her legs and she knew her stomach was FULL of cum too. She slowly reached down to her pussy and was relieved to find out that it was not burnt or at least not burnt severely. She felt something on her back but she couldn’t reach it. It felt like tape or something but she was not sure. She let it go since she couldn’t reach it anyway. She lay back down in the cool grass and waited. She hoped that this drug would wear off soon. It was still dark but she didn’t know how long she was in that house. She began to cry all over again when she realized that she had NO idea where it was. She was moving through so many neighborhoods that she had no clue to where this house was. She only saw two people but she knew there were at least fifteen people there. She had NO idea where she was now, either. They could have taken her anywhere. At least they had no idea where she lived or who she was. She waited.
Nancy must have fallen asleep again. She woke up and realized that it was much later. Her head was clearer but she could see the light of what they always called, “Pre-dawn”. Nancy’s ankles and wrists were a little sore from being tied up so tight. There were bruises but they would heal. There was dried up cum all over her legs and she could still taste it. She was thirsty but not hungry for obvious reasons. Her stomach was full of cum. The more she thought about it the sicker she got until she began to puke. Nancy was on her hands and knees in front of someone's house retching. Even after she puked up all the cum, she had the “dry heaves”. Soon it stopped and she saw what she had puked up. It was what she had feared. There was a puddle of cum in front of her. She felt sick all over again and crawled back behind some bushes and lay down. The cool grass felt good but she couldn't stay there. It would be light soon.
Nancy was feeling better. The drug had mostly wore off. She looked around and didn't recognize anything. She simply picked a direction and began creeping form house to house. This time she was determined NOT be seen by ANYONE! She kept traveling house to house. Occasionally a car would pass but there were plenty of hiding places around the homes. She looked up and figured she had about an hour until sunrise. She changed her plans. She had to find a place to hide for the day and then continue the next night.
Soon she came to a clearer area. She saw a fast food restaurant there. She had an idea. She ran out back and climbed into the garbage dumpster. She closed the lid and arranged the garbage bags and tried to get as comfortable as she could. It stunk but it was comfortable. There were plenty of bags to make a little “nest” for herself. At this point, she preferred the smell and taste of garbage over cum. She lay down and tried to get some sleep. Nancy was rapidly becoming like the fox being chanced by the hounds. She was week minded and afraid of her own shadow at this point. She was desperately afraid of everyone and everything.
Nancy could tell when someone was coming with garbage There was a latched gate that made noise. It gave her a chance to bury herself a little and keep quiet and still until they left. She looked forward to the garbage deliveries. With them came fresh food scraps and drinks that weren't finished. She was VERY hungry and by the time night returned she at least had SOME food in her stomach. She waited until late evening when the restaurant was closing before she left the garbage dumpster.
She slipped away and began her running form tree to tree and bush to bush. She still headed in one direction. She was hoping to recognize something soon. She had gone about another half mile when she came upon a small bridge over a narrow river. She was rapidly becoming a wild animal and she dove into the river and swam across. The water felt good. It not only helped to clean her off but the water felt natural. She fell into her swimming rhythms again but it didn't last long. The river was narrow. She climbed up out on the other side and ran for some cover. She went about another half mile and recognized where she was.
Nancy had been very traumatized and she was not in her right mind. All she knew is that she needed to get home. At this point, she didn't even know why. She just needed to get home.
She ran at a steady pace and soon she saw the house that she lived in. She ran inside like a scared rabbit and jumped into her bed and wrapped herself up in her covers. Her friend form the gym, Laura (Girl 1) came running into the room. She let out a gasp when she saw Nancy. Laura moved toward Nancy and began to ask her where she was and if she was “OK”, when suddenly Nancy began screaming and crawling away. She kept screaming for Laura to get away.
Nancy: “GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!.......DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!!”
Laura: “Nancy, it's me. Let me help.”
When Laura backed out of the room, Nancy quieted down and curled back up in her blankets. Laura didn't know what to do. She kept an eye on her all night and Nancy didn't move or say anything. Every time Laura tried to get near her, Nancy would scream at her to leave her alone. Laura didn't know anyone in town and she was afraid for Nancy. She would eat or talk to her. Laura figured that something bad happened to her but could get close to find out.
The next morning, Laura saw that Nancy hadn't moved. She was mumbling to herself so Laura went to the gym to try and get help. There were a few people there but she didn't know who to ask. She got angry and figured that it was all Melissa and Niki's fault so she tried them first.
Laura (to Melissa): “Nancy came home last night. Something happened. She was gone for two days. SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED AND I CAN EVEN GET CLOSE TO HER! If I try, she just screams at me! This is YOUR fault! (beginning to cry) I don't know what to do!!!...”
Niki (to Melissa): “We should try and help, Melissa. May we at least try. Please?”
Melissa looked at Laura and then smiled at Niki and said: “Yes, pet. We will try”
Melissa (to Laura): “Niki is right. We should try to help. I never intended to hurt her. I only wanted her to realize what she had done.”
Laura: “I don;t know what you can do. Seeing you might make things worse I will try anything. She won't eat. She won't even leave the bed to use the bathroom. I do not want her laying in her own “filth” to long. (crying again) Please hurry! Lets go!”
The women drove to Laura and Nancy's house and when they went in, they saw that Laura was correct. If they got to close to Nancy, she would scream for them to “get away”. Laura began to cry again.
Laura (crying): “I don't know what to do!”
Niki went over to Laura and hugged her. It made laura feel better but she still was upset over Nancy.
Niki (to Melissa): “Please, may I try to help, Melissa? Please?”
Melissa: “I am not sure what you can do, my pet but go ahead.”
Laura listened to the exchange between them and was curious about them but didn't give it a second thought. She turned toward Nancy and watched Niki move toward her. Nancy jerked and was about to scream again when Niki suddenly stopped. She seemed to know the exact distance that would trigger Nancy's screaming and she stayed just outside of that point. Nancy just stared at her. Niki looked back with the softest and most gentle look that Laura had ever seen.
Niki: “Nancy, I need you help. Please help me. Please?”
Laura had NO idea why Niki asked for Nancy's help. Nancy wasn't even coherent. Nancy looked at Niki and suddenly waved her to come near. Niki smiled and walked up to Nancy.
Niki: “Thank you very much. I need your help.”
Nancy lifted the covers and waved her onto the bed. Niki smiled that gentle smile and climbed into bed with Nancy. Niki wrapped her arms around Nancy and Nancy held her tight.
Laura smiled and began to walk toward them when suddenly Melissa grabbed her arm and shook her head “no”. Laura wondered why but was smart enough to know that there was a reason. They both stood near by and stared at Niki and Nancy in the bed. The two women lay together in bed for a few minutes when Melissa and Laura herd Nancy begin to cry.
Laura (whispering to Melissa): “I have NEVER seen ANYTHING like this. How can she do this?”
Melissa: “I am not sure, either but NOW you know why I got so angry with you two. Niki is very special and very rare. You can now see what I have known. I see it many times with her and I am amazed each time. If Nancy is not too far gone, Niki can bring her back to us. Give her time.”
Laura (crying): “I am so sorry.......I am sorry for what we did to her. We almost destroyed one of the many things that makes this world just a little bit brighter for the rest of us. Please forgive us.”
Melissa: “There is time for that later but you are right. You are just now beginning to see Niki as I see her. She is rare. I am sorry for what I did to you, too. I got angry.”
Laura: “You had EVERY right to do what you did. I hope she can help Nancy.”
Melissa: “If anyone can, Niki can. I doubt if even SHE knows how and why she is doing this. She is intelligent but terribly naive but she has a pure spirit.”
The two women went into the living room and waited. Niki lay on the bed next to Nancy. Nancy was clinging to her like a frightened rabbit. She had told Niki what happened but she didn't get angry. Niki only wanted to help and Nancy knew it.
Niki: “Nancy, I want to make you feel a little better. Will you please come with me so I can clean you up? Please?”
Nancy: “Don't leave me alone! Please stay with me!”
Niki: “We will go together. No one will hurt you while I am with you. Now let's go.”
Niki gently pulled on Nancy's hand and she got up and fallowed Niki so close that they were touching bodies the whole time. Laura and Melissa saw them come out of the bedroom.
Laura: “Nancy...................”
Melissa: “SHHHH! Don't make any noise!”
Laura looked at Melissa and nodded her head. Nancy looked at them an pulled closer to Niki as they went into the bathroom. Niki glanced at them, pointed at her back and shook her head “no” so Nancy didn't see. Both Melissa and Laura stood there wide-eyed but said nothing. Stuck to Nancy's back was a ten dollar bill. It had been glued and laminated to her back and just under it were the words; “Cheep Whore”.
They heard the shower come on and Melissa peeked in but sat back down by Laura. Laura was crying a little.
Melissa: “Niki's cleaning her up. Give them time.”
Laura: “Does it bother you that she's with someone else?”
Melissa: “No.”
Laura: “It doesn't? Why?”
Melissa: “It's because I love Niki and she knows it. Don't worry. Niki can make things better.”
Laura looked a little confused but didn't say anything. She just sat quietly and thought about it. She had never had anyone in her life that she cared about that much. She WAS very worried about Nancy, though.
Niki got the water just the right temperature, held her had out and guided Nancy into the shower. Niki got some soap and began to slowly and gently clean Nancy up. Nancy jerked when Niki touched her with the soap.
Niki: “Please, Nancy. Please be still. You said you would help me. I need your help and this is the only way that will work.”
Nancy: “OK.”
If anyone would have been watching, the words would make no sense. It was Niki that was trying to help Nancy but Niki knew that this was the only way to get close enough to her to help.
Niki started at the shoulders and slowly rubbed down Nancy's arms with soap. Her hands went over her shoulders and down her back. Niki began to cry silently when she touched her back. She knew that it would take several washings and several days to get the writing off her back. It would take something else to get the ten dollar bill off. It was glued on.
Niki worked her way down Nancy's back and over her ass. When Niki's hand began to move down the crack of Nancy's ass, she jumped away and said, “no”.
Niki: “Please, Nancy. Please. You promised that you would help.”
Nancy: “OK.”
In Nancy's mind, she was helping Niki so she forced herself to stand still. Niki continued down the crack of Nancy's ass. Her hand rubbed it's way over her butt hole and gently over her pussy but only once. It was clear that she didn't like Niki's hand there and Niki knew why. If they weren't in the shower, anyone could have seen tears running down Niki's face. She continued.
Niki moved around in front of Nancy. She looked her in the eyes, leaned forward and kissed her gently on the mouth. Nancy just watched her but did nothing. Niki's hands moved down Nancy's chest. Niki spent a little more time there but not too much. For some reason, Nancy didn't seem to mind as much so Niki began to message her tits. Every so often she would gently pinch Nancy's nipples. Nancy would let out a grunt but otherwise do nothing else. Niki was a little confused about it. Why would Nancy not want her to touch her anywhere except her tits? Niki let it go. No one knew what really happened to her and Niki figured that she would find out soon enough. Nancy had told her that she was raped but gave no details. Niki leaned forward again and kissed Nancy gently and continued down her stomach. Nancy's stomach was a lot like Melissa's but not quite so developed. Niki hands moved down around Nancy's hips and down each leg. Nancy spread her legs a bit for Niki as she brought her hands back up. Niki took her hands up Nancy's hips and around back and around her ass. Anyone looking would have sworn that Niki had her face in Nancy's pussy but it wasn't. Niki only had desires for Melissa but she desperately wanted to help Nancy. It seemed that on some level, Nancy knew that too.
Niki worked her hands back to Nancy's front and rubbed gently down her thighs and up and down from her pussy to her butt-hole. Nancy jumped at first but these hands were different. The others were rough and they hurt. These hands were gentle. The were healing and hypnotizing; almost magic. Nancy felt like she was in her own little world with Niki. She felt safe with her.
Nancy opened her eyes and saw Niki looking into her eyes. Niki smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips and reached around to turn off the water. Nancy was confused. She had hurt this woman. Nancy wanted to help her. She asked for help and Nancy was grateful for her help. What did that mean? Nancy thought about it.
Niki looked into Nancy's eyes and smiled. She took her hand and led her out of the tub. Niki grabbed the towel and put it over Nancy's back. Niki scowled a little when she saw her back again but kept drying her. Niki pulled the towel from her shoulders down her back. Niki got on her knees and ran the towel down her ass crack and down her legs. She crawled around in front of Nancy and began at her feet. She pulled the towel up each leg slowly and gently. Nancy was pretty and Niki could still appreciate it. She looked straight into Nancy's pussy. Melissa would forever be her “friend” but Niki could still wonder what Nancy tasted like.
Niki's hands worked the towel up and around Nancy's hips and over her stomach. Niki's eyes stared at Nancy's tits as she rubbed the towel over each one. She rubbed it all around and over her tits. Nancy didn't seem to mind. For some reason, having her tits played with didn't bother her. Niki had no idea why and as always, she spent a lot of time “drying” them. Niki worked her way back down Nancy's stomach.
Niki: “Please spread your legs a little, Nancy.”
Nancy looked at Niki confused and unsure but she trusted Niki and spread her legs tentatively without saying anything. Niki smiled and gently rubbed the towel down over her pussy to her ass hole and back two of three times. Niki glanced up at Nancy and saw her staring down and as they met eye to eye, Niki smiled and then stood up.
Niki: “Please sit down so I can dry your hair.”
Nancy: “OK. Will you please scratch my back. It itches.”
Niki thought fast and said: “You back has a bandage on it. You hurt it a little so we put one on. Don't scratch it. It is healing.”
Nancy: “OK. I was wondering why it was itching. Thank you.”
As Niki dried Nancy's hair, she teared up. She could see clearly the ten dollar bill that had been glued on her back and epoxied over with a clear resin. It was glued just above the words, “CHEEP WHORE”.
Nancy relaxed. This was the most normal thing that has happened to her in the last two days. Niki helped Nancy get dressed and then she put her skirt and top back on. All this time, Melissa and Laura were waiting downstairs.
Laura: “Melissa, will Nancy be OK?”
Melissa: “Who can tell. I pray that Niki can help her. This is my fault.”
Laura: “This is not ALL your fault. WE WERE WRONG! We deserve what you did and MORE!”
Melissa: “Perhaps. Nancy didn't deserve what happened at all. If anyone can help her, Niki can.”
Niki and Nancy walked into the room. Nancy was clean and had her normal clothes on. Laura smiled when she saw her and said, “Hi Nancy.” Nancy quickly let go of Niki's hand and ran into her bedroom. She jumped back into her bed and curled up in her blankets.
Melissa: “Niki, what happened to her? Will she be “ok”?”
Laura: “Did she tell you anything?”
Niki: “She has not said anything to me about what happened. It is all I can do to get her to trust me and even that is hanging on by a thread. She is afraid of people for some reason. The only way that I could get near her is to make her believe that she was helping ME. Melissa, May we please take her home with us? She will be better away from here and away from people. Please?”
Melissa: “Yes, pet. That is a good idea. Will she go with us?”
Laura: “May I go too. I want to help.”
Niki: “I don't know. I will talk to her. Please be patient.”
Niki walked over to Melissa, hugged her and kissed her and quickly walked away. Niki was quick but Melissa still had enough time to give her a pinch in the ass. Niki jumped, giggled and went into the bedroom. Laura smiled at Melissa. She had MUCH to account for!
Laura: “Why do you call her “pet”? Do you own her?”
Melissa: “That is personal between Niki and myself but to answer you, NO, I do NOT own her.”
Laura let it go. It was obvious that Melissa had NO intention of describing her personal life with Niki.
Niki sat down on the bed next to Nancy. Nancy jerked a little but when she saw Niki she relaxed. Niki spent a few seconds to think of how she would ask this.
Niki: “Nancy, I know of a safe place where we can stay. It is away from others and it is completely safe. Please come with me, there. It would mean a lot to me.”
Niki was still trying to get Nancy to believe that she was helping her and not the other way around. Nancy looked at Niki and was deep in thought and confused but she truly wanted to be away form other people. Others were the cause of her pain.
Nancy: “I would like that. Is it all right to go with you?”
Niki smiled and said: “Yes. I would like you to be with me. We will go there. It is safe. May Melissa come too? She is my friend. I need you both. Please?”
Nancy got a frightened look on her face. For some reason she believed that Melissa would hurt her.
Nancy: “I do not like her. Can we please go alone?”
Niki: “I need Melissa to help us get there. She makes it safe for us. She will not hurt you. I will be with you all the time.”
Nancy: “OK. I will go with you if you need me to.”
Niki grabbed Nancy's hand and led her back into the living room where Melissa and Laura were. Laura was about to say something when Niki got a stern look on her face and shook her head quickly “no”. Laura caught it and kept silent.
Niki: “Nancy has agreed to help me so she will go with us to our safe place.”
Laura smiled but still had to admire how pretty Niki was. Her body was perfect and that long blond hair was almost golden. Niki asked if Laura could come too and Nancy didn't seem to mind. The only one that frightened her a little was Melissa. Melissa was smart enough to catch on and talked very little and kept away form Nancy as much as she could. They got into the truck. It was tight they all got in except that Nancy wanted to be next to Niki and AWAY from Melissa. Once they got in the correct order, Melissa drove them home. Nancy was nervous until the got into the country away from people. Soon they pulled into the driveway and stopped in front of the house.
They all got out. Melissa went into the house and left Laura, Niki and Nancy alone. Nancy looked around and Niki could tell she was not tense like before. Niki grabbed Nancy's hand and led her into the house. Melissa was just sitting there and staying quiet.
Niki (to Nancy): “Are you hungry?”
Nancy: “No. I am tired. May I lay down someplace?”
Niki smiled at Nancy and said: “This is our safe place. You do not need to ask. You may leave whenever you are ready or you can stay as long as you wish.”
Nancy hugged Niki briefly and lay down in the bedroom. The three women went into the kitchen and quietly talked.
Laura: “Will she be OK? IS she alright?!?”
Niki: “I do not know. She seems better but she might NEVER trust people again.”
Niki gave Melissa a look of “longing and hope”.
Melissa: “She may stay as long as she wishes.”
Niki smiled and gave Melissa a big hug and said, “Thank you, Melissa.”
Melissa: “You are welcome, pet. She needs to discover her way back on her own.”
Niki suddenly got a frightened look on her face.
Melissa: “What is it?”
Niki: “What about “mother”???”
Melissa got a worried look on her face when Laura suddenly said, “Who is “mother”? IS there some one else here??”
Melissa: “Shhh... Let me think.....We have no choice, pet. We will have to introduce Nancy to her.”
Niki: “OK.”
Laura had NO idea who they were talking about but they seemed to be handling it so she dropped the whole thing.
Niki: “Melissa, May I please go lay with Nancy? She needs me.”
Melissa: “Of course, my pet.”
Niki got into the bed with Nancy and held her from behind. Nancy let out a brief mewing sound and pulled Niki tight to her and fell back asleep. Melissa and Laura were tired too and they lay down in the other bedroom. They had to use the same bed and when Laura thought about it, she didn't seem to mind at all. A week ago she would have been disgusted by it but these two women were good people. Laura looked at Melissa's back and thought to herself; both of these women are lucky to have each other.
Melissa and Laura got up about an hour later and found Nancy and Niki sitting on the couch talking. Nancy saw them enter. She looked and didn't pay much attention to them. She didn't even care about Melissa any more. Niki was looking around nervously when suddenly the bear walked in. Laura let out a scream and ran out the door. Nancy yelled and got up to run when Niki grabbed her tightly and yelled, “Wait!”
Nancy looked back and forth between the bear and Niki. This was even MORE confusing. Niki was perfectly calm and the bear simply walked and lay down.
Nancy: “Niki! RUN!”
Niki: “NO! She won’t hurt you! It’s OK.”
Nancy stood behind the couch and stayed but it was obvious that she was, to say the least, VERY nervous. Niki told Nancy to wait where she was and Nancy stared, wide-eyed. She was witnessing the most amazing thing. Niki ran up to the bear and jumped on its back. The bear let out a soft grunt, licked her in the face as Niki lay on top of her and scratched her ears. Nancy looked at Melissa and scowled. Melissa was watching Niki and smiling.
Nancy: “What's going on? Why is the a bear in the house?”
Melissa (giggling): “She's Niki's mother.”
Niki (scowling): “She's NOT my Mother!!”
Niki: “Nancy, come here. She won't hurt you.”
Nancy walked slowly to Niki. The bear looked up at her as Niki grabbed her hand and pulled her to the Bear's face. The bear sniffed Nancy's hand, licked it and went back to playing with Niki. Nancy sat down and began to pet her and smiled. This was the most amazing things to her. Nancy grew up in the city. Seeing Niki climbing on it and playing with seemed somehow natural for her. Melissa didn't seem to care one way or the other although she was smiling a genuinely happy smile.
Melissa began to giggle and said: “I have to go find Laura. She's probably running all the way to Chicago.” Melissa walked out the door and saw Laura about 50 Ft from the door and slowly creeping back.
Melissa: “Laura, come back in. It's OK.”
Laura: “Is Nancy dead?”
Melissa made a mental note that she didn't ask about Niki but it was understandable.
Melissa: “We are all fine. Please, come back inside.”
Laura followed Melissa back inside and what she saw left her speechless. Here was a wild animal laying on the floor with Niki and Nancy all over it apparently playing with it. It looked like a big puppy. It looked up at Laura and stared at her. Laura stepped back and almost ran again until Niki got up, grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bear. Laura was nervous but when Niki held her hand out to it, it simply sniffed her and ignored her after that.
Laura: “......What???!.......”
Melissa: “It's a LONG story. It is alright. You can trust her. I will tell you the story another time.”
Laura sat down and watched. Laura looked at Melissa and asked: “She won't hurt Nancy, will she?”
Melissa: “No. As long as you don't openly hurt Niki, everything will be fine. If you two would have attacked Niki here, this bear would have scattered parts of your bodies all over this house. She is totally devoted to Niki. She does not belong to either of us. We live in harmony with each other. There is one slight problem, though. I hope you like fish.”
Laura: “Fish? I don't understand.”
Niki: “Yea, fish. It's not that bad, though, at least it's ALWAYS fresh!”
Melissa and Niki laughed hard but Nancy and Laura didn't seem to get the joke but the women knew they would soon enough. Melissa went into the kitchen and Laura sat on the couch and watched the two women with the bear. Soon, Niki went into the kitchen and Nancy curled up on the floor against the bear. All that had happened to her in the last three days came flooding back to her. She held on to the bear tightly and began to cry like a baby. Laura began to go to her but stopped when Nancy began to babble away about all the things that were done to her. Laura was not a psychologist but she knew that she needed to leave her alone for a few minutes. Laura began to cry when she heard about what happened to Nancy. Melissa and Niki came back when they heard the crying but Nancy was curled up and almost asleep when they walked in. Laura waved them over and the three of them sat together and watched Nancy fall asleep.
Niki: “What happened?”
Laura: “She just started crying and babbling about all the horrible things that happened to her and then she fell asleep.”
Melissa: “I was hoping that she would face it soon. I guess she felt safe here and with …..Niki’s mother.”
Niki: “She’s NOT my mother!”
Niki sat there and glared at Melissa. Melissa giggled and even Laura smiled. She was beginning to see the humor. She still didn't understand why the bear was there but at this point, it didn't matter. Melissa and Niki left when Nancy began to calm down a bit. Laura looked around and was confused about what to do. She walked over to Nancy and lay down next to her. The bear simply looked up, sniffed her and lay back down. Laura was scared to death at first but the bear didn’t seem to mind her being there. She touched Nancy and Nancy put her arms around Laura and held her tight. After a few minutes, the bear let out a heavy sigh and walked out the front door. Laura watched it go and shrugged. The entire thing was ridiculous but comforting at the same time. Assuming that it didn’t eat her, she felt safe with it nearby.
Nancy was still crying a little bit and clinging to Laura. Laura was not sure how to feel. It felt good to have Nancy with her but strange at the same time. She began to get uncomfortable on the floor.
Laura: “Nancy, can we lay on the bed? The floor is uncomfortable.”
Nancy: “OK.”
Laura got up and Nancy followed. Nancy had Laura’s hand and held it tightly as she fallowed her into the bedroom. As they lay down, they were “back to front” with Laura behind Nancy. Nancy pulled Laura tight against her. Laura was still a little confused but it was not unpleasant. Nancy did smell good. Laura nuzzled her cheek against Nancy’s face and waited to see what she would do. Nancy let out a little noise that sounded like a kitten and pulled Laura tighter against her. Soon, Nancy stopped crying and rolled over and looked at Laura.
Nancy: “Thank you. I am sorry to unload on you like that.”
Laura: “It is OK. You can talk to me anytime about anything. I will always be here for you.”
Laura asked herself, “Why did I say that?”
Nancy: “Thank you. I owe you something. That I wish to give you.”
Laura: “What is that?”
Nancy: “I owe you a service that I didn’t give you on the truck. May I please repay you?”
Laura had never given it a thought. She was getting to like Nancy more and more but had never thought of her this way. She was not a lesbian. She didn’t want to upset Nancy right now but was still nervous about it.
Laura: “OK.”
Nancy didn’t kiss her on the mouth but she began to kiss her way down Laura’s chest. She did something that Laura never expected. Nancy began to suck on Laura’s nipples. Laura was becoming more confused. It felt SO good but this was Nancy. This was not some guy she knew. As Nancy kissed her way down Laura’s stomach, Laura simply gave in to her pleasures and closed her eyes as she felt Nancy's tongue lick it's way down her stomach. Nancy finally got to where she looking for. Laura smiled to herself thinking that Nancy was trying to find her pussy with her tongue as if she didn't know where it was.
Nancy licked up and down once slowly. Laura spread her legs and moaned. She had guys before hump her until they would cum. It took all of three minutes. She would have cum dripping out of her pussy and he would be sound asleep. This was definitely different.
Nancy continued. Laura could tell that she knew EXCATLY what she was doing. Nancy slipped her tongue inside her pussy and moved her upper lip over her clit. Nancy was a little hesitant but seemed to be set on pleasing her. Laura stopped trying to analyze everything and simply gave in to her own lust. She looked down and watched Nancy lick her pussy. Her ass was sticking up and her hair was flowing over the sides of her face. She DID have a cute ass. Laura closed her eyes and remembered Nancy's ass. Her tongue was moving in, out and all around her pussy. Nancy never stopped. It was as if she wanted to please her and simply not because she “owed” this to her. Laura's mind spun and spun but finally she arched her back, stiffened up and let out a yell. She grabbed Nancy's head and pulled it into her pussy. Nancy couldn't breathe well but she never stopped. Laura kept yelling for a good minute until finally collapsing. Nancy smiled and kissed her way back up Laura's stomach. She nibbled on her tits for a minute, kissed her on the cheek and lay down beside her. Nancy rolled on her side, put her arms around Laura and closed her eyes.
Laura lay there still confused. Besides on the truck the other day, she had NEVER done anything like this before. She kept thinking, “I am NOT a lesbian!......Am I?” This felt SOOOOO good. Nancy knows how to please a woman. She IS pretty. Would she stay with me?
They lay like that for a while until Laura said, “I want to please you now.”
Nancy: “You don't have to do that. I owe you more than I can say for helping me. I will please you when ever you want me to. All you have to do is say “When”.
Laura: “There something I need to know and it is the only way to find out.”
Nancy: “What?”
Laura: “I will tell you when I find out, not before.”
Nancy(blushing): “OK but You have to let me lick you again.”
Laura (giggling): “You're blushing.... I have an idea.”
Nancy: “What..?”
Laura Flipped over and Licked her way down Nancy's chest. Just as Nancy did, she nibbled on her tits for a minute before moving down her stomach and to her destination. Laura Licked up and down Nancy's pussy. She had done this before but it was different this time. She was forced to before but now she wanted to. Because of their positions, Nancy had Laura's pussy right in front of her face as Laura licked her pussy. Nancy stared. Laura really didn't ask her to but she couldn't help it. Nancy picked her head up, grabbed Laura's thighs and shoved her tongue up into Laura's pussy once again. Laura was busy herself. She had already figured out what she needed to know but she continued. She felt Nancy licking her all over again. She didn't tell her to but she must not have been able to help it. Laura had a brief thought go through her head. Nancy had told her that all she had to do is ask. Nancy not only DIDN'T ask, Laura never told her to. It was terrific......and curious. It felt good to have Nancy's tongue in her but Laura considered their relationship as friends. Nancy was always kind of “bitchy” and Laura always seemed to have to do whatever Nancy wanted.
Laura couldn't think anymore. She was getting wetter and wetter. Her juices were flowing down onto Nancy's face and Laura herself was tongue fucking Nancy at the same time. Soon they began to wiggle around so much that it was necessary for them to hold on to each other by the thighs. They were flopping around on the bed like two fish. Soon they were moaning and groaning but all that could be heard is a muffled moan. Each of their faces were buried in the other pussy.
A week ago, the two of them had attacked Niki for “being a lesbo” and now the two of them were doing a beautiful job of licking each other's pussies. Laura began to cum first. Nancy was better at this than Laura was. Laura didn't realize it but Nancy had always spent a lot of time fingering herself so she knew exactly what to do. Laura was not quite so familiar but before Laura was finished, Nancy began to cum.
It was all the two of them could do to hang on to each other. They were screaming into each other's pussies. Finally they finished cumming and Laura lay on top of Nancy for a few minutes before rolling off. They simply lay there and didn't say anything. They were both VERY tired. They had a long day and after their little experiment, they fell asleep immediately. Melissa and Niki gave them their privacy and Melissa was hoping that Nancy would be alright. The two of them went to bed also. The bear fallowed Niki and Melissa into their bedroom and lay down next to the bed.
It was early the next morning that Niki was awaken by a big crash!
Melissa (shouting): “That Mother-fucking bear! Why in the fucking hell is it ALWAYS laying in a doorway??!!! I am going to cut it's heart out some day!! FUCKING BEAR!”
Niki started laughing. If she didn't know better, she would think that the bear did it on purpose. Niki popped out of bed and ran into Nancy and Laura's room. Niki was in a great mood. She had made two new friends. A couple months ago, she had no one and now she had Melissa. Laura and Nancy were her friends but not like Melissa was. She was special.
Niki saw the two of them under the covers. She ran at the bed, did a perfect handspring and landed on top of the two women. Her landing was hard enough to get their attention but not hard enough to hurt them. Niki was a master at her “art”.
Laura: “What the hell??!”
Nancy: “ARRRG.........!”
Niki: “HI! Good Morning!!”
Niki pulled the covers down form their heads and began to giggle. She saw Laura's looking up at her but next to her was not Nancy's face. There, next to Laura's head was a pair of feet.
Niki: “You two have been naughty. You must be punished!”
Just as Laura was about to say something, Niki grabbed Nancy's feet tightly and began to tickle her. Nancy began to wiggle around and giggle. She was obviously ticklish. Laura looked at Niki. Niki was naked and having fun. It seemed that no one wore clothes around here. Nancy was wiggling around and trying to pull her feet away. Laura made a mental note; Nancy was VERY ticklish!
Nancy pulled the covers off her face and looked up. She got a perfect view of Niki ass and pussy. Niki's legs were spread out across both women. Nancy stopped her laughing for a second. Niki was beautiful but her feet got the best of her again and she was wiggling and laughing all over again.
Nancy (Laughing): “No...Please stop.....Stop!”
Niki: “What do you think, Laura? Do you want me to stop?”
Nancy: “Oh come on, stop. STOP!”
Laura (smiling): “I don't know....Let me think about it. What will you do for me if I have her stop, Nancy? Will you behave or are you going to be naughty?”
Nancy: “Please..Please stop! I'll behave! I Promise!”
Laura: “That's not good enough! What if I don't WANT you to behave? What if want yout o be naughty?”
Nancy: “I'll do whatever you want...PLEASE STOP!”
Niki winked at Laura and Laura winked back.
Laura: “You heard her, Niki. You are my witness.”
Niki: “Yup.”
Niki let go, jumped off the bed and ran off. Nancy was breathing heavy as she looked up at Laura. Laura was smiling down at her. Nancy lay there as if she was exhausted but soon recovered.
Nancy: “What was that all about?”
Laura: “I had no idea that you were that ticklish. Are you going to keep your promise?
Nancy: “I always WAS very ticklish. What promise?”
Laura: “You said you would behave or be naughty, whichever I wanted.”
Nancy turned red and said: “What do you want me to do?”
Laura smiled and said: “I will not hold you to it. You were being tickled and it wouldn't be fare. Lets go see what they're doing.”
Nancy: “Wait! What would you have me do?”
Laura looked at her. She was serious. Since they had found her she seemed to be getting closer to Laura.
Laura: “I will let you know but for now, I want you to be naked like everyone else while you are here.”
Nancy half smiled and said: “OK.”
Laura's request was pointless. Niki and Melissa were ALWAYS naked here and Laura and Nancy were naked anyway but Laura wanted to try something with the request. Nancy had changed since they found her.
As Nancy got up, she walked in front of Laura. Laura looked at her back. Nancy still had the ten dollar bill and “Cheep whore” on her back.
Laura: “Wait!”
Nancy: “Yes, Laura?”
Laura: Wait here and lay on the bed, face down. Don't move.”
Nancy looked at her funny. Her request was strange but Laura seemed sad and had a worried look on her face. Normally she would have questioned it but she waited on the bed. Laura came back with a couple of bottles and rags and told Nancy to lie on the bed on her stomach and be still. Nancy could see that Laura's attitude had just changed and that she was suddenly very sad.
Nancy: “What's wrong? Niki told me that they had a bandage on my back. It has been itching. Are you going to take it off?”
Laura began to tear up and said: “Yes. Lay still.”
Nancy: “OK, Laura.”
Laura looked at Nancy's back and went from crying to anger VERY fast. She gently began to apply fingernail polish remover to the ten dollar bill that was glued to Nancy's back. Fortunately the glue was not very strong and the fluid took it off without too much trouble. Nancy was not stupid and she recognized the smell.
Nancy: “Why are you using fingernail polish remover?”
Laura: “I will explain it when I am through. Please trust me.”
Nancy was silent and lay still. She knew that something was wrong and she hoped that Laura would tell her. She felt the wet rag rub back and forth along her back. It did not hurt and was cool but it DID smell. It gave off that tell-tail oder. Laura's hand went down along her lower back too. She was trying to rub off the writing too. It would eventually ware off on its own but Laura was trying to get as much off as possible. Nancy would never be able to go back to swimming with that on her back. Soon she was finished and Nancy began to question it all over again.
Laura: “Wait here and lay for a couple of minutes and let your back dry off. I will be right back.”
Nancy was concerned. Something was defiantly wrong but she waited. Laura left and went into the kitchen where Melissa and Niki were. They smiled and began to say something when they saw the look on Laura's face.
Melissa: “What's wrong?”
Laura: “I took the ten dollar bill off Nancy's back and got as much of that writing off as I could. I used fingernail Polish remover and it got most of it off but Nancy recognized the smell and has MANY questions. I don't know what to do. She has come so far> I don't want her to slip backwards into the way she was. Please help me.”
Melissa: “You like her. You enjoy her company?”
Laura (Blushing): “Yes.”
Niki ran up to Laura and gave her a big hug and ran off to talk to Nancy.
Laura looked at Melissa and asked: “What was that for? Where is she going?”
Melissa smiled and said: “Niki has her own way sometimes and even I don't totally understand it. I suspect that she is going to talk to Nancy.”
Laura got a frightened look on her face and began to leave when Melissa grabbed her tightly.
Melissa: “I'm sorry but please.....trust Niki. You have seen yourself how she does things. Please. Give her a chance. She might be the only one that CAN help. Trust her.”
Laura looked nervous but agreed. They went into the living room and Laura noticed that the bear was gone.
Laura: “Where's the bear?”
Melissa got an angry look on her face and said: “It comes and goes by itself. That fucking bear! If it keeps sleeping in doorways I am going to skin it and make a blanket out of its hide! I swear it trips me on purpose. The Bitch!!”
Laura smiled despite her concern for Nancy. These three were the strangest trio she had ever met but there was no denying how they all felt about each other.
Laura: “Why is the bear here?”
Melissa figured it would be good to keep Laura occupied until Niki could talk to Nancy. Melissa told Laura the entire story. Laura just sat there with a stupid look on her face. She would NEVER have believed it if she didn't see it for herself. Melissa told her that if she wanted more detail of Niki's initial meeting in the tool shed, she should ask Niki. They waited.
Nancy was laying on the bed when Niki walked in. As Niki came in, Nancy sat up and Niki sat down next to her.
Nancy: “What going on? Something is wrong.”
Niki: “We need to tell you something.”
Nancy: “What..?”
Nancy figured it was bad and she was getting scared but as she looked at Niki, it didn't seem so bad. Niki smiled that innocent and bright smile. She was obviously here to tell her something bad. Nancy began to cry. Niki let her cry as she told her.
Niki: “Those people that attacked you didn't just let you go. They did something else. Nothing permanent but extremely mean. It would be like someone beating you in a swimming race, tripping you and pushing you back into the pool and screaming to everyone that you were a big “loser”. It is not permanent but just plain mean.”
Nancy: “What....”
Niki told Nancy about the marks on her back. Nancy began to cry all over again. She fell into Niki's arms. She was finally putting all this behind her with the help of he friends here and now it started all over again. Nancy knew what Laura was doing, now. Nancy held onto Niki as if she was a life preserver and she was drowning. Niki was not a psychologist or even a close friend of Nancy but there was something in her touch that Nancy needed. Niki held on to her. As Nancy held her she cried harder. The thought of them attacking her like they did came rushing back. How could she have done that to her. At that point, Nancy convinced herself that she deserved this. She stopped crying and pushed Niki back. Niki looked into Nancy's eyes and knew that even though she stopped crying, something was not right.
Niki grabbed Nancy's hand and led her into the living room to Melissa and Laura. Laura smiled and Nancy sat down next to her. She didn't seem to be as upset as Laura thought. She was relieved. Niki looked at Melissa and Melissa knew right away that something was not right. Melissa made a pretense of making breakfast and her and Niki left the room.
Melissa: “What's wrong?”
Niki: “Something is still not right with her. I can't put my finger on it. At first she was VERY upset and then suddenly she stopped crying and was OK. That is not right.”
Melissa: “We will watch her. Maybe Laura can find out. Keep close to her, pet.”
Niki smiled, hugged Melissa and crept to the doorway to check on them. Suddenly Melissa and Niki heard the two of them scream! They ran into the living room and began to laugh. There was the bear sitting in front of them. It had just dropped a fresh but VERY dead fish at their feet. Melissa and Niki laughed as Nancy and Laura were sliding up the couch away from the bear. They were still not used to this wild animal having free access to the house.
Niki: “It looks like its FISH for breakfast! I hope your hungry.”
Laura & Nancy: “FISH.....FOR BREACKFAST??!!”
Niki: “It's either that or you two explain to her that you don't want her “gift”.”
Laura & Nancy: “FISH, it is!!! Let's eat!”
As they walked into the kitchen with the fish, Niki giggled. She heard Laura mumble, “YUK!” After they all ate, Melissa cleaned and nodded to Niki so the other two couldn't see. Niki got a sad look and went into the other room with Nancy and Laura but as she walked in, she saw Nancy crying her eyes out with her head on Laura's lap. Any other time, Laura would enjoy Nancy's head on her lap but not now. Niki gave Laura a sad smile and went back to Melissa. Niki told Melissa that it would be alright. Melissa smiled and told Niki to get back to the other room. She told her that her presents would be helpful. Niki looked a little confused but left.
Melissa watched Niki's ass as she left. It seemed like a lifetime since she had tasted it. At this moment she wanted to wear Niki's ass as a hat. Melissa began to get wet as she watched Niki but then she thought about the confused look on her face. Niki still had NO idea what kind of person that she really was. Melissa herself didn't really understand fully but she had a better idea than anyone else. Still, just when she thought she had Niki figured out, something weird would happen. Melissa DID know that Niki had the cutest ass she had ever seen. She got wet all over again. She reached down and began to rub her pussy.
Niki walked slowly into the other room. Nancy was still crying with her head on Laura's lap but it appeared that Nancy was slowly crying her self out and falling asleep. Laura looked up at Niki with tears in her eyes. Niki stared at them for a second and gave Laura a smile. This was not a sad smile. It was a smile that felt like a gentle breeze of fresh air. Niki looked at the bear lying on the floor. She walked over to it and lay down in its paws, closed her eyes and listened. She didn't want to interfere but she DID want to help if Nancy needed it.
Laura leaned her head back and closed her eyes as Nancy seemed to be falling asleep. Laura began to look at Nancy the same way that Melissa saw Niki. She had a nice lean body. It was perfectly proportioned and slightly muscular. She was not built like Niki or Melissa but she did have a beautiful body. Laura watched Nancy's chest rise and fall with a steady rhythm. She brushed the hair form her face and silently cursed the people that did this to her. Laura was normally a peaceful person but this made her angry. She sat there trying to figure out how to find these people. She told herself that she would NEVER give up looking for them. She got so angry but then looked back at Nancy. She needed her right now. She would be patient. Those people would get what was coming to them soon enough.
No one was really sleeping except Nancy. She was not tired but was mentally exhausted and in this cabin with her head in Laura's lap, she felt safe. She slept.
There was one other that slept. Soon the bear began to snore. Niki glanced at Laura and they both smiled. Laura had heard the entire story form Melissa about that bear. She STILL didn't understand but like Nancy, she felt safe with it nearby.
Niki got up a while later. She walked over to Nancy and kissed her on the forehead and went back to Melissa. Nancy smiled, look up at Niki walking away and looked at Laura staring down at her with a concerned look on her face.
Nancy: “I am OK. I just need to sleep for a while. Please stay.”
Laura: “I am not going anywhere. Rest.”
Laura leaned down and kissed Nancy on the forehead as Nancy fell back asleep. This was NOT the same person as the woman she knew three days ago.
Niki walked into the kitchen and saw Melissa sitting at the table rubbing own pussy. Niki smiled as Melissa pulled her hand quickly away. Melissa turned a little red even though Niki was her friend. It was the whole idea of getting caught.
Niki: “May I help? Please?”
Melissa: “You are sweet, pet. Yes, I think you should help. Get under the table right now or you will get a spanking.”
Niki, diving under the table: “Yes Melissa.”
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