Alone Together Part 15
Soon Nancy returned and sat down next to Laura but didn't say anything.
Niki: “Time to begin lesson number two. Nancy, get down on your knees like before and we'll begin.”
Nancy: “Yes, Niki.”
Niki: “Good. Your time starts, now. Lick and suck Laura as if you were starving to death. Remember, you have thirty minutes to make her cum three times. That is and easy goal but you are just learning for now.”
Nancy didn't hesitate. She shoved her face into Laura's pussy and stuck her tongue deep inside. She move her tongue out and licked around in circles. Niki leaned in to see how she was doing.
Niki: “Nancy, stick your tongue back in deep and use it to tongue fuck her.”
Nancy pulled away slightly and said, “Yes Niki.”
Nancy went back in and shoved her tongue into Laura's pussy and began to thrust it in and out while moving her mouth around her pussy lips. The effect was obvious. Laura leaned back and began to moan.
Niki: “That's good, Nancy but unless Laura tells you, NEVER pull away for ANY reason, even to answer question. Simply do what Laura tells you.”
Nancy: “Mfff....Miimmmm.”
Niki: “Excellent! You are doing fine. Keep going.”
Laura began to hump against Nancy. Laura grabbed Nancy's head and hung on. Nancy began to jerk around and try to pull away but Laura's grip was too tight. Niki reached around and pinch Nancy on the ass hard. Nancy jerked hard but couldn't pull away. Laura had too tight a grip on her head.
Niki: “Your doing very well, Nancy. I know it's hard to breathe but you MUST keep going. Never give up until Laura tells you.”
Soon, Laura stiffened up and let out a yell of pleasure! Laura leaned back and was breathing heavy. Nancy relaxed and took in a big breath but Niki pushed her head back quickly.
Niki: “You not finished, yet. Keep going, Nancy. Keep going. Your doing excellent! You have two more to go.”
Laura: “Niki would you please tease Nancy a little bit. Rub her with your hand but don't let her cum. That will encourage her a little bit.”
Niki: “Yes Laura.”
Nancy moved back in and started all over again. She jammed her tongue in and out of Laura's pussy. Laura moaned and spread her legs wide. Niki reached down and began to rub Nancy's pussy. It felt nice and wet.
Niki: “This is good, Nancy. Laura will be happy to know that you are wet form simply licking her. It tells her that you enjoy this as much as she does.”
Laura's moaning was getting louder. Nancy was beginning to moan into Laura's pussy. Niki was defiantly having an effect on her. Niki slipped her finger into Nancy's pussy and slowly fucked her with it. Nancy began to wiggle her ass around to try and get Niki's fingers in deeper.
Niki: “No No, Nancy. You don't get to cum unless Laura lets you. You are doing well. Keep it up. GO GIRL!”
Nancy let out a moan of disappointment but to her credit, she kept licking Laura's pussy and didn't give up. Niki smiled. She hadn't quite figured Nancy out yet. Neither Laura or Niki knew exactly what she wanted form Laura. Niki still wasn't sure. Niki normally had incredibly accurate instincts about this but she wasn't sure. Laura still might be disappointed. Nancy would always be her friend but she might not be a “close” friend.
As Niki was thinking about all of this, suddenly Laura let out a yell. She leaned her head back, grabbed the couch cushion and pulled with all her strength.
Nancy pulled away slightly and took in a couple of deep breaths as Laura began to calm down. Nancy was still moaning a little and wiggling her ass against Niki's hand but suddenly Niki stopped. She reached up and pulled Nancy's hair form her face and stroked her cheek.
Niki: “Your almost finished with your lessons. There is one more thing you need to learn. Get your face back into Laura's pussy and keep licking. I will tell you one last thing to do.”
Nancy: “Wes ...Icki...”
Niki smiled. Nancy's mouth and tongue were obviously getting tired. She would improve in time. Nancy was a little slow to start again so Niki gently pushed her face back into Laura's pussy. Nancy slowly started again but didn't complain. Niki knew this was a good sign but she was still skeptical. Laura was all sweaty and leaning back. She was climbing back up Nancy's mountain of pleasure.
Niki: “Now, Nancy, there is one last thing I will teach you. You must always keep licking until Laura says to stop but now you are going to do one more thing. I want you to reach up and squeeze Laura's tits while you are licking.”
Nancy reached up. At first she couldn't seem to find them and when she did she briefly pulled away but Niki didn't say anything. She was trying and quickly got back to work.”
Niki: “That's good, Nancy. Now I want you to gently squeeze her nipples while you are moving your hands around her tits. You know what will pleasure her. You have surely done it to yourself. Keep licking and playing with her tits. That's good. Keep it up.”
Nancy soon got into a certain rhythm and Laura was enjoying every second. With Nancy playing with her tits, Laura came within a minute. Just like the first time, Laura grabbed Nancy's head and pulled her tight into her pussy. Niki was still playing with Nancy's pussy.
Nancy was obviously tired and having trouble breathing but she didn't give up. Finally Laura pushed Nancy's head away and leaned back. At first Nancy stopped and looked up but went back to licking Laura. She had remembered to not stop until Laura told her too. Niki smiled.
Just as Nancy was reaching back up to touch Laura's tits, Laura told her to stop.
Laura: “You may stop now Nancy.”
Laura obviously wanted to say more but she couldn't. She lay back, breathing heavy. Nancy sat back and was catching her breath. Niki leaned forward and kissed Nancy on the cheek.
Niki: “You did well, Nancy. This is the basics but I can teach you more if Laura wants me to. Don't worry. You tongue will feel better in a minute or two.”
Nancy was rubbing her mouth. Her mouth and tongue were both tired and aching. Niki knew the feeling. It would pass quickly. Nancy looked up at Niki with a blank expression before talking.
Nancy: “You are doing what Laura wants, now?? I don't understand.”
Niki leaned down and kissed Nancy briefly on the mouth and smiled at her.
Niki: “I am doing what Melissa told me to. She told me to teach you. I need to do what Laura tells me in order to do what Melissa wants. Melissa always has the final “say” about what I am suppose to do.”
Nancy looked at Niki with a confused look on her face and said: “So you would lick Laura if she wanted you to??”
Niki: “I would but only as a lesson to you. If Laura simply wanted me to pleasure her, I wouldn't unless Melissa said it was “OK”. I would only do it to teach you.”
Nancy: “Couldn't you do it and pretend to teach?”
Niki: “No. I would know the difference. It would be betraying Melissa's trust in me. I will never do that. Melissa is my friend. She is my friend.”
Nancy smiled a little. Niki smiled back. It was obvious that Nancy was struggling with the whole idea but was at least slowly understanding even though Niki was not sure what Nancy was going to do.
Nancy sat on the floor with her knees up and her head resting on her arms and knees. Her head was down and both Laura and Niki saw she was beginning to cry again. Niki scowled at Laura and nodded her head in Nancy's direction. It was obvious that Niki wanted Laura to do something but Laura was almost as confused as Nancy was. Niki saw Laura's confused look. Niki got an angry look on her face and pointed silently at Nancy. Laura slipped down to the floor and sat next to Nancy. Niki left the room when she saw that Laura was at least trying to do something. What Laura didn't know was that Niki was listening around the corner. She was not simply being nosy. She wanted to make sure Nancy would be OK.
Laura sat next to Nancy, reached out and touched her cheek. Nancy turned and put her arms around Laura, crying.
Nancy: “Is this my life now? Am I to be a slave to you? How is this different than those men?”
When Nancy mentioned those men, she began to cry like a little kid and pulled away from Laura. Tears were coming down Laura's face. Laura reached out and touched Nancy's face again. This time she flinched. This is not what Laura wanted. She was losing her again.
Laura: “Please, Nancy....Please don't go. You are and never will be a slave to anyone, including me. Please. You are my friend.”
There was that word again. Normally it didn't mean that much but here in this quiet little place where all the rules where different, it meant a lot! When Nancy looked up at Laura, Laura reached out and hugged her tightly and didn't let go. Laura suddenly understood Melissa and Niki. She didn't know if that was right for her and Nancy but it made things clearer for her. It was not something that you can describe. Now Laura knew why Niki couldn't explain it to her.
Laura: “I can not make you stay and I will take you home if you wish to. I will always be your friend on the outside even if you hate me. If you ever need anything, please let me help. Let me help.”
Nancy knew what she meant. A friend “on the outside”. It was different. There was also a new one; “let me help”. That meant more to Nancy than anything, even over the words “I love you”.
Author's note: Sorry about the Star Trek reference but I believe it's true.
Laura: “Please do me one last favor. Please?”
Nancy: “Now what do you want?! If I must then I will. You seem to be my ride home. What do you want from me now??!”
Laura's tears turned into crying. Never mind. I will take you home. Laura let Nancy go and went into the kitchen.
Nancy crept over to the kitchen and hid around the door and listened. She didn't know what to make of Laura. She was pretty but she was erratic. She could be mean and then kind. She used to be her friend but she had changed.
Niki went along with Laura. She knew she had failed. Even Niki was unsure at this point. She watched, waited and hoped. Niki was afraid.
Laura: “Melissa, please take Nancy home. It is what she wants.
Melissa: "I will if that's what she wants. She's very pretty. Are you sure that's what you want?"
Laura (still crying) yelled: "That's not what I fucking want!!! Nancy is and always will be my friend! I want her to stay with me! I will still help her if she'll let me. What happened to her was my fault! I NEVER wanted to hurt her and keeping her here is wrong. I pray she'll be OK. I wish she stay with me but now that will never be!"
Laura collapsed on the floor and sat against the wall and cried. Niki began to walk toward her but Melissa quickly grabbed her arm and held tightly. Niki looked at Melissa but she just looked at her and shook her head "no". Niki trusted Melissa. She looked Melissa and smiled a sad smile. They both waited.
They didn’t have long to wait. Nancy came slowly around the corner. Melissa let out a sigh and Niki knew right away what was going on. She was angry with herself for not knowing and for handlings things so badly. Niki had assumed too much earlier.
Nancy simply stood there. She looked at Niki and Melissa for a few seconds and then turned and faced Laura.
Nancy: "I heard what you just said. Why would you want to help me with anything? It WAS your fault. Do you feel guilty? Is that it?" I will ask you again; Why do you want to help me so badly??"
Laura: "…………I…”
Niki pulled herself free form Melissa, gave her a dirty look which she knew that she would pay for later but this was more important. Niki had one last “card” up her sleeve. A football fan would have called it a “hale-marry”.
Niki: “TELL HER! ANSWER HER, LAURA! Tell her why you want to help her!”
Laura looked up with tear filled eyes at Niki and then at Nancy. Nancy was looking down at her with a sadness that went deep. Laura saw it in her eyes.
Niki: “TELL HER!”
Laura glanced at Niki. No one ever saw her yell at anyone. Even Melissa was shocked but kept her distance.
Laura looked back at Nancy and simply said, “She's my friend.”
Nancy looked down at her sitting on the floor. Nancy suddenly realized that Laura had not changed that much at all. Laura was simply as new to this as she was. She had know Laura for a long time and knew that as confused as she was she was sincere. Nancy simply looked back and forth at the three of them stupidly.
Melissa was like a mother looking at her child with his hand in the cookie jar. It was obvious that she was not happy with her (Nancy). Niki look at her as if she was her sister that just broke her favorite toy. Laura simply had her head in her arms and was softly crying.
Nancy found herself looking at Laura and soon she simply stared at her. Nancy's eyes moved up and down Laura's body. Like everyone in this little backwards place in the middle of nowhere, Laura was in great shape. Her legs where perfect. The muscles in her arms were well toned. Her breasts were not overly large and yet not too small. They DID feel nice. Nancy could see part of her tiny little ass. Nancy felt used before when Niki was showing her how to lick Laura but looking back now, it wasn't so bad. She DID enjoy watching Laura sweat, shake and shudder and it felt good to know that she was the cause. A couple of weeks ago, this whole adventure out here would have made her sick and would have been like being locked up in a womens prison. Nancy found herself taking a step sideways to get a better look at Laura's pussy. She just had her face in it and she felt she was being forced but looking back now.......it felt good. This and more were going through her head as she stared at Laura, sitting on the floor and crying.
Melissa looked at Niki. She was staring at Nancy and Laura with the most intent look on her face. Melissa had never seen her like this. Melissa decided that she would have a few words with her later but for now this whole situation was like a crystal glass hanging on the edge of a table. Any movement would send it to the floor in pieces. Niki always knew what she was doing in these situations. She waited silently.
Melissa watched when suddenly Niki did something that could only be called stupid! Niki walked up to Nancy and kicked her in the ass. Melissa flinched.
Niki: “WELL....!!!????”
Nancy: “Huh?.......What..?”
Nancy was staring at Laura so hard that she forgot about Niki and Melissa.
Niki: “Let go of your hate and do what your heart tells you!”
Nancy looked stupidly at Niki and then back to Laura and realized that she was the cause of her friend's pain. …...............her friend................there was that word again............................
Then Nancy felt another kick in the ass but this one was much harder. There was Niki glaring at her.
Niki: “DO IT!”
Melissa was shaking her head. This whole thing was ridiculous. She decided that this was going to stop. She took a step forward but Niki was watching her too. Niki quickly and silently stepped over to Melissa and placed her hand on Melissa's chest and gave her a look of anger. Melissa stopped and remained silent. Niki was an amazing woman but this was weird, even for Niki. Melissa smiled. It might be amusing to punish Niki for this. Melissa would never hurt her but still...........
Nancy wasn't sure if she wanted to stay in this weird place but she certainly didn't want to cause her friend any pain. Nancy reached down and put her hand on Laura's shoulder. Laura didn't respond. Nancy sat down next to Laura, leaned over and kissed her on the top of her head. Tears were running down Laura's cheeks as she looked at Nancy.
Laura: “I'm sorry, Nancy. I will make sure you get home. It's getting late but we will leave first thing in the morning. I'm sorry.”
Nancy gently grabbed her head and kissed her on the mouth quickly. Laura looked at her curiously but didn't change.
Nancy: “Laura, I'm sorry. I want to stay. If you'll still have me, I still need your help. It is obvious by now that need guidance. You are my friend.”
There was that word again. Laura grabbed Nancy in a tight hug and didn't let go. Nancy was her friend. Niki let out a sigh and looked at Melissa. Melissa stared at Laura and Nancy for a second and then looked at Niki. Niki had a look of relief on her face. Melissa understood that she took a big chance but it worked. Melissa stared at Niki and smiled. She would never figure this pretty little woman out and she was proud to have her as her friend. She still needed to be punished. Melissa smiled again and Niki simply flinched. Niki knew it too. She figured that she will be punished anyway so she smiled ran toward Laura and Nancy. Niki was very fast and much more agile than the three other women. Niki reached down between Laura and Nancy, shoved her hands between them and pinched their nipples as hard as she could. She giggled and ran. Niki yelled as she ran out of the room.
Niki: “TAG! YOUR “IT”!!!!!!”
Laura: “OWE!!!.............HEY!”
Nancy: “OUCH! WHAT THE...............!!!!!!”
Melissa shook her head and said to the two women: “I am going to punish her a little anyway and this little stunt will make it even worse for her. Would you two like to help?”
Laura: “I think I would. How about you, Nancy?”
Nancy gave into Laura as before but now it was different. Laura was her friend and Nancy wanted her close to her. Things had started all over again but this time Nancy knew the truth. Laura was truly her friend.
Nancy: “I will do it if you think that I should”
Laura: “I think that it would be better if you just watch. We will both learn that way.”
Nancy: “OK.................Yes Laura.”
Laura smiled and kissed Nancy.
Melissa: “Come ladies. Let's go find our little prankster.”
The three of them walked into the other room but Niki was not there.
Melissa: “It looks like we are playing “hide & seek.”
Melissa put her finger up to her mouth and then said out loud: “You two look in here and I'll look in the bedroom.”
Melissa winked and went out the back door. Laura and Nancy looked at each other and began to search around. Suddenly there was some noise and yelling form the front porch. Laura and Nancy looked up just as Melissa came walking in the door with Niki over her shoulder.
Niki: “Hey! Put me down! That's not fair!”
Melissa: “Shush my little trouble maker. We have some plans for you.”
Niki: “What plans? Put me down.”
Melissa: “I will put you down, pet but you will stay right here. Is that clear?”
Niki looked like a little kid in trouble.
Niki: “Yes Melissa.”
Nancy watched as Melissa put Niki down. Niki just stood there as she was told to but she didn't stay quiet.
Niki: “Melissa, What did I do wrong? I was just playing. I only wanted to help Nancy and Laura.”
Melissa: “Shhhhh, my pet and fallow me.”
Melissa walked into the bedroom and told Niki to lay down and spread her arms and legs. Melissa made sure the bear was not there. It would never understand and Melissa didn't want any trouble with it. As Melissa tied Niki's arms and legs, Nancy and Laura just watched. It was a strange site. Niki obviously didn't want to be tied down but she lay quietly and let Melissa tie her up.
Laura understood a little bit but Nancy was baffled. What did Niki do to deserve this? Was this her own fate? Was she to be controlled this much? Nancy didn't want to be controlled. She wanted Laura to help her and guide her.....and be her friend.
Finally Melissa was finished. Niki was securely tied to the bed in a spread eagle position. She was fairly comfortable. The ropes were secure but not too tight. They all saw Niki pull and struggle a little but lay there quietly and wait. She was not afraid. Melissa had her full trust. Melissa was her friend. Laura smiled. The more she hung around with Melissa and Niki, the more she was beginning to understand. Nancy however, was completely baffled and Laura could see a little anger on her face.
Laura reached over and held Nancy's hand. Nancy didn't pull away but the look she gave Laura was a look of anger. Niki did nothing to deserve this. Laura whispered in Nancy's ear so no one could hear.
Laura: “Be patient Nancy and watch. Melissa and Niki are friends.”
Nancy's look softened a little. Laura was her friend and promised to guide her. She would do as Laura said and be patient and wait. She has seen Melissa and Niki together and when she thought back, neither woman had ever hurt the other. Laura smiled at Nancy as she saw the confusion on her face.
Melissa: “Now, my pet, do you know why you are tied up like this?”
Niki (respectfully): “No Melissa, I don't. Please let me go. I was only trying to help. I meant no harm by pinching them and running. I was only playing.”
Melissa: “Shhh, pet. Be silent.”
Niki nodded and didn't even respond, “Yes Melissa”. Nancy made a mental note of that. She was new to this kind of thing and she was learning. She was determined to let Laura guide her. She had been a real bitch and wanted to learn to be a better person. She would do as Laura told her. Everyone had always liked Laura. Nancy was learning already.
Melissa: “Laura, do you know what Niki did wrong? You were not watching that closely but I need to ask. Do you know?”
Laura: “No, Melissa.”
Melissa smiled and said: “You do not have to answer me like Niki does. You are a guest here and you and I are not a couple like Niki and I are.”
Laura: “OK, but I don't know why she is tied up like this.”
Nancy: “What did she do wrong? I don't understand.”
Laura: “Be quiet, Nancy. Just watch.”
Nancy: “Ye........”
Nancy began to answer her and then remembered that she was told to be quiet. She looked at Laura and Laura just smiled and said: “You are cute when you afraid, Nancy. Now just watch and do what you are told.” Nancy just looked back at Niki and watched. She had many questions but remained silent.
Melissa: “Let me explain. Laura, you and Nancy were almost at the point of no return. I was thinking that it would be a good idea to let the two of you cool down a little and then try and help you. You two are meant for each other and I wanted to make you realize it. Niki jumped in and took a HUGE short cut and almost lost you two. Niki has a special gift and I had no choice at the time but to trust her. It worked but she defied me and she must be punished."
Laura: "............But she helped us. I was desperate not to lose Nancy."
Nancy leaned over and kissed Laura. She felt safe. She was told to be quiet and was. She had been watching Niki and was learning. Laura smiled but kept watching Melissa. BOTH women were staring at Niki. She was a beautiful woman and even more so, now. She was laying there spread eagle and helpless. Her blond hair was natural. Her pussy was full and lush with blond hair also.
Nancy stared at Niki and for the first time she felt an enormous wave of guilt and desire as she stared at Niki. She almost destroyed this beautiful woman and now was a chance to make up for it. Nancy grabbed Laura’s arm and gave it a little pull. Laura just stared at Niki as Nancy gave her arm a stronger tug. Laura looked at Nancy and saw her pointing at Niki and then at her mouth.
Laura: “What is it, Nancy?”
Nancy: “This is my chance to repay Niki for what she has done for us and to make up for what I did to her.”
Laura: “What are you talking about?”
Nancy looked at Melissa and said: “Please let me take Niki’s punishment in her place. She has helped us more than I can say. Please? I owe it to her.”
Melissa: “That is up to Laura, not me.”
Nancy turned to Laura and said: “Please Laura? Please? I owe it to her.”
As Laura looked at Niki, she saw Niki shaking her head “NO” as she lay there silently. Laura looked back at Nancy and saw a look of desperation on her face.
Laura: “IS this truly what you want, Nancy? It will probably be painful and unpleasant. I have no idea what Melissa is doing.”
Nancy: “Yes. This is what I want. Please?”
Laura: “It is fine with me. Melissa, is that “OK”? You are punishing Niki for something and I would never interfere with that.”
Melissa: “It is not only fine but I think its wonderful idea. Don't you, pet?”
Niki was violently shaking her head “NO” but Nancy still wanted to save Niki from this punishment.
Melissa: “Laura, the final word is yours. Is this what you want?”
Laura made a mental note that Melissa asked if it was what “she” wanted and not what Nancy wanted. These were Laura's decisions and NOT Nancy's.
Laura: “Nancy, If I let you do this, you will owe me a favor. Is that OK with you?”
Nancy: “Yes Laura.”
Laura: “Go ahead. Melissa. Give Niki's punishment to Nancy.”
Melissa tied Nancy's hands behind her back. It was secure but not uncomfortable. Melissa took out two small items from the desk drawer. They were small clips of some kind. She went over to Nancy and paused for a second.
Melissa: “............With your permission, Laura.............”
Laura: “By all means, go ahead, Melissa. I think that maybe I am being to nice to you, Nancy. The whole idea of our relationship is for me to guide you and not for you to do whatever you want.”
Melissa reached down and began to rub Nancy's pussy. As she was getting wet, Melissa shoved her fingers up her pussy. Nancy's nipples were sticking out now also. Melissa removed her hand form her pussy, reached up and began to gently pinch and pull on Nancy's nipples. Soon they were hard and sticking out nicely. Melissa took the two small items, which everyone now saw were two clamps of some kind. As Melissa pulled out on Nancy's nipples, she clamped each one on. The effect was dramatic. Nancy doubled over and it was obvious that she was pulling on the ties that held her arms.
Melissa glanced at Laura.
Laura very sternly said to Nancy: “YOU BEGGED FOR THIS! NOW BE QUIET!”
Melissa: “Ladies, these clamps are for Niki not listening to me when I wanted her to wait.”
Melissa then took two small weights and attached each one to a clamp. They were not too heavy but they were defiantly doing their job. Nancy was wincing, crying and wiggling around but remained silent. Melissa winked at Laura. They both noticed that the more Nancy wiggled around the worse the pain was. Laura just watched. She was trying to learn.
Laura decided to have a little fun. She reached around and began to rub Nancy's pussy. She was already wet and Laura slid her fingers up inside Nancy as far as they would go. Nancy doubled over. She kept humping against Laura's hand but when she did, the pain form the clamps got worse as the weights would swing and pull on her already sore nipples.
Melissa: “Now here is what we are going to do, ladies. Nancy, you will go and sit on Niki's face and she will make you cum two times. This is Niki's way of apologizing to Nancy for taking such a big risk at your expense without consulting me first.
Before you begin to think on your own, let me explain something to you two. Niki, if you don't make her cum, the punishment that I inflict on her instead of you will get worse. Nancy, if you refuse, I will punish BOTH of you even worse. Is that clear to you two?”
Nancy and Niki both nodded their heads. Nancy was tearing up. It was obvious to everyone that she was in a lot of pain. Niki was tearing up too. It hurt her to know that she was the cause of someone else's pain.
Melissa winked at Laura and smiled. Nancy looked at Niki and gave her a little smile. She was trying to make Niki realize that she wanted this and didn't want Niki to bare the pain. It didn't make Niki feel any better. One of the worst things that Niki could ever feel was that she was causing someone else's pain. To Niki, this was the worst situation for both of them but she was not allowed to say anything. She could only lay there and hope Nancy would be alright and not be angry with her. Nancy's pain was obvious.
Melissa: “Let's go, ladies. The sooner you get started, the sooner it will all be over.”
Nancy crawled up onto the bed and straddled Niki's face. She was trying to be gentle but the pain on her nipples was incredible. Nancy jammed her pussy into Niki's face and Niki got busy right away. They both were desperate to finish this.
Niki jammed her tongue up Nancy's pussy. Nancy was still in pain but now a wave of pleasure combined itself with the pain. Nancy wanted it to quit and to continue at the same time. If her mind was working right and she was not being controlled by her own lust, she would have been confused but at this point she simply began to hump and rub Niki's face. Niki was VERY good at licking pussy. Melissa had taught her well.
Niki on the other hand was trying to make Nancy cum as quickly as possible. She was having a little trouble breathing but there was nothing she could do about it. She kept tongue fucking Nancy and sucking on her pussy. Nancy began to moan and make unintelligible noises.
Laura: “Melissa, I think they are enjoying this. I thought that this might be too much but now I believe that this is good for them.”
Melissa: “I think so too, Laura. Look at them. Let's have a little more fun with them.”
Melissa began to finger fuck Niki. Her nice and tight blond pussy was very wet. Melissa shoved her fingers in and out as she used her thumb to squeeze her clit. Niki began to wiggle her hips around and was moaning under Nancy's pussy. Now both women were humping and moaning. Soon Nancy let out a yell of pleasure and jammed her pussy onto Niki's face. Laura and Melissa saw Nancy's juice flowing down Niki face as Nancy kept cumming.
Just as Niki was getting close, Melissa pulled her hand away. Niki let out a yell of frustration and Nancy began to cum a second time within a minute of the first orgasm. Nancy let out a loud yell of pleasure. As Niki began to calm down, Melissa started again. She shoved her fingers up Niki's pussy and began to finger fuck her again.
Laura was watching intently. She was getting horny too. She began to rub her own pussy as she watched. Melissa was horny too but kept the little show going as she noticed Laura rubbing herself.
Melissa reached over and pulled on Nancy's nipple clamps. She let out a yell of pain but it was enough to pull her off Niki's face. Nancy rolled off Niki and lay along side of her as Niki began to take quick deep breaths.
Melissa: “Laura, I would like Niki to apologize to you too. It is you choice however. I will think of another way for her to make it up to you. She is very good, though!”
Laura: “Nancy, go sit in the corner, watch and stay quiet.”
Nancy walked over and sat down in the corner. The pain was getting less. Her nipples were getting numb. She watched with fear in her eyes. The pain would return but be even worse when they took the clamps off.
Laura began to climb onto the bed when Melissa interrupted her.
Melissa: “Laura, I know it sounds strange but with your hands tied, it is much better. Both Niki and I have done it tied and free handed. It is much better tied but it is up to you. I would never try and tell you what to do.”
Laura was as horny as Nancy was and said: “OK. I’ll take your word for it. Go ahead and tie my hands up.”
Laura was very trusting. Melissa tied her hands behind her back like she did Nancy. Melissa looked at Nancy and smiled. She was horny and still in a pain even though her nipples were becoming numb.
With her hands tied behind her back, Laura climbed up on the bed and put her pussy right on Niki’s mouth. Laura was already horny but when Niki shoved her tongue into her pussy, Laura quickly got lost in her own lust, just like Nancy did.
Melissa: “Laura, I was going to take the clamps off Niki's nipples right now but if you want them on, yet, it's up to you.”
Laura was rubbing and rocking on Niki's tongue. She was truly the best at this. Laura was thinking to herself that Nancy MUST learn to be this good! She heard Melissa saying something.....something about the clamps.....off....
Laura: “OH GOD!.....What? Clamps? What.............OH GOD! HARDER!”
Niki's was tongue fucking Laura like a pro. About two minutes later, Laura was yelling with pleasure. She was putting almost all of her weight on Niki's face. Niki was wiggling and squirming around. Melissa had begun to finger fuck Niki again. Nancy was in the corner watching. The pain was lessening and she was getting wet again. She was dripping onto the floor. Melissa was having fun. She would get her rewards later. She had these three women humping and lost in their lust. Laura and Nancy were technically not hers to control and she didn't want to hurt them but seeing them all humping because of her wishes made her the horniest that she has ever been.
Nancy began to rub her thighs together. If her hands were not tied, she would have her fingers up her own pussy. Suddenly Laura let out another yell of pleasure. Her entire body stiffened up and she had all of her weight on Niki's face. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell over in a pile of sweat. Niki pulled in a HUGE breath of air. She had almost passed out and her tongue was getting tired. When Laura caught her breath, Melissa spoke to her again.
Melissa: “Laura, I was going to take Niki's clamps off now but it is up to you if you want Nancy to wear them longer.”
Laura was still breathing heavy and said: “What? Oh. OK. Nancy, you can take the clamps off, now.”
Nancy looked at Laura and then at Melissa. She did not have permission to speak, yet and she now had a taste of what kind of punishments there was.
Melissa: “Laura, her hands are tied and you haven't told her that she could speak, yet.”
Laura: “OH......Yea. Melissa could you please take them off her for me?”
Melissa smiled and said: “Sure but I need one little favor form you, then.”
Laura was calming down and thought that it couldn't be much and she was indebted to Niki and Melissa anyway so she simply said: “Sure. No problem.”
Melissa smiled as she went over to Nancy and took the clamps off. About five seconds later, Nancy let out a yell of pain and fell over and curled up in a ball. The effects of the clamps were starting all over again with the blood circulation returning.
After Nancy stopped yelling and Laura was calmed down, Melissa said: “Laura, I need that favor now, if it's OK?”
Laura: “Sure. What can I do for you?”
Melissa: “I need you and Nancy to properly thank Niki for helping you two earlier. She disobeyed me and has paid for it but now I would like her to know how much she is appreciated.”
Laura looked at Nancy and Niki and said: “What do you want us to do?”
The three of them were a little confused and glanced at each other as Melissa explained.
Melissa: “I would like the two of you to pleasure Niki. I would like her to know that you appreciated what she did for you. I would like you to lick her pussy until you have thanked her properly.”
Laura: “I would love to. I have looking at Niki since we got here. I have been wondering what she tastes like. You were right. Having my hands tied made things MUCH better! Would you please untie me so I can see what Niki tastes like?”
Laura stared at Niki’s wet blond pussy. She kept thinking, what does that blond pussy taste like?
Melissa: “I will but you must see what licking pussy feels like when your hands are tied. It makes that much better too. Please, try it.”
Laura: “OK.”
Laura wiggled over to Niki’s pussy and shoved her face in it. She was trying to be as good as Niki even though she knew she wasn’t. Her efforts did not go unnoticed. Melissa and Niki both saw how enthusiastic she was. Laura was tongue fucking Niki the best that she could with her hands tied. It took a lot of effort to lick and suck without moving away.
Melissa was getting so horny watching these three women all tied up and doing what she wanted. They were doing as they were told and yet thinking it was their own idea. It took a little effort to not finger herself. She had another idea.
Laura was working hard. She was unskilled but would learn. Melissa moved over and lowered her hand down and began to rub Laura's pussy. It was already dripping wet. Melissa was wondering if having her hands tied had anything to do with it.
She glanced over at Nancy. Nancy was still sitting in the corner as she was told but she was squirming around and trying to rub her thighs together. She was also dripping wet but could do nothing about it until Laura let her. She couldn't even beg. She was told to remain silent even though she was desperate to say something. Nancy had assumed that punishment meant pain. Nancy was Laura's responsibility and would decide what “punishment” meant for her. All Nancy could do is watch and slowly go crazy with lust.
Laura's on the other had was doing well for Niki and Melissa was having fun teasing her. As Melissa would shove her fingers into Laura's pussy, Laura would push back. As Laura pushed back, Melissa would pull her hand back. Laura was trying desperately to hump Melissa's fingers in to her pussy deeper but couldn't. Because Laura was humping so hard she was ramming her face into Niki's pussy. Niki was also wiggling around and trying to hump against Laura. Melissa was having fun. She lowered her other hand down and began to rub her own pussy. She couldn't wait any longer. This whole scene was ripe with lust.
Melissa was watching Niki carefully. She wanted to get the timing perfect. Just as Niki began to cum, Melissa rammed her fingers into Laura's pussy and her own hard and fast! The three of them let out a yell of satisfaction that could be heard a mile away. The entire event was dependent on Laura. As she stopped, Melissa stopped. IF she kept going, Melissa kept going. Poor Nancy could only squirm in frustration but Melissa couldn't do anything with out Laura's permission. Laura finally gave out and collapsed on the bed with her face leaning against Niki's pussy. Her hair was all matted down with pussy juice and her face was full of it too. Melissa was almost jealous. She knew what Niki tasted like. She made a silent promise to herself to not let anyone else lick Niki anymore. Niki's pussy was hers.
Laura wiggled up and looked at Melissa. Melissa giggled. Laura's hair was sticking all over her face with pussy juice. Melissa held her fingers out to Laura.
Melissa: “Would you like to know what your own pussy taste's like? We all do anyway, except maybe Nancy over there. It is something that you should know.”
Laura nodded and licked Melissa's hand clean. Melissa smiled as she watch Laura. Poor Nancy was horny as hell, wiggling around but could still do nothing. Soon Melissa's hand was clean and dry. Niki simply lay there breathing heavy with her eyes closed. Melissa was proud of her. Melissa knew that she was the luckiest person on earth to have Niki. She was sorry to put Niki through all this and she was having second thoughts about keeping Laura and Nancy around. Niki was special to her. Melissa thought more about it. This was somehow wrong on some level. Melissa knew that in time, Laura and Nancy would stay but something was not right……………….
Laura: “You were right. In some way it does seem better with my hands tied. I will have to experiment with Nancy about all of this. Would you please untie me now?”
Melissa gave it serious thought but decided for now it would be better to untie her. She reached down and undid Laura's ties. Then Melissa untied Niki. Niki looked up at Melissa and smiled. Melissa pulled her up into a tight, long hug.
Melissa (whispering to Niki): “I am so proud of you, my pet. I will explain everything later. Please be patient with me.”
Niki (Whispering): “There is no need for you to explain anything. I trust you completely. You are my friend.”
Melissa began to cry a little. She WAS truly the luckiest person on the planet. She lowered Niki down and covered her up with the blanket and whispered to her to get some rest. Niki smiled as she curled up in the blanket.
Melissa quietly led Laura and Nancy out of the room to let Niki rest. Just as they opened the door, the bear came walking in and went up to the bed and lay down on the floor next to Niki”s bed. Laura and Nancy saw the most amazing thing. Niki crawled out of bed and curled up in the bears “arms”. The bear seemed to hold Niki gently in its paws and rested as Niki fell asleep.
Laura: “I have NEVER seen anything like that. That bear is wild??”
Melissa: “Yes. It is wild. It is totally devoted to Niki. It tolerates the rest of us. Even I could never openly hurt Niki with that bear around. I don't know what it would do but the last two people that hurt her got several of their body parts scattered all over this cabin.”
Laura just stared for a second then left the room with the others. Melissa giggled. Poor Nancy was still tied up and her pussy juice was running down her thighs. Laura was new to this and had apparently forgotten about her and Nancy was trying NOT to say anything. Melissa knew that soon she wouldn't be able to hold out any longer. She was also new at this.
Nancy: “Laura, Please untie me. Please?”
Laura looked at Nancy and said: “Oh my god! I'm sorry Nancy. I had forgotten all about you!”
Laura untied Nancy and didn't seem to mind that Nancy spoke without permission. Melissa knew they would work things out eventually. At this point they seemed to be inseparable. They were getting closer all the time. Melissa watched them carefully. Quite often they would be staring at each other with desire in their eyes. Melissa smiled.
Nancy reached down and began to rub her own pussy. She was horny beyond control. She plopped down on the floor and shoved her fingers into her own pussy and started to finger fuck herself. Laura looked at her and then at Melissa. She was not sure how to handle it. This was partly her own fault for forgetting about her, yet Nancy didn't get permission. Melissa saw her confusion.
Melissa: “It is totally up to you, Laura. She is technically disobeying you but you are partly at fault too. She must learn that you forgetting will never be an issue and is never an excuse to disobey. It is up to you, though. Niki and I have a special relationship that as you know, I cannot explain it, myself. You must do as you see fit for you and Nancy. Do not try to imitate Niki and myself.”
Laura: “Thank you. That doesn't help much but thank you.”
Both Laura and Melissa laughed a little.
Laura: “Nancy, stop for now. You will get your chance soon. I promise.”
Nancy: “Please, Laura....Please?”
Laura: “You will get your chance soon, I said. Now is NOT the time and don't argue with me!”
Nancy stopped and said: “Yes Laura.”
Melissa and Laura saw how horny she was. Nancy still had juice running out of her pussy but she still obeyed Laura. Nancy got up and sat on a chair and waited.
Nancy: “Laura, May I please make us some dinner?”
Laura: “Yes. Thank you, Nancy.”
Nancy left and Melissa and Laura were alone.
Melissa: “She seemed happy. Does she like to cook?”
Laura: “Yes, she does. She is actually a very good cook. Besides, it will take her mind off her little problem.”
Melissa: “What do you think about being tied up like that? Niki and I have not tried it that much and I was wondering what you thought.”
Laura: “I think you are right. It certainly DOES make it much better. Seeing Nancy squirming around while tied up made me so damn horny and having myself tied made cumming so much better.”
Melissa: “So you wouldn't mind being tied up once in a while?”
Laura: “Not at all. It is a wonderful sensation. You should try it too.”
Melissa Looked at Laura and lied: “Niki and I both have tried it. It is different.”
In truth, Melissa had not tried it and no desire to try it. She had tied Niki up a couple of times but somehow it was not the same. Melissa had already decided that being tied up was not for her and Niki but she wanted Laura and Nancy to get “hooked” on it. Melissa DID enjoy seeing them tied up. Laura already seemed to listen to Melissa and Nancy simply did whatever Laura told her to.
Melissa: “GO check on dinner and I will check on Niki and her mother.”
Laura: “Her mother........?'
Melissa: “It is a little joke of mine. Niki hates it when I call the bear her mother.”
As Melissa walked away giggling, Laura smiled. Just when she thought she had those two figured out, something new confused her. They both seem to take great joy in teasing each other in none sexual ways. That bear was a COMPLETE mystery to both Nancy and Laura.
Melissa went over to Niki and knelt in front of her.
Melissa: “Pet? Are you awake?”
Niki: “Yes Melissa. What do you need?”
Melissa: “Nothing, pet but I want to explain what happened. Nancy was still carrying around a lot of guilt and she needed to purge it or she would go into another depression.”
Niki: “Yes. I saw that too. What did I do that you would put those clamps on me?”
Melissa saw the look in Niki's eyes. She saw that once before when she spanked her and she left. Melissa got a momentary look of total fear on her face for a few seconds.
Melissa: “Please know, pet...PLEASE! I would NEVER have done that to you! NEVER! I simply made it up at the last minute for the sake of Nancy. I couldn't think of anything else that fast. Please believe me....Please...?”
Niki smiled that wonderful smile and kissed Melissa on the mouth briefly. Tears flowed down Melissa cheeks a little. She vowed to NEVER do anything like that to Niki or to anyone in Niki's place.
Melissa: “i will never do that again. It was over the top.”
Niki: “I know. I trust you.”
Melissa: “Have you noticed anything about Laura. Do you think she is ready to guide Nancy? I have my doubts but you are a better judge than I am about these things.”
Niki: “I have noticed that same thing but give her time. They are both new at this. I have noticed that Laura seems to go along with you on almost everything you tell her.”
Melissa: “Yes. I have been pushing her a little but so far she has not refused anything that I have told her. I will continue to push her but please know, pet, that you are always special and I will NEVER abuse our relationship.”
Niki: “I know.”
Melissa: “Pet, What if Laura wants to be guided by me and doesn't want to leave?”
Niki: “I've noticed you pushing her. Do you WANT to have them here? Do you WANT to guide them?”
Melissa knew that this question was a “loaded” one and her answer would be critical.
Melissa: “I am not a malicious person and do not take joy in other peoples pain. You know that. To answer your question, yes, I DO want them to stay but I will not trick them or force them. It MUST be their choice.
You MUST believe me, pet. No one will EVER replace you in my heart. You are my friend. If you want them to go, then they will go. I will do as you wish.”
Niki looked at Melissa and studied her for a minute. Melissa was sincere. Niki had always done what Melissa wanted. This was very strange. Niki saw her confusion.
Melissa: “I will tall you what, pet. You watch everything and if you want things to be different, you tell me and I will do as you wish on this. I will not lie to you, however. I would like them to stay but I will NEVER endanger us for even a second. You are the most important thing to me!”
Melissa was deferring to Niki about Laura and Nancy. Niki liked them here too. Until Melissa came along, Niki was totally alone. Now, she seemed to have two more friends. They were not friends like Melissa. That was different but they were two women that she liked having around.
Niki felt better about this. She knew exactly how Melissa felt. Melissa would NEVER lie to her. Niki had the final “say” about Laura and Nancy.
Niki looked at Melissa with that beautiful face that Melissa had grown to love. Melissa fell to her knees and grabbed Niki around the waist with her head against her stomach and began to cry. Niki smiled and held onto Melissa's head for a minute to let Melissa cry it out.
Niki: “Melissa.......Melissa, look at me. I will keep an eye on you about this one thing. I will do my best to advise you but I would NEVER assume to tell you what to do. I need YOUR guidance. That is why you are my friend. I have faith in your judgment and in us. I enjoy their company too but whatever you wish to do is fine with me.”
Melissa: “You are too good for me, pet. I don't deserve you. Let's go eat.”
Melissa got up and they went into the kitchen and saw a beautiful dinner on the table. Laura was right. Nancy was a great cook and Melissa noticed that she still had pussy juice on her thighs. Laura saw Melissa looking and winked at her as they sat down. Niki saw the look on Melissa's face. She was still in the grip of fear from their conversation. Niki believe that even though she wanted them here, she had already made the decision to get rid of them very soon. Niki wanted what Melissa wanted. It was not her place to tell Melissa what to do.
Niki smiled and said: “Melissa, she IS a very good cook!”
Melissa smiled with a tear running down her cheek. The message was loud and clear. Niki truly didn't mind them being here and she was totally secure in her friendship with Melissa. They all sat down to eat. Nancy was still obviously horny. She kept wiggling around in her chair while rubbing her thighs together.
Laura: “Nancy, stop squirming around. I told you that you could cum later so behave.”
Nancy: “Yes Laura.”
Nancy did her best to sit still but she still wiggled around every so often. Laura saw it but let it go. She was trying.
Laura saw Melissa's face and asked: “Melissa is everything alright?”
Melissa smiled a genuinely happy smile and said: “Everything is perfect, Laura. Thanks.”
Niki winked at Melissa and smiled back. Melissa was so happy at that moment she was in her own little world and wasn't paying much attention to anything. Niki giggled. She knew why but kept silent.
Laura: “You two are strange. I will never figure you out. How's the food?”
Melissa: “Huh?...What?..........Oh, fine....”
Niki: “The food is great! Nancy, where did you learn to cook like this?”
Nancy: “My mother died when I was young and I took care of my father and three brothers. I had no choice but to learn. They were good to me. My brothers always protected me and watched over me. Laura reminds me of my family in a way. She is taking care of me too. I find myself growing very fond of Laura. I hope she lets me stay with her.”
Laura turned a little red and kept eating as Niki giggled at them. When she giggled, Nancy turned red too. Niki got up, walked around the table quickly and kissed all three women on the top of the head briefly and sat back down to eat. They all looked at her and smiled. All three women were still amazed at this cute little gymnast. She seemed to have the ability to heal the soul. Even Melissa would never cease to be amazed.
Laura looked back at Nancy and felt a little guilty. She was confused a little. She wanted to let Nancy cum but for some reason, it seemed wrong at this point to let her. It was important to show Nancy that Laura was in control and that she needed to listen to her even if it was not pleasant.
Once Nancy reached down and began to rub her own pussy as she ate. Laura saw her and said, “Pay attention to what you’re doing Nancy. Now eat!” Nancy turned red as everyone looked at her. It seemed ridiculous at this point to hide it but Nancy was still embarrassed about it. Damn, she was horny! Earlier she could only watch as the others were rolling in their own juices and all she could do is watch.
There was little else but small talk until they finished eating. Nancy was left to clean up as the others sat in the living room. The bear was still in the bedroom. Everyone could hear it snoring. Melissa looked at Laura. She was nowhere near as pretty as Niki but like all of her teammates, she was in good shape.
Melissa: “Laura, would you like to experiment a little more with being tied up?”
Laura: “Sure. What do you have in mind?”
Melissa smiled and looked at Niki. Niki smiled back.
Melissa: “Do you all know that I was the only one that didn't get any attention, earlier?”
Laura: “I didn't think about it but you're right. We should do something about that, shouldn't we?”
Melissa: “I think so. I think it proper that you tie up Nancy. It is not our place. I will tie you and Niki up and I will tell you my idea.”
Laura: “OK.”
At this point, Laura and Nancy trusted Niki and Melissa and she was confident that they would be OK.
After Laura tied Nancy up she asked, “Laura, what are we doing now? Why am I being tied up?”
Laura: “It's a surprise. Now shush...”
Melissa then tied Laura up like before. They where secure but comfortable with their hands tied behind their backs.
Melissa:”Now we can get started. Niki goes first of course.”
Laura asked, “Doesn't she want to be tied up?”
Melissa: “She doesn't need to be. Pet, hold your hands behind your back until I tell you to let them go.”
Niki: “Yes, Melissa.”
Laura: “But that is not the same. I don't understand.”
Melissa: “It is the same. Niki will never let her hands go until I tell her to. It is the same thing. I have complete trust in her. You two will have the same kind of trust one day. It takes time. We will help you as much as we can. You are welcome to stay as long as you wish to here. We enjoy your company. Now let's get started.”
Laura look a little confused but accepted Melissa's explanation. Melissa and Niki smiled at each other. Laura was in no position to object anyway.
Laura: “What do you want us to do?”
Melissa thought to herself, there it was again. Laura was giving in to what Melissa had said with no questions or objections.
Melissa: “Please stand next to each other and face me.”
Laura: “Now what?”
Melissa: “Stand there and try to be silent. Laura, I have no authority over you and I can only ask you to remain silent but would you please tell Nancy to be quiet? This is all part of the experience.”
Laura: “Nancy, remain silent. I will stay quiet also, Melissa.”
Nancy simply nodded her head and waited. She was wondering what was going on but it looked exciting. Laura and her were together and that’s all that counted. Nancy was beginning to trust Laura. Nancy was still horny and was the first one to have pussy juice oozing down her leg.
Melissa: “Laura, I must apologize. I need Niki to help me with this. I must untie her for now. I will tie her back up in a little bit. You can speak….is that OK? If not then I will come up with something else tomorrow.”
Laura looked at Niki. There was that face. Laura trusted Melissa but couldn’t even think of Niki doing anything wrong. They both have had several opportunities already to them harm. Laura looked at Nancy and Nancy just smiled.
Laura: “That’s fine. Niki’s going to lose out anyway by NOT being tied up.”
Melissa: “Thank you, Laura. This will mean a lot to you both in the long run. This is how Niki and I learned. We didn’t have anyone to help us at all. We did figure things on our own but it took a long time. Now be quiet and I will start.”
Laura and Nancy simply nodded. Melissa whispered into Niki’s ear and Niki went around behind Nancy and Laura. At first they both tried to see what she was doing until Melissa told them to face foreword and watch her. They couldn’t really see Niki anyway so they faced Melissa and watched her.
Laura and Nancy had watched both Melissa AND Niki since they arrived here. Niki’s beauty was obvious but Melissa had a different body. She was much taller. She was not quite as muscular as Niki but she was well toned like they were. They gave her a look from head to toe as she sat in front of them and spread her legs.
Melissa began to slowly slide her fingers up and down her own pussy. She got wet and slipped her fingers inside herself and started to finger fuck herself. The two women just stared at her. Nancy already had her juice running down her legs and now Laura was getting very wet too. Nancy was literally licking her lips as she watched Melissa. Suddenly both women felt a hand on their pussies. Each had a hand rubbing up and down their already wet pussies. It was Niki. She shoved her fingers up each woman’s pussy and began to gentle task of finger fucking them but it was very slow and gentle. Both women let out a little “mewing” sound but remained silent. They were getting weak in the knees as they both began to grind against Niki’s fingers. It did no good, however. When they tried to get into a rhythm with Niki, she simply stopped. They had no choice but to stand still. It took all their effort to NOT hump against Niki’s hand.
While this was going on, Melissa was fingering herself with Laura and Nancy staring into her pussy while her fingers went in and out…..in and out…. Niki on the other hand was doing a wonderful job of teasing both Laura and Nancy. Laura was now as wet as Nancy and almost as frustrated. Nancy still hadn’t been allowed to cum yet today.
Melissa: “Oh God this feels good! Doesn’t it, ladies?”
Laura and Nancy were both told to keep quiet so all they could do is nod the heads, yes.
Melissa: “I knew you would like this. DO you want Niki to continue? DO you want me to stop?”
Laura and Nancy got a panicked look on their face and nodded the heads yes and then shook them no. They kept nodding yes and shaking no. Niki giggled from behind them. Melissa always did like doing that. She did it to Niki all the time.
Melissa: “OOoooooo…This feels so damn good! You two seem confused. Maybe we should both stop until you two figure out what you want. Niki come over here and take over for me.”
Niki: “Yes, Melissa.”
Niki pulled her hands away from their pussies and knelt in front of Melissa. Melissa leaned back and moaned as Niki’s expert tongue slid quickly into Melissa’s pussy. The two women whined continuously for over two minutes until Melissa gave them a stern look. After that they were silent but still wiggling their hips and humping the air.
Melissa: “Oh god, Niki! You are the BEST! You two should feel her tongue! You still……oh…god…look………………confused…..damn, I’m going to cum…….”
As Melissa was getting closer and closer, Laura and Nancy began to try to move their thighs together but they couldn’t without side stepping and they were told to stand still.
Finally Melissa let out a shout and a yell of pleasure. Niki could be heard slurping Melissa’s juices up between yells. Niki was certainly an expert. She let Melissa down slowly and gently to get the maximum effect.
Melissa: “OH my god! That was great, pet! Thank you.”
Niki: “Your welcome, Melissa. I will always please you anytime you wish.”
Melissa leaned over and kissed Niki gently and said: “You are sweet, pet but what about them?”
Niki: “That is up to you, Melissa.”
Melissa: “I guess it is, isn’t it?”
Melissa gave Niki a quick look and Niki winked at her so Laura and Nancy didn’t see. Melissa smiled. She was making sure that Niki was fine with this. Better yet, Niki was enjoying it as much as Melissa herself was.
Melissa: “They have been very good. They are fallowing orders very well. They look hula dancers without the grass skirts the way they are swaying their hips around like that.”
Niki giggled and said: “They DO look like hula dancers don't they?”
Melissa: “OK ladies, it's time to earn your orgasm. Laura, get over here on your knees and make me cum!”
Laura got on her knees and hobbled over to Melissa. She was sitting on the couch leaning back with her legs spread wide open. Laura leaned forward and jammed her face into Melissa's pussy. Melissa let out a long moan.
Melissa: “Laura, your tongue feels good. I think you need more practice but you are doing well......oh yea.........keep it up. Pet, I think she needs a little incentive.”
Niki: “Yes Melissa.”
Melissa grabbed Laura's head lightly and pulled it gently into her pussy. Niki got down behind Laura and began to rub her pussy again. Laura was so wet, her pussy juice was running down her thighs and Niki's hand was getting soaked. Laura let out a moan but not much else. Melissa kept pulling her face into her pussy. Laura's moans sounded like muffled grunts. Laura's hips began to hump Niki's hand all over again.
Niki pulled away from Laura and said, “I'll be right back, Laura.” Laura let out a muffled moan as Niki went over to Nancy. She was still standing there humping the air as she watched the whole show right in front of her. She desperately wanted to do SOMETHING but she couldn't. She was so happy when Niki came over to her.
Niki: “Nancy, do you like our little show?”
Nancy could only nod.
Niki: “I like it too. Laura has a nice ass the way it sticks up like that, doesn't she? Wouldn't you love to go over there and jam you face into it?”
Nancy nodded so hard Niki thought her head would fly off her shoulders. Niki simply giggled as she held her hand, full of Laura's juice, up to Nancy's mouth and told her to clean it off for her. Nancy began to lick and suck on Niki's fingers with a lot of enthusiasm.
As Nancy was cleaning Niki's hand up, Niki reached down with her other hand and began to play with Nancy's pussy. Nancy almost collapsed but caught herself in time. Nancy let out a loud grunting moan. She closed her eyes and her head went back. Niki pretended to get angry and pinched Nancy's pussy lips for s second.
Niki: “HEY! I didn't tell you to stop. You were told to clean Laura's juice off my hand. GET BACK TO WORK!”
Nancy: “AHHHH.......”
Nancy gobbled up Niki's hand and licked it clean. She looked at Niki with a frightened look. She was supposed to be quiet and she let out a noise of pain.
Niki: We will see what Melissa and Laura has to say but I suggest that you do what you’re told and stay silent. At least Laura is listening.”
Nancy could only nod and watch. Laura face was still being pulled into Melissa's pussy. Melissa was letting out grunts and moans of pleasure. Niki shoved her fingers up Nancy's pussy and rammed them in and out about three or four times. It was enough to drive Nancy insane with lust. She was just aware enough to keep standing there and staying silent but by now she had no idea why. She could only hump the air and pull desperately on the ropes that held her hands tied behind her back.
Niki went back to Laura and began to rub Laura's pussy again. Laura let out a loud groan as Melissa pulled her head in tighter. Melissa was getting closer. Niki was watching the pleasure on Melissa's face and smiled. Niki always wanted Melissa to be happy. She envied Laura right now. Niki's greatest pleasure was pleasing Melissa. Niki figured that Laura might as well pay with her frustrations so Niki teased her even more. Niki would slowly push her fingers in and out of Laura's pussy and just as they were getting into a rhythm, Niki would gently pinch Laura's pussy lips. Niki would giggle every time she pinched her. Niki was becoming a little jealous of Laura and Nancy. Niki didn't want to share Melissa with anyone. If they stayed with them, what would their relationships be?? Niki pinched Laura again harder. She was getting a little angry but Niki had orders from Melissa. Niki would do whatever made Melissa happy but she would still talk to her later.
Finally Melissa let out a yell. She grabbed Laura's ears as handles and pulled her face in tight. Laura was jerking around. She could breath. All she could do is keep licking and sucking and hope Melissa would let her go soon.
Melissa suddenly pushed Laura away and because her hands were still tied behind her back, she fell over on her side, gasping for air. Melissa recovered quickly. Neither Laura nor Nancy was as good as Niki was. Niki is the best!
Melissa was not ignorant. She looked at Niki and knew something was not quite right. Melissa told Laura to stand next to Nancy again and be silent. She grabbed Niki's hand and gently led into the other room.
Melissa: "What's wrong, pet?"
Niki looked at Melissa with a sad face. Melissa smiled. It was the one thing that Niki couldn't do; hide her emotions.
Niki: "Are Laura and Nancy going to stay?"
Melissa: "I am not sure. I like teasing them, don't you?"
Niki: "Yes but..........."
Niki stopped talking in the middle of her sentence and looked down at the floor. This was unusual, even for Niki. Except for that one time when Melissa lost her, Niki has always been a happy woman. Melissa was rapidly getting worried. She was determined to NEVER lose Niki again! She was beginning to panic a little bit.
Melissa: "Please talk to, pet. You are the most important person in the world to me. Please................Please?”
Niki: "Seeing them pleasing you makes me angry……..and sad.”
Melissa: “Why?”
Niki looked embarrassed and said: “It makes me jealous to see them pleasing you. It makes me jealous to see you enjoying them. I am sorry. It is not my right to question you. I only want you to be happy.”
Once again, Melissa saw Niki slipping away. She got angry with herself. She only wanted to have some fun but the price was too high. Melissa turned around and went into the living room and sat down in front of Laura and Nancy. The two of them glanced at each other. They could see the change in Melissa.
Melissa: “You two lay down sideways, facing each other but I want your faces in each other pussy.”
The two women lay down as ordered.
Melissa: “Don’t do anything until I tell you.”
Melissa got some more rope and tied them up in their “69” position so they could separate from each other. There they were, hands tied behind their backs and tied up in a “69” position.
Melissa: “I know you two are incredibly horny and I don’t care if you want to lick each other’s pussy or not but remember, the more you give, the more you get. You are free to move however you want to and free to lick and suck each other’s pussy as much as you wish to but you will remain silent!”
The two women quickly nodded and began to lick each other’s pussy as if they were starving to death. Normally, Melissa would have sat and enjoyed the show but Niki was more important. Melissa held Niki’s hand and they went into the bedroom and sat down on the bed.
Melissa: “I was a little jealous when they were pleasing you on the bed earlier too. I was wrong in trying to keep them here. They will be gone tomorrow. I will not live without you, pet. Nothing or no one is more important than you are! I want to make you happy, too. Forgive me.”
Niki looked at Melissa curiously at first and grabbed her in a long tight hug and wouldn’t let go. Melissa began to cry.
Melissa: “I’m sorry.”
Niki: “You have nothing to be sorry for. I should know by now that nothing could ever come between us. I would like them to stay. I enjoy teasing them and punishing them a little but please don’t let them please you so much. Please? I want to please you more than anything….”
Melissa: “If they want to, they can stay but they will NEVER please neither you nor me again. I promise.”
Niki reached down and pinched Melissa’s nipple. Melissa yelped and let go of Niki. Niki giggled and ran back to Laura and Nancy. Melissa laughed though her tears. Everything was OK again. Melissa considered herself the luckiest person in the world. On the way out of the room, Niki turned back and said, “Besides, Nancy is a GREAT cook! I wonder if she can cook fish??!!” Melissa had to laugh. Niki was absolutely right about that. Nancy WAS a great cook!
Melissa went into the other room. Niki was sitting on the couch yelling nasty things to Laura and Nancy as they were gobbling each other up. Melissa walked in just as the two of them began to cum.
Niki: “That’s the third or fourth one, now. I think they are enjoying this too much.”
As Niki began to giggle, Melissa couldn’t help it. She began to giggle too. She sat down next to Niki to watch. Laura and Nancy were quiet except for all the slurping noises they were making. They each had cum two more times when Melissa left the room.
Niki: "Come on, ladies, you can do better than that! We all know how much you both like the taste of wet pussy. You two have been horny all afternoon! Go! Go! Go!"
If the two women heard Niki, they didn't give any sign. As Niki was watching them, suddenly there was a BIG splash!!! Melissa had pored a large bucket of cold water on the two women. Even though they were told to be silent, they let out a yell of surprise!
Melissa: "That's enough fun for tonight, ladies!"
Niki was laughing as Melissa untied Laura and Nancy. Melissa sat down next to Niki and hugged her while the women untangled themselves. Melissa looked at Niki as she laughed. Once again, she almost “fucked” things up. She leaned over and gave Niki a kiss on the cheek. Niki looked her and turned red for a second. A tear rolled down Melissa's cheek. Nothing needed to be said.
Melissa: “Come on, pet. Let's help them into bed.”
Niki: “Yes. Melissa.”
Melissa and Niki picked up each woman, dried them off and put them into one of the spare beds. They pushed them together and covered them up and left the room.
Niki: “They are cute together. I hope they stay together. Nancy seems fine now.”
Melissa trusted Niki's judgment and simply said, “She seems fine to me too.” Niki grabbed Melissa's hand and pulled her into bed. It was late and tomorrow was another day. They took one last look around. The bear had left again.
Tomorrow was another day............
End of Part 15.
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