Part 2
Jezebel laid her head back on the table and started to cry. She made a feeble attempt to pull at her restraints again but she knew it was useless.
“Let’s see what we have here” he said mostly to himself, as her legs began to be cranked apart. She tried to keep them together but of course she couldn’t. When he began to rub her panties with his hand Jezebel yelped. Her captor laughed at her.
“I have barley touched you yet. I am going to cut your underwear off of you, shove things in your cunt, ram things in your ass, and torment you. So save your yelping for later!”
With that she quickly sliced her panties off and ripped them off her body. She was now fully spread wide exposing her cunt. He walked up to her head. As Jezebel looked up at him with teary eyes she was shocked at what she saw. The man had finally taken his mask off. She had expected him to be hideous looking, but he was stunning. She wanted him to be ugly, she wanted to hate him more and be grossed out by him but she couldn’t stop looking into his eyes. Soon her daze was interrupted by his next words.
“I am going to take your gag out. If you scream and make noises that annoy me I will whip your pussy with this.” He held up a small whip for her to see. “Do you understand?”
Jezebel shook her head yes, and off came the gag.
“What are you going to do to me?” she asked the man quietly, almost a petrified whisper.
“I am going to do many things to you. Some you will like and some you won’t.”
“Are you going to kill me?”
“No” he laughed, “I am not going to kill you.”
“Are you going to hurt me?”
“Yes.” he answered with an evil grin on his face. “I am going to hurt you and keep you here against your will.”
Jezebel started to cry again.
“What is your name?”he asked her.
She said nothing.
“What is your name?!” he said sternly as he whipped the side of her tit.
“Jezebel!” she yelled in pain.
“I am Logan, but you will refer to me as Master, understand?”
“Yes.” she answered.
SNAP! He whipped her other tit.
“Yes what?”
“Yes Master!”
“Much better my little slut.”
Logan walked back down to her spread cunt and Jezebel herd a plastic glove snap. She herd him sit on a chair and felt the heat of the spot light shine on her pussy. She braced her self for what was inevitably coming next as she tried to control her sobbing.
“You pussy is drenched!” he laughed at her.
“NO! No its not!” she protested.
Logan roughly jammed a finger into her cunt.
“Then why did my finger slide in so easily?”
He pounded her dripping pussy with his finger then shoved two more in. Jezebel let out a loud shriek.
“Ahhh! Please stop it hurts!”
He whipped her clit.
“You didn’t say Master.”
Another painful screech.
“Master, please stop, it hurts!”
He pulled his fingers out of her pussy and slowly slid them all around her dripping cunt. He went over her lips, around her clit, and circling her hole inspecting every millimeter. He rubbed his finger around her asshole and gently applied pressure with out going in. Jezebel prayed that he wouldn’t go in her ass but she knew that saying anything may provoke him to do so. She heard him rustling with something on the tray but she couldn’t see.
“What are you doing?” she nervously asked him.
“What are you doing Master?!” she shrieked.
He didn’t answer her. She felt him pulling her pussy lips out and he clamped something onto them. Another clamp and another till there were a few on each side. She wasn’t sure what they were or why he was doing this, but it didn’t really hurt so she kept her mouth shut again. Then she heard the sound of tape being unrolled and he began tugging at that clamps. This was a little more painful. Logan had taped her pussy lips apart with the clamps! Jezebel began to squirm again. He examined her pussy more only using both hands this time. He put one finger from each hand just inside her cunt hole, pulling and rubbing it apart so he could see inside her. He took another clamp off the tray and placed it on her clit. This hurt a lot. Jezebel pleaded with him to take it off. He told her that this was a gentle one and that stronger ones would be in her future. Next he began rubbing her ass again.
“I am going to check to see how tight your asshole is.”
“NO please Master! I’ve never had anything in my butt before. Please anything but that. It’s really going to hurt me!
He did not respond.
“Please no.” she quietly sobbed.
Logan started rubbing his finger around her ass. He poked at it and pushed at it. He loved watching her squirm and listening to her wine. Then he slowly slid his finger in about half way and Jezebel let out another scream.
“Ooow it hurts! Please stop Master!”
He rotated his finger around and went in slightly further. He couldn’t believe how tight her ass was and nearly shuttered at the thought of his huge dick in it. If this was hurting this badly he could only imagine what he would do to her.
“My cock is going to tear you apart!” he told her.
He pulled his finger almost all the way out then jammed it back in again. Another scream came from Jezebel and a smile from Logan. He pulled his finger out and Jezebel let out a sigh of relief. He walked back up to her head and smiled at her.
“You are going to be my finest fuck toy when I am done training you.”
“Training me?! What does that mean… Master?”
“As I said, training you.” he said laughing. “You’ve already learned to call me Master or you’ll get punished. You are coming along nicely.”
“Please, ill do anything you say. Just please don’t hurt me anymore Master.”
“You will do anything I say. I don’t need your assurance.” Logan replied.
He looked at a clock on the wall and realized it was almost 4am. He informed Jezebel of the time and that he was done playing with her for the night. Her eyes grew wide.
“Your not going to leave me here are you Master? Please don’t leave me here!”
“Since you have tried to be good I will let you sleep on the table over there.”
He pointed to the table with the 4 iron cuffs. Jezebel started crying again. The table looked hard, cold, and extremely uncomfortable. Logan told her he’d make it a little better due to her good behavior. He got a sleeping mat and put it on the table. Next he ripped the clips off her pussy without warning causing Jezebel to let out a high pitched shriek.
“Would you have rather slept in them? he asked her sarcastically.”
“Oooow! It burns!” she cried.
“I’m leaving the clamps on your nipples as well for forgetting what you need to call me.” he informed her. He unstrapped her from the exam table and walked her over to the table were she would be sleeping.
“Get on and spread your arms and legs to the cuffs.” he ordered.
“Please no Master. I don’t want to.”
He roughly forced her onto the table, cuffed her down, and flicked at her nipple clamps some more as she cried out. He said goodnight, shut off the lights, and headed for the steps as Jezebel cried and begged for him to come back.
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