Destiny Weekend
by captv8td
Chapter 1
“Okay, pups, listen up. Let me go over the rules for the weekend.” Samantha stood in front of the pledges as note pads were being distributed. “We’re going to be playing differently this year. We’re going back to the old rules.”
“Ha!” exclaimed Sarah. “Old rules. New rules. We won’t know the difference. This is our first time.”
“Hehe,” snickered Sam. “That’s true. So I won’t bore you with the changes. I’ll just tell you the rules that we’ll play by this year.”
Destiny picked up her pencil to take notes but was too excited and knew that she wouldn’t remember all of them or even be able to write them down. She glanced back up at Samantha, who everyone called Sam, and tried to listen as intently as she could.
“It’s back to manual capture this year. You have to actually physically capture someone and bind them. No fists and no kicking. No weapons of any kind. Just about everything else is fair game, though. As long as your captive is bound, she must comply. She can try to free herself but until she gets the bindings off, she belongs to you and must obey.”
Destiny gazed at Samantha thinking how beautiful she was. She was at least six feet tall with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She was strong and stood proudly but was in no way bulky. She had a feline grace about her and looked like an Amazon warrior at the same time.
Sam was the Pledge Mistress of Lambda Epsilon Zeta. Several years back, someone had commented on how the Lezzies, as they were known, were so foxy and the name stuck. The sisters became known as foxes. The pledges were referred to as pups.
They were going back to the old rules this year for the annual Hellenic Games. Each year, the various sororities were paired up against one another. And then, for five consecutive weekends, the matches took place. Two sororities participated each weekend. There was no championship at the end. It was just good sport. And the following year, the pairings would be different.
They had strayed from the old rules over the past three years, opting to introduce technology into the games. For two years, they used paint guns to capture one another. But they discovered that the paint guns took a lot of the thrill of the capture out of the games. Plus, the paint balls were messy and they hurt.
Last year, they used electronic capture tags. When someone pointed their electronic gun at an opponent and pulled the trigger, the tag would be activated and would start beeping. This meant that the girl was captured. But a malfunction in the equipment resulted in everyone’s tags being activated at the same time. Loud beeping was heard everywhere and everyone was captured at the same time. The games were called off for the year.
This year, they were returning to something that would be more familiar to the ancient Greeks. There wouldn’t be any arrows or spears but it would be much more like hand-to-hand combat. Speed and physical strength would once again be valued in the games. The weapons would be snares and nets as well as hands and legs.
“As I said,” continued Samantha, “you cannot use fists. You can use your open hand to grab someone by the hair or clothing or a limb but you cannot slap them during the capture. Slapping is only allowed during interrogations.”
The objective of the game was to obtain the secret password from the opposing team. Each team member was given the password at the beginning of the game. Whoever was able to break one of their opponents and discover the password, won the tournament.
There was a twist to this, though. If the incorrect password for the opponent was presented to the judges, then the one presenting it automatically became captive to the opposing team. This meant that each team would have to capture several of the opponent in order to validate the password and it made sure that single early capture would not end the game too soon.
Destiny squirmed in her seat as she listened to Sam go over the rules and strategies. Part of her was looking forward to the weekend. It would be a good test of her athletic skills. The pretty, petite blonde was very athletic. In fact, she had been on a winning track team in high school so she was fairly sure that she would be fast enough. And she was pretty strong too, although she guessed that she would be no match for someone as strong as Samantha. It was a good thing that Sam would be on her side.
Another part of her was terrorized. The thought of capture and interrogation were unnerving. And the whole “anything goes” atmosphere was troubling to her. She would have to make sure that she fully understood the rules before the games began.
“Remember to try not to get captured,” warned Sam. “Once you get tired, it can be tempting to surrender when attacked. Fight hard, though. And run. Because you probably won’t get any rest once you are in the clutches of the Sextistas.” Their opponent this year was Sigma Epsilon Xi, who had beaten their opponents three out of the last four years. It was only last year, when the equipment malfunctioned, that they did not win, although they had not lost either. So they were undefeated for the last four years.
“How long do the games last?” asked Tiffany, a pretty little shy brunette.
“That all depends,” replied Sam. “The game could be won in an hour or it could take the full thirty six hours. It all depends on how effective the interrogations are.”
“It also depends on your status at the end of the game. Anyone who is a prisoner of the winning team remains prisoner for the full thirty six hours. For everyone else, the game ends when the other team’s password is discovered.
“Try not to get captured,” she went on. “But don’t panic if you do get caught. We will have prisoner exchanges from time to time. They are usually willing to give up most of the girls to get back their own. They always pick one or two, though, that they refuse to exchange. I’ll let you know privately if I think you are likely to be kept. And for the record, I think it’s unlikely that they will offer me up in trade if I get caught. So I will try very hard not to get caught.”
“What should we wear,” asked Sarah.
“Anything you want,” replied Samantha. “We’ll give you your uniforms there. Just be sure that you have comfortable sneakers. You’ll be doing a lot of running.”
The meeting broke up and Samantha called Tiffany and Destiny over to talk to them. “I can’t be sure, but I think that you might be two who they will refuse to trade. So try not to get captured.”
Destiny gasped. “Us? Why us?”
Samantha smiled, “Because you are just so adorable. We’ll try to trade for you but I won’t be surprised if they keep you. My guess is that you will be kept as their pets.”
“Pets?” gasped Destiny. She glanced at Tiffany uncertainly and then looked back at Samantha. “What does that mean?”
“Just try not to get captured, girls,” answered Sam. “Unless you want to be their sexual playthings for the weekend.”
Chapter 2
During the remainder of the week, Destiny fretted. She worried even more as she learned more. Despite their nickname, the Lezzies were not lezzies. Most of them were healthily heterosexual. Only a few of them were even bisexual. The Sexistas, on the other hand, were all lesbians. And they were described as missionary lesbians because they actively tried to convert others.
Destiny’s mother was also a Wardham girl and had been a Sigma when she was in school. When Destiny told her mom about her concerns about the Sigmas, her mother told her that she should join whatever sorority felt right. “Follow your heart,” she had said. That allowed Destiny to join the Lambdas without feeling guilty.
When Destiny learned that the Sigmas were lesbians, she wasn’t quite sure how to raise the subject with her mother. She finally did muster the courage to ask her mother about it. The response was, “Sororities change over time. I’m sure that the Sigma house is very different today from the one I knew.” She never actually said that it wasn’t a lesbian house then, but Destiny was satisfied with the response. The sorority had changed, she was sure.
Wardham College was founded in 1911 as a women’s college to “develop the leaders of tomorrow.” Indeed, their alumni included a former US Senator, several congresswomen, three ambassadors, multiple CEOs, mayors and presidents of non-profit institutions. There was even a head of state of a South American country who had been a Wardham girl. The college was living up to its goals.
By 1920, sororities had sprouted up and they became the social core of the college. The college officials decided to take advantage of this new social network and introduced the Hellenic Games in 1922. Since the sororities considered themselves to be Greeks, they quickly adopted the Hellenic Games.
The first games were loosely based on the Olympic games of the ancient Greeks. There were track and field events and wrestling matches. There were swimming competitions and skill events such as archery.
Two things led to their change over time. The first was the college administrators realizing that these games were not supporting the college’s mission. The games were fun and they tested athletic prowess, but they did not build leadership. The second was that attendance was dwindling. The girls had better things to do than to spend a fun day competing for a trophy that meant nothing. By 1925, several of the sororities had dropped out of the games and only about twenty percent of the membership of the remaining sororities participated.
In 1925, the Hellenic Games were changed to pit one sorority against another at a time. This one-on-one competition got the leadership of the sororities engaged, which furthered the cause of the college. It also drove participation back up.
For twenty years, the games continued as an Olympic style competition. The college administrators backed away from running the game because the “Greek Council” was running the show so well. The Greek Council consisted of the presidents of each of the sororities.
In 1947, the Greek Council decided to change the games into a “capture the flag” competition. Two sororities would compete against one another as two armies. The Hellenic Games remained roughly in this format to this day.
The rules of the matches changed over time. The college administrators did not like some of the changes and tried to intervene. The solution to the interference was to find a location off campus where the games could be held without the rules that the college wanted to impose. In 1968, Baldsworth Park in central Virginia became the new home for the games.
Some of the rule changes were designed to make the games more exciting. Instead of tagging an opponent, the opponent had to be held for thirty seconds. Then, bindings were added. Once an opponent was subdued and bound, she had to obey. The flags were replaced with passwords. People were capturing the flags too quickly. By having to extract a secret password from the opponent, the length of the games were extended.
When the password rule resulted in some games with non winner by nightfall, the games were extended into Sunday by nightfall. They turned into thirty six hour events. Since some girls would surrender early to avoid having to run around all day, a rule was added that made all captives at the end of the game slaves of the winning team until the scheduled end of the game on Sunday night. This provided motivation to actively avoid capture and to try to capture the opponent. The uniform was altered. Rules of interrogation were introduced. The games turned out to be a fertile ground for cultivating future leaders.
The college tried to step in multiple times over the years. Each time, they were rebuked by the Greek Council. The games were no longer a college sanctioned event and the sororities were not about to put up with interference.
For five weeks during the spring, the sororities would compete. On numerous other weekends throughout the year, alumni would return and compete for old times sake. Girls ranging in age from twenty two to sixty two would learn how the rules had evolved and would participate in the “Old Girl Hellenics” using whatever the current rules were. It was a tradition that all Wardham girls valued and cherished.
On Friday, the day before the game was to begin, Destiny called her mother. She was feeling nervous about the games. Her mother reassured her and told her to follow her heart and to be noble. She told her daughter to make her proud. Now it was time for Destiny to join in the tradition.
The day of the game finally arrived and everyone gathered at the sorority. They had rented two buses to take them to the park where the event would be held. The park had been rented for the weekend and closed off to visitors.
“You and Tiff and I are going to be a team,” Samantha told Destiny. “We’re all fast so we should do well. We’ll make our plans once we get our assignment.”
Destiny rode most of the way during the hour-long journey in silence. She wondered what their assignment would be. During her briefing earlier in the week, Sam had described how they usually organized for the games. Some would be assigned as jailers. These would keep the captured girls and interrogate them. Some would be scouts who were supposed to keep track of where the enemy was for the raiding parties. And the raiding parties were to capture the opposing girls.
Finally, the bus rolled to a stop and she and Sam went in search of Tiffany who had been on the other bus. Then everyone gathered around the sorority president.
“We have a tough opponent today but I’m sure we can win. I have confidence in all of you. Your uniforms are over on the picnic tables. Each bag has a name on it. Put on your uniform and put your street clothes back in the bag for later. We’ll lock them in the bus so they don’t get stolen like they did two years ago.
Two years earlier, some prankster had stolen or hidden all of the clothes. The girls had to ride back to campus in the uniforms that they wore for the games.
The three girls found their bags and Tiffany turned to Sam. “Where’s the changing room?”
“Right here,” replied Sam. She reached down and grasped the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head.
Destiny’s eyes opened wide. “Right here? In public?”
“It’s just us girls,” responded Sam. She had kicked off her shoes and was sliding her shorts down her legs. Destiny looked around and saw all of her sorority sisters removing their clothes and blushed. She was not sure she could do this.
Samantha stepped in front of Destiny and put her hands on the pledge’s shoulders. By this time, Sam was completely naked. “Do you have something that we don’t?” she asked. “You can do it, Des. It’s just a bunch of girls.”
Destiny gulped as she looked up at Samantha. The tall blonde towered over her and Sam’s breasts were just inches from her face. “Gosh you’re beautiful,” stammered Destiny.
Sam smiles and patted Destiny’s cheek. “Thank you. So are you. That’s why we need to make sure you don’t get captured. Now strip!”
Destiny jumped at the command but quickly started peeling off her clothes. Within moments, she was naked. She glanced at Samantha just as Samantha was finishing donning her uniform and gasped. “Is that all we’re wearing?”
Samantha was wearing a form of toga. At least it was designed to look like a toga. It had a short white skirt with a length of matching white cloth that ran over one shoulder and was attached to the skirt in front and back. It covered one breast but left the other completely exposed. And since no panties came with the uniform, any movement at all would put a girl’s bottom and sex on display. Again, Destiny found herself staring at the full ripe breast of her sorority sister.
“Well, that’s all the upperclassmen are wearing. Yours is a little different,” replied Sam. “But wait a sec before you get dressed. My, oh my, look at you. You look yummy, Des. Come over here Tiff.”
Tiffany had just finished stripping also and she and Destiny stood side by side, naked. “You both look yummy. Turn for me?” The two pledges slowly turned and Sam ran her eyes over the beautiful girls. Samantha was one of the ones in the sorority who considered herself bisexual. She only hoped that one or both of these girls would turn out to be as well. “You two are beautiful. Perfect. I could just gobble you up.”
Tiffany giggled. “You make it sound like we’re lunch or something.” Destiny only blushed deeper.
Samantha smiled back at the two girls. “Maybe one day you will be. But I think we’ll be too busy today to do any serious feasting.” They hadn’t mentioned sex but it was clear to Destiny that they were talking about making love with one another. Destiny couldn’t imagine having sex with another girl but, despite that, images of her face buried between Samantha’s thighs kept popping into her head.
“Go ahead and get dressed now,” said Sam. The two girls reached into their bags and pulled out their skirts. Destiny fastened the skirt around her narrow waist and then reached back into the bag, only to find it empty.
“Where’s the rest of it?” she asked.
“The rest of what?” asked Samantha with a confused look on her face.
“The rest of the outfit. The top.”
“That’s all of it,” replied Sam. “That’s the underclass uniform. Freshmen and sophomores wear a skirt. Juniors and seniors also get a top, if you can call this skimpy little thing a top.”
Destiny gasped and turned a darker shade of red. “Oh my gosh! I don’t think I can do this.”
“Sure you can,” responded Sam. She draped one arm over Destiny’s shoulder and the other over Tiffany’s, pulling both girls to her tightly. She loved the feel of their naked torsos against her. “It will be a lot of fun. You’ll see.”
Destiny’s head was spinning at this point. First she had to strip in public. Now she was expected to run around half naked all day. Her attention was grabbed when the sorority president called out for everyone to put their bags on the buses and follow her.
Destiny quickly stuffed her clothes into the bag and took it to the bus. She desperately wanted to grab her panties and t-shirt from the bag but knew that they were not allowed. But she couldn’t bring herself to leave the bag at the bus. Once she deposited it on the bus, she would have no choice but to wear this skimpy outfit all day and maybe into the following day. She stood there with the bag clutched tightly to her chest.
Samantha finally pried Destiny’s fingers from the bag and put it on the bus, relieving the pledge of a decision. Destiny turned her head back and wistfully gazed at her bag of clothes as Samantha held her hand and led her away. Sam’s other hand held Tiffany’s who seemed to be adjusting much better to the strange happenings.
Chapter 3
“This is our base camp,” announced the president after they had walked about a half mile. “The Sexistas are about a mile in that direction.” She pointed to the west. Two large cages stood at one end of the camp and she described that as their prison. Then she rattled off a list of names of those who were going to be prison guards.
Then, everyone else was given their assignments. There were four raiding parties of ten girls each and eight scouts, two for each raiding party. And then there was Samantha’s team of just Tiffany and Destiny. They were trying something new this year in their strategy. Essentially, they were a raiding party of their own but they would be targeting enemy scouts. Since scouts typically traveled alone, they would not need a lot of girls. Speed and stealth would be much more important for the “Scout Killers.”
Samantha drew her novice partners aside and they talked strategy. They still had fifteen minutes before the horn would blow to start the games. All three of them were fast but it was agreed that Destiny was the fastest. When they found an enemy scout, they would creep as close as they could get. Then, once they were detected, Destiny would dash out and tackle the scout. The other two would run as fast as they could to catch up and the three of them would capture and bind the girl.
“I don’t know how fast I’ll be today,” said Destiny.
“Why? Do you have cramps or something?” asked Sam.
“No, I have these,” replied Destiny. She raised her hands and bounced her breasts in her palms to illustrate the point. “I’ve never run with these bouncing around before.”
Tiffany giggled. She had been wondering how being braless would affect her running too. And her breasts were not nearly as large as Destiny’s or Samantha’s. She wore a B cup bra and figured that Destiny had to be at least a C cup; maybe even a D cup. Samantha, she figured, was clearly a D cup.
“You’ll be amazed,” replied Sam. “You get used to it pretty quickly. You won’t even notice after awhile.”
“It’s a good thing they’re so firm, sis,” tittered Tiffany. “Otherwise, they might knock you out.”
Samantha chuckled. “Tiff’s right. You got no gravity going on there, Des.”
It was getting close to the start time and the three girls got up, ready to begin. They each dusted off their bare bottoms since they had been sitting in the dirt.
“Hey!” said Tiffany. “I’m wet. What’s that all about?”
Sam laughed. “Don’t worry about it. I am too. We all get that way during the games. Wait until we get into it and the capturing starts. You’ll be positively swampy. Des? Are you wet?”
Destiny blushed and hugged her tiny skirt to her thighs. “I’m sure I’m not.”
“Well check it for me,” said Sam.
“I’m sure I’m not,” repeated Destiny, feeling mortified that she had even been asked the question.
“Well, I’m sure you are,” said Sam. She quickly grasped Destiny’s slender wrist and pulled her close. Then she reached beneath Destiny’s skirt and ran her finger between Destiny’s thighs, holding up her glistening digit for all to see.
“Hey!” protested Destiny as her cheeks once again got dark with color. “That’s not nice!”
“Liar, liar,” laughed Sam. She lifted Destiny’s skirt and gave her tight little ass a spank. “It’s not nice to lie to your teammates. And like I said, I knew you would be wet. It happens to all of us. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
Destiny was still sulking when the horn blew but she quickly forgot about the humiliation as the excitement of the game took over. The little band of scout killers headed off together to find their first victims. The scouts and raiding parties also moved out of base camp to do their jobs.
They got their first captive within the first hour. They had no problem capturing the girl. Their plan worked perfectly. But finding her had been hard.
The girl was obviously an upperclassman because she wore the top piece also, although her outfit was black instead of white. Tiffany had spotted her, almost by accident, as she stopped to retie her shoelaces. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye as the enemy scout crept from tree to tree. She quietly whispered to her two teammates and they silently stalked the scout.
They ended up getting pretty close because the scout was headed away from them but eventually they were detected. As soon as that happened, Destiny took off and sprinted through the forest. The other girl started running but was no match for the freshman speedster. Destiny reached the girl and threw her body toward her opponent, wrapping her arms around the scout’s legs and tackling her. Both of them went down.
The girl shouted and struggled and actually did free herself of Destiny’s grip but, by then, Sam and Tiff had caught up. The girl was quickly subdued.
“Nice job, Des,” said Sam. “Now strip her and we’ll bind her.”
Tiff and Des looked at Samantha with shock on their faces. “Strip her?” they said in unison.
“Yep,” replied Samantha. “Strip her. All captives are kept naked.”
“Wow,” said Destiny. “There’s one good reason not to get captured.” Destiny held the girl down while Tiffany took the garment off. Destiny recognized the girl but didn’t know her name. She was very pretty, though, with long auburn hair and a very nice face and figure. Samantha tied the girl’s wrists together behind her back and then tied a length of rope between her ankles to hobble her. She would be able to walk but not run.
“It’s nice to see you, Jackie,” smiled Sam after they had helped the girl to her feet.
“Good to see you too, Sam,” Jackie replied. “But I expected to see you in our cage. Boy, you guys are fast.”
“Yep,” grinned Sam. “We have some fast ones this year.”
Jackie looked at Tiffany and then at Destiny before looking back at Samantha. “I see you brought along some cupcakes. Looks like our girls will be munching on cupcakes later.”
“Only if you catch us,” replied Sam. “We’re fast cupcakes.”
Sam tied a rope around Jackie’s neck and gave the other end to Tiffany to lead the girl back to camp. Sam and Destiny followed behind.
“Cupcake?” asked a confused Destiny while they were walking.
“Yeah, that’s what they call the pretty ones,” replied Sam. “They consider me to be a cupcake. And I knew that they would consider you and Tiff to be ones too.”
“But munching on cupcakes? What did that mea…?” And she stopped in mid-word as the meaning hit her. “Oh. Oh gosh. They wouldn’t!”
“Of course they would. That’s another good reason not to get captured. I don’t get the sense that you swing that way.”
Destiny blushed again and shook her head. “I don’t.” And then she added, “Do you?”
Sam smiled and hugged Destiny. She was so innocent and adorable. “Of course I do. I like it both ways.” Destiny’s blush deepened.
“Oh, I forgot to ask,” Sam continued. “How did these turn out when you were running?” She illustrated what ‘these’ were by reaching out and lifting Destiny’s closest breast in her palm.
Destiny cringed at the intimate touch but did not pull away. “Oh, you were right. I didn’t even notice. I was too preoccupied with the capture.”
Sam gave the breast in her palm a squeeze and bent forward to kiss Destiny’s cheek. “I knew you’d be fine.”
“Hey, you two, stop making out back there,” shouted Tiffany from far ahead.
“Yeah, you two cupcakes should save yourselves for once you get captured,” taunted Jackie.
Sam and Destiny caught up and Destiny’s cheeks were aflame. Not only had Sam been touching her so intimately, but they had been accused of making out. She was mortified. She was also embarrassed that her sex was so wet now, just as Samantha had predicted.
Sam slapped Jackie’s ass. “We might be able to spare you a long walk if you tell us your password.”
“It’s Alphonso,” replied Jackie readily.
“Nice try,” said Sam. “But they don’t use names.”
“Oh,” said Jackie. “They told us everyone was using names this year. Why? What’s yours?”
Sam slapped Jackie’s ass again. “Nice try again. Take her to the cage, Tiff.”
“Okay, but try to keep up this time. No more kissy-kissy.”
Jackie was the first capture of the day. The three scout killers turned their prisoner over to the guards and drank some water before heading out for their next victim. They captured three more scouts during the morning. A fifth one was grabbed but managed to get away. Sam decided that was a good time to head back to camp for lunch.
When they got there, they saw that they had made the only captures of the day. All of the rest of the sisters were already in camp when they arrived and were already eating; all of the sisters, that is, but one. One of the raiding parties had skirmished with an opposing raiding party and had lost one. One of the freshman Lezzies was now in the Sextista’s cage.
Chapter 4
The three of them captured another scout and delivered her to the cage. Then the game changed for the Scout Killers. They had been stalking the next scout for about fifteen minutes. She stopped at the bottom of a low hill. It was actually more of a ridge than a hill and it ran along behind her. They crept closer and finally the scout detected the Scout Killers’ presence and turned to look at them.
As soon as Destiny saw that they had been detected, she took off, sprinting with her breasts bobbing wildly on her chest. Just like before, she threw her body at the scout and tackled her around the ankles. And just like before, Sam and Tiff showed up to subdue the scout.
But unlike before, this scout was not alone. After they stripped her and were in the process of binding her, a raiding party that had been hiding just over the hill came swooping down on them. They never even had a chance to react.
Sam and Tiff were immediately pounced upon. Destiny got up to run but someone grabbed her hair and yanked her back down. Three Sexistas sat on each of the unfortunate Lezzies. It took no effort to strip the three of them and soon, they were standing in a line with their wrists bound behind them and a rope that ran from neck to neck. It was decided that they would not need to be hobbled. The coffle would effectively eliminate their ability to run.
The Sexista who appeared to be in charge of the group stood in front of the three prisoners. Like Sam, she was tall and big-breasted although her hair was raven. Destiny recognized her and many of the other Sigmas who now surrounded them. She had rushed both sororities during the rush season as she tried to figure out which one to join. Linda, who now stood before them, had been the rush chairwoman for the Sigmas and she had tried hard to get Destiny to join. Destiny almost did join but, at the last minute, she had second thoughts. Something about the Sigma house just didn’t feel right. So she joined the Lambdas instead. It wasn’t until afterwards that she learned that the Sigmas were all lesbians. It would have been a disaster for her if she had joined.
Linda started with Tiffany at the end of the coffle. “Nice compact little cupcake,” she said as she trailed her fingers lightly down Tiff’s jaw line. She raised her other hand and let the fingers glide down Tiff’s neck and then chest. She placed her palms on the captive’s breasts and then squeezed. Tiffany blushed furiously. “The guards will have fun with you.”
Linda moved on to Destiny who was in the middle. Her hands went immediately to Destiny’s breasts and she lifted them in her palms, weighing them. Destiny gasped and backed away but another Sexista behind her started spanking her until she moved back into position.
“Much better, my little cupcake,” Linda continued. “We wanted you bad as a sister. You disappointed us. But now we’ll get to enjoy you as our captive.” Linda started moving her thumbs back and forth across Destiny’s nipples, causing the girl to groan from the humiliation.
“The guards will love playing with you, too. And I might even take you to warm my bed tonight if we can end this game early enough.” Then Linda moved on to Sam but not before bending down to kiss each of Destiny’s nipples. Destiny thought she would die of embarrassment.
“Here’s my little cage slut,” said Linda as she hefted Sam’s heavy breasts in her palms. “I told you that I would own you someday. I guess today’s my lucky day.” She bent down and kissed each of Samantha’s nipples before moving her hand between Sam’s thighs. She swiped her finger between the labia and then stabbed it into the tall blonde, causing Sam to suck in her breath and rise up onto her toes.
“Enjoy owning me while you can,” replied Sam. “You only have us until they trade prisoners for us.”
Linda laughed. “Oh that’s right. We have never met on the field of battle before so you wouldn’t’ know. Sexistas do exchange prisoners. But we never trade away our cupcakes. And you three are definitely cupcakes.”
“Take them back to camp, girls,” she told the others as she stepped back. The three sorry prisoners were marched off with Samantha leading and Tiffany trailing.
“Why did she call you cage slut?” whispered Destiny as they walked in single file.
“Two years ago was my first games. I kept getting captured. I was exchanged four times before the games ended. I wasn’t trying to get captured but it just kept happening. That was with a different sorority but I guess that word got out.”
“Oh,” replied Destiny. “I hope they trade for us.”
“Don’t hold your breath,” said Sam. “You heard Linda. They don’t trade cupcakes.”
When they arrived in the Sexista’s base camp, they saw that there was still only one Lezzie in the cage. That was a relief. At least their team was holding up well.
“Fresh meat!” called out Linda as they approached the camp.
“Oh goody, goody,” smiled another of the Sigmas as she came up to them. “And cupcakes at that. Nice job, Linda.”
“These are the ones who kept nabbing our scouts. Maybe we’ll finally start making some progress now that they’re out of the way.”
“Yep,” said the guard. “And if we can get them to talk, we’ll end this game early.”
“Oh, that reminds me,” said Linda. “Save this one for me.” She illustrated which one she meant by reaching out and grasping Destiny’s left nipple and shaking it. Destiny gasped and blushed furiously.
“Oh,” replied the guard with a look of confusion. “So no interrogating her?”
“Oh, no, no, no,” said Linda. “Interrogate her all you want. But at the end of the day, she’s mine.”
“Oh, and here I thought it was me you loved,” pouted Samantha with mock disappointment in her voice.
“Interrogate that one hard,” said Linda as she pointed to Sam. “And save that one for me too.”
“Why not all three?” asked the guard sarcastically.
“You’re right,” replied Linda. “Save all three cupcakes for me.” Linda was now the president-elect of the sorority and figured that nobody would object to her having these three beauties. They might not like it but they were unlikely to say anything about it. She had no idea how she would use three girls. But that would be a nice problem to have.
“Happy hunting,” said the guards as Linda headed back to the woods with her raiding party, leaving the three unfortunate Lezzies with the guards.
“Come along girls,” she said as she picked up the rope that connected them. “Might as well get started on you.” Then she stopped and turned back to them. “Or we could make it easy on you if you give us your password.”
“Never,” said Sam. She would be insane to give up the word right now. By the rules of the game, she would still belong to the Sigmas until tomorrow night if she did that. And so would Destiny and Tiffany.
“Never,” said Destiny.
“Never,” chimed in Tiffany.
“Suit yourselves.”
“I can’t believe the college condones this,” whispered Destiny as they were led to the center of the camp.
“The college doesn’t,” replied Sam. “The college doesn’t like this at all. But it’s been a tradition for years and they can’t kill it.”
The naked girls were separated from one another. There were three guards assigned to each. Each girl was fastened to an X frame with their arms and legs stretched outward, leaving their bodies completely exposed and vulnerable. The Xes were arranged in a circle so that each of them could see what was happening to the others.
Again, despite herself, Destiny found herself admiring the bodies of her two sisters. She didn’t know why she was behaving the way she was. It was unlike her to be attracted to other women. And she was ashamed of herself for becoming so wet and aroused. But she did think that Sam and Tiff were beautiful and so, so sexy.
“Shave them,” said Karen. Karen was a muscular, stocky woman who looked like she belonged in a gay bar; either that or a biker bar. She looked like a dyke and even had short hair like Destiny always imagined dykes would have.
“Wait!” cried out Destiny. “Not that!”
Karen walked over to where Destiny was bound. She grasped one of the ripe breasts in one hand and tugged at the tuft of fur over Destiny’s mound with the other hand.
“If this is so important to you, “she said as she tugged on the fur again, “you know how to save it. Just whisper your password to me.”
Destiny shook her head. “Never.”
Karen backed away and let her comrades work. Within minutes, three bald pussies were introduced to the world. Destiny’s face was crimson.
They worked on one girl at a time. They had learned that sometimes the others would give up the password to save their friends from any further humiliation or abuse. They started with Tiffany.
Sam and Destiny watched as one of the Sigma pledges was brought forward. She knelt on the ground in front of Tiff and started licking the captive girl’s sex. Destiny groaned and blushed from the humiliation that Tiffany must be feeling. But she continued to watch. She had to watch because they had agreed on a plan in case they were captured. So she had to watch because she needed to know if Tiffany whispered anything to one of the guards.
The password that was given to the Lambdas was clarinet. The Sigmas would do anything that they could to discover that word. Sam and Tiff and Des had agreed that they would hold out as long as they could. And if one of them finally broke, they would give a false password. If all three of them gave the same fake password, the Sigmas might believe that they had the right one. It wouldn’t get them freed. But it might buy them some time. Plus, it would mean that at least one of the Sigmas would be forfeited to the Lezzies by the judges. Every little bit would help. The word that they agreed upon was succotash.
Destiny’s eyes were fixed on Tiffany. She thought it was awful that she was being subjected to such treatment. But she thought it was beautiful, too. Tiffany tensed and moaned as the tongue had its way with her. She struggled at her bindings and her eyelids fluttered as the tongue kept attacking.
Destiny had never seen anyone being aroused. She had sex three times before with two different guys but each time had been pretty unspectacular. She never achieved climax with either of them. She had masturbated herself to orgasm many times but had never watched herself in the mirror. She had never thought of that but wouldn’t have even if she had thought of it. That just wouldn’t be right. So she was seeing an aroused woman for the first time in her life.
Tiffany was so beautiful. Her champagne glass breasts would jiggle as she shuddered. Her lithe body tensed deliciously as she squirmed on her cross. Destiny truly admired her pledge sister.
Then she shook her head to clear it. She couldn’t believe the lewd lesbian thoughts that were running through her mind. As she shook her head, she saw movement. She turned it and saw Karen stepping up next to Samantha.
Their crosses were close enough that they could easily hear what was going on at each other’s crosses. Destiny listened as the butch dyke taunted her pledge mistress and mentor and heroine.
“Thanks for bringing the cupcakes, cage slut,” said Karen teasingly. “They’ll be nice additions to our harem.”
“Nice try, Karen,” replied Samantha calmly. “But this is just a game. Try to keep that in mind.”
“It is a game,” agreed Karen as she reached out and held one of Sam’s full breasts in her hand. Then she brought her other hand down hard on the upper curve of the breast and sent a loud slapping sound reverberating through the camp. Samantha yelped.
“It is a game,” Karen repeated. “But you don’t know the rules.” Destiny winced as she saw Samantha’s beautiful breast being punished and flattened between the two hands.
“I’m sure that you don’t want your pups to suffer,” Karen continued. “They can be abused or loved. It’s all up to you.”
“Don’t tell her anything, Sam,” shouted Destiny. “We’ll be fine.”
Samantha turned her head back to Karen. “They don’t look much like pups to me. They are foxes. Actually, these two might even be wolves.”
Karen slapped Samantha across the cheek, jerking Sam’s head to the right and causing her face to explode in pain.
“That’s a foul,” declared Samantha. “You might have just forfeited the games to us.”
“That wasn’t a foul,” replied Karen. “We are allowed to use our open palms during interrogations.”
“Yes,” said Sam. “But this has not been an interrogation. You haven’t asked me any questions.”
“What is your password?” asked Karen. “There. I have asked you a question. It’s officially an interrogation now.”
Karen paused for a moment. “Well, what’s your password?”
“Alphonso,” replied Jill loud enough for Tiff and Destiny to hear. Destiny giggled at the response but Tiffany was to busy trying to fend off an unwanted orgasm.
“They don’t use names as passwords,” said Karen, echoing Sam’s words from earlier in the day.
“Oh, they told us that both teams used names today,” responded Sam, using Jackie’s ploy from earlier. “Why? What is your password?”
Karen almost replied but then slapped Sam’s other cheek. She was not used to girly types making fun of her. She slapped the side of each breast hard, sending each into wild motion and causing Sam to yelp at each blow. Destiny bit her lower lip nervously.
Destiny thought about her mom. Had she been treated like this during the games when she was a student? Had she treated others this way? She visited Wardham at least once a year for reunions and other alumni events. Did she participate in the Old Girl Games? Destiny had a hard time picturing her mother running around half naked or sitting in a cage or on a cross.
Destiny did not even notice that someone had stepped next to her cross. She felt a hand claim her right breast and turned her head, seeing Gretchen. She groaned.
Gretchen was her Resident Advisor. She was the upperclassman who lived on her hall in the dorm to provide counsel and to keep the peace. She had been hitting on Destiny almost from the first day. She had also been the one who convinced Destiny to rush the Sigma house and she was probably the one who made Destiny feel uncomfortable about joining the Sigmas. Destiny never knew exactly why things didn’t feel right but figured that Gretchen was at least part of it.
“Hello, cupcake,” smiled Gretchen as she squeezed Destiny’s breast. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. At last, you’re mine.”
Gretchen was another tall one. And with her Nordic ancestry, she came with almost platinum blonde hair. She was stunning and was, by far, the most beautiful of the Sigmas. She also terrified Destiny.
“Oh, Gretchen. How could you? You’re my RA.”
Gretchen chuckled and then bounced the breast several times in her hand. “Very nice. And it’s about time that these became mine. You have been an elusive one.”
“But Gretchen. This will change our relationship forever.”
Gretchen laughed and then leaned forward, giving Destiny a heated kiss before responding. “That’s what I’m counting on.”
Just then, Linda and her raiding party returned and two more naked Lambdas were paraded into camp. A couple of the guards took possession of the girls and stuffed them in the cage with the Lambda who had been captured earlier in the day. Destiny watched wistfully as they were tucked away in the safety of the cage while she was exposed and in the clutches of Gretchen.
Two more Lambdas arrived, escorted by two more raiding parties. This did not look like a good sign to Destiny. It looked like her side was beginning to crumble.
In the meantime, Gretchen continued to work on Destiny’s breasts. She bounced them a few more times and then bent her head down and started to suckle on the nipples. Destiny shook her head in disbelief at her treatment. She was disgusted. But despite being disgusted, she felt her sex pulsing and wondered why her body would betray her so badly.
Tiffany climaxed just as another Lambda was brought into the camp and stuffed into the cage. Destiny watched Tiffany’s chest rising and falling rapidly as the orgasm washed through her body. The pledge between her thighs kept licking at Tiffany’s sex, prolonging the climax and leaving the bound girl whimpering.
“Maybe I’ll bring that little rug muncher over here,” said Gretchen as she rolled Destiny’s nipples back and forth. “Oh, I forgot. You don’t have a rug any more.” She slid one hand down Destiny’s taut belly and cupped her sex. “I like them bareback much better, myself.”
“Oh, my,” Gretchen continued. “It seems that you are enjoying this much more than you confess.” Gretchen slid a finger into Destiny, causing her to gasp, and then slowly pumped it in and out.
“Prisoner exchange!” one of the guards called out. Destiny grew hopeful as all of her sorority sisters were released from the cage and given their clothes back. But then she was filled with dismay as they were marched out of camp by one of the raiding parties, leaving Sam, Tiff and her bound to their horrid crosses.
“It’s time to get serious,” Karen said to Samantha. “Let’s see what we can come up with. Or you could give us your password and we’ll be done.”
Karen knelt on the ground between Samantha’s legs. Since Sam was admittedly bi, the prospect of being licked by another woman was not abhorrent to her. She did not particularly like Karen but she knew she would survive this.
Karen had other plans, though. She used a finger to part Samantha’s petals and then pushed the finger into the naked girl. Then, a second and third finger were inserted and moved in and out. The fourth joined the other three and Karen grinned up at her prey.
“You know where this is headed, don’t you?” asked Karen.
“That would be cruel,” replied Samantha. “Please don’t.”
The thumb was tucked beside the fingers and the whole assembly moved in and out, stretching Sam. Sam groaned as each time the fingers moved in, she was stretched a little more widely. Destiny and Tiffany watched in dismay as their older sister was being horribly abused. Gretchen called her rug muncher over who started to eagerly lap at Destiny’s sex. Ordinarily, Destiny would have protested but she was so shocked by what was happening to Samantha that it didn’t even register on her what was happening to her.
With a final push, Karen moved her hand inside and Destiny gasped as she saw the Sigma’s wrist disappearing into her friend. Destiny saw the wrist turning left and right and knew that Samantha must be in agony and terribly humiliated.
Sam was glad that she was the one being abused instead of her pups, although she would have preferred no abuse at all. She felt the dyke’s fingers exploring inside of her and felt totally humiliated at the treatment she was receiving. She saw Tiff and Destiny staring at her with open mouths and looks of horror on their faces and she blushed at having them witness her ordeal.
Destiny finally realized that something was going on between her legs. She looked down and shrieked when she realized that another woman was licking her. It was so disgusting. She shrieked again and told the girl to go away.
Gretchen slapped Destiny across the face. “There’s an easy way to make her stop. Tell me the password.”
“Never!” yelled Destiny. “Get her away from me!!!” Sam was so proud of her little pup. She knew that this must be very difficult for Destiny but the pledge remained strong.
Another guard started working on Tiffany again. She was still trying to get over the fact that a woman had licked her when another woman started fondling her breasts. “Stop it! This is rape!”
The new woman laughed and leaned down, sucking one of Tiffany’s nipples into her mouth. She clamped her teeth down on it and shook her head, sending pain through Tiff’s chest. She also slid her hand down the captive’s belly and slipped a finger into the very wet canal before releasing the nipple and responding.
“You should have read the release form you signed for the event. This is not rape. This is one of the ‘anything else is fair game’ activities that are not prohibited. But I’ll stop. Just give me the password.”
“Never!” replied Tiffany.
Samantha’s forehead was beaded with sweat as the fingers continued to probe around inside of her. She was once again proud of her pups as she heard Tiffany’s response but the hand within her was causing a great deal of discomfort. Karen leaned forward and flicked her tongue over Sam’s clit, eliciting a groan from the bound girl.
More naked prisoners were brought into camp and stored in the cage as the three girls were sexually tormented. Each of them was being driven toward humiliating orgasms as their sisters in the cage witnessed their plight. The Sexistas toyed with their captives for over thirty minutes before they finally pushed them over the edge, creating a chorus of moans and squeals.
When Destiny opened her eyes, she saw eight naked Lambdas in the cage. She had been so absorbed in the sexual abuse that she had not even noticed some of them being locked up.
“Prisoner exchange!” a voice cried out. Once again, the caged Lambdas were released, leaving the Lambdas on the crosses to remain behind. Destiny groaned. This could go on for over twenty four more hours according to the rules of the game. She was sure she would die of humiliation long before that.
Chapter 5
“I’ve never had a three fister before,” declared Karen after the eight Lambdas had been led from camp. “No time like the present.”
Sam looked at her, puzzled. What did that mean, she wondered.
“Hey, Gretchen,” Karen called over to her sorority sister. “Mind if I do your girl now?”
Sam gasped. Was Karen planning on fisting Destiny? She couldn’t allow that to happen. Destiny would be traumatized by that. “Wait!” Sam called out. “I’ll tell you.”
Karen grinned smugly as she turned to Samantha. “You’ll tell me what?”
Samantha hung her head. “I’ll tell you the password.”
“Whisper it to me,” said Karen. “I don’t want the others to hear what you say. And if I don’t get the same word from all three of you, you’ll all be fisted at the same time.”
Sam just nodded slowly. “Succotash,” she whispered. She knew she was taking a chance by using the fake word. Karen would be furious when she discovered it was a fake and might make things even worse for them. But it would buy them some time. Maybe something would change before it was discovered.
Karen gave Sam a pat on the cheek. “Good girl.” Then she walked to Destiny and lifted the captive’s breasts in her hands, enjoying the heavy weight of the perfect orbs. “Whisper the password to me.”
Destiny looked over at Sam for guidance. Sam nodded back at Destiny and winked. “Tell her,” said Sam.
“Succotash,” whispered Destiny. Karen leaned down and kissed the soft upper swells of the delicious breasts that she held and then turned to Tiffany.
“Succotash,” whispered Tiffany. She also received a kiss to each of her breasts.
A pledge was selected as a runner but was escorted by one of the raiding parties. Destiny suspected that they were using a pledge because the pledges were expendable. If they had the wrong word, they would lose the pledge instead of a more experienced sister.
As predicted, the pledge was given to the Lambdas and the raiding party returned with the report of the loss. At least Sam had bought them thirty minutes or so. Karen just shook her head. “I can’t believe you could be so stupid,” she said. “Well, I have to get back to my three fister.”
Sam begged and pleaded with Karen not to violate Destiny. She even offered to give her the real word. But Karen just continued making preparations to lodge her hand in Destiny’s body. She knelt and started stroking Destiny’s petals, testing them for lubrication. Much to Destiny’s dismay, she was already quite wet. One finger entered her and then a second. The third finger was pushed in alongside the other two and Destiny groaned.
“We won!” shouted Linda as she entered the camp. Her raiding party followed close behind her. The rest of the Sexistas entered the camp shortly thereafter. They had five naked Lambdas with them.
“How did you do it?” asked Karen. She had withdrawn her fingers and was standing again. “Usually it’s the interrogators who get the word.”
“Well, in a way, you did this time too,” replied Linda. She described how one of the Lambda sisters who had been captured earlier “was so frightened by what you were doing to these three that she told us the word without us even asking for it. She even pissed herself, she was so scared.”
“Does that mean I can’t fist this one?” asked Karen.
“Can’t fist her,” replied Linda. “They’re no longer prisoners. Now they are slaves until tomorrow night; my slaves in fact.”
Chapter 6
“Oh, come on, Linda,” complained Sam. “I don’t think this is what anyone had in mind.”
Samantha and Destiny and Tiffany had been removed from the crosses without any further fisting, much to the relief of all three of them. Once again, their wrists were bound behind their backs and they were tied into a coffle. The Sexistas had all changed back into their street clothes for the trip back to campus but the three Lambdas were still naked.
“What do you think they had in mind?” asked Linda.
“I think they meant that the losers could be held onto until Sunday night. I don’t think that they intended them to be sex slaves.”
Linda stopped the coffle and then lifted Samantha’s breasts in her palms as she looked into Sam’s eyes. “But you make such a beautiful sex slave. Go with it. I think you’ll enjoy it.”
“But these two won’t like it,” Sam retorted. “They’re not rug munchers. And the rules don’t say anything about us being sex slaves.”
“That’s true,” agreed Linda. “But they don’t say that you can’t be sex slaves either. If they had wanted to prohibit it, they would have said so. Lord knows they identified enough other things that are prohibited.”
“And as to your two other cupcakes,” she continued, “how can they know if they are into girls or not if they have never tried it? We’re doing them a favor. We’re educating them and expanding their horizons. And I’ll bet at least one of them is a rug muncher by tomorrow night.”
Destiny just shook her head in disbelief. This whole day had been surreal with one surprise after another and one humiliation after another. Now it looked like her surrealistic world would continue for the night and through the next day.
At least they weren’t the only ones who were being kept by the Sigmas. Five more Lambdas had been captured in the closing minutes of the game. They were similarly naked and bound but were not in coffles. They were each being led by the Sexista who had claimed them for the night. Destiny pitied the Lambda who was being led by Karen.
“At least can we have our clothes?” asked Destiny.
“I keep my slaves naked,” replied Linda.
Destiny was dreading the bus trip home. She knew that their naked bodies would be groped and fondled for the entire trip. Linda had staked her ownership claim on all three of them earlier in the day and she was sticking to that claim. But she also knew that she wouldn’t be able to use all three. She decided to keep Samantha for the night. She said that she wanted to play with those large breasts. Tiffany was given to the current president of the sorority who had been one of the few scouts that the trio had not been able to capture. Destiny was given to Gretchen.
So, while she was dreading the bus trip, she was dreading the arrival back on campus even more. Gretchen had already proven how lustful she was for Destiny. Des had no idea what would happen to her once she was behind closed doors with the predatory Gretchen. She shuddered as she thought about it.
Destiny was right about the bus ride home. It was the trip through hell. Linda kept all three of them in their coffle and they had to stand. This was tough since their wrists were still behind their backs. Several times, they fell into the laps of the seated Sigmas as the bus turned or started or stopped. Each time, they were groped and fondled.
There wasn’t anything malicious in the actions of the Sexistas. To them, it was just a group of young women out for a night of fun. It was pretty humiliating for the three Scout Killers, though.
Even when they were standing in the aisle, they were attacked. Fingers tweaked their nipples or squeezed their breasts. Other fingers probed into their pussies, which were still quite wet, much to the dismay of the captured girls.
At some point, their bottoms were discovered and fingers probed their asses. This resulted in the three girls pressing their butts together. It was six beautiful bottom cheeks pressed together to protect their asses from further probing. This successfully defended their little rosebuds but left their breasts and pussies on display and available for enjoyment.
When they arrived at the Sigma house, the three cupcakes were lashed together with their backs against a pole in the middle of the dance floor. The Sigmas partied, dancing around their captives. The other captive Lambdas were fastened to rings in the four walls surrounding the party room.
“Who in their right mind would put a pole in the middle of a dance floor?” shouted Destiny to Samantha. She had to shout but was not worried about any of the Sigmas hearing her because of the loud music.
“I think it’s a stripper’s pole,” Samantha shouted back. “This is a pretty kinky group.”
“Oh,” whispered Destiny, not realizing that nobody would hear her. “At least I won’t have to strip,” she though. “I’m already naked.”
Once again, every part of their bodies was sampled by the celebrating Sigmas. Destiny looked around the room and saw that the Lambdas attached to the walls were being similarly fondled and abused.
A girl would dance by and suck a nipple into her mouth. The next one might probe a finger into a captive’s sex. One girl pried Destiny’s mouth open, stretching her tongue out and rubbing her finger along the tongue. At the moment, a girl was kneeling at Destiny’s feet with her tongue buried deep in her love canal.
Destiny had no idea how things could possibly return to normal after today. The girl who was tonguing her was in her English class. One of the girls who had probed her sex lived in her dorm. Gretchen, who was her Resident Advisor, owned her for the night. How could she face them after this?
The Sigmas drank and danced and partied. They had won and they were celebrating. They had brought back war trophies that were on display for all to enjoy. It was a joyous time for the Sexistas.
Chapter 7
The party was still in full swing when Gretchen came for Destiny. She unfastened her prize from the pole and then cuffed her wrists behind her back again. Cuffs were a new twist. Previously, only rope had been used to bind the girls. Destiny started to wonder just how kinky the Sigmas were. Why would they have handcuffs?
Gretchen lived in the dorm but there was a room in the sorority house for visiting sisters. Gretchen took Destiny to the room and locked the door.
“If I remove your cuffs, will you try to escape?” asked Gretchen.
“I don’t know,” replied Destiny. “I have never been shown the rules for the games.”
“Would you like to read them?” asked Gretchen as she stepped forward and ran her hands down Destiny’s arms.
“Yes please,” squeaked Destiny as she felt gooseflesh forming down her arms. Gretchen went to her purse and found the rules. She unfolded them and then laid the two pages on the top of the dresser for Destiny to read. She sat on the edge of the bed while the captive girl read the pages.
Destiny read slowly. She wanted to make sure that she did not miss anything. It turned out that she already knew about most of the rules from Samantha’s briefings. She focused on the prohibitions. No fists. No kicking. No open palms other than for interrogations. No drugs. No permanent marks. No bodily fluids. There were a lot of things that were not permitted.
She got to the bottom of the list of prohibitions and then started at the top again. She could not believe that they would not prohibit sex. The list was so thorough. How could they have omitted that one? She realized that the Sigmas had not violated any of the stated rules that day. She sighed and then turned to Gretchen.
“I will honor my captivity,” she said.
Gretchen smiled and stood up, walking back to Destiny and gathering the girl’s breasts in her hands, weighing them again. “Good girl. Will you also be obedient?”
“The rules prohibit me from trying to escape once the games have ended but they don’t say anything about having to obey.”
“Maybe this is a better way to ask it. I am going to have sex with you one way or another. I am going to have lots of sex with this tight, beautiful body. Would you prefer to be bound or would you prefer to have your hands and legs free?”
Destiny knew this was where the evening was headed but she still felt her heart sink when she heard the words. “Oh, Gretchen, I have been bound for most of the day. I want to be free. But I’m not sure that I won’t struggle.”
Gretchen smiled. “Struggling might not be so bad. I like a squirmy girl beneath me. We’ll take it slow.” Then she turned Destiny around and removed the bindings.
“Just one more thing,” announced Gretchen. She went to her purse again and fished around in it before returning to the naked girl. She held out her arm to let Destiny see what was in her hand. Destiny gasped at the sight. Gretchen was holding a pink collar. But what made Destiny gasp was what was embossed on it. “Destiny Collins. Property of Gretchen Iverson.”
Destiny’s eyes went wide and she looked back at Gretchen. “You knew this would happen. You had it all planned out.”
“Well, yes and no,” replied Gretchen. “I have had this collar almost since the beginning of school. I hoped that one day you would wear it. Today’s my lucky day. So that part wasn’t planned. It was just hoped for.”
“But we did plan on capturing you today. We always pick out the cupcakes that we want to catch. The three of you were at the top of our list. We were just lucky that the three of you were together. But you gave us a hard time. You caught all but two of our scouts.”
Gretchen lifted Destiny’s long blonde hair off of her shoulders and draped it down her back. Then she fitted the collar around the naked girl’s neck and buckled it. She leaned forward and kissed Destiny on the lips, letting her tongue snake forward. Destiny tensed but did not protest or struggle. She felt Gretchen’s tongue slide into her mouth and probe and explore as the older girl’s hands ran over her nudity.
Finally, Gretchen broke the kiss, leaving Destiny gasping for air. “Let’s go dance.”
Gretchen went back to her purse and retrieved a leash which she attached to the collar. Then she led the naked girl back downstairs.
The party was still in full swing. Sam and Tiffany were gone, as were a couple of the wall girls. The ones who remained against the wall were still receiving their share of attention as the Sigmas continued to explore their naked bodies.
Gretchen paraded Destiny around the room as if she were showing off her trophy. Nobody touched her. Apparently the collar really did denote ownership, thought Destiny. But all eyes were upon her as she passed. Destiny kept her eyes lowered as she was shown off. The others took it to be a sign of submission but in reality, it was a sign of shame. Finally, Gretchen led her to the center of the dance floor. Destiny dutifully wrapped her arms around Gretchen’s neck as Gretchen’s hands grabbed the girl’s bare butt. They danced together, looking like lovers.
The crowd applauded when the dance ended and Gretchen led her to a table. They sat for a couple of dances and talked.
“So is it true that you’ve never been with another girl?” asked Gretchen.
“Not sexually,” replied Destiny. “Unless you count this afternoon.”
“No, I don’t count that. You weren’t given a choice then. I was disappointed that you didn’t become a Sigma. We would have opened your eyes to a whole new world. I guess I’ll have to do it all by myself now.”
“What would have happened if I had joined? What do you do with girls like me who aren’t lesbian?” asked Destiny.
“Oh, that’s a trade secret,” said Gretchen. “Nobody in the sorority is allowed to share that information. But it works. Within a month, they’re all lesbians.”
Destiny looked around the room again. All of the Lambdas were now gone. She noticed that some of the Sigmas were paired up while others were in small groups. She knew most of the freshmen and saw that each of them wore a pink collar, identical to her own with leashes being held by upperclassmen. She turned back to Gretchen.
“Does it have something to do with the collars?”
Gretchen laughed. “The collars are part of the process but they don’t do anything. And no, there are no drugs involved. Each girl willingly gives herself.”
Destiny furrowed her brow at the comment as she tried to figure out how they did it. Just then, she saw Samantha walking toward her. Tall, beautiful, confident Samantha was being led across the floor by Linda. And Sam had a pink collar on too.
“What’s with all of these collars?” she thought.
“How’s it going, Des?” asked Samantha when she reached the table.
“So far, so good,” replied Destiny. “How about you?”
“Same here, so far,” said Sam. “Nice collar.”
Destiny blushed at the comment. “You too. And I like the new hair.” Samantha always wore her hair in a ponytail but the tail always flowed from the back of her head. While they were gone, Linda had refashioned it into a ponytail that sprung from the top of Sam’s head. Destiny actually did think it looked nice. It gave Sam a more exotic look. Destiny also usually had a ponytail but Gretchen had removed the tie and combed out her tresses. Now her hair flowed smoothly down her back.
Linda finally spoke up. “I see you decided to cooperate, Des,” she said, pointing to the wrists that were not bound.
“I agreed not to try to escape,” replied Destiny. “I didn’t say anything about cooperating.”
Linda nodded and then turned to Samantha who had her wrists tied in front of her. “Yes, maybe cooperation is too high of a standard. If I untie you, will you agree not to escape?”
“I’m not allowed to escape,” replied Sam. “Those are the rules.”
“Okay, give me your hands.” Sam reached forward and Linda untied the ropes. Now Sam was completely naked but for the collar. A slow dance started and the two Sexistas led their captive Lezzies to the dance floor.
This time, Gretchen turned Destiny facing away from her. She pulled the girl tightly to her and they swayed to the music as Gretchen ran her hands over Destiny’s front, gliding over full breasts, squeezing the narrow waist, rubbing the taut belly and occasionally fingering her sex which was dripping like a faucet by now.
She noticed that Samantha was being held in the same way and being slowly, seductively caressed during the dance. Destiny looked around and saw that everyone who was wearing one of the pink collars was now naked and dancing the same way, with their bodies being displayed and being stroked by their dance partners.
That turned out to be the last dance of the night. Destiny had no idea what that little ritual meant but she was sure that it had been some kind of ritual.
Before Gretchen led Destiny back upstairs to meet her fate, she offered Destiny an opportunity to say goodnight to Samantha. Destiny thanked her temporary owner and hurried over to Samantha. Destiny threw her arms around Sam’s neck and jumped up, wrapping her legs around Sam’s waist and showering her older sorority sister with kisses. Their naked flesh pressed tightly together, giving Destiny a new sensation. She had never pressed her naked body against another female naked body. But this whole day was filled with firsts for her.
Sam smiled at the energetic pledge and held her bottom cheeks as she enjoyed the kisses and returned them. When Destiny finished with the kisses, she placed her mouth next to Sam’s ear and whispered. “I love you, Samantha. Thank you for today. And thank you for being you.”
Sam whispered back. “I love you too, little pup.” She had no idea how to respond to Destiny’s thanking her for today, though. Was the pledge enjoying being a slavegirl? Did she have fun being on the cross all afternoon? She decided not to ask. She would talk to Destiny another time and find out what she meant.
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