I didn't presume Darla wanted me to be barefoot at the mall. After all, it's against the rules. I might have gotten kicked out before getting into the bathroom. I'm sure she didn't want that. I wore tennis shoes to match my coat, since tennis shoes go with just about anything. I made sure to shave before heading out, but I had grown used to doing that anyhow. I stopped even thinking why I was doing it, it was just an automatic part of my showers, now. I even ate relatively healthily earlier in the day. There was a slight breeze, but I wasn't too cold if I didn't stay outside too long. Again, the drive took about an hour, but I left earlier than last time. I wasn't as scared this time. I think it was because I didn't think about what I was going to have to do. Also, there were less cars and I got to keep my coat on, this time. I didn't allow my imagination to wander. I could only see a handful of people, and they were leaving. I could tell they were looking at my fully exposed legs, but I avoided embarrassment by not thinking about it and reminding myself it was dark. Well, I was embarrassed, I won't lie, but not as much as I expected. I was more comfortable with the situation than I should have been. I knew that, but I didn't allow myself to worry. Maybe I had developed that as a habit, to cope with what was happening. I showed up in the third stall with ten minutes to spare. I waited what I presumed was most of an hour before Darla showed up. Other people used the bathroom, but nobody said anything about me or the stall I was in. I just acted like a pair of feet in a stall. Not many people. Darla was, by my estimate, the seventh person to enter the bathroom.
"bitch?', I heard her say loudly at the door to the stall.
"Yes, Mistress?", I asked. My voice cracked in the middle of 'Mistress'. A part of me thought nothing was really going to happen, I guess. I felt that Darla was going to go softer on me, like during the week before. But then she was there. I knew I was wrong. Tonight was real. I had convinced myself tonight wasn't really going to happen, and that's why I was able to relax and avoid embarrassment But there was Darla. I suddenly realized how little I had on. Shoes and a coat. I was totally indecent. Even if nobody could see any of my privates, my coat simply wasn't long enough to allow me to do simple things, like sit or even bend at any significant angle, without showing off. Except I wasn't showing off, I was being forced to display myself to strangers! I almost had an outburst, but I remembered that my life as I knew it was at steak, so I calmed myself.
"Invite me in, bitch.", she ordered with mock patience. I'm not sure how, but it was there. I don't know how long my thoughts were, in between my answer and her mocking, but I knew I took too long.
"Please come in, Mistress.", I said softly, as I unlocked and opened the door. I hoped I was hiding my anxiety and anger well enough that she either didn't notice or care. Or maybe I should have allowed her to notice just in case she would care? No, she put me through too much to presume she cared about what I want.
She did come in, and she didn't hesitate or move slowly. I almost sighed or trembled or something. I couldn't be sure what I was holding back, any more. She had a large shoe box in her arms. It was pink and had red lines all over it, but nothing that would indicate what kind of shoes were inside. She set it down at my feet, then stood right back up, opened my coat, and wrapped her arms around me. I froze in fear. Why was I at the mall naked? What horrible idea could she be forcing me through in a public place after close? Well, at least it was after close, I reassured myself (slightly). She moved her hands from around me and started caressing my breasts with soft, circular motions. Then she licked and sucked on my nipples. I was already a little cold and wasn't sure if my nipples got hard from her or if they already were, but I told myself it was the cold. Still, I couldn't help but think of how she had forced me to orgasm. Somehow, that felt like the biggest injustice about the whole situation. How can I physically enjoy any of this if I mentally hate it? It doesn't make sense, and my recent research seems to agree. She smiled at me, as though she was not a manipulative, immoral bitch. She could have been cute if I didn't hate her. In a platonic sense. She slid her arms out from under my coat and bent at the knees to open the box. I could make out dark clothing, including a set of knee high, high-heeled boots. She reached in and took out a little plastic box about three or four inches on each side. She set it on the toilet paper dispenser and shut the shoe box.
"In this box is a timer. When it buzzes, you must leave this stall, go through the door at the back of the bathroom, not the door patrons come through, and walk down the hallway. You're going to be behind the stores, in the area employees use to get around. By the time the buzzer goes off, all the employees except night security will be gone. On the back of the first door you come to, there will be a note from me. Read it, and follow the instructions.", She motioned to the box at our feet, "This box contains everything you will wear tonight, plus one magazine and several tools. Instructions are written on the top of the lid. Follow them."
Then, she kissed me deeply, and I put effort into kissing her back without slapping her. It never gets easier. I promised myself I'd try to please her, but I simply wasn't sexually attracted to her. Not consciously, anyhow! Kissing her under these conditions made the cold dissipate due to my anger. She looked me over and held out her hand, "Give me your coat, and those shoes will cost you points."
I took my coat and shoes off and handed them to her. She looked me up and down, licked her lips, and reminded me, perhaps not on purpose, how exposed and vulnerable I was. I feared my anger was apparent but she didn't delay, she left. She shut the stall door behind her and I could hear her exist the bathroom the same way she wanted me to go. There was no reason to wait, so I opened the box. The dark black instructions written in marker on the underside of the lid read as follows;
1; Use the douche and the enema. Make sure you're thoroughly clean!
2; Put all items of clothing on in the manner it's obvious they go, except the gloves. The boots were difficult to find, but I managed it. There's a collar type thing at the top of them. Snap the locks snuggly into place after they're on. Everything else is intuitive.
3; Use the lube on the butt plug and the dildo. Thrust the dildo into yourself five times, then insert the butt plug. Put more lube on the dildo, and thrust five more times, then remove the butt plug and apply more lube, then replacing it. Repeat until the lube begins to drip down both of your legs, but repeat the cycle no fewer than ten times.
4; Squeeze a few gobs of lube onto each tit and all over your torso. Moisten your tits, your torso, legs, and ass. Get as shiny as you can
5; Put the gloves on.
6; You may read the magazine as you wait for the buzzer.
7; If your tits or ass ever get dry, take off a glove and lube them again from your cunt and asshole, since those parts will have some spare lube, then put the glove back on.
8; I won't tell you how, but I will know if you don't follow these instructions exactly, so don't get into even more trouble.
I had a sinking feeling in my stomach as I read the list, and my stomach stayed low when I was done. The douche and enema were in either boot. I I douched first, since I had done it before and would not consider it disgusting. The fluid seemed fairly cold and it was uncomfortable. I feared someone would come in while I expelled it and that they'd somehow know what I was doing. And would it normally bother me if someone knew I was douching in a public bathroom? What would get me to?! This whole situation was artificial and scary. Douching is something you do in private, period.
I had never used an enema before, and it was exactly as gross feeling as I imagined. It felt like I had diarrhea while I was filling my bowels up and releasing. The nozzle on the end of the tube was easy enough to get into my anus, but it just made me realize how exposed I would be if security came in and found me. What would I tell them? To reduce the odds that I'd get caught doing something that compromising, I hurried. The instructions on the box said to do it twice for best results, and there were two solutions. I figured I'd do it twice, since Darla would mysteriously know what I did. I thought I could hear people walking by the bathroom doors, so instead of allowing myself to worry about it I quickly gave myself a second enema. The second solution came out really clean, but it felt just as gross when I did it. Ironically enough, it made me feel dirty and wrong, when I was technically getting cleaner.
Without any protection in the form of clothes and feeling violated, I looked through the box. The clothes consisted of the following things; The twice mentioned boots, which had claspy things at the top and near the ankles, and seemed like they'd be very tight; pleather dress gloves, like the kind you'd wear with an expensive cocktail dress except made out of plastic; A thick, black belt about three inches wide, a black ski mask, and a hair tie. After checking a fourth time, I began to get fearful if Darla was going to have me rob a store. In the nude! Those clothes obviously didn't count as such. They wouldn't cover anything I'd want covered! And they didn't. The boots were tight in the calves, but well-fitting for the foot. The clasps had small locks attached to them. I could adjust their position, though. I adjusted them to be as comfortable as I suspected I could get in them, and locked them. Where would anyone find boots like those? They clacked on the floor, too, so I'd have to move slowly to reduce how much noise I made. Perhaps Darla didn't want me taking them off to avoid that clacking. And I know myself, perhaps I would have.
The gloves, on the other hand, protected me. I couldn't get my fingerprints on anything. I knew I was going to be doing something illegal, and I might even get some jail time if I got caught.... but how much? For walking around a mall after close in the nude, the punishment couldn't be any more severe than what I'd get for having sex with a student. Could it? What if I robbed a store? With the context of being nude, would I be able to teach again? The mask did something miraculous. Right before I decided I'd try to find a way home --nude and without keys to my car-- I felt that I was safe. Not wholly. In fact, almost not at all. But My face being hidden behind a mask gave me just enough nerve to continue what I was doing. Not only was my face covered from being identified on cameras, which reassured my consciously, but it made me feel like what was happening was less real. I could almost pretend I was simply watching what was happening from some other place. The belt fit snuggly, but not tightly. It served to accentuate my hips, and of course the fact I wasn't wearing any pants or a shirt. I got the feeling I would have started crying then, but the mask still had that "not really me" feeling going.
Before putting the gloves on, I got out the dildo, butt plug, and the lube. The lube was at least twelve ounces and was exceptionally viscous, more than I'd have expected. The toilet looked clean, but I didn't trust it anyhow. I left the stuff by the box at my feet as I stared down at the dildo I held. Of course I didn't want to do what I was about to do. I just... I want my private parts to be private. I didn't want to have stuff shoved into them on command. But I already came here. Before actually being on the spot, you don't have to think about it. The threat of losing my career and getting prison time is a big motivation when the horrible thing I have to do to avoid it isn't happening, but when it is happening it still rattles the nerve. But I decided I'd have to get it in, so I pretended I was in the high school bathroom again, with Chad.
What is it with me and Chad? Why was I stuck on him like this? Why hadn't I dated anyone since him? Why did I masturbate more often than I used to after he left? He was the sexiest man I had ever known, sure. He could even turn me on in a situation like this, when he wasn't even around! Why? He had an average sized penis, from my experiences, he wasn't particularly impressive physically, so why? It had to be his personality. How was he different from every other guy I had ever been with? I still couldn't figure it out. Regardless the reason, it allowed me to use the dildo without loosing my mind.
I don't often have epiphanies. Usually I use reasoning and think of something and the answer comes to me methodically. But it hit me very suddenly that time. He had a commanding personality. When I was in high school myself, all the boys were... well, boys. They were more interested in playing than in serious conversation. I never pretended I had anything serious with any of them. I fell in love, sure, but I never fooled myself into thinking that would last forever. At the time, it seemed like it would, but I reminded myself not to get my hopes up. And I don't think my hopes ever did get higher than they should have. In college I had a few boyfriends. They tended to be intellectuals like myself, though I don't like calling myself one. Praise of one's self is often exaggerated or outright wrong, and I'd rather be an intellectual than tell people I am one. If they pay enough attention, they'll figure it out. College me thought I wanted that, a smart, educated man. But every one of those men I had before Chad had one thing in common; They always asked me what I wanted.
Chad never asked me. He simply did. He made a decision, and I went along with it. I may have tried to change his mind, and I was even successful once or twice, but he never asked permission and he never apologized for being presumptuous. He wasn't rude, my any measure, he simply took charge and made things the way he wanted them to be. And he wanted me, he pursued me, and he got me due to that. I knew I let him call the shots, but I had never before realized I WANTED him to! But what does that say about me? If I want a man who takes control of me, what of my own dreams and passions? But... my passion was for him, and he never interfered in my other passions. He wanted me for me, and made decisions I was comfortable with. This epiphany lead me to hypothesize why Darla was able to make me orgasm. I liked being dominated. And when I thought that word, "dominated", it seemed almost offensive. My entire life I had presumed being dominated was a bad thing. Maybe it is. But I seemed to have some sort of craving for it in some capacity. I wished I were able to explore that with someone I respected and trusted, though, instead of a vile little girl. Then, maybe this would allow me to get over my strange attraction to domineering men. But if I like it, is it really bad? Anyway, I didn't have time to think about that. I had gotten the dildo in, but I had stopped to think for upwards of a minute. Thinking of Chad (which was now a bit awkward, but also a bit more exciting, somehow), I began to thrust the dildo.
No sooner did I get to the third thrust did someone walk into the bathroom. I didn't want attention drawn to my stall. It might be security... what if I were told to leave?! I'd have been found like that! What would they do when they saw I had a ski mask on?! What if the security officer were less than noble?! I could delay, but certainly not long enough. My tears certainly wouldn't do much for me as I was. I stopped thinking and picked up the lube, placing it on the toilet paper dispenser. I picked up the butt plug and didn't really have much of a choice but to put it in. I had already lubed it up when I lubed the dildo, so that saved some time. I scooted my foot as I tried to get it in, and the boot clacked. I realized how I looked. I was standing with my legs spread almost as wide as the stall, one hand shoving a dildo in my vagina and the other forcing a plug into my butt, a ski mask on, and no possible way to hide the fact I was essentially naked. Worst of all, I realized how loudly I was breathing. There was almost zero background noise, so I had to control my breathing. I slowed it as much as I could while still actually breathing. I slowly pressed the plug against my sphincter, and I realized how anxious I was. I was having a hard time even starting it in. I breathed deeply a few times, slowly. I pressed again, and it started to squeeze in. I pressed evenly, allowing my anus to relax and accept the plug. I breathed heavier than I wanted to, and it slid out a little when I tensed in realization I could have been heard. I focused on breathing deep and slow, but mostly quiet. I relaxed again and the plug slid in a little faster. Still, I didn't have a lot of experience with butt plugs, even counting recently. It felt like most of it was in, but I didn't dare look because that would make the boots move and clack. My asphincter felt like it was getting warm, and there was some pain, but then the plug slid the rest of the way mush faster than I expected. My tensing made it slide in faster, and it pressed against my insides with a mild pain. I grunted slightly when that happened, so I stopped moving at all to listen to what was happening with the other person in the bathroom. My mind wasn't on that at all until then.
My feet seemed at the right angle to possibly belong to someone sitting on the toilet, so I didn't move them any more. I stood silently, holding my breath. The stall next to me opened, then shut. Someone was in it. Why the stall next to mine?! It seemed far too quiet in the bathroom, as I could hear every sound that lady was making. It was almost obvious the little old lady was not security, but there was still the chance she somehow manages to figure out what I was doing. What if she asked for some toilet paper? A silly concern, as I could then hand her some like I normally would, but what if she realized what the shine on my hand was? I wasn't anywhere as relaxed as I would have liked, and the butt plug seemed to press against a particular thing inside me, making me want to stand straighter to make it hurt less. I stood there for so long that my legs got tired and the imbalance of the high heels was made obvious as I wobbled. I had to stand in the same position for so long that my legs started to burn, but I dared not move. I couldn't afford any attention. The awkward position and my wanting to remain silent and still added up, though. The dildo seemed to be rubbing my insides tighter, due to the dildo, and it felt bad. I couldn't move the dildo at all, though, because the woman might hear the squish and realize something was happening. The more time passed, the more painful my lower body got, but all I could do was breath.
I heard the lady finish her business. She flushed the toilet, left the stall, washed her hands, and left the bathroom. I listened to be sure that was in fact her leaving and not someone else coming in. I didn't finish the third thrust of the dildo. Not only was I not thinking about how many thrusts I had already done, but my vagina was sore. It felt better when the dildo was out, so I tenuously tried to put it back. I didn't want to, but it wasn't really an option. So I put it back in and stroked twice. It felt only very slightly sore, and that could have been because the butt plug was making it feel tighter. I was envious of that ladies ability to just leave. I thrust five times, took out the plug, and reapplied lube to both. Getting the plug in the second time made me just as sore as the first time, but I wasn't as anxious due to the lady in the stall right next door, so it seemed easier anyway. It probably took just as long, though. In fact, it never actually got easier. Since I was using so much lube, not only was it not easier, it felt grosser each time.
When I was FINALLY done with that, I decided to read the magazine. It seemed close enough to closing that I'd either get told to leave by someone, or there wouldn't be anyone. I wasn't really sure which I'd prefer. The magazine was a typical women's magazine. I originally thought it'd be a porno or something, but I was pleasantly surprised, and placed it on the floor where I could see. I at the very least got to enjoy what I read, and it distracted me from the irritation the dildo and butt-plug inflicted on my soft tissues. It felt amazing not having either of those in me. I was actually relaxed,instead of trying to force myself to relax to fit things inside of me. Well, not relaxed, but the elevation of having that part over with made me seem relaxed. I was still really stressed out, but compared to moments earlier I was doing much better.
After reading several articles, the thought that I had no idea what time it was haunted me, suddenly. I was pretty sure the mall was closed, and was curious why I didn't hear an announcement. It seems like most malls announce things like that somehow. Anyway, I had to get the lube out again to lubricate my whole body. I didn't have to spread any onto my butt, as it was already all over it, so I put some on my breasts, legs, and shoulders. I was slippery. The breeze from under the stall was exaggerated by the moisture and I felt even more exposed. I rubbed the excess lube on the outside of my thighs, and put the gloves on. I put the dildo, butt-plug, and lube in the box, leaving the lid open. I guess I was too distracted worrying over how much damage I was doing to my sex organs. I didn't even waste energy being angry at Darla over it, right then. I even if I did get actually hurt I'd eventually heal, so it didn't matter too much. But why did a lubricated dildo and butt-plug do that. Was I just extra sensitive? Was it because I got turned off but kept going?
I started thinking about things as I waited, again. I wondered what Chad would do if he saw me the way I was right then. Perhaps he'd take me to the bed store and tell me to kneel before him to start things off. He wouldn't be too gentlemanly since I was obviously ready for sex anyway. He would tell me, as I fellated him, that it's good I got all oiled up for him, because it makes me shiny and he thinks it accentuates my beautiful curves. The curves he simply must have. He overheard me talking to myself as I realized what differentiated him from every other man I dated (even though I don't think I actually said anything), so he'd be sure to take control of situations more often. I read almost the entire magazine, even though I didn't remember doing it due to my fantasy. I even reapplied the lube on my breasts and parts of my back, but my butt was still sopping. The buzzer took what seemed forever. I started wondering if it had gone off and I somehow hadn't noticed. Perhaps Darla was playing a trick on me, trying to get me to stay in here all night, waiting for the buzzer, just to be found like this in the morning. Might that be preferable? And there was Darla again. I suddenly hated my situation once more. My thoughts were away from Chad, the thing that seemed to keep me sane throughout this, and onto the cause of it all!
And that's when I had my second epiphany. If Chad were making me do this, I'd actually be enjoying it. How does a woman realize things about her sexuality like this so suddenly? Was my subconscious simply making me think this stuff so that I could handle having to do it? So I imagined walking around the mall like Darla would have me, except Chad was telling me to do it. I'd be naked and vulnerable, but nobody would be around. He was going to surprise me. He would be the mall security, and he'd hand-cuff me, and then he'd have his way with me. The fear of getting caught would be there, we'd be role-playing, I'd be hand-cuffed... there's no way to tell how I'd have really liked it, since it was just fantasy, but I thought I would have liked it.
Why hadn't I worked on figuring out how to remove Darla's power over me last week?! I need her out of my life permanently. I need Chad back in my life. I needed to explore this side of myself with someone I actually wanted to explore it with. And that was now another wrong Darla had committed against me. Instead of allowing me to explore this sort of kink with Chad, she's forcing me to do it with her. With a girl. And then I cried. I fell to my knees, which hurt slightly, and put my hands up to my face. I hid from my environment, covering my front with my arms. I rested my behind on the heel of the boots, but it was hard to keep it there due to being slippery. Which just made me cry harder. I leaned forward to get my butt off the heels. My head was against the door, but it still seemed better than having my butt on those slippery heels. I don't know how long I cried, but I finally managed to consciously calm myself down. I took the mask off and wiped my tears off on the back of it. When I put it back on, I was only watching, again. I wasn't really here. It was an illusion, or maybe I was. And then I stood back up.
Before I lost my patience entirely and set out on my own, the buzzer did go off. Until it happened, I didn't realize how loud it would seem. It was trying to call attention to any security or remaining employees within earshot. And I was sure earshot was a wide range. I cupped the box with my gloved hands, but it didn't do any good. The ringing was over soon thereafter anyhow. I had to be collected. I concentrated on being calm. I had to pretend I was simply watching through someone else's mask. I couldn't help but wait and listen for people. I tried to focus my hearing through the mask, towards each door. After what I estimated was three minutes, with nobody coming to investigate the ringing noise, I put the magazine in the box, shut the box, picked it up, flushed the toilet, and stood up. I wiped off my knees, though it did no good, and sighed loudly.
I opened the stall door, and slowly walked out. Each step clacked loudly enough to echo slightly from the bathroom wall. Before actually leaving the stall, I leaned down to see if there were feet anywhere. The clacking of my shoes got me anxious and I wanted to double check. There were none besides my own, so I stepped out. The breeze from simply walking while so moist was enough to remind me what I wasn't wearing. I glared at the door I came in, the one customers enter. I got the impression someone was going to come in at any moment. But I couldn't hurry too fast or the quickly clacking heels would rouse the person's curiosity. But would slow clacks really be any better? Besides I was still clearing my head from the strong emotions I had just felt and the tears I had spilled. I could feel that my vagina and anus were penetrated recently, loosened a bit, and dripping. I felt like I was, indeed, perverted. I had gone along with the plan, after all. The lubricant felt like a loose cum dripping from inside both of my orifices. I was sure to be found and considered a pervert among the ranks of pedophiles and rapists. All the more reason to hurry, I figured. If I were found, I'd be found here. I had to get behind the door.
I clacked towards the back door quickly. The way my breasts slid along each other and the box concerned me. I was so slippery and slick that I felt even shadows would slide off of me, and I was scared to touch anything in case it made dust and dirt stick to me via the lube. I opened the door to see a long hallway with piping near the ceiling. The breeze was stronger back here, even though it wasn't actually strong at all. My sense of touch was simply sensitive to wind with how wet I was, which was something I realized each time I moved. The breeze was cold, too. I huddled up a bit, clacking my way through a well-enough lit back hallway, the shadows sliding off of me. The door shut quietly behind me, as it was made to do, but it still shook the air of the hallway. I heard a click as the door shut. It was locked. I checked. It locks on the side I was on, but you still needed a key to unlock it. Such a strange design. But I guess it made sense, since it lead to a bathroom. Unfortunately, I was trapped. More, I guess. Now I was in this hallway, and I had to press on. A moment before, I wanted to leave the unsafe bathroom, but then I realized it was actually a good place to hide in. I was truly without a place to hide. Someone really could come around the corner at any moment and find me.
My clacking was louder than the door closing and locking, as I quickly marched down the hall. I knew then that I would have certainly taken the boots off if it were possible, which is why Darla made it impossible. Fifteen feet down the hundred or so foot hallway was the first door, on the right. There was a lock on it, and I was concerned it would be locked, too. If so I could not get further instructions, and would be forced to stumble around without hints what Darla wanted or how to avoid getting caught. I presumed Darla would not really let me get caught. Perhaps it was naive, but it kept me sane.
The door was not locked on the other side, but it was dead bolted on my side. After looking the part of the fool I felt and clanging into the door, and leaving a partial torso lubricant print, I slid that over and opened it. It opened inward, towards me, making me feel even more dumb. I could see a truck bay. It was a wide open area, and some of the bays were fully open, but there were many things lined against the walls. The racks and boxes and pallets would not hide me very well, if I had to hide, though. Two of the bays at the far right had truck trailers backed up to them. I hurried in case the truckers were around. Anyone could have come in through the open bay doors, too. Anyone could be lurking behind a bunch of pallets or trash bins. At least I could hide in here, unlike the hallway. It'd be very difficult, especially with the clacking boots, but it was technically possible, and that helped relieve me as much as it made me nervous a rapist was around the next stack of boxes. An already naked someone who's vagina and anus had been opened and lubricated for them could hardly put up much of a fight. I convinced myself the odds of it were poor, but it didn't reassure me much. The bay, unlike the hallway, was dark. The breeze was uninhibited and cold. I saw a piece of paper taped to the door on that side, flapping in the slow wind. I checked the hallway before retreating all the way back in. Nobody was in it, and the door shutting was louder than my boots clacking. I waited for a moment, listening for approaching footfalls, but I heard none. Back in the hallway, I couldn't tell which seemed safer. The hallway was less likely to have rapists, but it also made it impossible to hide. Either way, I stayed where I was, since I couldn't read well without the light.
As I read the note, I realized staying warm might be a problem. It could have been the cold bay, but I had goosebumps. That included my nipples, a fact that made me worried about being found by a man even more. I had never actually been scared of rape, before. Even when Darla did it, though it was rape, it wasn't as scary as the impression someone might rape you violently, without a care in the world for your safety. And I was prepared for exactly such an event. I was even worried that's what Darla had planned. I didn't consider it likely, but the fear wouldn't leave me alone. I finally distracted myself from my hard nipples and fears enough to read the now partially lubricated paper;
What's happening now is that you're going to go around the mall, dressed just as you are, solving riddles. Each riddle will give you a hint where the next riddle is. That is, if you solve it, it will. You will not find either me or a way out of here with your coat or car unless you solve all of the riddles. I know the person who works the cameras, so I know they do not record anything without a button first being pressed for that particular camera. This person is going to ignore your image in the monitors for all practical purposes. However, there are two security officers elsewhere in the building, and they have radios. If anyone reports seeing you, the person watching you in the cameras will report seeing you right back, and where you are, and even where you're going. You will be recorded, and, if you don't escape, possibly arrested. Unless you think of something to convince them not to call the police, haha!
The sheets of paper each riddle is written on will fit in the wrist of your gloves or a small pocket on the inside of your belt, until you find a place to dispose of them. This paper, however, must be thrown in the garbage in this bay, inside the shoe box, along with everything else in it. Your first riddle will be found on the side of the garbage bin farthest from the door you went through to get in the bay. That's also the bin you're throwing the shoe box into. The riddles will be hidden where they will not be found without being specifically looked for. You're allowed to evade the security men in any way you can think of, so long as no physical harm comes to them and you do not alter how you're dressed. This is your punishment, and the number of riddles was determined based on your disobedience. Now go, have fun.
XOXO, Your Mistress.
She couldn't be serious. This was big. This was potentially a lot of trouble I could get in. I could lose my career without my affair with Chad being exposed! Maybe. I didn't really know what kind of trouble I could get in, but I knew it was big. Then, probably not bigger than having sex with a student. Two, students, counting Darla! The worst part was that I was already stuck! I really didn't have an option! I was already in this situation. Even if I managed to storm right to where Darla was, she had a security team on her side! She could have had me arrested at any moment. I had to play the game! If I weren't so scared of getting caught, I would have screamed obscenities. I even thought that she might just be trying to get me raped. I still seriously doubted the idea, but I couldn't stop worrying. That bay seemed to scare me. Getting raped really did concern me, with regard to that room. Hobos could be in there for the night. or gang members, or simply horny, immoral truckers. Since I had no power over the situation, I opened the door back up, and the wind hit me again. I was officially cold. I picked up the box and clacked right over to the farthest garbage bin. I expected someone to jump out at me. Perhaps only to scare me, perhaps to rape me, but I walked into the trap knowing what it was. Slowly. The clacking alerted the rapist of my presence,but he never showed up. I was relieved, but I still had to go back to the door, and someone could still walk right in a bay door.
The garbage bin was one of the large ones garbage trucks lifted with the forks on their rear end. It was taller than I was. I stopped, shaking in both anger and cold..The cold wind hit me from the bay doors, and made me feel like someone was sneaking in. I looked, and nobody was, but I kept looking for a bit longer. Then I realized the longer I looked the more likely someone who would come right in would. I opened the lid as quietly as I could and tossed the box in. It landed on something soft, and so wasn't very loud. I softly closed the lid, and leaned to look at the side. Nothing. I clacked over to the other side and found the note. This note was much smaller, written on a post-it. I glanced around, worried someone sneaked in while I was walking in my loud boots, and saw that nobody had. Nobody I could see, anyhow. I ran over to the door. I tried to hold my breasts to stop them from jiggling and hurting, but they were slippery and I was freaking myself out too much to actually be concerned with that. I was more concerned with getting out of that bay. I opened the door quickly and jumped through, pulling it shut behind me. The hallway still had no place to hide, but it still felt safer than the bay. Plus, it had enough light for me to read the note I had. It said;
- bitch,
When you need to know
what you need to know
You come to me and borrow
but you can't get any dough.
XOXO, Your Mistress
The first riddle was actually really easy. It was obviously the riddle was about the library, and there was only one in the mall. I had several problems. Problem one; I didn't know where the library was. Problem two; How would I get into the library. Problem three; How do I know where to look for the riddle. The last line must be the key in that. 'Dough'. Maybe it was in a book about baking? Wherever it would be found, I might figure it out on the way, or after getting there. How I was, I wasn't making any progress at all, and I had no place to hide if one of the security guards (or worse) came this way. I began walking down the hallway. As I took my first, slow, step, I folded the note and put it in that pocket in the belt, which in fact was there. Right in the front, too. The boot clacked, softly, since I put my foot down slowly, and rolled my foot forward so that less of the boot hit the floor at the same time. Even though it was quieter than normal walking, it would take a very long time to walk around the whole mall that way. My second slow step is when I got the bright idea to look for a map. Every mall I ever went to before had a map near each entrance. I was sure I remembered such a map the last time I was here, though I was worried it might have been my imagination giving me hope even though it may be false. Either way, going to an entrance would give me sort of a corner to hide in. The middle of the mall and the large hallways were wide open and connected to the whole mall at several intersections. The corners the doors were in would eliminate some chance that someone walking down one hallway would see me when they got to such an intersection.
On my third slow step I realized that someone might see me through the doors, then. Perhaps one of the security men would be in a vehicle, driving around the parking lot, thereby increasing the odds I got seen. However, I had to find a map, and they were near the doors, so I was going there anyway. I'd deal with hiding when it was actually an option and I had an idea of the layout of my surroundings out there such that I could actually consider it. By the end of my third step, I stopped. Those steps were taking far too long. I'd never get anywhere without being caught if I walked like that because I would never get to my destination. I'd be out in the open for too long. But if I moved faster, my boots would clack loudly and draw attention to where I was via sound. For a moment, I thought I was about to have a nervous breakdown. I thought getting caught was inevitable. But then I got another idea. I could crawl. But then I realized how that would be disastrous; I had lube on my knees. I would leave a trail of it. I could wipe it off, but Darla would somehow find out, and she wanted me to keep my whole body moist with lube. I couldn't even get to a store with towels or knee pads or something because she told me not to alter how I was dressed.
The solution came to me after I almost leaned against the wall, but stopped when I realized it would remove a bunch of lube and would be a hint of my passing (even though I already left something like that on the door to the bay). My boot scuffed sideways. I could drag my feet! It was such an easy solution, I felt badly for having taken so long to think it up. I tried a practice slide, and the boot was much quieter. It still made noise, but only slightly more than when I was walking slowly, and certainly less than walking faster. The noise was different, too. It was a sliding noise instead of a clacking, but that wasn't relevant. I was either heard or I wasn't. I slid several slides before I scuffed the floor and my boot made a squeak like a sports shoe on a basketball court. I was going too fast, without spreading the force across the whole bottom of the boot. I would have to be careful about that. A few more scoots and I was to the first door on the left. It was to a candy store. I figured that the closest entrance was probably the one the bathroom I came from was off of, so the sooner I got to the hallway in front of the stores the better. I could go to the entrance I came in and look at the map there. The door was locked, though.
When I started sliding away from that door, I realized how ridiculous my slides made me look. I had to slide one foot forward and counterbalance it with my opposite arm, as though I were skating. If i were caught, it'd look like I were enjoying myself. Oh well, I had to get where I was going somehow, and the lack of hiding places in that hallway was starting to get to me. Especially since I was still making noise, just not as much as I would by walking. With how otherwise quiet the mall was, I was still concerned primarily about the noise I was making. I slid to the next door on the left and tried it. It, too was locked. Before the next door on the left, there was a cranny on the right. In the cranny, a flight of stairs led up to a another flight around a corner. There was no elevator, so the only way could go up the stairs was by making a lot of noise or going very slowly. The elevator dinging would be noisy, anyway. The stairs wouldn't get me to my destination anyway, so why take the risk? Well, they could have maybe gotten me to the other side of the stores, to the main hallway, but I had no idea to suspect it'd be faster than the way I was already going.
The next door on the left was locked, as was the next few. At the end of the hall, however, there was a double door. It was unlocked. Since it was my best option, between it and going upstairs, I pressed the right door open. Some air rushed by to remind me how naked I was. I held the door ajar so I could see outside of it. It was a secondary entrance into the mall. I was in a hallway larger than the one I was currently in, but not nearly as large as a primary hallway with stores lined on either side. A buzz from the other side of the door hinted at vending machines, another double door was across the way from me, and a primary hall was a hundred or so feet to my left. I realized, then, how the hallway I was in was actually much cozier than the one I was about to go into. I had doors blocking the way, and I could retreat to the stairs if I saw someone coming this way. Maybe it was the masks illusion, but I figured I had to keep going, or else I would just be stuck where I was all night, into the morning.
I got up the courage to go through the doors and emerge on the other side. To my right a few yards were doors to outside. Glass doors. The hallway I was then in was darker than the one I was in before it, but it was darker outside still. I couldn't see outside, but I could tell cars were going by on the road, across the parking lot. It made be feel intensely exposed. Anyone could come to the doors, or even look from quite a ways away, and see me standing around in the buff. And what if a security man came down the hallway I was headed to and found me while I was staring stupidly at the dark doors? I hurriedly slid down the hallway, to the larger, more open one. Fortunately, it wasn't well lit, what with the mall being closed. It did feel like the shadows slid off of my wet body, but I knew better. I slid along the right wall, since the right end of the major hallway is where someone would most likely be coming from. As I neared the major hallway I realized just how big it was, and just how visible I'd be walking in it. Stores lined the sides, and there were benches, trees, kiosks, or even sales tents along the middle. Those would give me something to hide behind, but there's still the matter of how noisy the boots are. And if I duck or drop to my knees, I'd leave a trail of lube. Without hiding behind things, though, my white outline would be obvious against the dark background of the hallway. If I'm not careful and I get seen from behind before I can hide, that's it, I can't be unfound.
I got to the end of the hallway, scooting slower as I got close, and I peered left as I neared the corner. Seeing nothing to the left, I slowly moved forward. I got to the very edge of the hallway, almost hugging the right wall, and I glanced around the corner. There was a major intersection of primary halls about a hundred yards down that way, which is the same distance it was to the end of the hall towards the right. There were four benches facing out from a fountain in the center of that intersection, but it was off, so I couldn't count of the water flow drowning out the sound of my boots. Not seeing anyone, I slid a foot forward. As soon as I was about to slide my other foot, I heard something. Footsteps. Soft footsteps, with soft soles. Someone was down the hall to the right. I looked again as I slid my foot back. Nobody. But the foot steps were getting louder. Someone had to be left or right of that intersection. As the footsteps approached, I slid back as far as i could while poking a bit of my head out to watch. My heart was racing. If someone did come around that corner and I could not retreat fast enough, they'd hear my heartbeat.
A man in a security uniform was walking from the right of the intersection to the left. He seemed young, healthy, and able to catch criminals who might try to run or fight. He walked slowly. It would be more accurate to say he was strolling. It made me think that either he had no idea I was around somewhere, or he was toying with me. He was on the far side of the fountain, and he looked down the hallway to his right, then swung his head the opposite way, to look down the hallway the direction I was in. I quickly pulled my head back behind the wall and got closer to it. I wanted to hug the wall, but knew I'd just leave a mark indicating I was there. I listened to the footsteps. Did the man hear me? Where would I go if the man came that way? I needed to find where I needed to go, and I needed a mall map to do that. But I know I can't get to the doors I'm trying to get to in the back hallway, and I don't know where the other other back hallway doors I can get to from here lead to. I could try to make it up the stairs, too, but I don't know what that would accomplish. As I thought about this, I could hear the man's footsteps fade away. I glanced down the way he was again, and I did not see him. I looked the other way, in case I got tricked somehow, and then listened intently to the foot steps. They were getting too light to hear.
I didn't want to go when someone was so close to the intersection and so might come back and see me, but I didn't know how long that part of the hallway he was in was, so I slid my feet as quickly as I could without squeaking them on the polished floor. That was my plan, anyhow. I actually went slowly. I tried not to make any sounds, but the boots had different plans. It seemed to me that they were making more noise than the security man's shoes did, so I got behind a kiosk and hid behind it. I glanced around it for a bit, but the security officer didn't seem to be coming to find me. I had to just hope he wouldn't hear me go the rest of the way. I scooted towards the entrance. I realized it was the main entrance I was going to, so it would be sure to have map if any entrance did. I thought I could feel eyes on my back, but whenever I looked behind me I couldn't see anyone.
The main entrance is essentially a long series of glass doors, with a lot of windows around them. They lead into the food court. The front of the mall is a huge, wide open space, excluding the tables, with restaurants all around it. Before the hallway widened into the food court, though, I heard something from ahead of me and to the right. It was a man talking, followed by a split second of static. Which meant there was a security guard ahead of me, in the food court, right where I was headed. Which would mean both of the two security guards just happened to be in the area I was! My heart skipped a beat, then made up for the skipped beat by accelerating I was scared this security guard might hear my heart if he got close enough, and my boots if he didn't! I looked behind me one more time to see if it was a trick, to see if the first security guard was behind me and they had formed a pincer attack on me. He wasn't, but it hit me that I was naked, and a man was about to find me. Just because he was a security guard doesn't mean he wouldn't take advantage of a situation like that. I felt vulnerable and exposed.
I don't know how far away the new security guard was, but I couldn't count on him staying that far. He had a whole mall to patrol, he wouldn't stay in the corner of the food court all night. The pizza place was the next store to my right, and it makes up the 45 degree corner that opens up into the wide food court, but it had the metal fence down, as did McDonald's on the left corner. There was a cell phone booth in the center of the main hall, but it wasn't very tall and it had a lot of glass. Some benches were behind it, and plants behind them. There was the kiosk I hid behind earlier behind that, and all the stores I could see down this hall had their gates down. My best bet was to head back to where I came from, the secondary entrance hallway, and then into the back hallways, but if the guard came this way he'd certainly see me on my way there, since I'm sure he'd be to the hallway by then. I started to think of how to react when this guard inevitably caught me, but then I realized I wasn't trying. I was making it inevitable by standing around stupidly. So I hurriedly scooted behind to the phone booth, considering what to tell the guard as I went.
I got all the way to the booth without seeing him or hearing him shout at me, so I hoped I did not get caught. I quickly crouched so that I was under where the guard could see me if he was on the other side of the booth. That's when I realized my problem. If, when the guard came down the hallway to actually patrol the mall, he would choose one of the two sides of the booth to walk on. He was on the right of the food court, but does that necessarily mean he'd walk on the right of the booth, or would he move to the left side to increase his scope, his view, on things? I would have to get to one of the two sides soon, before he came this way, because I would need to take time to not make much noise with my boots. But if I choose the wrong side, or if the other guard crosses the intersection while I'm in on the opposite side of the booth as the other guard, then I'm caught! I got up just enough to peer over the edge of the booth, to see if the guard was in sight. Sure enough, he was. He looked remarkably similar to the other guard in the dark. He was standing at the doors, watching out them. I could also see, to his right, was a large sign, a map of the mall.
Which side to choose? What if the first guard came back through the intersection and I was on one side even before the other guard came through? The guard who was looking out the window turned and started approaching the hallway. Even if I hid on the right side, what if the first guard was on the second floor and coming this way? The second floor is basically just a walkway in front of the stores on the second story. I simply couldn't hide from anyone up there. Not behind this short booth. I had to hope that these things didn't happen, though. I decided on the left side. I had a nagging sensation that it was the wrong choice, but it was better than no choice. I slowly scooted left, to the corner of the booth. I could now hear the guard's footfalls coming my way. I finished my maneuver slowly. I was scared my slowness may get me caught, but it's better than squeaking my shoe and drawing attention anyway. I got to the other side of the booth, and moved a few more slides farther. I heard the man walk by on the other side of the booth. If I weren't so nervous that he might have been walking around the whole booth, I might have sighed in relief. But he did not come to that side of the booth. I heard him continue past walking slowly, calmly.
After a few moments, when I could see the back of his head just past the plants. He was still on that side of the hall, but I wasn't scooted so that I couldn't see the hallway. If I could see him, he could see me. I hoped he didn't turn around. I waited a moment, then scooted slowly, further along the booth. I scooted a few tiles down, and I could no longer see him. But if I stayed there, it would just happen when he got farther down the hall. And if he turned right, he'd see me anyway. I continued scooting slowly. To avoid him seeing me if he got further down the hallway, in the right spot, and just happened to look, I squatted down as flat as I could, and as close to the glass of the booth as I could get without touching it. My legs were spread to either side to facilitate it, and I realized nothing would be left to the imagination if I were caught now. Though I suppose it wouldn't have been before. It just feels different when your legs are spread and things are easy to see compared to when you have the option of closing them. But I guess the booth wasn't looking at me, anyhow.
I got to the end of the booth facing the food court, and I got up enough to watch the guard walk all the way down, past the intersection. I lost the ability to hear his footfalls even before he got to the intersection, so that wasn't a reliable way to tell if the guards were near enough to see me. As I watched him walk, I could feel the wide open space behind me. It doesn't really hit you how vulnerable and open you feel being naked in public until you actually do it. I was ashamed of the crouched position I was in, how if someone were behind me they could just bend a little and see everything I normally took care to hide. And the cool air plus the liberal application of the lubricant made it all the more apparent to me. But the guard wasn't yet somewhere out of sight. If I moved from this position to cover up more, he would probably see me and negate all the work I put into covering up my nakedness. I wished I could just get into a clothes store and put something on. Sneaking around the mall after dark would be scary enough if I were covered, but nude I was too keenly aware of how immoral and sexually disturbed some people could be, especially considering I was were I was due to exactly such a person.
The guard got to the end of the main hallway, finally, and walked around the booths and benches at the end, to continue walking the other direction and on the other side of the hallway. Now there wasn't even any question about it. If I tried to leave where I was, he'd surely see me. He was walking my way. I ducked a bit lower, scared he might be able to see me through the glass, but unable to look away. If he were coming my way and he saw me, it wouldn't matter if I ducked farther, but if I duck so low that I couldn't see him, then he could sneak up on me even by accident, simply by walking all the rest of the way down the hall. Why did I ever leave the relative safety of the back hallways?! I could have walked around not knowing where I was going, but I wouldn't have found the guards and been trapped so quickly! At least I knew where they were, both down the hall from me. Which wasn't as reassuring as I had hoped. I heard a staticy voice come from down the hall, and then a moment of static. The guard I was watching held his radio to his face, said something, and then a moment of static. For some reason, being unable to make out what was being said bothered me. Had the other guard asked if this one found me? Did they know I would be around? Are they normally so apt to patrol and actually do their job? But then wouldn't one of them be in the back hallways? Or did they know I'd have to pass through the major hallways anyway? What had Darla told them? How did she know the person who worked the cameras? Was that person watching me right now? Was Darla? My splayed out position bothered me even more, realizing someone could probably see it. The air had bad timing. Once I had that thought, I felt a slight breeze fly by, reminding me that nothing was covering me from behind. And there were assuredly cameras in the dinning area.
The guard turned! He turned to his left, my right, as he got to the main intersection! Now that I was too far from it to hear them coming, I hesitated going to the door. But then I realized their patrol would probably not have them near the intersection at the same time, so right after I see one of them in the intersection it was probably the most opportune time to stop hiding behind the phone displays. I stood slowly, trying not to move my boots without orienting myself to a standing position. The boots were still loud, though. What if he heard me slide and glanced back around the corner he was still near? Or what if he was coming back down here, but he stopped by a store just off the intersection to look in for a moment? My head was getting a little light, but I had to move. Much too slowly. Sliding was faster than the slow walk I tried earlier, but it still wasn't as fast as walking. By the time I slide ten feet away and to the side of the booth, I realized if he did round the corner there was no way for me to just duck and be hidden. Instead of going for the corner the pizza place was on, and around the corner, out of view of people down the hall, I should have gone backwards towards the tables. Then, if either of the guards got to the intersection, I could duck behind a chair and hope the tables and other chairs obfuscated their view. But in the middle of the open I was instead. Oh well, I had to soldier on.
After getting past the corner and out of view of the hallway, I looked around the food court to look for the best hiding places. From the hallway, the food court opened with walls that were a 45 degree angle from the walls of the hallway. They opened the area to about a hundred feet, then turned back in 45 degrees to come directly at the front wall, closing the area. But they didn't actually close the area. At each of the corners where the walls stopped their 45% divergence, there were hallways. Not large ones, perhaps half the size of the main hallway I was just in. But that meant that this could hardly be considered a cornerish place for me to hide in! Three hallways lead here, and they almost assuredly attach to the larger one that crosses the one I just left. I should have known about those, since the bathrooms are down the one on the right! Actually, the one leading to the hallways stopped at a dead end, if I wasn't mistaken, so maybe the other did, as well. I had to scoot by it to get to the map anyhow so I could look down it as I passed. The room also had two pillars on either side. I felt thankful, I could hide behind them in a pinch, but how slow I had to move to avoid being noisy would still hinder such a thing anyhow. There were no nooks or crannies to hide in, unless you count the restaurants But they all had their fences down and I couldn't get into them anyhow. As I slid past the hallway, I could see the stores lining it, and at the end was a larger hallway at a strange angle. The hallway the one I came from crosses, undoubtedly. There was a raised area with plants, and benches around it.
What if that first guard I saw was also the second? They looked similar enough, it might have been! He could have easily turned, came down this hallway, and then turned back down the primary one. And it would explain why he came from the right (though it was left, looking at it over here)! I quickly scooted past the hallway and glanced around, scared the other guard might be somewhere I didn't bother looking because I didn't think he could get there. I couldn't see anyone, so I continued to the doors. The doors were glass, and I could see the empty parking lot. Not all the way empty, I could see my car. I came in the doors far to the left of my current position. Were the guard curious why it was there, or did they know? I wished I could just leave through the doors and go to my car. There would assuredly be more background noise outside, and less flat surfaces for the noise to echo off of. I might even have left the emergency key taped up under the driver's side door. No, that was stupid, I knew I removed that because it would make it easier for a potential thief to get into my car. And even if I unlocked and opened the doors, there was probably some sort of alarm in place, and it would go off if the doors were opened. It might deactivate if the door is unlocked, which i could do from this side of them, but I simply didn't know how alarms worked, and knew it'd be a bad choice. I didn't want to alert the police to my presence myself! And if it were a silent alarm, I wouldn't even know they were on their way. If I hid somewhere they couldn't find me, somehow, my car's in the parking lot, and that would be suspicious at least.
I stopped looking through the doors. That hope was thoroughly dashed. Besides, if another car did drive by the front of the mall, whoever was in it would certainly see me. I had to look at the map and hurry away from the huge windows. The map showed only the large hallways that customers are supposed to use, and the locations of stores along them. I was never great at map reading, but this was a very simple map. The mall was basically a large X,but it had a few smaller hallways and large store wings off to the sides of each major branch. At the end I was at there was the food court and bathrooms, plus the information desk. The largest part of the parking lot was outside from where I was. I found the library down the major hall, then right down the other major hall, near the doors at the end. It was on the right of the hall. If I had simply followed the back hallways the way I was going initially, I would have eventually found it. I don't know where else Darla was sending me, but I felt dumb for leaving the safety of the back hallways. There was a chance she was going to have me circle the primary hallways the whole way.
I couldn't hang out by the doors all night, as I would surely get caught in my humiliating state, so I started sliding towards the mess of tables and chairs. I was outside of ducking range from the pillars, but I would soon be able to hide behind the chairs and tables. By the time I was into the thick of the tables, I could see down all three hallways, and basically the whole front parking lot could see me. I did not like that at all. If the guards got to either the main intersection or the one at the odd angle, they'd be able to see me, as well as anyone outside. Even if I did leave a trail of lubricant, I had to crawl to avoid being such an easy to find pray. I crouched like I was earlier, placed my hands on the floor, and then slowly moved forward, allowing my knees to contact the floor while moving the boots as little as possible. At first, my left knee slid out from under me. I slapped the ground as I caught myself and that leg shot out straight, but I managed to avoid my boots clicking the ground. But the slap seemed very loud. I hurried my leg back under me and positioned myself behind a table in a way to avoid being seen form either hallway. I listened for a few moment, but I couldn't hear anything or anyone, so I figured I should hurry up. My knees slid the first few feet, but then they didn't have enough lubricant on them to keep doing it, so they were actually quite sturdy, so long as I held my boots up at just the right angle. Every time I crawled from behind one table to another, I thought I'd glance to the side and see a guard much closer than I hoped, watching me. But that never happened, and I made it to the edge of the tables.
My route was parallel the windows, to the other side of the food court. If I had gone to the hallway at an angle, I wouldn't be going the right direction. If I went down the primary hallway, one of the guards would likely get to the intersection before I got to the small side hallway. Or, at least, the one guard I've seen. Where was the other one? I didn't have time to worry about that. I slowly stood back up, careful not to clack the boots. They clacked softly anyway, but then I hurriedly slid across the open space, towards the hall with the bathrooms. My boots squeaked once, but I was already to the hallway and didn't bother looking to see if anyone was around to hear it. I hurried to the women's bathroom under the assumption it wasn't locked. They would have to stay open if one of the security officers was a lady, right? Well, that assumption paid off. The bathroom was unlocked and I hurried inside.
I didn't want to be too noisy while in the bathroom, because then a passing guard would realize someone was in there and probably check it out. I slid to in front of a mirror. I felt like a robber with the mask, but I sure didn't look like it. I was still goosebumpy and cold, which had somehow slipped my mind. The eyes behind the mask were red. I thought this whole time that I'd look like I had been crying, but anyone who found me this way would probably just assume I was high or drunk or something. Even though I was still very shiny, some lubricant had dried. I took off my gloves and placed them on the sink. I scooped up some lube from my thighs to reapply to my knees, and enough remained to get where it was dry elsewhere. I think it lasted so long because it was so extraordinarily viscous. I did not like how gooey it made me feel between my legs, and what little bit I scooped up didn't do anything to change that.
As much as I wanted to hide in the bathroom all night, I would eventually be found if I didn't move. Even if I were found by patrons to the mall the next day, it would happen. I would have to leave and go to work eventually. I hoped to get that horrible game over with that night. Through the door I started this whole thing through, I was back in that first back hallway. I slid quickly past the door to the bay, because it still made me incredibly uneasy. The thought to go upstairs crossed my mind as I got to them, but I wasn't sure how much back hallway there would be up there, and I knew where I had to go anyway. I had to go to somewhere on the first floor. I'm sure I only thought it because the concept of a different floor would get me farther from where I saw the only guard I saw. I was still concerned about where the second guard was, but I figured I'd either find him or I wouldn't, so there was no use worrying. It didn't stop me from worrying, but I had the thought anyway. I was also curious if there were camera in the back hallways. I looked up and down the hallway and, yes, there was one camera at each end. And I knew someone was watching me through them.
And it hit me that Darla had to be watching the cameras. I couldn't know if it was only her, but that would explain why the person watching didn't report seeing me as well as how Darla would know if I did something against her commands. The vile bitch! Not that I liked her using me like a sex toy, but couldn't she have stuck to just that?! Or, better yet, couldn't she have been a decent person and simply not be doing any of this. I wanted to find where she was so I could go punch her out, which was a new sensation for me. By the time I got to the double door, though, all my anger had started turning into depression. I guess anger is against my nature. I tend not to get angry a lot, now that I thought of it. I couldn't finish that stupid, horrible game when I thought about such things, and I had been doing such a good job avoiding it up until that point. I shoved those thoughts out of my head as I opened the door. I looked around and could neither hear nor see anything, so I scooted over to the double doors across the hall. As I suspected, it opened into another back hallway.
I found the cameras, two in this hallway as well. This hallway had a sharp corner, though. After several hundred feet and another stairwell, it turned 90 degrees right. It looked just like the hallway I left behind as I checked around the corner. It had no place to hide if someone came along like the rest, but I wasn't risking it out in the main halls, either. Besides, there were stairwells. I could have technically hidden I them, if I could get to one fast enough. At the end of the hall was another double door. Ten feet before it was a door to both the right and left. The door on the right was labeled as the boiler room. I imagined it would be closer to the bathrooms, but I've never designed a building. The one on the left was the important one. It was the library. My anxiety built up as I reached for the door handle. I hoped it was unlocked, or else how would I get in to find the next clue? The gate was assuredly shutting it from the front, and there were no notes in the hallway or the door jam. I pressed the lever down and pulled.
It opened! It clicked loudly,and I guess I didn't really expect the door to open, so I landed heavily on my right foot as I moved with it, making an even louder clicking. I didn't bother to waste time listening to see if someone heard it, because I could disappear into the library so even if they did hear me, I'd have disappeared from that hallway! I slunk into the library, almost tripping over the edge of the carpet. Oh, beautiful carpet! I shut the door as softly as I could while still being fast, and it wasn't nearly as quite as I'd hoped. If someone did hear me before, they'd know I went into a door. I just hoped nobody heard me or they didn't try the door I went into. I waited on the other side of the door for a while, listening for anyone approaching. Nobody did, so I calmed down and looked around. I was in the back room of the library, which was mostly just filing cabinets and a few desks with computers, and the safe in the corner. I walked to the other side of the room to look out the doorway, for there was no door, into the main section of the library. It was a very small library, just a branch of the larger, main city library, probably. It had books along one wall, but the other wall had mostly movies and music CDs, while the room was mostly filled with computers.
I hadn't thought how wide open the library would be. When I think of a library, I think of rows and rows of book shelves. This was hardly that. The gate keeping people out of the library was down, but it didn't do anything stop people from looking in. At least I could walk normally! The carpeting was very welcome indeed! The guards would actually make more noise than I would! Hoping I could hear them if they were getting closer to the library, I walked over to the book wall and started looking for baking books, or anything about bread. On this side of the library there was the main desk, where people checked things out. If I heard someone coming, I could easily duck behind it before someone saw me. I still felt exposed, but I had what I thought was a sound plan! The library didn't make me comfortable. I was still very anxious and miserable, but it wasn't as bad! I found two whole cook books, one book about baking,and even one book about bread. I was relieved finding those books was so easy, but there were no loose papers in any of them, and no notes behind, near, or under them.
That's when I noticed the register. I was about to pace about, totally baffled, but I saw a post-it on the only register in the library. Dough... as an idiom for money. Something you don't borrow from libraries. The desk was U shaped, the ends of the U against the wall. The door to it was fortunately against the wall on my side, so I just walked right in, got the post it, and walked to the back room. Once I got to the back room, I read the note;
It's usually dark
but the focus is on light
Placed on pop-corn
the ninth word is not right
XOXO, Your Mistress
Okay, this one was much, much harder. That is, until I made the association. What kind of store would usually be dark while focusing on light? It baffled me. I thought maybe a novelty store or some other place that might sell lamps or lighted signs. But then I realized the big tip-off was the pop corn. You eat pop corn at movie theaters, where you watch light projected onto a screen, in a dark room. Then I counted the words, and "light" was the ninth. Placed on pop-corn, it's not light. Not light pop-corn. So I was pretty sure my next clue would be on or near the thing that put butter on pop-corn at the movie theater. And, fortunately for me, I remembered seeing the movie theater at the end of the main hallway, the apposite end as the food court. It, too, was on the right side of the hall. In my head, it seemed all I'd have to do is walk across the hall to the doors to the back hallway on the other side of this main hall, then fallow that back hallway like I did this one that got me to the library.
I stood by the door for a moment before opening it. I was both hesitant to leave the relative safety of the library as much as I was listening intently to anything that might be near. I couldn't hear anything, so I tucked the new post it into my belt and slowly opened the door. I was actually quiet this time, and I slowly stepped on foot onto the concrete of the hallway floor. It was quiet, as I planned, but that single step took a very long time. I looked down the hallway and towards the double doors again just to be safe, and then tried to scoot my other foot out onto the concrete. Since the carpet was a bit higher, the boot slid off the carpet and clacked on the harder floor. The hallway echoed it, and I paused to listen and wait again. Nobody came after a few moments, so I slid my foot the rest of the way, easing it onto the harder floor. I shut the door slowly behind me, and succeeded in shutting it quietly. I slid over to the double doors, remembering how awkward that method of mobility was. But it functioned, and I got there. These doors opened near a secondary entrance. I was facing the wall to a large supermarket attached to the mall, and I was in the hallway between it and the stores of the big hallway. This minor hallway had only this entrance to the back hallways, pay phones, a few water fountains, and the entrances on either end.
I slid to the corner and looked into the large main hallway. Aside normal booths, kiosks, benches and whatever, it seemed nobody was around. I started to scoot out into the open area, across the hallway, but I looked down the hall a second time right before I did. The doors on either end of this smaller pseudo hallway were glass, which meant people outside could see me. I doubted many if any people were outside the mall and trying to look inside at the moment, but I hate taking chances. I had to get to the double doors on the other side of the main hallway from me, down at the other end of this pseudo hallway I was in that 'T'ed the larger one. I looked one more time, just to be safe. Nobody was down the hallway on either floor. I started to cross the open area, watching for someone down the hall more than people outside. The people outside couldn't get in to bother me directly, but I still worried about them. I saw nobody as I scooted, and I made it to the other side. I scooted the rest of the way to the double doors as quickly as I could. I pressed on the bar thing, and leaned into it, but it didn't move. The bar thing across it didn't go in. The door was locked!
I stood stupidly for a moment, not understanding how to operate since my plan had failed at the door. Then I realized how stupid I was and tried the right of the double doors. It, too was locked. I didn't remember any ways out of the back hallway I had come from besides the ones I used, so I would have to actually walk down the main hallway. If I went back to where I was last time through the back hallway, I'd still have to go through the main hallway, except through a place that would be even more wide open than this way. Maybe I could find a way back there, or even upstairs, part way down the main hall. I started scooting back across the hallway when I realized the store on the corner I was at had glass for a store front. I could see through the corner of the store, and at a guard who was a few hundred feet down the hallway, walking down the left side.
I quickly scooted back, as near the wall as I could get. I scooted until I got to the double doors, and I tried to sink into the small depression that they were in the wall. I didn't mind leaving a lube mark on the doors if that meant avoiding immediate capture, but the doors simply weren't set in far enough to hide there. I only sunk a few inches. To make matters worse, I clunked the handle. It wasn't very loud, but it was certainly more noise than I wanted to make in that situation. My heart increased it's tempo and volume, it was warmer, and the world tried to spin. I held the world from spinning. I had to focus. I concentrated on breathing deeply. I couldn't afford to faint.
By then, I could hear the guard's footsteps approaching. Why would the doors be locked?! I thought Darla would leave me a way to get where I was going with reduced chances of getting caught! But, then, why would she have me do this at all except to get caught? What was she up to? Had she meant for the doors to be unlocked and a guard locked it up when they realized it was unlocked? Are these doors normally locked? I didn't have time to worry about that, the footsteps were coming closer. I leaned into the doors one last time, hoping hopelessly that they'd open up that time. They didn't. The foot steps were dangerously close, and I could see the guard through the corner glass of the store on the corner. One more step and he'd see me. I stopped breathing. I hoped that if I blended into the wall, if I was quiet enough, he would still not notice me.
He took one more step. I don't know if it was my breath or the air current, but a breeze moved along my body, reminding me one of the reasons I didn't want to get caught. The man took another step, and the world tried to turn again. I focused, but not as well as I'd have liked to. I stayed conscious. the man took a third step before turning his head in my direction. He looked confused. His next few steps were towards me. Then he moved faster, almost jogging. He stopped a few feet from me. He had a huge grin on his face. I recognized him, too. He was Jake, the man who I had met at the entrance to this mall last week. He said he worked here, but I could have sworn he said he works at a store, not as security. My vision started fading, and the world finally spun around me. Jake got very tall, very fast, it seemed. And then it my thoughts faded and it was dark.
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