I came to with a start. I always expected to have a headache after waking up from fainting, but I was actually just groggy and disoriented. The very first thing I noticed was that my arms were stuck behind me. Having your limbs stuck is alarming, so I lifted my head and looked around to try to orient myself. I was in a small but bright room. The brightness was very different from the ambient dark of the mall, and I couldn't place where I was. The walls were an off white, the lights were florescent, and the only real furnishings were a single desk, a few filing cabinets on either side of the desk, and a large comfortable chair in front of me. The chair was in front of where you'd scoot in to the desk. I was in a metal folding chair, and the door to the room was to my left, and shut. I had less lube on me in some places, but most notable was how much had gotten on the chair. Every movement I made was exaggerated and made me slide a little. The only reason I was still in the chair instead of slid onto the floor was because my hands were hand-cuffed behind me so that my arms caught. I was still wearing everything I was before, except now I was in this room and with hands cuffed behind the back of the chair, too.
My right arm was falling asleep but I could still feel it, so I must not have been there long. I pulled my legs together and pushed myself into a proper sitting position. I was even more helpless and exposed than I was before fainting. Still just as naked, except now my arms were forced behind me and unable to protect anything that happened up front, and it pressed my chest out a bit. I was also still cold, unfortunately. I managed to keep myself calm, but I was very concerned about how I got there and when someone might come back to check on me, or worse. I didn't feel like I had been violated since I was in the bathroom, so that was a half-relief. I considered if I could get out of the chair without dumping myself backwards and possibly injuring myself. I had basically no resistance on the seat itself and very little on the back. The only reason I could maintain my position was because I was pushing with my feet and holding the back of the seat with my hands. I feared moving even slightly might send me into an awkward position and then the chair might tumble over. I was surprised I was still in the chair when I came to.
Right as I was trying to figure out a way to get out of the chair without injuring myself or making a racket, the door opened. I pressed my legs together a little more firmly, but my breathing became sharper. I was exposed and at the mercy of Jake, the mall security guard walking through the door. Would he call the police? Would I get thrown in jail, perhaps prison? Could I still maintain my life with whatever the punishment would be? If he didn't call the police, would he molest me? I've never been ignorant of the fact I'm pretty, which is something I worked out daily and ate a balanced diet to maintain, but I never really considered it might also be a weakness. If I were ugly, none of this would have ever been a problem. But I was also concerned with my health. My looks have never been supremely important to me, but I had never supposed they'd cause such a mess.
"You know, I didn't really expect to find you," said Jake as he walked confidently over to the chair in front of me. His uniform had some big, shiny, dark smudges all over it, "Firstly, I didn't expect her to be telling the truth about it. I thought it was some elaborate joke. But even if it wasn't, I simply didn't suppose I'd have the fortune of finding you."
My suspicions were correct, the guards did know I would be around. There's no way a mall guard would have patrolled so well, normally. What all did they know? What did Darla tell them? Do they know I'm doing this because I'm forced to, or did she allow them to believe I was a thrill seeker and sexual deviant? If the guards thought I was doing this for my own pleasure, and have not called the police yet... I never suspected I'd want to get in trouble with the police, but right then I wasn't sure which would be preferable. And did Jake recognize me from our short encounter a week ago? He couldn't see my face now, but I wasn't wearing too much more the week before. Perhaps he recognized my body. The body I could do nothing to hide from his lecherous gaze, which I noticed right then. If only I could have placed my hands in front of my chest! No, I got the impression he did not call the police. He was going to molest me somehow. I tensed, pressing my legs together even tighter, and my heart was beating quickly again. No matter how tightly I pressed my legs together, I could feel the slimy lube in and around my vulva and anus, reminding me that I was ready for the molestation.
"I don't know the details of your game, but I do know that you're allowed to try to escape from us if you're caught. I think that you're in a mighty tight pickle, though. There's no way you could escape from me with your hands cuffed behind your back like that. Not with the door shut and locked. And you certainly couldn't overpower me normally. So here's my idea; If you would rather continue your game then have me call the police on you, you're going to suck my dick."
I almost lost my orientation, as though I was going to faint again, but not quite enough. More like I couldn't believe what he just said. It was as though I couldn't accept what just happened, and so tried to wake up from the dream that wasn't happening. I wanted to reply to him, to ask him just to let me go, to find my car keys and help me escape this nightmare, but I knew that was even more unrealistic. And if I did talk to him that way, Darla would find out. Besides, talking would make everything seem more real, somehow. If I didn't say anything, I could continue pretending I was someone else, somewhere else, with the aid of the ski mask I had on.
"You're not talking? Fine, spread your legs so I get a good view of your cunt.", Jake commanded, smiling as though this were just a game, as though we were lovers role playing. But I couldn't just expose myself to someone who was practically a total stranger like that. I was waiting for something. I'm not sure what. Did I presume he was joking? Did I think Darla would come save me? She's the one who got me into that situation, why would she save me?! I guess I hesitated too long, because Jake just sat back and grinned. He seemed to think for a moment. He pulled something out of his pocket and dangled it in front of him for me to see. I recognized them from some recent research I had been doing. What he held were called "nipple clamps". The name says it all. They were small clamps connected with a thin chain.
"You're going to spread your legs and suck my dick right now, or else I'm going to put these on you," Jake said. The cold was retreating, but I shivered still. He couldn't have presumed I was here for any reason besides my desire to be in such a situation. If he knew the truth, if any random person knew the truth, they'd try to help me. Instead, he dangled BDSM toys in front of me, threatening me with their use if I didn't please him sexually. But the way I was dressed, why would anyone presume anything different? I don't know if I was frozen in fear or because I was still trying to disbelieve what was happening, but Jake stood up and opened one of the clamps. I certainly didn't want clamps on my nipples, so I looked away and slowly opened my legs to a 30 degree angle. I tried to relax, but I couldn't un-tense my muscles. I was scared. I was helpless, nude in front of a man I knew nothing about, hands cuffed behind me, and unable move for fear of finding myself hurt or even injured by falling oddly.
Jake had made it to me. He was between my knees, and he gently pulled on my chin, until I was looking at his eyes, "You should know that it's already too late, and you should also know that your legs aren't spread far enough." He moved his hand from my chin to my right breast. His hand slid on it but he held it at the base, holding the rest of it steady. I wanted to resist, but the fact of my tight spot remained. I was still helpless, and resisting would only, perhaps, enrage him. The clamp bit down slowly, but it rested at it's maximum force. It was literally pinching my nipple, and would not, could not, stop. I breathed sharply inward, half gasping and half squealing Then he held my left breast, as my right nipple warmed up. I looked at it, and it was white immediately around where it was getting pinched, but redder than normal around that area. Then I felt the clamp bite down on my left nipple. I thought I could better prepare for it after experiencing the first clamp, but I was wrong. I gasped again. When Jake's hands left my chest, I tried to wiggle the clamps off, but that was a mistake. Wiggling did two things. First and foremost, it caused the clamps and the chain connecting them to tug on my nipples in strange, painful ways. Secondly, I almost lost my footing and fell off the side of the chair. I had to grab the corners of the back of the seat and spread my feet farther to steady myself.
While distracted by the clamps, Jake grabbed my hips and pulled forward. It was a simple matter to slide me, despite my clenched legs, and the process pulled my legs open farther, to perhaps a 90degree angle. I was open and physically, if not emotionally, ready for what Jake was planning! I came close to losing my footing entirely, but managed to keep it and not slide the rest of the way off the chair. In addition, my arms were pulled back tighter, forcing my breasts forward more. The clamps jiggled, but not significantly enough to alter how uncomfortable they already were. I looked up to Jake, wondering what was next. To my surprised, he had a thoughtful, soft expression. "You're really nervous about this, aren't you, Lisa?"
He knew my name! He knew who I was! Immediately, the mask's alternate persona guise fled. I was me, I was exposed, vulnerable, and in real danger! My breathing picked up pace and sharpened, and I held back tears so that I could continue seeing, but it wasn't easy. He continued, in a softer tone than he had been using, "I'll tell you what; since we haven't gotten to know one another, we shouldn't be doing this just yet. I'm still interested, and I'm very curious about the details of your position, but your comfort in all of this is also very important. Frankly, it doesn't seem I've earned your trust, yet. And how could I have? I was foolish to think you'd actually be ready for this. So is Darla. She's too inexperienced for this, I think. But don't let me try to persuade you away from her without giving it a fair chance. I'm not going to try to manipulate you, that would be wrong. However, I do want to get to know you better and try to persuade you some things in a more comfortable setting, so let me get those cuffs off of you."
Sitting through that small speech, I had a difficult time comprehending even the what he was refering to, exactly. My emotions tied themselves in knots all over my belly. What was he saying? What was he doing? Not try to manipulate me? He was getting the cuffs off of me? Of course he thought I was here by will. Not ready for this? What did he think I was up to? What did he think Darla was up to? As thoughts raced through my mind at the speed of sound, Jake retrieved his keys, walked behind me, and un-cuffed me. I was too nervous and confused to know how to react, but knowledge didn't effect it. I pressed up against the back of the seat where I was holding it. This propelled me up and forward, allowing me to balance on my newly spread legs. I quickly closed my legs and turned around. I don't know what emotions might have been showing through the mask, but I know I didn't contain them all. I was still concerned about the clamps, but I only crossed my arms under my breasts in false hope that it'd alleviate some of the pressure. I didn't want to make Jake change his mind by removing them, after all. I was still confused over his motivation, and I didn't want to ruin what chances it seemed I was getting.
Jake still seemed softer than before, and he walked over to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and rubbed deeply, but slowly and softly. His hands were strong, "You're a nervous wreck. This was obviously a bad idea. Tell you what; I'll let you get out of here and keep going with your strange game, if you let me take you out on a date tomorrow."
He kept massaging my shoulders, waiting for a reply. This was the most awkward way to ask me out, ever. I don't know why I said yes. I wanted to get out of there, yes, and I doubted I even could have said anything besides yes. That was undeniable. However, Jake had shown me real caring. He even kissed me after I agreed to the date. He had saved me what was supposed to be a punishment for getting caught, or whatever. I was intensely thankful for that. Even though the clamps were still on and I was too nervous to take them off, I agreed to the date and, I think, even looked forward to it. Jake walked me to the door as a possible gentleman in my eyes. What a fast transition. I still didn't trust him, and suspected this was a trick or some new kind of torment the punch-line of which was waiting still, but I was such a wreck I allowed myself the chance. He opened the door for me, made a joke about dressing more appropriately for a black tie restaurant tomorrow, he'd call me, and shut the door behind me.
For un-kept moments, I stood there at the door, facing the hallway. I simply didn't know what to think or do. I was just helpless against that man, he could have done anything he wanted to me, and there was, I knew, no chance he'd get in any legal trouble. Or any other kind, for that matter. And he chose to ask me out on a date. I still had the clamps on. It wasn't rational, but I considered them a kind of good luck, since the man had softened after he put them on me. They did hurt and were uncomfortable, but they weren't so painful, at that moment, that I felt the need to remove them immediately. I still wasn't sure about my situation, after all. Perhaps removing them would get me in trouble somehow, and after I started thinking more about them after the emotional roller coaster, they didn't hurt as bad. I did want to remove them, but the chance of consequences and the impression they were lucky seemed to outweigh it, even though I wished it didn't.
I realized I wasn't as scared about getting noticed. As far as I could tell from earlier, Jake was the only guard inside the mall. There were supposed to be two, but I... well, I can't explain my reasoning, or lack thereof, but I clomped all over the mall. I was still intensely uncomfortable from the situation itself. I was still fully exposed in a mall, where someone could find me and get me in trouble or worse at any moment. Jake could even change his mind on a dime and come rape me. I ran to the theater, entering it via the backside, as I had the library. Right where I expected the next note to be, that's where it was.
For the greater part of an hour, I clomped around the mall. I took the nipple clamps off after about fifteen minutes, since it was getting more difficult to handle them and I figured any possible trouble for doing so was worth it. I massaged my breasts for a minute or two, then continued. I got a total of eight post-its, and they eventually led me to a door on the opposite side of the hallway the office was in. I wished I had known I would end up there earlier, but it was too late for that. I opened the door, and it was the camera room. All of the stress, all the anxiety and pressure, all the strange, twisting emotion, everything, came out then. The door shut as I entered and began to break down. The far wall was covered with monitors, each showing a store or hallway. I knew I had passed many of them, giving the person at the controls a bird's eye view of my adventure. That person was Darla. I took some steps towards her, which was when I collapsed. I put my face on her lap. She was going to use me, perhaps even punish me for God knows what, and make my life even worse than she had already made it. I could do nothing about it, so I simply cried in her lap. As I kneeled over her lap, I imagined she'd abuse me. I relaxed. I had taken the nipple clamps off, but I still held them. I imagined she would reattach them, cuff my hands behind my back, and force me to follow her around by tugging on them, but she simply let me cry in her lap. Why was everyone so nice to me?
Just as that thought crossed my mind, right when I decided to look up at Darla for answers, the fact she was nude sunk in. On the counter/control panel in front of her, there was a dildo and a butt plug. They were both pink, not the ones I had used earlier. Darla pulled my head up by the hair, and began kissing me. I was mostly done crying by then, and it was obvious she didn't care anyhow. She was letting me cry so that I could get over it and focus on what she wanted. She didn't actually care about me. Not a bit. As she kissed me, she put the clamps back on my nipples. I feared she would, and hoped she didn't, but it seemed inevitable. I knew what to expect this time, but I was wrong. She wasn't as gentle. Which was an odd realization. I had never considered nipple clamps might be put on gently. She put them over my nipples and let them clamp down, she did not do it slowly at all. It hurt much worse than when Jake had done it. The pain slowly numbed as she stood, leaving me next to her chair. She picked up the butt plug, and I expected she would demand I put it in myself, or she'd do it herself. I waited, on my knees, numbly. I was wrong, she bent over slightly and put it in her own anus. She moaned as she did it. She liked it. The dildo, too, was for her. When she sat down, she put it in her vagina. She guided my hands to her crotch. One hand was put under her, to play with her butt plug. The other hand was placed on the dildo. She then pulled my head down to her crotch, and I licked her clitoris as I knew she wanted.
At first I simply held the plug and dildo as I licked, but Darla soon ordered me to put pressure on the plug and to move the dildo. She writhed and told me to go faster every few minutes. The entire time, her hands outlined and rubbed my back. It was common for her to scratch. I was neither into what I was doing nor accustomed to pain, and I arched my back to try to avoid the scratches. But there was nowhere for me to go. She started breathing loudly, writhing harder, and she commanded me to thrust the dildo harder. She scratch my back hard enough to draw blood, and even leave scars I'd discover later. I tried to arch to avoid it, but I could do nothing. That was pretty fast, but she had me keep going. She played with her breasts while I did my un-willful duty. I still wasn't done having my pangs of emotion, and I cried intermittently as I built up Darla to another orgasm. She scratched my back again, and I shouted into her vulva. I was shaking as I cried, but I somehow managed to keep eating out the vile bitch. At the time, I just wanted to get it over with and leave. Darla had her third orgasm, scratching me as I shouted into her womanhood again, when my tongue was so tired I thought I'd be unable to continue. Fortunately, I didn't have to.
After that ordeal, she pulled me up to sit on her lap. "You're getting even batter at that, bitch." She was very relaxed. "I won't be able to feel your tongue on my cunt until Monday, though. Stand up."
I did as she said, and she pulled out a pair of handcuffs. I don't know where she had them before, I think behind her in her chair, but they were different from the ones Jake had. Darla stood up, turned me around by my shoulder, and cuffed my hands behind me. Then she turned me back around. She opened up my key ring, which I also wasn't sure where she got it from, and slid it around onto the chain connecting my nipple clamps. The added weight made the clamps hurt a bit more, and I scrunched my face up. "Aw, does it hurt?" Darla asked with mock sympathy. I first wanted to tackle her, but then remembered not only that I was cuffed and so handicapped, but also that it would ruin my career. Which was responsible for the entire mess as it was!
Then, Darla slapped me. "Answer me when I ask you a question, bitch!"
"Yes, Mistress." I breathed shortly at her. I was done crying. I knew it wasn't all out, yet, but I didn't want to and perhaps couldn't, right then.
She walked over to the door, leaving the butt plug in but placing the dildo on the controls, and opened it for me. "If you try to get those cuffs off before you're out at your car, I'll come get you and whip you. Go home, bitch."
I knew she would know, too. I could see the cameras out to the parking lot. Right across the hallway, though, Jake was outside the office door. My emotions were still mixed. I feared him, but I also respected him. I felt safer with him than with Darla, but I shrunk away from both of them anyhow. I might trust him more, but he seemed like he could be more dangerous if I were wrong. Darla scowled at him and said, "What are you looking at?!"
"I was just about to make rounds, I won't be held responsible for looking at what's in plain sight." With that, I had gotten out the door, in plain sight of him. I wasn't sure if he was tlaking about the sight of me, Darla, or both, as I didn't have the courage to look at him.
Darla smacked my ass hard and said, "I guess you caught her again.", then she shut the door and retreated into the camera room. I stood for a moment, not sure what to say or do. Was Darla embarrassed to be caught like that? She maybe acted like it, but then why didn't she shut the door faster? Did she want Jake to see her naked?
"I'm looking forward to seeing you without the mask tomorrow." Jake said, as he started walking down the hall towards the food court. "I didn't make you keep going when it was obvious you couldn't handle it earlier, and I don't really know what you can handle still. Yet. There's something about you, about this situation. I want to figure it out. But I understand if you want to keep it private. If you want to tell me, feel free to talk my ear off tomorrow. Please. But I can't help but feel this is different than what I think it is, and I don't want to take advantage of you. I called Tony to check the back of the mall. I don't know how long you have, but he probably won't drive by the front very soon. I'll let you out the front, and I won't punish you as I was supposed to for finding you, if you just only consider telling me what's happening."
Again, I was lost for words. Jake led me to the front door. I was as vulnerable and exposed as ever, but he didn't take advantage of it. He wanted me to follow him, and I did. What was his deal? What could I safely tell him? What did he think was happening? Did he know about Chad, did he get the impression I wasn't as willing as Darla may have let on? I thought about that as he opened the doors for me. Before I left, he kissed me again. My breasts, and the clamps on them, pressed into his chest. It was uncomfortable, but the kiss was so very welcome. More than I admitted at the time. He was showing real concern for me, and it's difficult to explain how it made me feel, because I wasn't sure myself. I enjoyed the kiss, at any rate. I felt safe with him. I still didn't trust him fully. Indeed, I barely trusted him at all, but he was vastly more trustworthy than Darla at that time, and he did really seem concerned. I guess I wasn't sure how I felt, yet. He let go of me, shut the door, and waved. I stared at him stupidly, and he waved me towards my car before walking away.
The walk to my car was mostly uneventful, except my shoes clacked on the pavement and cars were out on the road. I wasn't sure how well the trees blocked the sight to the road, as I could see headlights easily, but I hurried anyhow. When I got to my car, I couldn't be sure what to do. It was weird, being unable to get into the car, even though I could look down at my keys hanging from my tortured nipples. I turned around at each door on the side of the car facing the mall, seeing if it was unlocked. Then I tried the other side real fast, and ran back around my car to hide from the road. None of the doors were unlocked. I also noticed the camera was gone from where I left it. And that's when it hit me that I was even more vulnerable than I was inside. I don't know how I blocked it out before then, but the realization was horrible. Jake had the other security guard at the back of the mall, which meant anyone could drive up, grab me, drive away with me, and have their way with me. I couldn't even attempt to defend myself, and I was a pretty obvious target being next to the only car in the parking lot and white against the darkness of night and blacktop
I glanced around and made sure nobody was puling up to me, and that no cars were entering the parking lot. Most of the lubricant had come off of me, but there was still enough I couldn't balance sitting on the hood to get a leg over the chain. On the side of my car away from the road, I tried to hop on one leg and pull the other leg over my hands or the cuff chain. I almost got it, but the toe of the boot caught the chain, and I fell over hard on my left side. Most of my weight landed on my shoulder, but a significant portion got my breast. My shoulder was scraped and bleeding, and so was my breast. My nipples got tugged hard, and the ground against the left clamp smashed my nipple into the rest of the flesh. I also had scrapes on my hip, and very minor ones on my thigh. I realized I was better blocked off from the road being that low, but I also realized Darla had put me in the biggest pickle yet, and I was about to go crazy from all the pains I was accumulating. They were all relatively minor, but the fact I couldn't avoid the clamps and couldn't clean the wounds right away meant they could get infected and irritated. Further, Tony would not be behind the mall forever, but even if he were, I wouldn't be able to get into my car before daytime. Maybe I could run some place safe, like a hotel or maybe I could get back in the mall. But I'd have to get up, first. I thought about the truck bay. I knew I could get in that way.
Staving off the seriousness of my situation, I started getting up. By the time I had figured out how to push myself up to a sitting position, I saw headlights rounding the corner of the mall. I paused in shock, but then continued trying to get up. I simply couldn't get all of my weight onto my hands, and my legs didn't bend easily to do it on their own. The fact I was trying to keep my legs together, a foolish concern given my circumstances, was partly to blame. The cuts I had received on my original fall made it harder still. The white security truck had pulled up next to my car before I had gotten up. It was maybe five feet away and facing the opposite direction, the way my back was facing. I was still sitting on my butt, my legs at odd angles. "Need help getting into your car, ma'am?" came a male voice from around the front of the truck, behind me.
I turned my head to see who it was. The person was already at my side when I turned. Before I could even fail at an attempt to cover myself up or get away, the man had grabbed me by my arm pits. He picked me up slightly, turned me around, and he placed me back on my knees. In the split second I saw him from his arm's length, I knew it was Tony. He was in a security uniform, and he had a big smile on his face. I also noticed that his fly was open, and his penis was out. Before I could react, he grabbed his penis with one hand and the back of my head with the other. He pulled my head towards his penis, which he angled into my mouth. I tried to shut my mouth, but my reactions were very slow at the time. I was shocked it was really happening. I hadn't even realized my mouth was open such that I would try to shut it before that penis was in it. I was still shocked, and Tony had to remind me, in a jocular tone, "Now you suck it, bitch."
I didn't often go down on a guy, and thought of it as little more than foreplay, but I knew I had to try to get him off before he put his penis anywhere else. I started licking and sucking in the ways I usually (though not often) did, but I wasn't balanced. I fell towards Tony, his penis, now hard, going deep into my throat. I started gagging and I pulled away. Tony held my head while I coughed, and as soon as I stopped, as soon as I was about to try to say something, he pulled my head back at his penis. That time, I closed my mouth. I knew it was a mistake, I knew he'd just go for another hole if I closed my mouth, but that didn't make me want to suck his dick any more. To make matter as bad as they had been, no hole on my body could defend against an intruder, since they were still very moist. However, he simply aligned my head again, gave me a moment in which I had enough wit to open my mouth, and he plunged me back down.
"Were you screwing around right here for so long on purpose? You wanted me to find you, huh? You wanted to suck my big dick, didn't you, you greedy whore?!" Tony said as I licked and sucked. I remembered how Jake had reacted when he realized something was wrong. What would happen if I told Jake that, in fact, I did not want to be doing that. But instead of letting me answer, he pulled my head so that his penis went deeper into my throat. "Deep throat that shit, you slut!"
It was actually with Chad that I learned how to deep throat. I had technically looked it up in sex books for boyfriends before that, but I had never actually learned how to until Chad. I simply didn't actually do it until then. All you have to do is sort of swallow the penis. Which is actually a lot easier to say than to do. At any rate, I was glad that I had learned, because I fell forward, Tony's penis down my throat. My lips rested against him for a moment. I felt his scrotum against my chin. I had never been good at deep throating, though. I didn't have enough time with Chad to get very good at it. In addition, the momentum swung my keys forward, and the chain tugged at my clamped nipples. I had the additional problem of the pavement hurting my knees, too. I was in a very bad place, and my gag reflex tried to get me out of it. I could no longer see with all the wetness of my eyes, and I could feel my stomach retching. Tony let me up just before I coughed some slime up from my stomach. It didn't seem any food was in it, and there wasn't much. I drooled it onto the ground, and Tony gave me a moment to breath, then pulled my head back in. Again, before I could say anything. But I was also scared to say anything. If I had the chance, would I have taken it?
"I was told you're really good with your mouth, so you'd better start sucking right!" he said as he guided my head slightly back and fourth. I tried my best to suck and lick, preparing myself better for when he tried to shove it down my throat again. I tried to ignore the swinging of the keys, but I could swear my nipples and aureole were going to be big bruises by the time he was done. It was hard to concentrate with such a pinching, burning pain at my nipples. I listened to his ignorantly humiliating tirade. "Yeah, that is good. Your tongue is strong! You're eager, now, aren't you, slut?! I bet you want me to fuck your cunt, but this feels too good. Maybe your asshole, though!"
He bent slightly and slapped my left butt cheek as he said that last remark. I couldn't fathom having someone have anal sex with me under those conditions. I couldn't allow it. My life was miserable, but I was still an anal virgin. I wasn't going to lose my anal virginity that way. I leaned forward, taking Tony's penis down my throat again. I stayed there for a moment, so that he could feel my throat, then came back up. He didn't stop me, so I didn't gag. "Oohh, your throat feels so nice! I guess I'll skull fuck you instead of fucking your ass, then! You'll love it!"
I deep throated him a few times, figuring I would please him with my mouth to preserve my anal virginity for something that won't haunt me for the rest of my life. I don't know why it was so important to me, but it was. Perhaps because I simply didn't want it to hurt. I wanted to do it for a man I trusted, if at all. My recent experiences taught me that my butt was all kinds of tight, and his penis was easily longer than the butt plugs I found so uncomfortable, though not thicker at it's widest. After a moment, he grabbed the sides of my head, and he pulled me down again. As soon as I had deep throated, he pulled me back up. Immediately, he pulled me back down. I didn't think I could handle it. I simply couldn't deep throat that fast. First I simply had trouble breathing, but then he shoved his penis down my throat when I wasn't ready. I pulled back, and I threw up whitish slime all over my chest. I took a few deep breaths, not enough, and he pulled me right back in.
He started at that same pace again. Breathing took the back seat. My throat hurt tremendously when he jammed it back and I wasn't ready. It was still sore. And it felt like my nipples were going to be ripped off. But I was in trouble. I breathed only small breaths, and not every time I came back. I could feel my lungs start to complain about their lack of fresh air, but Tony was pulling my face along his penis too fast for me to do anything about it. I started to struggle against the hand cuffs, but Tony didn't slow down. The world spun once, and I fell loudly against my car. I breathed heavily and quickly. Tony gave me some time to catch my breath, and then he pulled me in again. I certainly didn't get enough air, but I didn't suspect I would until Tony was done abusing me. Very suddenly, however, Tony stuck his penis deep into my throat and held it there. I couldn't breath, but I could tell he was about to orgasm. He quickly pulled out of my mouth, allowing me to breath, as he grabbed his penis and stroked slightly, then he ejaculated onto my breasts. He held me where I was by the back of my neck. By the fifth or sixth squirt, he aimed at my mouth. I could feel each hot stream land on my chest against the cold air. I was too busy catching up on breathing to try anything, though. The last squirt on my mouth landed more across and over it than in it, but I could taste the salty bitterness.
Tony stooped forward for a moment, rubbing the cum all over my mouth. After several moments wherein I started to catch my breath, he put his penis away. When he zipped his fly, he pulled my chin up so I looked at him and he said, "This was really exciting and fun. I look forward to next weekend at the cabin.". He grabbed the key hanging from my chest when I wasn't expecting it. He tugged only slightly, but they had been on so long and through so much that I shrieked anyhow. He used them to aim me at my car door I was right next to, and I stared in painful surprise as he directed me to next to my car that way, with me squealing the whole way. He used my car key to unlock the door, pulling up on my nipples, and I squealed again. My breath was mostly caught by then, so I looked up at him again.
"No, seriously," He began "I've never done anything like this. It was fun. You're something else."
He then walked to the other side of the truck, giving me a lazy salute on his way. I was on my knees, so I had the ability to stand up, but my knees hurt. I rocked back a bit and stood suddenly, as he began to drive off. He glanced back at me on his way. My knees did hurt. In fact, they had rubbed against the pavement and were bleeding. I realized then that he had planned to open the door for me, but I was still on my knees and in the way. I hadn't moved. He must have assumed I didn't want the help? I turned around, numb to the world. I felt for the latch, and opened the door. The truck disappeared around the opposite mall corner, and I got into my car. I was sore all over, and my nipples especially hurt, but I cried anyhow. I was in the passenger seat, and I sat for several minutes just trying to release the horrible feelings. I was just raped, after all. And the worst part was that the person who did it hadn't even realized. If only he had been observant, like Jake. He would have known I didn't want any of that. But it happened. All I wanted to do was go home and take a shower, but I was stuck with my arms behind my back. And even after the ten or so minutes it took me to maneuver my legs through my arms to get my hands in front of me, the drive home took over an hour. First, though, I removed the nipple clamps. I had learned earlier that they hurt more to take off than to put on. I cried and massaged my breasts as I started my car. Getting those clamps off made the drive home a little easier to concentrate on. It was a huge relief.
I didn't speed at all. There was no way I could allow myself to get pulled over in the condition I was in. I couldn't actually report the rape. I'd lose my career and life and wind up in prison. I had to take my time. My nipples were still sore when I got home. I didn't even realize there were new keys on my key chain until I had gotten inside. They was small. They were to the cuffs. I took the hand cuffs off, and the other key was for the boots, I realized. I took off all of the horrible costume and jumped in the shower. I took a very hot shower, and continued cleaning myself even after the water had turned cold. I couldn't seem to get clean. I don't know why I didn't feel so dirty with Darla, but with Jake it was horrible. Maybe it was the ejaculate? I eventually got out of the shower, bandaged the wounds needing it, noted that my areolas were slightly bluish, and I collapsed on my bed. I was exhausted. I slept on my right side.
When I woke up, I was having a panic attack, again. It didn't help that I was so sore. It wasn't just the wounds and my nipples, either. I had a deep muscle soreness, like I hadn't exercised in a while, even though I had. My throat was sore and my nipples couldn't even be touched without sending a jolt of pain deep into their respective breast. I got the panic attack under control in my room, being able to identify the problem faster, that time. I woke up and went to my desk. I walked slowly, like an old person. I empathized with them, after that. I organized all the papers I had been going through over the past week. Not the school papers, but my own homework. I had papers about Greg, Chad, Darla, and I got all the paperwork I could concerning each of their parents. I did some more research for a while, perhaps a few hours, but it was still dark out and I had to go back to bed.
Before going back to bed, I realized that Darla's step father was apparently a co-owner of that mall she had me go to, and he's quite well off. That explained her nice house, her job there, and perhaps even the ominous cabin Tony had referred to. The bad part of all my work was that Chad's old number was disconnected. I sent an email to him a few days before, but he hadn't yet replied. It was a free Internet based email, and it wasn't even one of the newer ones, so it was possible he had abandoned that address. I hoped he didn't, on all things good. My camera research didn't give me any leads, either. I couldn't find a single camera with a timer that would last long enough for me to hold Greg responsible. But then, that would mean someone else may have done it. Was it Chad, after all? I wished I had more clues to go on. I needed out of that situation as soon as possible. I was going to wind up crazy and jobless anyhow!
The second time I woke up, it was to my phone. In my half-sleep, I answered the phone thinking it was family or friend. It was a male voice. I think how hurt I was could be heard in my greeting, because Jake said, "Are you alright? Tony told me what happened." I didn't say anything. I was in shock and pain, and I didn't want to be reminded of it. However, Jake had seemed kind. Perhaps he could help me out of the situation somehow. Also, how kind he was too me meant a lot. It was probably because of how poorly I had been treated by Darla, and how poorly I started thinking of myself due to it, but his kindness touched my heart tenderly.
"Listen," he continued, "I managed to get a reservation for two at four o'clock. It's in the smoking section, though. I didn't know they had a smoking section until they told me that was all they had left, but I booked the table anyhow. I'm told it looks right over the bay, so you'll appreciate the view. Normally I'd meet you there, but I think we've already gotten more personal than usual, so how would you like me to pick you up at 3:30?"
It took me a few tries, but I found my voice, "Where is it?" I asked much more meekly than I intended to.
"Oh, duh! Yeah, it's The Vineyard. You know the road leading off of the... well, I can show you as we drive there if you want me to pick you up."
I realized he was waiting for an answer, since I had never provided one. I cracked once in trying to find my voice again, and it hurt a little, but I managed to reply with a little more volume than the first time, "Oh, okay, but I live an hour South of there."
"Yeah, I know. You live in the same city as Darla. I live in that direction, too, but not as far. We can get there in less than half an hour. from your school."
He knew I was Darla's teacher! "Oh", I whispered.
"You're majoring in English, right?"
I was confused at first. I had an English degree already. Then I realized he thought I was a college student. That must have been what Darla told him. But all I could say is "Yeah."
"Okay, well, I have some stuff to get to before that, so I've gotta go, but where am I gonna be picking you up at?"
I gave him my address. As I did it, I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, like this was just a set-up. Perhaps he was going to rape me in my own home! No, I had to have some sort of hope. After I told him my address, he said, "Alright, I look forward to this. Remember it's a black tie restaurant, so wear something that brings out your natural elegance. See you at 3."
He hung up, and like that the conversation was over. After hanging up, I saw that I had some missed called. Three. They were all Darla. She only left one message, though; "I heard about you and Jake, bitch." She sounded angry "You're going to tell him that you go to the college and are an English major. If it comes up, you're going to tell him you're my bitch, that you're in love with me, and that you wouldn't have it any other way. In fact, you're going to suck his dick right off, because you were supposed to have done that if you got caught, and you did! If you don't follow these orders exactly, I'm going straight to the principal with my pictures. Call me as soon as he drops you off, after you've sucked his dick, whore!"
What?! This thing was becoming a bigger mystery. Why did she want me to fellate Jake? Why did she have me do that whole thing at the mall? Why did she want me to get caught and be used by men? None of that made sense! And now I was going to be forced to be a sex slave for Darla and two men! Right when I thought Jake might be able to get me out of this, too! Of course this was just some game I didn't fully grasp, yet. No way Jake was actually concerned, this was a set-up of some kind. But what kind of set-up? What was the point? Why did Darla want to share me with these men? Did they have a power over her? Were they making her do this? No, that didn't seem possible.
I rolled over as I considered the possibilities. I simply couldn't put the pieces together. What was Darla's motivation? Why was she so concerned about what I told Jake if my telling him didn't risk her power over me? But then why would she have me do anything with him at all? Or Tony? How did they fit into the picture? And if my telling was so dangerous for her, why hadn't she ordered me not to tell them anything until now? Then I looked at the clock and realized it already past 2 PM! The late night and waking in the middle of the night had made me sleep in for far too long! Jake was probably already getting ready to come pick me up!
What was I going to wear? Did I have to wear one of the thongs? Well, I didn't have any other underwear, so that's irrelevant. I had to. Did I still have my nice black cocktail dress? What was Jake going to wear? If this was just a trick, would what I wear effect what happened to me? Should I wear something sexy to appease the people who used me, or was this a real date and I should wear what I'd normally wear? I decided on a compromise at first. I found a nice red dress that was low cut and somewhat tight, but otherwise covered me well. But I realized I couldn't do that because the scrape form my fall was visible on both my shoulder on the top of my left breast. In addition, there was some greenish yellow bruise developing around my areolas, and the tops of the bruises could be seen.
I finally decided on a black dress. It, too was tightish, but it had a long neck and covered my cleavage and most of my shoulders. It was slightly shorter than the red one, but the scrapes on my knees were covered. They might be revealed when i sit, but my knees would be under the table, so that was acceptable. I showered again, shaved, and was very neutral throughout. I simply didn't know what to feel, and I couldn't afford to break down anyhow. I distracted myself by coming to a decision that could be very harmful to my life. I was going to try to get help from Jake. I couldn't live the slave of Darla any longer. I wouldn't do anything in front of her, but I had to take this chance. And if Jake wound up being just as bad as Darla, if it wound up this was some intricate trick, Jake wouldn't help me and Darla would still have her power over me... or send me to prison and out of my career forever. That was almost preferable to what happened the night before. Was it worth it?
After showering, I dressed. I wore my the black thong I bought, as it matched the dress and was clean. I used some make-up and put my hair up. I dare say I looked beautiful. Perhaps I could use my looks to get Jake's help. Even if he weren't actually very kind, he seemed kinder than Darla. I could offer myself to him, and have it be my choice, instead of Darla forcing herself, and others, onto me. After I was ready, I chose my purse. It was a large purse, and I put copies of all the homework I had in it, as well as my keys and et cetera. I was ready at about 3:10, so I paced my house in worry and doubt. When it came to about 3:20, I put effort into calming down. I meditated a little, something I learned from yoga classes I had taken years before. It seemed to help. I wasn't on the verge of a break-down, but I was still intensely nervous.
My doorbell rang a few minutes before 3:30. I was in the living room, which was in sight of the front door, but I still jumped. The jump reminded me that I was sore all over, but I went to the door anyhow. On that short walk, I wondered if I would chicken out. I never realized before all this how big a coward I was. I was in this situation, after all. There was no way I'd find the nerve to ask Jake for help. But if I didn't, I'd have to go down on him by Darla's command, and he'd think that it was what I wanted. As it was, he probably thought it was what I wanted, he was just trying to earn my trust, to make me less nervous. All so he could get head. No! I couldn't go out with him thinking like that! He would help if I told him, I had to tell him! Probably. Maybe. I had to hope, at any rate!
I answered the door and paused. Jake was hansom, but he was also tall and imposing. The air from outside flew around me, up my skirt, reminding me about the thong I was wearing and how I've never worn one for a man unless I planned to seduce him. I knew how vulnerable I was, especially against a man of his size. He wasn't huge, but he was taller than average and muscular. But he also took so much care for his appearance. How could the only thing he cared about be getting laid if he could get it without so much work? He could have simply taken me, and I would have accepted it, due to my position and cowardice. In the moment I had those thoughts, Jake, looking right into my eyes, said, "Wow... you really are beautiful."
I had taken care to keep from crying, to keep my eyes white with some eye drops. The make-up covered the stress, I guess. Jake offered me his arm, and we walked to his car. It was a newish SAAB. I had no idea security guards got paid as much as it appeared Jake was worth. Maybe he had a rich family. I was walking stiffly, but Jake's smile and compliment had softened me. He opened the door for me, and I got in slowly. I glanced up and Jake had a concerned, nearly pained look on his face. What was with him? How did he fit into Darla's scheme? If he was actually as nice as he seemed, why would Darla include him in any of this, and why would she allow me to go on this date.
And that's when it hit me. If that really was a date, then it'd be the first one I was on in almost a year. It'd be the first date I went on since Chad. Did I want that? Jake got in, and I looked over to him. He was so hansom and kind, and he was even charming, and I figured I'd put my worries behind me and enjoy the date. I didn't know how it fit into anything, but if it was real, I intended to enjoy it. I would tell Jake everything later, after seeing if this was really a date. The car ride began awkwardly. I was still nervous, of course. I could just ignore what was happening to me. Especially since Jake had already seen me nude and vulnerable! After getting on a major road, Jake turned on the radio. It was on a pop station, but he turned it to a soothing jazz. Afterwards, he put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed as he had the night before. It was my left shoulder, which I had fallen on. It hurt, but I tried to ignore it. He looked sidelong at me as he drove, "Hey, we're just going to have fun tonight, right? No pressure, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. We can just be friends and talk about stuff."
The way he spoke to me, it was very soothing. In fact, I found myself relaxing. I was still unsure and nervous, but I was leaning more towards trusting than distrusting. Jake seemed like he was actually a nice guy. He asked me some questions on the way to the restaurant, since it was a relatively long drive. He asked me about superficial facts about myself, such as favorite bands and movies. He was telling me a story about when he was in college as we pulled into the parking lot. I even managed to pull my head out of my worries. It was really going to happen. I was going to find help in Jake. He actually was a nice guy.
The view from the table was as he described it, and there weren't any smokers at the tables around us. I was still nervous and a little terrified of possible consequences, so I didn't talk much. I mostly replied to Jake's stories and questions. I even smiled. I actually had a good time. Jake was intelligent, witty, and nice. He told me all about his family and friends. He even invited me to discuss my family, and I told him exclusively true things. He got a very smooth and not too sweet red wine, the whole bottle. He only had a few glasses, and I had three. I didn't touch my food, which had ordered after recommending something he liked. I had never been, and I felt bad at ordering anything I may have wanted due to the prices. So I was actually relieved when he ordered for me. It was some kind of chicken cooked in a special lemon wine sauce. It was every bit as good as he said.
By the time we got in the car to go home, I was having an honestly good time. Jake and I had similar tastes not only in music and food, but also in recreation and literature. From the first time I met him, I never expected someone so... well, great. I simply never expected to be on such a perfect date, especially with someone I assumed was so creepy before. Though again, it may have been that I was reaching, comparing the date to how horrible my life had been the past few weeks. Jake was apparently studying for a Masters in Physics, but he didn't know what he was going to do with it. He just liked physics. Every fact I learned about him made me respect him even more. How could I have expected such a perfect man to exist?
Why did Darla include Jake in all of this? What was her motivation? I banished that thought from my head the moment I had it, but then we pulled up to my house. I didn't want to get out of the car, but things would get suddenly awkward if I didn't. I didn't want to go back to my life, I didn't want to be forced to face what Darla had created of it. Jake walked me to my door, said he had a wonderful time, and then he asked, "Are you sure you're alright with this whole thing?"
"What whole thing?", I asked, sobered and quiet.
"Well," Jake began "This whole shared slave thing. I won't lie and claim I'm totally comfortable with it. I was only taking part out of curiosity and the assumption you were comfortable with it. I get the nagging impression Darla is too immature to handle the responsibility, and Jake is clueless about the lifestyle to begin with. You certainly weren't comfortable last night, which makes me... well, concerned. You're a marvelous lady, and one I never expected to find in this lifetime. I just... I want to make sure you're okay."
Jake stood and looked to me, apparently waiting for some sort of answer. It seemed like he was asking me to tell him what was going on with Darla. The doubt nagged at me. If he was working with Darla, perhaps they were trying to see how trustworthy I could be with Darla's secret. But I really wanted what I had that night with Jake to be real. I didn't have to wear a mask, I was simply myself. Well, after I finally got comfortable enough to be myself, anyhow.
Then, Jake surprised me. He leaned in to kiss me, and it was slow and warm. He wasn't putting pressure on me to go further, but he let me know he was into me, that he wanted me. Then, he said "I'm not comfortable sharing like this, I realized. If you want this, good for you. I'll even stay along and watch to make sure things are alright. But I know you have my number. I want you for my own, and it makes me feel selfish and a bit dishonest. I know you have your thing with Darla, but I'll always be an option.", and he turned and walked away.
I watched him turn and walk. He took a step, and I realized my chance to tell him what was happening was slipping away. Further, he was, so far as I could tell, everything I wanted in a man. I couldn't take that chance, I couldn't lose that opportunity! I reminded myself of the promise I made to take chances if it meant I could end this whole thing. And this looked like one. He took another step, and I worried that it might still be a giant set up that Darla orchestrated to get me into trouble. And then I took the chance. I shouted "Wait!", jumped off my step after him, caught up, and grabbed his shoulder. He had turned around before I got to him.
I wanted to start explaining things, to invite him in so that we had the privacy required to, but I just grabbed him, pulled in closer, and started crying into his chest. I knew I seemed crazy, but I couldn't help my reaction. I didn't even know if I could trust him, even though he seemed like such a great guy earlier. I still intuited that he was the good guy he seemed, but I was too scared and horrified of the consequences to start talking. I half expected Jake to think I was crazy and try to leave, but instead he pulled me close and said, "My suspicions have some merit, don't they?"
I pulled away far enough to nod at his question, but I couldn't immediately say anything. He put his hand on my head and held me close, calming me. It worked. I may not have fully trusted him, but I wanted to, and it seemed like I should. I was helpless as it was, so I figured letting him hold me like that wasn't going to harm anything. As I cried into his shoulder, he asked, "Would you like to talk about it?"
I was crying less, then, and I had the energy and will to take his hand and brokenly ask, "Would you.... like... coffee?" and then I led him towards my door. He didn't say anything, but he came inside with me all the same. I brought him over to my couch, and put a few coasters on the coffee table. I would have turned the radio on, but I didn't know what kind of mood would be appropriate or if it might send me off crying and unable to talk again. I put a pot on to percolate, and asked him, from the kitchen, if he'd like creamer or sugar. My voice broke slightly, but I was loud enough that he answered. Yes to both. I wasn't sure how to start what I wanted to say to him, so I dallied in the kitchen for a while. The two cups of coffee only took several minutes in my machine, so it wasn't too strange leaving him alone. His concern over my distress would probably excuse my odd behavior anyhow.
I brought the coffee out and sat next to him. I told him I'd get him more sugar or creamer if he wanted it, but he took a sip and told me it was fine. His sip was taken soon after the coffee was done, though, and I could tell he burned his tongue. He tried to ignore the burn, but he made a face that, for some reason, started me laughing. I didn't laugh long or hard, it was more of a giggle or chuckle, but the mood of the room changed. I was comfortable again. Still and obviously not all the way, but I was closer to being able to open up to him. He smiled when I laughed, and I could see the caring in his eyes again. What would bring someone I hardly knew before that night to care so much about what was going on. Well, I guess if he sensed how severely wrong things were, and were a good person, his natural reaction would be to care and attempt to get to the bottom of the problem. Somehow, I felt bad that his attention was on me. Almost as though I didn't deserve it. But that was probably how badly I had been treated the few weeks prior, again.
I picked up my purse, and set it on my lap. I opened it slightly, and put the tip of my finger on the papers. I was too nervous about the possible consequences to keep going, though. I looked up to Jake, and he still seemed concerned. He noticed what I was doing with my purse, and in retrospect I realized I didn't hide it well. I knew I was a coward for trying after getting so close to showing him, too. Even though I had stopped taking them out of my purse, Jake took the initiative. I guess how I was acting would get anyone curious. He grabbed the papers I was fingering, and took them from my purse. He did it slowly, as though testing to see if I'd stop him. I started shaking, but I didn't.
I thought I was vulnerable the night before. Hand-cuffed, legs spread, at Jake's mercy. But his seeing my homework made me feel more vulnerable. He wasn't just looking at my naked body, he was looking at my soul. Specifically, he was looking at the damage that had been done to my soul. Just like a body, it's difficult to not cover a wound on your soul from possible further damage. I just watched him look at the first few photos and shook, fingering the lips of the purse I didn't have the nerve to set back down.
"What's all this?" Jake asked, holding the photos and papers at an angle so that we could both look at them. I tried to answer his question, but I hadn't quite figured out where to start, and all that came out was a creek. I realized I was biting my lip, and focused on my breathing so I could calm down. "What does all this mean?"
I can't remember exactly what I said, due to my anxiety, but, in broken and soft sentences, I explained the very basics of the situation to Jake. His reaction was to stand up sshout, "You can't be serious! We have to call the police!"
I couldn't allow that, as I had already realized the consequences of such an action, so I jumped immediately up and grabbed his arms, "No! No no no! I'd lose my job and go to prison!"
"But we can't allow this to continue! This is immoral to the highest degree! I thought that, even if you were nervous, you were at least WILLING!"
I tried to say "Yeah", but it came out a whisper. I knew nothing could be done.
"Oh my god..." Jake said, putting his fingers through my hair. "You poor thing. You, more than anyone I know, don't deserve this. Would you like me to stay here tonight? I mean... to protect you, keep safe?"
I couldn't say anything. My emotion and my control over them had reached it's limit. My mental resources had been fully tapped. All I could do was nod. For almost half an hour, he held me and comforted me on the couch. The next thing I knew, we were in my bed. I apparently fell asleep on the couch. We were still both dressed, except for our shoes, and my arms were sore. I had apparently been holding onto him in my sleep. I moved so that I could see his face. He was sleeping. There was snot and tears on his suit jacket, so I took the time to remove it without waking him, and I tossed it off the bed and lied back down in his arms. Someone just holding me as I slept made all the difference. It was the most comfortable and safe I had felt since I could remember.
I turned away from him and moved backwards into his arms, to fit better and feel more secure. A moment after I had settled in, I heard Jake whisper "I'll do everything in my power to fix this. I promise." I couldn't say anything. I just pressed my face into his hand, kissed it, and cried softly until I fell asleep.
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