Slave Laura....man's best friend
This story is intended as sexual fantasy entertainment for adults only.
Gino's restaurant was one of Laura's favorite haunts....she often sat for hours drinking coffee and eating lowfat snacks, carefully analyzing the college crowd that passed through constantly. Gino's was an ancient eating establishment across from the campus, and was permanently imbued with the heady odor of countless quickly fabricated meals prepared in the ancient kitchen.
Everything worked properly, city inspections were not a problem, and the well used equipment served on and on, decade after decade. The worn front door still banged against the hanging bell, warning everyone inside that another patron had either entered, or left.
Laura usually sat in the same worn booth, and had to arrive early enough to avoid the rush hour diners.
'Best burgers in town are made right here,' she thought to herself, as she wiped her mouth with the large napkin, 'only the best for Laura.' She smiled.
Laura girl was a creature of her own creation....no one owned her or took from her unless given explicit permission before hand, and only then under an implied contract that was a preliminary necessity. Once made and agreed to, however, assuming both parties were being honest and above board, she would never violate a pact. She was adamantine in her loyalty to her word.
The exception, of course, was when someone became physically abusive beyond the contract, or violated the sacred agreement in a meaningful way. With her superior analytic skills, however, this seldom happened. She could very well defend herself, and her life, if this ever became necessary.
She was like a diamond among pebbles here, and her beauty did not escape anyone who saw her. She always garnered the full attention of any male there, and she savored this exclusive attention rabidly.
She was thirty years old, and yet could have passed for mid twenties, and her golden, shoulder length hair framed her dark, haunting eyes. Her mascara artwork was perfectly applied, and her orange-red lips shined slightly as she licked them.
Having light skin made all this wonderfully beautiful, and her perfect features completed a picture that any man would find impossibly appealing.
Laura finished her meal and sipped from her drink. 'Look at that jerk', she thought, 'big man on campus with muscles showing off, and who cares.'
She was the anti hero type, the superior warrior who stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
She always found each campaign tiring, and wondered what drove her to this lifestyle, and what would one day make her leave it.
'I'm a good actress, she mused, my drama teacher knows it and the others in class know it too. You have to be born with this kind of finesse. Hmmmm....got to get off this ego kick, I'm still an ugly girl with a pretty mask. Why can't men see that. Why do they adore me so much? Ok Laura girl, easy with that stuff!
She could never understand the carnal attraction men had for her, but it kept her sane and her delicate ego from destruction. She'd always thought of herself as ugly. She was tough, and vulnerable too. As long as no one really knew her, that was what counted.
The truth was that Laura girl had a heart of gold buried deep inside, and would give her last dollar to a begging wino, as she had on occasion.
A bell went off when he entered the restaurant, a silent and unmistakable alarm that she knew all too well. He must be handsome, strong, and above all, kind. She could instinctively spot the one's with kind eyes. The eyes, after all, cannot lie, a smile always reveals what is inside. One has only to become passionate at reading the clues.
He was magnificent, well muscled, brown hair, oh God she wished she could fall in love with him.....but she must stay within her self made boundaries. Love had never worked for her, at all. Somehow she knew that the game would be alright with him, and she could play out her fantasies without constraint or fear.
She really enjoyed being in that position, giving her full beauty to someone who would dominate and command her for a time. Money was never a consideration or problem in her life, she was well provided for by her father who had passed on a few years back. His last wish that his pretty Laura girl would find love, and have babies.
Babies!!! Imagine Laura girl having a baby. She had loved her father though, but could never get close to him, though she desperately wanted to. He had been gone most of the time, and filled in her loneliness with gifts. What she wanted though, was him....just to have her father to hug and kiss, and love her when she needed him. God, why do things have to be this way?
She made eye contact with him, and since she was sitting alone, indicated in a very tacit way that she would not mind at all if he should choose to sit with her. After all, the other booths were occupied by couples or other guys.
She was so expert at conveying her desires with her wonderful eyes, that men seldom misunderstood.
Laura's expensive business suit gripped her buttocks as she shifted, and a mischievous smile played across her cute face. Her light gray skirt and blouse accentuated her perfect body, and her voluptuous curves were even more perfect than her pretty face.
He looked at her while he stood at the counter, and their eyes met and locked. She could be sensual, without being too obvious, and she looked at him coyly, and then down, and sipped from her soda. His eyes were deep and wonderful, and she saw inside him for a brief moment. He would do fine. He cared about people, that was clear, he was kind. Don't ask how Laura girl knew this, because there was no logical explanation to her unique gifts.
He grabbed his burger and drink and slowly meandered over to her. There were not too many people eating now, and he needn't dodge customer traffic. Finally he stood over her table, looking at her awkwardly.
"I ah....I saw you sitting over here by yourself and....well thought you wouldn't mind some company. I recognize you from Fran Delight's acting class. Saw you go there a few times....I kind of like acting too but I've never had the guts to take a class."
His awkward stance and growing reluctance prompted her to act fast....but always with intelligence and purpose.
She smiled brightly at him and he grinned right back at her.
"How old are you?", she whispered, as she examined his eyes.
He looked at her, a bit perplexed, and smiled with the answer.
"Well mam I'm 26, and hoping that's a suitable age. I'd say we're about in the same age territory mam except you're in a category all by yourself....if you don't mind my saying so."
She giggled a bit and took another sip.
"Please sit down, you're gonna drop your food."
He slid easily into the booth and put his burger in front of him. He grinned widely as he took in her complete vision, and his eyes were glued to hers.
"You're not a cowboy are you?", she said, "with the mam and all."
"Well as a matter of fact mam.....no. I was born and raised in Ohio. I do like cowboy movies though."
"Too bad, cowboys have a lot going for them....so strong and tough riding those bulls."
The way she said it made him horny right off but he was just mesmerized by her aura and smiled openly.
"I'd like to introduce myself....my name's Allen."
She offered her hand and they quickly shook fingertips as they stared closely at each other.
She licked her lips briefly, and shifted again.
"I'm Laura....nice to meet you Allen."
"So you'd like to be an actor too?", she said.
"Well I don't know if I'd be good at it but I think it would be fun."
"It is fun....a good way to release tension and express those.....hidden desires."
He shifted a bit and grinned at her....he was friendly and easy going....she liked that.
"Hmmmm......so you have....hidden desires Laura?"
She couldn't help laughing.....the way he said it, and licked the end of her straw letting a few drops of soda drip down her lips.
She thought to herself.....'Well he's no prude....looks like he's been around the block.'
"Don't we all Allen", she whispered.
The way he was squirming around, it was obvious that he was developing an erection.
"Jeans too tight there Allen?", she said softly.
He grinned uncomfortably at her....."Oh don't you know it!"
"It's ok, just stay where you are and don't get up and you'll be fine."
She paused and looked carefully at him, and she just loved his handsome face and relaxed smile.
"Allen.........I'd like to ask you something..........are you open to.......well, shall we say......new experiences?"
He was quite interested and moved down closer to her for more privacy. She moved in closer also....
"Well I......I sure do Laura....just what is the nature of these new experiences."
His erection was full blown now and he strained to avoid the pressure.
"You're going to have to think of baseball players Allen......or you're going to have an accident right here and now....ok?" She was trying to control her laughter and having a hard time of it. He was a bit shocked but recovered quickly.
"Hmmmm.....I think you're right," he said, as he smiled meekly at her.
"I have this thing that I do Allen....it's a sort of an erotic game that you might like."
He grunted and grinned at her. "I'm all ears Laura."
"At the moment it looks like you're all erection Allen."
She laughed sweetly and patted his hand. "It's ok baby, you're doing just what you should be doing. I understand, ok?"
He looked upward in frustration, and then down to the table.
"Now.....Allen.....have you ever tried erotic role play...like acting out some kind of sexual behavior?"
He looked at her with the strangest smile on his face, like he'd just been hit with a pillow, and whispered confidentially to her....."Girl you are so beautiful I'd like to act out any role play you have in mind."
She almost laughed and slapped his face playfully...."You've got to control your libido Allen. You do know what a libido is don't you? Anyway just calm down and listen." She moved very close and whispered quietly.
"Ok.......I like to play the role of a submissive to a dominant male type. You understand, nothing rough or hurtful...more of the psychological type. It would be complete domination though, and I would be absolutely required to do anything you want. I'm thinking of humiliation, dog collar, intimate control, possibly other more extreme activities. This can be very erotic to the person on the receiving end
and also to the person giving."
She looked deeply into his eyes, and held his hand in hers and licked her lips again.
She scratched her nose nervously.
Allen was experiencing the complete spectrum of shock now....disbelief...joy.....unbridled lust....this lady was as beautiful as any movie or TV star he'd ever seen, and he was absolutely stunned at his amazing good fortune.
As he looked into the dark pools that were her eyes he felt as though he could easily fall in love with her, but was just trying to assimilate what she had told him.
"Well...Laura....you've caught me completely off guard with this.....I need a moment to think. You mean to tell me you'd like me to act as a dominant over you in a sex game. Have you done this before with other men?"
She smiled a bit, and sat back. "Of course......it's what I do."
He looked at her with concern and disbelief. "Oh girl of course I'd do anything with you. You know you could get hurt if you picked the wrong partner. How can you live like this?"
She became a bit hurt, and pulled back, looking down at the table.
"Thanks for your concern Allen, but I'm quite capable of taking care of myself. You've let me embarrass myself enough and I think you'd better go. I can see this was a mistake."
He put his hand on hers and squeezed lightly....."Laura I've always dreamed about a fantasy like this and....I'm in, all the way. You sure are weird though!"
She slowly relaxed and looked down at her hand enveloped by his.
"I'm no more weird than a lot of people....just look around you every day, you'll see it's the truth."
"Yes it is Laura....I have some strange habits, everyone does."
"It will be for an hour, and at your place....and possibly more sessions....if we are compatible."
He looked into her eyes again and a twinge of sympathy crept into his expression.
"Don't worry Allen, I like it....a lot. As a matter of fact, I must have it. We can have fun together, I know it."
He squeezed lightly again....."Laura I'd much rather have a real relationship and dating
but I'd be a fool not to grab at this chance. You are definitely the most beautiful and unusual woman I've ever seen. Now, how do we go about this?"
She picked up his right hand and brought it to her face and kissed his palm lightly. The smell of his palm was highly erotic, yet she couldn't identify the combination of scents that resided there. She knew this was probably his self gratification hand, and that made her twinge with excitement.
"Where do you live Allen?"
"It's an apartment complex near campus.....Emory Glades, room 25."
She looked closely at his hand....."For an hour, beginning tomorrow at 2pm....is the time ok?"
"Yes that'll do fine Laura.....I have morning classes all semester."
"I'll tell you all the details when I get there and we'll sign a special contract that I use for this. Is that ok Allen?"
"Yes mam...."
"There you go again", she grinned.
"Don't worry baby", she whispered...."I've done this a lot and I think you'll have fun. You're going to do your part aren't you....I mean do it right?"
"Yes mam....er....slave." They both snickered at this and Laura got up to leave. She leaned down to him with not a sign of amusement on her face. "It has to be absolutely real for the session time. Otherwise....."
He looked seriously at her and his eyes dropped to the table....."I understand perfectly! Don't worry about that."
She dropped her pen on the floor and it rolled under the table near Allen's foot. She looked at him seductively as she squatted down to pick it up, and her skirt rode up so that he could see the wonderful white flesh of her thighs. Finally she got on her hands and knees looking up at him and retrieved it, her head under the table. She pulled out and stood again, and grinned as she dusted her knees off.
Allen was taken off guard by this and looked up at her with a quiet smile, his erection throbbing uncontrollably......
"You didn't have to do that Laura, I could have picked it up"
She winked at him. "It was my pen.....didn't you like me under there?"
He grinned slyly......."Yes I liked it."
"Why don't you hold off and save your physical needs for our game Allen, I'd find that highly desirable."
He swallowed hard and looked down at his crouch briefly........ "I will."
"Good, see you soon", she smiled.
"Oh, incidentally, here's a small idea manual I've put together that will give you a long list of suggestions involving our game. Study it thoroughly tonight."
He grinned stupidly as she left, and every man in the room glanced out the corner of his eye to look at her incredible ass when she walked by.
Allen was able to stand again without a problem by the time he'd finished his meal, and walked to the bathroom to wipe up some of his lower drainage. His ten inch member was like a volcano at the moment, and he handled it carefully. It was going to be an interesting day tomorrow.
He didn't sleep well that night, and was awed by this whole situation. 'What was with this woman?', he thought....'God I hope she's not a psycho.' Somehow though.....he knew she wasn't. Good thing he wasn't going with anyone now, it had been only a month since he'd last dated Heather and that was finished. She was far too possessive and he just couldn't handle it. She sucked cock real good though, and he never had to ask her.
Allen waited patiently in front of the TV, and looked over his notes from the morning classes. The American History class was turning out to be more fun than he imagined. Actually it was an easy 'A', according to what he'd been hearing. Good, I'll need the grade to make up for the calculus class.
He heard a knock on the door and he froze at once, and tried to get up, but nearly tripped on the coffee table. "Damn....damn...!", he swore under his breath, what the hell's wrong with me. He had studied the strange booklet from cover to cover and put in a generous amount of time going over it. He had come up with a whole list of things he'd like to try, but wanted to make sure he didn't do the wrong thing and ruin this fantastic chance.
His dick was getting hard again, and was draining steadily despite his efforts at control. Having a large pecker had it's drawbacks.
'Who was this lady and how did she come to be doing this?', he mused, as he gently pulled open the door.
The hallways in the building were relatively quiet this time of day, and there was not a soul around. There stood Laura. She wore a light green business suit that fit her form perfectly, and she stood there looking at him. Her eyes melted down to his all too noticeable hardon, and she smiled intimately.
"Hi Allen, may I come in?"
He grinned from ear to ear and motioned with his hand.
"Absolutely Laura, my home is your home."
Allen's apartment was filled with a unique combination of posters and memorabilia, but it was neat and clean, and quite comfortable.
Laura came in and took in the whole scene, and turned back to Allen. "Very nice apartment baby...I'm impressed by the contents of your mind."
She was carrying a small travel bag, and put it down on the couch. She unzipped the bag and took out several items. A dog collar, fancy handcuffs, fancy nipple clamps, a light hand whip with light strands of leather, various lubricants and vibrators, and other items that Allen could easily identify and use.
She stood up and moved close to him, looking up in deference.
She had a digital timer with her and a contract for both of them to sign. Allen was as mystified by her as when he had first laid eyes on her yesterday.
She sat, and Allen sat beside her. His erection was becoming a problem again, and he squirmed as Laura smiled in amusement.
"Now....Allen....our session will be for exactly one hour by this timer, and we will both sign the contract before we begin. It is a symbolic agreement stating in essence that we will adhere to the fantasy at all times, and will follow through strictly, and without reservation. No rough stuff, nothing damaging physically, no anal copulation, and no condoms. I don't believe in them. I'm protected thoroughly so there's no problem there."
"I want you to experiment with your ideas and needs, and think of me only as a slave to be humiliated and used, and nothing more. I want you to enjoy yourself completely at my expense. Do we agree?"
He looked at her seriously and nodded his head in the affirmative
"Good, now sign here please."
I didn't even look up at her as I scribbled my name, nor did she when she signed the agreement.
"When the hour is up the fantasy is over", she said, and we stop at once no matter what we're doing. Ok?"
"You can do anything with me or to me within the confines of our agreement, both written, and implied, and I want you to know that I enjoy very, very nasty, and degrading treatment."
"It's possible we might get together again at some later date if we are both in agreement after today's role play session. Who knows?"
I looked into her eyes and could see that she was very serious.
God she was delicious.
We stood, and she looked at the large bulge in my pants and smiled sweetly.
"You'd better take care of that Allen....not healthy for you."
She set the timer, started it, and lay it on the coffee table.
Then she stood there looking down at the floor.
I looked at her incredulously, shaking with lust. I didn't know what to do first. Her smile disappeared, and she seemed to become another person....it was quite unnerving.
I knew I had to get in character quickly and obey the imperatives given me. I had honestly never experienced anything like this in my life.
Laura stared at her feet obediently, and psyched herself to move into the fantasy mode . 'Allen is so nervous he can barely stand', she thought, 'but he'll come around.' She knew this was normal at first. He might do quite well in time...if there was any further interaction between them. God I can't wait to see his cock, and I hope I douched well enough before coming here. Some smell was highly erotic, but just enough to be erotic.
Her nipples were hard and hot, and her vagina was beginning to moisten from her super hot libido. 'Damn, hurry the fuck up you moron!', she thought nervously, 'what are you waiting for?'
Allen moved into action and went into character. He would actually enjoy this, and it really did open the cruel, nasty side of his sexual nature. He hadn't visited there often.
"Are you going to be a good girl?", he said evenly.
"Yes sir."
"Ok strip all your clothes off and hurry it up!", he breathed.
Laura complied at once and removed her suit top and lay it on the couch, then she removed her blouse. She sat and removed her high heels and stood to take off her skirt. She unfastened it and slipped it smoothly down to her ankles. She was quite aroused and breathed heavily as she stepped out of her skirt. She stood there in her panties and bra and quickly undid the bra, and pulled it off with a flick.
She threw it on the couch and her large, perfect tits bounced as she moved. She pulled her panties down around her ankles and took them off, throwing the slightly wet underwear on the couch also.
Allen didn't mind her wet panties a bit, and would savor the aroma they left on his bachelor couch.
She stood there looking down and her wonderfully hairy vagina was slightly wet with her juices.
Her pussy fur was blond also, a perfect match for her golden hair.
"On your knees Laura!"
"Yes sir.", she breathed.
She knelt there, and waited patiently.
"Kneel like a doggie, whore!", Allen grunted.
He winced from the pressure on his fully erect penis and carefully unzipped his trousers. He slowly pulled out his massive erection. and it stuck out from him, hard as rock and dripping. The relief was amazing.
She dropped down and kneeled in front of him, still looking at the floor, and moved forward, kneeling like a dog, her head hanging down. Allen sat on the couch carefully, and adjusted his protruding dick.
"Now cocksucker, pick up my dirty socks in your mouth, by the toe, and put them in the clothes hamper."
Allen's soiled footwear lay a few feet away beside his dirty shorts, and Laura crawled over, and put her head down to the carpet, picked up the fragrant stockings by her teeth. She wobbled over to the hamper and opened it, tossing them in. Her perfect asscrack opened as she shuffled, and her pink butthole winked at him seductively.
The clothes hamper was nearly full of dirty clothing, and she pressed downward to make room for the socks.
She dropped them in and turned around, looking meekly at Allen. Now pick the damn shorts up with your teeth and do the same thing. She looked blankly at him and crawled over to the underwear.
"Use your teeth and pick them up by the shit stain. Put them in the hamper."
Laura's womanhood was beginning to drain noticeably now, and her overactive secretions oozed slowly down her leg.
She was becoming highly aroused and did as instructed. She had to shift the undies around with her mouth to get to the dark brown stain on the inside back area. The taste and smell of the hash mark gave her a moment's pause, but she clamped down and carried them over, and dropped them inside.
She actually felt a pang of embarrassment as she tasted his fecal matter in her mouth, but knew she would comply faithfully. 'Not bad Allen', she thought, 'you've got potential.'
"Good job you little cocksucker!", Allen barked, "you really don't give a damn do you."
"Come here and kneel like a good doggie", he commanded.
She shuffled over and knelt, her head inches from his dripping cock. She looked at it but did nothing until instructed. Allen placed the dog collar around her neck and secured it. He attached the leash and pulled up on it, causing her to raise her head and mouth right next to his dripping meat.
She was expressionless as he held her head and rubbed his precum over her lips. He peeled back his foreskin and slapped his large dick all over her beautiful mouth and nose, and she looked at it intently.
"Open!", he demanded.
She parted her pretty lips and he slid his large prick into her mouth.
Laura was very hot by now and could barely control herself. As his moist glans slid into her oral cavity she could smell and taste it. The slightly nasty aroma and flavor of his uncut cock made her shiver with lust. She was having an intense reaction already. Oh how she longed to swallow his cum. She slavered off the residue with her tongue and swallowed it as she looked up at him.
"I'll bet you'd like to play with your cunt while you suck, wouldn't you blowjob girl?"
She moaned in agreement but he merely began to fuck her wonderful mouth as he held the back of her head. "Just leave that pussy alone you ignorant bitch!"
"Damn you are a filthy little cocksucker aren't you?"
Laura grunted in agreement and looked up at him obediently. She could taste a tiny bit of his natural head spegma, and this turned her on no end.
"I've wanted to fuck that tight mouth of yours since I first saw you yesterday you beautiful cunt."
He forced his large pecker down her throat and fucked her mouth as saliva dribbled down her chin. She gagged a bit when he had buried his stiff meat all the way down, and watched his pubic hair tickle her nose.
"You look right at home with a pecker in your mouth you lowlife grunge."
His balls flopped against her chin as she looked up at him, and she felt a genuine pang of humiliation as she was degraded. To be used this way by a strong male was her ultimate turn on.
Laura was actually quite pleased and surprised at the abilities of her newest partner, and her mixed feelings of insatiable need and self contempt tormented her as she continued through the session. 'Shit, I haven't been this turned on in months', she mused, 'damn I wish he'd feed me his load right now!'
He pulled his long sex organ out of her mouth and stood, yanking her leash.
She stared longingly at the uncut dick, and resigned herself to a later gratification. 'Damn.....how much time have we used?' , she thought.
"Get your ass moving bitch...I'm going to walk you like a dog." He pulled her along and she followed as best she could.
"Stop!, you fucking skank!", he yelled as jerked her collar.
She stopped quickly and looked up at him, and her female ego felt the ugly abrasion of genuine shame as she allowed it. Her vagina trembled and began to ooze more fluid, and her odor was becoming noticeable.
"When I say stop bitch....you drop down on your haunches and look up at me....you got that you stupid cocksucker?"
"Yes sir", she said quietly.
He yanked the leash and moved forward again, and then yelled stop once more. She skidded to a halt and looked up at him meekly.
"Now that's better you skaggy bitch...good girl!"
"Yes sir."
He sat on the couch and began to take off his clothes, and after removing his shoes pulled his jeans carefully down, and pulled them off. He slipped off his shirt, and finally removed his shorts, carefully flopping his rock hard penis out from them.
His long prick stood out firmly, and he walked around and stood in front of Laura, who knelt there on her haunches, looking eagerly at his massive baby maker. His pecker drove her into an inner frenzy, and her cunt began to drain profusely.
Allen picked up her leash and looked at the mess coming down her leg.
She swallowed hard and he could hear the click in her throat. He looked at her sternly and took his handkerchief and sopped up the mess moving relentlessly down her soft white, inner thighs toward the carpet. He soaked it thoroughly and looked down at her as he sniffed the wetness. He smelled it and rubbed it over his nose and mouth. This made her even hotter.
"You're making a mess you fucking whore, I'll bet you masturbate that nasty cunt of yours every day don't you?"
"Well are you going to answer me?"
She looked up at him blankly....."Yes I do sir."
"Every fucking day?"
"Yes sir."
"Do you orgasm every time you masturbate?", he gloated.
"Yes sir, every time."
"Well you nasty bitch!!"
He laughed at her and it was a genuine laugh. This disturbed him just a bit.
Her eyes became glazed over and she displayed definite signs of discomfort.
"Looks like you have a serious masturbation problem don't you cunt?"
"Yes I do sir."
"You'd better damn well wear a pad in public you no class slut, you'll leave a trail of cunt smell everywhere you go."
"Yes sir......you're right."
He pulled her leash again, and she jumped to it and followed him clumsily. Her deep, well formed anus was beginning to develop just the slightest shit stain, and she inadvertently farted as they approached the bathroom. For a beautiful woman to do this was quite embarrassing, especially for a centerfold like Laura girl.
He stopped her and pulled the leash hard. She jerked in shock and looked up at him in actual humiliation. The odor from her gas was quite strong and he looked down at her as he scrunched up his nose.
"Now I have to smell your farts you awkward bitch. Damn girl, you better not be doing that in public. You don't fart at Gino's do you?"
She actually hung her head because of embarrassment. "Well sir, occasionally."
"Yeah I'll bet you do."
"I'll bet you don't make much noise when you fart do you?"
"Not usually sir."
He spread her asscheeks widely and looked at her deep, well formed anus.
"You've got a shit stain back there girl." He took some toilet paper and wiped her cute asshole, removing the wet brownish execrement, looked at it briefly, and smelled it, and threw it in the toilet. Then he flushed it.
You've got to be careful about that skank!"
"Yes sir."
In front of the toilet where there was a bowl full of dog food on the floor.
"Eat your fucking dinner you stupid cunt, do it now!"
She eased her head downward and knelt with her perfect asscrack open to him. She was one of the most awesomely developed women he'd ever seen.
He shoved her head into the canine food and she got some in her nose. She coughed a few times and gulped up a mouthful of the funky tasting canned dog dinner, and ate it slowly, and almost retched, but he jerked her collar and held her head down into the bowl.
Laura was actually in a trance of fetish induced lust now....some of her nastiest fantasies were being fulfilled, and she grunted as she gobbled the bland pet food and was actually trying to hold back an orgasm.
'This is too fucking much', she thought, 'son of a bitch, I think I'm gonna fucking cum...damn I can't do that now. This guy is jerking me around like in my hottest dreams. It's too damn good to believe. Fuck boy, get your cock in me before I go berserk.'
He pulled her head up and held it over the toilet bowl. She became panicky now, and wondered if this would violate their pact. She was so fucking horny now she didn't give a shit and looked at the bowl water as she trembled.
'Oh fuck no Allen.....she thought.....no, no, no....oh shit I think I'm going to cum you asshole...but not this way please.'
Allen knelt beside her and held her hair firmly. "Alright you stupid piece of crap, you need some water, and there it is. Are you going to fight me on this?"
Laura was in the throes of panic and intractable lust by now, and when Allen began to masturbate her clit she went into orbit, and her oncoming orgasm was taking over her whole being. 'Oh fuck', she thought, 'oh fuck!!!'
She began to tremble and shake all over, and could not stop....Allen was forcing her head further into the stool, and it was obvious the stool had not been cleaned. The horror that gripped her was indescribable but she could not stop it....this is what you wanted Laura girl.....now you're gonna get it.'
As she moaned and whined in ecstasy he forced her mouth to the toilet water and commanded her to drink.
Her orgasm was beginning to explode and she grunted and began to lap the funky bowl water. She drank it down, gulp after gulp as she screamed in pleasure, and jerked uncontrollably as she continued to slurp up the nasty toilet liquid. She could actually see shit stains in the bowl beside her face, and strangely, this made her even hotter.
Her vagina was squirting now, hot, thick pulses of her feminine juice, her glands overly developed from years of masturbation, and the fragrant liquid splashed on the floor beneath her as Allen super stimulated her clit. She was crying now, in the throes of the greatest pleasure she'd experienced in years, and wept openly as she looked into the funky water touching her nose.
She finished her lusty, nasty, female business and lay with her beautiful head in the toilet. Laura could not have imagined the boundless ecstasy she would find with this guy....how could he have made her explode in such a way. She didn't even know him.
She could not let this go, she knew how rare it was.
Allen was breathless now too, and pulled her head out of the toilet and stood near her.
"Well look what you did you whore.....I've heard of women like you who could squirt all over the place."
She smiled weakly up at him and nodded her head in agreement. She desperately needed to feel his huge, wonderful penis inside her, and most of all his thick cum, warming her vaginal tunnel. She knew that semen inside a woman affected her in a special way....the chemicals in cum were soothing and relaxing, being absorbed into a woman's bloodstream within minutes.
She would absolutely not break role play until the time was up, and waited desperately for the minutes to pass. Allen took a soft white towel and wiped it up into Laura's vagina, drying the thick wetness from her legs and pubic hair, and he slid a clean, soft wash rag very gently inside her, to absorb her copious discharge.
She was so exhausted she could scarcely move, but she followed dutifully as he yanked her chain, and pulled her out of the bathroom. They went into the front room again, and Allen sat on the couch as she knelt, propped up on the floor near him.
He looked down at her and tugged gently on her collar.
"Move your butt around and lean over the couch bitch, I need a piece of your ass.!"
"Yes sir."
Laura was overjoyed at his command, but tried to conceal her rapture. She kept in role play and tried not to show her emotions. She needed Allen in her so badly she was shaking, and when he knelt behind her and pulled her legs apart, she sighed audibly, and her vagina began to produce fluid once again. Allen took a bath towel and placed it under her knees and rear so that the carpet would remain dry.
He was jacking off now while he slid his finger into her tight pussyhole, and as the juices ran onto his hand he coated his rock hard dick with them. Laura could hardly keep in role as he nuzzled her vulva with his hard glans, and slid into her tight vaginal opening with several firm pushing movements, inching slowly into her slick cunt.
His relentless meat nudged the entrance to her uterus, and his large balls hung loosely below him as he forced himself into her. She quivered strangely and made a barely audible whimpering sound as he leaned over her back. He had never experienced anything like it.
"Just kneel there cunt", he said quietly, "I need a good fuck, and you're going to take my full load."
Laura tried to look depressed but was so happy she could barely contain herself.
'Oh yes, yes', she screamed inside. 'Fuck me you damned idiot, fuck my brains out! Damn boy enjoy this fine pussy because you won't find better!'
Allen could scarcely hold back and began to pump her snug orifice, and squishing sounds could be heard as he leaned over her, nearly touching her hair with his head.
He was amazed at the tightness of Laura's vaginal tunnel......'like a damn nineteen year old...unbelievable', he thought.
Laura was pushing back against him now, and her pussy began to clamp up, and pinched his large cock on all sides. Laura was capable of having multiple orgasms, and once she started, could milk any penis painfully dry.
The love and lust had built up fully in her, and she began to make grunting sounds as he fucked her.
He slammed harder and harder against her, and more rapidly, and soon they both were groaning in pleasure, unable to stop the onslaught of their primordial climax.
"As they both reached the critical point Allen plunged in one last time, and moaned loudly as he drove a thick mass of syrupy, white cum inside her. He jerked forward again and again as he filled her boiling vagina. and at the same time, her tunnel gripped his cock in hard spasms, milking out his semen unmercifully.
"Son of a bitch!.......son of a bitch!", he yelled, as his penis was subjected to her uncontrolled milking. It was the most incredible pleasure he'd ever imagined, but it hurt too. It hurt so good his sense of logic became confused. He was nothing more than a mass of pleasured nerve fibers at his slave's mercy.
Laura began to squirt again also, notwithstanding the large amount of fluid that had already come out of her, and their sex fluids splashed and gushed out of her hot pussy and wet down the thick towel below.
Finally they lay there, unable to move, and Allen tried to pull himself out of her. This, however, was not to be for a few minutes, since he had become hopelessly stuck in her locked female hole. They lay there gasping for breath for several minutes before her vagina released him. He fell back on the carpet and could not move.
Fortunately the timer went off about that time, and neither of them could reach the damn thing to shut it off. It finally stopped, as they lay there exhausted.
Laura broke the contract first, and the words gushed out of her uncontrollably.
"Oh shit baby.....oh shit....what the fuck did you do to me . Hey boy what have you done to me?"
She kissed him passionately, and he merely lay there not knowing what to do.
"It's ok Allen, times up.....contract over."
Allen came to and looked at her stupidly, completely numbed by the whole experience. His balls were still in partial ejaculation mode, and semen continued to dribble out of his large pisshole in weak pulses.
"Maybe I overdid it Laura....I really am sorry, maybe I went too far!"
"It's alright my nutty stud, best fucking time I've had in years. I had a fucking vaginal orgasm. I couldn't stop it. You did a real good dominant role...oh I can't believe it. Do you know how much toilet water I drank you bastard, she laughed. Fucking never did that before in my life. You found my inner core. Nobody has done that. I'd like to find yours."
Allen looked at her silently for a moment. "It's ok Laura you found it. You damn near pinched my dick off."
"Best dam orgasm you ever had, I bet."
"Sure Laura, but it makes a guy awful sore when he can't stop cumming."
"Here you bastard, have a taste of your toilet!", she snickered.
She grabbed him and planted a long kiss on him, shoving her tongue fully down to the back of his throat.
They savored each other's mouths for a few minutes and exchanged salivary juices.
Strangely, he didn't even mind the nasty stool flavor.
After kissing his face all over Laura went in to the bathroom and rinsed out her mouth, and freshened up, and combed her soft blond hair.
She quickly dressed, and sat on the couch, pulling her high heels back on.
She headed for the door.
"See you at Gino's baby.....maybe we can do this again sometime soon."
Allen shrugged and smiled at her...."I thought maybe we could just call and set up a date Laura girl....make it easier."
"I have to do it this way baby. See you later."
"You sure are weird girl!"
She grinned widely and kissed him all over the face again and left. He stood there for a few minutes after she was gone staring into space trying to figure out what had just happened to him. His cheeks, forehead, and lips were burning with her hot, wet kisses, and he touched them with his fingers. Her delicate perfume hung in the air, and kept him in a semi trance for hours afterward. The smell of her vaginal juices permeated the atmosphere and he walked around mumbling stupidly for the rest of the evening.
He was falling in love with her and wanted to stop it. He just couldn't tolerate the pain of a relationship like this. He fell asleep that night dreaming of her, and vowed not to let her get under his skin, too far.
He kissed his pillow unconsciously as he floated off to dreamland.
'Damn Laura girl, what have you done to me?'
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