2:45 PM
“Yea, for sure, see you later.” Kelli was very happy. Se would be meeting Kirsten later to do some shopping. Everything was good. Kelli 14 was the most popular girl at her private school. She was considered a knockout by the boys. Indeed she was. Pretty, pert she cut a good figure. Going home from school she wore her pleated plaid skirt, white blouse and blue blazer. Her hair was pulled back into a shapely pony tail. She had a nice figure, developing nicely. She was curvy for her age but very nicely proportioned.
As Kelli walked she was paging through her cell calls list. She had her iPod ear plugs in and doing a little daydreaming as most young teens are want to do. Suddenly she was shaken back to her surroundings but it was too late. A pair of strong arms reached out and pulled her off the street into an alley. A hand covered her mouth as she was dragged back down the alley around a corner and into a dead end.
Kelli could feel the blood trickling down her chin. She had bit into the hand on her mouth. She was kicking and scratching. Finally she was let loose. Kelli was in a dead end alley. She ran toward the way out but was pushed back. Looking around she could see no way out. It was a dismal place in old part of town.
There were dumpsters, old pallets, barrels and assorted junk. All the windows facing the alley looked boarded or bricked up.
There were a dozen guys back in the alley. They were the scruffy looking types that hang out on the backwaters of urban streets. Most were black but there were a few whites and mixed race. “Why did you bring her back here? Are you fucking nuts?” “I just saw her walking and she looked so hot.” “She is just a kid.” “Yea but look how sweet.” “You guys better let me go!!” “MY dad and uncle were in the Marines.” “OH OH we are scared.” “She sure is a hell cat, look at the scratches on my face and she really bit into my finger.”
Kelli again tried to make a run for it but was pushed back. She was so little and these guys were big and bad. They had grubby clothes, smelled from cigarette smoke, booze and body odor. “You guys stay away from me!” “Let me go.” The guys started to make a circle around Kelli, closing in. As a guy reached for her she kicked out. Another guy grabbed her and she scratched and bit.
3:00 PM
“Enough of this shit from this Bitch.” “The more they fight the better they fuck.” “Come-on baby, time to come to papa.” Kelli was grabbed by both arms. She was kicking and struggling. Kelli was tossed back and forth like a rag doll. She was kicking and screaming and scratching.
This turned the guys on more. The struggling of the prey always excites the predator instinct Kelli was manhandled, shoved and pushed. Where some of the guys might have felt some pity, they were now all getting excited. It was a group reaction. Kelli was grabbed and held. “Fuckin Slut.” They shoved her around to one guy after another. “White Trash.” “Cunt” “White Pussy.”
“I am not a slut.” “You guys leave me alone.” “I am just a kid.” “You can’t do this!”
“Well little Baby face why don’t you get down on your knees and suck some cock.” “Get a little cum faced.” ”I’m not sucking anything you pervert.” “You will be begging for it.” “All the little whores want it.” “You guys are all perverts!” “You do anything to me and the cops will be after you.”
3:15 PM
Two ropes were thrown over the fire escape. “String her up.” “Tie her up.” Kelli’s wrists were tied and then attached to the rope on the fire escape. She was hoisted up a couple feet off the ground. Her ankles were tied off to the side. Kelli was tied spread eagled at the back of the alley. The guys stood back to admire their work. Kelli was struggling and screaming but noise from nearby factories drowned out her cries. “Where are the cops?” “No body back here to help you???” “PERVERT, PIGS, let me down.”
“Where’s yo Daddy.” “I’m your daddy.” “No I’m your daddy.” “Your whore momma was sleeping around; you don’t know who’s your daddy.”
“Look at the little Bitch.” “I bet she is going to be a great piece.” Kelli was still fully clothed in her school girl uniform. “I bet that pussy is pretty and pink.” “It is going to feel so good around my black cock.”
“You ready to party sweetie.” “You guys stay away.” Kelli was defiant. “Ok its game time.”
Kelli felt her head jerk back as she was grabbed by her pony tail. Seeing her attacker as her head was pulled back she spit on him. He spit back. Other guys spit on her. “Hey cutie, how do feel being our little pig?”
To Be Continued
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