Jonh was exausted, the milking machine had drained him of his cum and his strength. They slowly removed the torture tube from his poor cock. They helped him drinking water and left him for half an hour alone. When they returned they were bringing some new devices, John couldn't see what.
- "Your cock is too exausted for more milking, and the nigth is coming. you probably need to rest, use the toilets and eat. We'll give you a shower and you'll have a good night of sleep".
They put handcuffs and footcuffs on him and opened his restraints. The handcuffs where put behind his back and he was led in the shower. Some restraints where hanging from the ceiling, and others where on the floor. He was sooned restrained again and Peter showed him the menthol liquid soap. The oil was quite easy to remove but Peter soaped him entirely twice, insisting on every place on his genitals and back.
- "We really don't like your arms and legs with so much hairs, so I thkink we'll need to remove this."
Peter brougth and hair removal cream and rub it allez over John's body and also on his private, already airless.
- "The cream on the privates are only for the pleasure while we wait ..." said Jennifer.
The bruning was not very intense compared to the bengay but enough to make John move his hips and entertain them. When the cream had done his effects, they shaved him and rinsed.
After drying he was rubbed with mosturizing lotion, his body was now totally hairless excepted for his hair, but they told him they liked it ... and led to a small cell with toilets, and was left under CCTV.
They brough him a meal, with plastic cutlery and learned that if he didn't eat, he could be perfused and he would be punished ... It was difficult to eat with handcuffs (not behind this time) but naked John was not hundgry at all, but he knew they would keep their promise and after 1 hour of rest he ate the meal. He used the toilets and checked his genitals and they had said the truth, it was a little painful touching but nothing really important and no apparent lesions ... it was a relief but he realized that this way the could torment him as much as they want with beaking the toys ... but he, he was enduring this torturous pain. They had imagined every possible way to escape and John didn't find any and finally went asleep, not knowing what was coming but his tormentor's smiles were not making him confident ...
The meal must have contained a kind of somnifere, John only woke up at 9.00, but not feeling tied at all. It had been a good night. They brougth him a small breakfast and looked at him ... He tried to fight when they entered but it was no use, Jennifer grabbed his balls and he had to obey.
When John saw the table he had been tied to yesterday, he again tried deseperatly to escape ... and soon he was tied again, but this time they tied him face down. They tightened the restaints and he was, like the day before. A hole opened in the table and Jennifer's hand came to grab his cock and balls. He realized that she was now having his genitals fully accessible from under the table. He was trying to move his hips to get his privates back but Peter's brought a new restraints and adjusted in on John. IT was like a g-sring, with a rope between the cheeks ... but it was fixed to the table and Peter was now asjusting it wery tight, making any movment impossible for Jonh's hips. His genitals were now perfectly still.
- "Let's go for good teasing !" Said Jennifer.
John felt a hand grabbing his cock. He couldn't move. She then began a teasing of his cock. She was always stopping when he was near cumming ... he then felt a greasy hand applied to his glans ... to make it more difficult for him she was using some lube, driving him crazy. John needed to cum his cock was very sensible, the lube making it worse ... She then stopped and told him
- "we'll now use some very simple objects to make you scream."
A ball gag was put in his mouth and she showed him a toothbrush. He didn't have to think about it, she went under the table and he felt it against his balls. She was tickling him and not a single move was allowed ... she did it for ten minutes, driving him crazy but the restraints did their job. She then stopped and he felt something cold on his balls ... what was she doing ? ... he then felt heat ! Tppthpaste, she was using toothpaste on his balls ...
- "don't worry, it's strong but no too much ... I'm now beginning the torture ..."
She stroked his cock again, making him near to cumming, despite of the burning in his tender balls ... when he was fully erect, she applied the toothbush to his penis and concentrated on his glans ... brushing it ... John went ballistic, the feeling was too much. The restraints were perfect and he could do nothing to escape the terrible torment... Jennifer was laughing and Peter was watching, smiling. It lasted for several minutes. When she stopped she left and came back with something else. John was still recovering when she showed a teaspoon.
- "What about this ?".
John stared at the teaspoon, not imagining anything. What could she to with that ?
She went under the table, without a word. Ten seconds later Jonh felt a small tug on his balls and realized what he was in for ... Again he felt a tug and knew that torture would be painful ... she was spanking his balls with the teaspoon. She was doing it stronger and stronger and soon the pain became really uncumfortable ... Peter tightened the g-string restaint a little more, because John had been able to move more than 1 cm ... now he was not moving anymore and has to endure the torture motionless. He was screaming, trying to move, but Jennifer didn't care. The ballbusting lasted for 20 minutes before she had enough.
Peter then left and came back few seconds later.
- "The sun is high enough, we can begin whenever you want".
- "Okay, we'll make sure everything is ready".
They left, John was recovering from the ballbusting he had just endured ...
15 min later the came back, handcuffed him and freed him from the torture table. She was holding his balls, and Peter led him. They went out, climbing the stairs and they arrived near the swimming pool. Here, a very special wooden deck chair was waiting for him ... with straps and ropes. They tied him up face up on it and removed the handcuff. As always, the restrains were tight and the chair was strong enough to hold him.
- "Let's go for a tanning session". Said Jennifer. She was wearing a sexy swimsuit and Peter a g-string.
John was now lying on the sun. It was the summer and the sun was quite strong for his ligthly tanned skin.
Peter approched him with a tube in his hands.
- "You must protect your skin with all thoses white walls, the sun is very powerful here, I have suntan oil here, SPF 15, not 2 or 4 like oil is often, I will help you protect yourself"
John realised they loved his body when it was glistening and tougth he was now in for a full body oil rub ...
Peter uncapped the SPF 15 bottle with John staring at it ... and rubbing his toes, his legs, which was very easy because it was hairless. Jonh was always wearing short shorts at the beach, and his tanning stopped at mid-tighs. Peter stopped rubing the oil here and came to John's face.
- "Close your eyes, it's more pleasurable".
John tried to fight but the man was soon oiling his face ... Jonh was straight and had never had a man oiling him ...
Peter then oiled his arms, torso and belly ... not a single spot was left, except his genitals ... and Jonh was fearing this rubbing to be as painful as the previous one. Having Peter with a bottle of oil at his side was not good thing.
But Peter stopped here and put back the cap on the bottle and left it between Jonh's spread legs.
- "Have a good tanning session".
John were astonished by Peter not paing attention to his cock and balls ... but was happy about that.
After 15 minutes of exposure he began to feel his not oiled parts burning slowly. He had never had his genitals sunburnt but would soon begin what it's like if it didn't protect it quickly. He had already tried closing his legs ... no use, his balls were fully exposed and more dilated than ever by the heat.
- "If you need something, other than getting free of this chair, just ask us". Shouted Peter.
After 5 minutes, Jonh shouted.
- "You bastard, my gentials are buring, let me go."
- "don't think about it ... but I can rub some oil here if you ask me"
It was their plan, they wanted him to ask to get his cock and balls oiled and massaged. Peter was crazy and he would give him great pleasure to have John asking for it ...
- "Never !"
Peter then brought a big rectangular piece of glass and placed it on the armrests of the chair.
- "It's ok, so we'll speed it up ..."
John's heating feeling increased... the glass was acting as a lens, amplifying the sunlight...
After 5 mintes the heating was becoming more like a burning.
"- Ask me the rubbing and I remove the glass"
"Ok, ok you win, take it away please !!!"
Peter's smile was wide. He removed the glass, grabbed the bottle and very slowly, he applied some oil to his hands, and to Jonh's genitals with him staring at it ..."
Peter only tortured John's ball lightly, squeezing them painfully but not too much... When the oil was applied he told Jonh
- "Not too much torture for them, we've got the afternoon for that.
He spent some time playing with Jonh's hardon and let him on the sun for 1 hours. They then turned him and let him one hour to the other face after oiling him entierly.
They then brougth him back to the dungeon where he was soon restrained by shacles hanging from the ceiling and on the floor ...
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