Viper looked very severely at me. "You don't get the option of going back, Miles. Gretchen tells me you pressured her to get interested in the BDSM life, and now that you're in it, you need to get used to the fact that she's not going back...you're so demanding."
Gretchen chimed in. "That's right, he is demanding. Last night I was feeling really generous, and I tied Miles down and removed his tube and gave him a nice massage on his penis with my toes, and it was fun, and his dick got all purple, and he was gasping, because it's been a while since he was allowed to cum...
It was actually so much fun, rubbing my toes up and down his long, thick dick, and patting my arch on his ball sack. Most men would appreciate that I know...and certainly the sight of his tortured schlong is great evidence of the good work I'm doing. At one point he began precumming, and I made him lick it off my toes, because it got so soggy. You'd think Miles would realize what a lucky guy he was, to have a wife who was this focused on his training, right? And he seemed like he was having such a good time, but then...
Miles began begging and then ORDERING me to let him cum! What kind of attitude is that, Viper? What's going on with this guy? I just don't get it!"
Viper smiled, and toyed with her long strawberry tresses. She could see that my eyes were on her...she was probably used to male attention. She did give me a gentle smile, and I appreciated it.
But what she said next really bugged me. "Miles, like all men, is primarily focused on his own pleasure, Gretchen. You must understand that. All men are. It's all they think about...me, me, me. That's why you actually have to prolong the time between their orgasms. They have to focus on you, the Goddess and prime reason for their being."
Viper smiled, and my heart turned to mush. She seemed so sweet! And she looked a lot like the Mary Jane chick, Kirsten Dunst, in Spider man, with better boobs, but she was dangerous, which of course is why she is called Viper.
"My husband, Guthrie for the longest time was allowed to masturbate twice a year into a condom, and then drink it, and he was in chastity the rest of the time." Viper said this, smiling, as if it wasn't HORRIBLE. "But even then I perceived that Guthrie was focusing on his orgasms, and it wasn't as if he wasn't getting milked from the rear to reduce the pressure on his prostate. He just wanted to CUM."
Gretchen laughed and looked at me accusingly.
"But now" Viper said sunnily"Instead of giving Guthrie an orgasm for his birthday, and for Christmas, I go out and buy him a nice necktie. And he stays locked up. Guthrie hasn't had an orgasm now in three years, and his attitude towards me is immeasurably better, I think."
Gretchen thought this was great. "I would love to completely shut off Miles's orgasms, but that might be too much for him, seeing as he watches me fucking all the time. I think it's enough, probably that I keep them limited."
Viper cocked her adorable head. "Well, I don't know. Limits can be set by the submissive sometimes. One sub I have is really strict on himself. He rubs his dick on the side of the shower wall once a week. The first week he rubbed 100 times before he came, so he decided the next time if it took him more than a hundred rubs, he would deny himself, and so for several weeks, he was really horny, as he had to walk out of the shower, crying, not being able to cum with 100 rubs or less. Then he finally came after 91 rubs, and so he set the new limit at 91. Now he's at 33 rubs, and he has been celibate, no orgasms for 18 months because he will not allow himself to cum unless he can do it in less than 33 rubs. But he's a rare, unselfish type, unlike your Miles."
And then both Viper and Gretchen both looked at me with anger in their eyes!
What the fuck, why would I want to be like some lunatic who rubs his DICK against a shower wall? That's fucking insane. These women are disturbed. But the fact was, I had no protection against the whims of a dominant woman. It was hopeless. Thinking of the power that Gretchen had over me, my dick hardened against the chastity tube, and I winced.
"You’re right, Viper. There's little hope for poor Miles." Gretchen said. "What a remarkable man that shower slave must be!"
Viper smiled. "Yes, Christophe is wonderful. And week after week, he comes to me, and I tie him up and run my lotion covered fingers around his cock and balls until he is gasping with desire, but he never asks me to let him cum...I just untie him and send him home, and he stays unstimulated till Sunday nights when he rubs his poor penis thirty-three times on the side of the wet wall. He doesn't even get his prostate milked, which worries me."
"But the poor thing!" Gretchen commented. "What if he never cums again? Don't you think you should like, order him to jerk off or at least get milked?" Gretchen shook her head, and looked at me thoughtfully. I hope she doesn't get any ideas.
"He just won't listen." Viper sighed. "I am quite cruel to him in some sessions, if it's that time of the month, I whip his bare buttocks with a blacksnake quirt and make him suck on my bloody tampons. He will do anything I ask it seems, except have an orgasm. He says he doesn't deserve it. That's a great attitude, one your husband should emulate."
Viper sipped her water, leaving a full glossy lip print on the glass. "Christophe is so willing to learn. He told me he was afraid of drinking my urine, and I trained him in the cutest way. He loves my full, beautiful breasts, and so I soaked a sexy French demibra in pee, and then put it on, and told him he could kiss all he wanted until he'd sucked the pee out of it...and we had a pleasant half hour, after which of course I took a bath!
And then the next week, when he wanted to do it again, I said 'No, now you've proven you like urine, so you can just drink it out of the dog bowl, like the Fido you are' This broke his heart, he cried, because there would be no more kissing of my honeys, but he was then ready to take in urine the old fashioned way--drinking it!"
Viper told us a fascinating story about growing up in a female dominated household. She was called Vicki then, so you have to remember that while I repeat it verbatim
When Vicki was in high school, her mother brought her into the parlor and told her that she had some information for her. "Vicki, as you probably have noticed, I exert a bit of control over your father and your brothers, more so than perhaps the mothers of your friends, dear...you have a later curfew than either of your older brothers, and I don't try to control you, though I have three men I closely supervise."
Vicki smiled and nodded at her mother, who looked very much like Donna Reed in the old TV shows. It was true, they grew up in a fairly blue-collar neighborhood, but Pop didn't spend a great deal of time with the other men at the pool hall or guzzling beer at Rupert's Brewmeister, though he went once in a while, but was always back by eleven.
Vicki's older brothers, Denson and Harvey also kept the eleven o'clock hour when they went out, either with their friends, or with girls, even though they were adults, and had full time jobs. They gave Mom their pay envelopes unopened, and she kept them both on allowances.
Vicki remembered that once or twice Dens, an apprentice electrician, had tried to rebel, and just give Mom some of his pay, and Mom had actually taken her 20 year old brother's jeans down and flogged him with an old carriage driving whip, telling him that he had to obey her rules or move out of the house.
Vicki had wondered at the time why Dens didn't just move--he made a really good living, even as an assistant, and could have lived quite comfortably, but after the thrashing he'd cried in Mother's arms and promised to try and change.
Vicki had also heard Mom chastising Pop behind closed doors, and heard the crack of the carriage driving whip, but she'd not thought too much about it, being a self-centered adolescent who was focused on boys, the roller rink, makeup and "Tiger Beat" magazine.
But sitting here with Mom, Vicki got the impression that Mother wanted to convey some sort of important message to her. "Vicki, now that you're a young woman, I want your help with your father and your brothers. I'm a rather busy person, as you know, and I know you were telling me that you'd like to get a part-time job so you don't have to ask me for spending money, but I could actually pay you to do babysitting right here in this house."
Vicki looked somewhat puzzled, and so Mom put two fingers in her mouth and whistled, and Dad came down into the parlor. "Yes, dear?" he asked genially, smiling at his young daughter.
"Dudley, darling, I have decided to apprise Victoria of your status here in the home so she can assist me in looking after you and the boys. Dud, I want you to strip, please, so she can see your Iron Maiden."
Vicki's father Dud looked horrified. "She's, she's just a teenage girl! I think that's probably not a good idea, Shirley." But as Vicki watched her mother, Shirley leaned back, and the material around her breasts tightened, and she frowned, and she idly picked up a large wooden hairbrush that was sitting on the coffee table.
As Vicki watched, Shirley tapped the brush against her right hand and looked even more severely at Dud, who finally swallowed and with an apologetic look at his daughter, began undressing slowly. He was wearing a coverall, as he worked for a 2-way radio installation factory, and after he stepped out of it, Vicki could see that Dud was wearing a steel pouch around his penis and balls.
"Well, what do you think, Vicki, dear?" Shirley asked her daughter, who looked somewhat amazed. "Your Pop has been locked up in this thing for eight years, you probably remember before that when he used to drink and smoke crack and carry on, but since I've locked him in this, he's been a pretty good guy."
Shirley leaned over and, using a key from the coffee table, unlocked the Iron Maiden, showing Vicki her Pop's swollen penis. "Your Pop used to surf the Internet and look at these sites, and fantasize about his Iron Maiden, but apparently having one locked on is a bit much for him. No more being a man and peeing in the back yard. He has to sit down like a lady now!"
Vicki looked at Dud, whose face was bright red. He was terribly embarrassed, and then he was a little startled as his cute teenage daughter reached over and began rubbing her manicured fingers on his big dick. "Don't worry, Pop, I just feel so bad for you, being all locked up like this!"
Mom looked at Pop accusingly. "Look how excited you get, being touched by your own daughter!" But she didn't seem all that upset, and probably she'd expected this.
Vicki got a big kick out of watching Dudley moan and groan as she played with his cock, and then suddenly, she noticed that his legs were trembling. Vicki was no stranger to car-date hand jobs, and she looked anxiously at her mother, knowing Pop was about to cum.
Mother calmly picked up the hairbrush and leaned over and whacked Pop's dick with the brush side twice, and both women watched in entertainment as tears came to his eyes and he bit his lip.
"Your behavior is execrable" Mom said, as she ordered Dudley to lie across her lap, and then she began whacking Dud's butt with the brush and he began crying harder. Normally Pop was the soul of masculinity, and he gritted his teeth if he hit his finger with a hammer or something, but Vicki noticed that his personality changed radically under this situation.
Finally Mom put the brush down. "Now go stand in the corner, young man." she ordered, and Pop, weeping, got up and went to the corner (Vicki noted that his dick was harder than ever) and stood in the corner, his blazing butt on display.
"I have your father and your brothers all in Iron Maidens" Mom said genially to Vicki, "And also Mr. Fenzel, from next door. His wife used to be his dominant key holder, but she's passed on, now, and so I see to him, and he, in turn, has given us some generous financial gifts in the way of bearer bonds, and possibly I will be able to send you to art school when you graduate next year."
Later on Harvey came home. Unlike his father and brother, Harvey was not a skilled laborer, and just packed boxes in a baby shoe bronzing company.
First Harvey noticed Vicki, and said "I have something private to discuss with you Mom." But then he noticed that his father was naked in the corner, and perhaps he re-thought things.
Mom said "Harvey, I've told Vicki everything, and I'm going to teach her about our lifestyle. Let me guess what you want. You're going on a date with Pineda Gomez, and you want the key to your belt."
Harvey, shamefacedly, nodded. "I-I-how did you know?"
Shirley smiled. "Pineda''s mother and I are close, and when Graciella told me, I gave her the key to your belt. Pineda will decide if you get lucky tonight dear."
Harvey's jaw dropped, and Mom turned to Vicki. "We are not the only femdom household in this city, dear." Then Mom smiled. "Of course possibly Harvey didn't know this about the Gomez family."
Harvey sighed. "But Mom, I told you that--well we made a deal, right? If I cleaned the gutters and did a couple nights of Trollop Duty, you'd give me a chance to have my belt off, right?"
Mom smiled. "Yes, darling. And you are getting the chance. Pineda will be generous. You may not get to cum with her, but certainly you will have the chance to try."
Vicki asked what Trollop duty was. Harvey begged Mom not to inform her.
"Dear, twice a week your father and brothers dress in feminine clothing and makeup, and they prostitute themselves near our local military base, and we use the money for the neighborhood Gardening Club, and of course I am putting part of it away so you can go to art school as I said earlier. You're the only smart child I have, and you deserve a good education."
Mom looked up at Harvey, who was still reeling from the news that little Vicki was the "only smart child" in the family. "Darling, I want you to know that Vicki will be in charge of your orgasms and supervising your chores now. I don't have as much time as I used to, and she will be picking up the slack."
Harvey looked quite upset. But Vicki could tell that he was truly terrified of Mom. It puzzled her that such a muscular, swarthy kid could be so utterly baffled by his 90 pound mother. And although Harvey didn't make as much as Dens, he certainly could have moved out as well.
But Vicki could tell that annoyed as he was, Harvey was very devoted to Mom. She had often wandered in the living room and seen Harvey rubbing Mom's feet or bringing her tea. This domination thing was kind of interesting.
Then, Mom took Vicki to visit Mr.Ligourian Fenzel next door. When they came in, Vicki could tell that Mr. F. wasn't as opposed to her interest in what was "going on". As a matter of fact, the old man immediately stripped and knelt in front of Mom and Vicki right after Shirley snapped her fingers.
Vicki thought it was amazing how quickly Ligo Fenzel was on his knees. And she could see that the older submissive was checking her out, her young breasts in her halter top, and her long legs. This was a thrill for him, but his main admiration was for her mother.
Shirley smiled. "Ligo, you're going to enjoy having Vicki in your life now, I am training her to be a dominant woman, just as I am, and I trust you'll be helpful in that, you dirty old man!"
Then Mr. Fenzel began telling Vicki how lucky he felt.
"It's just wonderful, Vicki, having your mother look after my needs." Mr. Fenzel said, as he looked adoringly at Shirley. "My beloved Edna was so good for me for forty years--she whipped my bare buttocks when I offended, she let me worship her body, and I serviced her many lovers--I remember after World War II all these young men came home, and I'd not had to go because I had a heart murmur--and Edna slept with them all, and I serviced them with my mouth and ass...."
Mr. Fenzel paused, and he looked close to tears. Shirley patted his shoulder, and he went on, "But then Edna developed multiple sclerosis in the Sixties, and she had to hire male hustlers to come and give me whippings and do my torture because she couldn't move anymore, and now of course she's gone. But she'd taken your mother, much younger, under her wing in the Fifties, when your Dad wanted a female dominated relationship, and so Shirley was kind enough to take over monitoring my orgasms, and taking the key to my belt after my Edna passed away!"
Shirley smiled. "Yes, Ligo is right. He was just masturbating up a storm, and looking at femdom pornography, poor thing. So we made an arrangement--that I'd look after his needs, and he'd pay me a thousand dollars a month, though certainly I'd have done it for nothing, as he is such a sweet man."
Fenzel piped up. "I insisted on giving her a gratuity. Your mother is a Goddess!"
Mother put a stern finger to her lips, and Fenzel subsided. " So, once or twice a week, Lig comes to our house when everyone is at work or school, and he does much of the housework, so I can avoid dishpan hands, and I give him needed discipline, and correct him for carelessness. He and Edna built a considerable basement dungeon, which I'll show you later, and we've made much use of this as well. Sometimes I'll lock Ligo in the pillory down there, and leave him and spend 8 to 10 hours away, before returning, and if he's soiled himself, I take down his pants and whip his buttocks. He must learn to hold in his bowels and bladder. After all, just because he's in kneeling stocks doesn't mean he should be careless! And you can assist with his training in this area."
Vicki nodded and smiled. This seemed like it was going to be rather hilarious! The idea of locking Mr. Fenzel, who had retired as a "hanging judge" just eighteen months ago (having imprisoned more than a few of Vicki's pothead friends) in a kneeling pillory so he had to hold his bowels and bladder in while you forgot about him for a day or so was just precious.
Vicki asked her mother for Fenzel's key, and unlocked his belt, and began running her little manicured fingertips up and down his penis, watching as it grew. "Judge Fenzel, you've thrown the book at about six of my juvenile friends. You put my friend Ormont away for seven years, just for stealing a couple of hubcaps. I think you should pardon him."
Judge Fenzel gasped. "I-I can't do that, dear. I'm not a governor, you know." Vicki shook her head, and removed her charm bracelet from her wrist, doubling it in her hand. She swatted Fenzel hard on the cock and the old man moaned.
Shirley smiled. "Vicki's right, Lig. You go fishing with the governor twice a year. What business did you have being so severe with poor Ormie? He's not a bright boy, but you could have been nicer. Maybe we should lock YOU in the kneeling pillory for seven years."
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