Postrevolutionary Taxidermy
By XNtrc
Jessica reclined on the soft leather office chair. She gazed out on her two “trophies”, each a shiny wooden horizontal plaque bearing at the top a detached yet erect penis accompanied by a thick triangular patch of public hair and dangling testicles.
At the bottom was a mounted male head bearing an eternal expression of fear and dread.
Then Jessica’s eyes wandered idly to two corners of office each containing what appeared to be two almost immobile naked men.
One of these was in a strange posture, face up, raised from the floor by lower legs and straight arms, assuming the shape of a bench. His rigid penis stood straight up and the male organ, alone among his body parts was moving, visibly throbbing.
The other was standing, in a humbly bowing posture. His penis was heavy, flaccid and also moved, rotating in a circle.
(The movement and seeming life of long-deceased phallus was effected by attachment to small battery-operated engines -- sometimes called “electric prostates” – concealed in the back panels of the plaqueboards or inside elasticized taxidermal rectums.)
The sight of such naked dead men, excellently preserved in both their whole and fragmented condition was now among the most commonplace sights. Every public and private area abounded with the wooden or metal plaques with the detached mounted male genitalia and male heads and both partial and full body naked males. Additionally there was always a wide variety of decorative and functional taxidermally preserved penises and testicles. Actual phalluses once part of male bodies became , internally adjusted as needed for softness, hardness, weight intractability or resilience served as everything from coat pegs to paperweights. They were especially popular as handles. Deceased penises were almost as common as the living smiles on female faces.
The main point was the humiliation and trivialization of the male body, especially its defining organs. The intention was always to humiliatingly exhibit the innate inferiority and liabilities of the male sex. The penis and testicles embodied the ineluctable dysfunction of a creature ruled not by mind, heart and soul but by cudgel-like appendages
that took on a life of their own at their crotches.
Male body hair was also always a matter of exposure and ridicule as the signal manifestation of male primitivity. Female superiority of mind, body and spirit was thereby validated.
A male’s worth – if any – was his usefulness to females, which included the females’ pleasure in the ridiculous and ridiculed male anatomy, a source of pleasure in its very grotesquery of pubic protuberance and hirsuteness.
A particularly popular item was male-body lamp stands. Most commonly, only the lower waist, hips and thighs of the naked male body was used, the fragment of the body being extending from just above the hips to lower thighs . The thighs were spread wide, well displaying penis and testicles. These were colloquially known as “saddle pricks”.
Jessica’s office contained two such lamps, in diagonally opposite corners.
Sometimes, a bigger lamp stand was made by using more of the stuffed male anatomy. Only the arms and head were removed and stuffed partial male body stood directly on the floor with the legs in an imaginative variety of positions. (Some of which would have been impossible with a living man -- The female taxidermists were often daring and innovative in their special and once-unthinkable art.)
The lampshades were usually made of male skin. Male “leather” were among the most popular types of fabrics. The male body hair was preserved and small male nipples were made eternally erect. Male “skins”, those of the full male body except the head peeled off by incision down the back were popular wraps, curtains, and rugs.
The penis and testicles were always stuffed to bulge.
In the new realm of female rule, all adult women had their own offices, to accommodate their conduct of important business. Everything a woman did related to any second person was considered “important business”. Jessica’s was unusual in that it contained only six taxidermy items.
The seventy-six-year-old woman vividly remembered the “old days” of male supremacy.
The man locked in the adjoining room was overcome with anxiety.
How, at his age and with the experience of the previous third of the century, have been so reckless as to derogate a woman? He didn’t even consciously remember thinking that his sneered words would not be heard by her age-dulled ears.
But heard she had and he was in the deepest trouble of his painstakingly uneventful. He remembered the pre-gynarchal regime only as a child and he had often wondered what his life might have been like if the women’s revolution had been delayed for a few decades. As it was, he had spent all adolescent and adult life painstakingly seeking female favor.
Unlike the Superior Woman’s inner office the anteroom where Yancey found himself was crowded with stuffed male nudity.
On one wall were diagonally arranged seven “round plaques” with mounted male sexual organs and patches of public hair. The uppermost of these showed a small, limp penis reposed deeply in the recess between testicles. The next one down was somewhat more protuberant but still completely flaccid. The third and fourth were larger and showed waxing erections. The fifth and sixth were hugely erect and the seventh, lowest and largest was massively erect and pulsating.
It was significant that the smaller, gelatinous penises were placed above the larger and stiffer phalluses. In the age of female rule, the hard-on was considered to be a manifestation of male weakness. While the male organ was flaccid, orthodoxy said, the man could still use his sadly limited mental abilities. As the organ rose and erected, the male came to guided and pulled by his increasingly demanding “thing” until, finally, he was no more than a pitful servomechanism of a ridiculous throbbing frond, involuntraily and laughably erupting in a stream of sperm.
Although the seven penises and testicles had once been part of seven different men – and the ones present on the lower plaques were up to fifty-percent better hung that those of the upper ones – Yancy noted that they looked like a “change sequence” of the same groinal set. Each was circumcised and had the similar dark brown pubic hair.
Yancy went on to study a naked male torso, head and arms removed and cut off immediately above the knees.
It – “he” – dangled from the ceiling by a chair attached to an “O” ring imbedded in the stump of the neck.
The penis of this preserved body was soft and downward but unusually large and heavy, as were the testicles. This was an example of a popular style of women’s taxidermal “art” – As the body swung gently on the chain, the genitalia also swayed slowly from side, backward and forward.
Five more displays surrounding Yancy prominently implied Jessica's association with the the early days of the gynarchal revolution. No doubt, Yancy thought, she had had many friends in the “Reckoning” period. There were three full-body stuffed naked males on hands and knees with heads lowered and thighs wide apart. Each had a woman's name – “Lisa … Jennifer … Ashley...” branded on his left buttock. Two other full-body displays had the naked men forever bent forward at the waist with legs open but straight and hands gripping ankles. They too bore the burnt inscription of female names on their left buttocks.
Such displays were little to be seen anymore but during the Reckoning – when men who had been abuse or “dominant” toward women were being condemned and executed multitudes at a time – their “widows” or other female victims often asked for the males' carcasses, preserved in these postures. It was as though their dead, stuffed tormentors eternally waiting to receive anal sexual penetration or corporal punishment. To the women's great delight, the proprietary names were seared into the males' butt flesh while they yet lived.
Yancy assumed that the five women memorialized on the dead branded males' buttocks had given or bequeathed their taxidemal prizes to friend, Jessica.
Perhaps the most bizarre sight in the waiting room was a couch made of male skin. This furnishing's two front lages were male hands and forearms, its two rear legs men's feet and calves. The skins of three male upper bodies, from collarbone to lower abdomen, including small erect nipple, stretched flat navels and chest hair.
The couch's backrest was covered with much the same areas of naked male flesh but extending to pubis and upside down, with three sets of bulging and inverted penises and testicles evenly placed across the upper edge headrest.
Yancy wondered: Did the arms, hands, feet and legs come from the same man? Did he also provide one of the torso skins? Were the cocks and nuts of the men who provided the seat “leather” stuffed for exhibit elsewhere? Was the backrest made of three otherwise “wasted” males.
There were also four “saddleprick” lamps, one in each corner, All had swollenly erect penises, their hard-ons pointing like accusing fingers toward the middle of the room where Yancy stood.
Idly wondered if the couch's seat upper body skins might have come from the same men who provided pelvis, thighs and genitalia for the lampstands.
For Yancy, the most horrible image in the room was nothing of the stuffed naked bodies of males who had died by female whim but the scene that kept playing over and over on a large video screen attached to the waiting room wall.
The chilling video showed a man being put to death by “double clutch” hanging.
The luckless man was first made to stand at attention as a ratcheted metal garotte was placed around his neck. This garrot could not be loosened nor undone. It necessarily resulted in the victim’s strangulation. As he struggled for breath, he was hanged by the neck with the traditional hangman’s rope.
Suspended in the air with arms and legs free, the hapless naked male kicked, flailed, writhed, jumped and convulsed for many long moments until he hung
And still he moved, like a pendulum.
The women greatly enjoyed watching the violent convulsions and death throes of the dying male. They were especially amused by the way the men’s penism scotum and testicles seemed to be moving a hundred miles an hour in all directions.
And there was a particular satisfaction in seeing the near-fainting terror and revulsion in men and boys as they watched the spectacle of such a conspicuous and conspicuously undignified death.
The vicitim in Jessica’s video was especially impressive. He had thick and abundant bodily hair and his genital organs were exceptionally large. His execution by brutal strangulation and hanging lasted thirteen minutes but the video went on and on as the same gruesome event was seen repeatedly, as recorded by different cameras: up, down, left, right, far, near and extreme close-up.
The viewer could watch the unnamed victim’s penis and testicles flying frantically for more than ten minutes before finally swaying slowly like the dead body.
Then there was another ten minutes with the camera following the man’s writhing and twisting bare buttocks, including close-up views of his hairy butt cleft.
When the video finally concluded after showing the hanging from multiple perspectives, it played all over again.
The door to Jessica's office swung open and Yancy heard the woman's command to enter. He did so and found Jessica standing, a less-than-friendly expression on her face.
“Do you have anything to say directly to me?” Jessica asked.
”Thank you, Ma’am,” Yancy said, “For giving me time to think about my disgusting misbehavior and for hearing me …”
Jessica interrupted, “I think that you should be naked and on your knees for your apology. So much more humble and sincere!”
Yancy was already pulling off his clothes as he replied, “Yes, Ma’am!” Even fleeting hesitation in complying with a female command could bring unwanted consequences.
Men were always naked when put to death. Knowing this aggravated all other uneasiness in being ordered to undress. But quickly undress Yancy did – No more that eight seconds elapsed between Jessica’s command and Yancy’s feet being lifted to remove his jockey shorts.
Yancy knew that the kneeling posture was not the most “humble” -- Many women loved to see men face down on the floor, with only their hands raised and clasped “prayerfully”.
Yancy continued his self-maledictory speech, “Please forgive my male stupidity and hostility, which is an meaningless as that of other unevolved and low-species animals.
“Rather than having a mind and heart, I have only a pound of stupid and ugly meat hanging from my shameful crotch!
“There is, of course, a lot of envy of superior females, which must at times, leap forth from our filthy mouths!”
”How old are you?” Jessica asked.
“Forty-six, Ma’am,” Yancy answered.
“Forty-six and you don't have the manners of a six-year-old! I think that you should asked to be punished like a problem child!”
“How old are you?” Jessica asked.
“Forty-six, Ma'am,” Yancy answered.
“Forty-six and you don't have the manners of a six-year-old! I think that you should ask to be punished like a problem child!”
Yancy knew that Jessica wanted him to make a fool of himself: “I’m a b-a-a-a-a-d widdle boy, Ma’am,” he said, “ And I wewe n-e-e-e-d a spanky! May I have a spanky pwe-e-e-e-e-z-z?”
Jessica cackled in the manner of comic opera witch, making no attempt to hide amusement in Yancy's “little boy” humiliation. “Certainly you may have a spanking! It will be so good for you!”
Jessica ordered Yancy to lean forward, placing his arms and forehead on the floor, leaving his buttocks high in the air ... and to spread his thighs wide.
Jessica reached for a long, thin and highly flexible hickory stick.
“Put your arms and forehead on the floor,” Jessica commanded, and Yancy instantly obeyed.
“And spread those thighs as wide as you can.” Yancy parted his knees to a wide fork.
Jessica slashed the stick across the center of Yancy's buttocks and was greatly pleased with his quake of pain.
This shuddering quake of Yancy's naked body was repeated time and again as Jessica's stick collided over and over and over with the bare hairy flesh of every inch of his buttocks, upper and lower thighs.
Yancy knew that he could take the old women's beating to his rear quartersbut feared and dreaded that Jessica might deliver her weapon in an “uppercut” to his balls. His testicles had been struck by some of the blows to his upper thighs and these had been star-seeing agony even though the flesh of his legs absorbed most of the impact.
A “direct hit” with this diabolically firm yet flexible strip of wood to his grossly exposed testicles would be so painful that he might pass out.
This anxiety was increased by Jessica's
mischievously light touch of the stick to Yancy's nuts in between blows, as he had to stammer and squeal, “Thank you, Ma'am! May I pwe-e-e-e-e-ze have another?”
Finally the female elder answere, “No, my arm's tired.” She dropped the narrow rod to the floor.
Although painfully blistered from coccyx to knees, Yancy was silently elated to think that his physical ordeal was over.
Yet Jessica was far from finished with Yancy. From her point of view, the best was yet to come.
“Resume the kneeling position,” Jessica commanded. Yancy pulled his upper body from the floor.
“Sit back on your heels,” Said Jessica.
Yancy winced as his wounded buttocks and thighs contacted his lower legs.
Jessica kicked off the her shoes and raised the hem of her ankle-length skirt as she sat and reclined on her office chair.
She ran her fingers over the chair’s “male leather” upholstery.
“You don’t want to be part of my office furniture, do you?” Jessica asked mischievously.
“No, Ma’am!” Yancy replied, noticing Jessica’s hand lefting her skirt still higher.
”Then let’s put that big mouth of yours to better use,” the older woman instructed. “I like a lot of lips and tongue on the insides of my thighs before they spend a long, long time nuzzling and lapping my snatch!”
Yancy crawled forward, his head advancing under Jessica’s skirt, his mouth beginning its unwanted journey along the wrinkled flesh of her legs. As he nuzzled her knees, he smelled the “old woman” odor of her vulva. He expected that she would direct him, as mature women usually did, exactly how his lips and tongue would serve her ancient pussy … and he would have to pretend that his enthusiastic cunnilingus was his great joy and pleasure.
Jessica’s body gleamed with perspiration and her vulva was drenched as sunk in satiation on her office’s pile rug. The half-sickened Yancy’s face reeked with vaginal secretions but he knew he had to offer continued service.
“May I go on?” he asked, “Is Ma’am ready for more?”
Jessica croaked in fatigued ecstacy that she could endure no more oral stimulation.
Jessica’s ebullient granddaughter pranced into the office. “Hi, Grammaw!” she greeted the elderly woman.
“Good afternoon, Tyet,” Jessica raised her hand for the girl to assist her to her feet.
Tyet hardly glanced at the quivering naked male prostrated on the floor. Thoroughly accustomed throughout her young life to the sight and touch of male nakedness, she was virginal yet knew every infinitesimal detail of male anatomy.
She was, however, excited with the unprecedented news of the day.
“You can’t imagine what I’m doing this evening, Grammaw!” Tyet breathlessly told her mom’s mom.
Jessica knew that Tyet was due for several female-supremacist initiatory rites. She smiled lovingly at her granddaughter’s pleasure in sharing her happy news.
“My friend Lissa’s decided to do away with a boy she’s known a long time and she’s going to let me do the hairpin!”
Jessica’s smile beamed brighter. She had always liked “the hairpin”, a comically humiliating method of nale execution in which the doomed man is tied tightly and precipitously over a rail with his buttocks pointed straight up.
A thin-bladed, exceedingly sharp-pointed saber is inserted into the male’s conspicuously upraised anus and brought slowly and agonizingly downward, inflciting fatal injury on his internal organs.
The woman (or girl) wielding the saber had to maintain the correct angle so that the blade made its way straight through the man’s bowels, stomach, heart and windpipe and not erupt out his back or abdomen.
But most women loved doing it, enjoying the males’ helplessnes, his hairy nakedness writhing, quaking and jerking on the rail and the delightful degradation of the saber’s handle protruding from the man’s rectum.
“Oh, you are going to have an unforgettable evening,” Jessica told her granddaughter.
Yancy was alarmed as he felt his penis hardening from the fragrance and proximity of the beautifully fresh-faced and creamy-fleshed teenage girl.
Jessica reached down for his stiffening member and used it to pull him to his feet.
“Tyet,” Jessica said, “This is Yancy, my new ‘oral friend’. He’s going to be spending a lot of time adoring my body with his mouth! Yancy, this is my
granddaughter, Tyet. She’s a junior in high school
and often visits me.”
“My respectful greetings, Ma’am,” Yancy said to Tyet.
“Hi, Yancy!” Tyet replied.
Tyet’s thoughts could not leave the forthcoming “hairpin” execution. She looked up and down Yancy’s naked middle-aged body with its bobbing erection and wondered how it might look hanging on the rail.
Yancy hated the prospect of his of his cunnilingus servitude to Jessica but it was far better than what awaited the “guest of honor” of her granddaughter’s evening!
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