Vignettes: A Zest for Kidnapping
By Xspy4u – Please do not reprint/repost without author’s permission
Author’s Note: It is very difficult for me to write a single chapter short story. I do however often have story ideas and reader requests that I seldom have the time to work out (or into a story). Last week, such an event occurred. I was in the BDSM chat room and started to write a few lines of a story idea just to get the conversation moving forward. A “Chatter” commented that she liked kidnap stories…and the wheels in my brain started turning. Since in my “other” writing, I often complete a short story after a fuller story, I thought I might try that with my erotic writing since I am on the fourth chapter of a large series called Insanity Island. The plan is to write a series of Vignettes to augment my longer series works. No promises here, but you might find these fun, but please don’t ask for a follow up to any vignette as these will all be single stories. Moreover, to those in the chat room who inspired this idea…many thanks. Xspy4u
Elizabeth, Zest to her friends, knew it was a bad idea to go out into the dark hallway in just her panties. Still there was just something naughty about the risk that she could not resist. She was horny, plain, and simple, and this short walk fueled that heat that promised to make her self-pleasuring all the more potent.
Besides, there was not much risk that she would be caught. The back stairway of her apartment was seldom used for anything but moving in or moving out and at two in the morning there was not much chance that any of her neighbors would come out this way. And, after all she absolutely needed to retrieve the package before a nosey neighbor opened it. That level of embarrassment would be far greater than being seen half-naked in the hallway. She could just kill the lazy delivery person for leaving the package in the back foyer. Who delivered at two in the morning anyway?
A few minutes ago, she had received a text from the courier. It read - Due to the time of delivery, your package has been left in your building’s back foyer. At your request, no signature was required for delivery. The Company is not responsible for lost or stolen packages.
The last thing Zest wanted was to have to sign for the delivery. Such private orders did not require some guy judging her while she signed. Would it have killed them to place it outside her door?
She took a tentative step forward. The wood floor was cold on her bare feet. She checked her door to ensure it would remain open. She did not intend to be locked out of her apartment in the middle of the night. Although, she could ask her neighbor Chrissy, for the spare key that she kept at Chrissy’s apartment, explaining why she was naked would be difficult. Running around the building to the front entrance and up two flights of stairs in her state of undress without being seen impossible. Even from the back hallway, she could hear the loud music from Steve’s party. At this time, guest would surely be coming and going.
She took another step into the dark tunnel. The wood floors and wall appeared black. The only light came from the window at the end of the hallway. The window had not been cleaned in years and the distant streetlight barely made an impression in the darkness.
Another step. Her left arm covered her large breasts and her right hand slid along the wall for balance and orientation. Between her and the entrance to the stairway were only three doors. Two were on the same side as her apartment. She did not know either of the occupants very well, and was happy that no light spilled from beneath their doorways. The third door was on the same side as the entrance to the stairway. It was not actually a part of this apartment building, but to an abandoned set of offices that had not been occupied for over two years. When she leased her apartment, she had specifically asked the landlord about the plans for the building as she feared it might be turned into something less conducive to the quiet lifestyle she preferred…like a nightclub or something. The landlord assured her that the owner had passed away and that the building’s future would be tied up in a probate court dispute for years.
Zest looked back at her still open apartment door. This is crazy she thought, although the excitement of being naked in public still gave her a fluttery feeling in her stomach. Besides, if a guy were to see her naked he’d probably run the other way. It wasn’t that she was unattractive, in fact she was often told that she had a beautiful face. Her dark hair was long and thick and her eyes were brown almost to the point of black. She disliked her body. She was not heavy exactly. Thick was a better word. However, it seemed all men wanted, or so she thought, was thin Barbie dolls, which she definitely was not. She had full hips and a little pudge around the middle, but with her large breasts, it just served to give her an hourglass figure. Her skin was creamy and flawless and the few men she had been with had marveled over the natural silky softness of her skin. That and the fact that her nipples were so sensitive she could cum just by having them sucked on. The ease of her orgasms seemed to do as much for their egos as it did for her pleasure. Unfortunately, for Zest orgasms were not enough. She worried that something was wrong with her, but she just needed more. She wanted to surrender to a man, to be under his total control. It would seem that any man would be happy to oblige, but they all were too self-conscious to really take her. That’s why she had finally paid the fifty nine dollars. That’s why she was naked in the hallway at two in the morning on her way to retrieve the package.
She was halfway to the staircase. She dropped her left arm and let the cool night air tickle her nipples. She thought about taking off her panties and the thought sent a shiver through her. She envisioned herself naked in the darkness. Her neighbors just a few feet away while she masturbated. Cumming while at any moment one of them could open their door and see her there sprawled on the floor with her fingers in her hairless love tunnel.
Her thoughts cleared as she noticed a soft blue light from under the office building’s doorway. She did not recall it being there earlier. Perhaps she had just missed it. Still, she took a soft cautious step forward. The door was only three steps away. Two more beyond that and she would be at the staircase doorway. Slow or fast? She decided to move quicker and get it over with. If there was movement on the other side of the door, she did not hear it. She passed the door and was home free.
A warm hand grabbed her roughly by the arm. A second closed over her mouth. She was pulled backwards into the soft blue light. A slight pinch in her shoulder. The darkness swirled for a moment as she slipped down into unconsciousness.
She felt cold and her arms were sore, and her mouth felt dry. She could not remember going to bed, but she had been having the strangest dream. She opened her eyes. The strange place was not her room. The blue light was familiar. It came back to her. The hallway, blue light from beneath the door, and the stranger’s hands grabbing her. Panic gripped her. She attempted to move, but her body would not respond. A thick material filled her mouth. Her frantic eyes searched for an answer to her immobility. She was bound to a wooden X shaped device. She was slightly reclined and could feel the cross bars at her lower back. Her feet rested on small wooden ledges and a thick leather strap circled her mid drift. She tried to raise her head, but it too was bound to the structure. Zest took a deep breath through her nose and tried to relax. She was frightened and disorientated, but years of television had taught her that the girl who panics always dies.
She found she could raise her head enough to get a better look at her prison. She was in the middle of the room and in front of her was a door. A few feet away from the door, an old television sat on the floor. It was on, but had no signal only a square of electronic snow. The television was the source of the blue light. That meant the doorway was most likely the hallway where she had been abducted. She listened closely, and could hear the distant bass from the party. The hiss of the television covered any other possible sounds.
Her throat was dry and she felt a little groggy, but other than that, she did not think she was injured in any way. Her breasts were exposed and the cool air made her nipples hard. Gratefully, her panties were still on, although she could not be certain for how long that would remain the case. It was odd, but for a moment, she actually felt embarrassed about this evening’s panty selection. They were her comfortable ones, white, bikini cut with little blue flowers. She almost laughed at herself. As if a rapist would care that she had not worn her thongs for the occasion.
The idea of laughter faded when she saw him enter through the hallway. He was medium height, maybe five nine or five ten, but even in the darkness she could tell he had a powerful build. His face remained shadowed, but his hair looked dark and thick. He stood in the shadows for a moment and considered her. She could feel his eyes on her and her bound arms instinctively tried to cover her naked breasts. He slowly circled her until he was out of sight. She waited.
She heard a scratching noise and then the warm glow of a candle chased some of the shadows. He moved back into her view lighting pillar candles that were placed all along the floor. With his back to her, she could see that she had been correct about his powerful build. His black pants hugged his trim waist and his black tees-shirt was tight across his broad shoulders. He lit two candles on a small-wheeled table and then continued in an arc across the room to light more. The table gave her another moment of panic. There were instruments on it that scared her. Some were familiar objects, but others looked strange and fierce.
After he lit the last candle, he turned to her again. His hair hung down and kept his face in shadow. He stepped closer to her and she realized it was not the hair, but a dark veil he wore to cover his identity. Behind the mask, she could see his piercing eyes. She looked away.
His warm powerful hand rested on her shoulder and she flinched. Slowly he traced his way to her neck and then clasped her throat. He applied only the slightest pressure, but he made his point before his hand slid down to her chest. He lifted her breast, feeling its weight and then he squeezed. He let go and his fingers found her hard nipple. He gently traced it and she again squirmed under his touch. He pinched her nipple to demonstrate his displeasure with her movement. It was painful, but also pleasurable and Zest was shocked that even in the grip of fear she felt her moisture build. He moved to the other nipple and gently pulled and twisted it. It grew harder and her pussy grew wetter. The stranger noticed her reaction and his hand slid down to her panties. His finger traced her lips through the wet material.
He felt her heat and moisture and he laughed softly. It was a deep thick sound and Zest felt the heat of her blush. He leaned in closer. She tried to see his face but could not. She felt his warm breath on her ear.
“I am going to do things to you,” he whispered in a deep voice. “Some of these things you will like, others you will not. It does not matter, however, because you are mine.”
Zest trembled. His words created a mixture of fear and excitement.
“Of course,” his deep voice continued, “I am not without a measure of compassion. Do you know what a safe phrase is?”
Zest moved her head back and forth, the strap that bound her head only allowed a small movement, but he understood.
“A safe phrase is something you say when you want me to stop. Would you like to know your safe phrase?”
She did not understand why he would provide such, but safe sounded good, so she shook her head up and down.
“Your safe phrase is,” he paused for a moment, “it is fuck me hard.” He laughed his deep laugh again and her stomach quivered.
“That may seem unfair to you,” he said, “but it may be better than whatever pain you are trying to escape.”
He stood back up, “Shall we begin?”
He slid a cold metal pole across her hips and secured it on each end to the device. The pole forced her ass lower to the floor and she did not understand the reason. And then he stepped on a peddle on the floor and she felt the structure come free. He grabbed one of the wooded braces and spun Zest and the structure so that she now faced the floor. With the pole at her hips, her ass was raised in the air. She felt his hands at the waist of her panties.
“My God,” she thought, “he is going to rape me.”
But he only pulled the back down to below her cheeks. Then he returned to her ear and whispered.
“I am going to leave these on for now, but in time you will beg for me to strip them from your body.”
The first slap on her ass was unexpected and she jumped. The second hurt a little more. He continued to spank her with his bare hand. It stung, but it was not overly painful. He moved from cheek to cheek in a constant rhythm. She felt her cheeks grow warm. The sting became a soft burn and she tried to move away from the constant swinging hand. It was pointless.
The burn became an uncomfortable heat and tears flowed from her eyes.
“Had enough,” he whispered in a thick voice.
She shook her head ‘yes’.
“Then just say your safe phrase.”
Now she understood. He would not take her until she asked him too. She shook her head ‘no.’
“Very well.”
His hand gently rubbed her cheeks. The coolness of it felt wonderful, but the contact made her burn even more and it became an uncomfortable itch. She sighed when he stopped.
“Perhaps this will be better,” he said.
She heard a ripping sound. It was tape. He spread her ass cheeks and then used large strips of tape to secure them open. Zest could feel the cool air on her exposed anus. She was humiliated to be held in such an open position. A thick finger gently circled her rosebud and she shivered at the contact. There was a moment of pressure and she was certain he would enter her, but he stopped. Her body continued to betray her and she felt her hard clit push against the material of her panties. She prayed her would not feel her there.
Then the hard leather paddle came down on her ass and she screamed into her gag. He paddled her again and again. First on one check and then the other. It burned and the tears streamed down her face. She wondered if a person could die from a spanking.
“Do you want to use your safe phrase?” She refused to answer.
She heard movement at the table.
“Perhaps,” he said, “this will change your mind.”
She felt a sharp sting. He used a riding crop now and the small contact surface was like a bee sting. He only applied a few hits to her cheeks and then his attention moved to her anus. He whipped her anus with the crop. It hurt, but was also strangely erotic. She felt the warmth grow in her pussy as her clit strained for release. She almost wished her would turn it on her pussy.
He seemed to sense her enjoyment and stopped.
“I told you some of it you would find pleasurable.”
She felt a cool thick liquid trail across her burning cheeks. Some of it pooled on her anus. Then his strong hands worked the soothing balm into her skin. He worked closer and closer to her anus. He circled it teasingly and her breath quickened. She could not prevent herself from attempting to raise her hips to meet his probing finger.
Without warning and in one quick movement he thrust his finger into her ass. She was tight and shuddered and bucked under the intrusion. She was humiliated to feel an orgasm build within her loins. He thrust harder and harder and she approached the edge. She felt a powerful orgasm coming on. Then he stopped and pulled his finger out. She was filled with an anxious disappointment.
“You need to earn it,” he said without emotion.
He spun the device and again she was facing him
He went to the table and returned with a strange instrument. It was silver handled and at the tip was a small wheel with angry little spikes. He placed it at her neck and rolled it down her chest. The spikes were sharp and in some places, she saw small beads of blood where they pierced her skin. He worked it across her breast and she realized his destination. The small spikes dug into her hard nipples. The mixture of pain and pleasure was almost unbearable to her sensitive skin. He left her left nipple and the wheel drew a line towards the right. He lifted his veil high enough to take her left nipple in her mouth. As the sharp wheel abused her right nipple, her sucked, bit, and licked her left. The nipple in his mouth grew harder yet and she felt another orgasm approach. Her hips pushed up slightly, but again he stopped before she achieved orgasm.
She panted through the gag; in her excited state, she could not get enough air through her nose. He left her for a moment and she calmed a little. He returned and stood over her with a large candle in his hand.
“This may be uncomfortable,” he said in that same deadpan voice.
He lowered the candle over her left breast and then tipped it slightly. The hot wax dripped onto her breast. It burned, but it also sent an electric shock through her body. He moved the candle in a clockwise direction and covered her outer breast with the hot wax. Each circle drew the wax closer to her hard nipple. As the wax cooled it made a hardened case around her breast. When he finished only her areoles and nipples were uncovered. He repeated the process with her right breast. When he finished the cool air teased her nipples even more. They felt so exposed and sensitive. He leaned over and licked each of them with a long stroke of his tongue. Then he returned to the table and she saw him reach into a small plastic bowl.
He returned with something cupped in his hand. He took hold of it with two fingers and showed her. It was an ice cube. He brought it to her captive nipple and swirled it around and then over. The coldness was painful and the rush of blood hardened her nipples further. First, he tortured one and then the other. Back and forth, he went until the cube was just a small shard. Her nipples felt almost numb.
From the table he selected two small wires. Each had a weight attached to one end and the other end had a small noose. Zest understood immediately. He attached the small hooks to each nipple and then let go of the weights. It pulled the noose tighter and at the same time pulled her nipples downward in the direction of the weight. As the weights gently swung, they pulled her nipples back and forth. The sensation was both painful and incredibly pleasurable. Her pussy throbbed and she felt again on the edge of orgasm.
He bent over and picked up another candle. He gave each weight a push to keep them in motion and watched her struggle with her pleasure and pain.
“You will probably cum,” he said as he tipped the candle over and allowed the wax to pour onto her nipple.
A powerful orgasm ripped through her as the wax burned at her tender nipple. A second equally strong wave gave voice to her load moan as he poured wax on the second nipple. Zest shook and quivered and her hips thrust against the bounds. She had never felt anything so strong and it was almost painful. When it passed, she laid back exhausted.
He removed the wires and unceremoniously peeled the wax from her breasts. She wondered what would happen next, but it did not take long to discover. He moved to her lower body. Crotched between her legs he pushed the wet fabric of her panties aside.
“Lucky that you wax,” he said, “I would have had to pluck each hair from you.”
He spread her lips and again she heard the sound of the tape roll. He used it to tape each side back and again her most private area was exposed to the cool air. He did something to the bottom of her wooden prison and she felt her legs pushed up and her knees bent. Now he had perfect access to both her open pussy and open anus.
“Do you know what this is?” He asked as he held up a strange device.
She shook her head ‘no.’ It looked like an electric toothbrush. However, in place of the brush was a short wire that looped at the end.
“It’s my own making,” he said as he considered the instrument. “The wire delivers an electric current. Pleasurable or painful depending on how much power one applies and for how long.” As he talked he gently rubbed her clit and she felt it stiffen against his finger.
“Do you remember you safe phrase?” he asked
She did not respond. He roughly drove his finger up her ass and she moaned.
“Do you?”
She shook her head in the affirmative.
“You will need it, I promise.”
He left his finger in her ass and lowered the metal loop to her hard clit. He wrapped it around and then pulled gently until the small noose tightened around the base. He pulled a little harder.
“We will start slow,” he said and turned on the instrument.
The current created a strange sensation on her clit and it seemed to grow even more. He turned it up and she felt her clit start to vibrate with a life of its own. The pleasure became intense. He slowly thrust his finger deeper into her anus and then pulled back out. He drove it in again and twisted.
When he turned the power up, the pleasure ebbed between breathtaking and painful. Her hips began to thrust onto his impaling finger. Zest was humiliated that she felt a strong desire for him to put his fingers in her pussy.
The pleasure became maddening. Unlike the breast torment, as pleasurable as the current was, she only approached the edge of orgasm, but could not get over the top. The need for release became unbearable. She tried to thrust harder onto his finger but her pulled back and would not allow it. Even in the cold air, she broke out in a sweat.
Through the gag, she whispered, “Please.”
“Please, what?” he asked.
“Please.” She repeated
“You must ask,” he said and turned the current up another notch.
She was so close that she was losing her mind; she needed release more than anything else. It did not matter what happened afterwards, just that she be allowed to cum.
“Please, please,” she begged. Then finally, she said it, “Please fuck me hard.”
He stood up and she saw that his pants were gone. His penis was large and hard. He used his free hand and ripped her panties from her in one pull. He did not remove the device from her clit. He placed his large phallus at her open lips and then in one hard thrust he was completely inside of her.
Zest came immediately. Her body shock hard, as he continued to fuck her in long hard strokes. A second orgasm quickly crested the first and she strained in pleasure against her bounds. He kept at her with deep stabs. Her body became a series of long quaking release. Then she felt him explode inside her. A stream of hot liquid sprayed inside brought her to a final orgasm.
He lay on top of her for only a moment and then slid his cock out. There was a fleeting moment of sudden emptiness and she felt almost sad. Then she considered his next move and a small fear twisted in her stomach.
He removed her gag, then released her head and arms. He left her lower body secured but she could easily undo those now that her arms were free. He leaned over and considered her for a moment. Then he stood and used his hand to indicate the still open door.
“You may go,” he said, “Or you may stay,” his hand pointed to the other corner of the room where she could now turn enough to see a bed. “The choice is yours.”
He turned to walk away. Her voices sounded gritty but she managed to speak.
“What about you?” she asked.
He turned back to her.
“If you stay I will be back tomorrow night, but I warn you I may not come alone.”
The thought frightened and excited her.
“And if I go?”
“Then we will never see each other again.”
“I will stay,” she whispered.
“The choice is yours, but to stay or to go is the only decision you will ever be allowed.”
“I understand.”
“We shall see,” he said and then turned and disappeared through the door. He closed it behind him and she heard the sound of the lock turn.
She released herself and went to the bed. Still naked she got under the warm blankets. Where she expected a soft pillow, her head came to rest on a hard object. She sat up and looked at the object in the candle light. It was the contents of her package. A book entitled, “Bondage and Servitude. A Doctrine for Submission.” She smiled and placed the book on the floor. She closed her eyes and slept.
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