Chapter 1: Cleaning Up, Inside and Out
My eyes open and it’s as dark as it was when my eyes were closed. I woke up because I tried rolling over but couldn’t. I try rolling over again and feel myself lying on what feels like a exam table my wrists are tied above my head and to the side however. I can’t pull my hands down. I try my feet and feel my ankles tied to something too. My body is spread eagle tied in place unable to move much at all. I feel my back resting on a padded surface, not quite a bed more like a exam table. Finally I realize after a moment I’m completely naked. The room is pitch black and fairly warm so I didn’t notice it before. As I squirm I feel the lack of clothing brushing against my body.
I try to look around but don’t see anything at all. Then I try tugging at my wrists and ankles seeing how secure the bindings are and find out they are secure, not even budging a bit. Starting to feel the onset of panic I look around more frantically for a door or anything.
Suddenly a door opens spilling bright light into the dark room I see the silhouette of someone enter the room. The light blinds me and I close my eyes. Not seeing a woman with long hair and wearing a corset, thigh high boots and gloves holding a long springy, riding crop in her hand. The woman walks up to the table I’m secured to, and I open my eyes blinking trying to get them to focus until I finally can see her. I’m completely lost for words. She has a clipboard in her hand and seems to be going over it.
Finally I find my voice and the first thing I can’t think of saying comes out of my mouth, “let me go.”
The woman looks at me a few seconds her gaze cold and calculating, and then she delivers a sharp stinging smack to my thigh with the riding crop. I yelp in surprise and shift positions a bit my eyes watering from the sudden surprising sting. There is a bright red mark on my skin where the crop hit. She giggles lightly and shakes her head, “No boy, first rule is you do not give orders.”
I wince outwardly and try to pull my hands down o protect me extremely open and vulnerable body. Just realizing how close the crop came to hitting me right in the balls and cock. My mind races and I try to think of something to say that won’t get me another strike with that crop. Finally I just ask, “Why am I here.
She turns around and walks to the side, “You’re here because you’re a little slutty slave boy, who showed some potential for training.”
The woman goes to the side where a table and cabinets are she rummages around placing a few items on a moveable table with wheels while I frown and contemplate her answer. I can’t see these things however hard I try and she pulls the table behind my head where they are out of my view.
I am lost for words again when suddenly something is slipped over my head covering my eyes first. Then I feel it pulled down more and something pushed into my mouth. I try to close my mouth but feel myself biting down on a gag. Feeling a squeeze around my head tells me it’s a hood and it feels like latex. I can breathe so I assume the gag has a hole through the center. I turn my head from side to side making mumbling noises trying to talk but nothing comes out that’s legible.
The woman walks around me, and I hear her muted voice as she manipulates the table making my legs bend and spread, “Yes, little slutty bitch. We know you’re a little sissy who gets hard wearing panties.” I feel my face darken blushing at her comment, glad the hood is there to hide that one reaction. Her hand grips my cock and I feel her pulling at it and lifting it, squeezing, but I can’t see what she is doing.
“Yes, we must clean you all up, inside and out, and get you ready for training” she says and somehow I think she isn’t even talking to me, just thinking out loud. I don’t see her as she grabs a bag of something and tears it open to pull out the little yellow tube and a syringe of some clear liquid. She takes the syringe which has no needle and presses it into my urethra and presses. I feel something cold and gooey push into my urethra and I squirm trying to get away from it.
She sets the now empty syringe down and picks up the yellow tube. She takes her time as she presses the end of the tube to my pee hole and starts to slowly slide it into my urethra. I wince and whimper squirming even more as I try to pull my hips away but I can’t move that much. I feel the catheter slide deeper and deeper then it stops moving. The woman inflates the little bulb at the end as I try to push the tube out I find I can’t. There’s a trickle of urine from the catheter before she clamps it shut. I try to push it out again but can’t and find I cant release my bladder.
Next I feel something press to my asshole what feels like a tube of some sort. The woman pushes the enema tube and wriggles it past my anus into my ass. I fight and try to push it out and she deliver a strike with the quirt to my thigh again making me whimper and hold still. Feeling the enema tube slide deeper then feel something inflate in my ass. I know if I try to push it out the tube won’t come out now.
I try talking around the gag but can’t, I try reasoning with the woman but it comes out as muffled whimpers and grunts. The woman pats my head and I just whimper again laying still feeling my heart pound in my chest. The woman unclamps the enema bag and I feel the warm soapy water start to fill my bowels quickly making me jump and jerk away.
After about a minute the water doesn’t start and I can already feel my belly expanding and the cramps starting trying to squirm more and more, whimpering under the hood that blocks my sight and talking. After another 30 seconds I feel the water stop flowing, my belly is huge and distended, trying to push the water out but I can’t at all.
I hear the woman speak; her voice is distant due to the hood, “Aww that’s alright little one… It’s almost done just hold it while I clean your other side out.” I hear her words and blink it takes me a second to figure out what she means by that. I understand just as her hand grips the base of my cock and holds it in place. My belly already hurts and each time I move it cramps more so I try to hold still while I squirm my hips away but her hand on my cock holds my in place. She takes a syringe and fills it with water and squeezes it into the end of the tube I feel the water fill my bladder. Just a little at first then I feel her to it again and then she does it again. My eyes widen under the hood and I whimper trying to say that’s enough. I can feel the pressure build and the need to piss get worse. She stops filling my bladder and clamps the catheter shut.
My belly hurts now and I need to piss so badly, but I can’t with the catheter clamp shut. She pets my head again and giggles, “Aww so good. You look so full.” My head turns side to side and I start whimpering wanting to be able to release what’s inside me. Trying to beg but it comes out in whimpers and grunts again. The woman walks around and starts kneading my stomach and I gasp arching my body which only causes more cramps.
I lay there and let her have her way with me, my breathing is heavy and my skin is soaked in sweat. After what feels like an eternity the lady deflates the bulb in my asshole and pulls the tube out. I sigh in relief as I start to let all the dirty soapy water out not caring where I let it out on but she suddenly shoves a butt plug up my ass causing me to whimper in frustration.
Next the woman takes the end of the catheter and places it in a small glass unclamping it. A stream of yellowish liquid runs out of the catheter into the glass filling it all the way. I don’t see her as she takes the glass and holds it to the hole in my gag and starts to pour it down. I feel the wet splash of water on my mouth and swallow my mouth dry from the gag and whimpering. Then I taste the slight hint of piss on it and gag, trying to pull my head away realizing where the water came from.
The woman shakes her head and grips my hooded head holding it in place while she pours the rest of the water into the gag. I have nothing to do but swallow of choke on the water, so I swallow it my face flushing in anger and embarrassment. “Good boy, drink it all if you want me to let all that other icky stuff out of you,” she says.
After I swallow it all she goes around me. I don’t see her get the bucket which she places under me before pulling the plug out again and letting me release the soapy dirty enema water out into the bucket. I sigh in release feeling my stomach shrink again and the cramps almost instantly lessen. This goes on for a long few seconds, making me feel my entire body relax.
I feel a small tug on the catheter and feel it pulled from me making me squirm at the strange stingy sensation. Then I sigh in relief once it’s gone. The woman cleans everything up and takes off the hood pulling the gag out of my mouth. I stretch my jaw a bit moving it from side to side feeling it ache a little. The lady then dries the sweat off me with a towel and walks out closing the door and turning the lights off behind her. I’m bathed in darkness and fall asleep after what seems like hours lying awake wondering.
Chapter 2: First Ass Training
My eyes open and its dark again. I sit up and this time I can, but I feel my head hit something; the top of a cage. I look around and see dots of light through the blanket that covers my cage. I try to stretch my legs out but they hit the cage too. It’s only about a 4 foot by 4 foot and 3 foot high cube. As my eyes become accustomed to the low light I can see I’m laying on a blanket in the cage. There’s a water bottle attached to the side of the cage, held upside down, the type you have to suck on.
I can see the door now and see the large padlock locking my door shut. I can only sigh and wait there, so that’s what I do, wait. After about 45 minutes but what seems like a long few hours a door to the room opens, I can hear it. I see a figure walk in and pull the sheet off my cage covering me in bright light.
The woman looks me over as she begins to unlock the cage. She has the same evil riding crop in her hand, and she doesn’t look hesitant to use it. As she unlocks the cage door she speaks, “Well, well you’re awake. That’s good. Now first we will go over some rules.”
I blink and try to sit up again bumping my head again, causing the woman to laugh a little, she continues, “First you don’t have a name, your boy to anyone around here. Second you address any of the ladies around here as Mistress.”
As I listen to her one question rises to my mind and I can’t help, trying to hold it back and stay quiet as long as I can finally asking during a pause in the woman’s speech, “were am I, let me go please.”
I realize just as I say that, it was the wrong thing to say. I see the ladies eye’s narrow and she reaches into the cage, to grab me around the collar. I just realized it was there, they must have put it on when I was sleeping. She pulls me out of the cage and starts swatting my ass as hard as she can with the riding crop. The first swat with the crop is a surprise and makes me jump, the next makes me jump again and try to squirm away, but the woman keeps a hold of my collar and pushes me into the floor so it’s hard to fight. I yelp in pain at the next strike, feeling it on the already flaming and burning flesh of my ass. My eyes water as she delivers 3 more swats each one making me grunt and whimper in pain.
When it’s all done she pulls me up to my knees by my collar and looks my in the eyes with a chastising expression. My ass burn and tingles still, it takes a second for my eyes to focus and the water to leave them. She speaks, “You have already been corrected for that once, now twice. If you do it again you will be punished.”
I nod my head hurriedly and stutter, “y-yes I understand!” The woman’s eyes narrow at me just before I realize what I forgot again and hurriedly add it, “M-mistress.”
She nods then smiles, “Hmm, now where was I? Oh yes, good, the rules. One and Two, Now Three; This thing,” she uses the riding crop on my cock to lift it, “Is not yours to touch,” letting my cock drop, I just nod again slowly.
She reaches onto her belt and grabs a leash from it clipping it to my collar, giving it a firm tug making me fall forward a bit. “Now you have some training and we will see what you are good at. Then place you somewhere.”
That just makes me frown, not entirely sure what training she means or what position but from the looks of it, not something I’m going to like. I feel the lady pull on the collar and I start to get up but she stops me with a sharp, “No! You will crawl.”
My eyes widen and aIblurt out before thinking, “b-but!”
She narrows her eyes again as she looks at me, “We will deal with that later, but we are late, so keep up on hands and knees little puppy.” She chuckles at the name, just making me frown and fume more.
The woman turns and with the leash starts pulling me. If I don’t move I feel the pull on the collar make it tighter and harder to breath, I crawl to her, on my hands and knees. I look up trying to see where we are going but can’t really keep up, trying to not scrape my hands and knees. Whenever I fall behind she gives a vicious tug on the collar making me cough, and rush to her side. Finally we come to a door which she pushes open and pulls me in.
In the center of the room is a exam t able and the room looks like a doctors exam room. I stay on my hands and knees not wanting to get in trouble. Again as she tugs me to the table which I see is more reminiscent of a gyno chair than anything which does not make me feel any better.
She looks me over and nods her head then speaks, “Get up on the table.”
I frown but comply and sit down putting my legs in the stirrup type things, which she then lock my ankles to. I pull at my feet out of instinct feeling way to vulnerable again but my feet don’t budge at all
The woman turns around and goes to a table pulling on a pair of latex gloves and she grabs a tube of lube bringing it over to me along with a table on rollers. I glance over to the table seeing a couple of vicious looking medical tools which make me squirm in place. I feel a cold against my asshole and see its her finger, making me try to pull away but I can’t. Her finger is slipper and I feel it push into my asshole, “First we’ll see how tight this little asshole of yours is, and do some stretching.”
My eyes widen and I shake my head terrified at that idea. But her finger keeps slideing inside me and then she adds another after a moment, making me squirm even more. As she fingers my asshole I feel pre-cum start to cover the head of my cock. The fingers inside me feel strangely good, and my breathing gets heavier.
The lady giggles, “God’s such a little dirty slut we have here.”
After a few more moment of fingering my asshole I feel her hands pull away and then a cold metal against my asshole. I look down but can’t see what’s between my legs now. She pushes with the object I feel the speculum slide into my asshole then stop once it’s in all the way. When it is the woman giggles again and squeezes my cock, the pre-cum still oozing from the head of it. She massages it and squeezes a few times which makes me get semi hard ten she stops.
“Oh we will have to see if you can cum by just being fucked,” she nods to herself as if making a mental post it note of that. She then steps between my legs as she tells me to relax, I feel her starting to open the speculum. My breath races and I try to relax. I try to think of something else not the feeling in my asshole. After a few second I can feel she’s opening the speculum it starts to hurt more and I can’t help but spasm against it and try to clench.
Yelping loud from the pain my eyes water and she holds the speculum open at a certain point. It feels like she’s splitting me in half, I can’t see that it’s only open about 2 inches. She chuckles and stands up again as she goes to a cabinet and takes out a butt plug that’s 2.5 inches in diameter at the base.
I feel the speculum close and she pulls it out of me then takes the plug and starts working it into my asshole. It feels like she’s fucking me with it at first, thrusting it back and forth into my asshole to stretch the tight muscle. I feel the urge to pee get worse and droplets of pre-cum cover my belly.
The woman pushes forward and I feel the full length of the plug slide into me asshole, making me wince a bit. Feeling the notch in the plug where my asshole will rest around. The feeling is slightly uncomfortable and I try pushing it out. The plug moves a little but it’s stuck in their firmly. The lady gives it a firm tap with her finger making me shudder and buck my hips.
“By the end of this you’ll be able to take a fist,” she laughs and I don’t know if she was joking or not.
She grips the base of the plug again and slowly pulls, I feel my asshole stretch around the largest part of the plug then she starts thrusting it back and forth into me. I roll my head back and try to control myself, my breathing coming out in heavy gasps. The pre-cum oozing out of the head of my cock covering my belly in sticky fluid, she keeps fucking me with the plug.
Finally after the urge to piss gets out of control my hips buck and my body shudders clenching around the plug deep in my asshole. My cock spurts a huge load of cum onto my chest, squirt after squirt of it. The lady giggles a bit again and shoves the plug firmly into my ass her fingers scoop up the thick strings of cum on my chest and she lets me see how much it is; I haven’t seen that much cum before, let alone from me.
I try to get my body to relax and try to catch my breath, when she brings her cum covered fingers to my mouth and shoves them in between my lips. I try to close my mouth and she grips my balls with her other hand squeezing and twisting painfully. My mouth opens trying to gasp from the pain and she commands, “Lick them.”
I hesitate at first shaking my head a little which causes her to twist my balls more and I start licking my cum off her fingers, tasting myself, I swallow. Seeing that I obey she loosens her grip on my balls but still holds them threatening to squeeze again if I’m bad. After her fingers are clean she pulls them out of my mouth and pulls the latex gloves off tossing them aside.
“Well well, little ass slut are you.” She laughs and shakes her head patting me on the head again. “You will get plenty of use their,” she adds, as she releases my ankles from the stirrups.
“You will not remove the plug,” she tells me as she pulls me by the leash still on my collar, to the ground, were I get back on all fours, I can feel the plug uncomfortable but somewhat teasing in my ass.
Chapter 3
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