This is not a story you want to read if you are upset easily by non-consensual sex, slavery, humiliation, etc. The primary plot is: a dom turns his sub over to a trainer of sexual submissives in Thailand. Things get worse from there. She may or may not be sold into slavery, she doesn't know. This story doesn't condone that kind of thing, but it makes a powerful fantasy. Fantasy. Get it? FANTASY.
...continued from chapter 1 in which Patricia is brought to Thailand and given into the care of Su Da
Lin, a notorious training of submissives who she met years earlier...
She heard a door open and footsteps approached her.
"I want to explain to you what will happen next." A voice. Su Da Lin. The same Su Da Lin who she and David had played training games with years before. The same Su Da Lin to whom David had turned her over and then vanished this time.
"This is your world now. You will remain in this position. Every day. Until you are an old woman and we retire you. Maybe to sew dresses or make beautiful carpets. Who knows?" Su Da Lin stroked her back gently. "You will be restrained like this from now on. You will be kept in this position all night and all day. Always. Eat, sleep, piss, shit. Here. In this position. Do you understand?"
Patricia swum up from her glaze of exhaustion and pain and tried to digest what the woman was saying. Her eyes were blurry from just waking up. She saw Su Da Lin's face coming closer, felt Su Da Lin's lips on hers and opened her mouth reflexively, leaning back slightly. The tug at her nipples was arousing under Su Da Lin's mouth. It had been last time and was again now. She hated herself for it but felt the arousal between her legs.
"Why?" she whispered but it was a hoarse croak. She didn't realize how dry her mouth and throat were. How long had it been since she'd last drank anything?
Su Da Lin's hand slid along her belly and down to her clitoris, gently touching, that stroke Patricia remembered with fear from last time. It always led to pain. But it was always so exquisite. She tried to raise her hips but her body refused to move. Su Da Lin touched her for only a few seconds and she felt the orgasm rip through her, the pain in her legs and back rushing though her again like fresh fire. She moaned loudly.
Su Da Lin stood up. "Ah yes, as I remembered. I never forget one like you. So easy to cum."
Su Da Lin motioned and from somewhere one of her women appeared with a chair, slid it behind her and she relaxed into it. Patricia couldn't tear her eyes away from the woman's incredible body, sheathed in dark jade colored satin, every inch of it promising infinite pleasure to whomever she chose to touch.
"Your David has given you to us. We however have not found anyone who wants you. Not even for a weekend. Your portfolio has been distributed to our usual customers but so far..." she shrugged, "...nobody is interested."
"That is just as well. David also told us about your indiscretions. Crimes really. And you really do need to be disciplined for those. Hence, the pole."
She stood up, leaned forward, ran a finger down Patricia's spine. Patricia trembled, jerked upward, screamed as the pain shot through her legs and nipples.
"Yes. This position you are in? Over fifteen hundred years of perfecting, honing, improving, all in order to bring you the punishment you deserve for what you have done to David." Su Da Lin motioned again and one of the women brought a rubber glove. She snapped it onto Su Da Lin's left hand, then coated it with oil. Su Da Lin slid her hand between Patricia's ass cheeks and pushed two fingers into her. She slid them slowly in and out while she talked.
"Starting tomorrow, the doors will be opened. Anyone is free to make use of your anus. Your bung. Your asshole. They do not need to pay, they do not need to ask. I do not even need to know them. You are now a public commodity."
Su Da Lin removed her fingers, snapped off the glove and dropped it on the floor.
"In a few days, you will leave here. One of the women in town will be responsible for you. It will be at her discretion if, when, and what you will be fed. If and when you will be bathed. Allowed to sleep. She will most likely use you as a lure to bring men into her small compound, then offer them one of her other girls. Prettier. Younger. The ones they will pay for. And, if they are not interested, or do not want to spend money, they can use you. For free."
Patricia's head was spinning. "...if...you will be fed..."? They couldn't leave her to starve. Surely, this was some game of David's. He'd show up any time now and take her home. Her body was nearly numb, the pain had stopped shifting and settled into a low-level throb. As they always had before with Su Da Lin, life had settled into an equilibrium of agony.
After a few minutes of silence, Su Da Lin spoke up. "I am quite surprised. Most women in this position beg, plead, negotiate. You remain silent. Why is this? Are you so comfortable with the prospect of being at the mercy of complete strangers on the streets of Bangkok?"
Patricia didn't answer, there was nothing to say.
"I will explain the things that I've explained to the others. You are free to ask for food and drink. You may try and negotiate with the men who use you, though they know this punishment well enough to understand that you are completely powerless. Many of them will not even speak English, the rest will likely not care what becomes of you. You have nothing to offer them that they cannot take for free.
"You may also try to find a sponsor. Someone who will pay for your company for a day, or a week, of a year. The price for you is now 10,000 Zambian Dollars for twenty-four hours. That is quite a bit of money for a day laborer but not so much for a professional man. If you can find a sponsor, they may take you home and use you in whatever capacity they choose. Cook, maid, whore, laborer. For as long as they choose. Once they pay for you, your fate is completely in their hands. Some men have come by to lease women for their labor camps." She shook her head. "Exhausting work."
Patricia tried to ask a question but her throat clenched.
"10,000 Dollar in Zambian." Su Da Lin crouched in front of Patricia again, touched her upper lip with a long fingernail. "I love that currency. It sounds so impressive. So much better than 500 bhat. Or two dollars seventeen cents American."
She stood up and walked away slowly. "Probably more than you're worth, but then, these men are not rich. " Su Da Lin closed the door and the room went dark again.
Patricia came to abruptly as someone shoved his cock deep inside her ass. She jerked upward and howled as the chains holding her nipples jerked tight. Her thigh muscles quivered from their efforts to keep her balanced. Her hands were useless - her elbows were secured to her waist by latex bands, she would move her hands up and down but not far enough to be of any real use.
The man inside her pumped fast and hard. She noticed something missing. It was the cushion that had been holding the small of her back. Su Da Lin had some mercy after all, she thought, then thought twice as the man pounded deep and hard into her. Each thrust renewed the pain shooting through the backs of her legs and down her calves. She clenched her ass each time the pain hit and she heard him grunt each time she clenched. He shoved harder to get past the tight muscle, finally unloading inside of her. Without a word, he pulled out with a small sound. She looked behind her and saw a gob of cum splash to the floor between her feet.
"Water?" she asked hoarsely. He continued pulling up his pants. He pulled up his zipper then bucked her belt. "Water, please?" He walked out the door. She never saw his face, really never saw anything above his knees. She shivered, realizing that this was probably all she would ever see again. She would be begging men to buy her without even knowing what they looked like. She might be bought by anyone, anyone.
That day, three more men came to use her. With each passing hour, she grew more fatigued and dizzy. Her begging was more desperate with each one, her frustration growing and her sense of helplessness engulfing her like a dark, dark blanket. The lights went out. Night time? she wondered. Or maybe the opposite. Maybe they only used her at night. She would probably never know, never see daylight again. The thought plunged her deeper into her abyss.
The door opened and she heard footsteps approach. She felt something cool against her chin, then her lips. Someone was holding a bowl of water for her. She lapped it up like an animal, splashing most of it onto the floor but savoring each slurp like a fine wine. Then, she felt something against her lips and opened them. Something that tasted like beef jerky went between her lips. She bit, chewed and swallowed. It occurred to her that she hadn't eaten in...how long? She had no way to tell.
Several more bites and then another bowl of water. Finally, the figure walked out of the room and closed the door, leaving as silently as it had come.
Patricia's body erupted with pain again and her eyes shot open. The room was light and she was surrounded by several people. Someone had nudged her nipple chain with a toe.
"Today, we take you to the enclosure," she heard Su Da Lin's voice. "No more you waste space in my place of business."
Someone removed the alligator clips quickly. She swooned as a fresh flare of pain flooded through her body. Then, she felt the shoes being taken off of her feet. Two very large men gripped her around the waist and slid her sideways off of the pipe. She couldn't support herself, couldn't even straighten herself up. They lowered her to the ground and she remained folded over in a V, not even able to muster the strength to curl up.
Gingerly, she tried straightening out her legs but couldn't. Fear gripped her. She could feel her legs, the cool floor scraping against her naked flesh. She could move her toes and feet, but the muscles of her hips and thighs were rubber. She pressed her hands into the floor and tried to raise herself to a sitting position but was too weak. Hunger? Exhaustion?
Su Da Lin stood over her and leaned down slightly.
"You are tired, you have been in that position for a very, very long time. Your body is tired. Your body will heal. You will make a good slave." She nudged Patricia with her toe. "Show me your cunt."
Patricia rolled onto her back as well as she could. Her waist and knees remained bent, but she was able to present herself in the knees-spread position Su Da Lin had favored last time. She put her hands between her legs and splayed her cunt open with her fingertips.
"Ah, now I know why you are not worried. Your training. Your obedience. You think this makes you valuable." Su Da Lin leaned close to her and whispered. "You think he will come back. But you are wrong. He is not coming." She paused. "And I do not need you."
She stood up. "You are now no more or less useful than any other girl here. You know I am correct, don't you? You may be a novelty, a white woman who has been trained in a variety of ways, but you are no more valuable than any of the other girls here. Do not fool yourself. The life you knew is over. You can be bought for a day for one British pound. That is less than one of these tourists pays for a souvenir hat."
Patricia felt herself plunged deeper into despair as Su Da Lin turned and walked out of the room.
Patricia was set up in a small outdoor enclosure on a dead-end dirt road. There were three other women there as well. Patricia was the only one undergoing the punishment, the others were scantily dressed whores who took their men inside private rooms and serviced them on mats. The enclosure was owned by a woman named Loo. She made her living catering to foreign day laborers who came to Thailand looking for cheap weekend adventures. They were mostly fat, sweaty, loud, and rude. They treated the women like property and Patricia was the lowest on the totem pole. Occasionally, one of the maids in the nearby hotels would send her a tourist from Europe or America. On a good weekend, they would tell their friends and come back in groups, dropping the kind of money that Loo had only dreamed about before coming to work for Su Da Lin. Usually, she had her girls service the men and passed on a percentage to Su Da Lin. Sometimes she did special favors. Like taking on Patricia's punishment. Su Da Lin paid extra for that too.
Su Da Lin had given Loo a portable version of the restraint device. The base was a three foot square steel plate with two vertical poles attached. Patricia was bent over at the waist, a wide leather belt at the small of her back kept her pressed hard against the first cushion. The second pole had a simple six-inch length of rough wood screwed to the top which was pressed up between her breasts. She wasn't secured to that, she could rest on it or raise herself up, whatever she chose. This seemed like a bit of freedom, but she would learn otherwise as the weeks went by. Her body's natural tendency was to rise up off of the wood while she was being fucked, but when she settled back down, she inevitably wedged one of her tits underneath herself, pinching it between chest and wood. She'd chafe her chest against the rough wood trying to get back into a less painful position, leaving small scratches that stung when her sweat dripped into them. Two wide leather straps held her arms in place, one just above her tits and the other at her elbows. Her hands just hung loose and useless, emphasizing her helplessness.
The high heels were gone and she was not forced into the squatting position, which was a relief. Also, the alligator teeth nipple clamps had been replaced by the clover type. Each of these had a hoop attached which swung freely in front of her. On the platform, she could see a variety of lead weights, each with a hook attached to the top. She knew from experience exactly how those items would be used on her.
The first few days in the compound were quiet for her. The men continued to come and go, paying Loo to use one of the three younger women, casting strange glances at Patricia as they walked by. It had been a long time since anyone had undergone the punishment and they were not exactly sure what the rules were. Besides, most of the locals had their favorites already.
Patricia saw that Loo would often intercept the men after they had finished with their girls, chatting with them and pointing at Patricia. Many of them shook their heads and walked away. Others nodded and laughed, giving Loo a few coins, then walking over to her. They'd run their hands across the skin of her back, reach underneath and cup her titties in their hands, then stand behind her, pushing their fingers up inside her bottom. She'd moan and squirm, pressing down hard against the cushion, trying to extract at least some little bit of pleasure from the inspection. After no more than a few minutes, the men would pull their fingers out of her. Loo or one of the other women would hand the man a damp towel to clean his fingers and he would leave.
For the first several days, nobody used her. She simply remained in her exposed position, skin damp with sweat during the hot Thai afternoons, dozing fitfully and waking shivering all through the cool Thai nights. The boredom was horrible, agonizingly frustrating. She could see down the alleyway to the main street. People walked by doing going about their business, oblivious to her there - completely helpless and available. Often, during those first few days, she'd try to touch herself but her hands were in the wrong position - the way she was secured at the elbows prevented it. She tried to grind against the cushion, but the surface was flat and she couldn't get enough friction against her clit to do more than excite and then frustrate herself.
Occasionally, a man or a group of men would walk down the alley, inspect her, chat with Loo, but inevitably they left. Patricia thought she knew why. Su Da Lin had explained to her than anal sex was considered the lowest form of deviant sexual behavior amongst the Thai people. That was why the punishment she was enduring was considered so terrifying. While many of the men enjoyed it, nobody talked about it. It was kept in the darkest corners of their fantasies. For a women to be on display like this, to be offering herself to be used this way, ranked her lower than even the cheapest crack whore or sickest pervert.
Word began getting around town about the American woman undergoing one of Su Da Lin's punishments at Loo's compound. Men began showing up now. Mostly in the middle of the night, mostly silent. Since it was late, she was usually asleep. They would slide quietly into the compound, drop their pants around their knees, and fuck her quickly, then leave just as silently. She'd wake up when they first pushed into her, moaning to try and keep them turned on, then make her plea for some food or water. Mostly, they ignored her. They were nervous enough about being there, fucking this women in the ass, wondering if they might be seen by someone. The last thing they wanted to do was engage in conversation. They'd simply use her, wipe themselves off on the rag than hung from the post, and leave. Patricia would drop back off to sleep until the next man arrived.
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