More episodes of this series *may* be available on my site at MistressPriya.com
It was almost midnight, but a few minutes were still left which meant that it was still May 15th, Tuesday. I could still clearly remember the 16th of last month, when I went over to Priya’s place and told her that I wanted to be her slave. After an initial violent rejection, she eventually came to accept me as her pet. After all, she would just be using me and throwing me away: our D/S relationship wouldn’t get in the way of anything in her life. That day, she allowed me to massage the intimate parts of her body, and laid a stipulation that I couldn’t whack off for a whole month and that we wouldn’t even talk for the whole month. So here I was, staring away at the second hand of the clock as it climbed up the Everest that was the left semi-circle of the clock and reached 11:59 PM. I picked up my phone from the desk and scrolled down the contacts to find “Priya.Goddess.” I began to think about what I would do now- would I actually give her a call at this hour?
The last thirty days were supposed to be the happiest days of my life. I had become her slave, all my dreams had come true. But the no-masturbation clause proved insurmountable. I would spent every day and every night being horny for her, with no outlet for the pent-up sexual energy. All I could do was devise a few ways to stop myself from wanting it so desperately, and some of the methods are too disgusting to mention.
I stared at the clock some more. It was nearing 12AM, but I wasn’t at all sleepy. My heart rate seemed inversely proportional to the number of seconds left for midnight. My cock screamed for me to call her up, but my hands shivered at the thought of obeying such an order. After all, I was her slave. I didn’t have the right to wake her up if she wasn’t awake, or ask her to dominate me just because I was feeling horny- there was hardly any time when I wasn’t.
The clock struck twelve. It was officially the thirtieth day I had gone without yanking myself, per the wishes of the owner of my soul, my beautiful neighbor and my Goddess Priya. Would I be allowed to put myself to sleep the usual way today, was I allowed to make such a drastic assumption being just a slave? That’s when I thought of something. She was, after all, my neighbor. I could easily find out whether she was awake or not by the light in her room. It wasn’t conclusive, but it was worth a shot, so I opened the door and climbed the stairway leading up to my terrace. I got on the terrace and looked towards her little green house in the distance, which at this time was black like all the other houses. There was a light coming from her house, and upon careful inspection I concluded that it was indeed coming from her room. It was time for action.
I quickly got down the stairs into my room and picked up the phone. Just as I was about to hit the call button, my phone gave me the call screen, with the name of “Priya.Goddess”. It wasn’t the blue arrow, indicating an outgoing call, rather it was a green arrow which meant she was calling up! I hit the answer button and began our little conversation.
“Hello, Priya.”
“Hi, Suhas.” She said. Her voice had a ring to it. She most certainly was up and awake.
“Priya, I was just going to call you up.”
“Good. Now did you keep your promise like I had asked you to?” Priya asked.
“I haven’t yanked myself in thirty days, Priya.”
“And how does that feel?”
“I’m horny as hell, Priya.”
She giggled for a while before talking. “Alright. Do you want to come over to my place now?”
“Now? You mean, now? Midnight?”
“But.. my mother is sleeping in the next room. What if I get caught?”
“Stay quiet and you won’t get caught.” Priya said. “Slip out of the house and lock the door. Even I know that your house keys are on the fridge, so lock it quietly and come over without making the slightest noise.”
My heart began to glow from those instructions. I’d never done anything so sneaky before. So I said, “I’ll do it” and climbed down the stairs. I found the house keys, slipped into my sandals and unlocked the door. Very quietly, I slipped out the house and headed for my gate. Even as I touched the gate, it sounded a little clang that would possibly wake people up. So I turned left for the compound wall and jumped to reach the top. I pulled myself up and then jumped over to the street; my heart was never this excited hitherto. My mind began to concoct movies about what Priya would have me do for her today, at this hour…maybe we would spend the night together as mistress and slave.
The night was, however, very cold and windy. In the dim moonlight, I could hardly see what I was stepping into, on the streets. There were a few sodium vapor lamps here and there but the darkness gaps between them were huge, lengthy and scary. Before long, I encountered a pack of dogs viciously fighting and barking with each other for some stolen morsel of food. Or maybe they were making love, I couldn’t tell- their eyes were all I could see from the distance. The pack moved from the left side of the road to the right, and continued their fray at the center. I continued to walk along the street, staying as far away from the dogs as I could, and that proved to work. Soon, I reached the next cross and turned left to see Priya’s house. It was dark on the outside, her room’s light was on at the side.
Scared stiff by the time I reached the front gate, I called up the Goddess’s cellphone. “Coming,” was the only word in this conversation. About one minute I spent in the darkness, shivering before her house for a different reason than the last time. The front door squeaked open and her figure stepped towards the gate. “Hey, why are you outside? Come in.”
“Your gate would make a noise.”
“Jump over, sissy boy.” Priya said, pointing to the pedestal of the gate. Although it was about seven feet tall, I was able to climb over easily, after which I made a hard landing from there to the floor. Priya giggled as she saw me wince in pain from the high jump, mumbled “idiot” and went inside. I quickly followed her in, leaving my footwear at her portico. “This is not going to be as easy as last time,” she whispered, once we were safely inside the living room.
“Why?” I asked in a whisper.
“Parents are in their room.” Priya gestured towards her parents’ room at the left. “We can’t turn on this chandelier, that would wake them up,” she pointed to the top.
“Oh! What about your room?”
“Not entirely safe.” Priya led me into her room. Her bed was to the right side of the room, and Vidya’s was out on the left and she was sleeping sound on it. Her head was flowing out of the bed, she was under a thick red rug sleeping warm and snoring away. “Vidya is out like a light. But I plan to make a lot of noise today, so we can’t afford to disturb her.”
“Oh that’s true,” I bowed down in despair. “So where can we go?”
Priya pointed her thumb to her right. I turned that way, to see a closed door, so I approached it and slowly opened its bolt. Even in the darkness, I could see giant structures of porcelain and figured out what it was. “A bathroom?” I gulped.
“Yup.” Priya giggled. “It should suffice for what we do, right?” she asked, winking at me.
“That’s right.” I said, although I couldn’t imagine how I would possibly massage her buttocks in there but she obviously had something completely different planned for this session, and I didn’t dare ask her what it is. I just walked in and stood under the shower taps, in front of her large brown bathtub on the tiled floor. There were two bathroom stools shaped and designed like dice placed below the full length bathroom mirror. The floor was slightly wet, but not unworkable. It was, after all, a bathroom.
Priya walked inside, turned on the light and bolted the bathroom door shut. This was the first time that night I actually observed what she was wearing. It was a long, green Salwar Kameez with a chessboard kind of design, golden thread borders for the individual squares, embroidered below the neck, over the breasts. The sleeves were long, and covered her arms completely, and the loose chudidar (pyjama) was of a matching green color. These weren’t clothes that one expects an Indian girl to be wearing at midnight, especially not a promiscuous girl like Priya who is especially proud of her skin. These were more like classy party-wear, that covered a bit too much of her beauty. However, I could still feel a flow of blood pumping into my cock to greet her with solid, erect respect. She wasn’t less beautiful than when she wore the mini-skirt, she was just a different flavor of beautiful.
“Wow,” only one word came out of my mouth.
“I know.” Priya gave her usual response for comments about her looks.
“But Priya, it’s midnight…”
“I know.” Priya said. “I wanted to try out a theory. For this, I need to be well-dressed and you…”
I turned to the full-length mirror to my right and saw how terrible I looked. I hadn’t combed my hair, I was in a black t-shirt which read “24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?” and faded brown bermuda shorts. This was no way to present myself to a Goddess. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, no need.” Priya smiled. “I was going to say that you should be nude.”
“Oh?” I asked, my eyes twitching left and right.
“What did you expect?” Priya asked. “You say that you haven’t yanked yourself in thirty days. Now I do have to verify that for myself, shouldn’t I?”
“Oh yes.” I said. After all, in all the femdom porn I ever watched, the male was always nude. So I began with my t-shirt.
“You have college tomorrow?” Priya asked, leaning towards the back wall.
“Yeah. What about you?” I asked, since we were in small-talk or foreplay stage anyway.
“I do,” she said sounding neither happy nor sad. “We are going to be such zombies tomorrow!”
“Yeah.” I placed my shirt on the hanger and then went for my shorts.
“You know that you’re wrong, don’t you?” she asked, somewhat out of the blue.
“Wrong about what?”
“You think that being my slave will do you good. But it won’t.”
“I beg to differ…”
“I will progressively make this harder for you,” Priya said, “until you break.”
“Which is based on the presumption that I have a breaking point.” I snickered. There was hardly anything that I wouldn’t bear for the girl, the Goddess if she wanted.
“I’ll show you soon, once you lose that.” Priya said, gesturing to my underpants. I quickly got rid of them and stood before her, my body bent over like a banana. She took a good look at my penis and acknowledged its presence with a mocking smile and a nod.
“Err,” I looked around, “you see, it’s winter so it would shrink…”
“Actually, it’s not all bad,” Priya said, “You’re not a boyfriend candidate or anything. For a slave, that will do.”
“Oh good.”
“Now, we’ll start.” Priya turned serious. “I’m a Mistress and you’re just a slave.” I felt a bright, glowing ring around my heart as she burned me with her big brown eyes. “Kneel,” she ordered, pointing to the wet floor before her. I looked for the dryest spots to bring my knees down on, and I did. “You say you haven’t masturbated for thirty days, slave?”
“True, my Goddess.”
Priya stepped closer, and as she did, I felt warm waves of electricity emanate from my gut and spread across my heart. She fixed the glasses on her nose for a moment before bending over. She placed her left hand on my neck and strangled it slightly as she lowered her right hand down to my dick. I closed my eyes as I felt her fingers reach into my manhood and catch the snake in her hand. She wrapped her hand around it and gave it a tight squeeze, causing me to let out a little joyful whine, or perhaps I was too ticklish, given that this was the first time a girl’s fingers had ever probed them. She then raised up the snake and sent her fingers in between the testicles, examining the size of the skin bag formed between them. I closed my eyes tight and told myself to stay still. I tried to lose myself in the delicious, feminine smell of her neck which, even at this hour, was simply intoxicating. To distract myself further, I began to have random thoughts about her becoming a doctor once she completed her courses in three years and how amazing she would be at that job. Her fingers soon stopped fiddling with my delicates and she stood back up to lean against the back wall. I looked up to her for approval.
“Good,” she said. “It looks like you thought about me a lot, but never had an orgasm for thirty days.”
“Th…thanks, Priya,” I was nervous despite the obvious positive result. “How did you know?”
“You have vasocongestion,” Priya said.
“Oh no!” I caught my head and sunk into the wet tiles. “I knew I’d get a disease…”
“Hey it’s not a disease,” she laughed, “it’s also called blue balls.”
“Oh that!” I was right back up to my kneel. “That was inevitable.”
“Right,” Priya turned serious again. “Now it’s time to fix it.”
My heart began to pound from her statement, screaming the words “oh no! oh no!” louder with each circulation.
“I am going to break you now,” Priya grinned, “with a terribly simple game. It’s called infinite wet slaps. Guess what I’ll do to you now?”
“You’ll keep on slapping me with wet hands until I give up and run home to mommy.” I guessed.
“Almost.” Priya said. “You see, I’m going to slap your wet face until you give up.”
“Should I go to the wash basin…?”
“No, stay there.” Priya said. In a split-second, she brought her face down before mine and carefully spat on my forehead. “Pthoo.” The viscous fluid flowed down to my nose and split into two streams at the bridge. “If I split along your hairline, it’ll spread everywhere,” she mused. She gathered up what seemed like a ton more of saliva in her mouth and sent a ball of it like a projectile, hitting my eyebrows and pouring down my cheek. She did the same on my other eyebrow, but that wasn’t quite as accurate- the spit ball went into my eye and remained there. “Aww, I have to try again,” she said, preparing her mouth for the next assault. This time, the she hit the spot below the hair, exactly where she aimed. I tried to open my eyes for a moment, but saw a wet windshield, with rain pouring down and a dysfunctional, rather absent, wiper system to clean it off. I simply closed my eyes, tightened my skin and felt her spit crawl all over my face.
“Good,” she concluded, after eighteen vicious, wet spits. My eyes wouldn’t know whether to open to the proposition she was going to slap me hard. I felt her left hand catch my neck, bringing my head closer. Her right hand performed the wet slap, with a full swing from behind her shoulders. My ears began to beep like a fire alarm from the impact of one, while my brain tried to prepare itself for the next one- as she had said that each slap would be harder than the last. “Let me practice left hand slapping,” she said, switching her hands. The left hand went up and landed five dents on my wet cheek, but the impact wasn’t nearly as well-trained as her right hand. But she had the whole night to practice. The left hand went back up and landed over on my face, relentless and persistent. Priya paused after the practice to observe my eyes- my tears seemed to be mixed indistinguishably with her spit, but my lips made the expression more than clear. “Aww, look at you, you cry baby.”
“W..why?” I broke down. “Do you want me to go home or what?”
“Of course not,” Priya said, gesturing down to my midsection. I turned down to see what she was indicating. “It looks like we’re both having a lot of fun.”
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing- my cock was erect and aroused. I began to wonder, at which point did I start to get an erection? Priya’s hands spoiled the party, trapping me in a tight strangle to deliver a few more nasty slaps to my face. She grunted as she delivered them, much like a tennis player would when returning a fast ball, but the faint picture of her face in the bathroom light still vividly showed her smile. She was turning sadistic, as compared to the angry version of her slapping me the last time.
“We’ve run out.” Priya said.
“Run out of what?” I held back from asking.
“Lubricant,” Priya giggled, catching my face and bringing me up to her face. Her lips converged as she gathered more saliva from the bottomless well, and shot it forth to the center of my face. I dropped down, with no hope of resistance. With three more spits, she re-lubricated my face for the slaps. After which a dozen more slaps followed. She didn’t even have to strangle my neck this time, the right hand entered when I was about to fall over to the right. She was simply passing me between her hands with telling force. After a hard session of twelve, she did a 360 turn to deliver the final slap, tossing me over to one of the stools. Even with the paucity of light, breath and thought, I could still notice the obstruction from my over-enthused midsection. It had certainly grown since the last time, by a long way and I never realized when. I landed on the wet tiles with my testicles on the floor, along with the cock and my stomach perched upon her little dice-shaped bathroom stool.
“I can’t believe you actually enjoyed that.” Priya said, flattening the backside of her Salwar Kameez, preparing to sit down on my body.
“It…was…painful,” I mumbled.
“But your cock would beg to differ,” Priya giggled, observing its growth all along. “Okay, let me try something else,” she sat down with her butt on my neck, pressing me down to the stool even harder. “Time for a little spanking, Mister Suhas?” she asked in a cute voice, raising her hand and landing it hard on my butt. This time, I felt it clear as daylight. Being subjugated naked under her fully clothed body while receiving hard slaps to my ass excited all my senses simultaneously. I felt my snake getting thicker and longer every minute as I sunk into the stool and took it all with a smile. She delivered four hard slaps, and though I went “aah,” each time, she could see my expression in the mirror. She tried to slap harder, but that only reversed the effect so she got up after only eight slaps to my butt.
“You’ll tell me that that was the most delightful experience in a long time,” Priya said, flipping me over to the wet floor.
“Best ever,” I said, my eyes struggling to open as if I’d just had a barrel of vodka. “So, let’s just accept that you can’t break me…”
“Oh I’m going to try one more thing,” Priya said, “before I allow you to have what you want.”
I rolled over with my nude body on the wet bathroom floor and got on my knees before her. “What is this one more thing?”
“Come closer,” she ordered. I walked on my knees and moved closer to her. There was a shooting pain in my behind from the hard spanking and it had the shape of her fingers, but it wasn’t nearly as crippling as she’d intended it to be. I was soon seated on my knees before the Goddess. “How would you like it if I kicked your balls?”
“No, please no.”
“How can you possibly have an erection if I’m kicking your thing?” Priya gestured towards my erect delicate, which seemed to be losing its strength every moment. “See, it’s so simple I wonder why I didn’t try this out first.”
“Priya, you might kill me. You’re a doctor, you should know that.”
“But I’m also a Goddess, aren’t I? Slave?” Priya asked. “Which gives me the right to kill whomever I want.” Her right leg went up in the air behind her and paused for a dangerous moment. It swung across and landed right between my testes, bringing me down to her feet with a single kick. I grabbed my groin in my hands and bowed down with my head between her legs.
“You don’t have the right to defend yourself with your hands,” Priya said, turning back to fetch a little rope from the attic. Once she had it in her hands, she stood over my body, now closed up like a clamshell. “Bring back your hands,” she ordered. I did as I was told, and she quickly tied my hands together with the piece of rope. I felt her fingers running around to tie a strong knot, then another knot and yet another one. “Now let’s see you get an erection,” she said, going back to her place before me. I slowly opened myself to her and looked up to her smiling.
Her damp foot went up in the air and battered its way into my unprotected groin. I tried to turn away, but she caught my neck with her hands and delivered another hard kick to my gut. She brought my head down to the center of her embroidered Salwar Kameez suit and continued to kick my consciousness out of me. The designs on her suit faded to a blur in my eyes, until I dropped to the floor, kicked windless and faint.
“How do you feel about being my slave now?” Priya asked, bringing her knees down on me. “Tell me it doesn’t hurt.”
“Priya,” I gasped, “it’s sweet pain.”
“So you want me to continue?” Priya giggled.
“No no no no no,” I pleaded in an attempt to retreat.
“Don’t worry, slave.” Priya smiled. “You have now earned yourself the right to an orgasm.”
“Under controlled conditions,” Priya specified. “Get up.”
I rolled on the wet tiles, fiddling to get myself to a sit. “Aren’t you going to untie me?” I begged her, attempting to show her my tied hands.
“Not yet,” Priya said.
“But how will I have an orgasm if…”
“There is the other problem to take care of first,” Priya laughed. “I have killed your midsection, so before we do anything I have to bring it back to life.”
“How do you mean?” I asked. In reply, she raised her wet foot and brought it before my face. There were dripping pieces of brown, grainy muck on her foot, and the very sight of them warmed my gut.
“Coming back to life, are we?” Priya asked, wiggling her toes.
“Yes, Priya.” I said, joining my hands. “You really are a Goddess.”
“And you are a pervert who gets turned on by dirty feet.” Priya said.
“It doesn’t matter what state the Goddess’s feet are in,” I mumbled.
“Go ahead, hold them in your hands and lick them clean,” she smiled. I held up her leg to the bathroom light, like a general would look at the enemy territory’s map to come up with a plan of attack. With the least number of licks, I would have to get rid of all the dust in the divine foot, while swallowing as much of the blessing as possible. I opened my mouth wide and went for her heel bone, nearly licking the skin off her bones. I then went up the arch on the side and gulped down all the fluid off it with two good licks. The mules were the dustiest bits, the ones that touched the ground most, but I was able to clean them up for her in a jiffy. Soon, I was nearly swallowing each of her toes, sliding my mouth in the meagre gaps between them.
A wave of heat began at my groin and soon boiled the blood upwards into joyous little bubbles. “Thank you, Priya.”
“My other foot now slave,” she ordered, sounding quite strict but with a smile on her face. She raised her other foot and allowed me to clean up every inch of it for her. She didn’t flinch or giggle as much as last time, perhaps becoming more acquainted with the feeling of another human licking her toes.
I carefully placed her foot back on the ground and joined my hands, standing by for her next order. “Hmm,” she mused. “In this Salwar suit, the only exposed part of my body is the feet. Look at how turned on you are from just my feet,” she said, gesturing towards my revitalized cock.
“Their scent is simply magical, Priya.” I said.
“It’s time I gave you a gift and prepared you for this weekend,” Priya said.
“What’s going to happen this weekend, Priya?”
“I’m going to keep the specifics a surprise,” she said, “but essentially, my parents and sister will be out the whole of Saturday, and I’m going to use you as my slave again.”
“Wow, thanks Priya.”
“For now, you’re going to help me change into more comfortable clothes for the night.” Priya grinned. It was the highest possible reward a man could possibly have, my throat got stuck pondering on ways to thank her for it. “Come here,” she whispered and then she gave me the order that I hadn’t dreamed of for five years that I’ve known her. “Go under my Salwar, and open up my kameez.”
I held the bottom of her salwar and put it over my head, slipping into the darkness underneath. “Don’t touch anything else,” she warned, as my hands proceeded up to the yellow drawstrings. I held them in my fingers and pulled them apart, loosening the kameez until it began to drop down her legs. I stayed under her salwar to gallivant the show. Her salwar slid over my head, and as I looked up, it slid over hers too. Her smooth, glimmering magnificence shone in the bathroom’s light, mesmerizing all my senses together. She stood back, bold and unabashed, proud even, as I stared at her almost naked body, for she was wearing nothing but black rimmed glasses, a black bra and black panties. The Goddess’s true, immortal form in all its beauty. I quickly bowed down to kiss her feet, for my mortal eyes weren’t worthy of looking upon beauty of such magnitude, just as Arjuna(in the Mahabharata) wasn’t worthy of seeing the Lord Krishna’s universal form (Vishvarupa).
“You can look,” she smiled, patting the bottom of my hair with her foot.
I slowly got up, worshiping and crying tears of joy. “Thank you, my Goddess.”
“Now we will see how large that dick of yours can possibly get.” Priya said.
“I assure you…” I began, showing her the massive organ.
“Oh, but I think otherwise,” Priya said, stepping closer and pushing me towards the full length mirror on the wall. I abided, and soon we were both in front of the mirror again, supreme Goddess and the inferior, unworthy slave dog. She admired her air and her breasts for a few moments, before she turned down to look at me. “What is it?”
“Priya, please untie me…”
“A few more minutes, Suhas.” Priya said. “First I’ll make your cock all big and hungry, until it explodes.” She caught my head and wrapped her right leg around my neck. “How would you like to be crushed to death between my leg, slave?” I eagerly put myself behind the knee and offered my neck for execution, if she chose to. Like a sexy pair of plyers, her leg crushed my neck into a euphoric breathlessness. The soft thighs above my head, the tough calf muscles below squeezed me into a wildly arousing submission. I enjoyed the delightful scent, rocking my head any way her legs wanted to.
“Wow, that’s quite massive,” Priya pointed towards my groin and laughed, “considering that it’s kid-size to begin with.”
“Thank you, Priya.” I said, with eyes closed, a smile on my face and no judgment of whether that was a compliment or a disparagement.
“Now, here’s something that will really arouse your senses.” Priya let go of the leg crush, dropping me down to the wet floor. She caught my head and brought me up again. “You ready to kiss my ass, slave?” Without waiting for an answer that wasn’t even needed, she pulled my head into her butt and smothered my existence between her delightful pair of ass cheeks. I felt blood transfusing from all over my body right into the midsection as I kissed the core of her little silky panties. She stuffed me in and wiped the moistness of her buttocks all over my face, before throwing me back to the floor with my hands still tied behind.
“Aah,” my balls screamed from over-arousal.
Priya lowered herself to her knees and untied my hands. “Bloody ass-kisser,” she giggled.
“Thank you so much, Priya.” I said, feeling my liberated hands.
“Now, you are going to ejaculate in front of me.” Priya announced. I shrugged, for it was quite an obvious statement. “How long does it normally take for you to come?” she asked.
“Like ten minutes.” I said.
“What’s the fastest time?”
“Two minutes?” I lied.
“Hmm,” Priya grinned. “You’re going to break that record by a long way today. Start masturbating for me, you pathetic inferior being.” I grabbed myself with the right hand and began to yank it. “One, two…” she began counting the seconds, even as she stepped closer, took her panties down and brought her naked buttocks to my face. As I felt the moist area in the inner cave of her butt, a blast of white cum erupted from my midsection, inspired solely by the scent and beauty of it. “nine, ten…” she finished as the viscous fluid blurted out from me. She quickly stepped away and brought her panties back up.
I sat still, eyes wide open in a hypnotic daze. “Wow, I didn’t see that coming at all.”
“Made you break your record, didn’t I?” Priya laughed.
“Thanks, Priya.” I mumbled.
“There’s one more thing you need to be prepared for, this Saturday.” Priya said, turning around and leaning on the wall. “Get over here and open your mouth.” My heart quivered as I approached the girl’s beautiful buttocks with my mouth. “You should learn to take a hot drink quickly and cleanly.” I brought up a shivering pair of hands to take down her panties from the sides. She had taken them off just before, but the pleasure of taking them down myself was simply incomparable. The panties were soon down to her knees and I went up to her butt with an eager mouth. “Wait for it, wait for it,” she said, standing completely still. A stream of hot yellow fluid began to pour out of them, and I covered it fully with my mouth so as not to allow a single golden drop on the floor. The liquid penetrated into my throat and went down smooth, almost as quickly as it came out of her. At a point, my mouth was full with liquid but she stopped just then and I could rejoice their flavor like old wine in my mouth before letting it down my throat.
She turned around to check the floor, which was clean as ever. “Good slave,” Priya said, quickly slipping into her little blue mini-skirt and a white t-shirt she pulled out from the hooks in the bathroom.
“Thanks, Priya,” I said, getting up to wear my clothes but she wasn’t listening at all.
“You’ll get to see my bum again on Saturday,” Priya said.
“Can I ask…” I began, but she cared none for a slave’s words.
“Oh my God, look at the darn time- 2 A.M.”
I suddenly felt sleepy, once I realized what time it was. Priya and I went out of the bathroom and headed for the front door. “Good night, Priya. And thank you for the best two hours of my life.”
“Good night, ass-kissing slave.” Priya said, getting herself inured to her new power over me.
I wore my sandals and said, “bye.”
“So you’re just going to go away, without giving my ass a goodnight kiss?” She asked, holding the front door open. Even in the darkness, the beautiful fair skin of her butt was discernible.
“Good night, supreme Goddess of the universe.” I got down on my knees and laid a wet kiss as close to the center thread of her panties as possible.
“Now get out,” she said. I walked out of her house and she slammed the door shut behind. The night suddenly assaulted me with cold winds as I made my way home. The only source of warmth was the memory of the beauty that I experienced that day, but little did I know that come Saturday, it would all turn very very ugly.
Even though future episodes will show up on BDSM library, the best way to keep in touch with this series is to subscribe to my site (FREE), so you get new episodes straight to your inbox! I am not trying to spam you, and I won’t sell your email ID. I’m just an amateur looking to share his work as quickly as possible.
As mentioned before, more Breaking Point episodes *may* be available on MistressPriya.com
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