Coed to Slave--A summer in chains.
Chapter 1
Some people say that a person becomes a dentist because they enjoy giving pain. It is the perfect career choice for the sadist. That may be true in many cases. To me it’s more than that. It’s about control. For the length of time a person is in my chair, they are at my mercy. It doesn’t matter if they are a 300 pound wrestler or a frail woman. They are equally helpless to the Master... Me. Sometimes I have a little fun bringing some macho asshole to a sobbing mess. Equally satisfying is the total bitch that makes people’s lives miserable. I make sure they are in too much pain to yell at anyone for a few days.
But those are just ways to pass time. I consider it community service. What I really enjoy is working on a young woman with a beautiful face and body. Even more important is to find one that displays submissive tendencies. Many women are submissive at heart. They just don’t always know it. But I am also the Master at reading the signs and know how to exploit them. Many women have no idea of their need and capacity for use of a Master.
My dental office is attached to my house. Next to it is a sound proof dungeon of my own design. My dental assistant (required by law) is also my slave. She assists me in many ways and her silence allows me to keep select patients after hours. Different types of women require different types of persuasion. Women that I could sense were born to be controlled were easy marks and I could do most anything with them and they would be begging to come back. Those that were not sub or I had no time to train but I wanted to use anyway I might drug.
But this was all fun and games. My true passion (and lucrative sideline) was finding, training and selling very select women. No, not to the typical human trafficking market that would take nearly any beautiful woman and make her a prostitute somewhere on the planet. These women had to be very special. Some would, if they were lucky, become a true slave to a demanding Master. That would be the best case. Much worse that they would be sold to some sadistic bastard that did not know or care what a prize he had bought.
My most recent “trainee” practically fell into my lap. One evening I was thinking it was time to find another woman and prepare her for sale. I keep my eyes open for the right type but abduction and a few weeks of training is risky so I make sure the woman I select is worth the time and the risk.
A knock at my door interrupted my thoughts. I was surprised to see my daughter Victoria. I was glad to see her. Though Victoria is very much a Daddy’s girl, I didn’t see her often since she had been away to college at UCLA. My daughter is a beautiful latin mix. She also has a wicked streak that she no doubt inherited from me. Makes me proud. She knows about my dungeon, though not about my hobby of selling women into slavery.
We shared a bottle of wine and she confessed she had a favor to ask. It seems a local girl she had grown up with had continued to be her friend but rival at college. She was a spoiled little rich girl that loved to tease men and steal boyfriends though she never seemed to keep one for very long. Her name was Jennifer and she was from Taiwan. It was then I realized just who this girl was. Years ago when she was about 13 or 14, I had put braces on her teeth. Each time she came to my office, as soon as she was in my chair her brashness faded. When working on her braces I could see the sexual flush across her chest above her halter top. I could see the body language in the slightest parting of her legs and the sweet perfume of her arousal was in the air. After the work it seemed all of her responses were “Yes, Sir” in a meek little voice. All signs that her attitude with others was a ruse to hide the fact that she was a true slave and submissive at heart and a prime candidate for my special teaching talents. She was too young at that time but no longer.
Victoria wanted me to teach her a lesson. Change her attitude. Show her that she couldn’t control people, with her beauty, but my mind was already way beyond teaching her a lesson to picturing her in collar and chains. My daughter had much of the plan worked out practically handing Jennifer to me on a silver platter. Victoria had arranged for them to take an environmental study trip as soon as classes were out for the summer. The place was remote and no phone access. Instead I would have her for about five weeks. After that Jennifer was supposed to board a plane for Taiwan. Victoria didn’t know that I planned a much different journey for her friend.
Victoria and I discussed the plan a while longer and fine tuned it over the remaining weeks before summer break. I told her I would get her a prepaid cell phone to use to call Jennifer shortly before they were ready to leave for the retreat. Later if questioned, she could say when they met up to leave Jennifer had told her she had received an emergency call and said she could not go with her but asked to be dropped off downtown. But what Victoria would tell Jennifer is that was that she had to stop by my place to pick up some money from good old Dad. Later I would get rid of the cell phone and Jennifer’s backpack. No one would ever know where the mysterious call came from. Victoria would tell the people at the retreat about the call and no one would be looking for the pretty little Asian for five long weeks. I could do a lot in that amount of time and even better… I also had time to plan and anticipate.
The day finally came and everything was going well. The girls finally arrived. Dressed for the warm weather and a long car trip, they were dressed comfortably and sexy. Victoria was in short shorts and Jennifer was in a mini skirt. Both girls wore halter tops. Victoria with her C cups would draw any mans attention, but my eyes were glued to the young Asian. The satiny material stretched tight over her smaller breasts and her nipples seemed to grow as I stared. The sun glittered off her silver hoop earrings. Maybe she remembered me too. Though Jennifer had the pure beauty of her Asian heritage, she had come from Taiwan to the states before kindergarten. Now, truly Americanized, she was a haughty little bitch from what my daughter had told me. I knew though that this was just a façade that I would break her of forever. Perhaps she had even convinced herself that she was superior to men. Sometimes, with proper training, this type of woman made the very best of slaves.
I told the girls to wait in the office while I got the money for Victoria and that I would be right back. I walked into the next room where I could watch from a one way mirror. There were only two chairs in the exam room. Victoria had immediately sat down in the assistant’s chair and soon after as I had hoped Jennifer sat in the exam chair. I waited only a few moments and walked in I handed Victoria a folded wad of bills and turned to my victim.
I said “Ahhh, good, Jennifer, I want to see how your teeth turned out since it’s been ten years since your braces. Her tremble was nearly imperceptible. Her nipples instantly grew harder. In almost a whisper I heard her say, “Yes, Sir”. I leaned the chair back a little and told her to open wide. When she did, I slipped a spider gag into her mouth that not only kept her mouth wide open it didn’t interfere with my exam of her teeth and she could no longer talk and she definitely could not scream. Since she hadn’t really seen the gag I told her it was just my new tool for keeping the patient’s mouth open for exams and dental work. She shivered again and nodded.
I looked inside her inviting mouth at her perfect teeth, praising her and my work. When I saw her eyes close I rested my hands on her wrists while still talking. Slight pressure caused the leather cuffs from the armrests to surround her wrists. I quickly snapped them into place. That was it…the point of no return. Her hands were bound and she could not scream. She was now my captive. Her eyes were wide in shock and confusion that would soon turn to fear. She began to struggle as I took each of her slender ankles and secured them in another pair of leather cuffs at the foot of the chair. I then hit a button and the chair lay back and the foot came up converting completely to a doctor’s exam table. She lay helpless before me. I hit one more button and the bottom of the table began to split. Spreading her legs wider and wider till, though laying on her back, she appeared to be doing a cheerleader’s split. Painful probably, but a first step behavior modification. Her red thong panties were now clearly visible under her short little skirt. Very inviting to be sure but more important this is the position I wanted her in for some of the “procedures” that I had planned for her. I turned to Victoria and said ‘Thank you for this rare gift. Is there anything you want to say to her before you leave?”
This probably gave the girl her first clue that this wasn’t just a joke. Victoria took her cue. She walked up between our captive’s splayed legs and leaned over her. She looked deep into her wild eyes and said.. “Daddy is going to change that attitude of yours, you little bitch. He’s going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget. I almost wish I could stay and watch.” Then she leaned in even closer and whispered something that I couldn’t hear. As she moved away, Victoria reached down and ripped Jennifer’s thong away revealing a very smoothly shaved treasure. As a last thought but only the first of many humiliations she would endure in the next few weeks, Victoria pulled out her camera and snapped a few pictures. I laughed.
I walked my daughter back to her car leaving the helpless girl alone. I took the prepaid cell phone and Jennifer’s things, then gave Victoria a huge hug and a kiss on the forehead. We gave each other a grin, knowing this was going to be a most interesting summer.
I was scared. I would have said terrified, but looking back, I think I was in such shock, that I could not process the situation completely. The stress of the school year was behind me, and I had joyfully anticipated several weeks away with one of my best friends, Victoria. We had known each other for years, had shared many happy experiences and even shared boy friends. And now all I saw was Victoria with a hateful expression on her face, nearly spitting vindictives in my face. But the last thing she whispered to me so her Dad couldn’t hear is what scared me the most. She had said… "When next I see you, your precious virginity will be nothing but a shattered memory."
I was alone in the office, strapped to the same dentist chair that I remembered as a young adolescent, my mouth propped open with some sort of metal hinge. Victoria had ripped my thong away, completely exposing my shaved pussy. I struggled to find some slack in the bindings, to no avail. I was aware of the moaning, the only sound to escape my dental gag.
“Well, it’s just the two of us now.” Dr. Fernandez’s voice surprised me and my eyes shot open. I had been lost in my nightmare and my thoughts. I tried to beg for release, but all that came out was some muffled groan. “I imagine you have many questions, but we can talk about those later. Right now, we have work to do. “Oh, what’s this?” and I felt him run a finger or two along my shaved slit. He held his now wet finger in front of my face, making my humiliation complete.
“I knew it. I knew it when you were only 13, when I first put on your braces. I could see it in the flush of your chest, the smell of sexual arousal that lifted above your slightly parted legs. You love it. You love the feeling of helplessness, of something begin done to your body without your permission, of being in bondage.” As he spoke, he held his finger under my nose, and I could smell my own sexual juices. “..ooooooooooo…” I tried to deny his accusations, but my body, for some unknown reason, betrayed my denial.
“My daughter, Victoria, tells me you are a slut, and this confirms it. You dress like a slut, you tease boys and girls alike with your sexy body, and you steal her boyfriends and toss them aside, just like a slut.” Again, I tried to deny his words, “…oooooooooooooo…”
“Well, now you are my slut, to enjoy and to train, for the next 5 weeks. Your family will not expect any communication from you for this period of time, and Victoria can easily explain your absence at the camp. My fucktoy for the next 5 weeks. Christmas comes early, Jennifer.” I just stared at him in disbelief, realizing he was right, there would be no rescue. I had to look for an opening to escape, that was my only hope.
“Let’s see if we can turn back the clock of time. I know you loved your braces and there are so many creative things that we can do when your teeth are in bondage. I still have the dental records of several years ago, so this should be quite easy, at least for me. You may not enjoy it quite as much as when you were in middle school, but you will quickly remember the erotic feel of metal on your teeth. Let’s get started.”
I couldn’t believe it! He was going to put braces back on my teeth, my perfect, white, beautiful teeth. Over the next hour or more, he carefully fitted one band after another onto each tooth, gluing them on tightly. After a few feeble attempts at protest, I just lay there quietly, helpless. My pussy had stopped juicing, thank goodness. I can’t explain why it starts and stops secreting my love juices, but it does and I cannot control it. The pain in my jaw was becoming intense. I tried to groan my discomfort, but Dr. Fernandez ignored me.
After the last metal band was glued to a back molar, he spoke for the first time since the procedure began. “There, done. All glued solidly to your teeth. Lovely. I imagine your jaw is beginning to ache. If you promise to make no sounds, not one word, not one protest, I will remove the spider gag. Do you understand?" I quickly nodded my head in agreement.
As he released the gag, my jaw muscles nearly cramped and in agony I cried. Of course, I wanted to plead with him, but I was already thinking of escape. I had to make him think I was docile and obedient. I twisted my head left and right to relieve the pain, when suddenly I felt his finger entering my pussy once again! I gritted my banded teeth, to keep from calling out, and just grunted in displeasure. "Hmmm, dry. I'm surprised. Maybe there are only certain kinds of pain that turn you on. We will have to examine that in the weeks ahead, slut."
“Weeks ahead…” Those words echoed in my head and added to my shock. I had to get away, somehow, someway!
“Let’s finish your treatment, so I can release you from the chair. Will that please you?”
Even in my despair, I realized the double meaning of his question. Yes, of course, I wanted to be released from the chair, but if I nodded yes, I was also giving my approval to this so-called treatment. Still, I saw no sense in saying a word, so I just nodded my agreement.
“Good, good, now you’re getting into the spirit of things. I want you to open wide, just as you did when you were a young girl, so I can finish wiring your brackets and adding a few enhancements.” I just stared at this mad man; why would I willingly open my mouth for this nonconsensual invasion of my mouth and body. “Or,” he quickly added, probably seeing my look of rebellion, “I can insert the spider gag again, increasing the opening, of course.”
Again, no choice, so I opened my mouth, quietly groaning in frustration. Over the next hour, Dr. Fernandez inserted the upper and lower wires, using unbreakable metal thread to tightly tie each to a bracket, one tooth after another. At first, there was no additional discomfort, but as the number of wired teeth increased, the pressure on my teeth equally increased, and I began to whimper in pain. And worse; I knew my pussy was beginning to secrete its nectar and that the mad orthodontist would soon smell my musk. I shook in anger at my inability to hide my arousal. Pain and pleasure, I was unable to tell them apart at that moment.
He had not said a word for almost an hour, but suddenly rolled back in his chair, indicating that he was done. Then he whiffed the air and I knew that he knew and I let out a small cry. He looked directly into my eyes and smiled, “Ah, just like when you were younger. Your pussy is giving away your secret. You may not like agonizing pain, but pain from discomfort or bondage makes you hot, doesn’t it, slut?”
My eyes teared, but I didn’t say a word. I wasn’t sure I was allowed to talk and I didn’t want to admit my weakness. “Oh, you are being my obedient slut, by not speaking. When I ask you a question, I do expect a reply, so answer my question. Does putting your teeth in bondage make you hot?”
I just couldn’t answer that question, so I just whimpered and tears ran down my face. His twisted smile faded and he suddenly looked very mean. He lowered his gaze and I saw him reach beneath my skirt. The next thing I felt was a terrible pinching. He had reached within my pussy lips and was pinching the skin near my charged clitty. I couldn’t help but scream in anguish. “Answer me, now!” he shouted.
“Yes, Sir,” I wailed.
“Yes, what, slut, what are you agreeing to?”
“Yes, Sir, Iiii’m hot, Sir!”
“Why are you hot, little slut?”
“I don’t know, Sir! I don’t know!”
“I’ll tell you; it’s simple. You are a slut. Your pussy controls you, not the other way around. I will help you release your inhibitions, to revel in your sexuality, to juice and cum on command. Would you like that, slut?”
Again, a double-edged question? How could I answer this, but his harsh look meant I had no choice, and so I lied, “Yes, Sir, I would like that.” I could not control the sobs that followed this blatant lie to my captor.
He laughed deeply and sadistically. “We need to finish up here, slut. Open your mouth,” and he rolled back to the side of the chair, as I obeyed. “A few additions to what you experienced when you were a child. Then it was to straighten your teeth, which meant constant pressure. Now your teeth are lovely, so these braces will serve another purpose.”
He reached onto his side tray and I saw him pick up little springs and hooks and the needle-nosed tool that he used to tighten the ties. I could feel the additions being attached to the brackets, all near the back of my mouth. After some time, he ordered me to bite down and when I did, I felt him maneuver the appliances on my teeth. When he asked me to open my mouth, I could not budge it at all! My eyes opened widely and when I saw him smile, I tried to utter some complaint, but with my jaws locked tight, it was futile.
“Here, take a look, slut,” and he held a mirror up to my face. I pulled back my lips like a snarl and all I could see was metal! My beautiful smile was gone! I reached into my mouth and pulled back my cheek. “It’s perfect, isn’t it, slut. If I need to gag you, all I have to do is lock this hook to your lower teeth, and you are silenced. We could be walking through the mall together, and no one would have any idea.” My eyes teared once again; I was powerless to protest.
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