Chapter 2.
I could tell what she was thinking about… How to escape. Since she was beginning to realize this was for real and her situation very serious, getting free would be the only thought in her mind. Actually she really had no clue how serious this really was and what was about to happen to her. Since her mouth was wired shut and she was still bound, it was a good time to talk to her. She couldn’t interrupt. She was a captive audience in every sense.
“Jennifer”, I began. “When Victoria told me about you and asked my help with her revenge, everything about you became clear to me. Feeling you tremble under my hands years ago and now hearing about your attitude. Then finally seeing how aroused you got when I put your braces back on, especially when you knew how easily I could control your mouth and speech. You know that is just the beginning though.”
“Your attitude does seem to have everyone fooled. Whether you come off as sweet or a bitch, I know it is all an act consciously or subconsciously to hide your true feelings.” I could see the question mark on her face even though she could not speak as I continued. “You, my lovely little slut, need and even crave to be dominated by men… to have your body used by men for their perverse sexual pleasures. Sure you will deny it but that is also a part of you. You need to be taken, controlled, forced to do depraved things.”
She was shaking her head side by side. “That is not only what you need but who you are. If you could scream right now you would say. ‘NO NO NO’ but your body betrays you once again.” I had seen the glistening wetness between her legs as she squirmed and whimpered. I ran two fingers over her drenched slit collecting an ample amount of her juices. She moaned between her bound teeth. I tasted her deliciousness on my fingers then rubbed them over her lips forcing her to taste herself.
“Actually, I am going to do you a favor. Over our next five weeks together I am going to remove this false front you have created so you can revel in your submissiveness. That you are just a little bitch in heat that knows her place is chained to her Master’s bed and begs to be fucked if in fact I permit you to speak at all. I will unleash those slave fires within you by reminding you that you only exist to please me. A true and total sex slave. That is what a slut like you is for. You will learn how to please me in every way. You will even beg for forgiveness and discipline if you do not.
“Ahhhh, discipline. It will be a part of your training. How often and how harsh will be entirely up to you. There are many forms of discipline depending on the infraction. Insolence and disobedience will be dealt with severely. Right now your thoughts are of escape. I advise against any attempt. Also you yourself may be thinking of retaliation after your summer is over. That can be dealt with in several ways but we will have to talk about that at a later time.
“I hope you have been paying attention. The faster you learn and lay aside your old way of thinking and learn your lessons, the easier this will be. Remember, I am truly your Master now. Whether you eat, drink or cum is all dependent on my whim.” I strummed my fingers over her clit and saw her shiver. “Do you understand?” She hesitated and I was about to ram two fingers into her but she realized quickly and shook her head yes. “Very good” was my only response and then I saw her tears begin to flow.
I picked up a sharp scalpel-like knife from the set of tools on the table and toyed with it as I continued to speak. Her eyes went wide with fear. “It’s time for me to unwrap this gift that my wonderfully wicked daughter has given me. I want to see what I have to work with before beginning our fun together.” I slid the knife under one of her halter straps. I wanted her to feel the back side of the blade against her skin. The cold hard steel against her soft, warm flesh. I hesitated a moment so she could feel the sensation then pulled the blade upward slicing the thin strap instantly. The barely audible moan that escaped her lips held combined tones of helplessness and arousal. I sliced the other strap the same way.
“Now it is time so see those breasts and those nipples that you use so well to tease men… and also visibly tell the world what a slut you really are.” I again slid the blade slowly under the halter itself between her breasts. The few seconds it took centered her attention on the dangerous instrument against her skin. Slight upward pressure parted the taught material with a snap. Her breasts were perfection. I took one in my hand and was the nipple, instantly harden. I laughed and she knew why. She was humiliated that her body was no longer under her control. I didn’t have to say a thing. I squeezed the nipple hard enough to see her wince from the pain. The other nipple hardened immediately also as though begging for the same attention. I smiled but did not touch it. All part of her training. There was a time to tease and leave her wanting… as well as a time to please and satisfy. No doubt she had teased many boys and men with no intention of pleasing them. I then slid the blade ever so slowly below her navel and under her skirt. Her breath caught. Again there was fear in her eyes. I stopped when I thought the cold steel was about an inch from her clit. I looked deep into her eyes and I pulled against the skirt. It sliced cleanly and fell to each side of her hips. Though her shaven little pussy had been clearly visible for some time, there is something about being naked that makes a woman feel very vulnerable. Completely naked that is, as I removed each sandal from her tiny feet and tossed them in the corner.
I surveyed every inch of her body with both my eyes and fingers without saying a word. I could hear her whimper. I could feel her tremble. I caressed and squeezed both of her breasts, none too gently and felt their firmness, then I raked my fingernails down over her sensitive stomach. I pulled her pussy lips open for my inspection. She appeared tight and little used though I decided not to penetrate her at this time. Her clit was peeking out of its hood and grew larger and I brushed it with a finger. Her juices now were dripping profusely. I parted there cheeks of her lovely bottom and saw her tightest opening wet from the flow of liquid. I pushed a in a finger about an inched then forced it another inch just to feel her reaction. Her body jerked and she moaned. I said to her… “ What a tight little ass you have. Don’t tell me that with all your teasing yhou haven’t been fucked in all your holes many times. No matter though. They all belong to your Master now to do with as I please.
“I can see you have no tattoos but have three piercings, two ear ring hoops and a belly ring. Three circles. Very symbolic actually. This pleases me. Your body is perfect and should not be covered with ink that cannot be removed if your master doesn’t like it or tires of it. However, piercings in various places allow adornments that are both fashionable and functional. They can also be removed or changed at my will. Before we finish up for the day and I show you your accommodations, I am going to give you three new ones, and no doubt more later.” Again the wild-eyed look. I could only imagine the things she wanted to say to me but I wasn’t ready for that yet.
“Since you have been pierced before, I won’t have to remind you of the necessity of being very still.” I picked up a small gold ring from the table and held it for her to see. “The nose ring is both symbolic and functional. Picture yourself being naked on all fours, a gold chain connected to this ring and your Master leading you around in public showing you off like a prize pet.”
I had the tool to quickly pierce the septum of her nose and it was over in a second. I slipped the gold ring through the hole and fastened it shut. I held a mirror up to her face so she could see it. She was crying again perhaps partly from the pain and partly from the humiliation.
“Notice that the ring is tight against your septum. In fact, if you tilt your head downward slightly, others may not even notice it. I could have inserted a 1 or 2-inch ring that would hang far down your upper lip, but I am showing compassion. This ring is actually quite fashionable, slave.”
I continued to talk as I picked up a long sterile needle and held it where she could see. Your breasts are perfect and your nipples very responsive.” Along with my words I took one breast roughly in my hand and squeezed the nipple as I had before. It hardened immediately. Without hesitating I pushed the needle through it. I picked up another gold ring somewhat bigger than the one that I had put in her nose. I rolled the needle as I pulled it out and inserted the ring in its place. Her eyes were filled not only with tears but also I am sure with a hundred emotions. Since I was standing between her outstretched legs she would sometimes feel my erection brushing against her. I could feel her wetness of course but ignored it as I worked. I knew her mind was in turmoil. Denial about what her body was feeling and wanting. I said nothing more as I repeated the process with the other breast.
As I stepped back to admire my work, I said one more thing to assert my control. “Very beautiful. In the next day or so I will add more piercings. Won’t your Mom be so proud of her slut daughter?” Her eyes widened again in shock and she began to sob uncontrollably, but I knew her attitude would return. She was far from being fully trained to be a willing slave.
This was enough for the day though there was still one more shock in store for her. I brought her legs back together and the chair back to the upright position. I removed the springs from her braces. She opened and closed her mouth twice as if to make sure her jaws still worked but before she could speak I put a plastic ball in her mouth that was just large enough so she couldn’t scream and also that she couldn’t remove without the use of her hands. I unfastened the cuffs that were around her ankles from the chair and locked them together. I did the same with the cuffs on her wrists but made her lean forward so I could connect them together behind her back.
“Now I am going to show you your room.” With that I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder like a sack of laundry. I carried her into my dungeon, turned on the light and dropped her on a chair that was fastened to the floor. There were several chains dangling from the chair. Right now I only needed to connect one of them to the cuffs on her ankles. I went back to the door, locked it ceremoniously making a loud click. I also turned up the lights so she could clearly see her surroundings.
I have read somewhere that over the gates of hell there is a sign that reads…”Abandon hope all ye who enter”. My terrified little asian probably thought that’s where she was. On the walls were displayed various whips, paddles and gags etc etc etc. along with artful erotic paintings of naked women chained in submissive positions. Around the room were devices for every perverse sexual use. There seemed to be chains and manacles everywhere. Some were hanging from the ceiling, from the walls, and from each corner post of an ornately carved four poster bed at one end of the large room. Along one wall there were also cages of varying sizes. Some of these tools and devices were extremely useful. Some were for effect. Intimidation is also a tool.
I gave her a moment to look around, then I spoke in a tone she had not heard before… The voice of her Master. “Now… you are my complete slave. I am your Master in every way and you will address me as such. I am going to remove the gag and I give you permission to speak.” Before her mind could process what I had said, I grabbed a fist full of her hair and jerked her head back. As I removed the ball and before she could react I covered her mouth with mine. I kissed her hard, brutally, probably bruising her lips, certainly crushing her tender lips against the sharp braces. I knew I was creating even more conflict in the battle already raging between her mind and body. I stepped back and said in the same cold voice of authority. “Speak now slave, while I still permit it.”
I tasted my own blood, caused when he crushed my lips against the new braces. I also tasted fear and shock and a multitude of emotions I could not yet define. I just stared at my former orthodontist, now my declared Master.
“I don’t know what to say,” I whimpered, unable to unscramble the random thoughts flooding my brain. My lip hurt, my nose, from which a ring now hung, stung, and my poor ringed titties throbbed like beating drums.
“Let’s start with some basics,” he suggested. “Repeat after me, ‘This slave belongs to you, Master.’”
I continued to whimper, no words forming at my lips, still tasting the blood and running my tongue along my bleeding lips and banded teeth. He grabbed the ring in my right nipple and twisting it sharply, causing me to jerk in my bondage, he said, “I told you to repeat after me, slave!”
“Please, ok, this slave belongs to you, Master, please,” I quickly replied, hoping he would release my poor nipple. Instead, he further twisted it, and angrily responded, “Again!” and then “Again”, and 4 more times, “Again!” each time I responded more quickly, “This slave belongs to you, Master!”
“Better. When I tell you to do something, if you do not respond immediately, there will be consequences, and invariably these consequences will bring you more and more pain. Now answer me, slave, why did your pussy swell and your juices run when I put your braces back on?”
I felt as lost with these questions as I might in some advanced science class. How could I respond when I did not know the answer? “Please, I really don’t know why my pussy juiced!” I cried out. I expected him to jerk on my sore nipple once again, but instead his expression seemed to soften and he pulled up a chair to sit next to his bound and defeated slave.
“Slave 101, the basics. Some females were born to be slaves. You are one of those. Your body reacts as it does naturally, because you are a slave. Of course, you contribute to that feeling of being a submissive by your actions, consciously or not. For example, your shaved pussy and hoop earrings. Only slaves, whores, or sluts shave their pussy completely, as you do. Only slaves, whores, or sluts wear hoop earrings as large as these,” he said, fondling my hoops. “Which are you, Jennifer?”
“None of these,” I barely managed to get out, sobbing as I was.
“For certain, you are a slave, my slave. Isn’t that correct?” I nodded as I sniffled and tried to stop crying.
“And even if you have not sold your body to others as a whore, you have sold it to your inner desires. Even the act of piercing your skin voluntarily was an act of submissiveness, symbolically representing your desire to be pierced, that is, fucked, by your Master. You wear hoops in your ears to go on an outdoor trip? Any girl without the desires of slavery would wear a stud, or something less slutlike. The hoop itself is symbolic of your three holes, all open and available to your Master.”
I listened, shocked that it was actually making some sense. Were his words really true? I know that I dressed to tease guys, wanting them to desire my body, and then drawing the line. I had read stories of girls that were raped and then blamed, because they had dressed or acted provocatively. That was me, in many ways. Yes, many things that Victoria had spat in my face were true.
“Are you displeased with your new piercings, slave?”
“Yessss,” I sniffled.
“Because you did it to me without my permission,” and after pulling up the snot into my nose, “and because I don’t want anyone to see me like this,” I just could not stop crying.
“And yet your body tells a different story, slave. When I put your mouth in bondage, when I pierce your septum and your precious nipples, your body responds by pouring nectar, love nectar, from your gaping and shaved pussy. Your body loved every moment, even though your mind is not willing to admit it. Listen to your body, Jennifer. It knows you more intimately than your mind. Your mind has been conditioned by years of others controlling your thoughts. Your parents, your teachers, probably even your friends. But their thoughts are not yours. Your body knows the real Jennifer and that Jennifer is a slave, through and through. Do you agree?”
I was getting used to these forked questions, for which any answer had unpleasant consequences. Instead, gaining some control, but still sniffling, I just looked blankly ahead.
“Haha,” he laughed lightly, “good, you are thinking it through. Now, what did my lovely daughter whisper to you before she left?”
Again I hesitated, not wanting to reveal her words. And again, Dr. Fernandez responded angrily. He reached out and grabbed and squeezed my pussy, crushing it in his hand, digging his fingers into my precious pussy, causing me to twist and yelp in pain and despair. “I told you to respond immediately. There is no reason to think, just respond,” he hissed.
“Please,” I screamed, “please, she told me to kiss my virginity goodbye!”
“Haha,” he laughed, releasing my poor pussy, “really, you are a virgin?”
“Yes, Master,” I answered quickly, having learned my lesson.
“You have three holes, slave. In which hole or holes are you a virgin?”
I wanted to answer, but I was naïve enough not to be sure what the three holes were. “I want to answer you,” I pled, “but I’m not sure what that means, three holes.”
“You really have led a sheltered life, slave. Your pussy, your ass, and your mouth.”
My ass! I never thought of my ass as a hole that could be used. “Yes, I mean, no, Master, I have never been used in any of those places!”
“Well, well, have I hit the lottery or what?” he grinned. “You mean you have never sucked off a boy? How is that even possible! You drive guys insane with your sexiness, and then turn them away with a hard on? Well, that is going to change. And I think it will start now.”
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