I steered the car out of the little street that led out of Priya’s house, and turned right to head for the nearest hospital in the area. Brother Supreeth rode shotgun, while Priya sat behind, embracing her little sister Vidya in her arms. Tears flowed down her usually stern eyes, and her hands were employed with shielding her sister’s wounds with wads of cotton. Vidya tried to speak between gasps, about what had actually happened to her that had caused so much bleeding. All she managed to say was the name of a man “Manu.” Priya inquired whether that was someone from her chemistry tuition, and she nodded. Priya then continued to ask the inevitable question of what he did and why, but Vidya was in too vertiginous a state to answer that. We got to the hospital at around 8.15 PM, and got Vidya admitted into a semi-private emergency ward.
Once Vidya was safely in treatment, Priya called up her family and her new boyfriend with a very short conversation on the phone. “Rahul, I need you. St. Mary’s hospital,” and he was there, as was the family, pronto. We were a great team, albeit oversized, so Vidya was healed and discharged by midnight. She was able to explain later that Manu from her tuition had approached her right after tuition, with a sick, shit-eating smile on his face and a lewd greeting to the effect of “Hi, sexy. Do you want to come home with me.” She’d refused, and he went from stupid persuasion techniques to violent ones, which was how she got the bleed on her body. She confirmed that she wasn’t raped.
Supreeth rolled up his sleeves and asked her where Manu lived, that he would “take care” of him, but Priya and Rahul calmed him down. Violence isn’t going to solve anything, Priya insisted. Supreeth disagreed with them, but finally nodded and accepted that he wouldn’t do anything stupid, but there was a fire his eyes, one of vengeance for the stranger who attacked his love. Once Vidya was all healed and bandaged, we drove back home and settled in ourselves. I tossed and turned in the bed until 6 AM, frequently aroused by nightmares given that people like Manu lived in my neighborhood. I had no idea what Manu looked like, but I could imagine he was built somewhat like Rahul, but with no kindness or decency in his soul. He probably had brown, rotten teeth, a satanic red face and five large golden rings on his fingers. At least, my nightmare version of him did.
Early in the morning, Priya called me up and ordered me to get ready and come over to her place. She specifically called me “slave” which meant, I reckoned, I was in for some domination. It was a Sunday morning, so there was no trouble obeying that. I was able to get ready and slip out at daybreak without my parents noticing, and at 6.30, Priya had returned from her a late jog and led me into her room, where the bandaged Vidya was snoring deeper into a sleep and her eyes were hard shut, isolating herself from the cruelty outside. The parents were sound asleep in the other room. Something was different about the girl’s room, though. Perhaps it was the disturbed aura of the dominant force in the room, or something more material. I soon noticed what it was – the girl’s bed was undone. She was the most organized, neat person I knew, and I loved that about her but here she was, sweating into her red t-shirt and black jogging shorts and her Reebok shoes, her body unbathed and her bed undone. Something about the lack of immaculacy turned me on.
I turned back to Priya with a questioning glance, to which she indicated her unmade bed. Of course, she wouldn’t have to do those things now, because she had a slave. I lunged forth to the bed, pulled out the sheets and spread them out neatly. It felt eerie, obeying the girl when she hadn’t even a smile to spare but it wasn’t my place to question that. Hard prick or soft prick, my job was to simply and silently obey every word, having taken the plunge into a life of servitude. I swiftly flattened the surface of her bed, while she stood behind and laid an unfocused gaze at random spots the floor, apparently preoccupied. One question did pop into her head while she supervised my chore. “Do your parents know you’re here?”
“I don’t think so.” I said. “It’s the weekend, which means they wake up at around 9AM.”
“Oh.” Priya plopped on the bed once I finished with it, and sank back to a pillow. She was rested across the width of the bed, thereby allowing her legs to flail about in the air before me. “Bring me a towel from the bathroom,” she whispered and I did so immediately. “Kneel” was her next instruction. I understood where this was going, so I held the edge of her bed with one hand and lowered myself between her legs. My gut felt a pang of fear, for we were in a room with her sister still asleep, but she could wake up any time and see me serving Priya like the slave I was. Also, the room’s door was open, so her parents could walk in any time. As soon as I lifted Priya’s legs to carry them on my shoulders, the fear was diluted and overwhelmed by warmth of spiritual correctness, of kneeling like a dog before my owner the way God intended me to live my life.
I took a good sniff at the girl’s socks, which had endured the trample of her morning jog and felt their divine scent fill my soul. Despite my clean bath, deo and a bit of perfume there was no contest about who smelled better. I raised the towel and ran it across the surface of her slender legs rested heavily on my shoulders, to clear away the incandescent pearls of sweat gathered on it. With a desperate cry, my tongue flew out and my eyes shut close as my being filled with desire to lick them clean off her. Perhaps I could, perhaps she would allow me to. I looked over to the depressed girl and she raised her eyebrow when she saw my tongue. With a bit of thought, she gave it a nod of approval. I extended my tongue as long as my body would allow, and laid it over the socks of her left leg and performed a lick along the circumference of her lower leg. I continued to lick further up her divine legs, reached into her knees and delved into the fleshier areas. The lustful venture came to a painful culmination with a hard slap from the girl. “I don’t like being licked. Now dampen that towel and clean me properly.”
“Yes, Priya.” I slithered away, checked that her little sister was still asleep and headed for the bathroom to wetten the towel. So capricious she was, she wanted me to lick her leg and then she didn’t. Just like that. I tiptoed back to the bed and began to rub the smooth surface of her skin with the towel, and that felt good too. The surface of her legs were now glistening with the natural glow of her skin and the thin film of water on them.
Priya sat up straight and caught my hair in her hands. She crushed her ankles into the sides of my neck, and began to pull me into her body. The sensuality of my cheeks and ears gliding against the glistening surface of her skin awakened my hitherto groggy spirit. She pulled my head uphill through her calf, to her knees then pulled me down her fleshy thighs into her sweet-smelling navel. The jogging shorts provided for a somewhat muffling but nevertheless divine experience of the shape of her ass. She had me linger there for a few moments before pushing me away and sitting back with her hands high. She gestured to the sides, which meant that I probably had to clean her sweaty armpits.
I got into the bed, carefully concealing the raised flag in my pants from her vision. I settled with my hands on the bed next to her, my body still raised far off it, in a sort of push-up. Her armpit was a brown splotch on her perfect surface, and smelled entirely of the divinity’s saline sweat. I stuck out my tongue and hitched its surface over the pit, and twisted my head left and right, penetrating deeper with a single lick. The taste was like salty water that one gurgles to cure throat infection, so it wasn’t nearly as pungent as the odour. Following up, I quickly ran the wet towel through the armpit and quickly switched to the other side. I gave the other armpit an equal lick, then cleaned up with my towel.
I backed up to her foot, to see if she would permit me to take them off for her. With a troubled expression still squeezing her head, she nodded her approval. My heart skipping its routine by leaps and bounds, I unlaced her jogging shoes, dislodged them from her foot, and began to unroll the socks out from below. I brought myself closer, to absorb more of her divine scent with my eager nose. A deep breath didn’t entirely fill up my lungs with their scent, so I took a dive into the spaces between her toes. I licked the big toe as I covered it in the confines of my mouth, then sucked off the dust on them like a strong vacuum cleaner. I went through each of her peds, licked up the beautiful high arches and heels, before moving on to her other foot. The dust in her feet were like a drug, that fueled the very force that made my heart pump.
Soon, Priya stood up on her feet and moved towards the other bed in the room. The little sister was starting to wake up from her deep slumber. I straightened up my knee, to not appear as though I was kneeling until then. Vidya stirred and slowly brought herself to sit back in her bed. The bandages on her face had fallen off, so she had become as beautiful and radiant as she’d ever been. Her smile wasn’t nearly as bright but still she stretched herself to produce one. “Hi, Good morning,” she said, yanking up her eyelids to lose their sleepiness.
“Good morning.” Priya said. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m good.” Vidya said. “There’s still a pain in my ears but I’ll be good.”
“Nice to hear.” Priya said.
“Hi Suhas,” Vidya said somewhat weakly. “How come you’re here so early?”
I turned to Priya to see if she had an answer, because I didn’t. “Yeah,” Priya took over. “I called him over to teach you a little something.”
“What?” I was as surprised with the answer as was Vidya.
“Vidya,” Priya sat down on her sister’s bed next to her legs. “The whole reason you were attacked by that Manu guy is because…,” she caught her sister’s cheeks in her hand, “you’re too timid and soft-spoken.”
“So you want me to be more bold?”
“Exactly. Let’s start your lesson now. Come on, get up.” Priya said, sounding like a scout master.
“Priya, can we do this some other time?” Vidya asked, holding on to the rug wrapping her lower body. “And how is Suhas going to help with this?” Precisely what I had in mind.
“I’ll show you all that very soon, but for now you have to get up.” Priya snapped her finger. “Get up,” she said with an elder-sisterly force in her voice that was just irresistable to obey. Vidya got up to her feet, swooning a bit from the heavy drugging that she’d endured in the hospital the previous night. “Now,” Priya explained, “you are going to show me exactly what happened in front of the tuition yesterday.”
“But I don’t want to relive those moments.” Vidya cried.
“Vidya, if you don’t learn from your flaws, you’ll never learn the art of defending yourself against men.” Priya said. “Now get over here and show me what he did.”
Vidya looked especially bright for someone who had just woken up, in her plain black half-sleeved t-shirt and her full pyjamas. The two sisters dressed very differently from each other even though they shared a wardrobe and were approximately the same size. She began to describe the events of the previous night. “Okay, our lecturer just finished the class at 8 o clock. I walked out with the other girls, headed downstairs from the second floor where he takes the classes. Once downstairs, I got out through the gate and bid my friends goodbye, then headed for my vehicle. But there he was…”
“Manu?” Priya asked.
“Yeah. He was waiting close to my scooter. Come to think of it, it’s like he knew I would go there…”
“Yeah. Before I was able to mount my vehicle, he said that he wanted to talk to me in private. He looked around- there was nobody. We were in the spot just behind the street light at the corner, which is dark as hell. He started to talk weird, saying sick things like ‘hey sexy, will you come home with me? I want to love you…’ things like that. I said ‘no’ and stepped away from him, to insert my key into the vehicle. He caught my hand and turned me around. That’s when it happened…”
“He slapped me so very hard.” Vidya said, feeling her cheek. “It was so hard, I had a nightmare about it. Then he dragged me to his car and began to drive me in some random direction. So I told him that Supreeth had slept with me…”
“He left it at that?”
“I said something else, too…” Vidya said. “I told him I was already pregnant. I bulged up my stomach muscles and tried to look pregnant…”
“He bought it?”
“Yeah.” Vidya said. “So he turned towards our place and threw me at the gate.”
“He’s a sickening fellow, isn’t he?” Priya asked, wiping off a droplet of tears from her eyes.
“He’s hopeless, Priya. I can’t believe people like him exist in our neighborhood.” Vidya said.
“Now, Suhas.” Priya turned to me. “I want you to say those things Manu said, and act like he would have acted.”
“What? Why?” I asked.
“Because I want to show my sister how to deal with worthless guys like him.” Priya said. “Come on, it’s just a sentence.”
I shrugged, but felt a pang of fear. Vidya was surely going to find out about my “relationship” with her big sister. “Hey sexy,” I put on an ugly half-closed eyes grin on my face and talked to Priya, “I want to love you. Will you come home with me?”
Priya caught my hand and twisted it backwards, making me fall to my knees beneath her. “You know what you should have done?” she asked, turning to Vidya.
The little sister stepped back and shuddered. “Priya, what are you doing to Suhas?”
“Don’t worry about him, he wants to be treated that way. Just answer the question first.” Priya asserted. Vidya shook her head and shrugged. “Watch.” Priya spat a huge gob of spit into my eyes, in front of her sister, and then took her hand back to deliver the hardest possible slap to my cheek. I could feel the each line of her fingerprint on my cheek as I was rendered powerless. “This is the way to deal with assholes like Manu.” She said, presenting me to her sister as a mere defeated example.
“Okay, I understand.” Vidya said, retracting into a little ball. “But why are you hitting Suhas?”
Priya paused to consider how she would answer this one, and decided that three words would suffice. “He’s my slave.”
“He’s what?”
“Last month, Suhas came to our place and had dinner with us, you remember the fish kheema?” Priya explained. “That day he proposed to me. He begged me to take him as my slave. All he wants in life is for me to use him, and he expects nothing in return. He’s happy this way. Tell her, Suhas.”
“Vidya,” I said, still reeling from the devastating slap. “It’s true, I’m a masochist. I want to be her slave, I want to live and die for her.”
“In simpler words,” Priya explained, “he’s a wimp and he’s living the life wimps deserve.”
“Oh my God!” Vidya said. “I can’t believe you’re that way. You actually want her to beat you up.”
“See?” Priya pointed a finger at me. “This is what happens to weak people. Between him and you, it’s hard to say who is weaker. Vidya, you’re seriously going to end up like this loser if you don’t become stronger.”
“But I could never hurt a fly!” Vidya protested.
“And if you keep living this way, it won’t be long before someone rapes you.” Priya said, as Vidya blanked out in consternation. “Vidya, do you want to be a loser?”
“Then come over here and slap my slave.” Priya barked. “Now!”
Vidya toddled over to me and looked into my crying eyes. She began to whimper herself, and retreated into her big sister’s arms. “Priya, I can’t. Please let me be who I am.”
“I won’t.” Priya pushed her back with authority. “You’re going to grow up whether you like it or not. Unless you want to get raped. Imagine Manu, with his ugly body all over you…”
“Okay.” Vidya came back before me. I held my head high, waiting for her to hit me with a hard slap. Well, I was a gone-case wimp for life, the least I could do was give Priya’s sister the chance to break out of her weaknesses. I sealed my eyes close and waited for the hand. After a lot more complaining, the hand did arrive on my cheek for a soft landing.
“You call that a slap?” Priya asked, stepping behind her sister. “Come on. Forget that he was your friend, forget that he is my slave. He’s going to rape you if you don’t slap him hard enough.”
Vidya bit her teeth hard. A bubble of confidence went up her flat belly, until her face shivered with anger. I closed my eyes shut, anticipating a slap as hard as Priya’s. Vidya swung her hand into me, and it was much harder than her sister’s. As I crumpled to the floor, I heard Vidya whimpering and repeatedly saying “sorry.”
“No, you don’t say sorry.” Priya said, stepping close to me and planting a firm foot on my head. “You subdue him to the floor where he belongs.”
“O..okay.” Vidya cried.
“Come, wipe your foot on his face.” Priya said, inviting her sister to do as she did. Vidya’s beautiful went up in the air and landed hard on me, crushing me into the the cold floor under her beautiful little peds. “More force. More.” Priya kept saying, until I could feel dents on my existence caused by Vidya’s feet. “Now, let’s replay the whole scene with Manu, except this time you’re going to deal with him just the way I taught you.”
“Okay.” Vidya stepped back, bracing herself for the cruel roleplay scene. “I’m ready.”
“Suhas, start the scene.” Priya instructed, quite simply.
I found myself rising, despite knowing full well what would happen during the next minute. If obedience was the keyword of my life since my enslavement, it had suddenly changed to gore stupidity. I managed to bring an ugly little smile on my face as I played Manu’s part in the play. “Hey sexy. Why don’t you come home with me?”
Vidya’s face began to vibrate slightly at the very sight of me, but her eyes were defocused perhaps recalling the same words spoken to her yesterday, and its violent context. She whispered a forceful “no,” that sounded even louder than if she spoke it in her normal voice. She then caught my collar, pulled me closer and landed the tightest slap of the day. As I pendulated in her tight grip of my shirt, I realized why she held my shirt in the first place- to ensure my eyes were open for the punishment and to ensure that I wouldn’t slip away. She pulled me back in, so that my reeling face was before hers. She scooped up a ball of spit in her mouth and sent it like a peashot to the center of my skull, instead it spread over the surface of my skin and seeped into my eyes.
“Something like that.” Priya said. “Now kick his groin so hard, he can never have children.”
Vidya turned back to me and considered the instructions for a moment. I let my hands fall; Vidya wasn’t brazen enough for something like that. The next moment, she pulled my head under her armpit, positioning herself for the perfect kick to my midsection and before I knew it, her knee came grinding into my shaft, sending two broken testes sideways as the cockpit of her knee structure piloted deep into my kidneys. I fell to her feet, and landed with my face on her foot with golden globules of pain shooting up my broken groin, yet incredibly aroused. There was no outlet for that arousal, but I still felt the heat in my gut.
Priya clapped softly, acknowledging her sister’s effort. “You aren’t hopeless, after all.”
Vidya smiled sweetly at her sister. “Thank you, Priya. I will defend myself properly if the need arises.”
“The need will certainly arise.” Priya patted her sister’s back. “But I want to see some more proof that you won’t suddenly chicken out.”
“Please,” I attempted to mumble, but my lips simply danced on the top of her foot and my throat made no sound.
“Humiliate Suhas some more.” Priya said, tapping her on the hip and retaking her seat on the bed. “I won’t tell you specifically, you have to figure out this one for yourself.”
“Okay.” Vidya turned back, watching me with a smile on her pretty red face as I pulled myself up to a kneel. “How does my spit taste?” she asked. “Oh, that’s right, it didn’t go into your mouth.” Using her forefinger and thumb like the arms of a plyer, her hand crushed into my Adam’s apple causing my mouth to open up for a scream. “You pervert,” she hissed, gurgling up a weighty load in her mouth which she projected into mine without a moment’s hesitation. She let go, moving her hands up my mouth, forcing me to swallow it all. She growled as she watched me swallow the ball. “How does it taste?”
“Marvellous, Vidya.” I said, gulping down the tasteless viscosity.
“You proposed to my elder sister?” Vidya inquired.
“To become her slave, Vidya. I don’t want to be her boyfriend…”
“Then what? You want be her dog?”
“Her human,” I corrected, for reasons I couldn’t understand.
“My sister and I share most of our possessions.” Vidya said. “So from now on you’re my human, too.”
“I accept, Vidya.” I kissed her foot, somewhat eagerly. The fact that she was my brother’s girlfriend vastly decreased the eroticism of submitting to her, but I simply turned the attention of all five senses back to her beautiful feet.
“Put your head there,” Vidya said, pointing to her bed.
I placed my head where she pointed, along the wooden edge of her bed and looked up to her, feeling somewhat awkward. Vidya stood over me and held her head high. “I am superior to you in every way.” Vidya said. “What do you say to that?”
“It’s true, Vidya. You’re beautiful, brilliant…” I began.
“Shut up.” Vidya said, looking down at me along the surface of her cheeks. “I spat on your inferior face and you didn’t thank me for it.”
“Oh I’m sorry, Vidya.” I joined my hands together and bowed. “Please find it in your heart to forgive my inferior soul.”
“Hmph.” She blew up some air at a few locks her hair. Her hands began to converge to her navel and landed on the hook of her long jeans skirt. I felt a swirling ball of red heat spiralling around my ribs into my heart as she unhooked it and let it drop to the floor. This was even hotter than Priya dropping her skirt, because when she did that, in most cases, her skirts were so short that I would have seen everything already. This felt like a larger curtain dropping on a very expensive theater show. Her bulging thighs were nearly as beautiful as her sister’s, and were sweating a bit more due to the length of her skirt.
“Thank you, supreme Goddess.” I muttered, staring intently at her lacey pink panties.
Vidya turned around and stood with one leg on my other side, her buttocks poised to land on my face. “I’m going to sit on your inferior face with my bum, to show off my superiority.”
“Please do, my Goddess.” I said, glancing at the elder sister for a moment.
Priya was shaking her head and giggling. “You’re giving him the biggest treat of his life.”
“I don’t mind.” Vidya said, crushing down the beautiful balloons of glimmering flesh on my undeserving face and smothering me under. It was indeed the biggest treat of my life, as she forcefully ground my face into the sponge of her bed.
As if the sisters were communicating telepathically, she got herself up and prepared herself to make the sit as humiliating as she intended it to be, using one single question. “You know what your brother gets to do with my bum?” she asked, pointing to the center of her panties. Tears poured out of my eyes as I visualized the answer, and she literally added salt to the wounds by sitting down heavily on my face. She laid still this time, and I felt myself sinking under the luscious sweaty spheres.
“Bravo!” Priya said, clapping genuinely at her apprentice’s conquest. “This is the right way.”
“Thank you,” Vidya said. Her skin slid aside, letting the merciless bottom of her thigh-bone squeeze my skull.
“Look at that.” Priya said. I could hear tears of joy in her voice. “The supreme being with her bum all over the loser’s face.”
“Even you never thought of doing this to your slave, did you?” Vidya blushed.
“Never.” Priya said.
“You want to have a go at it?” Vidya asked. “You’re welcome, you know? Provided you tell me that I’ve become a boisterous girl.”
“You most certainly have, Vidya.” Priya opened her arms and Vidya thrust herself into them, and the sisters embraced each other.
Priya then dropped her jogging shorts and took a seat on my inferior face. Her bum didn’t spread all over like her sister, because although it had more radius, her flesh was a lot more toned and tight than her little sister’s. She exercised every day of her life since the age of twelve, and her taut bum confirmed the story. I moved my face around, to feel the inverted ‘V’ her warm bosom spread perfectly over my nose. Their sweet, warm scent was intoxicating as always. “This is good, but there is something I did to this loser that you didn’t do,” Priya giggled at her sister.
“What is it?” Vidya asked.
“Listen.” Priya said, tightening her buttocks further. The meagre air between the inner surface between the spheres, the only air my nose had access to, was suddenly replaced with a brown, pungent gas accompanied by a loud, popping noise.
“Oh my God!” Vidya laughed, thoroughly entertained by the big sister’s gaseous assault. “Did you poop into his mouth?”
“We both did.” Priya said, proudly.
“Who both?”
“Me and Rahul.” Priya explained. “You see, when you were gone yesterday I invited him and Rahul over to our place. We spent over six hours doing you know what, using him as our slave.”
“Wow.” Vidya considered the statement. “So Rahul knows, you know and I know about this slave thing.”
“Yes…,” Priya shook her head. “But that’s as far as it can go. Supreeth can’t find out. He thinks that his loser brother can’t get a girlfriend, so let him keep thinking that. It would get ugly if he knows that this one doesn’t even want a girlfriend.”
“Okay.” Vidya said.
“I can too get a girlfriend.” I mumbled, my lips grazing the surface of Priya’s stinking bums. “Chandrika would be with me by now if you hadn’t interfered that day…”
“Okay, he can get a girlfriend. But he prefers letting me use his mouth as my bog.” Priya said. “Isn’t that right, you little bitch?” she raised her bums and brought them down again, making it look like I was nodding. “See how eager he is, to eat the shit off my ass?”
“Does he eat properly?” Vidya asked. “I imagine it must be tough, with that strong taste…”
“He will eat it up for me.” Priya said. “He’ll do anything. In fact, Suhas, why don’t you come over every morning and we both will give you a nice breakfast in your mouth?” she got up, expecting to hear my answer to that.
I shook my head, to recover from the nasty smother but mainly to consider the realities of that proposition. “My mom would find out.”
“No she wouldn’t.” Priya said. “When does she wake up?”
“7 A.M.”
“Get up at 6 and come over for us.” Priya laughed. “You will never get caught.”
“But Priya,” I swallowed what tasted like the vapors from her warm buttocks on my tongue. “I might die.”
“First of all, you can always give up as per our agreement.” Priya winked. “Secondly, if we do poison you, you will run a knife through your throat and suicide for us. None of us are accepting any liability for your death, which you have invited upon yourself.”
“Okay.” I laid my head back. “I will die for you if it makes you giggle a bit more. My life is truly that worthless.”
“It is.” Priya slid down her panties and took her royal pot seat on my mouth again, except this time her sister looked on. In her finishing subduing moves, she crossed her legs one atop the other and crushed into my eyes with her thigh bone. There was a perfect vacuum between her butt and my mouth. The slit opened up to an overpressured pipe, letting out a warm stream of morning urine into my mouth, which I gulped down with competence or just a desire to breathe fresh air again. A loud crackling noise followed, as a warm dump of heavy pellets detached and dropped into my throat. My overworked throat barely managed to take it all in before Priya wiped herself clean on my face and stood up. The brown muck was stuck everywhere in my mouth- the upper walls, between the teeth, under the tongue. I closed my eyes and felt my soul being poisoned for her giggles.
“Look at that.” Vidya pointed five disgusted fingers at me. “Your life reduced to nothing but a shitty joke for us. Is this your ambition in life, Suhas? Eating my sister’s shit until you die for her?”
I gulped down every speck of dirt before opening my mouth to answer the question. “My life is Priya’s to do as she wishes…” at which point I felt the little sister’s powerful foot step across my face and crush me deep into the bed.
“I meant Priya’s and yours.” I corrected myself.
“Exactly.” Vidya dropped her panties and turned around. “You see that?” she asked, pointing to her butt crack. “Your brother sticks his penis into that, while you eat breakfast from it. You should be ashamed.” I felt a bitterness in my mouth, each time she mentioned my brother. Vidya’s soft bubbles soon descended on my face to punish my mouth with the same taste and stink that her big sister had delivered. “Ahh,” she finally said, having relieved herself into me. “That was nice and convenient. You are going to come over every day for this.” Vidya said. I accepted the terms. “Now get out of our house!”
Even though future episodes will show up on BDSM library, the best way to keep in touch with this series is to subscribe to my site (FREE), so you get new episodes straight to your inbox! I am not trying to spam you, and I won’t sell your email ID. I’m just an amateur looking to share his work as quickly as possible.
As mentioned before, more Breaking Point episodes *may* be available on MistressPriya.com
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