Four hours had passed since the long, humiliating domination session in which Priya had revealed my slavery role to her sister and both the beautiful sisters ended up taking a heavy dump in my mouth. I couldn’t believe what she had reduced me to ever since I declared that I wished to be her slave, I couldn’t believe that I had accepted to sneak over to her place every morning so I can take a fresh dump every morning after her jog, and Vidya would join the party- her farts smelled sweeter but the dump was more bitter and heavier than her sister’s. I had to forego breakfast today, given the amount of dump I had to eat, with the pretext of “I’m not feeling very well, I got a stomach bug” to my parents and brother. The lie seemed to manifest itself in my body, as I groaned myself into a sick morning slumber. Maybe it was time to suicide. Normal, confident men like my brother and Rahul slept with those beautiful girls, while I ate their crap and knew whose fart smelled sweeter from a range of less than a centimeter. What was it that differentiated them from me? Primarily, and this is the most basic of them all, I didn’t even want to kiss those girls and be their boyfriend. I genuinely wanted to kiss their feet and obey their every command as long as my life and health weren’t endangered.
The self-defeating thoughts were interrupted by a call on my cellphone- it was Vidya. What did she want now, I thought. “Get over here and bring the car,” she said and hung up. No hello, no bye, no listening- just that sentence, spoken like a true Mistress to a slave. She seemed to have gotten a taste of the power that her sister had over men, and seemed to align towards it, much like a marijuana addict does the first time. I went downstairs and picked up the car keys. “Ma, I’m going to a friend’s place,” I lied. Lying was becoming a way of life at this point. Which friend, my mother asked and somehow, in that moment, the only guy’s name I could make up was “Manu.” Why that, of all names in the world I cannot explain. Thus I was in the car again, feeling my heart getting heavier, from a combination of the humiliation the girls had delivered to my mouth plus the guilt of incessant lying to my family. It was a good thing they didn’t watch where I was taking the car, because I took the left turn to the girls’ house, the little street which led only to theirs and one other house, which would have made what I was up to overly obvious.
The girls were in front of their house, dressed up to their usual standards of elegance. Priya wore her yellow t-shirt with a sexy red mini-skirt, while Vidya wore a white top with a long black jeans skirt. They both had elegant long boots up to their knees and once I reversed the car for them, they both entered the backseat leaving me alone in the front like I their driver. I adjusted the rearview towards the younger sibling, hoping for an apology but she seemed altogether proud of what she’d done. “Where are we going?” I asked them.
“You know where Sunderlal’s paan shop is?” Priya said. “Take us there.”
I knew it well enough; it was less than a kilometer away from their place. What I didn’t understand was why two beautiful high-class girls would want to go there. It was a place for smokers, drug addicts and their likes to hang out. The only women to ever set foot in that block were shemales and hookers. The thought made me giggle, and I turned back to look at the girls’ shiny leather boots.
“It’s not what you think.” Priya was always sharp as a tack. “Vidya thinks that Manu would be there.”
“I think he even has a business set up there.” Vidya added.
My hands quivered when I heard this. “Oh no, what are you girls going to do?”
“I’m going to avenge my sweet sister.” Priya said, smiling but determined. “I’m going to make that bastard pay for hurting her…”
“That might be…” I began, but the very sight of the stern elder sister with her big boots stopped me midway. Nothing could be dangerous for a ferocious girl like her. No matter how big or fat Manu was, Priya would have him licking those gorgeous boots for her in no time. “…clever.”
“It is.” Priya said. I pulled up the car towards the street corner, giving us a good vantage point for observing the street. It wasn’t overly crowded as usual, but it was a bright Sunday morning so that wasn’t expected anyway. The little paan shop was located towards the other corner, with a few men standing around chewing the betel leaves while others smoked unfiltered cigarettes. There was a tiny office next to the shop, the sign read “Manu’s real estate agency.” It had tainted glass doors and windows, and before it stood an unusually calm, chubby man sipping from a tiny cup of tea and smoking a cigarette.
“That’s Manu.” Vidya nodded. I observed the man more closely- he didn’t look the violent type at all. He was about 5’6” tall, weighed about a hundred kilos, had a belly that resembled the convex surface of an earthen pot and a bushy little moustache on an innocent looking face- large peaceful eyes, small ears and an overall apricot-like shape. He was dressed in a shabby kurta-pyjama, but had a glimmering silver watch on his wrist that gave him a sort of upper middle-class look. As we watched, a woman in a green sari walked past him towards the paan shop. We watched him get her attention with one syllable. “Hey!” The woman didn’t respond, so he said it louder. Once she turned around, he raised his eyebrows, gave her a dirty smile and thrust his hips back and forth. The woman shook her head and walked away, while he leaned against the doors of his office and laughed.
“Yeah, that’s definitely the picture I had of him,” Priya said. “Alright, I’m going in,” she said, unlocking her door and stepping out of the vehicle.
“Priya, you’ll need the purse. Follow the plan.” Vidya said, but Priya was already a few paces away from the car. Priya was almost cat-walking, swinging her gorgeous hips slightly and stepping her sharp heeled boots in a straight line towards the paan shop. Manu immediately took notice of her, but she kept her head straight. He let out a low whistle in respect of the beauty, and Priya stopped to giggle for a moment before tapping the paan shop’s counter. Manu immediately pulled out his wallet and ordered a paan for her, and she giggled a “thank you.”
“She doesn’t need a purse.” I sighed. “She’s Priya.”
Manu also got rid of his little tea-cup and the cigarette, then leaned himself against the counter to converse with her. The words were inaudible, but she was easily making him smile, and he did the same for her too. Somehow he was completely oblivious of the gray car and the presence of his ex-victim in the backseat, so I thought it was time for some small talk. “He runs a real estate agency and studies engineering?”
“Hmph,” Vidya’s cheek puffed red. “He’s a swine. A bloody, motherf…”
“Okay, I got it.” I whispered. “What was the plan anyway? She’s going to seduce him and kick him in the face?”
“Something like that.” Vidya said. “Or, exactly that. But you know what all this waiting and anticipation is doing to me?”
“It makes me want to pee.” Vidya smiled. “I mean, I’d normally go looking for a restroom but since I have you right here…”
“You mean, in the car? Right now?” I tried to delay the inevitable.
“Exactly.” Vidya said. “Now push back your seat and show me your mouth.”
“Please Vidya!” I cried, checking around. “People will see.”
“Nobody will see.” Vidya said. “Come on. Push back, this is an urgent matter.”
So I did. I pulled the seat’s handle, setting it loose so I could unwind to the back seat. Vidya caught my head and yanked me closer, until I was on her lap. “I have just one request,” I said, shutting my eyes in desperation.
“What is it?”
“Just please don’t mention my brother.” I joined the fingers of my left hand in the gaps of the right. “I beg of you.”
“You mean,” she mused, “your brother who gets to fuck my ass while you have to work like my human toilet?” I rolled my head in despair, but she stopped, gazed into my eyes and said, “nah. It can wait.” Her hands were still locked across my neck.
“What? Why did you change your mind?” I asked.
“Because you are Priya’s slave, you’re my sister’s property.” Vidya said. “If everything goes according to our plan, I’ll have my own slave today.” She gestured her bright eyes towards Manu.
“Wow.” I gasped. “You’re going to enslave Manu.”
“If I don’t kill him first.” Vidya hissed.
“So I can sit back?”
Vidya brought her head over me and without any kind of warning, she spat into my eyeballs. “Yes,” she laughed. “You may sit.”
I straightened up my seat and wiped off my eyes to see the massive progress Priya had made. She had pinned Manu to the glass façade of his own office, one hand over his shoulder and one under his arms, her large breasts against the man’s chest. Even as she chewed a juicy red paan in her mouth, there was a glinting smile on the corner of her lips as she gazed into Manu’s eyes. Very slowly but steadily, her hand slid up to the doorknob and twisted it open. Priya closed her eyes and swooped into the man’s neck, making him close his eyes and feel up her slim waist in his lucky hands. Manu’s lips converged into a gentle kiss, as Priya took a large step back and spat all the paan’s solid flakes and juice to his face, painting him dark red in a flash. Before he could break out of the swirl and react, before anybody noticed the thunderous spit, Priya opened up the office door and toted his heavy body into it.
Priya and Manu momentarily disappeared from our vision, which got Vidya picking up a thin rope from her purse and popping open the car door. “Time to go,” was all she said, before she dashed into the little office. I locked the car and followed her in to witness an extremely violent scene. Manu was down on the tiled office floor in proximity to a table and three cushioned chairs, one behind and two in front. His hands were attempting to wipe off the spit paan on his face, while Priya’s boots hovered over his crotch, prepared for a devastating crash landing on them. Vidya was next to the door, tears in her eyes and hands on her breast, looking on…the boot finally rose in the air and smashed its way into his groin. Manu screamed in pain and tried to get his hands to nurse the shooting pain, but the firm boots wouldn’t budge for the life of it. His back was stiff as a scale, his hands begging attend the busted midsection, whereas Priya turned back with her round face calm as an old tortoise, fixed the glasses on her nose and stretched out her hands, quietly asking for the rope Vidya had brought in.
Vidya handed them to her and Priya bent over to catch his resilient arms. Manu fought for his life, although he could barely see what was happening to his arm. Priya stood back up and strategized for a moment, before bending over and reaching for just one of his arms. She succeeded quite easily, then twisted it around as hard as she could. As soon as Priya relinquished the firm stomp of her boot, Manu twisted on the floor feeling a world of pain switch from his balls to his shoulder blades. She quickly grabbed the other hand and sent it around one of the office table’s legs and soon brought both hands together. The rope coiled around both wrists and ended with a tight knot, then a double knot and a triple knot. Manu’s hands were soon bound so tight there was no chance for him to break out but he would keep rubbing against the surface of the metallic table leg in his futile attempts. He wasn’t the type to give up easily. Priya calmly lowered herself next to him and picked up the lower end of his kurta, to wipe his face with his own clothes. As Manu’s face cleared up, his angry scowl came into view. There was a desperate grunt from his throat, like he would punch her if he only had his hands free to do so. Priya gave him a calm smile.
“What the hell is this?” Manu tried again to break his hands free. “Let me go!”
“You think I should let you go?” Priya smiled, resting her chin on a finger. “Because I’d rather not.”
“Either let me go, or else…,” Manu began with a gust of anger flowing up to his face, with no real outlet to actually finish his sentence.
“Or else what, Manu?” Priya giggled.
“How do you know my name?” He asked.
“I know everything.” Priya hissed the last word into his ear. In a fit of desperation, Manu noticed that his legs were still free on the floor. He slowly raised on leg and kicked Priya on the back, sending her flying to the side where her glasses dropped over to the floor. Manu screamed as he tried to separate his hands from the grip of the rope, still unaware that Vidya and I were in the room. Priya recovered in a flash, brought the glasses back on and sat herself on the fat guy’s legs, thus subduing him completely. He still didn’t give up, he began rubbing the rope surface against the metal to see if it would cut open. “Oh my, you’re an angry one aren’t you?”
“Let me go!” Manu said.
“I’ll do that.” Priya said, making him pause for a moment. “But first, there is someone I’d like you to meet.” Vidya stepped closer to the action, her boots clicking eight times on the smooth floor before she stood over him.
“Oh no.” Manu gasped. “It’s you…”
“In person.” Vidya said.
“Wait a minute.” Priya interjected. “Manu, what’s her name? Tell me.” Manu’s eyes shifted nervously as he attempted to recall what it was. “You’ve been to the same chemistry tuition for two months, haven’t you?”
“Yeah,” Manu conceded.
“So what’s her name?” Priya asked. “Sexy?”
“I don’t know, okay?” Manu retorted. “Now let me go, we will talk.”
“Hmm,” Priya turned her attention to her fingernails. “I don’t think my sister came all the way here to talk to you. She has some other plans in mind…”
“Please, this is silly…” Manu attempted to break free again.
Priya raised her hand, snapper her finger and turned to me. “Hey slave!”
“Yes, Priya.” I darted closer to her. Now four people knew that I was a slave.
“I want you to sit on his legs and subdue him so Vidya can beat him up.” Priya said.
“No, that won’t be necessary.” Vidya said, producing a second piece of rope. The sisters worked his legs together, twisting them back to the foot of the table, so that his arms and legs were both tied firmly to it, restraining him for good. Vidya stepped closer to him and caught his large head in her hand forcing him to look at the one thing he didn’t want to- deep into her eyes.
“Vidya,” Manu began.
“You finally know my name.” Vidya said, in a low tone of voice.
“I’m sorry about what happened yesterday.” Manu said, his face shivering in her hand. Tears began to flow down his cheek, as they did for Vidya.
“You aren’t sorry.” Vidya said. “You are tied up and you’re afraid of what I’ll do, as you should be.” She paused. “For that matter, I saw you hitting on my sister just now, and some random woman before that.”
“I…,” Manu broke down with no defense. He tried again to yank his hands upwards and break free from his bondage, his skin constantly bitten by the patterns on the ropes such that they tattooed themselves upon him.
“I know people like you.” Vidya breathed heavily into his face. “You will never be sorry.”
“Please, Vidya.”
“You slapped me so hard yesterday, I got a nose bleed.” Vidya raised her right hand, while strangling him in place with her left. “Now you’ll know how that feels.” The right hand swept the small distance with unstoppable force, sending the fingers tearing through the cheeks into Manu’s teeth. She switched hands and delivered an equal and opposite slap to the other cheek, as if she were attempting to perform a symmetric assault. Vidya switched hands and went in again, uprooting the man’s gums and shifting the teeth line to one side at a time. The slapping assault continued for about three dozen hard slaps, constantly reminding and imprinting the previous day’s memory in his thick skull as well as branding it into his skin.
Priya began to walk back towards the office’s door and shut it close. She ordered me to bring her one of the chairs, which I did. The sound of Vidya’s slapping resonated across the room, and had become strangely rhythmical- one tearing slap every two seconds. “It looks like she has him in control, huh?” Priya said, sitting down on the chair and gesturing to her thighs. I sat on the floor and began to massage them for her, simultaneously keeping an eye on Manu’s brutal execution.
Vidya caught the man’s kurta in her hands and stretched it apart, sending a ripping it through until the very bottom. I could never have imagine a once docile girl displaying the kind of strength she was at the moment, but she certainly was. She bent over and ripped away Manu’s pyjamas even quicker, exposing his body fully for punishment. His vain attempts at escaping the ropes had stopped, for he was too red and rattled from the slaps he’d endured thus far. Vidya even took down the man’s underpants, to gaze at his dangling manhood. “You wanted to stick that thing in me, didn’t you?” she asked.
“No, Vidya.” Manu folded into himself as far as his restraints would allow.
“Well I’m going to make sure you can’t stick them into any girl.” Vidya took a step back, raised the right leg and sent it flying like a heavy pendulum through the pot belly and the man’s thick ugly shaft, knocking the wind out of his guts much like a balloon popped by a sharp fingernail. Manu slouched over to throw down the last bags of breath he had left in him, and to defend his balls from the girl’s booted kicks, perhaps by bringing his head in the way. He couldn’t think much, with the shooting pain bubbling up his body from his delicates, and hands too tightly tied for any shot at defense. From the corner of his eye, he saw Vidya’s boots shuffling. Soon the left boot was up in the air, to arrive with a telling blow at his face. Like a deathly see-saw, Vidya was alternating her kicks to expose his head and midsection in tandem for explosive kicks. Manu couldn’t help but give in to her force, moving exactly the way she wanted and taking the brutal punishment from her.
As Priya and I watched from the chair and the floor respectively, Vidya seemed to get angrier with each kick she dealt, as if the anger were feeding on his flinches. I began to feel safe, watching the man destroyed by the beautiful girl, and from massaging Priya’s warm lap, so my thus flaccid cock began to unfurl. Priya was too busy gaping the violent scene with her sister, so she didn’t notice how hard I was while I massaged her smooth thighs. I could even steal a few kisses and licks to her deadly boots and she wouldn’t notice, so I did exactly that. I was tempted to take off her boots and smell the strong odor that would follow, but stopped myself from going that far.
Vidya paused the kicks, to watch the desperate man begging for his life, begging for any semblance of breath. Although she did grant it to him, Manu could see that her face was flushed with more redness, that his punishment was far from over. He closed his eyes to feel the dents and bruises on his face, and his crushed testicles, perhaps heal them with his mind but all he could really do was droop over and breathe as much as he could while that privilege was still on the table.
“Vidya,” he gasped, “I’m really sorry. I would do anything to win your forgiveness.” Maybe a well framed apology would get him out of his predicament, he must have thought.
“You only want my forgiveness because you’re in pain,” Vidya said. “You don’t get why I’m doing this to you.”
“I’ve been an asshole, Vidya.” Manu pleaded. “I’m scum, I’m a criminal. I deserve every bit of the punishment you’re giving me…”
“Yes you do.” Vidya asserted.
“So tell me what to do, Vidya and I’ll do it.” Manu said.
“If I take off your ropes, what will you do?” Vidya asked.
“I won’t run away, Vidya.” Manu said. “I won’t go away until you forgive me fully.”
“Let’s see whether you can stay true to your word,” Vidya bent over to untie the man’s knots.
Priya got up to tap her sister on the shoulder. “Are you quite sure you know what you’re doing?”
“I’ll still have his legs tied up here.” Vidya said. “But I do want to see whether he can live up to the trust.”
“Okay,” Priya let out a soft sigh as she sank back into the chair, allowing me to resume the very sensual leg massage.
Manu’s hands were now free, and the first thing he did was to grab his own balls and nurse their pain away. He moaned, as he felt the pain and discomfort floating off into oblivion. He then rubbed his own face and checked the amount of blood pour in his hands. Vidya quietly watched him as he readied himself. “What do you want me to do, Vidya?”
“I want you to become my slave.” Vidya said.
“Your what?” Manu asked.
“You heard me. I want a slave.” Vidya said, pointing towards Priya and me. “You see how my sister has that guy working for her, without expecting anything in return? That’s what I want.”
Manu looked at me and shook his head. “You’re asking me to give up my life. I’m sorry about what I did to you, but I can’t give away my life like that…”
“What is it you want to live for?” Vidya pierced into his soul. “You don’t study well, your business isn’t doing well…”
“Hey, how do you know that?” Manu asked. “I’m about to get a huge deal with a customer you know?”
“Your life,” Vidya brought herself closer to his face to maintain a straight gaze into his eyes, “is nothing but garbage. You might as well do one good thing and serve me before you die.”
I would never have pegged Manu as one of the guys who could get insulted by harsh words, but he certainly had a reaction to what Vidya said. “Today,” she began to explain, “you will come over to my place barefoot and tell my parents that you want to be a servant in my house. They’ll say they already have a maid, but you will say that you’re going to work for a wage of two hundred rupees per month which is a quarter of what our servant charges, plus you’ll work for them 24 hours.”
Manu’s eyes began to wander to the left and right, as he considered the possibilities of obeying such a clause. “What about my parents? They call me from Bihar to see how I’m doing every week.”
“You will tell them that you’re doing well.” Vidya said.
“What about my college and tuitions?” Manu sank in despair.
“You will drop out of everything.” Vidya answered. “All day, you will be my mother’s servant. When I get back from college, you’ll give me foot massages and live your life as my bitch.”
Priya turned to me as she heard these words from her sister. “You know, you should do those things for me too.” I revulsed violently at the thought, and with one sentence my erection was lost. But she turned back to the action with her sister and I hoped she wasn’t really serious.
Manu thought for a while before groaning and shaking his head. He said nothing discernible, so Vidya began to work on plan B. She caught the hooks of her long black skirt and opened it up, letting it crumpled to the floor beneath her legs. Manu was aroused, staring intently at the girl’s beautiful white panties with eager eyes. “Sometimes, along with foot massages and leg massages, I would also want someone to do my bums for me.” Vidya cooed. “My bums. Would you be interested in something like that?” she asked, turning around to show the beautiful hind flesh of her midsection to the lusting man.
“I..I…” Manu slowly raised his hands to her sides.
“Go on, touch them. Honk them. Pom pom.” Vidya giggled, lightly jiggling her balls and moving them closer to his face. Manu caught the flesh in his hands and gave it a sensual little squeeze, making Vidya moan in delight. He puckered up some more of the flesh, until his hands were full, then let go, dropping the soft balls back to their original shape. Vidya turned around to check the erectness of his cock, then stepped backwards so that the bottom side-stitch of her panties were exactly over his nose. Manu’s hands were now wrapped around her thighs, hugging them like they were his favorite thing in the world. Vidya giggled at us and brought her bums down on her victim’s face, allowing the spongy surface to spread all over his cheeks and face, with the rough panty material over his nose.
She gently moved herself back and forth, wiping their delightful scent into his existence. “Come on, be my slave. Give up everything for me.” Manu didn’t seem to hear at all, he simply rose to smother himself deeper into Vidya’s warm, sweaty buttocks. He opened his mouth wide, as if he were taking a large bite off a juicy red apple, and sunk himself into them for a few moments. Vidya stood still and enjoyed the almost-recruit’s advances into her flesh. Suddenly, Manu’s hand went down and he attended to his full-grown cock, grabbing the shaft and spurting out a massive load of pre-cum to the floor next to Vidya’s boots.
Manu took a deep breath, heaved and smiled a drunken smile. “I’m ready,” he said. “I’ll give up everything for you.”
“Good.” Vidya said. “From now on, you’re a slave to me and my boyfriend Supreeth.”
“Wait a minute,…”
“And now, I urgently want to answer a nature call.” Vidya said.
“The restroom is over there, but we need to talk about the terms…”
“Open your mouth.” Vidya said, with a firm voice. “Aaaah.”
“You want to pee into my mouth?” Manu asked, grinding his expression in disgust. I could easily tell that he was not into female domination and S/M, he only wanted vanilla sex and was never going to get it.
“Yes.” Vidya said, dropping her panties.
“Ugh,” Manu cringed but opened his mouth nevertheless. Vidya took a comfortable seat on his face and streamed out a large volume of urine into his mouth, making him gulp rapidly. The pee lasted unusually long, as she had been holding it in quite a while. She let everything into his mouth, wiped her clit on his face before stepping off and standing before the dry-balled man.
“You might make a good slave.” Vidya said.
“But you have a boyfriend.” Manu cried.
“How does that matter to you?” Vidya asked. “You’re just my slave. You’re never going to fuck me or anyone else for the rest of your life.”
They argued for a while about his privileges, while Priya picked up her cellphone and placed a call. She began to converse with Rahul on the other end. “Hi, Rahul it’s me…yeah she’s doing great…everything worked just the way we planned…hey, I wanted to ask you something…do you have the numbers of most of the guys in our class…can you send me a few of them in one sms…Sriram, Gopi, Atul, Amit, Vijay,….oh I have something planned for you and these guys…something special- I can’t tell you what it is…(giggle)…okay, thanks…my human?… for how long…that should be fine,” Priya patted my head, while I began to fear what she was planning for me. “I’ll need him back in the evening though…Okay..buh-bye…i love you…i love you even more…i love you more than more than more…by-eee.”
I looked up to her to see what she had put me in for. “You’re going to Rahul’s place today afternoon. He wants you for four hours,” Priya said.
“Oh no! What for?” I asked.
“You know. Foot cleaning, massaging…Now come on, it’s not like you’re good for many things.” Priya said. “Go work for him after you drop us off. Those are my direct orders to you.”
“Okay,” I conceded. “I’ll be Rahul’s slave this afternoon.”
Priya got an sms then, containing several numbers. She called up the first one on the list and greeted the receiver. “Hey, it’s me, Priya…how are you?…listen, I want you to come to this real estate agency- take down the address…yes, today evening at six PM sharp. Bye” She had around eight, maybe nine such short conversations, asking all of them to arrive at this very office at 6 PM. My imagination began to run wild, considering what dastardly plans she may have made for all these people, calling all of them to this very office. Come to think of it, she ordered me to go over to Rahul’s for precisely four hours, which meant that I would be sent back at 6 PM. Was I involved in this weird plan, too?
Soon, Vidya was done with the enslavement. Manu was persuaded either by words or force to accept every condition of Vidya’s and would live on as her slave. Vidya took off the man’s ropes completely and set him free. I half expected him to assault the girls once he was free, but he did no such thing- he was genuinely ashamed. We escorted him to the front seat of the car next to me, while the girls sat behind. Priya took the keys to the office and placed it carefully in her pocket, saying that the office “would make a very nice dungeon for my current and future slaves,” like she had a million of them waiting for her at the front door. I dropped Priya, Vidya and Manu to Priya’s house, and I went home to have a lunch break, after which I would go over to Rahul’s place and work for him.
This slavery business was rapidly slipping out of control.
Even though future episodes will show up on BDSM library, the best way to keep in touch with this series is to subscribe to my site (FREE), so you get new episodes straight to your inbox! I am not trying to spam you, and I won’t sell your email ID. I’m just an amateur looking to share his work as quickly as possible.
As mentioned before, more Breaking Point episodes *may* be available on MistressPriya.com
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