This is not a story you want to read if you are upset easily by non-consensual sex, slavery, humiliation, etc. The primary plot is: a dom turns his sub over to a trainer of sexual submissives in Thailand. Things get worse from there. She may or may not be sold into slavery, she doesn't know. This story doesn't condone that kind of thing, but it makes a powerful fantasy. Fantasy. Get it? FANTASY.
...continued from chapter 2 in which Patricia is set up in Loo's compound...
Patricia was a complete mess. The metal platform she was on was surrounded by a moat of mud, a mixture of the cum that drizzled now nearly continuously from her asshole and her own body fluids, spilled into the dirt between her feet whenever she had to relieve herself. She felt the mud ooze between her toes and often slid in it while they were using her.
A mixture of cum and excrement was crusted along the insides of both thighs as well as her calves and feet. With each day, the prospect of anyone paying to take her out of this bondage faded. Slowly, she realized it had been a fantasy all along. Now, whenever she saw a pair of feet approaching her, she enticed them to use her, then she begged for water or some food. Most times, she was turned down. Only twice did she even approach the subject of someone buying her. In both cases, she was fucked again for insolence. In both cases, they laughed at her throughout the second fucking.
It was the end of her second weekend of captivity in Loo's compound - that was the word she used now for the enclosure that housed her, Loo, and the other three women - when she heard English-speaking voices for the first time since her arrival. For several minutes, she wondered if she was dreaming. Or if she might be going crazy from the boredom and the heat. But no, they were real. They were talking about scheduling a trip scuba diving in the ribbon reefs off the coast.
She opened her eyes and saw them, five huge Australians in fatigue shorts, tank tops, and sandals. Three sported blonde crew cuts, one had flowing black hair and the other was bald. They were built like linebackers, all muscle and testosterone. They were standing in front of a bar halfway up the alley from her, holding giant mugs of beer and sandwiches.
"Hello..." she tried to croak but her throat was too dry. She shook her head weakly, closed her eyes. She heard footsteps from behind her and recognized them as Pooku's. Pooku was one of the two older women who worked for Loo and the sexiest. She was five foot two and had a fuller body than the other two. She was still thin - probably weighed under 100 pounds - but had oversized bottom and breasts. Patricia had wondered if she'd enhanced them to make herself more marketable.
Pooku stopped and stood beside her. Patricia smelled her rich, pungent cunt. Pooku had told her that her name had been given to her by some customers from Singapore - it was slang for cunt secretion. Evidently, she got very, very wet when she was horny. Or so the Singapore men had told her.
She slapped her hand across Patricia's bottom. The sharp sound travelled through the courtyard and up into the alley. Patricia flailed her useless arms and heard Pooku chuckle. "Little birdy flap wings," she said. "Hey! Hey, boys!" Pooku yelled, spanking Patricia again. The pain was intense and she moaned. Her flesh was bright red from sunburn and each hand crack was another explosion. Loo had made sure she was in the shade the first week, but now she was not so careful. Some days, she's drag Patricia's stage from one side of the compound to the other as the sun went across the sky; some days, she'd open up the canopy that shaded the center of the compound, but some days she was too tired. Or lazy. Or cruel.
"Hey, lads, what 'ave we got here?" Long Hair said, pointing toward Patricia.
"Ah, now I can make some money," Pooku whispered to her. She motioned for the men to come down the alley, rubbing her hand up and down the inside of Patricia's thigh. She felt herself responding to the woman's touch. She trembled with anger. It seemed that the men who were fucking her ass were just stopping by to make deposits, but if a woman touched her, she went crazy. She felt her cunt swell and closed her eyes tight, trying not to notice the sweet feeling of those fingers on her body. So near her cooch...cunt. She was beginning to use the words she heard in the compound to talk about herself. Her cooch. Quim. Punany. Choot.
"You like a nice American ass-poony?" Pooku sang in the voice she put on for the johns. She sped up her speech and faked a weak "I don't know much English" accent. "She very good girl, tight bung. You fuckee?" Pooku spit on Patricia's asshole and pushed two fingers in hard and fast. Patricia grunted, mostly from arousal. Her ass could take it. Her tits, on the other hand, were rubbing against the wooden log and already feeling raw.
Pooku pulled her fingers out of Patricia's ass and walked around in front of her. She grabbed the tired woman's hair with her right hand and slid her skirt up around her waist with her left. She pulled Patricia's head up quick, pushed it between her legs, pressed hard against her thin cotton panties. "You like show? She lickee me cunnie." She rocked up and down against Patricia's face. "Come on, lickee lickee." Patricia nearly came from the feelings deep inside her cunt, the smell of Pooku's hot pussy and the humiliation of being treated like this in front of five English-speakers was too much for her. She started humping the pad, knowing all the time that it was hopeless. She kept having to relearn that lesson - Su Da Lin's device was ingenious, it could bring her nothing but pain. The pad was in the right place to support her for ass fucking but gave her nothing to rub her clit against. She felt the frustration building, tears running down her face.
Pooku dropped her head and she swung back into place, eyes open and staring at three sets of strong, hairy legs. "No, no, you no leave. You watch. I make more." Pooku walked into her room and came back quickly with a wooden paddle. She brought the paddle down twice on each of her ass cheeks, then worked it up and down both thighs. Patricia begged her to stop, but Pooku was talking with the men and ignored her. Patricia bucked up and down with each swat, moaning and begging "no, no, no..."
One of the blond men reached out and stopped Pooku, took the paddle from her hand, "that's enough, girly. You're having too much fun with this, I can tell." "How much, then?" Bald Head asked. Patricia tried to speak but as soon as she made a sound, Pooku hooked her foot into the chain that hung between the nipple clamps and stepped down hard. Light exploded behind Patricia's eyes and she let out a loud, painful grunt. Pooku kept the pressure hard and Patricia used all of her willpower to keep from screaming.
She listened while Pooku negotiated with the men. There were five of them and they wanted to take her back with them for the night. "You fuckee ass only." The men laughed. "Yeah, whatever." After a little haggling, she agreed to a price of one pound each - Patricia did the math quickly. She was being pimped out as an ass whore to five giants for about ten American dollars.
Pooku started to disconnect Patricia from the device. One of the men asked Pooku "how much for the paddle?" Pooku stopped what she was doing and stood up. She took the paddle from the man's hand and looked at it. She turned it over carefully as though it was a priceless piece of jewelry. She held it in one hand and then the other, then looked at him and said "eight pounds." Patricia let out a whimper. They were going to pay more for the paddle than they had for her.
Pooku undid Patricia's ankle restraints and removed the leather straps that kept her arms immobile. "You stand," she said, still in her fake accent. Patricia tried to stand but couldn't. She tried to raise her arms to push herself up from the cushion but found that she couldn't manage that either. "Up!" Pooku yelled, flicking a finger hard at one of Patricia's nipples. She tried again, managed to get her chest up off of the wood, grabbed it with her hands and held herself at an angle. She was dizzy and lightheaded, the pain from her sunburned back flooding over her now. She pressed her heels onto the platform, felt the slimy fluids there, slid back and forth until she thought she had a good footing.
"Damn, look at that," one of the blonds said.
"Yah, what's that all about?" asked Bald Head. He turned to Pooku. "How long has she been here like that?"
"Two day," Pooku lied. "She OK. She faking." Pooku flicked her nipple again hard. "Up." Patricia forced herself to stand. As impossible as it was, as horrible as her body felt, she knew that if she didn't obey, Pooku would hand her over to Loo. Who would hand her over to Su Da Lin.
Pooku produced a tiny string bikini from her room and held it up in front of Patricia's face. "You wear this so you not arrested." She smiled and dropped it to the platform. Patricia stared down at it. It was a hundred miles away, she would never be able to reach it. The light material started turning dark as it soaked up the fluids from the platform surface. She would be wearing her own juices and cum. If she was able to bend down and pick it up.
"You put it on her," Long Hair said to Pooku. "Now."
She looked at him and saw that he was serious. "Yes, I just playing." She giggled and picked up the tiny thing, wrapped it around Patricia and tied it into place. It covered her just enough to be street legal, an inch of material at each nipple, a wedge between her legs that started just above her slit, vanished between her thighs, and came up her back as a single thread again to tie at the waist. She looked much more obscene than she would have looked naked and she knew it. The men saw it too. She watched them, could see them practically drooling. Her body - even after two weeks of this - was still the magnificent thing it has been on the beaches of Malibu and in the nightclubs of Rome and Paris. She flashed on an image of herself dancing with David in a casino and felt a rush of lust and humiliation. She looked at the men and was suddenly sex-starved again. Her instincts would never die. She knew it and it scared her.
The men took turns holding her close on the walk back to the hotel. It was obvious from her first few steps that she was getting almost no exercise and her legs could barely hold her erect, let along walk.
They took her to the hotel they were staying at. They stopped outside at the pool and soaked a towel in one of the showers. Her hair was filthy, her entire body covered with dirt and mud, and her legs dripping a putrid, smelly jumble of body fluids. They sure didn't want her in their room like that. So, they scrubbed her legs until they were bright red, then had her go into one of the showers and finish the job herself.
She stood under the nozzle, letting the hot water flow. So much of her hurt, small scratches that burned from the water, sore muscles, just the effort to try and stand there, but it felt so good. Even the water running over her sunburned back and the backs of her legs felt reassuring, reminded her of the normal world. She held the wall with one hand and reached for the liquid soap with the other, gently rubbed her belly, arms, neck, taking as much time as she could. Then, she put her head under the water and let it run for a long time. She shampooed, then did it again, feeling hard bits of crud coming free and washing away down the drain.
After nearly twenty minutes, she turned off the water and tugged the tiny bikini into place. She opened the door of the shower and saw two of the men laying in deck chairs.
"Oh yay, she cleans up good, huh?" They both looked her up and down, a runway model in a few strings and tiny pieces of material.
"Come on, we don't want to keep Johnny waiting." The blond man reached for her hand and they walked across the courtyard and into the hotel. She felt the air conditioning for the first time in weeks and nearly lost her balance. She was freezing cold. He tugged her and she followed obediently.
"You hungry? Do you want to have a little something before we start?"
It was Johnny, the largest of the three blond men. He was naked except for a pair of red satin boxers. He was sitting in an armchair, slicing an apple with a big Bowie knife and his thumb, putting each small piece in his mouth and chewing with a smile.
"I'm starving. Listen, you have to help me, I'm..." Johnny waved his hand. "Sorry, save it honey. This is just a business transaction, we're not the Red Cross." He motioned toward the dresser. "Do you want a bite or not?"
Patricia nearly swooned looking at the food, leaned against a chair. Loo had been feeding her mostly rice and fish heads and not much of that. There were two women who often came in the middle of the night with more food - she didn't even want to guess what the slimy, chewy mass might be - but on the trays was real food. Steak. Salad. Wine and fruit. She stared at it but knew better than to eat. Her stomach had probably shrunk and she was in for a long night of heavy physical use. The last thing she needed was to start that on a full stomach.
"No, no. But a glass of wine would be...please, listen! You have to help me..." Johnny leaned forward, pointed the knife at her. "I do not want to have to tell you again to be quiet." He brushed the tip underneath her chin, scratched lightly down to her collarbone. "I won't have to repeat myself, will I?"
She shook her head slowly, "No...no, sir."
"Good," he said, resting back in his chair. "No, I wouldn't hurt you darlin'. Even here, an American is worth something. But I would take you back there, drop you off, and tell Poo-poo that I was an unsatisfied customer." He smiled and evil grin. "You wouldn't much like that, would you?"
"No, no I would not," she said. Long Hair handed her a glass of red wine. She took it and took a sip. It was bitter and sharp. A taste of another world, a past she would never see again. It hit her hard, she was dizzy after the first sip. She heard music being turned on and someone said, "dance." She raised her arms above her head and started swaying. She'd always loved the scene, the dance floor, the men ogling her while David sat at the bar playing exhibition games. Patricia moved her hips from side to side. She felt the stiffness in her legs and could only take small steps, but she made the most of them. She took another drink of the wine and turned around, pushing her bottom toward Bald Head.
He put his hand up and made a face. "Whoa, whoa! Stop it, cut the music." He stood up and took the wine glass from her. He leaned his head closer, just a few inches from her neck and wrinkled his nose. "You still smell like an old cunt." He jerked the bikini top and it broke free in his hand. "Get into the bathroom and clean yourself up." He pulled the bottom off the same way. "You smell like a freakin' tuna fish in a cesspool." Patricia went red and felt tears well in her eyes. No one had ever talked to her like that. And worse, she knew he was probably right. She had no idea how much of what was still caked onto her flesh, in the crevice underneath her ass cheek, the backs of her knees, the roots of her hair. Crying, she staggered into the bathroom, holding the wall for support, slammed the door shut.
"One of you dollies, go get her some makeup and something to make her smell nice. I want a nice Parisian whore, not a Bangkok hooker." They laughed and Long Hair left to go downstairs and shop.
Patricia sat on the toilet, head between her knees, shaking and crying. She wanted to throw up, wanted to vanish, wanted to disappear into the wall. But she knew better. She knew what would happen. She would clean herself, she would dance for them, suck their cocks, let them fuck her ass. Then they would spank her, slap her, do anything they wanted to hurt her. Then, they would fuck her ass again. Over and over. All night. And all through the next day. And forever and ever if they wanted to spend another pound or two with Pooku. She was never going to be rescued, she would never see David again, she would just be moved from hotel to hotel and fucked senseless. Or, left in the compound forever, baking in the Thai sun by day, strangers depositing jism into her asshole night after night after night.
"Hey, I don't hear water running," she heard a fist banging on the door and a booming voice. She reached into the tub and turned on the water. The room was steamed in seconds, the scalding hot water filling the tub. She looked at it. She knew she should turn it down, cool it off, take a nice warm bath, then a hot shower to rinse off. The water was too hot coming out full force like that. She looked at it, nearly hypnotized by the swirling patterns. She dipped a finger into it and pulled back from the pain. Then, slowly, she returned the finger and put it in again. Then another. Then her whole hand. It was on fire, but that was what she needed. She pulled her hand out and saw that it had gone lobster red. She reached in with both hands this time. Agony. Sweet agony. She leaned forward and felt her back, the stretch activating the sunburn. She looked at the water again, knew what it would feel like when the sunburned flesh along the backs of her legs touched the water. She felt her cunt getting wet as the thought about lowering herself into the water, inch after inch of flesh being lowered into the steaming hot bath. She pulled her right hand out of the water and started fingering her cunt. Yes, she needed it, she told herself. She stood up and walked to the tub, raised one foot and slid it slowly into the hot, hot water. She bit her lower lip. It was horrible, deliciously horrible. She stepped in with the other foot and felt the rush up both legs, heat and electricity congealing inside her cunt. In one motion now, she dropped to her knees, then moved backward and slid her entire body into the water. Her breasts floated along the surface, barely visible through the steam. She was on fire. Her hand was rubbing her clit now, faster, faster, her hips moving up and down, water sloshing over the sides of the tub, her body screaming from the heat but her mind totally aroused and focused and she rubbed her cunt faster and slammed her back against the bottom of the tub and came with a loud scream.
... to be continued...
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