The wait this time had been much longer. Lauren wasn’t sure if Don had decided she needed a longer break or if this was simply his way of stretching her punishment out. Either way, she had had to switch between Position 1 and Position 2 and back three times since her paddling and had maintained firm contact between her nose and the wall the whole time. She could hear Don moving about the apartment; he certainly wasn’t losing his day to this punishment.
She sighed, and she wasn’t sure if Don heard and was reminded of her presence or if he’d already been planning on this time. “Lauren, grab your strap and come over here.”
She turned with a, “Yes, sir,” shuffled over and retrieved her strap. She felt the heft of it as she carried it and gulped, then met Don in the middle of the living room. She handed Don the strap.
“Lauren, bend over and grab your ankles.”
“Yes, sir.” Years of gymnastics made this an easy task, but it didn’t leave her feeling any less vulnerable or embarrassed at the way she was exposing herself.
For the third time, Don began with no preamble.
CRACK! She screamed and jumped up before she even realized she’d felt anything. It had felt like someone had laid a band of hot metal across her butt.
Don had grabbed her arm in an instant. “Bend back over, Lauren! And do NOT do that again!”
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir.” Tears were already welling out of her eyes as she bent over and grabbed her ankles.
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! No more than sixty . . .
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Oh, God—how was she . . .
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Going to make it . . .
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Fifty more?
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! She was sobbing now,
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Her nose running.
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! “Please [sob]”
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! But Don ignored her
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! And moved on to her thighs
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Great—no short dresses for a while
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! She somehow thought.
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Now she braced herself
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! For what she was sure would be
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! A flurry of extra hard final slaps
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! But they didn’t seem to be getting harder.
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Was Don showing her
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Some mercy?
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Finally . . .
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Wait! Not fair! Lauren stood up.
“Lauren, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“You [sob] said no more [sob] with the strap [sob] than with [sob] the paddle [sob] sir.”
“I said no more today, Lauren. Are you forgetting about your earlier paddling already? Do you need a reminder?”
Lauren paled. He was counting the earlier paddling. That was an extra THIRTY!
“Now bend back over Lauren. You’re going to get five more than I planned on for this.”
She sobbed anew as she bent over, “Y-y-yes [sob] sir.”
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Oh, God, it felt like it would never end.
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Yikes, he was definitely hitting harder now.
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! “And don’t you. . .
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! “Get up . . .
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! “Until I tell you to!
CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! “Do you understand, Lauren?”
“Y-y-yes [sob] sir.”
“Good. Then get up.”
Lauren slowly unbent and took the strap that Don thrust at her. “Hang it up and go back to your corner.”
She complied, shuffling along with her panties still miraculously at her knees.
Back in her corner, Lauren wondered how long Don was going to leave her there. It was very possible at this point that she was, in fact, going to be late for her group meeting. “Lauren, come over here.”
“Yes [sniff] sir.” She had fortunately managed to get her crying mostly under control in the few minutes that Don had allowed her. She shuffled over to stand in front of where Don was sitting on the living room couch.
“Lauren, I’m making some changes for tomorrow. Since you have to work, we will meet here at 6:30 pm. Go get yourself a pen and a piece of paper.”
She paused for a second, surprised at the command, then murmured, “Yes, sir,” as she shuffled to her room to comply. Back with the pen and paper, she stood again in front of Don, her hands on top of her head.
“I’m not going to have you rewrite that letter, Lauren. There’s no sense assigning you something at which you’ve proven unable to succeed.” Lauren flinched at that. She was perfectly capable of writing a 1000-word letter. She had just forgotten the requirement. “No, instead, Lauren, you are going to write this statement five hundred times.” He gestured to the coffee table. “Write this down, Lauren.”
She crouched down to lean against the table and Don started slowly dictating:
“I will pay careful attention to what I am told to do so that I do not fail to obey the commands of my superiors. Forgetting is not an excuse for failure, and I will always request and accept punishment for failure no matter the reason. My three most important tasks on any given day are: obeying Don and all other men, being respectful to Don and all other men, and keeping my pussy properly trimmed.”
Lauren blinked back tears as the passage got longer. Five hundred times by hand?! This would take her hours to write out!
When he was done, Don had her read the passage back to him—in part, she suspected, to force her to say “pussy” again—and then told her she could pull her panties back up and go get cleaned up. With the latter, Lauren happily complied.
Back in her room, Lauren inspected herself in her full-length mirror. Dear God, her butt was just a swollen bunch of red welts. She didn’t think she’d be able to sit comfortably for a week. A few moments later she discovered that showering wasn’t so easy, either, and shortly after that, that just wearing jeans was a problem. She sighed. At least she was absolved of her previous sins.
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