The Witch
Chapter one – First meet
I was born in the year 1623, and I was lucky to survive to be as old as I am now. Unfortunately my mother wasn’t as lucky. She died giving birth to me, as she couldn’t afford a midwife, and the only one in our small town who would do it for free was supposedly a witch. And nobody wanted to be associated with a witch.
When I was born I was small and frail, and my father thought that I would die. When I was two months old my health had deteriorated considerably. I was thin, and wasn’t eating or drinking anything. By this point my father was sure I would die, but I was only thing left in the world to remind him of my mother. So in at midnight he took me into the woods, to Alicia Jane’s house, the witch.
My father was desperate to keep my alive, and so did something that the rest of the town would have plagued him for.
My father never told me the rest of the story, only that the witch helped me, and that she foretold that there would be a price to pay for her kindness. He warned me to stay away from her, and never go into the woods.
But that’s the past. I have only told it you so you can understand the present. It is now the year 1641, and I am eighteen years old, and still without a husband. My father had tried to find me one for years with no success. Every man that he attempted to wed me to was instantly repelled and never came near me again. My father often muttered that this was the price we were to pay, and sometimes he was grateful that that was all it was.
I had grown into a fine woman. Long blonde hair, that fell in thick waves down to my waist. My eyes were a beautiful sapphire blue, like my mothers. My skin was extremely pale, and that my father couldn’t understand, since neither he nor my mother had as pale skin as mine.
It was the middle of June, and I was sitting outside my house with my friend Anne. Anne was married, and had three kids. Anne was nineteen years old, and had curly red hair.
We were both sitting cross legged on the grass outside my house, talking.
“Honestly Alli, you should try harder to find a husband.” She told me. My name was actually Alison, but everyone called me Alli.
“I do try Anne. But no man wants me. They see me, and they run for the hills like I’ve got the Black Plague.” I sighed, running my hand through my hair. Anne grabbed my hand and held it tightly.
“I don’t think that’s the case. You just haven’t found the right man yet.” She said kindly, and I nodded.
Suddenly we heard a scream from inside my house. We both stood up and rushed inside. We found my father lying unconscious on the floor. I rushed over to him, and saw that his breathing was very shallow.
“Get the doctor! Quick!” I yelled at Anne. She rushed outside, leaving me with my father. Luckily we lived close to the doctor and soon he rushed in to see what the matter was. He checked my father over, and stood up, taking me aside.
“I am very sorry Alison. But I don’t think your father will survive the night. He is very old, and I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do.” He said solemnly. I nodded, tears silently rolling down my cheeks. He left, and so did Anne, leaving me with my dying father.
It’s been three weeks since my fathers’ death, and I was more alone than ever. Without my mother and father, or a husband, and Anne was busy with her own life, it left me alone in the house. The other people in the village noticed how withdrawn I was, and often came to check I was okay.
One day I got so sick of being inside that I decided to go outside for a walk. As I walked, I didn’t really pay much attention to where I was going. When I was finally aware of my surroundings I realized that I was in the middle of the woods. I quickly turned to go straight back out, my fathers warning in my mind, when I heard a voice from behind me. Her voice sounded like music to my ears, and I instantly wanted to turn around, regardless of my fathers warning.
“Hello, girl.” She greeted me. As much as I wanted to turn around, I couldn’t, frozen by fear of my fathers warning. “Do not be afraid, I mean you no harm. Just turn around so I may see to whom I speak.” She said calmly, and I felt my fear begin to subside, and I turned around slowly. The woman who had spoken was breathtakingly beautiful. My beauty was nothing in comparison. Her hair was a fiery red, and fell in thick waves so it nearly touched the grass where she stood. Her eyes were a bright green and I felt like they could see through me, right to my soul. Her skin was as pale as my own, with a sprinkling of freckles over her nose.
She lifted her hand, and beckoned me forwards, a look of confusion on her flawless face.
“Come closer girl, I recognise you.” I moved towards her slowly, and as I came closer she smiled, taking my breath away. Soon I was standing only a small space from her. She nodded her head. “Yes, you are Alison, the child who’s life I saved?” She asked me, and I nodded, already knowing that this was Alicia Jane, the witch. She lifted her hand and stroked my cheek gently. “You know there is a price for my kindness?” She asked me, and I instantly became afraid. My father had often warned me that the price was sure to be unpleasant. Somehow she sensed my fear and took my face in her hands, her face full of compassion “Shh, little-one. I mean you no harm. The price is not as unpleasant or as painful as you fear. I simply desire your companionship. As I understand you’re father is dead, and you are now alone, so I understand that you might need my company as I need yours.” She said, letting me go and standing back, holding her hand out in invitation. I wanted to protest, to run back home and stay away from this witch. But something inside of me understood the meaning in her words. I was lonely, and I was pretty certain she was as lonely, if not more lonely than I was. So I took her hand, following her deeper into the woods.
Chapter two – Payment
Her home was a beautiful little cottage, deep in the woods. It looked like it belonged there, with plants growing wildly all around it, and some even climbing up the side of the walls. She led me into the cottage, and the inside was as beautiful as the outside, but also creepy. It was dimly lit, only by a small fire. Inside were a lot of charms, potions, herbs and other magical items. There was also a kitchen, a few chairs, and a huge bed. There were other items that I did not recognise. She led me over to a chair in front of the fire and I sat down, she sat opposite me.
“So tell me a little about yourself. I know much, of course, but I would like to hear it from you.” It wasn’t really a question but more of an order. One I couldn’t refuse.
“Okay, well my name is Alison, but you knew that. I am eighteen years old, and am not married and do not have any children.” I said, shrugging. She smiled devilishly.
“But are you a virgin?” She asked me, and I felt confused. Surely if I had said that I was not married then that means that I am a virgin?
“Like I said, I am not married, and am without children.” I answered confused. She smiled, a little more kindly this time.
“Oh my girl, you are so innocent. I am going to have my work cut out for me here” She said, more to herself than me. “I need not ask any more questions, since that pretty much explains everything that I need to know. Now it is time for me to speak. I realize that you do not know much about me, and what you do know is most likely village gossip.” She said, shaking her head in disgust.
“So you are not a witch?” She burst out into joyous laughter at my question.
“Look around you girl, and what do you see? Would a normal person live alone in the woods with all sorts of unusual items? Yes, I am what most people refer to as a witch, but you see most people’s interpretations of a witch are incorrect. I am not in league with the devil, and have never met him, I also pray to God I never will. I am a very religious woman, and believe my powers originate from God. Although I was taught my ways, and was not born with it, I believe it was from God in which these powers originally came from. But these powers also have side-effects, and I shall come to that later. Right now I want to speak about the deal I made with your father eighteen years ago.” She said, standing up and going over to the little kitchen area.
She mixed a few different liquids and came back over with two cups in her hands. She handed one to me and then sat opposite me. I looked into the cup and saw a strange purplish liquid. I assumed it was a drink of some sort, but was reluctant to try it.
“Drink while I speak.” Yet again this was more of an order, and I took a sip not wanting to anger someone who had just admitted to being a witch. The liquid tasted salty and tangy, but also had a bitter taste to it. I did not like it, but kept drinking as I did not want to offend her. “You see, the deal I made with your father all those years ago needs to be paid, and...” She said, but I cut her off.
“My father is dead.” I said, feeling the sorrow of my loss. She chuckled a little bit and then took a sip of her drink before continuing.
“You misunderstand girl, the price is not for your father, and never was. He knew the price was for you, but clearly tried to keep you from it. I am sorry for what is about to happen Alison, but I am afraid there is no other way. Every form of magic has its price, and I am afraid in saving your life all those years ago there is a very big price to be paid. I already paid my price for it, now you need to pay up.” She said compassionately. As she spoke I began to feel lightheaded, and very dizzy. Everything in my vision became blurry, and I rubbed my eyes but sadly that had no effect. My head was pounding and I could hear a thumping in my ears. My heart was racing, and my breath came in short shallow pants.
“What have you done to me!?” I snapped at her. I stood up to escape but soon lay face down of the floor, my legs unable to support me.
“I am terribly sorry Alison. This needs to be done. All it is is a little potion to dull your senses, and put you to sleep. I promise you it will cause you no harm. In fact you will have the best sleep since your father died, and will wake well rested.” She said calmly. Everything began to go dull, and I managed to shout,
“Devil take you, you evil witch!” Before falling into a deep sleep. But I fear it came out no more than a whisper.
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