A Christmas Sex Party
My wife of ten years is the sales rep for a plastic whole sale company. She sells recycled raw product to factories and manufacturing companies in a fairly large region including the east coast and into the mid-east states. Using email and a phone she is able to do a lot of her work from an office in our home. This allows her to be at home most days to spend quality time with our two kids, Mat 6 and Jessie 4. To maintain personal contact with most of her clients Lisa drives one or two days a week. When she is out of town for two days it is always a lay over somewhere in between cities. She has to fly to several other cities one week a month.
Lisa is in her mid thirties. Though she is not into the ‘whole hard body gym thing’ Lisa has kept herself in reasonably good shape by running several times a week. She is nicely shaped, round hips, trim waist, with short-ish legs. She is the ‘girl next door’ kind of pretty, not one of the ‘beautiful people’ with model like qualities but pretty. I asked myself once who would I fuck? Then as I walked along thru the week I looked at the women I passed realistically… most were pretty, desirable, and yes I would fuck them. Sure there are the beauties and the homilies but by in large they were all desirable and my wife is at the upper end of that scale. She has auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her complexion is creamy not china white. Her areola’s are pronounced and wonderfully colored with large hard nipples. Her lips are thin on both ends… Her breasts are full, round, and firm with remarkable cleavage when she desires to show it.
Lisa is very professional. She is a professional sales rep, a professional Mom, wife and housekeeper. She gets up and dresses for work each day then goes to the office exactly the same whether it is the office in our home or the one she maintains at the plant. Lisa says that if she acts like she’s at work even when she is home then it is easier to work.
One day quite in passing, and about three years ago, Lisa commented about one of her clients constant flirtations. He commented about her legs, skirts, shape and once brushed his hand against her ass. It made it difficult to maintain the professionalism she kept as a standard. She like him and the account paid well but… She complained frequently after returning home from his sales calls. I responded quite in passing and without so much a thought – so fuck ‘em… It was insensitive to her frustrations and quite thoughtless as to any consequences on my part. A month or so later she commented about his behavior again. I repeated my quip – so fuck ‘em, to which she responded – I did! That stopped me dead in my tracks. The nature and composition of our marriage change in that moment.
“What?” I stopped short.
“You didn’t even listen to me the last time I tried to talk to you about the problem. You said Fuck Him, so I called decided to call his bluff. When he grabbed my ass I asked if he really wanted it… he said yes… I asked him what it was worth. He nearly doubled his order on the spot… so… we went to his house. I figured he’d back out, get message and behave right up to the time the front door closed behind me. He pinned my back to the door, kissed and grabbed my boob! Then what was I supposed to do… so we fucked, in the entry, on the couch, in the bedroom… I didn’t give it a seconds thought until I got back in the car.” She stopped short waiting for me to say something.
“Okay. So what’s the plan now?” I asked flatly.
“Your play. I’m not leaving. I don’t want a divorce. And I’ve avoided him since! But now I have to see him this next week. I can’t put it off any longer. So you tell me… what’s the plan now?”
“I don’t want to be in a competition with someone else for you… I mean I don’t want a, me or him, thing going on… Sooo… ‘IF’ you fuck him again… you have to find and maintain another boyfriend… that way there is always ‘home’ with me and the kids. Then apart from this there is work and your boyfriends… let them compete with each other out of town and away from here… I want to know everything you do that way there are ‘no’ lies, no deceit, or no betrayal between us.”
“So you don’t care if I fuck him just so long as I tell you.” Lisa asked quite surprised.
“Would my minding it make it so that it never happened?”
“No.” Lisa said guardedly. “I happened… but you did say so…”
“I’m not retracting that, especially not now. And I don’t want a divorce either. So it’s back in your court…”
“So, you don’t mind… kind-a..” Lisa said cautiously.
“No, I don’t mind but there always has to be two… never one that you’re fucking, and then you have to tell me when, where and what…. Not in advance necessarily but I have to know each time so there is never a lie to be lived between us.”
“Okay… well, here my thing… You’d better never ever fuck anyone but me. Get horny and I will take care of you… wander about and I will kick your but out!” Lisa said flatly. “Because it matters to me…”
“Okay, I get that… but you have to decide what you’re gonna do.” I said putting the burden back upon her actions. I thought that maybe having to fess up about an affair would be deterrent enough, and if not having to give it up to a third party might tip the scales… and if it didn’t… and, well, the raging hard-on in my pants betrayed any idea I might have of putting my foot down about her deeds.
Nothing more was said about it until she got home that next Friday. As we got ready for bed she asked quietly, “Do you want the second boyfriend to be local or can he be anywhere I choose?”
“I don’t really care where, why?” I asked my pecker growing firm.
“I’ll tell you in bed… let’s just say I need to find another boyfriend…”
“So you fucked him again?”
“Yup… broke the damn table this time…” She giggled.
Lisa lived up to the deal we made. She had boyfriends in every city outside of our home town. She never missed a second of work or changed a single moment of Mom and wife, but she did ‘fuck ‘em’, every one, for years to come.
I don’t know why really but somehow the kinky idea of shipping Lisa about her region rather than driving became the topic of discussion. One day one of her clients made some off hand comment about shipping her ass home. Lisa laughed as she told me about his comment. It intrigued both of us. We talked it through and decided on a plan. Why? Who knows! And in the long run who cares… it just seemed to be an interesting idea… then it took on a life of its own.
We built a crate with a bench in it. Then we decided it needed to have a toilet facility, just in case. It needed some kind of ventilation and something to pass the tedium of time. Then it would need some type of insulation for sound and weather conditions… and room enough to use a phone for emergency, but not so much as to allow her rattle about in shipping. We tried a design rectangular and tallish. It was too easy to tip over. We decided that the crate needed to be square-ish for stability in shipping and well labeled, not that labels would solve everything but it might help some along the way.
Finally we tried to build it. It was about 50 inches square. Lisa could sit on a comfortable seat with a padded firm back. We strapped her waist and shoulders to the back of the seat to allow for shift during shipping. Under the seat we installed a small plastic porta-potty device for the obvious. At the top of the crate we placed several vent holes with soft plastic tubes that led to her head for fresh air. Finally, we cut layers of rigid foam board sculpting to fit her legs, tummy and torso. We left a space around her head so she did not have to fight claustrophobia over an extended period of time. She placed an MP3 player into one ear and a cell phone ear piece into the other. A phone was placed into her hand, which was encased in a small compartment around her hands. They could move and flex allowing her to manipulate a phone or the MP3 player. She loaded songs and books on to the player.
It was time for a test. I took the kids to the daycare for the test. We set the crate in the kitchen. Lisa stripped sitting quietly on the seat. I strapped her securely to the seat, legs, waist, torso at the breasts and shoulders above the breasts. I began fitting the layers of 2 inch rigid foam about her being. It took nearly twenty minutes to fit each piece in place. Finally I placed the MP3 in her left and her cell phone in her right hand. She plugged the ear pieces in and turned the player on. I finished fitting the pieces around her in another fifteen minutes. I fed the fresh air tubes in thru the pieces of rigid foam… and closed the front of the crate. I called Lisa.
“Hello.” She answered.
“How’re you doing in there?” I asked.
“Fine so far.” Lisa responded. We had agreed to a four hour trial. It had taken one hour to get her into the crate. I turned the TV to a game and sat down with the phone at my side. Four hours passed…
“How’re you doing?” I asked calling her on the phone…
“I’m fine. Time really drags in here. It’s a bit stuffy but I can breathe fine. I need to wiggle my butt… it’s fallen asleep.” She giggled. I took the crating apart.
The next weekend we tested the crate again. This time the test went eight hours… I loaded the crate into the back of our pickup truck and drove to the mall... then to a movie with the kids… and then to dinner, and home. After the kids were in bed I uncrated Lisa. She was stiff and sore from sitting… but fine. She was ready to ship!!
The first test was an overnight delivery to the other side of town. The driver showed up Monday morning at the house. Lisa was crated and ready in the drive with a note attached. The driver read the note, slipped a hand truck under the crated and rolled Lisa down the driveway. He loaded her crate on to the lift gate and into the step van. I watched from the living room holding my breath not daring to breath with anticipation. The van drove down the street turning at the corner and gone. Lisa arrived the next morning at the dock. They rolled her crate down the walk way from the warehouse. Her crate was loaded into the back of our truck. I drove her home. In twenty minutes Lisa stood, safe, butt sore, and ready to ship for real.
Lisa talked to the client that had threatened to ship her ass home. We would test ship the crate to his company and he would ship it back. I loaded it with sand of approximately Lisa’s weight and with a few glass pieces. We needed to check the durability of the crate and Lisa thru a regular shipping line. We needed to know the shipping time and return time. I loaded the crate into the pickup on Sunday night. Lisa shipped it common carrier Monday morning. He received it Wednesday Morning. He shipped it back to Lisa Wednesday afternoon. It was delivered to the driveway on Friday. We opened the crate up Saturday.
The crate had survived with very little structural damage…. A nick at one corner told to being bumped about a bit… the test fluid container had not spilled… and the test bag-dummy was undamaged. Not a jar had broken. The last thing to try out was Lisa’s endurance. Could she last the 24+ hours from crating to arrival?
That next Friday night we crated Lisa in the garage. I loaded the crate into the back of the pickup and went to bed. Saturday I took the kids to breakfast… their pee-wee league game… a movie and home…The phone made it easy to keep tabs on her, and broke up the monotony. Only safety would get her out of the crate, because if she was shipped only safety would be an excuse to interrupt the shipping. The kids and I went to bed. The next morning I unloaded Lisa and uncrated her. Stiff, sore and bored she was no worse for ware.
“I talked to Tom. He’s ready for his first shipment.” Lisa said as she fixed dinner.
“Yes. But are you ready to make the shipment?” I asked with a touch of concern.
“Yes and no. I mean the reality of shipping is a bit different…” Lisa trailed off into silence.
“And that’s something only you can decide.” I said. “I mean driving the crate about is a bit of kick, but then it is just in the pick up too.”
“Yeah… not sure about this but if I’m gonna ship it to him I better get it done. I’ll get the shipment ready for Monday.” She feigned a strained smile. Done… We decide to let the first time be a one legged shipment. He would ship her home.
Sunday night Lisa filled out the shipping information. Monday I called the shipping company. They took the crate at the driveway while I was at work. Lisa flew to the city. Tom picked her up at the airport. Then Thursday Tom shipped Lisa’s ass home!
I got a call from her about mid-afternoon, Thursday. She had been loaded into a truck for shipping. It had been a bit rattling as they bumped and jolted the crate around with complete abandon to the fragile signs plaster about the crate. But she was fine, just un-nerved and a bit bored. There were crates on the shelf above her and boxes to either side. It was stuffy and dark. Lisa arrived at the dock and was unloaded about mid-night. She was unloaded, sorted and stored till morning. The warehouse man startled her awake when the fork lift hoisted her crate into the air. Lisa was loaded into a delivery carrier’s van. She arrived at the driveway Friday afternoon. I uncrated her in the garage Friday night. Her ass was home!
It had worked!! We fucked passionately celebrating the new game…
The Party
Lisa’s idea was simple enough…. Have a Christmas party for her clients and friends… which she would hostess… and star in… It took us most of one day to buy the wardrobe and nearly two weeks for her to modify each piece. She would be held together with ribbons; white ribbons were the ties and red ribbons for removal of each piece of clothing.
She wore a Red Santa hat with a white fluffy ball on the end and a white fluffy brim. She had a large red Poodle dress with white fluffy trim at the hem. Lisa split the Poodle dress down each side. She installed small eyelets which she tied together with small white ribbons. The waist band was held together with a large wide red ribbon tied at her right side… cuz the left side wouldn’t be right but wrong… Underneath the poodle dress Lisa wore three lace petty coats. Lisa removed the elastic waist bands so each of these was tied with a large red ribbon at the waist progressing around her waist so as to not bunch up an become uncomfortable. Underneath these she wore a red garter with white lace tied together with a large red ribbon at the back, attached to this were sheer red hose fastened with three suspenders upon each leg. Under that she wore a red thong… not the silly kid thongs that are already little more than a patch and two ribbons, but a nice wide French thong… again tied with ribbons on the opposite side from the skirt.
Her blouse was white lace appliqué. She removed the buttons replacing them with eyelet and small red ribbon ties for color contrast. Under this Lisa had a white tricot bra; each shoulder strap was tied with a white ribbon and two larger red ribbons at the back instead of the four clasps.
Finally about her shoulder draped like a beauty queen was a four inch ribbon with a bow just about shoulder height. This was pinned into place. She looked Christmas-y… like a package waiting to be opened. It would take 27 times to untie and to unwrap the packed before it could be enjoyed… and she was ready to party!
I took pictures of the whole thing. Lisa got dressed just like she would be at the party. She looked cute, Christmas-y and hot! The bows looked cute too, like they were ornaments to the whole outfit and not at all like they had any other purpose. She took off the four inch ribbon. Then I undid the bows on one side of her skirt. I took a picture. Then I untied the other side… and another picture. Next, Lisa undid the bow at her waist band and with bow in hand I took a picture as the poodle skirt slipped away. I untied and removed two of her slips leaving the last till we had exposed a bit of the top. I took a picture as Lisa untied each of the bows at the front of her blouse and two as she slipped it off. Her nipples stood hard, tall, and dark; very pronounced against the tricot cups of her bra. She untied the last petty coat stepping out. I took several as she unclasped the suspenders of her garter and another as she slipped the hose down her legs, than a final as she untied the garter belt. I untied each bra strap and took a picture as they dangled freely at the front of her chest. Lisa smiled as I untied the two holding her bra at the back… a few more pictures and then she tugged the last about the waist band of her thong. It slipped free. I snapped two as it fell to the ground. Lisa stood naked… I was horny… we fucked passionately. I put the pictures in our scrap book.
You are invited to a Christmas sex party
To be held at the Residence Inn #402
On the 12th of Dec from 5:30 PM to … AM
The unwrapping of the present will begin at 7:30 PM
You may bring one guest, gender of your choosing
The invitations went out just after the first of December…. She sent four to clients in two cities close to each other and four more for Tom to distribute at his discretion. Six responded RSPV within a week, and two of them were going to bring a guest… one had specified a female guest. Lisa had never been with a woman before and frankly had no real desire to do so now. But the possibility was very much a part of the Christmas Party now. Just before shipping another RSPV arrived in the mail this one also bringing a female guest. That brought to total to ten at the party… eight of whom she would be entertaining… five of whom she knew already…
“So what do you think, girl?” I asked as we shipped her costume to Tom. I figured two days lead mail time would get it there before Lisa arrived in her crate… quite naked. We had included a few days’ clothes along with the costume.
“I think I’m gonna get fucked for Christmas!” Lisa giggled. “I’m good. Are you? I mean a friend or two along the way and travel is one thing but this is… well, you know what it is.”
“I’m good. I’ll miss you. I always worry when you’re gone, especially when we ship you common carrier. What about the women?” We hadn’t really talked about it, kind of like the ugly cousin visit that we all get once in a while.
“In truth… I’m not looking forward to that. I don’t want to share the cock with another woman anymore than I want to share yours with some bimbo, nor do I relish the idea of a tacos snack. But then… well… I’ve decided that I best get mentally ready to munch at the taco bar… cuz that’s seems to be on the menu. I knew it was possible when I sent the invitations out. I just kind of hoped that guys would bring guys to the party.”
“Yeah, we talked about that briefly when we wrote the invitations. What about Tom’s dividend party?”
“Kind-a trip-y really. I was a bit put off by it when he first suggested it, but then they spend a lot of money with me… and as long as I don’t have to be a regular thing with them a dividend at Christmas is okay with me.”
“You know what that makes you?” I raised an eye-brow at her.
“Yup. The distant from slut to whore isn’t so far… I’ll be whore when I return. But it’s only once a year… I hope.” I wasn’t to be once a year but that’s another story. In time one of the corporate officers adopted Lisa as the Corporate escort and whore. She traveled with him several time a year... and shared her favors when ever he thought it would help the company. Lisa was never asked to quit her job, nor did she. She did become very well traveled and very well compensated for her time, but never the less the company whore she would become.
Lisa was crated and shipped to Tom’s Monday of the week before the party. He would receive her at the docks, party with her, use her dividends, and return her home the following Monday. Friday afternoon into very early Saturday morning was to be Lisa’s party… Saturday evening after a formal dinner was to be Lisa’s service and dividend to the corporate powers…
“Hello.” Lisa was on the phone texting. “I’m bored. It’s a bit chillier than last time.”
“How’s the trip?” I asked.
“My butt’s flat from sitting. I get cramps in my legs from not be able to move about. And Christmas shipping is a lot rougher.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just bored, and scared… I’ve had time to think about this weekend. And what kind of slut I’ve become… and that are you married to?”
“The best kind. I’d argue the whole slut thing but well… you know the reality of it.”
“Yeah. I’ve just simply become a slut-wife. Not that I mind fucking, but really, I fuck some many guys. You sure you’re okay with it?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Not to worry.”
“Okay… love you…” The crate went quiet for the rest of the trip.
Lisa called when she arrived at Tom’s apartment. She took a bath in the Jacuzzi then went to sleep. Then she went shopping for the kids and me. She liked Tom, a bit too much for comfort but being out of town and one of several she slept with I wasn’t too threatened… though if I dwelt on it much I really bothered me. I knew she had real feelings for him. I had insisted that she have one other boy friend in that city which she reluctantly agreed to do… but she didn’t see him very often. I also insisted that He knew she was married and had a few other boyfriends. I also insisted that He send out the other invitations. She liked living with and fucking Tom, and that’s exactly what she did almost exclusively when she was in town.
The party started at six-ish. Lisa checked into the hotel reservation, a business expense. It took very little for her to get into costume. Tom set up a bar area at the kitchenette. The first guests arrived about ten after. Lisa game each a big kiss. Tom put their bottles on the counter. The music played Christmas carols in the back ground. Lisa sat visiting with her guests. A knock at the door… two more… and so on as the guest arrived.
The first couple arrived around half past the hour. She was short, very petite, black hair and eyes. She was well endowed or at least her tiny frame made the slightest bump appear very pronounced. She had a cute smile. Little bells dangled from each ear… and one from each vulva as Lisa would find out later. She wore a snug fitting black leather skirt and a bright red blouse, very Christmas-y. Lisa kissed her companion then waited for the introductions. Jill embraced Lisa giving her a warm kiss right on the lips. Okay, that was settled. Lisa was going to the taco bar tonight. The other ‘couple’ left the question open for the evening.
By seven fifteen everyone was there… getting to know each other… and getting well ‘oiled’. There were ten people in the room when Lisa called the group to order…
“I have thirty little cards here, each of them is numbered. Twenty of them are for white bows. Ten of them are for either a red bow or to remove an article of clothing. Each of you will draw two of the red cards and each of you will be given one of the white cards. Every five minutes someone will use his or her card until I am… well, naked. Then we will have fifteen minutes or so to mingle before we adjourn for the evenings activities. For those of you that are interested I will be in the bedroom for the remainder of the party… I do hope you will all pay your respects and enjoy the party.“ Lisa took a bowl with the red cards in one hand and the stack of white ones in the other. She walked amongst her guests passing out the cards until everyone had their cards.
“We begin at the bottom of the hour. Sooo… whoever has the first white card marked one may find me and proceed as the card instructs.”
At seven thirty the first little ribbon of the poodle dress slipped apart. At eight fifteen the first red card was executed as Lisa’s cute red poodle skirt slipped off. She laid it on the kitchen counter, then came the two outer petty coats… and the first bow on her blouse. There was a loud cheer as Lisa laid her blouse on the countertop. The last petty coat brought another cheer. Jill had drawn the removal of Lisa’s stockings. She really milked it, caressing and savoring her thighs as she slipped each nylon from the suspender of the garter belt. Cheers greeted each article of clothing as it slipped away. Finally Lisa stood very naked in front of the group. She was kissed, fondled, groped, and diddled constantly for the next fifteen minutes. By the time Lisa found the bed she did care whose cock was inside her she just wanted one there now!
It didn’t take a second before one of the men was on top of her. Lisa guided his cock to her sopping slit. He pressed his cock upon her hot wet sex. It dragged hard against the less moistened folds of her vulva as it passed into her passionate body. Lisa pressed hard to meet him. His wet cock withdrew from her sopping hole lubricating the outer folds of her vulva as he thrust inward of Lisa’s sex. She groaned as he buried his cock again.
“Yes! Fuck me!” She growled at her lover. He did, again and again. He came, hotly inside her. Lisa continued on the verge. “Yes. Cum in my pussy…” and with two more quick moves she came for the first time that night. It was the first of many many orgasms to come. Another man began sucking her tits as the first withdrew. Lisa rolled atop him taking his stiff cock into her mouth. Someone picked her up at the hips. She folded her knees under supporting herself while she serviced the cock in her mouth. The tip of the man’s hardened shaft found the sphincter of her bottom. He swirled about her bottom spreading a bit of masculine pre-cum along it’s crease. Lisa widened her legs, squatting to widen his access to her bottom. Gently but firmly he pressed upon her anus. The sphincter gave way, slowly the tip of his cock disappeared into Lisa’s rectum. She paused at the cock before her allowing her focus to shift to the penetration of her bottom.
“Yes.” She pressed herself gently upon his cock enjoying, savoring every sensation of the man inside her body, then Lisa resumed her attentions upon the cock she was sucking. She licked, sucked, teased, pacified, teased and engulfed the cock. As it engorged she slipped it into her mouth. A flick or two of the tongue then Lisa relaxed the muscles of her throat slipping the cock deeper. His balls pressed upon her chin as his jism squirted into the base of her throat. Lisa gagged momentarily allowing him to empty his cum into back of her throat. Finally, he withdrew from her leaving a salty trail along her tongue. She pressed hard upon the shaft in her bottom. He buried himself deep. His balls resting upon her buttocks at the base of the slit to her sex as he burst into her rectum leaving his hot load inside. Lisa lay on the bed quite spent for the moment.
Jill waited for the frenzy of the boys to wane before she entered the bedroom. “I’ve been looking forward to this all night.” Jill lifted her skirt revealing a smooth, clean shorn snatch; with two little jingle bells dangling from either vulva. Softly she nestled down upon Lisa’s chest. “Ever had one of these?”
Lisa shook her head no… Jill sat forward just a bit. “Enjoy. I really need to cum.” Lisa placed her hands at Jill’s hips and began to taste the musky salty sex sitting at her mouth. It wasn’t too bad. Lisa tickled the labia with her tongue flicking the bells. They jingled. Lisa giggled.
“Like my bells?” Jill asked warmly.
“I do actually.” Lisa said quietly as the tip of her tongue parted the folds of skin before her. Jill caught her breath when Lisa’s tongue grazed her clit. “Not yet woman.” Lisa stated flatly. Lisa continued until Jill began to wobble. Jill tugged at her nipples as she came on Lisa’s face. Lisa held her clit without mercy sucking and licking until Jill gasped as she collapsed. Jill kissed Lisa passionately.
“I want you.” Jill whispered into Lisa’s ear.
“Yes.” Lisa replied.
The other woman never seemed to appear in the bedroom. Lisa heard a few grunts from the other room and figured she was busy… not her party Lisa mused… but then anther cock found her ass. Lisa sucked and fucked until almost three. Jill tucked her phone number into Lisa’s thong as it lay upon the countertop. The party had been fun… Lisa fell asleep on the bed.
The Job Pays Dividends
Lisa showered and dressed around ten o’clock the next day. Jill’s card with her number fell out of the thong as Lisa began to put things away. She smiled tucking it into her purse for another day. Jill had been interesting and fun…by noon Lisa was ready for a light lunch… Tom would be calling Lisa for dinner around six. Lisa made the room presentable before going to the lobby. She had an appointment at the day-spa for the afternoon.
Lisa started getting ready for her date with the corporate executives around five. Tom had rented a very pretty red gown. The bodice was cut low with a wrap at the waist. An overlaid appliqué of lace and gold sequins gave it a very pretty design. It was mid calf length and split at the side to mid thigh.
Lisa started her evening with a shower. Lisa touched up the shaving of her pubic region. She had a small ‘happy trail’ just over a finger in width and three fingers long. It ended just at the top of her camel toe pussy. Other than that tiny tuft of fur Lisa was smooth from her chin to her toes. Then she softly caressed her whole body with skin lotions. Lisa slipped into a fashionable red thong much alike the one she had used last night only this one was lace. She turned her attentions to a tiny red lace bra that clipped in front. It was ample in size so there were no unsightly cup lines or bulges at the top of her breasts. She adjusted the shoulder straps to support a higher riding breast creating more cleavage for display. Lisa tried the garter and hose to see if the side split would pose a problem. It did. The top of hosiery and a suspender showing was just too tacky. She opted for shear to the waist tan panty hose. She had found an open toed wide heeled shoe in just the right red earlier. It looked good. Lisa smile at the woman in the mirror. Lastly, she picked up the tiny jingle bell earrings she had found at a department store this afternoon. Lisa giggled as they jingled from her ear remembering Jill’s bells from last night.
Housekeeping had made the room up, emptied the trash, and cleaned while she was at the day-spa. The room and Lisa were well done up for the evening. She did not know who or how many she would be paying with her dividend only that she would be fucking someone tonight.
Tom accompanied Lisa at dinner. He was her date, and had made all the dividend arrangements prior to dinner. Curtis a gentleman of 40-ish, was the regional marketing officer. He was there with his wife. Lisa was to accompany them to her room after dinner. Joe, the regional operating officer, was an older man of 60-ish, flying solo for the evening. Lisa was to take a cab to his home-estate around 10 PM. Mark was their production officer. He was the cutest, a younger man in his early forties with a stunning wife. Mark had declined the invitation and chose to remain apart from any knowledge of the post evening events.
Dinner went well. Tom introduced each executive and their post to Lisa. There were three. Tom picked up the tab. After the dinner salads Joe, sitting next to Lisa slipped his hand under the table placing it upon Lisa’s knee. She smiled and did nothing. As dinner progressed his hand found its way along the side split of her dress and onto her thigh. Lisa did nothing. When his fingers slipped along the inner parts of her thigh Lisa shifted slightly in her seat opening her legs slightly, allowing and inviting his advances, but when his finger slid deftly along the ridges of her clit only threads beneath her panties, she nearly choked. He startled moving his hand. She clamped it between her legs, lifting the napkin to her mouth with one hand and patting reassurance to his hand with the other. He paused before continue to play with her sex. He would become her corporate pimp in time.
Tom left with Mark and his wife. Lisa slipped her room key card into Curtis’ hand… Give me fifteen or twenty before you come up, she said quietly with a smile. Curtis and his wife entered her room. Lisa had not really expected a couple, but then she had done Jill just last night. She smiled warmly preparing each of them a drink. In thirty minutes Curtis’ wife lay naked on the bed with Lisa tongue gliding along the folds of her pussy. Curtis’ was buried to his balls in Lisa ass riding her for all he could muster. May finished by licking/sucking Lisa’s wet pussy to a remarkable climax.
At nine-thirty Lisa climbed into a Limo Joe had sent for her. No cab ride tonight. It was nice, very nice… Lisa saw gold cuffs and a smallish torpedo shaped dildo on the seat next to her. She smiled knowing or at least suspecting the use of the items she found. Lisa slipped the dildo beneath her panties. It disappeared into her twat. As she got out of the car the limo driver clicked the gold cuffs closed about her wrists, behind her back. She smiled as strode to the front door. When she pressed the door bell button the dildo inside her pussy sprung to life. At first it startled her, and then she just giggled. The next few hours were wonderful fun.
She returned to the hotel just after sunrise. Lisa had breakfast alone before checking out of the hotel. She slipped her key into the lock on Tom’s apartment around noon. He was watching a football game. Lisa sat down into the large couch across from Tom, tired.
“All fucked out?” He quipped.
“Not quite. I’ve got enough for you until tomorrow. By-the-way when are you going to crate me for shipping?” Lisa smiled.
“Not. Gonna keep you an extra day just for myself. Then we’ll ship your ass home around 3PM Tuesday. You look tired.”
“I am. I’m gonna take a nap. Want to join me…” Lisa stood walking to the bed room.
“I’ll come get you after the game. Get some sleep. I want you, but sleep first.” Lisa was asleep before the bedroom door clicked closed.
True to his word Tom climbed in next to Lisa after the game. He kissed her softly caressing her breasts. Gently he made love to her. Lisa enjoyed it… it was not fucking, though she enjoyed that too, it was soft tender love making, fulfilling on a whole different level. They fell asleep in each others arms.
Lisa called home telling me that she would be another day. She told me about the party, Jill and the jingle bells. She said she liked them and we talked about getting her fitted for two small jingle bells. She talked about the rich man’s house, his passions and fetishes, the younger executive and his wife. She had enjoyed the party but was tired and needed a day before being crated and shipped home. I knew the real reason but chose to accept the obvious scenario. Lisa did a bit of Christmas shopping for the kids on Monday.
Sadly and carefully Tom crated Lisa. Called the common carrier and watched as the precious crate disappeared into the back of the semi trailer. Lisa was gone. She called home as soon as she was sure it was safe to talk. We visited from her crate several times as she traveled the open rode in the back of a semi trailer as common cargo. I was glad she was on her way home finally. The party had gone well, better than she had hoped.
Christmas was great fun for us and the kids. Lisa had bought several nice gifts for the kids. I was just glad to spend the Holidays with her… alone at home.
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