Deadly Smoke
Lisa was 18. She was a bright young girl. However she was not pretty, or even very healthy. She had numerous medical ailments. Her eyes were bad and so she wore a thick pair of glasses. Her parents loved pig tails so that is what she wore. Her face seemed as cratered as the moon. She was allergic to practically everything. The greatest issue she had was her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The slightest thing would set it off and she would go into a coughing fit, and her lungs would sometimes just seize up and shut down. Her parents actually had to move to the country to get away from the pollutants of the city.
They were very protective of Lisa. They knew that their child was very sick and had to be sheltered. However when she turned 18, she was determined to see the world. Normally she was a passive individual but this time she stood up to her parents and in her squeaky voice she said, “I want to go to college!” They came up with a hundred reasons on why she couldn’t go. But she countered them. She was bright and had read about a ton of things. “This college is not in the city, I’ll be safe from the pollutants and too much car exhaust. And the entire campus is smoke free!” Finally her parents relented. She had done her homework and clearly this was important to her.
Soon the excited young innocent 18 year old was headed off to become a college freshman. Arriving on the campus to her first class she was a sight to see. Big thick glasses, an old fashioned dress, and pig tails. As she walked by people had to suppress a snicker. She was lost in the sights and sounds and didn’t even notice this. The air was crisp and fresh. Birds were singing and the fall leaves were turning into a symphony of colors. Her joyous thoughts stopped as she was about to enter the building where her class was.
Outside the building stood three other students who were smoking. Smoking! Lisa immediately took several steps back. Even though she wasn’t near them yet she couldn’t take any chances. She watched them as they stood chatting and smoking. They were not supposed to be allowed to smoke on campus! She was determined to stand up to them once they finished their death sticks. As she watched she grew very self conscious. All of those girls were incredibly pretty.
The first girl had beautiful long blond hair and her eyes were shaded by her sunglasses. She had a tight tank top on that was stretched tight over her pert round breasts. She was slim and her skin seemed to have that flawless tanned glow. The next girl was shorter then her and of Asian descent. She was very thin but again very pretty. Her face had an angelic like quality. The last girl was taller then rest and this was accentuated more by the fact she wore high heels. She was a brunette and was incredibly voluptuous. It border lined on being slightly overweight but none would call her fat.
Mustering all the courage she had she went over to them once those cigarettes had been safely finished. In a mousy voice she said, “Excuse me.” They ignored her. A little louder she said, “Excuse me!” They turned to look at her and all three laughed. The one in sunglasses said, “Oh my God, you are the biggest dork I’ve ever seen here.” Her face turning red at the insult she stuttered out what she had been rehearsing to say, “Y-You c-c-c-can’t s-smoke out here. It’s, t-the r-r-rules.”
The girl in sunglasses whose name was Britney laughed in Lisa’s face. Jabbing a finger hard into her chest she said, “What makes you think you can tell me what to do?” The Asian girl whose name was Jasmine added, “Yeah what is your problem dork face.” All three girls crowded around poor Lisa who was very intimated by their words and their superior looks. She tried to explain, again stuttering uncontrollably, “I-I have a… a… r-r-respiratory problem I-I c-can’t t-take the s-smell.”
The third girl, the tall one in heels whose name is Ashley said, “Oh so now little miss ugly four eyes is saying we smell.” That wasn’t at all what Lisa was trying to say. She tried to correct her but as soon as she barely got out a, “I-I-I d-didn’t…” she was cut off by Britney who said, “Shut up you pig tailed pig, you get up in our faces again like this we’ll show a *real* bad smell you got that?” Lisa had no idea what she meant with that but being frightened she nodded her head and than ran up into the building. The girl’s laughter trailed after her.
The entire experience made her light headed and short of breath. Red in the face and having an anxiety attack she slumped into the woman’s restroom and sat on the toilet seat for the next fifteen minutes. Finally able to work her barely functioning lungs back to normal she headed off to class worried that she was late. Class was great for her. She was so excited to get the syllabus and to learn new things. However she knew she had to do something, her parents had always told her that no one could pick on you like that. If they ever did then she should seek out an authority figure! She decided to stay after class and tell the professor what had happened she would certainly set those girls straight!
Her professor was a middle aged woman named Laura Rich. She was quite stunning for the first day of class with her dress that clung to her body and her fancy heels. Despite her age several of the boys in class watched every curve of her body as she lectured. A little intimated but knowing she would help her out she stayed after and mustered up her courage again.
“Miss Rich c-can I speak with you?”
She looked up and said, “Of course do you have any questions on the course work?”
She shook her head no, and then in a rush told her of everything that occurred. How those three girls bullied her and were smoking in a no smoking zone. About her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and how cigarette smoke was incredibly dangerous to her health! She could even die! Little did she know that professor Laura Rich had come from the same sorority as those girls! Worse still was that she was a smoker herself. One incredibly pissed off smoker! She kept her thoughts private as she pretended to listen in mock sympathy.
Its people like you that have made it impossible for me to smoke at a bar or restaurant or in the university I’ve been at for half my life!
In her mind it was ridiculous that she couldn’t smoke where she wished. She was a professor for crying out loud! She made up her mind. She was going to take out her anger on this loser from nowhere. With the help of Britney, Ashley, and Jasmine they were going to make this non-smoker pay for all the hell people like her have put smokers through! A plan quickly formed in her mind.
“Lisa I could tell you were bothered during class! I am so sorry this occurred and rest assured I’ll talk to those girls.”
She looked at her watch.
“I must get to a meeting, but lets go over the course work, with you being distracted I think we need to go over it one on one. Can you meet me here at 10:00PM?”
Lisa agreed quickly happy to be on such great terms with her new professor. After she left Laura called Britney. She explained about little miss tattle tell and told her the plan. All four of them were going to hit the gym and make sure their feet got all nice and sweaty. Then they were really going to teach the new freshman about smell and odor. After she hung up Laura sighed contently. It had been years since she had done anything like it. She fondly remembered when she was in the sororities making the pledges sniff her feet… The fact that this wasn’t a willing pledge and that she had a serious respiratory issue didn’t bother her one bit.
Lisa went on with her day and then as instructed went to Laura’s class. It was dark out and she was a little nervous. There were almost no cars in the parking lot. The last class had let out at 7:00PM. She still wore her hair done in pig tails like her mom liked and still wore her out of fashion long dress. Hesitantly she knocked on the door of Laura’s lecture hall.
“Come in Lisa.”
She turned the door knob and entered in. Immediately she was accosted by the three girls who were smoking outside! The grabbed her arms and easily wrestled her to the ground. The shock of the attack immediately sent her into a hyperventilating anxiety attack. Unable to defend herself, let alone breathe properly she offered no resistance as they stripped her and duct taped her hands behind her back and her legs together. The girls gave each other high fives and brought up some chairs to sit down on.
Laura the professor, as well as Ashley, Britney, and Jasmine all laughed at the desperate breaths their victim took. They all knew she was going to go through far worse soon. All four had the glow of sweat about them as they had hit the gym for the last hour. Laura, Ashley, and Britney all still had sneakers on, Jasmine had decided to work out barefoot and walk on the sidewalk back to the class room. Her petite Asian feet were filthy.
Lisa finally stopped gasping and got her wind back. She looked up at her captors and despaired. Why were they doing this to her? “I-I don’t understand, what are you doing professor.” Laura smiled triumphantly down at her and said, “Because you deserve it you ugly pig faced chit. You and people like you have stolen away the rights of smokers and we are going to make you pay, you say the smell of my sorority sisters hurts you, well were about to show you just how smelly the sisters of Kappa Delta are!”
Kicking off her sneaker she grabbed it and thrust the opening over Lisa’s mouth and nose. The sour foot stench coming from the ratty sneakers caused her to cringe away but Laura was merciless. Bound hand a foot she couldn’t escape the terrible stench. Lisa thought she would die right there, however while the foot stench was foul, it wasn’t toxic like pollutants or carcinogens from cigarettes. It left her short of breath but not in a lung destroying manner.
After a minute or two of rubbing her sneaker into Lisa’s face Laura removed it and sat back down. Blonde Britney was next. She had already taken off her shoes. The other girls held their nose as they smelled the stinky feet from afar. Jasmine commented, “Damn girl what died in those shoes!” Britney placed her socked feet right over Lisa’s mouth and nose. Lisa thought the shoe smell was bad but this was terrible. Sweaty wet socks were being pushed into her mouth and onto her nose. The damp stench DID set off her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and she began to panic and thrash on the floor.
She gasped like a fish out of the water and Britney’s cruel feet didn’t let up at all. Spots appeared before her eyes as she just couldn’t get the oxygen needed to sustain her. All four of them were laughing at her as she suffocated. Her lungs burned crying out for good clean oxygen, the kind that this college had offered in the brochures…
Seeing her start to turn a shade of purple Britney let up. There was so much more fun to be had first. After several long minutes Lisa was able to get her breath back. Tears streamed down her face. They were cruelly torturing her and delighting in her pain it wasn’t fair! She pleaded with them, “Please stop, please, please, I’ll be a good girl please stop.” They laughed at her mocking her.
“This little piggy went wah wah wah.”
“I bet she wants her mommy.”
“Aww poor little miss tattle.”
Lisa continued to cry out desperately begging. She didn’t want to die here suffocated to death with their foul smell. There was so much to live her, her parents, her future careers, she begged. Laura clapped her hands. “Well if you want to be a good girl, you should make yourself useful.” Lisa saw a glimmer of hope and asked, “H-How?” Laura smiled a cat’s grin, “Good girls obey their superiors, and we are definitely your superiors, you agree, of course?” Lisa knew the correct answer was yes, and she gave it.
“Good then you can start by obeying my first command; remove my socks… with your teeth!” Crossing her legs she made Lisa wriggle her way forward. She reached up with her mouth to grab at the toe part of the sock and tried to pull. Laura toyed with her. She arched her foot up preventing an easy pull off. Lisa struggled to adjust and tried to pull only to fall backwards her mouth clicking painfully as she lost the sock. “God she can’t do anything right,” Ashley remarked.
With a sniffle she tried again and this time Laura let her pull the sock off. A fresh wave of foot odor moved throughout the room. Seeing Lisa flinch away Laura snapped at her saying, “Good girls don’t flinch from their superior’s feet, get your worthless nose in between my toes and give me a good sniff.” Lisa knew her only hope was pleasing the professor, though in reality it was a fool’s hope. The squirmed forward again and placed her nose between the big toe and the second toe and give a sharp hard sniff. Immediately fire returned to her lungs as she coughed out in pain. Again the girls laughed.
“Make her do it again!” Britney suggested.
And she did twice more out of spite. And each time Lisa felt the sharp pain in her chest. Laura then made her take off the sock of her other foot and sniff that one as well. She was made to take off all the socks except Jasmine whose feet were already bare. Britney’s feet were the worst, when Lisa took off her socks fresh groans from the other three women were made.
After this was done Laura patted Lisa’s head like a dog, “Good girl! Now I do hope you will continue to obey.” Lisa cringed at learning the torment would continue but knowing this was her only chance she nodded her head, “Yes ma’am I’m a g-good girl I am.” Britney said, “Well good girls should apologize to their betters, beg us to forgive you for having the nerve to actually tell us what to do.” Lisa did as she asked, the girls roared with laugher. Lisa was made to beg and apologize individually to each of the women there.
Ashley who was the tallest and had the largest feet said, “Look at you, you are a little worm begging forgiveness from those above. Don’t apologize to me, apologize to my feet.” Lisa wasn’t sure what to do so she looked down at the feet and said, “I-I’m s-s-sorry feet?” Snickering Ashley said, “That’s not how you apologize to feet, you kiss them!” Lisa quickly obeyed trying to get done with this humiliating task. Jasmine laughed, “You call that kissing? Piggy have you ever even kissed a boy?” The truth was that she hadn’t. Her parents were very protective it was one of the reasons she had gone to college so that she could finally date like the other girls!
Crimson with shame she said, “N-no.”
Cackling with laugher they mocked and derided her. Between those hurtful comments and the still foul odor reeking from their feet she started to have another respiratory attack. The girls just laughed and waited for her to stop heaving and wheezing. Britney shook her head, “No wonder no one wants to kiss you, you are little miss freak out over anything.”
After the attack subsided Ashley pointed at her feet. “Kiss them like you would kiss a boy, because you know you never will.” Lisa once again kissed her feet. This time trying to think about the movies and how they kissed there. She added her tongue and tried to imagine the cute guy she saw in class that day… But it was impossible. The foot odor and the slimly taste of her sweaty feet wouldn’t allow for that image to take hold. Ashley let her continue for several minutes enjoying the feeling of having this helpless loser at her feet.
Soon though Jasmine wanted her turn she said, “All right super geek get over here.” Lisa wormed her way over there, being trussed up it was difficult. Lisa kissed her dirty feet, but that wasn’t enough for Jasmine. “My feet have walked through grass, the parking lot, and all over the gym, they are dirty be a good girl and clean them.” Lisa cringed as she slowly started to the lick and scrape off the dirt from Jasmine’s size 5 feet. The taste was awful and even though Jasmine’s feet had not been confined in a pair of old sneakers they still reeked of feet. The girls continued their constant verbal abuse.
“Oh my God, she’s licking the dirt!”
“Hey pigs do like dirt so it works….”
“She is such a loser how low do you have to be to clean dirty feet with your tongue!”
Lisa licked Jasmine’s soles, her arch, the toes, and the heel. Most of the dirt was starting to come off after several minutes of diligent disgusting working but some she had to scrape off with her teeth. “Be sure to get underneath my toe nails piggy.” Lisa sucked on her toes one at a time, using her tongue to get the gunk and dirt out from underneath the nail. The girls saw that as particularly amusing and snapped several pictures with their camera phones. Lisa thought she was going to die from embarrassment. Finally she was done and Jasmine’s feet were spotless. Jasmine mocked her and said, “Good girl! Glad to see your putting that college education to work cleaning the feet of your superiors.”
Laura and the other two girls also wanted their feet cleaned. Even though they were just sweaty and not dirty it didn’t help Lisa much. Lisa licked and sucked those feet, they tasted foul, slimy, and salty due to the sweat. After the thorough cleaning Laura decided to take charge of the last stage of their torment. “Lisa, you have just cleaned and sniffed the feet of us. How pathetic. What kind of weak willed spineless excuse for a person are you?”
Lisa didn’t know how to respond. She just looked down; her bonds were still tight about her. “You know we are better then you, yes?” She nodded. “You know you are a loser of the worst degree and deserve everything you get.” Lisa disagreed but she nodded anyway. She had done everything they had told her to do she was being a good girl they would let her go and she could leave this place and never look back. Her parents were waiting for her; she had a life ahead of her she could go to class from on-line…
Laura told the girls, “It is time girls, Britney your socks are the worst put them in her mouth.” Lisa looked around wide eyed in fear, “Professor please, I’ve been a good girl what are you going to do.” Laura smiled down at the helpless girl, “You complained about our smoking, so the best way to punish you is by smoking.” Lisa screamed, “NO! I’ll die, you can’t please, m-m-my lungs PLEASE.” But no one could hear her scream and Britney took advantage of the open mouth to stuff her smelly sweat socks in. They quickly taped her mouth shout over her muffled terrified screams of help.
Lisa was panicking now, she tried again and again to break out of the duct tape but it was no use. They propped her up sitting; Ashley sat behind her while the other three crowded in front. Jasmine whispered into Lisa’s ear, “Grab your last breath of clean air bitch.” As soon as she did Britney, Jasmine, and Professor Laura lit up their cigarettes. When Lisa could hold her breath no longer she exhaled and Ashley wrapped her hand around her nose from behind. Now Lisa’s body would involuntarily inhale as soon as she let go. They could see the sheer terror in Lisa’s eyes as they all took a long slow drag of their cigarettes.
As they exhaled onto Lisa’s face Ashley removed her hand and Lisa inhaled pure cigarette smoke. Her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease kicked in and it felt as if she received no oxygen at all. In fact her lungs burned with twin pains of a lack of air and the agony of the toxic smoke. Ashley then replaced her hand over Lisa’s nose before she could exhale. The smoke was trapped in her lungs destroying the super sensitive tissue of the young teen’s diseased lungs. After 30 seconds Ashley removed her hand and Lisa automatically exhaled the lung destroying smoke only for her body to automatically inhale the next set of smoke the three women blew into her face.
They watched gleefully as Lisa suffocated on their cigarette smoke. Take that non-smoker! Ashley was no longer needed to control Lisa’s breathing the terrible damage had been done. She joined the others and lit up. There were now constantly blowing streams of smoke into Lisa’s face. She tried to breath but every gasp of air she drew in gave her no relief, her lungs couldn’t process it. Her eyes streamed tears down and her heart raced. Horrible pain shot through her temples and the world grew narrow. She thought about her mother and father and her hopes… dreams… all shattered. Her last look at the world was blond Britney blowing smoke right into her face.
Lisa had passed out. The girls didn’t stop they continued to smoke and soon she was dead. They had taken their revenge on the anti-smoking policies. They had taken their revenge on an innocent girl. Marveling at their cruelly they had no remorse. They had ruthlessly dominated and abused her. Making her lick their feet and then killed her using their cigarettes. This story ends with all of the girls placing their feet on the murdered student in a victory pose showing their utter domination and superiority.
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